July 15, 1999

Mr. William G. Buriak
39 River Bend Road
Clinton, NJ 08809-1044

Dear Bill:

The following will confirm the offer of employment to you with The Credit Store.

1.    Employment will begin on 7/26/99 as Chief Information Officer. Your annual
      salary will be $160,000, with pay periods occurring on the 15th and 31st
      of each month. Should a payroll period occur on a Saturday or Sunday, the
      payroll check is issued the previous Friday. You will also be eligible to
      participate in all employee benefit plans effective 8/1/99.
2.    Since you are relocating to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, we will pay
      relocation costs per the attached policy.
3.    You will receive 10,000 stock options to be issued as of your employment
      date to be vested and exercisable after the 6 month anniversary of your
      employment date. The options will expire the 5th year after your
      anniversary date. The options will be issued on a standard form as
      approved by the Board of Directors.
4.    If you voluntary leave your employment at any time, no further
      compensation will be due. Your employment will be on an "at will" basis.
      Should your employment be terminated by the company prior to one year, you
      will be given 6 months severance pay which shall be distributed to you as
      salary during the severance period, as well as payment of relocation costs
      to your new location.
5.    You understand if you leave our employ, you will not compete with our
      sub-prime credit card business for one year from the date of leaving, nor
      will you use, in any way, any proprietary or confidential information
      obtained in the course of your employment. A separate, non-compete
      document will be provided on the date of your employment.

Please confirm our understanding, of your employment, by signing this letter, as
indicated below.

Sincerely,                                       Confirmed and Agreed to:

  /s/  Kevin T. Riordan                            /s/  William G. Buriak
- -----------------------------                    -----------------------------
Kevin T. Riordan, President                      William G. Buriak


                                THE CREDIT STORE
                                RELOCATION POLICY

o    The Company will reimburse the employee for any necessary house hunting
     trips, with the number of trips to be discussed and approved by the
     President. Reimbursement will include all expenses, within reasonable
     limits incurred by the employee and their family for travel, lodging, three
     meals per day for the employee and their family, and car rental, if
     necessary. Receipts are required for reimbursement.

o    If you begin working in Sioux Falls before finding a home and moving, the
     Company will pay for interim living expenses for up to eight weeks for the
     employee and their family. Interim living expenses, while in Sioux Falls,
     will be paid for the employee only until such time that the employee
     relocates to Sioux Falls, but in no event more for more than one year
     following the commencement of employment. The employee will relocate to
     Sioux Falls within one year and has agreed to relocate as soon as it is
     possible to do so.

o    The Company will reimburse the cost of meals, lodging and mileage for the
     employee and their family while enroute to the new residence. Receipts are
     required. Travel will be by the most direct route, without reimbursement
     for unnecessary stop overs. Mileage at the current Company rate of $.31 per
     mile will be paid for one car.

o    The transportation of the employee's household goods will be arranged by
     the Director of Human Resources.

o    The Company will pay for all reasonable charges for packing at origin and
     unpacking the truck at the destination; the costs for one pick-up at origin
     and one delivery at the destination; and normal appliance servicing, such
     as securing motors in washers, dryers and refrigerators during packing and

o    Expenses not eligible for reimbursement include, but are not limited to:

     o   Storage charges
     o   Unpacking of boxes at the new location;
     o   Cleaning services at either location;
     o   Transportation of an automobile by the moving company;
     o   Transportation of pets;
     o   Set-up of play equipment;
     o   Transportation of boats;
     o   Cost of special insurance or handling of items of extraordinary value;
     o   Overtime charges due to a week-end or holiday delivery.


o    Employees who are homeowners and who purchase a home at the new location
     within one year of employment will be reimbursed for closing costs on the
     purchase of a new home. Reimbursed expenses include customary and usual
     fees for loan origination (for a maximum or 1% or $1,000), mortgage
     registration, appraisal, recording, assumption, attorney title work, and
     lender's title insurance if required by the lender.

o    Employees who are homeowners and who sell their home within one year of
     their employment will be reimbursed for the realtor's commission on the
     sale of their home.

o    Employees who are homeowners at their previous location and are buying a
     home at the new location will receive a $2,500 settling in allowance to
     cover miscellaneous expenses incurred in moving. The miscellaneous moving
     allowance is given to assist in the cost of services and goods not
     reimbursed by the Company. These services include, but are not limited to,
     loan discount fees, license fees, rental deposits, utility deposits,
     draperies, costs of moving automobiles on the moving van, take down and set
     up of play equipment, and movement of pets and boats.

Eligibility for relocation benefits ends if the employee leaves the Company.
This includes, but is not limited to any pending payments and tax coverage.