WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

              |X|    Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                  FOR THE QUARTERLY PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 1999


              | |    Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                            COMMISSION FILE #0-16640

                              UNITED BANCORP, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                    MICHIGAN                           38-2606280
      (State or other jurisdiction of               (I.R.S. Employer
       incorporation or organization)              Identification No.)

                  205 E. CHICAGO BOULEVARD, TECUMSEH, MI 49286
          (Address of principal executive offices, including Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (517) 423-8373

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for shorter periods that the registrant was required
to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for
the past 90 days.

          Yes              |X|                   No                | |

As of July 15, 1999, there were outstanding 1,816,984 shares of the registrant's
common stock, no par value.

                                     Page 1

                              CROSS REFERENCE TABLE

ITEM NO.                                         DESCRIPTION                                                    PAGE NO.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION
Item 1.   Financial Statements (Condensed)
          (a)          Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                                   3
          (b)          Consolidated Statements of Income                                                             4
          (c)          Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity                                    5
          (d)          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                                         6
          (e)          Notes to Financial Statements                                                                 7

Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis
          Financial Condition                                                                                        8
          Liquidity                                                                                                 10
          Results of Operations                                                                                     10

Item 3.   Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk                                                14

                                    PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.   Legal Proceedings                                                                                         15
Item 2.   Changes in Securities                                                                                     16
Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities                                                                           16
Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                                                       16
Item 5.   Other Information                                                                                         16
Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                                                          16

Signatures                                                                                                          17
Exhibit Index                                                                                                       18

                                     Page 2

                                     PART I
                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION


In thousands of dollars                                                          June 30,     December 31,     June 30,
                                                                                  1999            1998           1998
                                                                               ----------     -----------     ---------
Cash and demand balances in other banks                                        $  13,098     $  12,348      $  20,947
Federal funds sold                                                                 4,300             -          1,300
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------
Total cash and cash equivalents                                                   17,398        12,348         22,247

Securities available for sale                                                     52,161        58,468         50,263
Securities held to maturity (fair value of
      $33,755, $37,999 and $40,888, respectively)                                 33,402        36,919         39,947
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------
Total securities                                                                  85,563        95,387         90,210

Loans held for sale                                                                  199           535            661
Portfolio loans                                                                  281,235       269,714        259,656
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------
Total loans                                                                      281,434       270,249        260,317
Less: allowance for loan losses                                                    3,043         2,799          2,627
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------
Net loans                                                                        278,391       267,450        257,690

Premises and equipment, net                                                       12,969        11,406         11,299
Accrued interest receivable and other assets                                       9,199         7,104          6,506
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                   $ 403,520     $ 393,695      $ 387,952
                                                                               =========     =========      =========

      Noninterest bearing                                                      $  44,353     $  42,468      $  46,010
      Interest bearing certificates of deposit of $100,000 or more                29,089        31,108         34,387
      Other interest bearing deposits                                            277,272       263,691        255,852
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------
Total deposits                                                                   350,714       337,267        336,249

Federal funds and other short term borrowings                                          -         3,874            658
Other borrowings                                                                  10,624        10,900         10,900
Accrued interest payable and other liabilities                                     2,484         2,890          3,015
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                363,822       354,931        350,822

Common stock, no par value; 5,000,000 shares authorized;
      1,816,984, 1,730,480 and 1,728,657 shares issued and
      outstanding, respectively                                                   23,769        19,837         19,708
Retained earnings                                                                 16,184        18,607         17,155
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                                       (255)          320            267
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                        39,698        38,764         37,130
                                                                               ---------     ---------      ---------

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                     $ 403,520     $ 393,695      $ 387,952
                                                                               =========     =========      =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                                     Page 3

In thousands of dollars, except per share data

                                                          Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
                                                              June 30,              June 30,
                                                            1999      1998     1999      1998
                                                          -------   -------   -------   -------
Interest and fees on loans
      Taxable                                             $ 5,909   $ 5,807   $11,682   $11,692
      Tax exempt                                               23        19        42        38
Interest on securities
      Taxable                                                 804       801     1,617     1,513
      Tax exempt                                              435       469       901       945
Interest on federal funds sold                                 49       129        53       249
                                                          -------   -------   -------   -------
Total interest income                                       7,220     7,225    14,295    14,437

Interest on certificates of deposit of $100,000 or more       370       501       763     1,065
Interest on other deposits                                  2,409     2,611     4,723     5,215
Interest on short term borrowings                               1         8        46        20
Interest on other borrowings                                  166       166       331       316
                                                          -------   -------   -------   -------
Total interest expense                                      2,946     3,286     5,863     6,616
                                                          -------   -------   -------   -------
NET INTEREST INCOME                                         4,274     3,939     8,432     7,821
Provision for loan losses                                     315       274       630       549
                                                          -------   -------   -------   -------
NET INTEREST INCOME AFTER PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES         3,959     3,665     7,802     7,272

Service charges on deposit accounts                           512       430       920       805
Trust & Investment fee income                                 518       407       980       780
Gains on securities transactions                                1         9        12         9
Loan sales and servicing                                      149       255       345       546
Sales of nondeposit investment products                       159       138       311       269
Other income                                                  188       134       349       282
                                                          -------   -------   -------   -------
Total noninterest income                                    1,527     1,373     2,917     2,691

Salaries and employee benefits                              2,050     1,770     4,037     3,490
Occupancy and equipment expense                               626       593     1,226     1,198
Other expense                                               1,119       942     2,107     1,943
                                                          -------   -------   -------   -------
Total noninterest expense                                   3,795     3,305     7,370     6,631
                                                          -------   -------   -------   -------
INCOME BEFORE FEDERAL INCOME TAX                            1,691     1,733     3,349     3,332
Federal income tax                                            443       453       870       861
                                                          -------   -------   -------   -------
NET INCOME                                                $ 1,248   $ 1,280   $ 2,479   $ 2,471
                                                          =======   =======   =======   =======

Basic and diluted earnings per share                      $  0.68   $  0.70   $  1.36   $  1.36
Cash dividends declared per share of common stock            0.28      0.25      0.55      0.48

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                                     Page 4

In thousands of dollars, except per share data

                                                                                          Other Compre-
                                                                Common        Retained        hensive
                                                                Stock         Earnings        Income         Total
                                                                -------       --------     -------------   --------
Balance, December 31, 1997                                      $ 16,366      $ 18,867        $  233       $ 35,466

Net Income                                                                       2,471                        2,471
Net change in unrealized gains (losses) on securities                                             34             34
    Total comprehensive income                                                                                2,505

Cash dividends declared                                                           (877)                        (877)
5% stock dividend declared, 82,298 shares at $40                   3,292        (3,292)                           -
Common stock and contingently issuable stock                          50           (14)            -             36
                                                                --------      --------        ------       --------
Balance, June 30, 1998                                          $ 19,708      $ 17,155        $  267       $ 37,130
                                                                ========      ========        ======       ========

Balance, December 31, 1998                                      $ 19,837      $ 18,607        $  320       $ 38,764

Net Income                                                                       2,479                        2,479
Net change in unrealized gains (losses) on securities                                           (575)          (575)
    Total comprehensive income                                                                                1,904

Cash dividends declared                                                           (993)                        (993)
5% stock dividend declared, 86,512 shares at $45                   3,893        (3,893)                           -
Common stock and contingently issuable stock                          39           (16)            -             23
                                                                --------      --------       -------       --------
Balance, June 30, 1999                                          $ 23,769      $16,184        $ (255)       $ 39,698
                                                                ========      ========       =======       ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                                     Page 5

(D)   CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (UNAUDITED)                       Six Months Ended
      In thousands of dollars                                                      June 30
                                                                              1999         1998
                                                                            --------    ---------
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net Income                                                                  $  2,479    $  2,471
                                                                            --------    --------

Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net Cash from Operating Activities
Depreciation and amortization                                                    901         755
Provision for loan losses                                                        630         549
Change in loans held for sale                                                    336        (521)
Change in accrued interest receivable and other assets                        (2,266)       (156)
Change in accrued interest payable and other liabilities                          75         147
                                                                            --------    --------
Total adjustments                                                               (324)        774
                                                                            --------    --------
Net cash from operating activities                                             2,155       3,245
                                                                            --------    --------

Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Securities available for sale
      Purchases                                                              (13,121)    (14,294)
      Sales                                                                     --         1,000
      Maturities and calls                                                    14,166       2,809
      Principal payments                                                       4,292       2,744
Securities held to maturity
      Purchases                                                               (1,198)    (11,725)
      Maturities and calls                                                     4,706       8,977
Change in portfolio loans                                                    (11,907)      5,073
Premises and equipment expenditures, net                                      (2,185)     (1,001)
                                                                            --------    --------
Net cash from investing activities                                            (5,247)     (6,417)
                                                                            --------    --------

Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Net change in deposits                                                        13,447      19,414
Net change in short term borrowings                                           (3,874)     (4,284)
Proceeds from other borrowings                                                  --         3,900
Principal payments on other borrowings                                          (276)     (3,000)
Proceeds from stock transactions                                                  23          36
Dividends paid                                                                (1,178)     (1,053)
                                                                            --------    --------
Net cash from financing activities                                             8,142      15,013
                                                                            --------    --------
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                                        5,050      11,841

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                12,348      10,406
                                                                            --------    --------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                  $ 17,398    $ 22,247
                                                                            ========    ========

Cash Paid During the Period for
Interest                                                                    $  5,820    $  6,768
Income taxes                                                                     900         850
                                                                            ========    ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

                                     Page 6


The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of United Bancorp,
Inc. (the "Company") have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles for interim financial information and the instructions to
Form 10-Q and Rule 10-01 of Regulation S-X. Accordingly, they do not include all
of the information and footnotes required by generally accepted accounting
principles for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management, all
adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered necessary for a
fair presentation have been included. Operating results for the six month period
ending June 30, 1999 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be
expected for the year ended December 31, 1999. For further information, refer to
the consolidated financial statements and footnotes thereto included in the
Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998.

Mortgage loans serviced for others are not included in the accompanying
consolidated statements. The unpaid principal balances of mortgage loans
serviced for others was $124,578,000 and $110,667,000 at the end of June 1999
and 1998. The balance of loans serviced for others related to servicing rights
that have been capitalized was $98,705,000 and $68,682,000 at June 30, 1999 and

Mortgage servicing rights activity in thousands of dollars for the six months
ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 follows:

      Unamortized cost of mortgage servicing rights                                  1999          1998
      ---------------------------------------------                                  ----          ----
      Balance at January 1                                                          $ 646         $ 340
      Amount capitalized year to date                                                 137           231
      Amount amortized year to date                                                   (69)          (71)
                                                                                    -----         -----
      Balance at period end                                                         $ 714         $ 500
                                                                                    =====         =====

No valuation allowance was considered necessary for mortgage servicing rights at
period end 1999 and 1998.

Earnings per share are based upon the weighted average number of shares
outstanding plus contigently issuable shares during the year. On May 28, 1999
and May 29, 1998 the Company issued 5% stock dividends. Earnings per share,
dividends per share and weighted average shares have been restated to reflect
the stock dividend. The weighted average number of shares outstanding plus
contingently issuable shares was 1,822,483 for 1999 and 1,818,643 for 1998.

Effective January 1, 1998, the Company adopted Financial Accounting Standard No.
130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income." Under this new standard, comprehensive
income is now reported for all periods and encompasses both net income and other
comprehensive income. Other comprehensive income in thousands of dollars for the
period ended June 30, follows:

                                     Page 7

                                                                                Six Months Ended June 30,
      Other comprehensive income                                                    1999           1998
      --------------------------                                                ----------      ---------
      Unrealized gains (losses) on securities arising during period             $     (860)     $      52
      Reclassification for realized amount included in income                          (11)            (1)
                                                                                ----------      ---------
          Other comprehensive income, before tax                                      (871)            51
      Federal income tax expense (benefit)                                            (296)            17
                                                                                ----------      ---------
          Other comprehensive income                                            $     (575)     $      34
                                                                                ==========      =========


This discussion provides information about the consolidated financial condition
and results of operations of United Bancorp, Inc. and its subsidiary, United
Bank & Trust ("Bank") for the three and six month periods ending June 30, 1999.

                               FINANCIAL CONDITION

Investment securities balances increased during the second three months of 1999,
reflecting an increase in deposits as the result of the acquisition of the
Manchester, Michigan office of Great Lakes National Bank during April of 1999.

A number of maturities within the municipal bond portfolio during May
contributed to a decline in that segment of the portfolio from March 31.
However, The mix of the securities portfolio remained relatively unchanged
during the quarter. The chart below shows the mix of the portfolio.

                                                                                6/30/1999    12/31/1998      6/30/1998
                                                                                ---------    ----------      ---------
      U.S. Treasury and agency securities                                           23.9%         28.2%          22.4%
      Mortgage backed agency securities                                             22.4%         22.3%          26.0%
      Tax exempt obligations of states and political subdivisions                   38.5%         37.0%          38.9%
      Corporate, taxable municipal and asset backed securities                      15.2%         12.5%          12.7%
                                                                                --------      --------       --------
          Total Securities                                                         100.0%        100.0%         100.0%
                                                                                ========      ========       ========

Loan growth continued to be strong in the second quarter of 1999. During the
second three months, annualized loan growth was 9.3%, compared to 7.1% for the
first quarter of the year. Business loans and residential mortgages led the
increases, while all categories other than tax exempt loans recorded increases.

The mix of the loan portfolio continues to reflect this growth trend, although
overall the mix has remained relatively unchanged from prior periods. Over the
long term, the trend is toward an increased percentage of residential mortgage
and business loans, with slight declines in personal loans. The table below
shows total loans outstanding, in thousands of dollars at June 30, and December
31, and their percentage of the total loan portfolio. All loans are domestic and
contain no concentrations by industry or customer.

                                     Page 8


                                          June 30, 1999            December 31, 1998             June 30, 1998
                                       ----------------------    ------------------------    ------------------------
Portfolio loans:                         Balance   % of total     Balance     % of total     Balance       % of total
                                       ---------   ----------    ---------    -----------    ---------     ----------
      Personal                         $  57,363        20.4%    $  58,797          21.8%    $  63,977          24.6%
      Business/commercial mtgs            85,732        30.5%       82,521          30.5%       78,405          30.1%
      Tax exempt                           1,737         0.6%        1,381           0.5%        1,390           0.5%
      Residential mortgage               110,375        39.2%      104,903          38.8%      102,591          39.4%
      Construction                        26,227         9.3%       22,647           8.4%       13,954           5.4%
                                       ---------   ---------     ---------    -----------    ---------     ----------
          Total loans                  $ 281,434      100.00%    $ 270,249        100.00%    $ 260,317        100.00%
                                       =========   =========     =========    ===========    =========     ==========

The Company continues to maintain a high level of asset quality compared to
peers, as a result of actively monitoring delinquencies, nonperforming assets
and potential problem loans. In addition, the Bank uses an independent loan
review firm to assess the continued quality of its business loan portfolio.

Nonperforming loans are comprised of (1) loans accounted for on a nonaccrual
basis; (2) loans contractually past due 90 days or more as to interest or
principal payments (but not included in the nonaccrual loans in (1) above;) and
(3) other loans whose terms have been renegotiated to provide a reduction or
deferral of interest or principal because of a deterioration in the financial
position of the borrower (exclusive of loans in (1) or (2) above.) The aggregate
amount of nonperforming loans, in thousands of dollars, is shown in the table
below. The Company's classification of nonperforming loans are generally
consistent with loans identified as impaired.

                                                                 6/30/1999     12/31/1998     6/30/1998
                                                                 ---------     ----------     ---------
      Nonaccrual loans                                           $   1,015     $      821     $     295
      Loans past due 90 days or more                                   295            194           376
      Troubled debt restructurings                                     135            136           137
                                                                 ---------     ----------     ---------
          Total nonperforming loans                              $   1,445     $    1,151     $     808
      Other real estate                                                335            335           335
                                                                 ---------     ----------     ---------
          Total nonperforming assets                             $   1,780     $    1,486     $   1,143
      Percent of total loans                                          0.63%          0.53%         0.44%

Balances in nonperforming loans were up from March 31, 1999 and December 31,
1998. Loans past due ninety days or more and nonaccrual loans both increased
during the period. Nonperforming loans as a percent of total loans remain well
below industry standards, although higher than traditionally experienced by the
Company. The amount listed for other real estate relates primarily to property
that has been leased to a third party with an option to purchase, and no loss is
anticipated on that property.

As a result of continued loan growth, the Company has maintained its provision
for loan losses at the same level as in the first quarter of 1999, which
reflects an increase over the same period in 1998. The allowance for loan losses
is maintained at a level believed adequate by Management to absorb potential
losses in the loan portfolio. An analysis of the allowance for loan losses, in
thousands of dollars, for the six months ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 follows:

                                                                                  1999          1998
                                                                                 -------      -------
      Balance at beginning of period                                             $ 2,799      $ 2,467
      Loans charged off                                                             (486)        (512)
      Recoveries credited to allowance                                               100          123
      Provision charged to operations                                                630          549
                                                                                 -------      -------
      Balance at end of period                                                   $ 3,043      $ 2,627
                                                                                 =======      =======

                                     Page 9

Deposit totals continued to grow during the quarter, in part as a result of the
acquisition of the deposits of the Manchester office of Great Lakes Bank. During
the quarter, the Bank also completed a major restructuring of its transaction
account products, resulting in the loss of a number of accounts, as was
anticipated. However, the average balances of accounts increased, and
improvement in deposit account service charges is anticipated in the second half
of the year as a result of this restructuring. Management anticipates that
deposit growth during 1999 will be steady, with continued growth from new and
existing markets.

The Bank maintained an average funds sold position for the first half of 1999,
although generally the Bank moves in and out of the fed funds market as
liquidity needs vary. Deposit growth moving at different times than loan growth
will cause continued variation in the short term funds position of the Bank. The
Company has a number of additional liquidity sources should the need arise, and
Management has no concerns for the liquidity position of the Company.

The capital ratios of the Company exceed the regulatory guidelines for well
capitalized institutions. The following table shows the Company's capital ratios
and ratio calculations at June 30, 1999 and 1998 and December 31, 1998. Dollars
are shown in thousands.

                                                   Regulatory Guidelines                United Bancorp, Inc.
                                                   ---------------------                --------------------
                                                   Adequate       Well          6/30/1999    12/31/1998     6/30/1998
                                                   --------       ----          ---------    ----------     ---------
      Tier 1 capital to average assets                4%           5%                8.9%          9.4%          9.1%
      Tier 1 risk adjusted capital ratio              4%           6%               13.5%         14.0%         13.7%
      Total risk adjusted capital ratio               8%          10%               14.6%         15.0%         14.7%

      Total shareholders' equity                                                 $39,698      $ 38,764      $ 37,130
      Intangible assets                                                           (4,503)       (2,230)       (2,359)
      Unrealized (gain) loss on securities available for sale                        255          (320)         (267)
                                                                                 -------      --------      --------
          Tier 1 capital                                                          35,450        36,214        34,504
      Qualifying loan loss reserves                                                3,043         2,799         2,627
                                                                                 -------      --------      --------
          Tier 2 capital                                                         $38,493      $ 39,013      $ 37,131
                                                                                 =======      ========      ========

                              RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Net interest margin remained relatively unchanged for the second quarter
compared to the first quarter of 1999, and was improved from the same period in
1998. At the same time, the company's spread continued to show improvement over
prior periods. Continued loan growth has provided the bulk of this improvement
over 1998 levels.

The table below shows the year to date daily average Consolidated Balance Sheet,
interest earned (on a taxable equivalent basis) or paid, and the annualized
effective rate or yield, for the periods ended June 30, 1999 and 1998.

                                    Page 10


dollars in thousands                                     1999                                 1998
- --------------------                  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      Average      Interest      Yield/       Average       Interest            Yield/
                                      Balance        (b)          Rate        Balance          (b)               Rate
                                      -------        ---          ----        -------          ---               ----
Interest earning assets (a)
Federal funds sold                    $   2,295      $    53        4.62%      $   9,153       $   249          5.44%
Taxable securities                       52,754        1,617        6.13%         46,989         1,513          6.44%
Tax exempt securities (b)                34,385        1,311        7.62%         35,222         1,368          7.77%
Taxable loans                           273,548       11,682        8.54%        260,638        11,692          8.97%
Tax exempt loans (b)                      1,613           61        7.52%          1,441            55          7.63%
                                      ---------      -------                   ---------       -------
      Total int. earning assets (b)     364,595       14,724        8.08%        353,443        14,877          8.42%
Less allowance for loan losses           (2,892)                                  (2,531)
Other assets                             34,854                                   29,273
                                      ---------                                ---------
TOTAL ASSETS                          $ 396,557                                $ 380,185
                                      =========                                =========

NOW accounts                          $  53,821      $   478        1.77%      $  41,862       $   324          1.55%
Savings deposits                         72,529          793        2.19%         73,337         1,051          2.87%
CDs $100,000 and over                    29,790          763        5.12%         36,970         1,065          5.76%
Other interest bearing deposits         143,874        3,453        4.80%        141,842         3,841          5.42%
                                      ---------      -------                   ---------       -------
      Total int. bearing deposits       300,014        5,486        3.66%        294,011         6,281          4.27%
Short term borrowings                     1,861           46        4.99%            726            20          5.52%
Other borrowings                         10,875          331        6.08%         10,460           316          6.03%
                                      ---------      -------                   ---------       -------
      Total int. bearing liabilities    312,750        5,863        3.75%        305,197         6,616          4.34%
Noninterest bearing deposits             41,699                                   35,371
Other liabilities                         2,617                                    3,211
Shareholders' equity                     39,491                                   36,406
                                      ---------                                ---------
      SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY            $ 396,557                                $ 380,185
                                      =========                                =========
Net interest income (b)                              $ 8,860                                   $ 8,261
                                                     =======                                   =======
Net spread (b)                                                      4.33%                                       4.08%
                                                                    ====                                       =====
Net yield on interest earning assets (b)                            4.86%                                       4.67%
                                                                    ====                                       =====
Ratio of interest earning assets to
      interest bearing liabilities         1.17                                     1.16
                                      =========                                =========

(a) Non-accrual loans and overdrafts are included in the average balances of
(b) Fully tax-equivalent basis; 34% tax rate.

The table below shows the effect of volume and rate changes on net interest
income for the six months ended June 30, on a taxable equivalent basis, in
thousands of dollars.

                                             1999 Compared to 1998                     1998 Compared to 1997
                                             ---------------------                     ---------------------
                                        Increase (Decrease) Due To: (a)             Increase (Decrease) Due To: (a)
                                        -------------------------------             -------------------------------
                                         Volume        Rate         Net           Volume         Rate           Net
                                         ------        ----         ---           ------         ----           ---
Interest earned on:
Federal funds sold                      $  (163)     $   (33)    $   (196)        $   57         $   5        $  62
Taxable securities                          179          (76)         103            (88)            9          (79)
Tax exempt securities                       (32)         (25)         (57)           180           (33)         147
Taxable loans                               565         (575)         (10)           819           (11)         808
Tax exempt loans                              7           (1)           6             13            (1)          12
                                        -------      -------     --------         ------         -----        -----
      Total interest income             $   556      $  (710)    $   (154)        $  981         $ (31)       $ 950
                                        =======      =======     ========         ======         =====        =====

                                    Page 11


                                              1999 Compared to 1998                    1998 Compared to 1997
                                        --------------------------------          -----------------------------------
                                        Increase (Decrease) Due To: (a)            Increase (Decrease) Due To: (a)
                                        --------------------------------          -----------------------------------
                                         Volume         Rate         Net           Volume         Rate           Net
                                        --------     --------    -------          --------      --------     --------
Interest paid on:
NOW accounts                              $  101       $   53       $  154         $   25         $  (9)        $  16
Savings deposits                             (11)        (247)        (258)            56            32            88
CDs $100,000 and over                       (192)        (110)        (302)          (139)          (11)         (150)
Other interest bearing deposits               54         (442)        (388)           505          (120)          385
Short term borrowings                         28           (2)          26            (38)            2           (36)
Other borrowings                              12            3           15            (76)            5           (71)
                                          ------       ------       ------         ------         -----         -----
      Total interest expense              $   (8)      $ (745)      $ (753)        $  333         $(101)        $ 232
                                          ======       ======       ======         ======         =====         =====
Net change in net interest
      income                              $  564       $   35       $  599         $  648         $  70         $ 718
                                          ======       ======       ======         ======         =====         =====

(a)   The change in interest due to both rate and volume has been allocated to
      volume and rate changes in proportion to the relationship of the absolute
      dollar amounts of the change in each.

Noninterest income continues to improve over prior periods. All categories of
noninterest income increased from the same period in 1998, while all categories
other than income from loan sales and servicing improved from the prior quarter.
In addition, earnings from the Trust & Investment group continue to increase at
significant rates, reflecting the strong growth experienced by the department.
Overall, on an annualized basis, total noninterest income is up 9.9% over the
first quarter, and is up 8.4% year to date over same period of 1998.

Noninterest expense also continued to increase over prior periods, reflecting
continued growth and expansion of the Bank. Additions to Bank facilities and
staff contribute immediately to expenses, but will contribute to earnings in
future periods. Total noninterest expense for the year, excluding provision for
loan losses, is 11.1% over the same period for 1998, and is 6.2% higher than
first quarter levels. Substantially all of this increase relates to growth and
expansion of the Bank.

There has been no significant change in the income tax position of the Company
during the second quarter of 1999.

Consolidated net income during the first half of the year was substantially
unchanged from the same period in 1998, and income for the second quarter was
behind that of the second quarter of 1998. Likewise, second quarter income for
1999 was substantially unchanged from net earnings of the first quarter, as a
result of the investments made in staff and facilities to generate future growth
and income. Management anticipates that benefits of this expansion will begin to
be evident in the third quarter of the year, and will exceed 1998 levels for the
balance of the year.

Federal banking regulators require specific actions of every financial
institution to become Year 2000 ready. These guidelines require a bank to:

- -    Ensure the involvement of the board of directors and management in the
     institution's Year 2000 effort
- -    Adopt a written project plan
- -    Renovate its mission-critical systems

                                    Page 12

- -    Complete tests of the renovated mission-critial systems by specific
- -    Plan for contingencies
- -    Manage customer risk

United has an active Year 2000 committee that reports regularly on its progress
to the Board of Directors. The Board has adopted a written plan, and continues
to assess its risk. Management has determined which systems are
mission-critical, and those which are not. Based on these determinations, a plan
of action has been implemented. Key clients have been surveyed, and plans are
underway to assess and manage client risk.

Through the second quarter of 1999, the Company's Year 2000 task force has
continued to monitor the readiness of its major data processing hardware and
software providers, other critical vendor suppliers, and its large commercial

United uses major external third party vendors to the banking industry for its
mainframe and all personal computer hardware and software. These well-known,
national third party providers for the mission critical systems have provided
written assurances that they are Year 2000 ready and their systems have been
fully tested. The Company does not use any custom programmed software.

In 1998, United determined that its Unisys mainframe computer system, while Year
2000 compliant, did not have sufficient capacity for future growth. In the
fourth quarter of 1998, the Company installed a new Unisys mainframe to replace
its previous system. This system provides a substantial increase in efficiency
and capacity of operations, and allowed complete testing of its banking software
provided by Information Technology, Inc. during the installation of the
hardware, without any disruption to daily processing and customer service. All
testing was completed by June 30, 1999 within the FFIEC published guidelines and
no disruption in service due to a Year 2000 issue is anticipated.

Other systems are being tested, and all noncompliant systems will be replaced or
abandoned. Some non-critical systems have been found to be noncompliant, due to
their age, and will be replaced. The readiness of the software used for mission
critical systems is included in the cost of our normal maintenance of those
systems and we do not expect any additional charges. Some minor hardware and
software replacements will be needed, and expenditures are expected to be less
than $50,000. The staffing needed to complete the testing and implementation
plan has been identified and is available. Other new software installations for
the balance of the year will be restricted to assure that we can complete our
Year 2000 plan.

Contingency planning has begun for mission critical tasks and will be
continually monitored and updated to ensure uninterrupted customer services and
backroom processing. United, however, cannot necessarily ensure uninterruption
with certain vendors such as utility companies and phone companies, but those
vendor plans are being monitored as an ongoing part of the assessment.
Currently, all critical dates mandated by the regulators have been met by the
data processing vendor and United is also on schedule for its review of any
in-house critical systems, software, and equipment.

During the second quarter of 1999, the Bank installed an auxilliary power
generator at its main office, and began the process of installation of a
generator at its Operations Center. The generators are capable of powering the
entire building where installed, and will assure continued operation of the
Bank's data center and operations areas in the event of a power failure. While
the Bank does not

                                    Page 13

expect systemic power failures, the generators also provide protection from
power failure from causes other than Year 2000 issues, including storms.

The Company has evaluated its anticipated liquidity needs relating to potential
cash demands, and has established a liquidity contingency policy. Management
believes that sufficient liquidity sources are available to provide the Bank
with adequate funding for any special cash needs that might develop.

Overall, the cost of evaluating the Company's Year 2000 readiness and assuring
its compliance will not have a measurable impact on the financial condition of
the Company. United regularly provides for upgrades and replacement of its
software and hardware, and the Year 2000 situation will not significantly impact
those expenditures.

Major loan and deposit customers have been surveyed to evaluate the level of
Year 2000 planning and readiness and to assess any potential risk. Currently, it
is unknown what impact a high risk client's inability to pay its bank
obligations will have on the adequacy of United's allowance for possible loan
losses or its financial position.

United updates the Board of Directors and appropriate banking regulators
regarding its Year 2000 readiness on a quarterly basis. No material affect on
United's financial performance is anticipated, due to the systematic approach
the Company has adopted to prepare for the Year 2000 date impact.

Statements contained in Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations relate to United's expectations as to future
events relating to such items as the adequacy of the allowance for loan losses,
changes in economic conditions including interest rates, management's ability to
manage interest rate, liquidity and credit risks, impact on operations and
credit losses as it relates to the Year 2000 issue. Such statements are not
statements of historical fact and are forward-looking statements. United
believes the assumptions upon which these statements are founded are reasonable,
based on management's knowledge of its business and operations; however, there
is no assurance the assumptions will prove to have been correct. Furthermore,
United undertakes no obligation to update, amend or clarify forward-looking
statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.


The composition of the Company's balance sheet consists of investments in
interest earning assets (loans and investment securities) that are funded by
interest bearing liabilities (deposits and borrowings). These financial
instruments have varying levels of sensitivity to changes in market interest
rates resulting in market risk. Bank policies place strong emphasis on
stabilizing net interest margin, with the goal of providing a sustained level of
satisfactory earnings. The Funds Management, Investment and Loan policies
provide direction for the flow of funds necessary to supply the needs of
depositors and borrowers. Management of interest sensitive assets and
liabilities is also necessary to reduce interest rate risk during times of
fluctuating interest rates.

A number of measures are used to monitor and manage interest rate risk,
including interest sensitivity (gap) and income simulation analyses. A gap model
is the primary tool used to assess this risk with

                                    Page 14


supplemental information supplied by an income simulation model. The simulation
model is used to estimate the effect that specific interest rate changes would
have on 12 months of pretax net interest income assuming an immediate and
sustained up or down parallel change in interest rates of 200 basis points. Key
assumptions in the models include prepayment speeds on mortgage related assets;
cash flows and maturities of financial instruments held for purposes other than
trading; changes in market conditions, loan volumes and pricing; and
management's determination of core deposit sensitivity. These assumptions are
inherently uncertain and, as a result, the models cannot precisely estimate net
interest income or precisely predict the impact of higher or lower interest
rates on net interest income. Actual results will differ from simulated results
due to timing, magnitude, and frequency of interest rate changes and changes in
market conditions.

Based on the results of the simulation model as of June 30, 1999, the Company
would expect a maximum potential reduction in net interest margin of less than
5% if market rates increased under an immediate and sustained parallel shift of
200 basis points. The Bank's interest sensitivity position remained virtually
unchanged from the previouis quarter.

The Company's exposure to market risk is reviewed on a regular basis by the
Funds Management Committee. The Committee's policy objective is to manage the
Company's assets and liabilities to provide an optimum and consistent level of
earnings within the framework of acceptable risk standards.

The Funds Management Committee of the Bank is also responsible for evaluating
and anticipating various risks other than interest rate risk. Those risks
include prepayment risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. The Committee is made
up of senior members of management, and continually monitors the makeup of
interest sensitive assets and liabilities to assure appropriate liquidity,
maintain interest margins and to protect earnings in the face of changing
interest rates and other economic factors.

The Funds Management policy of the Bank provides for a level of interest
sensitivity which, Management believes, allows the Bank to take advantage of
opportunities within the market relating to liquidity and interest rate risk,
allowing flexibility without subjecting the Bank to undue exposure to risk. In
addition, other measures are used to evaluate and project the anticipated
results of Management's decisions.

                                     PART II
                                OTHER INFORMATION


The Company is not involved in any material legal proceedings. The Company's
sole subsidiary, United Bank & Trust, is involved in ordinary routine litigation
incident to its business; however, no such proceedings are expected to result in
any material adverse effect on the operations or earnings of the Bank. Neither
the Bank nor the Company is involved in any proceedings to which any director,
principal officer, affiliate thereof, or person who owns of record or
beneficially five percent (5%) or more of the outstanding stock of the Company
or the Bank, or any associate of the foregoing, is a party or has a material
interest adverse to the Company or the Bank.

                                    Page 15


No changes in the securities of the Company occurred during the quarter ended
June 30, 1999.


There have been no defaults upon senior securities relevant to the requirements
of this section during the three months ended June 30, 1999.


The annual meeting of shareholders of the Company was held on April 20, 1999. At
that meeting, the following matters were submitted to a vote of the
shareholders. There were 1,730,251 voting shares outstanding on April 20, 1999.

The following directors were elected to three year terms:

                                                                                   For          Against       Abstain
                                                                                   ---          -------       -------
      John H. Foss                  Re-elected                                  1,170,893         4,418            -
      David S. Hickman              Re-elected                                  1,175,272            39            -
      Ann Hinsdale Knisel           Re-elected                                  1,157,887        17,424            -
      John R. Roberstad             Re-elected                                  1,170,546         4,765            -
      Jeffrey T. Robideau           Re-elected                                  1,174,272         1,039            -
      Scott F. Hill                 Newly elected                               1,158,044        17,267            -

Directors Berlin, Bush, Butcko, Farver, Gurdijan, Kuhman, Lawson, Martin,
Maxwell, Mohr, Niethammer, and Wanke hold terms which continue after the
meeting. Director Whelan has retired from the Board and did not stand for

Crowe, Chizek and Company LLP of Grand Rapids, Michigan were ratified as
independent auditors for the Company and its subsidiary for the year ending
December 31, 1999. The vote was as follows:

                                                         For          Against       Abstain
                                                         ---          -------       -------
      Ratification of auditors                         1,154,799        130         20,382

No other matters were considered by shareholders at that meeting.




(a)  Listing of Exhibits (numbered as in Item 601 of Regulation S-K): 27.
     Financial Data Schedule.

(b)  The Company has filed no reports on Form 8-K during the quarter ended June
     30, 1999.

                                    Page 16


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

United Bancorp, Inc.
July 30, 1999

      /S/ Dale L. Chadderdon
      Dale L. Chadderdon
      Senior Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer

                                    Page 17

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

EXHIBIT NO.                         DESCRIPTION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      27                            Financial Data Schedule

                                    Page 18