Exhibit 3.6

                                    BYLAWS OF
                             PLASTRONICS PLUS, INC.

                                    ARTICLE I

                                Name and Location

         Section 1. The name of this corporation shall be Plastronics Plus, Inc.

         Section 2. The registered  office of this corporation  shall be located
at 132 Beloit Street, Walworth, Wisconsin. This registered place of business may
be  transferred  to such place as the Board of  Directors  may from time to time
determine  and  certify to the  Secretary  of State,  and other  offices for the
transaction  of business  may be located at such place as the Board of Directors
may deem desirable.

                                   ARTICLE II

                            Meetings of Shareholders

         Section 1. Meetings of the  shareholders of this  corporation  shall be
held  at the  registered  office  of the  corporation  or at  such  place  as is
designated by the  President,  Board of Directors or by consent of a majority of
the shareholders entitled to vote thereat.

         Section 2. The annual meeting of the  shareholders of this  corporation
shall be held on the first  Monday in April of each year.  At such  meeting  the
shareholders  shall  elect a Board of  Directors  to serve until the next annual
meeting of  shareholders  and until their  successors are elected and qualified.
The shareholders shall transact such other business at the annual meeting as may
properly come before them.


          Section 3. Special meetings of the shareholders may be called for any
purpose at any time and at any place by the President, by the Board of
Directors or by any two (2) or more members thereof.

          Section 4. Every holder of common stock of this  corporation  shall be
entitled to one (1) vote for each share held in his name on the books of
the corporation. Such votes may be cast by each shareholder either in
person or by proxy.

          A  majority of the shares of common stock issued and  outstanding,
represented in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business at any meeting;  but the shareholders  present at any meeting though
less than a quorum, may adjourn the meeting to a future time.

          Section 5. Written  notice of the holding of the annual  meeting or 
any special meeting of shareholders shall be mailed to each shareholder entitled
to vote  thereat  at least ten (10) days but not more than sixty (60) days prior
to the meeting.  Such notice shall state the time and place of the meeting,  and
the purposes of the meeting if it is a special  meeting.  It shall be mailed to
the last known address of such shareholder as the same appears upon the books of
the  corporation.  Notice  may be waived in writing  either  before or after the

                                   ARTICLE III


          Section  1. The  business  and  affairs  of the  Corporation  shall be
managed by or under the  direction of the Board of Directors  who shall have all
the powers that may be exercised and



performed by the corporation  pursuant to law, to the Articles of Incorporation,
and to the Bylaws.

          Section 2. The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than three
(3) nor more than nine (9) members, as fixed from time to time by the Directors.
Directors  shall be  elected by the  holders  of the common  stock at the annual
meeting of  shareholders.  Each director shall hold office until the next annual
meeting of shareholders, or until his successor shall be elected and qualified.

          Section 3.  Whenever any vacancy shall occur in the Board of Directors
by death,  resignation,  increase in the number of directors, or otherwise, such
vacancy may be filled by the  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the  remaining
directors,  though less than a quorum, of the Board of Directors.  If after such
resignation  no directors  remain,  then any vacancy may be filled by a majority
vote of the shareholders  present at a special meeting called for the purpose of
such  election.  A director  so elected to fill a vacancy  shall serve until his
successor is elected by the  shareholders  at the next annual  meeting or at any
special meeting of shareholders called for that purpose.

          Section 4. The meetings of the Board of Directors of this corporation,
both regular and special,  shall be held at such place as the directors may from
time to time determine.  Such meetings may be held and directors may participate
in meetings of the Board of Directors by means of  electronic  communication  to
the extent permitted.



          Section 5. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by
the  President  or any two  members  of the  Board of  Directors.  Notice of all
special  meetings  shall be given by the  Secretary  to each  director  at least
twenty-four (24) days previous to the time fixed for the meeting. All notices of
special  meetings  shall  state the  purpose  thereof.  Notice  may be waived in
writing or by telegram before or after any meeting.

          Section 6. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a 
quorum for the transaction of business. The act of the majority of the directors
present  at a  meeting,  at which a quorum is  present,  shall be the act of the
Board of Directors, except as may be otherwise specifically provided by statute,
by the Articles of Incorporation or by these Bylaws. 

                                   ARTICLE IV


          Section 1.  The  officers  of this  corporation  shall  consist  of a
President, a Vice-President,  a Secretary, a Treasurer,  and such other officers
and  assistant  officers  and agents as may be deemed  necessary by the Board of
Directors. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person.

          Section 2.  Whenever  any vacancy  shall occur in any office by death,
resignation, increase in the number of offices of the corporation, or otherwise,
such vacancy shall be filled by an  affirmative  vote of a majority of the Board
of Directors,  and such officer so elected shall hold office until his successor
is elected and qualified.



         Section 3. President. The President shall be the chief executive 
officer, and shall perform such other duties as the Bylaws or the Board of
Directors shall prescribe.

         Section 4. Vice-President.  The Vice-President shall perform all duties
incumbent upon the President  during the absence or disability of the President,
and shall  perform such other duties as these Bylaws may require or the Board of
Directors shall prescribe.

         Section 5. Secretary. The Secretary shall:

                   (a) Keep the minutes of the meetings of the  shareholders and
of the Board of Directors in books provided for that purpose;

                   (b) See that all notices are duly given in accordance with 
the provisions of these Bylaws and as required by law;

                   (c) Be custodian of the records of the corporation;

                   (d) Keep a  register  of the  post  office  address  of each
shareholder,  and make all proper changes in such register, retaining and filing
his authority for all such entries;

                   (e) See that all books, reports, statements, certificates and
all other documents and records required by law are properly kept and filed; and

                   (f) In general,  perform all duties incident to the office of
Secretary  and such other  duties as these  Bylaws  may  require or the Board of
Directors may prescribe.

         Section 6. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the chief financial 
officer and shall keep correct and complete records of accounts, showing
accurately at all times the financial position of the corporation. In addition,
the Treasurer shall:



                  (a) Have  charge  and  custody of and be  responsible  for all
funds and securities of the  corporation  and deposit all such funds in the name
of the corporation in such banks,  trust companies,  and other  depositories as
shall be selected by the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of
these Bylaws;

                  (b) At all times  exhibit  his books of account and records to
any of the directors of this  corporation or any other persons legally  entitled
to inspect said books and records upon application  during business hours at the
office of this corporation or such other corporation where such books are kept;

                  (c) Render  statements  of the  condition  of  finance of the
corporation at all regular meetings of the Board of Directors and at meetings of
the shareholders if called upon to do so;

                  (d) Receive and give receipts for all money  payments to the
corporation from any source whatsoever; and

                  (e) In general, perform all duties incident to and customarily
performed  by such  officer and perform  such other  duties as these  Bylaws may
require or the Board of Directors may prescribe.

         Section 7. In the case of absence of any officer of the corporation, or
for any other reason that the Board may deem sufficient,  the Board of Directors
may delegate the powers or duties of such officer to any other officer or to any
director or employee of the corporation,  for the time being,  provided that the
majority of the entire Board of Directors concurs therein.



                                    ARTICLE V

          These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed:

                  (a)  At  any  regular  or  duly  called  special   meeting  of
shareholders at which a quorum is present, by the affirmative vote of a majority
of the stock  entitled  to vote at such  meetings  and  present  or  represented
thereat; or

                  (b) At any regular  meeting of the board of  directors,  or at
any  special  meeting  of the  Board if notice of the  proposed  alteration  or
amendment or repeal is contained in the notice of such special  meeting,  by the
affirmative  vote of a majority of the Board of  Directors at such  meeting,  at
which a quorum is present.

                                             /s/ Christian J. Hubertz
                                             Christian J. Hubertz, Secretary
