Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.                                Bank One Indiana, NA
West Lafayette, IN 47906                                   210 Main Street
                                                           Lafayette, IN 47901

35-1345024                                     SECURED PARTY'S NAME AND ADDRESS
DEBTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND SSN OR TIN          ("You" means the Secured Party,
 ("I" means each Debtor who signs.)              its successors and assigns.)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I am entering into this security agreement with you on August 30, 1996 (date).
SECURED DEBTS. I agree that this security agreement will secure the payment and
    performance of the debts, liabilities or obligations described below that
    (Check one) / / /X/ (name) Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. owe(s) to you now or
    in the future:

    (Check one below): 
        / / SPECIFIC DEBT(S). The debt(s), liability or obligations evidenced by
            and all extensions, renewals, refinancings, modifications and
            replacements of the debt, liability or obligation. 

        /X/ ALL DEBT(S). Except in those cases listed in the "LIMITATIONS"
            paragraph on page 2, each and every debt, liability and obligation
            of every type and description (whether such debt, liability or
            obligation now exists or is incurred or created in the future and
            whether it is or may be direct to indirect, due or to become due,
            absolute or contingent, primary or secondary, liquidated or
            unliquidated, or joint, several or joint and several). 

SECURITY INTEREST. To secure the payment and performance of the above described
    Secured Debts, liabilities and obligations, I give you a security interest
    in all of the property described below that I now own and that I may own in
    the future (including, but not limited to, all parts, accessories, repairs,
    improvements, and accessions to the property), wherever the property is or
    may be located, and all proceeds and products from the property. 

    / / INVENTORY: All inventory which I hold for ultimate sale or lease, or
        which has been or will be supplied under contracts of service, or which
        are raw materials, work in process, or materials used or consumed in my

    / / EQUIPMENT: All equipment including, but not limited to, all machinery,
        vehicles, furniture, fixtures, manufacturing equipment, farm machinery
        and equipment, shop equipment, office and recordkeeping equipment, and
        parts and tools. All equipment described in a list or scheduled which I
        give to you will also be included in the secured property, but such a
        list is not necessary for a valid security interest in my equipment. 

    / / FARM PRODUCTS: All farm products including, but not limited to:
        (a) all poultry and livestock and their young, along with their
            products, produce and replacements;
        (b) all crops, annual or perennial, and all products of the crops; and
        (c) all feed, seed, fertilizer, medicines, and other supplies used or
            produced in my farming operations. 

        PAYMENT: All rights I have now and that I may have in the future to the
        payment of money including, but not limited to: 
        (a) payment for goods and other property sold or leased or for services
            rendered, whether or not I have earned such payment by performance; 
        (b) rights to payment arising out of all present and future debt
            instruments, chattel paper and loans and obligations receivable.
        The above include any rights and interests (including all liens and
        security interests) which I may have by law or agreement against any
        account debtor or obligor of mine. 

    / / GENERAL INTANGIBLES: All general intangibles including, but not limited
        to, tax refunds, applications for patents, patents, copyrights,
        trademarks, trade secrets, good will, trade names, customer lists,
        permits and franchises, and the right to use my name. 

    / / GOVERNMENT PAYMENTS AND PROGRAMS: All payments, accounts, general
        intangibles, or other benefits (including, but not limited to, payments
        in kind, deficiency payments, letters of entitlement, warehouse
        receipts, storage payments, emergency assistance payments, diversion
        payments, and conservation reserve payments) in which I now have and in
        the future may have any rights or interest and which arise under or as a
        result of any preexisting, current or future Federal or state
        governmental program (including, but not limited to, all programs
        administered by the Commodity Credit Corporation and the ASCS). 


        Please see the attached Exhibit "A"

If this agreement covers timber to be cut, minerals (including oil and gas),
fixtures or crops growing or to be grown, the legal description is: 

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I am a(n)  /   /  individual              I AGREE TO THE TERMS SET OUT ON BOTH
            ---                           PAGE 1 AND PAGE 2 OF THIS AGREEMENT. I
           /   /  partnership             have received a copy of this document
            ---                           on today's date.
           / X /  corporation             
           /   /                          
            ---   ---------------------
/   / If checked, file this agreement
in the real estate records.

Record Owner (if not me):                      Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
                         --------------  -------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------               (Debtor's Name)
- ---------------------------------------                  

The property will be used for            By: Lena Reeves-Kerner
/   / personal                              ----------------------------------
 ---                                            LKK
/ X / business                                  
/   / agricultural
/   /                     reasons.
 ---  -------------------
         Bank One, Indiana, NA           Title:          Vice President
- ---------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  
        (Secured Party's Name)                                                  
By: /s/  Murray N. Marshall              By:                                    
    -----------------------------------      ---------------------------------  
         Murray N. Marshall                                                     
Title:     Vice President                Title:                                
      ---------------------------------         ------------------------------

                                                                  (page 1 of 2)

                                 EXHIBIT "A"

QUANTITY                          DESCRIPTION
     1                            TSQ 7000 Basic System
     1                            APCI/ESI Source
     1                            TSQ 7000 Extended Warranty
     1                            Enhanced Alpha Workstation
     1                            Special as outlined below
                                  Second copy of ICIS Software
     1                            B480-BA Alpha Station
     1                            RC21-WA VRC21-WA

                                                Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.

                                            By:  Lena L. Reeves-Kerner
                                                 Vice President - Title

                                            Date:   8/30/96