[The First American Financial Corporation Logo]

 1 First American Way o Santa Ana, California o (714) 800-3000 o (800) 854-3643

Tom Klemens                                           NEWS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Executive Vice President
& Chief Financial Officer
(714) 800-4402


     SANTA  ANA,  Calif.,  -  Jan.  18,  2000  - The  First  American  Financial
Corporation (NYSE:  FAF), the nation's leading provider of business  information
and related products and services, today announced that its tax service division
will adopt the new transition  provisions of Staff  Accounting  Bulletin No. 101
(SAB) "Revenue Recognition in Financial  Statements," which was finalized by the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  (SEC) in December 1999. In conformity  with
the SAB, the company will restate and increase its operating  earnings for 1999.
This adjustment  finalizes a series of changes  instituted by the SEC concerning
the way in which the tax service industry accounts for its revenue  recognition.

     The company is the nation's  second  largest tax service  provider with tax
service  contracts in place covering 15 million  mortgage loans. The tax service
division  processes  the payment of real estate taxes for  mortgage  lenders and
monitors  delinquent  property  taxes  on  behalf  of  those  lenders.   Because
delinquent  property taxes can lead to a tax lien and a possible  forced sale of
the property,  thereby jeopardizing the lender's security, most mortgage lenders
contract  with tax  service  companies  to process tax  payments  and to monitor
delinquencies.  Tax service  contracts  are created when the loan is funded.  At
that time,  the lender  pays a one-time  fee,  which  obligates  the tax service
provider to monitor tax  delinquencies  and process tax payments during the life
of the loan.

     Because tax monitoring and payment services are provided during the life of
the loan, accounting principles require a deferral of the recognition of the tax
service fee and the  amortization of that fee over the expected  service period.

     Effective Jan. 1, 1999, the SEC mandated a change in the industry  standard
deferral  formula to decrease  the  recognition  of tax service  revenues in the
early years of the contract.  In December of 1999,  the SEC clarified in the SAB
its  position  and  allowed the  industry to take a one-time  charge in order to
increase  deferred  revenues  on  previously  issued  contracts.  Thus,  the new
accounting treatment is applied to all contracts,  including those issued before
the  accounting  change.

     Accordingly,   the  company  will  restate  its  previously  reported  1999
quarterly  results and take a one-time  first quarter 1999  after-tax  charge of
$55.6 million as a cumulative effect of an accounting  change. The effect of the
new  accounting  treatment  will be to increase  earnings per share,  before the
one-time  charge,  by 25 cents  for the  first  nine  months  of  1999.

     "We are extremely pleased with the final outcome as determined by the SEC,"
stated  Parker S.  Kennedy,  president  of First  American  Financial.  "The new
accounting  treatment  will reflect  more  closely the true overall  operational
results of the tax service business, and will make the reported earnings of this
division  less  cyclical  in  future  years."

     The First American  Financial  Corporation,  based in Santa Ana, Calif., is
the nation's leading  provider of business  information and related products and
services.  The  corporation's  three primary business  segments  include:  title
insurance;  real  estate  information  and  services,  which  includes  mortgage
origination, mortgage servicing and database products and services; and consumer
information and services, which provides home warranties;  automotive,  subprime
and  direct-to-consumer  credit  reporting;  property  and  casualty  insurance;
property  and  automotive  insurance  tracking  services;   resident  screening;
pre-employment screening;  lender-placed flood and hazard insurance;  investment
advisory;  and trust and banking services.  Information about the company and an
archive of its press releases can be found on the Internet at www.firstam.com.

     Any statements in this document that look forward in time involve risks and
     uncertainties,  including but not limited to the  following:  the effect of
     interest rate  fluctuations;  changes in the performance of the real estate
     markets; the effect of changing economic conditions;  general volatility in
     the capital  markets;  the demand for and the  acceptance  of the company's
     products;   changes  in  applicable   government   regulations;   continued
     consolidation  among the  company's  significant  customers;  consolidation
     among  significant  competitors:   the  impact  of  the  legal  proceedings
     commenced by the California  attorney general and related  litigation;  the
     continued ability to identify businesses to be acquired; and changes in the
     company's ability to integrate businesses which its acquires. The company's
     actual  results,  performance or achievement  could differ  materially from
     those  expressed in, or implied by, any  forward-looking  statements,  and,
     accordingly,  no assurances can be given that any of the events anticipated
     by the  forward-looking  statements  will  transpire or occur or, if any of
     them do,  what  impact  they  will have on the  results  of  operations  or
     financial condition of the company.

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