
                             SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT
                           GRANTED BY GRAND CASINOS OF
                         LOUISIANA, LLC - TUNICA-BILOXI
                         IN FAVOR OF THE COTTONPORT BANK


                  This Subordination Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into
as of February 15, 1999, by:

                  GRAND CASINOS OF LOUISIANA LLC -TUNICA-BILOXI (hereinafter
                        referred to as "Grand Casinos-TB"), a Minnesota
                        limited liability company, whose permanent mailing
                        address is 130 Chesire Lane, Minnetonka, Minnesota,
                        55305, represented herein by Timothy Cope, its duly
                        authorized Chief Financial Officer.

Grand Casinos-TB hereby represents, covenants and agrees as follows:

1.       As used herein, the term "Subordinated Claims" shall mean all debts,
         liabilities and obligations of the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana
         (hereinafter referred to as the "Tribe"), a federally recognized Indian
         tribe, to Grand Casinos-TB, whether such debts, liabilities and
         obligations now exist or are hereafter incurred or arise, or whether
         the obligation of the Tribe thereon be direct, contingent, primary,
         secondary, joint and several, or otherwise, and irrespective of whether
         such debts, liabilities or obligations are evidenced by note, contract,
         open account or otherwise, and irrespective of the person or entity in
         whose favor such debts or liabilities may, at their inception, have
         been, or may hereafter be created, or the manner in which they have
         been or may hereafter be acquired by Grand Casinos-TB. Without limiting
         the foregoing, the term Subordinated Claims includes the following
         existing debts, liabilities and obligations owed by the Tribe to Grand
         Casinos-TB under:

         (a)      That certain Amended and Restated Management and Construction
                  Agreement between the Tribe and Grand Casinos-TB, as successor
                  to Grand Casinos of Louisiana, Inc. - Tunica-Biloxi
                  (hereinafter referred to as "GCL, Inc.."), a Minnesota
                  corporation, dated November 1, 1991 (herein referred to as the
                  "Management Agreement"); and

         (b)      That certain Amended and Restated Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of
                  Louisiana Security Agreement dated November 1, 1991, between
                  the Tribe, as the debtor, and Grand-Casinos-TB (as successors
                  to GCL, Inc.), as the secured party (herein referred to as the
                  "Grand Casinos-TB Security Agreement"); and

         (c)      That certain UCC-1 Financing Statement executed by the Tribe,
                  as the debtor, in favor of Grand Casinos-TB (as successors to
                  GCL, Inc.), as the secured party, filed on April 7, 1992, in
                  the public records of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana, under
                  Original File No. 05-920792, as continued by 

                        SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT -- PAGE 1


         Continuation Statement filed in the public records of Avoyelles Parish,
         Louisiana, under File No. 05-970190 (herein referred to as the "Grand
         Casino-TB Financing Statement"); (herein collectively referred to as
         the "Existing Subordinated Claims").

2.       For and in consideration of the Cottonport Indebtedness (herein
         defined) under the Cottonport Documents (herein defined), and in order
         to induce the Cottonport Bank ("Cottonport Bank"), acting in its
         discretion in each instance, to make loans or otherwise to give, grant
         or extend credit at any time or times to the Tribe under the Cottonport
         Documents, Grand Casinos-TB hereby agrees:

         (a)      To subordinate, and does hereby subordinate, the payment by
                  the Tribe of the Subordinated Claims, together with any and
                  all interest accrued or to accrue thereon, to the payment to
                  Bank of any and all debts, liabilities and obligations for
                  which the Tribe may now or hereafter be under obligation to
                  Cottonport Bank (the "Cottonport Indebtedness"), under:

                  (i)      that certain Commercial Loan Agreement dated March
                           14, 1997, between Cottonport Bank, as lender, and the
                           Tribe, as borrower (herein referred to as the "Loan

                  (ii)     that certain Promissory Note dated March 14, 1997,
                           executed by the Tribe in favor of Cottonport Bank in
                           the original principal sum of $16,500,000.00 (herein
                           referred to as the "Note");

                  (iii)    that certain Commercial Security Agreement dated
                           March 14, 1997, executed by the Tribe, as debtor, in
                           favor of Cottonport Bank, as secured party, which
                           agreement covers certain bank accounts and gaming
                           equipment more fully described therein (the
                           "Cottonport Security Agreement"); and

                  (iv)     that certain Non Standard Financing Statement
                           executed by the Tribe, as the debtor, in favor of the
                           Cottonport Bank, as the secured party, on or about
                           March 14, 1997, regarding the Collateral (as defined
                           in the Cottonport Security Agreement) which
                           instrument has or soon will be recorded in the public
                           records of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana, (the Loan
                           Agreement, Note, Cottonport Security Agreement and
                           Cottonport Financing Statement are sometimes
                           collectively referred to as the "Cottonport

                  (whether such debts and liabilities now exist or are hereafter
                  incurred or arise, or whether the obligation of the Tribe
                  thereon be direct, contingent, primary, secondary, joint and
                  several, or otherwise, and irrespective of whether such debts
                  or liabilities be evidenced by note, contract, open account or

                        SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT -- PAGE 2


         (b)      Not to ask, demand, sue for, take or receive all or any part
                  of the Subordinated Claims, or any interest thereon, unless or
                  until that portion of the Cottonport Indebtedness then due
                  shall have been fully paid and discharged; provided however,
                  unless and until Cottonport Bank notifies Grand Casinos-TB at
                  the address noted above that an Event of Default has occurred
                  under the terms of the Loan Agreement, Grand Casinos-TB may
                  continue to receive scheduled payments from the Tribe under
                  the Existing Subordinated Claims;

         (c)      That, if any payment(s) is (are) made on account of the
                  Subordinated Claims contrary to the terms of this Agreement,
                  each and every amount so paid shall be held in trust by Grand
                  Casinos-TB on behalf of Cottonport Bank and Grand Casinos-TB
                  will promptly pay such amounts to Cottonport Bank to be
                  credited and applied to any Cottonport Indebtedness (principal
                  and/or interest) then owing to Cottonport Bank by the Tribe,
                  whether matured or unmatured;

         (d)      That any liens, security interests, judgments liens, charges
                  or other encumbrances upon the Tribe's assets securing payment
                  of the Subordinated Claims shall be and remain inferior and
                  subordinate to any liens, security interests, judgment liens,
                  charges or other encumbrances upon the Tribe's assets securing
                  payment of the Cottonport Indebtedness;

         (e)      If Grand Casinos-TB forecloses upon any of the Subordinated
                  Claims or obtains possession of the Tribe's property in lieu
                  of foreclosure, all assets of the Tribe or proceeds thereof
                  obtained thereby shall be held in trust by Grand Casinos-TB on
                  behalf of Cottonport Bank and Grand Casinos-TB will promptly
                  pay such amounts to Cottonport Bank to be credited and applied
                  to any Cottonport Indebtedness (principal and/or interest)
                  then owing to Cottonport Bank by the Tribe, whether matured or

         (f)      That, upon any distribution of the assets or readjustment of
                  indebtedness of the Tribe, whether by reason of
                  reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, bankruptcy,
                  receivership, assignment for the benefit of creditors, or any
                  other action or proceeding involving the readjustment of all
                  or any of the Subordinated Claims, or the application of
                  assets of the Tribe to the payment or liquidation thereof,
                  either in whole or in part, Cottonport Bank shall be entitled
                  to receive payment in full of any and all of the Cottonport
                  Indebtedness then owing to Cottonport Bank by the Tribe prior
                  to the payment of all or any portion of the Subordinated
                  Claims; and

         (g)      Not to transfer, assign, encumber or subordinate at any time
                  while this Agreement remains in effect, any right, claim or
                  interest of any kind in or to any of the Subordinated Claims,
                  either principal or interest, unless such is done expressly
                  subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

                        SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT -- PAGE 3


4.       This Agreement is complete and effective upon execution by Grand
         Casinos-TB and delivery of this Agreement to Cottonport Bank.

5.       This is a continuing Agreement and shall remain in full force and
         effect and be binding upon Grand Casinos-TB and its legal
         representatives, successors or assigns, until all of the Cottonport
         Indebtedness has been paid in full and the aforesaid Loan Agreement has
         been terminated.

6.       This Agreement shall be deemed to be made under and shall be governed
         by the laws of the State of Louisiana in all respects, including
         matters of construction, validity and performance.

7.       None of the terms or provisions of this Agreement may be waived,
         altered, modified or amended except in writing duly signed for and on
         behalf of Cottonport Bank and Grand Casinos-TB.

8.       Cottonport Bank will not alter, modify or amend any of the Cottonport
         Documents with the prior written consent of Grand Casinos-TB, which
         consent will not be unreasonably withheld.

                              GRAND CASINOS OF LOUISIANA , LLC --TUNICA-BILOXI

                              By:  /s/ Timothy Cope                        
                                 Timothy Cope, Its Chief Financial Officer



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