Exhibit 11

                            GENERAL HOST CORPORATION


                    (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                          Twelve Weeks Ended         Forty Weeks Ended
                                        November 2,  November 3,  November 2,  November 3,
                                           1997         1996         1997        1996
                                        ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Loss for full dilution:
  Loss from operations                  $ (17,800)   $ (14,873)   $  (14,475)  $ (11,422)
  Add interest on 8% Convertible
    Debentures, net of tax effect           1,200        1,200         4,000       4,000
                                        ---------    ---------     ---------   ---------
  Net loss, as adjusted                 $ (16,600)   $ (13,673)    $ (10,475)  $  (7,422)
                                        =========    =========     =========   =========

Shares used for calculating primary
  earnings per share                       24,414       24,414        24,414      24,414
  Additional shares resulting from
    assumed conversion of 8% Convertible
      Debentures                            7,611        7,611         7,611       7,611
  Additional shares resulting from
    assumed exercise of stock options          82            0           103           0
                                        ---------    ---------     ---------   ---------
                                           32,107       32,025        32,128      32,025
                                        =========    =========     =========   =========

Fully diluted loss per share            $    (.52)1  $    (.43)1   $    (.33)1 $    (.23)1
                                        =========    =========     =========   =========

1        This calculation is submitted in accordance with Regulation S-K item
         601 (b)(11) although it is contrary to paragraph 40 of APB Opinion 15
         because it produces an anti-dilutive result.