July 22, 1992

Peter T. Kissinger, President
Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
2701 Kent Avenue
West Lafayette, IN  47906

Dear Pete,

         I am pleased to inform you that Bank One, Lafayette, NA has approved
the following credit facility subject to the terms and conditions detailed

Borrower           :     Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.

Amount             :     Up to Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($700,000.00)

Purpose            :     Payoff first mortgage bonds on the 2701 Kent Avenue,
                         West Lafayette, Indiana commercial facility held by 1st
                         National Bank of Louisville.

Collateral         :     A first mortgage on all land, building and
                         improvements on the 2701 Kent Avenue, West Lafayette,
                         Indiana commercial property.

Term               :     Seven (7) years.

Interest Rate      :     Options as follows:

                         1.       Bank One, Indianapolis's prime lending rate,
                                  floating plus one and one quarter percent (1
                                  1/4%),  calculated  on a 360 day basis  with
                                  interest payable monthly, or
                         2.       A fixed  rate of 8 1/2%  for a term of three
                                  years, or
                         3.       A fixed rate of 9% for a term of five years.
                         During the term of this mortgage, the interest rate
                         will never exceed  twelve (12%)  percent and will 
                         never be lower than seven (7%) percent.
Repayment          :     Interest Rate Option:


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Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
July 22, 1992

                         1.   Monthly payments of $10,651.00 which include
                              principal and interest commencing thirty (30) days
                              from the date of the mortgage or annual payments
                              of $100,000.00 commencing one (1) year from the
                              date of the mortgage with interest payable monthly
                              commencing thirty (30) days from the date of the
                              mortgage, or

                         2.   Monthly payments of $11,086.00 which include
                              principal and interest commencing thirty (30) days
                              from the date of the mortgage or annual payments
                              of $100,000.00 commencing one (1) year from the
                              date of the mortgage with interest payable monthly
                              commencing thirty (30) days from the date of the
                              mortgage, or

                         3.   Monthly payments of $11,263.00 which include
                              principal and interest commencing thirty (30) days
                              from the date of the mortgage or annual payments
                              of $100,000.00 commencing one (1) year from the
                              date of the mortgage with interest payable monthly
                              commencing thirty (30) days from the date of the

         This commitment will be supported by the enclosed Credit Agreement
which will be executed at the closing.

         Pete, it is once again my pleasure to offer Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
the above commitment on behalf of Bank One, Lafayette, NA. If the terms of this
commitment are acceptable, please acknowledge your acceptance by signing this
original below and returning it in the envelope provided. If you should have any
questions about any of the terms or conditions detailed in this commitment
letter, please feel free to contact me at 423-0321.

                                              Very Truly Yours,

                                              /s/ MURRAY N. MARSHALL

                                              Murray N. Marshall
                                              Vice President


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Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
July 22, 1992


         The above terms and conditions are hereby accepted this 24th day of
July, 1992.



Interest Rate Option:                           Repayment Option:
_____1.  Prime + 1 1/4%                         __X__1.  Monthly 
_____2.  Fixed 3 yrs @ 8 1/2%                   _____2.  Annual  

__X__3.  Fixed 5 yrs @ 9% 

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