(RULE 14C-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14C INFORMATION

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]   Preliminary Information Statement     [ ] Confidential, for Use of  the
                                                Commission Only (as permitted by
                                                Rule 14c-5(d)(2))
[X]   Definitive Information Statement

                                   SCOOP, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]   No fee required.

[ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which  transaction  applies:  Not

     (2)  Aggregate  number  of  shares  to  which  transaction   applies:   Not

     (3)  Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11: Not applicable.

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: Not applicable.

     (5)  Total fee paid: Not applicable.

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify the filing fee for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount previously paid: Not applicable.

     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: Not applicable.

     (3)  Filing Party: Not applicable.

     (4)  Date Filed: Not applicable.

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT

                                   SCOOP, INC.
                                  Cyberia House
                           Church Street, Basingstoke
                               Hampshire RG21 7QN
                                 United Kingdom

         This information  statement is circulated to advise the stockholders of
Scoop,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation (the "Company"),  of action proposed to be
taken without a meeting upon the written  consent of the holder of a majority of
the outstanding shares of the common stock of the Company.

                      ARE REQUESTED NOT TO SEND US A PROXY.

         The matter upon which action is proposed to be taken is an amendment to
the Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to change the  Company's  name to
24Holdings  Inc. It is believed  that the proposed new name is more  appropriate
than the present one for the Company's present operations,  which consist solely
of the ownership of 24STORE  (Europe)  Limited,  a company  incorporated  in the
United Kingdom.  On February 28, 2001, the Company's Board of Directors approved
and recommended  that the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation be amended to
change the Company's name to 24Holdings Inc.

         If the proposed amendment were not to be adopted by written consent, it
would be required to be considered by the  Company's  stockholders  at a special
stockholders'  meeting  convened  for the  specific  purpose  of  approving  the
amendment.   The  elimination  of  the  need  for  such  a  special  meeting  of
stockholders is made possible by Section 228 of the Delaware General Corporation
Law (the  "DGCL")  which  provides  that the  written  consent of the holders of
outstanding  shares  entitled to vote at a meeting of  stockholders,  having not
less than the minimum  number of votes which would be  necessary to authorize or
take such action at a meeting at which all shares  entitled to vote thereon were
present and voted,  may be substituted for such a special  meeting.  Pursuant to
Section 242 of the DGCL, a majority of the outstanding  shares of voting capital
stock  entitled  to vote  thereon is  required  in order to amend the  Company's
Certificate  of  Incorporation.  In order to eliminate the costs and  management
time involved in holding a special  meeting and in order to effect the change of
the Company's  name as early as possible in order to accomplish  the purposes of
the Company as hereafter described,  the Board of Directors of the Company voted
to utilize the written consent of the holder of a majority of the voting capital
stock of the Company.

         The record date  established by the Company for purposes of determining
the number of outstanding  shares of voting capital stock of the Company for the
approval of the  amendment  is February  13, 2001 (the  "Record  Date").  On the
Record Date, InfiniCom AB, a company incorporated in Sweden ("InfiniCom"), owned
67,335,910  shares of common  stock of the Company,  constituting  approximately
78.8% of the 85,486,716 total outstanding  shares of voting capital stock of the
Company  as of such  date.  Each share of voting  capital  stock of the  Company
entitles  the  holder   thereof  to  one  vote  on  all  matters   submitted  to
stockholders.  InfiniCom  gave its written  consent to the amendment on February
28, 2001,  which  written  consent  will become  effective  on or about April 1,
2001. Upon the  effectiveness of InfiniCom's  written consent,  the Company will
file a Certificate  of Amendment of its  Certificate of  Incorporation  with the
Secretary of State of the State of Delaware to effect the name change.

        This  Information  Statement  was first sent  to the stockholders of the
Company on or about March 12, 2001.

                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

         The following  table sets forth  information,  as of February 13, 2001,
concerning  the  Common  Stock of the  Company  beneficially  owned  (i) by each
director and each Named Executive Officer of the Company,  (ii) by all directors
and executive  officers of the Company as a group and (iii) by each  stockholder
known  by  the  Company  to be the  beneficial  owner  of  more  than  5% of the
outstanding  Common Stock. The beneficial owners named have, to the knowledge of
the  Company,  sole  voting and  dispositive  power  with  respect to the shares
beneficially owned, subject to community property laws where applicable.

                                                        Beneficial Ownership
         Name and Address                            Shares             Percent

         InfiniCom AB (publ)
         Gustavslundsvagen 151A
         S-16751 Bromma
         Sweden..............................     67,335,910               78.8

         Lennart Orkan
         Foreningsvagen 2
         SE-13237 Saltsjo-Boo
         Sweden..............................              0                 0

         Larsake Sandin
         Frensham Court, Summerfield Lane
         Surrey GU10 3AN
         England.............................              0                 0

         Akbar Seddigh
         Centralvagen 18
         18357 Taby
         Sweden..............................              0                 0

         Martin Clarke
         Reading Road North
         GU13 8RR
         United Kingdom......................      4,953,455                5.8

         Michael Neame
         21 Archery Fields
         Odiham, Hook
         RG29 1AE
         United Kingdom......................      4,953,455                5.8

         All executive officers and
         directors as a group (5 persons)....      9,906,910               11.6


         The Board of Directors of the Company has  authorized  the amendment of
the Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to change the Company's name from
Scoop,  Inc. to  24Holdings  Inc. As  previously  reported by the Company in its
Quarterly  Report on Form 10QSB for the  quarterly  period  ended June 30,  1998
(filed August 14, 1998), on July 31, 1998 the Company filed a voluntary petition
commencing a case under Chapter 11 of the United States  Bankruptcy  Code in the
United  States  Bankruptcy  Court for the Central  District of  California  (the
"Bankruptcy  Court") as Case No. SA 98-20799 RA (the "Bankruptcy  Proceedings").
As a part  of the  Bankruptcy  Proceedings,  and in  accordance  with a Plan  of
Reorganization  approved  by  the  Bankruptcy  Court,  as of  December  7,  1999
InfiniCom  had  acquired  a total of  60,783,219  shares of Common  Stock of the
Company  in  exchange  for  100% of the  Common  Stock  of  24STORE.  All of the
Company's operations prior to the Bankruptcy Proceedings were discontinued.  The
Board of Directors  believes that it is in the Company's best interest to change
the  Company's  name  to  reflect  the  change  in the  Company's  business  and
operations following the conclusion of the Bankruptcy Proceedings.


Date: March 12, 2001

Martin Clarke
President and Chief Executive Officer
Scoop, Inc.