DATED 6th MAY 1999

                                 24STORE LIMITED


                                  MARTIN CLARKE


                                SERVICE AGREEMENT


                                 Wolverton Court
                               15/16 London Street
                                Hampshire RG21 7NT

                              Tel : (01256) 460830
                              Fax : (01256) 364333

THIS AGREEMENT is made on 6th May 1999


(1)     24STORE  LIMITED a company  registered  in England  with number  3605559
        whose registered office is at Cyberia House, Church Street, Basingstoke,
        Hampshire, RG21 7QN ("the Company') and

(2)     MARTIN CLARKE of Kingston N. Reading Road North, Fleet, Hampshire,  GU13
        8HR ("the Appointee")



In this Agreement:

(a)     "Associated  Company"  means a  company  which  is  from  time to time a
        subsidiary or a holding  company of the Company or a subsidiary,  (other
        than  the  Company)  of a  holding  company  of  the  Company.  In  this
        definition  "subsidiary" and "holding company" have the same meanings as
        in Section 736 of the Companies Act 1985, as originally enacted; and

(b)     the  "Board"  means  the  Board of  Directors  from  time to time of the

(c)     unless  otherwise  stated and except in clause 18 below,  a reference to
        the  employment  of the  Appointee is to his  employment by the Company,
        under this Agreement.

(d)     unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular include the
        plural and vice versa,  and a reference to a person includes a reference
        to a body, corporate and to an incorporated body of persons;

(e)     a reference to a statute or statutory provisions includes a reference to
        that statute or provision as from time to time modified or re-enacted.


2.1     The  Appointee  will be employed  by the  Company as the joint  Managing
        Director of the Company.

2.2     His  employment  is  deemed  to have  begun  on 9th  July  1990 and will
        continue,  subject to the terms of this Agreement  until  determined by,
        either party  giving to the other not less than six (6) months'  written
        notice expiring not earlier than two (2) years after the date hereof

2.3     The Appointee Warrants to the Company that by entering into these or any
        other  arrangements  made  or to be  made  between  the  Company  or any
        Associated  Company and him, he will not be in breach of any, express or
        implied  terms of any  contract  with or other  obligation  to any third
        party binding on him, including without limitation the provisions of any
        restrictive covenants or confidentiality obligations, arising out of any
        employment with any other employer or former employer.

3.      DUTIES ETC.

3.1     During the continuance of his employment the Appointee will

        (a)     perform  such duties as may from time to time be assigned to him
                by the board of directors of the Company,  whether  those duties
                relate to the  business of the Company or to the business of any
                Associated Company;

        (b)     in all  respects  comply with  directions  given by or under the
                authority of the Board;

        (c)     use all  reasonable  endeavours  to promote the interests of the
                Company; and

        (d)     unless  prevented by  incapacity,  devote the whole of his time,
                attention  and  ability  during his agreed  hours of work to the
                performance of his duties under this Agreement.

        PROVIDED  ALWAYS that the  Appointee  shall not be expected to carry out
        such  duties  which  would  not  be in the  normal  course  of  business
        considered to be commensurate with that of a Managing Director.

3.2     The agreed hours of work of the Appointee will be normal  business hours
        and such other hours as may be required  for the proper  performance  of
        his duties under this  Agreement;  and he will  perform  those duties at
        such place or places in the United Kingdom as the Board may from time to
        time  determine  but he shall not be  required  (except  for  occasional
        visits in the ordinary course of his duties) to go to or reside in other
        parts of the world.

4.      SALARY

4.1     During the  continuance of his employment the Appointee will be entitled
        to a salary at the rate of (pound)95,000  per annum (or such higher rate
        as may from time to time be agreed between the parties).

4.2     The Appointee's  salary will accrue from day to day, be payable by equal
        monthly  instalments on the last day of each month,  and be inclusive of
        any  remuneration to which he may be or become entitled as a director of
        the Company or of any of its  subsidiaries  or  associates  for the time

4.3     The  Appointee  shall not be entitled to any other  salary or fees as an
        executive  director or employee of the Company or any Associated Company
        and the  Appointee  shall,  as the Company may direct,  either waive his
        right to any such salary or fees or account for the same to the Company.


5.1     The Company will contribute the sum of(pound)1,000  (gross) per month to
        the Appointee's pension scheme during the continuance of his employment.

5.2     The  Company  shall  subscribe  on behalf of and for the  benefit of the
        Appointee  to a scheme  providing  benefits at such level as the Company
        shall  determine  for medical and surgical  treatment  with BUPA or such
        other  comparable  scheme which the Company may adopt from time to time.
        If the Appointee,  by notice in writing to the Company,  so elects,  the
        Company  shall arrange for the spouse and any child  (including  adopted
        child) of the Appointee  (for so long as such child has not attained the
        age of 18) to be admitted to membership of the scheme.

6.      EXPENSES

6.1     The Company will  reimburse  the Appointee  all  reasonable  travelling,
        hotel.  Entertainment and other  out-of-pocket  expenses  (including all
        costs associated with the use of his mobile phone) properly  incurred by
        him in the  performance  of his  duties  under  this  Agreement  against
        production by him to the Company of the relevant invoices and receipts.

6.2     Where the Company  issues a company  sponsored  credit or charge card to
        the Appointee he shall use such card only for those  expenses  which are
        reimbursable  pursuant to clause 6.1. The Company  reserves the right in
        its  absolute  discretion  to withdraw  the use of such card(s) from the
        Appointee at any time without assigning any reason therefor.

7.      HOLIDAYS

        The Appointee will be entitled to 25 days holiday in each calendar year,
        to be taken at such times as may be reasonably approved by the Board, in
        addition to public  holidays.  Except  with the express  approval of the
        Board  holidays may not be carried  forward from one holiday year to the
        next and no  payment  will be made by the  Company  (whether  during the
        continuance or on termination of this Agreement) in lieu of holidays not


8.1     If the  Appointee  is absent from work as a result of sickness or injury
        he will:

        (a)     notify the Company by  telephone as soon as  practicable  on the
                first day of his absence;

        (b)     if the period of absence is less than eight consecutive calendar
                days,  submit to the  Company  on his  return a  certificate  of
                sickness completed by himself,

        (c)     if it is eight consecutive  calendar days or more, submit to the
                Company  without  delay  a  medical   certificate  signed  by  a
                practising  medical  practitioner  in  respect  of each  week of
                absence after the first.

8.2     The Appointee  will,  subject to compliance with clause 8.1 above and to
        clause 14 below,  be  entitled to payment of his salary at the full rate
        (less any social  security or other benefits  payable to him) during any
        periods of absence  from work as a result of  sickness or injury up to a
        maximum of 26 weeks in aggregate in any twelve consecutive months but he
        will not be  entitled  to any  payment of salary  during any  absence in
        excess of that maximum.

8.3     The  Company  will  pay  statutory  sick  pay  in  accordance  with  the
        legislation  in force at the time of absence  subject  to the  following

        (a)     the Appointee must take all proper steps to claim any of and all
                statutory sick pay and any national insurance or social security
                benefit to which he is entitled.

        (b)     the  Appointee  may from time to time be required to produce the
                certificate of a medical practitioner  certifying the reason and
                need  for  his  absence  and  the  Company  will  reimburse  the
                reasonable cost of any certificate so provided.

        (c)     payment of the Appointee's salary under clause 8.2 shall satisfy
                any  liability  the Company may have to pay  statutory  sick pay
                under the legislation from time to time in force;

        (d)     the qualifying days for payment of statutory sick pay are Monday
                to Friday inclusive.

8.4     if the sickness or injury arises or occurs in circumstances  giving rise
        to a claim by the Appointee against a third party, any payment (save for
        statutory sick pay) under this clause shall be regarded as a loan by the
        Company to the Appointee  and if at his absolute  discretion he recovers
        any damages from such third party (whether under a judgment of any court
        or by  agreement)  he shall repay the Company the amount of such payment
        provided however that if the claim is settled on a compromised basis for
        less  than its  value  on full  liability  or if any  court  awards  the
        Appointee  less than such value on full  liability and provided  further
        that the Appointee has taken all  reasonable  steps to recover from such
        third  party all  earnings  (save that such  reasonable  steps shall not
        include  the  commencement  of legal  proceedings  which shall be at the
        Appointee's  absolute  discretion)  (which, but for this sub-clause,  he
        would have lost) the  Appointee  shall not be obliged to repay more than
        such  proportion of such payment as the  compromise  settlement or court
        award  (as the case  may be)  bears  to the  value of his  claim on full

8.5     Not more than once each calendar  year the  Appointee  shall submit from
        time to time on request by the  Company  to a medical  examination  by a
        medical   practitioner   nominated  by  the  Company  and  such  medical
        practitioner  shall be authorised to disclose to, and discuss with,  the
        Company the results of any such  examination  (including  the results of
        any blood or other test made in the course  thereof).  The Company shall
        be responsible for the fees and expenses of such medical practitioner.


        Save with the written  consent of the Company,  the  Appointee  will not
        during the  continuance  of his  employment  be  engaged  or  interested
        (except as the owner of shares or other securities quoted or dealt in on
        a  recognised  stock  exchange)  either  directly or  indirectly  in any
        business or  occupation  other than the  business of the Company and its
        subsidiaries and associates.


10.1    The  Appointee  will not during the  continuance  of his  employment  or
        afterwards  (unless  authorised  to do so by the  Board or by a court of
        competent jurisdiction):

        (a)     use for his own  benefit or the  benefit of any other  person or
                use  to  the  detriment  or  prejudice  of  the  Company  or any
                Associated Company; or

        (b)     except in the  proper  course  of his  duties,  disclose  to any

        any trade secrets or confidential  information relating to the business,
        affairs,  products or processes of the Company or any of its  Associated

10.2    The restriction in this clause will not prevent the Appointee, after the
        termination  of his  employment,  from  using  for his own or  another's
        benefit any information which

        (a)     by virtue of his  employment,  becomes part of his own skill and
                knowledge; and

        (b)     apart from the provisions of this Agreement,  could lawfully, be
                used by, him for that purpose;

        but any such use will be subject to the restrictions contained in clause
        11 below.


11.1    in this clause 11:

        (a)     "Restricted  Business" means the business of the Company and the
                Associated  Companies  at the  time  of the  termination  of the
                Appointee's employment;

        (b)     "Restricted  Customer"  means any firm,  company or other person
                who during the period of twelve (12)  months  ending on the date
                of the termination of the Appointee's employment, was a customer
                of or in the habit of dealing with the Company or any Associated
                Company and with whom the Appointee had contact in the course of
                his employment; and

        (c)     "Restricted  Employee"  means any person who, at the date of the
                termination of the Appointee's employment was an employee of the
                Company  or any  Associated  Company  and who  could  materially
                damage the interests of the Company or any Associated Company if
                he became employed in any business  concern in competition  with
                any Restricted Business.

11.2    The  Appointee  will not,  for a period of twelve (12) months  after the
        termination of his employment,  solicit or endeavour to entice away from
        the  Company  or any  Associated  Company  the  business  or custom of a
        Restricted Customer with a view to providing services to that Restricted
        Customer in competition with any Restricted Business.

11.3    The  Appointee  will not,  for a period of twelve (12) months  after the
        termination of his employment, provide services to or otherwise have any
        business  dealings  with any  Restricted  Customer  in the course of any
        business concern which is in competition with any Restricted Business.

11.4    The  Appointee  will not,  for a period of twelve (12) months  after the
        termination  of his  employment,  in the course of any business  concern
        which is in competition with any Restricted Business offer employment to
        or otherwise endeavour to entice away from the Company or any Associated
        Company any Restricted Employee.

11.5    The  Appointee  will not,  for a period of twelve (12) months  after the
        termination  of  his  employment,  be  engaged  in or  concerned  in any
        capacity,  in any  business  concern  which is in  competition  with any
        Restricted  Business.  This clause shall not restrain the Appointee from
        being  engaged or  concerned  in any  business  concern in so far as the
        Appointee's duties or work shall relate solely

        (a)     to  geographical  areas  where the  business  concern  is not in
                competition with the Restricted Business; or

        (b)     to services or activities of a kind with which the Appointee was
                not  concerned to a material  extent during the period of twelve
                (12)  months  ending  on  the  date  of the  termination  of his

11.6    In this  clause  references  to acting  directly or  indirectly  include
        (without  prejudice to the generality of that expression)  references to
        acting alone or jointly with or on behalf of any other firm,  company or

11.7    If the Company  requires the  Appointee not to perform any of his duties
        and/or excludes the Appointee from the Company's  premises as set out in
        clause  14.8 for some or all of any period of notice,  the period of the
        post-termination  restrictions set out in this clause will be reduced by
        the length of the  garden  leave  served  prior to the date on which the
        Appointee's employment under this Agreement is terminated.

11.8    The Appointee agrees that the restrictions  contained in this clause are
        reasonable and necessary for the protection of the legitimate  interests
        of the Company and its Associated  Companies.  It is nevertheless agreed
        that if any of those  restrictions shall taken together or separately be
        held to be void or  ineffective  for any  reason but would be held to be
        valid and effective if part of its wording were  deleted,  or the period
        or area of application  reduced,  that restriction shall apply with such
        deletions  as may be  necessary  to make it  valid  and  effective.  The
        Appointee further  acknowledges that the restrictions  contained in this
        clause   shall   apply  in   relation   to  all   Restricted   Customers
        notwithstanding that they may have been introduced to the Company or any
        Associated  Company by the Appointee  before-or during or his employment
        with the Company.

11.9    if the  Company  transfers  all or any part of its  business  to a third
        party ("the  Transferee"),  the  restrictions  contained  in this clause
        shall  with  effect  from the  Appointee  becoming  an  employee  of the
        Transferee  apply  to the  Appointee  as if  references  to the  Company
        include the Transferee  and  references to any  Associated  Company mere
        construed  accordingly  and as if references  to  Restricted  Customers,
        Restricted Employees and Restricted Business were construed accordingly.

11.10   The restrictions  set out in this clause are without  prejudice to other
        express or implied duties, whether fiduciary or otherwise,  owed by, the
        Appointee to the Company or any Associated Company.


        The  Company  will be  entitled  from time to time to appoint  any other
        person or persons to act jointly with the  Appointee in the  performance
        of his duties.


13.1    If during the continuance of his employment the Appointee ceases to be a
        director/employee  of the  Company  (otherwise  than by  resignation  or
        death) this Agreement (and his employment)  will  nevertheless  continue
        and will then have effect as if he were employed as a Manager instead of
        a Managing Director PROVIDED ALWAYS that in ceasing to be a-director the
        Appointee's rights under the Share Sale and Purchase Agreement dated 6th
        May 1999 and made  between  the  Appointee,  Michael  John Neame and the
        Company ("the Agreement") shall not be effected.

13.2    If the Appointee shall voluntary cease to be employed by the Company the
        Appointee  hereby  confirms  that  any sums  then  due and  owing to the
        Appointee under the Agreement shall be forfeited.


14.1    Either  party  will be  entitled  to  terminate  the  employment  of the
        Appointee  by giving  notice to the other in  accordance  with  clause 2

14.2    The  Company  will  be  entitled  to  terminate  the  employment  of the
        Appointee without notice if:

        (a)     he converts a serious or persistent  breach  (whether by, one or
                several  acts  or  omissions)  of  his  obligations  under  this
                Agreement  or his  duties as a director  of tile  Company or any
                Associated Company.

        (b)     he is guilty of serious  misconduct or any other conduct tending
                to bring himself or the Company into disrepute;

        (c)     he compounds with his creditors or a petition is presented for a
                bankruptcy order in respect of him he petitions the Court for an
                interim order under Section 252 of the Insolvency Act 1986;

        (d)     he is  convicted  of a criminal  offence  (other than a motoring
                offence  under the Road  Traffic Acts from time to time in force
                not involving a term of imprisonment).

        (e)     he ceases to hold any  qualification,  licence or other authors,
                required  (whether  by  statute  or  otherwise)  for the  proper
                performance of his duties under this agreement;

        (f)     he is  disqualified  or  prohibited by law from being a company,

        (g)     he shall  refuse  or  neglect  to  comply  with any  lawful  and
                reasonable  orders given to him by the Company or any Associated

        The Appointee  shall have no claim against the Company by reason of such

        If the Company  becomes  entitled to  terminate  the  employment  of the
        Appointee  under this  clause  14.2 it shall be  entitled  (but  without
        prejudice to its rights  subsequently to terminate the employment on the
        same or any other  ground)  to suspend  the  Appointee  with  payment of
        salary for such a time as is reasonable to investigate his position.

14.3    If the  Appointee  is  incapacitated  by ill  health or  otherwise  from
        carrying out his duties under this Agreement for a continuous  period of
        180  days  or for  an  aggregate  of  130  working  days  in any  twelve
        consecutive  months,  the  Company  will be entitled  to  terminate  his
        employment by not less than six (6) months' written notice.

14.4    The  employment of the Appointee  will  terminate  automatically  on his
        achieving the normal  retirement age of the Company,  which shall be not
        less than the National Retirement Age.

14.5    On the  termination of his employment for whatever  reason the Appointee
        will promptly:

        (a)     resign (if he has not already  done so) from all offices held by
                him in the Company and its subsidiaries and associates and

        (b)     deliver   up  to  the   Company,   all   lists   of   customers,
                correspondence, documents and other property (including any car)
                together with any written documentation  (whether on paper or in
                electronic  format) belonging to the Company,  or any Associated
                Company which may be in his possession or under his control.

        and the Appointee irrevocably  authorises the Company in his name and on
        his behalf to execute  all  documents  and do all  things  necessary  to
        effect the resignations referred to above in the event of his failure to
        do so.

14.6    Any  termination  of the  employment  of the  Appointee  will be without
        prejudice to his continuing obligations under this Agreement.

14.7    1f  either  party  gives  notice  to  terminate  the  employment  of the
        Appointee and this Agreement, the Appointee agrees:

        (a)     that for a period not  exceeding  the period of notice in clause
                2.2,  the  Board  may in its  absolute  discretion  require  the
                Appointee  to perform  only,  such  duties as it may  reasonably
                allocate  to him or not to  perform  any of his  duties  and may
                require him not to have any contact with clients or customers of
                the Company or any  Associated  Company  nor any contact  (other
                than purely social  contact)  with  employees of the Company and
                any Associated  Company as the Board shall reasonably  determine
                and/or may exclude him from any premises of the Company),  or of
                any Associated Company;

        (b)     that  such  action  taken on the part of the  Company  shall not
                constitute a breach of this Agreement of any kind whatsoever nor
                shall the  Appointee  have any,  claim  against  the  Company in
                respect of any such action;

        provided  always  that  throughout  the  period of any such  action  the
        Appointee's  salary and contractual  benefits shall not cease to be paid
        or provided  (unless and until his employment under this Agreement shall
        be terminated).

14.8    Any delay or  forbearance  by the  Company  in  exercising  any right of
        termination shall not constitute a waiver of it.



        (a)     the employment of the Appointee is terminated:

                (i)     by  reason of the  liquidation  of the  Company  for the
                        purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction: or

                (ii)    as part of any arrangement  for the  amalgamation of the
                        undertaking of the Company not involving  liquidation or
                        for the transfer of the whole or part of the undertaking
                        of the Company to any of its subsidiaries or associates,

        (b)     the Appointee is offered employment of a similar nature with the
                amalgamated or reconstructed or transferee  company on terms not
                generally  less  favourable  to  him  than  the  terms  of  this

        the  Appointee  will  have no  claim  against  the  Company  under  this
        Agreement in respect of that termination.


16.1    The  particulars  required  to be  given  by law  are  contained  in the
        schedule to this agreement.

16.2    Except as otherwise  provided by, this Agreement,  there are no terms or
        conditions of employment  relating to hours of work or to normal working
        hours or to  entitlement  to holidays  (including  public  holidays)  or
        holiday  pay or to  incapacity  for work due to sickness or injury or to
        pensions or pension schemes.

16.3    There are no  disciplinary  rules in force in relation to the Appointee,
        who is expected at all times to conduct  himself in a manner  consistent
        with his senior status.

16.4    if the  Appointee has a grievance  relating to his  employment he should
        first apply in person to the Chairman of the  Company.  If the matter is
        not then settled the  Appointee  should  write to the Board  setting out
        full  details of the  matter.  The  decision of the Board on such matter
        shall be final.

16.5    The Appointee  authorises the Company,  to deduct and to retain from any
        salary or other  remuneration  (including without limitation any payment
        made to the Appointee in lieu of notice) accrued to him in consideration
        of his  employment  by the Company  (whether or not actually paid during
        the continuance of his employment):

        (a)     any pension or other similar contributions owed by the Appointee
                as a  consequence  of  his  membership  of  the  pension  scheme
                referred to in clause 5; and

        (b)     any sum due from the Appointee to the Company or any  Associated


        Except as  otherwise  expressly  provided by its terms,  this  Agreement
        represents  the  entire  understanding,   and  supersedes  any  previous
        agreement,  between the parties in  relation  to the  employment  of the
        Appointee by the Company.

18.     NOTICES

        Any notice to be given under this  Agreement will be in writing and will
        be deemed to be sufficiently  served by one party, on the other if it is
        either  delivered  personally or is sent by prepaid first class post and
        addressed  to the  party to whom it is to be  given,  in the case of the
        Appointee at his last known  residence and in the case of the Company at
        its registered  office,  and any such notice if so posted will be deemed
        to have been served on the day (excluding  Sundays and public  holidays)
        following that on which it was posted.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties have signed this Agreement.

                                  THE SCHEDULE

The following  constitutes  the statement of the  particulars of the Appointee's
employment  issued  pursuant to the Employment  Rights Act 1996. The particulars
are those which apply on the date of this agreement:

         Name of employer - the Company as defined on page 1 above.

         Name of employee - the Appointee as defined on page 1 above.

         Date of commencement of employment - see clause 2.2.

         Date of commencement of continuous period of employment - no employment
         of the  Appointee  with a  previous  employer  counts  as  part  of his
         continuous period of employment and his period of continuous employment
         began on 9th July 1990.

         Scale   or   rate   of    remuneration  or   method  of   calculating -
         remuneration see clause 4.

         Intervals at which remuneration is paid - monthly - see clause 4.2.

         Hours of work - there are no fixed hours of work - see clause 3.2.

         Holidays (including public holidays) and holiday pay - see clause 7.

         Sickness or injury and sick pay - see clause 8.

         Notice - see clause 2.2.

         Job title - Joint Managing Director.

         Place of work - see clause 3.2. The employer's address is as stated on
         page 1 above.

         Collective  Agreements - the  Company  is not a party to any collective
         agreement  which  affects the Appointee's employment.

         Working  Overseas - the  Appointee is not under any obligation to work
         overseas for periods  exceeding one month and accordingly  there are no
         particulars to be entered in this regard.

         Discipline and grievance procedure - There are no specific disciplinary
         rules  applicable to the  Appointee's  employment.  If the Appointee is
         dissatisfied  with any  disciplinary  decision  or seeks to redress any
         grievance relating to his employment, he should apply in writing to the
         Board and the Board will  endeavour  to  propose a  solution  within 14

24STORE LIMITED in the                     /s/ Michael Baum
presence of:                               /s/ Karl-Magnus Karlsson

A DEED BY MARTIN CLARKE                    /s/ Martin Clarke
in the presence of:
/s/ Alex Preshaw

Basingstoke Hampshire