WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K/A

            ACT OF 1934 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001


                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                        Commission File Number 000-24757

                               EMAGIN CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter

               Delaware                                 56-1764501
     (State or other jurisdiction                    (I.R.S. Employer
   of incorporation or organization)               Identification Number)

                                  2070 Route 52
                           Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

               Registrant's telephone number, including area code:
                                 (845) 892-1900

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:   None

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:   Common Stock (par
                                                              value $0.001 per

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  and Exchange Act
of 1934  during the  preceding  12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes /X/ No / /

     Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers pursuant to Item
405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment of this
Form 10-K.

     The aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by  non-affiliates  of
the  registrant,  based upon the closing sale price of Common Stock  reported by
The American  Stock Market on April 25, 2002, was  approximately  $24.2 million.
For the purposes of  calculation,  all  executive  officers and directors of the
Company and all beneficial  owners of more than 10% of the Company's  stock (and
their affiliates) were considered affiliates.

     As of April 1, 2001, the Registrant had  outstanding  30,262,854  shares of
Common Stock.


     This Amended Annual Report on Form 10-K/A is being filed to report Part III
information  (Items  10,  11,  12 and 13) in lieu of the  incorporation  of such
information by reference to the Company's definitive proxy material for its 2001
Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.  In all other material  respects,  this Amended
Annual  Report on Form 10-K/A is unchanged  from the 2001 Annual  Report on Form
10-K previously filed by the Company on April 1, 2002.


                                    FORM 10-K
                   FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001


                                     PART I

Item 1:           Description of Business

Item 2:           Description of Property

Item 3:           Legal Proceedings

Item 4:           Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

                                     PART II

Item 5:           Market for the Registrant's Common Equity and Related
                  Shareholder Matters

Item 6:           Selected Financial Data

Item 7:           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Conditions
                  and Results of Operations

Item 7A:          Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

Item 8:           Financial Statements

Item 9:           Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting
                  and Financial Disclosure

                                    PART III

Item 10:          Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

Item 11:          Executive Compensation

Item 12:          Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

Item 13:          Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

                                     PART IV

Item 14:          Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on
                  Form 8-K




     Except  for  the  historical  information  contained  herein,  some  of the
statements in this Report contain forward-looking  statements that involve risks
and  uncertainties.   These  statements  are  found  in  the  sections  entitled
"Business,"  "Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Financial  Condition and
Results of Operations," and "Risk Factors." They include statements  concerning:
our business strategy;  expectations of market and customer response;  liquidity
and capital expenditures;  future sources of revenues; expansion of our proposed
product line; and trends in industry activity generally.  In some cases, you can
identify  forward-looking  statements by words such as "may," "will,"  "should,"
"expect,"  "plan,"  "could,"  "anticipate,"   "intend,"  "believe,"  "estimate,"
"predict,"  "potential,"  "goal," or  "continue" or similar  terminology.  These
statements   are  only   predictions   and  involve  known  and  unknown  risks,
uncertainties  and other  factors,  including  the risks  outlined  under  "Risk
Factors,"  that may  cause  our or our  industry's  actual  results,  levels  of
activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future
results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by
such  forward-looking  statements.  For  example,  assumptions  that could cause
actual  results to vary  materially  from future  results  include,  but are not
limited  to: our  ability to  successfully  develop  and market our  products to
customers;  our  ability to  generate  customer  demand for our  products in our
target markets; the development of our target markets and market  opportunities;
our ability to manufacture suitable products at competitive cost; market pricing
for  our  products  and  for  competing  products;   the  extent  of  increasing
competition;   technological   developments   in  our  target  markets  and  the
development of alternate, competing technologies in them; and sales of shares by
existing  shareholders.  Although we believe that the expectations  reflected in
the forward  looking  statements  are  reasonable,  we cannot  guarantee  future
results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Unless we are required
to do so under US federal  securities laws or other  applicable  laws, we do not
intend to update or revise any forward-looking statements.


                                     PART I



     eMagin  Corporation  designs,  develops,  and markets OLED  (organic  light
emitting  diode)-on-silicon  microdisplays  and related  information  technology
solutions.   We  integrate  OLED   technology  with  silicon  chips  to  produce
high-resolution  microdisplays  smaller than  one-inch  diagonally  which,  when
viewed  through a magnifier,  create a virtual image that appears  comparable to
that of a computer  monitor or a large-screen  television.  Our first commercial
product,  the SVGA+ (Super Video  Graphics  Array plus 52 added columns of data)
OLED  microdisplay was first offered for sampling in 2001, and our first SVGA-3D
(Super Video Graphics Array plus built-in stereovision  capability) microdisplay
was first  shipped in  February  2002.  We are now  accepting  orders for larger
quantities of our first microdisplay  product and shipping samples of our second
commercial  microdisplay product. These products are being applied or considered
for near-eye and headset  applications  in products  such as  entertainment  and
gaming   headsets,   handheld   Internet   and   telecommunication   appliances,
viewfinders,  and wearable  computers to be manufactured  by original  equipment
manufacturer (OEM) customers.

     Our OLED-on-silicon microdisplays offer a number of advantages over current
liquid  crystal  microdisplays,  including  increased  brightness,  lower  power
requirements,  less weight and wider viewing angles.  Using our OLED technology,
many computer and video  electronic  system functions can be built directly into
the  OLED-on-silicon  microdisplay,  resulting in compact  systems with expected
lower overall system costs relative to alternate microdisplay  technologies.  We
license fundamental OLED technology from Eastman Kodak and we have developed our
own  technology to create high  performance  OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays  and
related optical systems. Stanford Resources-iSuppli, an industry market research
organization,  has recently  identified  the  emergence of OLED  technology as a
major advance,  with OLED revenue  expected to rise to more than $1.6 billion in
2007 from $200 million this year.

As the first to exploit OLED technology for microdisplays, and with our partners
and intellectual  property,  we believe that we enjoy a significant advantage in
the  commercialization  of this display  technology.  We are the only company to
announce, publicly show and sell full-color OLED-on-silicon microdisplays.

Industry Overview

     The overall  flat panel  display  industry is predicted to grow to over $69
billion in 2005, according to market research by DisplaySearch.  Within the flat
panel industry there are various sizes and  applications of flat panel displays,
ranging from wall size signage to calculator and viewfinder  displays.  Displays
are sold as  independent  products  (such as flat TVs) or as components of other
systems (such as laptop computers).  Our products target one segment of the flat
panel industry - near-eye microdisplays.

     Near-eye  microdisplays are used in small optically  magnified devices such
as  video  headsets,   camcorders,   viewfinders  and  other  portable  devices.
Microdisplays  are  typically  of  such


high resolution that they are only  practically  viewed with magnifying  optics.
Although the displays are  typically  physically  smaller than a postage  stamp,
they can  provide  a  magnified  viewing  area  similar  to that of a full  size
computer screen.  For example,  when magnified through a lens, a high-resolution
0.5-inch to 0.75-inch  diagonal display can appear comparable to a 19 to 21-inch
diagonal  computer screen at about 2 feet from the viewer or a 60-inch TV screen
at about 6 feet.  One  version of our optics  recreates  the  viewing  and sound
experience of sitting in the middle seat of a typical movie theater.

     Stanford  Resources-iSuppli,  a market  intelligence  firm  focusing on the
global  electronic  display  industry,  forecasts  that  the  world  market  for
microdisplays  as components will grow from $669 million in 2001 to $1.9 billion
in 2007, for a compounded  annual growth rate of 19%.  Another leading  industry
market  research  organization,  DisplaySearch,  projects that the  microdisplay
market is expected to grow to $3.1 billion by 2005.

     We believe that the most significant  driver of the microdisplay  market is
growing  consumer  demand for mobile access to larger volumes of information and
entertainment in smaller packages.  This desire for mobility has resulted in the
development   of   microdisplay   products  in  two   categories:   (i) near-eye
microdisplays  incorporated  in products such as viewfinders,  digital  cameras,
video cameras and personal viewers for cell phones and  (ii) headset-application
platforms  which  include  mobile  devices  such as  notebook  and  sub-notebook
computers,   wearable   computers,   portable  DVD  systems,   games  and  other

     Until now, microdisplay technologies have not simultaneously met all of the
requirements for high resolution, full color, low power consumption, brightness,
lifetime,  size and cost which are required for successful  commercialization in
OEM  consumer  products.  We believe that our new  OLED-on-silicon  microdisplay
product line meets these  requirements  better than alternate  products and will
help to  enable  virtual  imaging  to emerge as an  important  display  industry

Our Approach: OLED-on-Silicon Microdisplays and Optics

Our microdisplays are based upon organic light emitting diode  (OLED)-on-silicon
technology.   Our  OLED-on-silicon   technology  uniquely  permits  millions  of
individual  low-voltage light sources to be built on low-cost,  silicon computer
chips  to  produce  single  color,   white,   or  full-color   display   arrays.
OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays  offer a number of advantages over current liquid
crystal microdisplays, including increased brightness, lower power requirements,
less weight and wider viewing angles.  Using our OLED technology,  many computer
and video  electronic  system  functions can be built  directly into the silicon
chip, under the OLED film,  resulting in very compact,  integrated  systems with
lowered  overall  system  costs  relative  to  alternate  technologies.

We have  developed our own  proprietary  technology  to create high  performance
OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays  and  related  optical  systems  and  we  license
fundamental OLED technology from Eastman Kodak. (See "Intellectual Property" and
"Strategic Relationships") We expect that the integration of our OLED-on-silicon
microdisplays into mobile electronic products


will result in lower overall system costs to our original equipment manufacturer
(OEM) customers.

We believe that our OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays represent a new generation of
microdisplay technology. Because our microdisplays generate and emit light, they
have a wider viewing angle than  competing  liquid  crystal  microdisplays,  and
because they have the same high brightness at all forward  viewing  angles,  our
microdisplays permit a large field-of-view and superior optical image. The wider
viewing  angle  of  our  display  results  in  the  following  superior  optical

o        the user does not need to as accurately position the head-wearable
         display to the eye;

o        the image will change minimally with eye movement and appear more
         natural; and

o        the display can be placed further from the eye.

     In addition, our OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays offer faster response times
and use less power than  competitive  liquid crystal  microdisplay  systems.  We
expect that our integrated electronics and unique OLED characteristics,  coupled
with our lenses, will result in lower overall system costs for OEMs.

     Our OLED microdisplay stores, until refreshed,  all the color and luminance
value information at each of the more than 1.5 million picture elements (pixels)
in the display  array,  eliminating  the flicker or color  breakup  seen by most
other high-resolution microdisplay technologies. Power consumption at the system
level is expected to be the lowest of any full-color, full-video SVGA resolution
range,  large view microdisplay on the market.  The OLED's ability to emit light
at wide  angles  allows  customers  to create  large field of view  (approx.  40
degrees), wide image capture range images from very compact, low-cost, one-piece
optical systems.  The display contains the majority of the electronics  required
for connection to the RGB (red,  green, blue signal) port of a portable computer
imbedded  in  its  silicon  chip  backplane,   thereby  eliminating  many  other
components  required  by  other  display  technologies  such as D-A  converters,
application-specific   integrated  circuits  (ASICs),  light  sources,  multiple
optical elements,  and other  components.  We believe that these features enable
our new class of microdisplay to potentially be the most compact,  highest image
quality,  and lowest cost solution for high  resolution  near-eye  applications,
once in full production.

     We have  completed  the  development  of our  first  two  customer-oriented
products, our SVGA+ resolution  microdisplay (1.53 million picture elements) and
our  stereovision-capable  SVGA-3D microdisplay (1.44 million picture elements).
We are  currently  far along in  developing a military and  industrial  oriented
ultra-high-luminance SXGA integrated circuit (3.9 million picture elements) that
is due for completion in 2002. We plan to sell our OLED-on-silicon microdisplays
for use as  components  by  customers  who prefer to design and build  their own
lenses.  We also plan to offer  OLED  processing  on our  customers'  integrated
circuits to some OEMs who design their own integrated circuits.  We also provide
Developer  Kits  which  include  a  color  SVGA+  resolution   microdisplay  and
associated  electronics  required for OEMs to build and test new products.  This
developer  kit provides  OEMs with the first  opportunity  for  evaluation of an
OLED-on-silicon microdisplay.


Our Products

     We offer our products to Original Equipment  Manufacturers  (OEM) and other
large volume  buyers as both separate  components  and  integrated  bundles in a
three-tiered platform:

     (1)  OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays  for integration  into OEM products for
     consumer, industrial, and military markets;

     (2)   MicroviewerTM    modules   that   incorporate   our   OLED-on-silicon
     microdisplays with compact lenses and electronic interfaces for integration
     into OEM products for consumer, industrial, and military markets; and

     (3) Head-wearable  display systems that will incorporate our MicroviewersTM
     for consumer and industrial markets.

     We also plan to offer engineering  support,  enabling  customers to quickly
integrate our products into their own product development programs.

     (1) OLED Microdisplay Products

     We serve as a  component  manufacturer  by  supplying  our  OLED-on-silicon
microdisplays  for  those  customers  who have  their own  lenses or  integrated
circuits. Our first commercial microdisplay products include:

     0.62-inch  Diagonal SVGA+ (Super Video Graphics Array plus 52 added columns
of data) for  Consumer  OEMs.  This  display has a  resolution  of 852 x 3 x 600
pixels,  and was dubbed  "SVGA+"  because it has 52 more display  columns than a
standard SVGA display.  The design permits users to run either (1) standard SVGA
(800 x 600 pixels) to interface to the analog output of many portable  computers
or (2) 852 x 480,  using all the data available from a DVD player in a 16:9 wide
screen entertainment format. The SVGA+ can be made as a full-color or monochrome
microdisplay primarily for high-performance and large-view consumer OEM products
such as games, video/data head-wearable displays, digital cameras, video cameras
and other portable  electronics  applications.  The display also has an internal
NTSC monochrome  video decoder for low power night vision systems.  This product
is designed to interface with most portable personal computers.

     0.59-inch  Diagonal  SVGA-3D  (Super  Video  Graphics  Array plus  built-in
stereovision capability) for Consumer OEMs. This display has a resolution of 800
x 3 x 600  pixels.  The  SVGA-3D  can be  made  as a  full-color  or  monochrome
microdisplay primarily for high-performance and large-view consumer OEM products
such as personal computer games and video/data  head-wearable  displays,  but is
also  designed to be  applicable  for digital  cameras,  video cameras and other
portable  electronics  applications since the 3D feature is optional. A built-in
circuit provides compatibility with single channel frame sequential stereoscopic
vision without additional external  components.  In high volumes, the SVGA-3D is
priced  lower than the SVGA+,  so it is likely to be selected  whenever  the OEM
customer does not need monochrome NTSC or the extra columns of resolution.


     0.98-inch   Diagonal  SXGA  (Super   Extended  Video  Graphics  Array)  for
Industrial, Medical and Military Applications. We are developing an introductory
SXGA microdisplay product as a personal  computer-compatible headset display for
military,  medical,  high-end  commercial,  and  industrial  applications.  This
product will have 1280 x 1024  monochrome  pixels and will be adaptable to color
VGA resolution.  The display will have a capability for very high luminance.  We
expect that this display will be able provide over 30,000 Cd/m2  luminance.  For
reference, a typical notebook computer operates at 80 Cd/m2 peak luminance. This
digital  video and data  interface  product is being  designed to exhibit a wide
dimming  range  and  high  luminance  for  special  military  applications.   We
anticipate that the performance features of the SXGA, such as high-speed digital
video and 256 gray  levels,  have the  potential  to serve as a catalyst for the
development of new applications.

         (2) MicroviewerTM Products Incorporating Lenses

     By providing an  integrated  solution of a complete  microdisplay  and lens
assembly to integrate into OEM customers' end product design,  OEM customers can
avoid incurring  expensive  optics design and tooling costs.  Different lens and
microdisplay  specifications  can be mixed and matched to be adapted to many end

     We have developed  advanced lens  technology for several  applications  and
hold key patents on low cost, high  performance lens technology for microdisplay
applications.  Our lens technology permits our OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays to
provide large field of view images that can be viewed for extended  periods with
reduced eye-fatigue.

     We intend to sell MicroviewerTM  modules to OEMs for integration with their
branded products, or incorporated into eGlassTM Personal ViewerTM  head-wearable
displays to be supplied by our  subsidiary,  Virtual  Vision,  Inc.  Some of our
potential   customers   have  stated  a  preference  for   MicroviewersTM   over
microdisplays since MicroviewersTM  incorporate lenses which save OEMs a step in
their manufacturing  process and can save them the long time required to develop
a high performance lens system.

          (3) eGlassTM Personal ViewerTM Head-Wearable Systems

     Personal  ViewerTM  head-wearable  systems,  such as our eGlassTM  Personal
ViewerTM,  give users the ability to work with their hands while  simultaneously
viewing  information or video on the display.  Our head-wearable  displays are a
versatile  computer  enabler,  capable  of  delivering  an  image  that  appears
comparable to that of a 19-inch  monitor at 22 to 24 inches from the eye using a
0.59-inch  diagonal  microdisplay  (SVGA-3D).  We believe that  Personal  Viewer
head-wearable  displays  will  fill  the  increasing  demand  for  instant  data
accessibility in mobile workplaces. We expect to sell the head-wearable displays
primarily to OEM systems and equipment  customers  through  direct sales and our
e-commerce website which is under development.

     We believe  that our  strategy of offering  our  products  both as separate
components and as integrated bundles that include  microdisplays and lenses will
allow us to address the needs of the largest number of potential customers.


Recent Product and Technology Awards

o Dual Use Technology Achievement Award

     March 2002. eMagin and the US Air Force Armstrong Laboratory received first
place  for the US Air  Force  and was  recognized  as one of the  best  dual use
technologies in 2001  recognition  across all branches of the Armed Services for
the Second Annual Dual Use Science and Technology  Achievement  Award awarded by
the Deputy Under Secretary for Defense, Charles J. Holland. The award recognizes
the best dual use programs  and honors  those  responsible  for  developing  and
implementing technology beneficial to both military and commercial sectors.

o 2001 Product of the Year

     January 17, 2001.  eMagin  received a 2001  Product-of-the-Year  Award from
Electronic  Products  Magazine,  honoring  eMagin  for  the  development  of its
first-of-class high-resolution active matrix OLED-on-silicon microdisplay, based
on significant advances in technology.

o 2001 U.S. Army Phase II Quality Award

     August  21,  2001.  eMagin  received  a 2001 US Army SBIR  (Small  Business
Innovation   Research)   Phase  II  Quality   Award  for  the   development   of
high-resolution active matrix OLED microdisplays for incorporation into military
head-mounted  displays. The annual Quality Awards Program recognizes top quality
Army Phase II projects for their technical achievement, contribution to the Army
and potential for commercial use. Selected by a distinguished  panel of Army and
industry  experts,  eMagin's  project was among only five  selected to receive a
2001 U.S. Army SBIR Phase II Quality Award through the rigorous  Quality  Awards

o Display of the Year 2000 Gold Award

     June 6, 2001.  eMagin was honored by The Information  Display  Magazine and
Society  Information  Display  with the  Display  of the Year Gold Award for its
OLED-on-Silicon  microdisplay.  The Display of the Year Award was established in
1995 to recognize outstanding products chosen for their innovation and potential
impact on current and future  display  markets.  An  international  committee of
distinguished  display technologists and leading editors in a four-month process
of nominations and voting made the selection.

Our Market Opportunity

     The growth  potential  of our selected  target  market  segments  have been
investigated using information gathered from key industry market research firms,
including Display Search, Frost and Sullivan,  Fuji-Chimera,  International Data
Corporation,  Nikkei, SEMI, Stanford Resources-iSuppli and others. Such data was
obtained using published reports and data obtained at industry symposia. We have
also relied substantially on market projections obtained privately from industry
leaders, industry analysts, and potential customers.

     We  believe  that  the  consumer   oriented,   virtual-imaging   market  is
characterized  by about 20 large OEMs that,  collectively,  dominate  90% of the
market.  The  non-consumer  market  consists  of niches -  industrial,  medical,


military, arcade games, 3-D CAD/Virtual Reality, and wearable computers.  Within
each of these market sectors,  we believe that our microdisplays,  when combined
with compact  optic  lenses,  will become a key component for a number of mobile
electronic products. We are targeting the following applications:

(1) Near-Eye Viewers for Digital Cameras, Camcorders and Hand-held Internet  and
Telecommunications Appliances

     We believe that our microdisplays will enhance near-eye applications in the
following groups of products:

     -- Digital cameras and camcorders, which typically use direct view displays
at low resolution, offer a small visual image, and are difficult to see on sunny
days.  According to Display  Search,  41 million  digital cameras and 13 million
camcorders  are  expected  to be  sold  in  2005.  Some of  these  products  may
incorporate  microdisplays  as  high-resolution  viewfinders  which would permit
individuals to see enlarged,  high-resolution proofs immediately upon taking the
picture, giving them the opportunity to retake a poor shot.

     --  Mobile  phones  and other  hand-held  Internet  and  telecommunications
appliances which will enable users to access full web and fax pages,  data lists
and  maps in a  pocket-sized  device.  According  to the Fuji  Chimera  Research
Institute, an industry market research organization,  by 2005 the cellular phone
and handheld  portable digital  assistant markets will grow to 655 million units
and 20  million  units,  respectively.  Some of these  products  may  eventually
incorporate  our  microdisplays.  In  order  for  the  high-resolution  wireless
telecommunications  market  to  develop,  Generation  3  (G3)  high  speed  data
transmission must become widely available.

     For each of  these  applications,  we  anticipate  that our  microdisplays,
combined with compact optic lenses,  will offer higher  resolution,  lower power
and system cost and achieve  larger images than are  currently  available in the
consumer market.  As a result, we believe that we can obtain a sizeable share of
the market for the display components of these mobile electronic products.

(2) Head-wearable Display Platforms

     Head-wearable   displays  incorporate   microdisplays   mounted  in  or  on
eyeglasses,  goggles,  simple  headbands,  helmets,  or hardhats,  and are often
referred  to  as  HMDs  or  headsets.   Head-wearable  displays  may  block  out
surroundings for a fully immersive  experience,  or be designed as "see-through"
or "see-around" to the user's surroundings.  They may contain one (monocular) or
two  (binocular)  displays.  Some of the  increased  current  interest is due to
accelerating the timetable to adapt such systems to military  applications  such
as night vision and fire and rescue applications.


     Military  demand for  head-wearable  displays is  currently  being met with
microdisplay  technologies that we believe to be inferior to our OLED-on-silicon
products.  The new generation of soldiers will be highly mobile,  and will often
need to carry highly computerized  communications and surveillance equipment. To


enable  interaction with the digital  battlespace,  rugged,  yet lightweight and
energy  efficient  technology  is  required.  Currently  available  microdisplay
technologies do not meet the  requirements  for low power,  hands-free,  day and
night-viewable   displays.  Our  OLED  microdisplays   demonstrate   performance
characteristics  important  to  military  and  other  demanding  commercial  and
industrial  applications including high brightness and resolution,  wide dimming
range, wider temperature  operating ranges,  shock and vibration  resistance and
insensitivity to high G-forces.  The image does not suffer from flicker or color
breakup in vibrating  environments,  and the  microdisplay's  wide viewing angle
allows  ease of  viewing  for long  periods of time.  The OLED's  very low power
consumption  reduces  battery  weight  and  increases  allowed  mission  length.
Properly  implemented,  we believe that head-mounted  systems  incorporating our
microdisplays will increase  effectiveness by allowing hands-free  operation and
increasing  situational awareness with enough brightness to be used in daylight,
yet controllable for nighttime light security. The OLED's wide temperature range
is especially of interest for military applications because the display can turn
on instantly  at  temperatures  far below  freezing and can operate at very high
temperatures in desert conditions.

     Our OLED  microdisplays  were  selected for several  aircraft  vehicles and
soldier applications,  including the US Army Land Warrior program and the US Air
Force Joint Strike Fighter.  Land Warrior, a core program in the Army's drive to
digitize the  battlefield,  is an integrated  digital  system that  incorporates
computerized communication, navigation, targeting and protection systems for use
by the twenty-first century infantry soldier. Kaiser Electro-Optics,  a Rockwell
Collins company and the principal  contractor for the US Army's Land Warrior HMD
system,  and eMagin will apply  their  respective  expertise  in HMD and imaging
technology to develop  rugged,  yet lightweight  and energy  efficient  products
meeting the requirements of tomorrow's soldier. The US Army expects to initially
equip more than 40,000 soldiers with the Land Warrior  system.  The US Air Force
has selected our OLED microdisplay  technology for incorporation into the Strike
Helmet 21 system that uses Integrated  Panoramic Night Vision Goggles (IPNVG) in
avionics  helmets.  The Strike Helmet 21 system is targeted for integration into
F-15E aircraft in the 2003-2004 time period. Similar systems are of interest for
other military  applications as well as for related  operations such as fire and

     Commercial and Industrial

     We believe that a wide variety of commercial and  industrial  markets offer
significant   opportunities   due  to   increasing   demand  for  instant   data
accessibility in mobile workplaces.  Some examples of microdisplay  applications
include:   immediate   access  to   inventory   (parts,   tools  and   equipment
availability);  instant  accessibility  to maintenance or construction  manuals;
routine quality assurance  inspection;  and real-time viewing of images and data
during microsurgery or endoscopy.


     We  believe  that our  head-wearable  display  products  will  enhance  the
following consumer products:

     -- Entertainment and gaming video headset systems, which permit individuals
to view television  (including HDTV), video CDs, DVDs and video games on virtual


large screens or stereovision in private without disturbing others.  Even though
entertainment  and gaming headsets  represent an emerging  product class, we are
seeing demand from OEMs.  Headset game systems for portable  computers with head
tracking and/or  stereovision  appears to be our predominate  high quantity near
term market opportunity,  with several customers indicating an interest in large
production quantities of our displays.  Our current SVGA-3D display was designed
specifically for this market. We believe that these new headset game systems can
provide  a  game  or  telepresence  experience  not  otherwise  practical  using
conventional direct view display technology.  We expect low cost to be important
for  success in this  field,  and expect our  product  cost to  decrease in high
quantity production.

     -- Notebook computers,  which can use head-wearable devices to reduce power
as well as  expand  the  apparent  screen  size and  increase  privacy.  Current
notebook computers do not use microdisplays.  Our products can apply not only to
new models of notebook computers,  but also as aftermarket  attachments to older
notebooks  still in use.  We expect to market our  head-wearable  displays to be
used as plug-in  peripherals to be compatible with most notebook  computers.  We
believe  that the  SVGA-3D  microdisplay  is  well-suited  for most  portable PC
headsets.  Our  microdisplays can be operated using the USB power source of most
portable  computers.  To our  knowledge,  it is the  only  microdisplay  that is
capable of doing this without potentially damaging the PC. This eliminates added
power  supplies,  batteries,  and rechargers  and reduces system  complexity and

     -- Handheld personal computers,  whose small, direct view screens are often
limitations,  but which are now capable of running  software  applications  that
would benefit from a larger  display.  Microdisplays  can be built into handheld
computers  to  display  more  information  content on  virtual  screens  without
forfeiting  portability  or  adding  the  cost  a  larger  direct  view  screen.
Microdisplays are not currently used in this market. We believe that GPS viewers
and other  novel  products  are likely to develop as our  displays  become  more

     -- Highly compact wearable computers and personal digital assistants (PDAs)
using  video  headsets  as  screens  can be  made  possible  by  high-resolution
microdisplays.   A  lightweight  (under  one  pound)  pocketsize   computer  can
potentially be created with a fold-out keyboard,  compact input device, or voice
actuation  and  a  headset  that  provides  a  near-desktop   personal  computer

     The combination of power  efficiency,  high  resolution,  low systems cost,
brightness and compact size offered by our OLED-on-silicon microdisplays has not
been made  available to makers and  integrators  of existing  entertainment  and
gaming video headset  systems,  notebook  computers and handheld  computers.  We
believe  that our  microdisplays  will  catalyze  the growth of new products and
applications such as lightweight wearable computer systems.


                     Selected Applications by Market Sector

- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
    Sector                      Representative Applications
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Portable Computer Peripheral    o   Notebook and SuperSubnotebook computer
                                o   Miniature data viewers
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Entertainment                   o   Games
                                o   Headset Television/DVDs
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Industrial, Medical, &          o   Surgery and Dentistry
Administration                  o   Industrial Control and Safety
                                o   Emergency Services
                                o   Inventory and Retail
                                o   Institutional Control
                                o   Maintenance (Industry & Consumer)
                                o   Communications
                                o   Finance
                                o   Education and Training
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Military                        o    Communications
                                o    Targeting and Enhanced Vision
                                o    Handheld & Headmount Equipment
                                o    Body worn displays
                                o    Avionics (Helmet mount)
                                o    Ground and Water Vehicles
                                o    Maintenance & Training
                                o    Special Applications
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Telecommunications, Handheld,   o    Cell Phones/Headset phones
and Small Instruments           o    Handheld & Portable Internet Viewers
                                o    Smart Appliances & Instruments
- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Advanced Computer               o    CAD/CAM
Applications                    o    Virtual Reality and Simulations
                                o    Ultra-High Resolution
- ------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------

Our Strategy

     Our  strategy  is to  establish  and  maintain a  leadership  position as a
worldwide supplier of microdisplays and virtual imaging technology solutions for
applications in high growth segments of the electronics industry by capitalizing
on our  leadership in both  OLED-on-silicon  technology  and  microdisplay  lens
technology. We intend to:

     Leverage our superior technology to establish a leading market position. As
the first to exploit OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays,  we believe that we enjoy a
significant advantage in bringing this technology to market.

     Develop  products for large  consumer  markets via key  relationships  with
OEMs. Our relationships  with OEMs whose products use microdisplays have allowed


us to identify initial  microdisplay  products to be produced for entertainment,
industrial,  and  military  headsets,  followed  by other  applications  such as
digital  cameras,  camcorders  and  hand-held  Internet  and  telecommunications

     Optimize   manufacturing   efficiencies  by  outsourcing  while  protecting
proprietary processes. We intend to outsource certain capital-intensive portions
of microdisplay production, such as chip fabrication, to minimize both our costs
and time to market.  We intend to ret ain the OLED  application and OLED sealing
processes  in-house.  We  believe  that  these  areas  are  where we have a core
competency and  manufacturing  expertise.  We also believe that by keeping these
processes under tight control we can better protect our  proprietary  technology
and process know-how. This strategy will also enhance our ability to continue to
optimize  and  customize  processes  and  devices  to meet  customer  needs.  By
performing the processes  in-house we can continue to directly make improvements
in the  processes  which will  improve  device  performance.  We also retain the
ability to customize  certain  aspects  such as  chromaticity  (color  balance),
specialized boards or interfaces,  and adjust other parameters at the customer's
request. In the area of lenses and head-wearable displays, we intend to focus on
design and development, while working with third parties for the manufacture and
distribution of finished  products.  We intend to prototype new optical systems,
provide customization of optical systems, and manufacture limited volumes at our
subsidiary,  Virtual Vision,  but intend to outsource high volume  manufacturing

     Build and maintain strong internal design  capabilities.  As more circuitry
is added to  OLED-on-silicon  devices,  the cost of the end  product  using  the
display can be decreased;  therefore  integrated  circuit design capability will
become increasingly  important to us. To meet these  requirements,  we intend to
develop  in-house design  capabilities.  Building and maintaining  this capacity
will allow us to reduce  engineering  costs,  accelerate  the design process and
enhance  design  accuracy  to respond  to our  customers'  needs as new  markets
develop.  In addition,  we intend to maintain a product  design staff capable of
rapidly developing  prototype products for our customers and strategic partners.
Contracting third party design support to meet demand and for specialized design
skills will also remain a part of our overall long term strategy.

Our Strategic Relationships

     Strategic  relationships  have been an  important  part of our research and
development efforts to date and are an integral part of our plans for commercial
product  launch.  We have  forged  strategic  relationships  with major OEMs and
strategic suppliers.  We believe that strategic relationships allow us to better
determine the demands of the marketplace and, as a result, allow us to focus our
future  research  and  development  activities  to  better  meet our  customer's
requirements. Moreover, we expect to provide microdisplays and MicroviewersTM to
some of these  partners,  thereby taking  advantage of established  distribution
channels for our products.

     Eastman Kodak is a technology partner in OLED development,  OLED materials,
and a potential  future  customer for both specialty  market display systems and
consumer  market  microdisplays.  We  license  Eastman  Kodak's  OLED and optics
technology portfolio.  We have a nonexclusive,  perpetual,  worldwide license to
use Eastman Kodak patented OLED technology and associated  intellectual property
in the development,  use,  manufacture,  import and sale of  microdisplays.  The
license covers emissive active matrix microdisplays with a diagonal size of less


than 2 inches for all OLED display technology  previously developed by Kodak. An
annual  minimum  royalty is paid at the  beginning of each  calendar year and is
fully  creditable  against the  royalties  we are  obligated to pay based on net
sales  throughout  the year.  Eastman  Kodak and eMagin have engaged in numerous
discussions regarding potential product applications for eMagin's  microdisplays
by Eastman Kodak.

     In our  relationship  with Eastman Kodak,  we share  information  regarding
improvements in the OLED technology and materials generated  internally,  except
where restricted by agreements with other parties.  Eastman Kodak and eMagin are
also  parties  to a  government  research  and  development  program  focused on
developing ultra-high brightness capable and high temperature  compatible OLEDs.
Each company has  developed  certain  types of molecules  for  potential  use in
different parts of the OLED device structure.

     We have a joint research and  development  agreement with IBM to accelerate
the development of OLED-on-silicon technology. The OLED-on-silicon microdisplays
developed  under the agreement have the potential to be  incorporated  in future
IBM products  currently  in  exploratory  or product  development  stages.  This
technology may be  incorporated  into  microdisplays  for possible use in future
microdisplay  products,  including  those  manufactured by IBM, such as wearable
computers and handheld  portable  Internet  appliances.  This technology  effort
resulted in the  development of a prototype  watch computer  utilizing the Linux
operating  system,   which  features  the  world's  first  direct  view  OLED-on
silicon-display. The prototype was publicly demonstrated in 2001 at the Consumer
Electronics Show in Las Vegas and at CeBit in Germany.

     We also have a joint OLED materials  development effort with Covion Organic
Semiconductors  GmbH, a spin-off of Hoechst. We entered into an arrangement with
LG Corporation of Seoul,  Korea for the provision by us of certain  technologies
for  evaluation by LG in return for a payment of $750,000 which was paid in 2000
and 2001. We also completed a convertible  debt financing with SK Corporation of
Seoul,  Korea on  September  18,  2001.  We have worked with  Honeywell,  Kaiser
Electronics  (a  subsidiary  of  Rockwell  Collins),  Raytheon,  and others on a
variety of US government research and development proposals and contracts toward
the development of displays for military and consumer  applications.  The US Air
Force and US Army are currently  providing support under government research and
development  contracts  for  microdisplay  development  with  a goal  of  future
procurement.  We had industry  relationships with LG Electronics,  Harris, NASA,
Lawrence  Livermore  National  Laboratories,   and  the  United  States  Display
Consortium,  among  others.  We  intend  to  continue  to  establish  additional
strategic relationships in the future.

Our Technology Platforms

     OLED-on-Silicon Technology

     Scientists  working at Eastman  Kodak  invented  OLEDs in the early  1980s.
OLEDs are thin  films of stable  organic  materials  that emit  light of various
colors when a voltage is  impressed  across them.  OLEDs are  emissive  devices,
which means they create their own light, as opposed to liquid crystal  displays,
which require a separate light source. As a result,  OLED devices use less power


and can be capable of higher  brightness  and fuller  color than liquid  crystal
microdisplays.  Because the light they emit is  Lambertian,  which means that it
appears equally bright from most forward directions,  a moderate movement in the
eye  does not  change  the  image  brightness  or  color as it does in  existing
technologies. OLED films may be coated on computer chips, permitting millions of
individual  low-voltage light sources to be built on silicon integrated circuits
to produce single color,  white, or full-color display arrays. Many computer and
video  electronic  system  functions  can  be  built  directly  into  a  silicon
integrated  circuit as part of the OLED display,  resulting in an  ultra-compact
system. We believe these features,  together with the  well-established  silicon
integrated circuit fabrication  technology of the semiconductor  industry,  make
our OLED-on-silicon microdisplays attractive for numerous applications.

     We believe our technology  licensing agreement with Eastman Kodak,  coupled
with our own intellectual property portfolio,  gives us a leadership position in
OLED and OLED-on-silicon microdisplay technology. Eastman Kodak provides many of
the  underlying  OLED   technologies  and  we  provide   additional   technology
advancements that have enabled us to coat the silicon  integrated  circuits with

     We have developed numerous and significant  enhancements to OLED technology
as well as key silicon circuit designs to effectively  incorporate the OLED film
on a silicon  integrated  circuit.  For  example,  we have  developed  a unique,
up-emitting structure for our OLED-on-silicon devices that enables OLED displays
to be built on opaque silicon integrated circuits rather than only on glass. Our
OLED  devices can emit full  visible  spectrum  light that can be isolated  with
color filters to create full color images.  Our  microdisplay  prototypes have a
brightness that can be greater than that of a typical notebook  computer and can
have a potential  lifetime of over 50,000 hours,  in certain  applications.  New
materials and device improvements in development offer future potential for even
better performance for brightness,  efficiency, and lifespan.  Additionally,  we
have invested considerable work over several years to develop unique electronics
control and drive designs for OLED-on-silicon microdisplays.

     In addition to our  OLED-on-silicon  technology,  we have developed compact
optic and lens enhancements  which, when coupled with the microdisplay,  provide
the high quality large screen  appearance that we believe a large  proportion of
the marketplace demands.

     Advantages of OLED Technology

     We  believe  that  our  OLED-on-silicon   technology  provides  significant
advantages  over existing  solutions in our targeted  microdisplay  markets.  We
believe these key advantages will include:

     o Low manufacturing cost;

     o Low cost system solutions;

     o Wide angle light emission resulting in large apparent screen size;

     o Low power consumption for improved battery life and longer system life;


     o Long operating life;

     o High brightness for improved viewing;

     o High-speed performance resulting in clear video images;

     o Wide operating temperature range; and

     o Good environmental stability (vibration and humidity).

     Low manufacturing cost. Many OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays can be built on
an  8-inch  silicon  wafer  using  existing  automated  OLED  and  color  filter
processing tools. The level of automation used lowers labor costs. Only a minute
amount of OLED  material is used in each  OLED-on-silicon  microdisplay  so that
material costs,  other than the integrated circuit itself, are small. The number
of  displays  per  silicon  wafer may be higher on OLEDs than on liquid  crystal
displays  (LCDs)  because OLEDs do not require a  space-wasting  perimeter  seal

     Low cost  systems  solutions.  In  general,  an OEM  using  OLED-on-silicon
microdisplays  will not need to purchase and  incorporate  lighting  assemblies,
color converter related  Applications  Specific  Integrated Circuits (ASICs), or
beam splitter lenses as is the case in liquid crystal microdisplays,  which also
require  illumination.  Many important  display-related  system functions can be
incorporated into an OLED-on-silicon microdisplay, reducing the size and cost of
the   system.   Non-polarized   light   from  OLEDs   permit   lenses  for  many
OLED-on-silicon  applications that are made of a single piece of molded plastic,
which  reduces size,  weight and assembly  cost when compared to the  multipiece
lens  systems used for liquid  crystal  microdisplays.  System cost  relative to
liquid crystal and liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) competitive products is thus
reduced.  Because our displays are power efficient,  they typically require less
power at the system level than other  display  technologies  at a given  display
size and brightness.

     Wide-angle light emission simplifies optics for large apparent screen size.
OLEDs emit light at most forward  directions  from each pixel.  This permits the
display  to be placed  close to the lens in  compact  optical  systems.  It also
provides  the added  benefit of less  angular  dependence  on the image  quality
relative to pupil and eye position  when  showing a large field of view,  unlike
reflective  LCOS  microdisplays.  This  results in less eye fatigue and makes it
relatively easy to position the imaging systems to the eye.

     Low power  consumption  for improved  battery life and longer  system life.
OLEDs emit light rather than transmitting it, so no power-consuming backlight or
frontlight,  as required for liquid crystal displays, is required.  OLEDs can be
energy  efficient  because  of their high  efficiency  light  generation.  Power
efficiency  can be high in OLED  displays  because they require only low voltage
switching  (2-5 volts is typical,  depending on the mode of operation)  and less
display-external electronics. Furthermore, OLEDs conserve power by powering only
those pixels that are on while liquid  crystal on silicon  requires light at all
pixels  all the  time.  Most  optical  systems  used for our  OLEDs  are  highly
efficient, permitting over 80% of the light to reach the eye, whereas reflective
technologies  such as liquid crystal on silicon require  multiple


beam  splitters to get light to the display,  and then into the optical  system.
This  results  in  typically  less  than  25%  light  throughput  efficiency  in
reflective  microdisplay systems. Most important,  we do not need a power-hungry
video  frame  buffer,  as  required  in liquid  crystal  frame-sequential  color
systems.  Battery life can  therefore be long. A  stereovision  headset  display
using our  SVGA-3D  displays  can run off the USB port of a  computer  and could
operate for over 5 hours using three AAA batteries.

     Long  operating  life.  Most of our  potential  customers  require 5,000 to
10,000 hours of operation to  half-life.  Half-life  refers to the time it takes
the operating  display to reach half of its initial  brightness.  We believe our
OLED display  technology  already exceeds these numbers for most of our consumer
product  applications.  There  does  not  appear  to be a  fundamental  limit to
significant  life  increases.  Test  devices  in our  research  laboratory  have
exceeded an extrapolated 100,000 hours to half-life.

     High  brightness  for  improved  viewing.  Because  OLEDs  have  electrical
characteristics  similar to those of semiconductor  diodes, they can run at very
high brightness with only a moderate increase in voltage. This will enable us to
build  extremely  bright displays using drive voltages of 24 volts or less. This
feature can be of great value to military applications, where there is a need to
see the computer image overlaid onto brightly lit real-life  backgrounds such as
desert sand, water reflections or sunlit clouds. The OLED can be operated over a
large  luminance  range  without  loss of gray  level  control,  permitting  the
displays  to be used in a range  of dark  environments  to very  bright  ambient
applications.  Since military simulation and situation  awareness  applications,
including  night  vision,  typically  require  large fields of view,  the OLED's
Lambertian optical characteristics make it an excellent choice.

     High-speed  performance  resulting in clear video images.  The OLEDs switch
much more rapidly than liquid  crystals or most cathode ray tubes  (CRTs).  This
results in smear-free video rate imagery and provides improved image quality for
DVD  playback  applications.  This  eliminates  visible  image  smear  and makes
practicable  three-dimensional  stereo  imaging  using a split frame rate.  This
advantage of our  OLED-on-silicon is very important for 3-D stereovision  gaming

     Flicker-free;   no  color  breakup.   Because  the  OLED-on-silicon  stores
brightness and color  information at each pixel,  the display can be run with no
noticeable flicker and no color sequential breakup, even at low refresh rates. A
lower  refresh  rate not only helps reduce  power,  it also  facilitates  system
integration.  Color sequential  breakup occurs in systems such as liquid crystal
on silicon and some liquid  crystal  display  microdisplays  when red, green and
blue frames are  sequentially  imaged in time for the eye to combine.  Since the
different  color  screens occur at different  times,  movement of the eye due to
vibration or just fast pupil movement can create color bands at each  dark-light
edge, making the image unpleasant to view and making text difficult to read. For
example, the liquid crystal on silicon display needs to run at least three times
the  "normal"  frame rate or speed to produce  color  sequential  images,  which
wastes  power and makes  for a  difficult  technological  challenge  as  display
resolutions increase.

     Wide operating  temperature  range.  Our OLEDs offer much less  temperature
sensitivity at both high and low  temperatures  than LCDs.  LCDs are sluggish or


non-operative  much below  freezing  unless  heaters are added and lose contrast
above 50 degrees C, while our OLEDs turn on  instantly  and can operate  between
- -55 degrees C and 130 degrees C. We specify a smaller  range on most products to
accommodate low cost  packaging.  This is an important  characteristic  for many
portable  products  that  may be used  outdoors  in many  varying  environmental
conditions. It is especially important for military customers.  Insensitivity to
vibration,   shock,  and  pressure  are  also  important  environmental  control

     Complementary Lens and System Technology

     We have developed a wide range of  technologies  which  complement our core
OLED and lens  technologies  and which will enhance our competitive  position in
the microdisplay and head-wearable display markets. These include:

     Lens   technology:   We  have  developed   advanced  lens   technology  for
microdisplays  and  head-wearable  display systems and hold key patents in these
areas. Our lens technology permits our OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays to provide
large field of view images that can be viewed for extended  periods with reduced

     We believe that the key advantages of our lens technology include:

     -- Can be very low cost, with minimal assembly. A one piece, molded plastic
     optic  attached to the  microdisplay  can serve many  consumer  end-product
     markets.  Since our  process is plastic  molding,  our per unit  production
     costs are low;

     -- Allows a compact and lightweight  lens system that can greatly magnify a
     microdisplay to produce a large field of view;

     -- Can use  single-piece  molded  microdisplay  lenses to permit high light
     throughput  making the display image brighter or permitting the use of less
     power for an acceptable brightness;

     -- Can be  designed  to  provide  focusing  to enable  users  with  various
     eyesight qualities to view images clearly; and

     -- Can optionally provide focal plane adjustment for simultaneous  focusing
     of computer images and real world objects. For example, this characteristic
     is beneficial  for word  processing  or  spreadsheet  applications  where a
     person is typing data in from reference material.  This feature can make it
     easier for people with moderately poor accommodation to use a head-wearable
     display as a portable computer-viewing accessory.

     Head-wearable display technology.  We have developed ergonomic technologies
that  make   head-wearable   displays  easier  to  use  in  a  wide  variety  of
applications.  For  example,  the  use of our  patented  rotatable  EyeblockerTM
provides a sharp image without  requiring  most users to squint.  The Eyeblocker
can  also be  moved  to  create  an  effective  see-through  appearance.  To our
knowledge,  we have  made the  lightest  weight,  high-resolution  head-wearable
display  with  an  over   35(Degree)   diagonal  field  of  view  ever  publicly


     Wireless video  technology.  We have developed power efficient,  miniature,
video and stereo sound, radio frequency transmitter-receiver  technology as part
of a government program. This can allow consumers to watch wireless high quality
video from most locations in their home using existing  entertainment (e.g., DVD
or  cable/satellite  systems)  or data  systems.  We expect this  capability  to
greatly   increase  the   available   market  and  demand  for  video  and  data
head-wearable  displays and we are  considering  this  technology for use in low
cost  consumer  applications.  Commercialization  of  this  technology  will  be
considered in 2003.

     Our OLED-related Technological Milestones:

     We believe that we have made significant  breakthroughs in  OLED-on-silicon
microdisplay technology and that the following represent key milestones:

Date                          Milestone
- --------------------------    --------------------------------------------------
May 1998                      We  publicly   demonstrated   the  world's   first
                              OLED-on-silicon  integrated circuit video graphics
                              array video (monochrome VGA, 640x480 pixels). This
                              showed  that  OLED  microdisplays  could  be built
                              directly on silicon integrated circuits.
February 1999                 We  publicly   demonstrated   the  world's   first
                              up-emitting full color OLED-on-silicon video. (Low
                              resolution   QVGA,   320x240  pixels  using  color
                              filters).  This showed  that color  video  capable
                              OLEDs   could  be  built  on  silicon   integrated
                              circuits using color filters.
May 2000                      We  publicly   demonstrated  the  world's  highest
                              efficiency,  bright white OLED-on-silicon publicly
                              displayed  to  date.  We  also   demonstrated  the
                              world's highest  resolution OLED display  publicly
                              displayed to date  (1280x1024  pixels) using a new
                              white light emitter in an OLED-on-silicon display.
                              This  showed  that  our   OLEDs-on-silicon   could
                              provide  a good  quality  bright  white  image and
                              could generate high resolution  moving images with
                              quality gray scale control.
September 2000                We  publicly   demonstrated   the  world's   first
                              full-color    active    matrix     OLED-on-silicon
                              microdisplay (VGA resolution, 640x480 pixels). The
                              display used color filters  built  directly on top
                              of the OLED  display  and  incorporated  our white
                              light organic light  emitting  diodes  technology.
                              This showed the first near  product-quality  color
                              moving images using OLED-on-silicon technology.
October 2000                  We  publicly   previewed   the   world's   highest
                              resolution super video graphics array (SVGA+,  852
                              x 3 x 600 pixels, over 1.5 million color elements)
                              which was the first active matrix  OLED-on-silicon
                              microdisplay  designed for  consumer  applications
                              ever publicly displayed.  The display was shown in
                              white  monochrome,   but  the  integrated  circuit
                              design is color compatible.


January 2001                  We publicly  demonstrated,  with IBM,  the world's
                              first  direct view  OLED-on-silicon  microdisplay,
                              which was incorporated into a computer watch which
                              used the Linux operation system.  The microdisplay
                              has higher  resolution  and higher  contrast  than
                              other  similarly sized  wrist-worn  multi-function
May 2001                      We  publicly  demonstrated  our  first  commercial
                              product  display,  a 852 x 600 (SVGA+)  full color
                              microdisplay  with 15 (mu)m  pixels at the Society
                              for Information Display  International  Symposium.
                              This   coincided   with   initiation   of   sample

October 2001                  We  publicly   demonstrated   the  world's   first
                              microdisplay with built-in stereovision capability
                              (SVGA-3D)  in a binocular  3D headset in Yokohama,

February 2002                 We  made  initial  commercial   shipments  of  our
                              SVGA-3D microdisplay.

Sales and Marketing

     Current Status:

     We are shipping initial quantities of our first two commercial microdisplay
products. Our SVGA+ resolution OLED microdisplay (1.53 million picture elements)
was specifically designed to meet the needs of several military, industrial, and
medical  customers based on marketing  information  obtained prior to the design
phase of the display  and was first  offered  for  sampling  in April 2001.  Our
stereovision-capable  SVGA-3D  microdisplay  (1.44 million picture elements) was
designed with the input of multiple  customers to principally  target the mobile
personal  computer (PC) and PC games markets,  and was first shipped in February
2002.  We are  currently  far along in  developing  a  military  and  industrial
oriented  ultra-high-luminance  SXGA resolution  integrated circuit (3.9 million
picture  elements)  that is due for  completion  in  2002,  and we have  shipped
limited quantities of prototypes of our eGlass headsets. (See "Our Products").

     Near term sales efforts have been focused on our military,  industrial, and
media customers. Our primary production orders and design wins to date have been
for the SVGA+ display.  To date, we have shipped products and evaluation kits to
more than 60 OEM  customers.  OEM  evaluation and product design cycles may take
from 6 months to 24 months.  Some of our initial  customers have completed their
initial  evaluation  cycle  and  we  are  now  receiving  follow-on  orders  and
notification of product  purchase  decisions.  Several  customers have indicated
their intent to incorporate  potentially high volumes of our microdisplays  into
consumer  products during 2002 through 2004. We have also received  notification
that our microdisplays  will be used as components in version 1.0 of the US Army
Land Warrior program and in the US Air Force Joint Strike Fighter program.

     General Sales and Marketing Effort:

     We primarily  provide display  components and  MicroviewerTM  display-optic
modules for OEMs to  incorporate  into their  branded  products and sell through
their   well-established   distribution   channels.   In  addition,   we  market
head-wearable  displays  directly to various vertical market  channels,  such as
medical, industrial, and government customers. A typical buyer is a manufacturer
of a product requiring a specific resolution of visual display or viewfinder for
insertion into a product such as a portable DVD headset, a PC-gaming headset, or
an instrument.

     As a market-driven  company,  we assess customer needs both  quantitatively
and qualitatively,  through market research and direct  communications.  Because
our  microdisplays  are the main  functional  component that defines many of our
customers' end products,  we work closely with potential customers to define our
products to optimize  the final  design,  typically  on an  engineer-to-engineer

     We identify  companies  with end  products  and  applications  for which we
believe that our products will provide a system level solution and for which our
products can be a key  differentiator.  We target both market leaders and select
early adopter companies;  their acceptance validates our technology and approach
in the market. We believe successful  marketing will require  relationships with
recognized consumer brand companies.

     OEMs  develop  designs  to enable  them to develop  products  for their own
target markets.  An OEM design cycle typically requires between 6 and 24 months,
depending on the uniqueness of the market and the complexity of the end product.
New  product   development  may  require  several  design  iterations  prior  to


     We design our products to meet individual customer  requirements,  but look
for ways to leverage our design and development costs by incorporating  multiple
customers'  requirements  into each  product.  We work  closely  with  potential
customers to maximize the probability  that our microdisplay and lenses products
being designed will match the  anticipated  future needs of the  customers.  Our
introductory  consumer  product  entry,  our  SVGA+,  is a  prime  example  of a
market-driven  product design. After determining the resolution  requirements of
key potential  customers  via direct market  studies,  we  incorporated  52 more
imaging  columns  than a standard  SVGA  display.  These added  columns  made it
possible for the SVGA+  display to interface to  wide-screen  format DVD players
using all the data from the  player  (852 x 480  pixels)  in a 16:9 wide  screen
entertainment  format  while also  having the  capability  to  interface  to the
standard SVGA (800 x 600 pixels) analog output of many portable computers.

     We incorporate product evaluation feedback into subsequent designs. We gain
a  detailed  understanding  of  competitive  strengths  and  weaknesses  of  our
technology and product designs as well as that of alternate technologies.

     To date,  we have  chosen to focus our efforts on product  development  and
have  maintained  a  relatively  limited  marketing  capability.  As we  ramp up
production  of our products and expand our markets,  we plan to hire  additional
technical  marketing  and  customer  support  staff to increase  our coverage of
consumer,  industrial,  and military market  segments.  The marketing staff will
identify new customer  needs,  and help insure that the  integrated  circuit and
electronics  designers correctly understand the customers' product specification
and delivery needs. We expect that as the market for  microdisplays  matures and
more universal embedded systems become commonplace,  the role of traditional OEM
component  sales will become more  important.  Our management  will  continually
reassess the success of our  marketing  and sales  methodology  to best meet the
needs of our customers.

Research and Development

     OLED technology is a relatively new technology that has  considerable  room
for  substantial  improvements in luminance,  life,  power  efficiency,  voltage
swing,  design compactness,  and many other parameters.  We also anticipate that
achieving   reductions  in  manufacturing  costs  will  require  new  technology
developments. We anticipate that improving the performance,  capability and cost
of our  products  will provide an  important  competitive  advantage in our fast
moving,  high  technology  marketplace.  Past and  current  research  activities
include  development of improved OLED and display device structures,  developing
and/or  evaluating  new  materials  (including  the  synthesis  of  new  organic
molecules),  manufacturing equipment and process development, electronics design
methodologies  and new  circuits and the  development  of new lenses and related
systems. During 2002 we plan to focus primarily on near-term product development
projects to meet  near-term  customer  needs during 2002.  However,  in order to
improve customer  satisfaction and simultaneously  maximize our margins, as well
as  to  maintain  competitive  technology  advantages,  we  believe  that  it is
important to continue to engage in long-term  research and  development.  During
the past three years, we have spent  approximately $38.9 million on research and


non-operative  much  below  approximately  $11.3  million;  in  2000,  we  spent
approximately  $13.3 million;  and in 2001, we spent approximately $14.3 million
on research and development. During the same three-year period, we received $4.2
million in funding  from US  government  under  research  and  development  cost
sharing arrangements.

     External   relationships  play  an  important  role  in  our  research  and
development efforts.  Suppliers,  equipment vendors,  government  organizations,
contract  research  groups,  external design  companies,  customer and corporate
partners,  consortia,  and  university  relationships  all  enhance  the overall
research  and  development  effort  and  bring  us  new  ideas  (See  "Strategic

     We received a Phase III Small Business  Innovation  Research grant from the
US Air Force, providing $17.5 million to fund research involving the development
of high-resolution  active matrix organic light emitting diode microdisplays for
incorporation  into military  head-mounted  displays.  We also work with Eastman
Kodak and Honeywell in an Air Force-sponsored dual applications research program
to develop  ultra-high  luminance capable and high temperature  compatible OLEDs
and with the US Army Night Vision Lab to develop  active  matrix  organic  light
emitting diode technology.

Manufacturing Facilities

     We are located at IBM's  Microelectronics  Division facility,  known as the
Hudson Valley  Research  Park,  located about 70 miles north of New York City in
Hopewell Junction,  New York. We lease approximately 45,000 square feet of space
housing our own equipment for OLED  microdisplay  fabrication,  and for research
and development plus additional space for assembly and  administrative  offices.
We believe that our lease  agreement  with IBM for a 16,300 square foot class 10
clean room space,  along with additional,  lower level clean room space, and the
associated   acquisition  of  substantial  amounts  of  advanced   manufacturing
equipment at a favorable  cost,  represents a substantial  asset and competitive
advantage.  At this time, we owe to IBM previously  unpaid lease payments and we
have set aside funds to make such  payments in order to maintain our lease.  Our
lease  runs until 2004 and we have the option to then renew it on the same terms
for five additional one-year terms.

     Facilities services provided by IBM include our cleanroom, pure gases, high
purity  de-ionized  water,  compressed  air,  chilled water  systems,  and waste
disposal support. This infrastructure provided by our lease with IBM provides us
with many of the resources of a larger  corporation  without the added  overhead
costs.  It further  allows us to focus our  resources  more  efficiently  on our
product  development and  manufacturing  goals. We are currently  staffing for a
two-shift/5 day per week  operation.  We believe that our facility is capable of
producing  over  50,000  SVGA+  or  SVGA-3D  displays  per  month  once  we  are
manufacturing  around the clock (24  hour/7-days  per week) with a fully  loaded
manufacturing line.

     We lease additional non-cleanroom facilities for chemical mixing, cleaning,
chemical systems, and glass/silicon  cutting.  OLED chemicals can be purified in
our  facility  with our  equipment,  permitting  the  company  to  evaluate  new
chemicals in pilot  production that are not yet available in suitable purity for
OLED applications on the market.


     Our display  fabrication  process starts with the silicon  wafer,  which is
manufactured by a semiconductor foundry using conventional CMOS process. After a
device is designed by a  combination  of internal  and external  designers  with
customer participation, we outsource wafer fabrication.

     Our manufacturing process for OLED-on-silicon  microdisplays has three main
components:  organic film deposition,  organic film encapsulation (also known as
sealing), and color filter processing.  All steps are performed in an automated,
hands-free environment suitable for high volume throughput. An automated cluster
tool provides all OLED deposition steps in a highly controlled  environment that
is the centerpiece of our OLED fabrication. After wafer processing, each part is
inspected  using an automated  inspection  system,  prior to  shipment.  We have
electrical and optical instrumentation  required to characterize the performance
of our displays including photometric and color coordinate analysis. We are also
equipped for integrated circuit and electronics design and display testing.

     Our lenses and system development  operation at Virtual Vision operates out
of a leased  facility in Redmond,  Washington.  The current  facilities  include
design  stations,  computer-aided  plastics  milling  and  preparations,  lenses
fabrication,  product assembly, and office space. The facilities are well suited
for  designing  and  building  limited  volume   prototypes  and  industrial  or
government  products.  We plan to outsource  high volume  head-wearable  display
production to low cost plastics,  lenses, and assembly manufacturers,  including
manufacturers in Asia.

     We believe that manufacturing efficiency is an important factor for success
in the consumer markets.  We believe that high yield and maximum  utilization of
our  equipment  set will be key for  profitability  in 2002 and 2003. We believe
that all of the main components for  manufacturing  success are in place, but we
require additional capital to: (1) staff and train employees for round the clock
operation,  (2) build  suitable  inventory of integrated  circuits and other raw
materials,  and (3)  properly  maintain  and  upgrade  the  equipment  set.  The
equipment required for initial profitable production is in place. Some equipment
will be added when our  production  volume  increases.  We will ramp  production
primarily by adding multi-shift staff and increasing inventory.

     We intend to outsource certain  capital-intensive  portions of microdisplay
production to minimize both our costs and time to market. Joint ventures will be
considered  for  higher  quantity  OLED  production.   We  currently   outsource
integrated  circuit  fabrication  while retaining the OLED  application and OLED
sealing  processes  in-house.  We  believe  that we have a core  competency  and
manufacturing  expertise in OLED  application  and sealing,  and that  retaining
these  key  processes   in-house  will  facilitate   protection  of  proprietary
technology and process  know-how which provide us with a competitive  advantage.
This  strategy  will also  enhance  our  ability to  continue  to  optimize  and
customize processes and devices to meet customer needs.


Intellectual Property

     We have developed a significant intellectual property portfolio of patents,
trade secrets and know-how,  supported by our license from Eastman Kodak and our
current patent portfolio.

     Our  license  from  Eastman  Kodak  gives us the right to use in  miniature
displays a portfolio of more than 75 patents in organic light emitting diode and
optics  technology,  some of which are  fundamental.  Our agreement with Eastman
Kodak   provides  for  perpetual   access  to  the  OLED   technology   for  our
OLED-on-silicon  applications,  provided we remain  active in the field and meet
our contractual  requirements to Eastman Kodak. In our relationship with Eastman
Kodak, we share  information  regarding  improvements in the OLED technology and
materials generated internally, except where restricted by agreements with other
parties. (See "Strategic Relationships").

     We also generate intellectual property as a result of our internal research
and development activities.  We currently have a portfolio of 64 issued patents,
approximately 50 patents filed, and additional patent applications in process.

     Our patents and patent applications cover a wide range of materials, device
structures,   processes,   and  fabrication  techniques,   such  as  methods  of
fabricating full color OLEDs. We believe that our patent  applications  relating
to up-emitting structures on opaque substrates such as silicon wafers, which are
critical  for OLED  microdisplays,  and  applications  relating to the  hermetic
sealing  of  such  structures  are  particularly  important.   Our  patents  are
concentrated in the following areas:

     o OLED Materials, Structures, and Processes
     o Display Color Processing and Sealing
     o Active Matrix Circuit Methodologies and Designs
     o Field Emission and General Display Technologies
     o Lenses and Tracking (Eye and Head)
     o Ergonomics and Industrial Design
     o Wearable Computer Interface Methodology

     We  believe  that  protection  of  these  key  enabling   technologies  and
components  to be a  fundamental  aspect of our  strategy to  penetrate  diverse
markets with unique products.  We intend to continue to develop our portfolio of
proprietary and patented  technologies at the design,  materials,  process,  and
system levels.

     We also rely on proprietary  technology,  trade secrets, and know-how which
are not  patented.  To  protect  our  rights  in these  areas,  we  require  all
employees,  and  where  appropriate,   contractors,  consultants,  advisors  and
collaborators to enter into confidentiality and noncompetition agreements. There
can be no assurance,  however,  that these  agreements  will provide  meaningful
protection for our trade secrets,  know-how or other proprietary  information in
the event of any unauthorized use,  misappropriation or disclosure of such trade
secrets,  know-how  or  other  proprietary  information.


     We believe  that our  intellectual  property  portfolio,  coupled  with our
strategic relationships and accumulated experience in the OLED field gives us an
advantage over potential competitors.


     We may  face  competition  in the  OLED and  microdisplay  industry  from a
variety of companies and technologies.  We believe that our key competition will
come  from  liquid  crystal  on  silicon  microdisplays  (LCOS),  also  known as
reflective  liquid  crystal  displays.  While we  believe  that  OLED-on-silicon
provides  comparatively  lower lenses cost, larger apparent image size,  reduced
electronics  cost and complexity,  enhanced color, and improved power efficiency
advantages over liquid crystal on silicon  microdisplays,  there is no assurance
that  these  benefits  will  be  realized  or that  liquid  crystal  on  silicon
manufacturers  will not suitably improve these parameters.  Color liquid crystal
on silicon  displays are currently  being  sampled,  and may be in higher volume
production a year or more earlier than color OLED  displays,  which could have a
significant  detrimental  effect on our market  opportunity.  Companies pursuing
liquid  crystal  on  silicon   technology  include   Microdisplay   Corporation,
Three-Five  Systems,  and  Spatial  Light  among  others,  although  most of the
companies  are  primarily  focusing  on  projection  microdisplays  which do not
compete  directly  with the  company.  In  certain  markets,  we may  also  face
competition  from developers of transmissive  liquid crystal  displays,  such as
those developed by Kopin, or laser scanning systems,  such as those developed by
Microvision Corporation.

     To our knowledge,  the only other company that has publicly stated plans to
develop OLED microdisplays for near-eye  applications is MicroEmissive  Displays
(Britain,  a start-up company).  We may also compete with potential licensees of
Universal  Display  Corporation,   Cambridge  Display  Corporation,   and  Uniax
Corporation,  each of which license OLED technology  portfolios.  Even though we
could  potentially   license   technology  from  these   developers,   potential
competitors  could also obtain licenses and may do so at more favorable  royalty
rates.  However,  should they decide to embark on  developing  microdisplays  on
silicon,  we  believe  that  our  progress  to  date  in this  area  gives  us a
substantial head start.

     Our microdisplays and head-wearable display systems may face competition on
a price and performance  basis from major  manufacturers  such as Sony and Seiko
Epson.  However,   these  companies  use  first  generation  liquid  crystal  on
polysilicon  technology and therefore,  we believe that they may incorporate our
technology into their products when it becomes available.


     As of February 15, 2002, we had a total of 34 employees.  Prior to our work
force reduction on December 3, 2001, we had a total of 91 employees. None of our
employees are  represented by a labor union.  We have not  experienced  any work
stoppages and consider our relations with our employees to be good.



     Our  principal  executive  offices are located at: 2070 Route 52,  Hopewell
Junction,  New York 12533. We lease  approximately  45,000 square feet of space,
all of which is located in the same industrial park. Approximately 35,000 square
feet of space houses our own equipment for OLED  microdisplay  fabrication,  and
for research and development plus additional  space for assembly  operations and
storage.  Approximately  10,000 square feet of space is used for  administrative
offices.  We are  required to pay  $230,000 to IBM by April 30, 2002 in order to
avoid default  proceedings.  Our lease runs until 2004 and we have the option to
then renew it on the same terms for an additional five, one-year terms.

     Our  lenses and  system  development  operation  at  Virtual  Vision  lease
approximately 11,000 square feet of space in Redmond,  Washington. The lease for
this facility runs until June 2002.

     eMagin  Corporation's  telephone  number  is (845)  892-1900.  Our  website
address is

ITEM 3:  Legal Proceedings


     Potential  Liabilities:  We have liabilities for approximately $3.5 million
for unpaid  bills,  contracts,  and other  liabilities.  We believe that some of
these liabilities are valid and payable, and others may be negotiated or are not
wholly  valid.  It is possible that we may be required to pay this entire amount
along with additional legal and defense costs or penalties.


     No matters  were  submitted to a vote of the  security  holders  during the
fourth quarter of the Fiscal Year covered by this Report.


                                     PART II


     Our common stock has been traded on the American  Stock  Exchange under the
symbol "EMA" since March 17, 2000.  From November 18, 1997 to March 16, 2000 our
common  stock had been  quoted on the OTC  Bulletin  Board  under our prior name
"Fashion  Dynamics Corp." under the symbol "FSHD." Prior to January 2000,  there
had been no public trading of FSHD. The table below sets forth,  for the periods
indicated,  the high and low  closing  prices per share of the  common  stock as
reported on the American Stock Exchange and the OTC Bulletin Board. With respect
to OTC Bulletin Board quotes, these prices reflect inter-dealer prices,  without
retail  mark-up,   markdown  or  commissions   and  may  not  represent   actual

                                                         High              Low
        First Quarter                                     7.98              2.50
        Second Quarter....................................4.45              2.10
        Third Quarter.....................................2.60              1.10
        Fourth Quarter....................................1.65              0.27

As of March 1, 2002, there were 25,171,183 shares of common stock outstanding.

        First Quarter through March 16, 2000.............20.62              5.93
        Second Quarter since March 17, 2000..............22.93             19.50
        Second Quarter...................................20.25              8.50
        Third Quarter....................................13.00              7.87
        Fourth Quarter....................................9.75              2.04

     As of December 31, 2001 and March 29, 2002,  there were  approximately  425
and 450 stockholders of record of our common stock, respectively.  This does not
reflect those shares held beneficially or those shares held in "street" name. In
the  second  quarter  of  2001  in  preparation  of our  proxy  mailing,  it was
determined  that we had  approximately  11,000  shareholders  of which  the vast
majority were held in the street name.

     We have not paid cash  dividends in the past,  nor do we expect to pay cash
dividends for the foreseeable future. We anticipate that earnings,  if any, will
be retained for the development of our business.

Recent Issuances Of Unregistered Securities.

     We entered into a securities  purchase  agreement dated as of September 18,
2001 with SK Corporation,  an affiliate of SK Group of Korea,  providing for the


investment  by SK  Corporation  of  $3,000,000  in  eMagin.  For its $3  million
investment, SK received (i) 4% Series A Convertible Debentures of the Company in
an aggregate principal amount of $3,000,000, and (ii) warrants exercisable for a
period of three (3) years to purchase  205,479 shares of common stock of eMagin.
Interest  is payable  on the  debentures  at a rate of 4% per annum and,  at the
option of the  Company,  may be paid  through  the  delivery of shares of common
stock of the Company  (registered  pursuant to the registration rights agreement
described  below)  in  lieu  of  cash  interest  payments.  Subject  to  certain
limitations,  the debentures may be converted,  at the option of the holder,  in
whole or in part,  into our common shares with a conversion  price equal to 105%
of the volume  weighted  average of the closing prices of our shares as reported
on the  American  Stock  Exchange  for the ten  (10)  trading  days  immediately
preceding  the closing date of the  transaction.  The warrants  have an exercise
price of $1.46. The total amount of our shares potentially  issuable pursuant to
the conversion  feature and the warrants is 2,909,229 shares.  Concurrently with
the securities  purchase  agreement,  we also entered into a registration rights
agreement with SK that requires us to register the shares issuable pursuant to a
conversion of the debentures, payment of interest thereon, or an exercise of the
warrants.  The registration  rights agreement  requires us to use our reasonable
best efforts to file the registration statement with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "Commission") no later than 270 days after the issuance and sale
of the debentures and warrants.  We relied on Section 4(2) of the Securities Act
of 1933 (the  "Securities  Act") and on Rule 506 of  Regulation D in issuing the
securities without registering the offering under the Securities Act.

     On August 20, 2001,  we entered  into a Note  Purchase  Agreement  with the
Travelers  Insurance  Company whereby  Travelers agreed to lend us $1,000,000 in
exchange for a $1,000,000, 9.25% per annum note due on May 20, 2002. The note is
convertible  upon the  closing  by us of a bona  fide sale of  convertible  debt
securities in which we receive at least $5 million  prior to the maturity  date.
Upon such conversion, the aggregate principal amount and accrued interest of the
note shall  convert into the amount of  convertible  debt  securities  and other
securities  that we would issue to an investor for such amount  pursuant to such
bona fide sale. We may prepay the note in full at any time prior to the maturity
date without penalty. The agreement also provided that if the note is not repaid
or  converted  in  accordance  with its terms at the end of each week  after the
closing date of the transaction (each such date, a "Warrant Issue Date") then we
would, at the end of each such week, issue to Travelers a three-year  warrant to
purchase  shares of eMagin's  common  stock for an aggregate  exercise  price of
$50,000, at a price per share equal to 106% of the volume weighted average price
of the common  stock on the  American  Stock  Exchange  for the 20 trading  days
immediately  prior to that Warrant Issue Date.  The note also provides that upon
the closing of a sale,  prior to the note's  maturity date, of convertible  debt
securities  of the  Company in which we receive  gross  proceeds  of at least $5
million,  the  aggregate  principal  amount of and accrued  interest on the note
shall  convert  into  the  amount  of  convertible  debt  securities  and  other
securities of eMagin that would be issued by us to an investor of such amount in
that round of  financing.  Traveler's  subsequently  agreed to cap the  warrants
issuable under the agreement to 451,842 shares of our common stock, all of which
have been issued.  We relied on Section 4(2) of the  Securities  Act and on Rule
506 of Regulation D in issuing the securities  without  registering the offering
under the Securities Act.

     We entered into a Common Stock Purchase  Agreement  dated as of October 18,
2001 with a developer and manufacturer (the "Manufacturer") of certain materials


used  in  our  products  and a  concurrently  executed  Development  and  Supply
Agreement,  also  with  the  Manufacturer.   Under  the  Common  Stock  Purchase
Agreement,  Manufacturer purchased approximately 86,038 restricted shares of our
common stock for a purchase price equal to $126,475 dollars, based on a purchase
price per share  calculated  as the average  sale price of a common share of our
stock on the American  Stock  Exchange for a twenty day trading period ending on
the day  preceding  the  closing  of the  transaction.  The  purchase  price was
received by us by the shipment to us of product by the  Manufacturer  and by the
transfer  to us by the  Manufacturer  of certain  rights to designs  and related
technology and materials as described in the Development  and Supply  Agreement.
We relied on Section 4(2) and on Regulation S of the  Securities  Act in issuing
the securities without registering the offering under the Securities Act.

     On November 27, 2001,  we entered  into a Secured Note  Purchase  Agreement
whereby five accredited  investors agreed to lend us an aggregate of $875,000 in
exchange  for (i) 9.00% per annum  Secured  Convertible  Promissory  Notes in an
aggregate  principal  amount of $875,000  and (ii)  warrants  exercisable  for a
period of three (3) years to purchase up to an  aggregate  of 359,589  shares of
common  stock of eMagin.  The terms of the  outstanding  notes and  warrants are
described further below.

     On January 14, 2002, we entered into  additional  agreements to facilitate:
(i) an additional  funding of $1,000,000 to eMagin by a private  investor  under
the Secured Note Purchase  Agreement,  (ii) the repayment (the  "Repayment")  in
full using the proceeds of the additional  funding of three secured  convertible
notes  held by  certain  initial  investors  under  the  Secured  Note  Purchase
Agreement  with an aggregate  principal  amount of $250,000  (such notes then in
default pursuant to a monthly expenditure  requirement  contained therein),  and
(iii) a repricing of both the conversion rate of all of the outstanding  Secured
Convertible  Notes  issued under the Secured Note  Purchase  Agreement  into our
common stock and the  exercise  price of the  warrants  held by certain  initial
investors  not subject to the Repayment  (the  "Continuing  Investors")  and the
issuance of certain  additional  warrants to the Continuing  Investors in return
for  their  consent  to  certain  amendments  and  waivers.  In  return  for the
additional  funding of $1,000,000,  the private investor received two additional
Secured  Convertible  Promissory  Notes,  with an aggregate  principal amount of
$300,000 and $700,000,  respectively, and related warrants, each issued pursuant
to the terms of the  Secured  Note  Purchase  Agreement.  The full amount of the
outstanding  secured  convertible  notes issued under the Secured Note  Purchase
Agreement,  after  giving  effect  to the  January  2002  transactions,  have an
aggregate  principal  amount of  $1,625,000,  and are all  secured  by a general
security interest in the assets of the Company.

     The outstanding  Secured  Convertible  Promissory  Notes are due August 30,
2002 and bear interest at 9% per annum  (payable at maturity or on the effective
date of an early  termination).  Pursuant to the January 2002 transactions,  the
conversion  terms of the  outstanding  secured  notes were  adjusted so that the
notes are convertible  into our common stock at a rate of $0.5264 per share. The
conversion  of the notes into eMagin  common  stock is  mandatory  upon  certain
conditions  including the completion of a next round of financing by the Company
of convertible  debt securities or equity  securities in a minimum amount of $10
million.  The holders of the notes may also convert,  at their option, the notes
and accrued  interest into our common stock.  Upon a change of control event, we
may also call and  purchase  the notes at a purchase  price equal to 250% of the
principal amount plus accrued  interest.  If we do not exercise this call right,


the holders may put the notes to the Company at similar pricing. Pursuant to the
terms of the January 2002  transactions,  the exercise price of the  outstanding
three year warrants held by the Continuing Investors was adjusted to $0.5469 per
share.  The Initial  Investors  whose secured  convertible  notes were cancelled
pursuant to the Repayment retained the three-year  warrants previously issued to
them under the  Purchase  Agreement,  which have an exercise  price of $1.67 per
share.  All of the  outstanding  warrants issued under the Secured Note Purchase
Agreement,  including  those issued  pursuant to the January  2002  transactions
described  above,  are exercisable for an aggregate of up to 1,954,944 shares of
our common stock.  We relied on Section 4(2) of the  Securities  Act and on Rule
506 of Regulation D in issuing the securities  without  registering the offering
under the Securities Act.

     Pursuant to the issuance of the notes and  warrants  under the Secured Note
Purchase  Agreement,  we  also  entered  into a  registration  rights  agreement
providing for the  registration  of shares to be issued pursuant to a conversion
of the Secured Convertible Promissory Notes and the shares to be issued pursuant
to the exercise of the  warrants  issued  thereunder.  The  registration  rights
agreement  required us to file a  registration  statement  no later than 90 days
after the  issuance of the notes and  warrants at the  initial  closing.  We are
currently in default of this filing requirement, however management is confident
that the holders of such rights are amenable to waiving and  extending  the time
period for the filing of the registration statement. Pursuant to a failure by us
to use our  reasonable  best efforts to cause the  registration  statement to be
declared  effective  by the  Commission  within  six  months  of the date of the
issuance  of  the  Secured  Convertible   Promissory  Notes  and  warrants,  the
registration  rights agreement provides for the payment of liquidated damages at
a rate of five percent (5%) per month  (calculated to the nearest  calendar day)
of the value of the registrable  securities not so declared effective until such
registrable securities shall be declared effective.

     We entered into a Securities  Purchase  Agreement  dated as of February 27,
2002  providing  for the issuance and sale to eight  accredited  investors of an
aggregate  of (i)  3,617,128  restricted  shares of our common  stock,  and (ii)
warrants  exercisable  for a period  of three  (3)  years  for an  aggregate  of
1,446,852  shares of our common stock.  The warrants  have an exercise  price of
$0.7542.  For the issuance of the shares and warrants,  we received an aggregate
gross proceeds of  $2,500,519.56,  with each share purchased at a purchase price
of $.6913,  equal to 110% of the daily volume weighted average closing price per
share of our common stock on the American Stock  Exchange for a prescribed  five
trading day period.  In connection with the sale of the shares and warrants,  we
also entered into a registration rights agreement with the investors to register
for resale the shares the investors  bought in the transaction and the shares to
be  issued  pursuant  to an  exercise  of the  warrants.  Under the terms of the
registration rights agreement, if the registration statement covering the resale
of the shares is not declared effective by the Commission within ninety days (or
one hundred and fifty days in the case of a "full review" by the  Commission) of
the date of the  issuance  and sale of the  purchased  shares and the  warrants,
eMagin will be required to pay to each  investor an amount  equal to one percent
(1%) per month of (A) the purchase price paid by such investor for the purchased
securities,  and (B) the value of any outstanding warrants held by such investor
until such registration  default no longer exists. The accrued penalties payable
for a registration  default under the registration  rights agreement may be paid
in our common shares  provided such shares are  registered  under the Securities
Act.  The  issuance  of  the  shares  and  the  warrants  was  exempt  from  the


registration requirements of the Securities Act pursuant to Section 4(2) of such
Securities Act and Regulation D promulgated thereunder.

     On March 4, 2002,  we entered into a common stock  purchase  agreement  and
related documents with Northwind Associates,  Inc., a Cayman Islands corporation
(the "Investor"), pursuant to which we may receive in periodic draw downs at our
option  and  subject  to  the  terms  and  conditions  of the  agreement,  up to
$15,000,000  in equity  financing  (the "Equity Line") over a three year period.
The  aggregate  amount of the Equity Line may increase to  $20,000,000  provided
certain  additional  conditions  regarding our share price,  trading  volume and
market  capitalization are met. The initial closing of the agreement occurred on
Friday,  March 22, 2002. Our right to draw down on the Equity Line is subject to
our   registering  for  resale  (and  the  continuing   effectiveness   of  such
registration)  with the  Commission  the shares of eMagin common stock  issuable
pursuant to the Equity  Line and is also  subject to certain  other  significant
conditions,  including limits as to the maximum and minimum draw down amounts as
specified in the common stock purchase agreement.  The maximum investment amount
for any draw down is the  lesser of (i)  $5,000,000,  and (ii) 15% of the volume
weighted  average price for our common stock (as reported by the American  Stock
Exchange)  for  the  30  trading  days  immediately   prior  to  the  applicable
commencement  date for such draw down multiplied by the total aggregate  trading
volume in respect of our common stock for such period.  Pursuant to a draw down,
the Investor  will  purchase our shares at a discount to the price of our common
shares  on the  American  Stock  Exchange.  More  specifically,  the  discounted
purchase  price to be paid by the Investor  under the Equity Line will generally
equal (i) 88% of the daily volume weighted  average price of our common stock on
the American Stock Exchange for a prescribed 10 trading day period provided that
the such stock price is less than $4.00 per share at the time of  determination,
(ii) 90% should such stock price at the time of  determination  exceed $4.00 per
share, and (iii) 92% should such stock price at the time of determination exceed
$6.00 per share.  The discounted  purchase price may be reduced by an additional
3% pursuant to certain  special  conditions as set forth in the  agreement.  The
amount of our shares  issued  pursuant  to draw downs on the Equity Line is also
limited to 19.9% of the issued and outstanding common stock (unless  stockholder
approval of any excess amount is received) and no draw down shall be made to the
extent that it would  result in the  Investor  and its  affiliates  beneficially
owning more than 9.9% of our outstanding common stock. The agreement also limits
our  ability to enter into any other  equity line type of  financing  during the
term of the  agreement and provides to the Investor a right of first refusal for
subsequent sales by the Company of its securities.

     Additionally, in consideration for the Investor's purchase commitment under
the  Equity  Line and  certain  costs  associated  therewith,  we  issued to the
Investor  30,000  unregistered  shares of eMagin's  common stock and warrants to
purchase up to 150,000  shares of our common stock at an exercise price equal to
115% of the daily  volume  weighted  average  price of the common  stock for the
fifteen  trading days  preceding  the date of the delivery of the warrant by the
Company or  $0.8731.  Each  warrant is  exercisable  for a period of three years
commencing  six  months  from the date of their  delivery  by the  Company.  The
issuance  of the  shares  and the  warrants  was  exempt  from the  registration
requirements  of the Securities Act pursuant to Section 4(2) of such  Securities
Act and Regulation D promulgated thereunder.


     In  connection  with the Equity Line,  we also entered into a  registration
rights  agreement  dated as of March 4, 2002 with the Investor that requires the
Company  to file,  obtain  and  maintain  the  effectiveness  of a  registration
statement on an  appropriate  form with the  Commission in order to register the
sale and public  resale of shares of the common  stock  acquired by the Investor
under the agreement  and upon the exercise of the  warrants.  Under the terms of
the  registration  rights  agreement,  the Company  must file such  registration
statement within sixty days of the date of the agreement.



     You should read the following  selected financial data together with Item 7
entitled  "Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and
Results of  Operations"  and our  financial  statements  including  accompanying
notes, and other financial  information,  all of which are included elsewhere in
this report. The selected financial data for the fiscal years ended December 31,
1997, 1998,  1999,  2000, and 2001 are derived from our  consolidated  financial
statements,  which  have  been  audited  by  Arthur  Andersen  LLP,  independent
auditors. The historical results are not necessarily indicative of results to be
expected for any future period.

     Prior to the acquisition of FED Corporation,  Fashion Dynamics  Corporation
had no active business  operations.  Management  believes that the comparison of
eMagin's  financial  results to that of the operating  entity (FED  Corporation)
provides the most meaningful comparative information to the reader. Accordingly,
the comparative information that follows,  reflects the operating results of FED
Corporation  for all  periods  prior  to the  merger  and it  should  be read in
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto of this
Form 10-K.

                                                       Fiscal Year Ended December 31,
                                       1997          1998          1999          2000(1)         2001
                                     --------      --------      --------       ---------      --------
                                                     (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Statement of Operations Data:
  Net Contract Revenues............. $3,626        $6,154        $1,895         $3,126         $5,005
  Product Sales                                                                                   842
         Total revenue..............  3,626         6,154         1,895          3,126         $5,847
Costs and Expenses:
  Research and Development (net
  of funding under cost sharing
                                      5,234        10,250        10,171         11,815         12,724
  Non-cash expense for
  conversion of debt to common       --------
  stock ............................                   --         1,917             --             --
  Non-cash stock-based
  compensation......................     --            --            --         10,319          2,841
  Amortization of purchase
  intangibles.......................     --            --            --         20,932         17,887
 Write-down of goodwill and
  purchased intangibles                  --            --            --             --         32,146
  Acquired in-process research


                                                       Fiscal Year Ended December 31,
                                       1997          1998          1999          2000(1)         2001
                                     --------      --------      --------       ---------      --------
                                                     (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
      development ..................     --            --            --         12,820             --
  General and Administrative........
                                      2,015         3,514         5,203          6,145          7,385
Loss from operations................ (3,623)       (7,610)      (15,396)       (58,905)       (67,136)
Other income (expense)..............   (107)         (122)         (404)        (2,616)        (1,351)
Net loss............................ (3,730)       (7,732)      (15,800)       (61,521)       (68,487)

- ---------------------------------
Basic and diluted net                 $(.69)       $(1.42)       $(6.04)        $(2.78)        $(2.73)
loss per share......................
Weighted average shares
  outstanding used in basic and
  diluted per-share calculation... 5,437,537     5,450,293     2,614,743      22,144,904     25,100,211

     (1) The  summary  financial  data  for the year  ended  December  31,  2000
represent a pro forma  presentation  of the results for this period,  containing
the  operating  results of eMagin  Corporation  for the year ended  December 31,
2000, with the operating  results of FED Corporation for the period from January
1, 2000 through  March 15, 2000, in order to present  operating  results for the
year period for comparative purposes.

                                                                  As of December 31
                                       1997          1998          1999           2000          2001
                                     --------      --------      --------       --------      --------
                                                                    (IN THOUSANDS)
Working capital (deficit)............ $ 2,888       $ 3,371       $(3,295)      $  6,243       $(5,491)
Total assets.........................   6,906        11,163         5,038          62,549        4,914
Current maturities of
  long-term debt.....................     --             62           269             313          693
Short-term debt......................     --            --          2,127             --         1,875
Total shareholders' equity .......... $ 1,016       $ 4,693           $60         $59,184      $(4,878)



     The  following  discussion  should  be read  together  with  our  financial
statements  and the notes to those  statements and other  financial  information
appearing elsewhere in this report. Our fiscal year ends December 31.


     eMagin  Corporation  designs,  develops,  and markets OLED  (organic  light
emitting  diode)-on-silicon  microdisplays  and related  information  technology
solutions.   We  integrate  OLED   technology  with  silicon  chips  to  produce
high-resolution  microdisplays  smaller than  one-inch  diagonally  which,  when
viewed  through a magnifier,  create a virtual image that appears  comparable to
that of a computer  monitor or a  large-screen  television.  We shipped  initial
samples of our first commercial  microdisplay  product in March 2001. We are now
accepting  orders for larger  quantities of our first  microdisplay  product and
shipping samples of our second commercial  microdisplay product.  These products
are being  applied or  considered  for  near-eye  and  headset  applications  in
products  such as  entertainment  and gaming  headsets,  handheld  Internet  and
telecommunication   appliances,   viewfinders,  and  wearable  computers  to  be
manufactured by original equipment manufacturer (OEM) customers.

Company History

     eMagin   Corporation  was  originally   incorporated  as  Fashion  Dynamics
Corporation  on January 23, 1996 under the laws of the State of Nevada.  For the
three  years  prior  its  acquisition  of  FED  Corporation,   Fashion  Dynamics
Corporation had no active business operations, and sought to acquire an interest
in a business  with  long-term  growth  potential.  On March 16,  2000,  Fashion
Dynamics  Corporation  acquired FED  Corporation  (derived  from field  emissive
device),  subsequently  changed  its name to eMagin  Corporation  (derived  from
"electronic imaging") and listed its common stock on the American Stock Exchange
under the "EMA" trading symbol.

     Under the terms of the merger agreement that facilitated our acquisition of
FED Corporation,  Fashion Dynamics Corporation issued approximately 10.5 million
shares  of  its  common  stock  to  FED  Corporation   shareholders  and  issued
approximately  3.9 million  options and  warrants in exchange  for  existing FED
options  and  warrants.   The  total  purchase  price  of  the  transaction  was
approximately  $98.5 million,  including  $73.4 million of value relating to the
shares  issued  (at a fair value of $7 per  share,  the value of a  simultaneous
private  placement  transaction of similar  securities),  $20.9 million of value
relating to the  options  and  warrants  exchanged  and $3.8  million of assumed
liabilities.  The  transaction  was accounted  for using the purchase  method of
accounting.  Under the purchase method of accounting, the assets and liabilities
were  recorded  based  upon  their  fair  values at the date of  acquisition  as
determined by an independent appraisal.


 The purchase price was allocated as follows:             (in millions)

          Deferred compensation                                   $13.0

          In-process research and development                      12.8

          Fixed assets                                              1.2

          Other intangible assets                                  16.9

          Goodwill                                                 54.6


In July 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141, "Business Combinations" and SFAS No.
142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible  Assets." SFAS No. 141 requires all business
combinations  initiated  after  June 30,  2001 to be  accounted  for  using  the
purchase  method of  accounting.  Under SFAS No. 142,  goodwill  and  intangible
assets with indefinite lives are no longer  amortized but are reviewed  annually
(or more frequently if impairment  indicators  arise) for impairment.  Separable
intangible  assets that are not deemed to have indefinite lives will continue to
be  amortized  over  their  useful  lives  (but  with  no  maximum  life).   The
amortization  provisions of SFAS No. 142 apply to goodwill and intangible assets
acquired  after June 30, 2001.  With respect to goodwill and  intangible  assets
acquired  prior to July 1, 2001,  the  Company is required to adopt SFAS No. 142
effective  January 1, 2002. The Company is currently  evaluating the effect that
the  adoption  of the  provisions  of SFAS No.  142 will have on its  results of
operations and financial position.

Identifiable  intangible  assets  resulting from the  acquisition of FED and the
excess purchase price over net assets acquired  ("goodwill") are being amortized
on a  straight-line  basis  over  their  respective  estimated  useful  lives of
approximately  three  years.  The  Company's  ability to realize its goodwill is
dependent upon its ability to raise sufficient  financing in order to expand the
rollout and commercialization of its products. In the third quarter of 2001, the
Company was able to secure a limited amount of additional  financing to fund its
operations,  however,  such financing was not in the amount the Company expected
to be able to  secure,  nor was it enough to  rollout  commercialization  of its
product on a wide scale basis,  as had been  contemplated  by its business plan.
Based on these  factors,  the  Company  revised  its  future  business  plan and
evaluated the carrying value of the identifiable  intangible assets and goodwill
that was a result  of its  acquisition  of FED.  Based on this  evaluation,  the
Company determined that the assets were impaired,  and, accordingly,  during the
quarter ended September 30, 2001, the Company recorded an impairment  write-down
of its goodwill and other identifiable  intangible assets of approximately $32.1
based  on the  estimated  discounted  net  cash  flow to be  generated  over the
remaining  life  of  the  assets.  The  impairment  charge  is  included  in the
consolidated  statement  of  operations  for the year ended  December  31, 2001.
Inclusive of this impairment  write-down,  amortization of purchased intangibles
expense for the year ended December 31, 2001 was approximately $50.0 million.


As of December 31, 2001, other intangible assets were comprised of the following
(in millions):

         Purchased identifiable intangibles                   18.0
         Less: Accumulated amortization                      (16.3)

         Other intangible assets, net                        $ 1.7

     Since  for  the  three-year   period  prior  to  the   acquisition  of  FED
Corporation,  Fashion  Dynamics  Corporation had no active business  operations,
management believes that the comparison of eMagin's financial results to that of
the operating entity (FED Corporation) provides the most meaningful  comparative
information to the reader.  Accordingly,  the following comparative  information
reflects the operating  results of FED  Corporation for all periods prior to the
merger  and it should be read in  conjunction  with the  consolidated  financial
statements and notes thereto. The comparison of financial  information below for
the period ended  December 31, 2000 reflects pro forma results of eMagin for the
period  January  1, 2000  through  December  31,  2000 and its  predecessor  FED
Corporation  for the  period  January 1, 2000 to March 15,  2000,  on a combined
basis,  such that the amounts  presented and discussed  reflect the full year of
operations  for each  period.  Reference is made to our  consolidated  financial
statements  included  herein for further detail on the results of eMagin and FED
Corporation for their respective periods of ownership.

     At  our  annual  meeting  of  stockholders  held  on  July  16,  2001,  the
stockholders  approved the  reincorporation  of eMagin Corporation as a Delaware
corporation.  The  reincorporation  became effective on July 16, 2001 by merging
eMagin Corporation, a Nevada corporation ("eMagin-Nevada"), into its then wholly
owned subsidiary,  eMagin Corporation, a Delaware corporation (formerly known as
FED Corporation as described above) ("eMagin-Delaware"). Upon completion of this
merger,  eMagin-Nevada ceased to exist as a corporate entity and eMagin-Delaware
succeeded  to the  assets and  liabilities  of  eMagin-Nevada.  Under the merger
agreement  for the  reincorporation,  each  outstanding  share of  eMagin-Nevada
common  stock was  automatically  converted  into one  share of  eMagin-Delaware
common  stock  at the  time  the  merger  became  effective.  There  has been no
interruption   in  the  trading  of  our  common   stock  as  a  result  of  the
reincorporation.  The  reincorporation  also resulted in the implementation of a
new certificate of  incorporation  and by-laws for the Company,  as the existing
certificate of  incorporation  and by-laws of  eMagin-Delaware  continues as the
certificate  of  incorporation  and by-laws of the Company and has  replaced the
articles of association and by-laws of eMagin-Nevada. No change in the corporate
name, board members,  business,  management,  fiscal year, assets,  liabilities,
employee benefit plans or location of principal facilities of eMagin occurred as
a result of the reincorporation.

     Our  history  has  been  as a  developmental  stage  company.  We  are  now
transitioning  to  manufacturing  and  intend  to  significantly   increase  our
marketing, sales, and research and development efforts, and expand our operating
infrastructure. Most of our operating expenses are fixed in the near term. If we
are unable to generate significant revenues,  our net losses in any given period
could be greater than expected.



     The following are descriptions of the revenue and expense components of our
statement of operations:

     Total revenues currently represent revenues mostly from contracts funded by
U.S. government  programs.  We have historically earned revenues from certain of
our research and development  activities  under both  fixed-price  contracts and
cost-type contracts,  including some cost-plus-fee contracts.  Revenues relating
to     fixed-price     contracts    are    generally     recognized    on    the
percentage-of-completion   method   of   accounting   as  costs   are   incurred
(cost-to-cost basis). Revenues on cost-plus-fee contracts include costs incurred
plus a portion of estimated  fees or profit based on the  relationship  of costs
and the allocation of allowable indirect costs as defined by each contract.  The
amount of revenues  earned is dependent  upon the  execution  of new  government
contracts,  which may not be  predictable  or  consistent  from period to period
because of variations in government  funds allocated to research and development
in our field of technology.

     Research  and  development   expenses   represent   salaries,   development
materials,  external  contracts,   equipment  lease  and  depreciation  expense,
electronics,   rent,   utilities  and  costs   associated   with  operating  our
manufacturing  facility.  These costs are expensed as incurred. We have received
cost  sharing  awards from  certain  U.S.  government  agencies to fund  certain
research and development.  Funding from this type of contract is recognized as a
reduction in research and  development  operating  expenses during the period in
which the services are performed and related direct expenses are incurred. As of
December  31,  2001,  the  remaining  amounts to be incurred and billed on these
active "cost  sharing"  contracts  totaled  approximately  $0.7 million and $0.3
million, respectively.

     Non-cash  stock-based  compensation  expense represents expenses associated
with stock  option  grants to our  officers  and  employees at below fair market
value as  additional  compensation  for their  services  and to  induce  them to
lock-up their options for a longer time than would  normally be specified  under
the Company's standard option grant. Deferred compensation is amortized over the
remaining vesting period of the underlying options.  The expense also represents
warrant grants with exercise prices below fair market value to security  holders
of eMagin for a reduced  number of warrants  to induce them to lock-up  prior to
the merger.

     Amortization of purchased  intangibles  represents the cost of amortization
of the value of goodwill and other  acquired  intangible  assets.  The purchased
intangibles  are amortized over their expected  useful lives of three years on a
straight-line basis.

     Selling, general and administrative expenses principally represent the cost
of  salaries  and  fees  for  professional  services,  legal  fees  incurred  in
connection   with  patent  filings  and  related   matters,   depreciation   and
amortization,  and other administrative  expenses as well as expenses associated
with marketing.


     Basic  and  diluted  net loss per  common  share is  computed  by using the
weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the period,
restated for the effect of the merger upon the number of shares  outstanding  in
the current  year,  and for the  presentation  of the net loss per share for the
predecessor,  a stock split  effected  during 1999. No common stock  equivalents
have been included in the computation of weighted average shares outstanding, as
their effect would be anti-dilutive.

Results of Operations

     Comparison of our financial  results for the years ended December 31, 1999,
2000 and 2001.

Year Ended December 31, 2001 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 2000


     Revenues  increased  to $5.8  million for the year ended  December 31, 2001
from $3.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2000, representing an increase
of 87%.  This  increase  was due  primarily to the  recognition  of revenue from
certain government contracts relating to head-wearable displays.

     Research and Development Expenses

     Gross research and development  expenses increased to $14.3 million for the
year ended  December 31, 2001 from $13.3 million for the year ended December 31,
2000,  representing a 7.5% increase.  Of these amounts, we received $1.6 million
in cost sharing from the U.S.  government  for the year ended December 31, 2001,
and $1.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2000. The $1.0 million increase
in gross  expenses for the year ended  December 31, 2001 reflects the additional
costs  associated with personnel  costs,  equipment  leases,  depreciation,  and
material costs resulting from increased research and development  activities and
equipment additions at our manufacturing facility.

     Non-Cash Stock-Based Compensation Expense

     Non-cash  stock-based  compensation  expense was $2.8  million for the year
ended  December  31, 2001 versus $10.3  million for the year ended  December 31,
2000. The activity, for the years ended December 31, 2001 and 2000, reflects the
amortization  of deferred  compensation  costs  related to the issuance of stock
options, warrants issued and re-priced warrants and options at below fair market
values in the first quarter of 2000.

     Amortization and Write-Down of Goodwill and Purchased Intangibles

     Amortization and write down of goodwill and purchased  intangibles  expense
increased  to $50.0  million  for the year ended  December  31,  2001 from $20.9
million for the year ended  December 31,  2000.  The $29.1  million  increase in
amortization  and impairment  write-down of its goodwill is primarily the result
of the impairment charge recorded in 2001.


     Acquired In-Process Research and Development

     In connection  with the merger in March 2000, we allocated $12.8 million of
the purchase  price to acquired  in-process  research and  development  expense.
Accordingly,  these costs were expensed  during the year ended December 31, 2000
upon finalization of a third party appraisal.  No costs were expensed during the
year ended December 31, 2001.

     General and Administrative Expenses

     General and administrative  expenses increased to $7.4 million for the year
ended  December 31, 2001 from $6.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2000,
representing a 21.3% increase. The $1.3 million increase in selling, general and
administrative  expenses was due  primarily to increases in marketing  activity,
personnel costs, travel and patent filings.

     Other Income (Expense)

     Other  expenses  decreased to $1.4 million for the year ended  December 31,
2001 from $2.6 million for the year ended  December  31,  2000.  The decrease of
$1.2  million was due  primarily  to the  decrease in  amortization  of the debt
discount  from the  beneficial  conversion  of a bridge loan entered into by the

Net Loss/Net Loss Per Common Share

     The following  provides a reconciliation of information used in calculating
the per share amounts for the year ended  December 31, 2001,  2000 and 1999. The
1999 loss attributable to common  shareholders  includes an effect of an induced
conversion of convertible preferred stock that took place in June 1999.

                                                             2001                  2000                  1999
                                                             ----                  ----                  ----
Loss attributable to common shareholders
Net loss                                                 $(68,486,735)        $(61,521,866)        $(15,800,245)
Effect of induced conversion                                                                        $(7,576,862)
of Convertible Preferred Stock
Loss attributable to common shareholders                 $(68,486,735)       )$(61,521,866)        $(23,377,107)
  Weighted average shares outstanding                      25,100,211           22,144,904            2,614,743
Basic and diluted loss per common share                $        (2.73)        $      (2.78)        $      (8.94)


Year Ended December 31, 2000 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 1999


     Revenues  increased  to $3.1  million for the year ended  December 31, 2000
from $1.9 million for the year ended December 31, 1999, representing an increase
of 63%.  This  increase  was due  primarily to the  recognition  of revenue from
certain government contracts relating to OLED microdisplays.

     Research and Development Expenses

     Gross research and development  expenses increased to $13.3 million for the
year ended  December 31, 2000 from $11.2 million for the year ended December 31,
1999,  representing a 17.7% increase. Of these amounts, we received $1.5 million
in cost sharing from the U.S.  government  for the year ended December 31, 2000,
and $1.1 million for the year ended December 31, 1999. The $2.1 million increase
in gross  expenses for the year ended  December 31, 2000 reflects the additional
costs  associated with personnel  costs,  equipment  leases,  depreciation,  and
material costs resulting from increased research and development  activities and
equipment additions at our manufacturing facility.

     Non-Cash Stock-Based Compensation Expense

     Non-cash  stock-based  compensation  expense was $10.3 million for the year
ended December 31, 2000 versus no activity for the year ended December 31, 1999.
The activity, for the year ended December 31, 2000, reflects the amortization of
deferred  compensation costs related to the issuance of stock options,  warrants
issued and  re-priced  warrants  and options at below fair market  values in the
first quarter of 2000.

     Amortization of Purchased Intangibles

     Amortization of purchased  intangibles  expense  increased to $20.9 million
for the year  ended  December  31,  2000 from $0.8  million  for the year  ended
December 31, 1999.  The $20.1  million  increase in  amortization  for purchased
intangibles   expense  is  the  result  of  non-cash   charges  related  to  the
amortization of goodwill and intangibles created by the merger.

     Acquired In-Process Research and Development

     In connection  with the merger,  we allocated $12.8 million of the purchase
price to acquired in-process research and development.  Accordingly, these costs
were expensed during the year upon finalization of a third party appraisal.

     General and Administrative Expenses

     General and administrative  expenses increased to $6.1 million for the year
ended  December 31, 2000 from $5.2 million for the year ended December 31, 1999,


registration  requirements of the 17.3% increase.  The $0.9 million  increase in
selling,  general and administrative  expenses was due primarily to increases in
marketing activity, personnel costs, travel and patent filings.

     Other Income (Expense)

     Other  expenses  increased to $2.6 million for the year ended  December 31,
2000 from $0.4 million for the year ended  December  31,  1999.  The increase of
$2.2 million was due primarily to the amortization of the debt discount from the
beneficial conversion of a bridge loan entered into by us prior to the merger.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     Our cash requirements depend on numerous factors,  including  completion of
our product  development  activities,  ability to  commercialize  our  products,
market  acceptance  of our  products  and  other  factors.  We  expect to devote
substantial  capital resources to continue our development  programs directed at
commercializing  our products in our target markets,  hire and train  additional
staff,  expand our research and development  activities,  develop and expand our
manufacturing  capacity and begin  production  activities.  Through December 31,
2001 we have incurred  accumulated losses of approximately  $116.7 million since
our  inception  and we anticipate  incurring  significant  losses as we fund our
growth.  Since  inception  we  have  financed  our  operations  through  private
placements  of  equity  securities,   research  and  development  contracts  and
borrowings.  As of  December  31,  2001,  we had $0.7  million  in cash and cash
equivalents  and a working  capital  deficit of $5.5  million.  We  subsequently
received  approximately  $3.2  million in equity and  convertible  debt,  and we
received a commitment for a $15 million private placement (See "Recent Issuances
Of   Unregistered   Securities").   Subsequent   to  year  end  we  have  raised
approximately  $3.2 million in various debt and equity  transactions  to support
our current  operations.  In December  2001, we reduced our workforce due to our
working capital constraints.  Subsequent to year end, we rehired approximately 8
of the  previously  terminated  employees  after  raising such capital to pursue
production of our products.

     Net cash used in operating  activities was $10.8 million for the year ended
December 31, 2001. Cash used in operating activities resulted primarily from our
net loss  partially  offset by increases  from  non-cash  charges.  Cash used in
operating  activities  for 2000 was  $14.5  million  and  $8.6  million  in 1999
resulting primarily from operating losses.

     Net cash used by investing  activities  was $0.5 million for the year ended
December 31, 2001.  This  represented  net cash used of $0.5 million for capital
expenditures.  Net cash used by  investing  activities  in 2000 was $0.4 million
primarily from net cash acquired in acquisition of $1.2 million,  offset by $0.8
million  used for  capital  expenditures.  In 1999,  net cash used in  investing
activities was $0.3 million primarily for capital expenditures.

     Net cash  provided by  financing  activities  was $4.7 million for the year
ended December 31, 2001,  and consisted  primarily of proceeds from the issuance
of debt.  Net cash  provided by financing  activities  was $22.0 million for the
year ended  December  31, 2000,  and  consisted  primarily of proceeds  from the
issuance  of common  stock in a private  placement  of $22.5  million  offset by


decreases in short term debt and capital  leases of $0.5 million.  Cash provided
by financing activities for 1999 was $7.7 million primarily from the issuance of
short-term debt and the issuance of preferred stock. In June of 1999, all of the
preferred  shareholders  voted to convert  their  shares  into  common  stock at
conversion  rates that ranged between 2.8 to 5.5 shares of common stock for each
share of preferred stock.

     We currently  anticipate  that we will continue to  experience  significant
growth  in our  operating  expenses  for the  foreseeable  future  and  that our
operating  expenses  will be a  material  use of our  cash  resources.  eMagin's
recurring losses from operations since inception raise  substantial  doubt about
its ability to continue as a going concern.  Management's plans concerning these
matters  are  described  in  Note 1 to  the  Item 8  (Financial  Statements  and
Supplementary Data).

     Pursuant to a Registration  Rights Agreement dated November 27, 2001 by and
between the Company and investors named therein, we may be forced to pay certain
liquidated cash damages in the near future if we fail to use our reasonable best
efforts to cause the registration  statement thereunder to be declared effective
by the Commission by May 27, 2002.

     Our primary  sources of  liquidity on a short term basis can be expected to
be met through cash  generated  from debt,  equity  financing  and US Government
contract cash receipts.

     On a long-term basis, our liquidity  requirements can be expected to be met
through cash generated from operations, US Government contract cash receipts and
equity financing.

     We have liabilities for  approximately  $3.5 million for unpaid bills, rent
and operating leases,  that are in default,  contracts,  and other  liabilities.
These items could materially  affect our liquidity,  if we are not successful in
negotiating acceptable settlements or reasonable repayment terms. It is possible
that we may be required to pay this entire  amount along with  additional  legal
and defense costs or penalties.  We need to raise substantial  additional equity
or debt financing in the near future in order to continue our development growth
and commercialization of our products. There can be no assurance that additional
equity or debt financing will be available on acceptable  terms or at all. If we
are unable to obtain additional  capital, we may be required to reduce the scope
of our  planned  product  development,  selling  and  marketing  activities  and
expansion of our manufacturing  facilities,  which would have a material adverse
effect on our  business,  financial  condition  and  operating  results  and our
ability to continue as a going  concern.  In the event that we raise  additional
equity financing,  further dilution to investors could result. Section 7A below,
under  "Risks  Related  To Our  Financial  Results,"  provides  a more  detailed


Unaudited Quarterly Results of Operations for the Years Ended December 31, 2001,
2000 and 1999

                                                     Year ended December 31, 2001
                           First Quarter            Second Quarter           Third Quarter           Fourth Quarter

Revenues                    $2,030,201                 $1,616,005               $1,176,628               $1,024,536

Net loss                    (9,708,435)               (10,832,756)             (42,377,769)              (5,567,775)

Net loss per share
Basic and diluted               $(0.39)                   $(0.43)                 $(1.69)                  $(0.22)

                                                    Year ended December 31, 2000
                           First Quarter            Second Quarter           Third Quarter           Fourth Quarter

Revenues                         $12,266                  $828,394              $1,011,763                 $705,164

Net loss                      (2,257,156)              (11,004,386)            (24,036,650)             (10,868,625)

Net loss per share
Basic and diluted                 $(0.17)                   $(0.44)                 $(0.96)                  $(0.43)

                                                     Year ended December 31, 1999
                           First Quarter            Second Quarter           Third Quarter           Fourth Quarter

Revenues                        $     --                  $     --                $     --                 $     --

Net loss                            (326)                   (3,327)                 (2,027)                 (12,772)

Net loss per share
Basic and diluted               $     --                  $(0.0005)                $(0.0003)                $(0.002)

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

     In July 2001, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued
Statement  of  Financial   Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS")  No.  141,  "Business
Combinations" and SFAS No. 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets." SFAS No.
141  requires  all  business  combinations  initiated  after June 30, 2001 to be
accounted  for using the  purchase  method of  accounting.  Under SFAS No.  142,
goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite lives are no longer amortized but
are reviewed  annually (or more frequently if impairment  indicators  arise) for
impairment.  Separable  intangible assets that are not deemed to have indefinite
lives will continue to be amortized over their useful lives (but with no maximum


life).  The  amortization  provisions  of SFAS No.  142  apply to  goodwill  and
intangible  assets  acquired  after June 30, 2001.  With respect to goodwill and
intangible  assets  acquired  prior to July 1, 2001,  the Company is required to
adopt SFAS No. 142 effective January 1, 2002. eMagin is currently evaluating the
effect  that the  adoption  of the  provisions  of SFAS No. 142 will have on its
results of operations and financial position.

     In July 2001,  the FASB also  issued SFAS No.  143,  "Accounting  for Asset
Retirement   Obligations,"  which  requires  obligations   associated  with  the
retirement  of  long-lived  assets to be recorded as  increases  in costs of the
related  asset.  Also,  on  October  3,  2001,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No.  144,
"Accounting  for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived  Assets." SFAS No. 144
supersedes  SFAS  No.  121,  "Accounting  for  the  Impairment  or  Disposal  of
Long-Lived  Assets and for  Long-Lived  Assets to be Disposed  Of." SFAS No. 144
develops one accounting  model for determining  impairment based on the model in
SFAS No.  121,  and for  long-lived  assets  that are to be disposed of by sale,
requires  them to be  disposed  of at the lower of book value or fair value less
cost to sell. SFAS No. 144 expands the scope of  "discontinued  operations." The
new rules will be applied  prospectively  beginning January 1, 2002.  Management
does not expect the adoption of these  statements  to have a material  impact to
its financial statements.


     This  Form 10-K  report  contains  forward-looking  statements  within  the
meaning  of  the  securities  laws  that  are  based  on  current  expectations,
estimates,  forecasts  and  projections  about the  industries  in which  eMagin
operates, management's beliefs, and assumptions made by management. In addition,
other written or oral statements which constitute forward-looking statements may
be made by or on behalf  of  eMagin.  Words  such as  "expects",  "anticipates",
"intends",  "plans", "believes",  "could", "seeks",  "estimates",  variations of
such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking
statements.  These  statements  are not  guarantees  of future  performance  and
involve  certain risks,  uncertainties  and  assumptions  which are difficult to
predict.  Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what
is expressed or  forecasted  in such  forward-looking  statements,  whether as a
result of new information,  future events or otherwise. Factors that could cause
or contribute to such differences in outcomes and results,  include, but are not
limited to, those discussed below.

Interest Rate Risk

     Substantially   all  of  the  Company's  cash  equivalents  and  investment
securities  are at fixed interest  rates,  and as such, the fair market value of
these  instruments  is  affected  by changes  in market  interest  rates.  As of
December  31,  2001,  all of  the  Company's  cash  equivalents  and  investment
securities mature within one year. Accordingly,  we believe that the market risk
arising from our holdings of these financial instruments is immaterial. However,
in the future,  we may invest in  securities  with  maturities  of more than one
year, which may carry greater interest rate risk.


Foreign Currency Exchange Risk

Presently,  all of the Company's research and development  contract payments are
made in U. S. dollars and,  consequently,  we believe we have no direct  foreign
currency exchange rate risk. However, in the future, we may enter into contracts
in foreign  currencies,  which may subject the Company to foreign  exchange rate
risk. We do not have any derivative  instruments and do not presently  engage in
hedging transactions.

Risk Factors

In  evaluating  our business,  prospective  investors  and  shareholders  should
carefully  consider the following risks in addition to the other  information in
this 10-K or in the  documents  referred to in this 10-K.  Any of the  following
risks could have a material  adverse impact on our business,  operating  results
and financial condition and result in a complete loss of your investment.

Risks Related To Our Financial Results

If we cannot  operate as a going  concern,  our stock price will decline and you
may lose your entire  investment.  Our  auditors  have  included an  explanatory
paragraph  in their  report  on our  financial  statements  for the  year  ended
December  31, 2001 which states that,  due to recurring  losses from  operations
since inception of the Company,  there is substantial doubt about our ability to
continue  as a going  concern.  Our  financial  statements  for the  year  ended
December  31,  2001 do not include any  adjustments  that might  result from our
inability  to continue  as a going  concern.  These  adjustments  could  include
additional  liabilities and the impairment of certain assets. If we had adjusted
our financial  statements  for these  uncertainties,  our operating  results and
financial condition would have been materially and adversely affected.

If we do not obtain additional cash to operate our business,  we may not be able
to execute our  business  plan and may not achieve  profitability.  In the event
that cash flow from  operations  is less than  anticipated  and we are unable to
secure  additional  funding,  in order to preserve cash, we would be required to
further  reduce  expenditures  and effect  further  reductions  in our corporate
infrastructure,  either of which  could  have a material  adverse  effect on our
ability  to  continue  our  current  level  of  operations.  Even  if we  obtain
additional  working  capital in the near  future,  to the extent that  operating
expenses increase or we need additional funds to make acquisitions,  develop new
technologies or acquire strategic assets, the need for additional funding may be
accelerated and there can be no assurances that any such additional  funding can
be obtained on terms acceptable to us, if at all. If we are not able to generate
sufficient capital,  either from operations or through additional financing,  to
fund our current operations,  we may not be able to continue as a going concern.
If we  are  unable  to  continue  as a  going  concern,  we  may  be  forced  to
significantly  reduce or cease our current operations.  This could significantly
reduce the value of our  securities,  which could result in our de-listing  from
the American Stock Exchange and cause investment losses for our shareholders.


We may not  maintain  The  American  Stock  Exchange  (the  "Exchange")  listing
requirements.  To maintain the listing of our common stock on the  Exchange,  we
are required to meet certain listing requirements, including, in the case of our
common stock selling for a substantial  period of time at a low price per share,
effecting a reverse  split of such shares  within a reasonable  time after being
notified  by the  Exchange  that  such  action  is  appropriate  under  all  the
circumstances.  In its review of  whether a share  price is too low or whether a
reverse split is appropriate,  the Exchange will consider all pertinent factors,
including market conditions in general, the number of shares outstanding,  plans
which may have been  formulated by  management,  applicable  regulations  of the
state of incorporation or of any governmental  agency having  jurisdiction  over
eMagin,  and the  relationship to other Exchange  policies  regarding  continued
listing.  If the Exchange were to determine  that our share price is too low and
that we should  reverse  split our shares  but we were  unable to comply for any
reason,  our common stock may be delisted  from the  Exchange.  Delisting of our
common stock could  materially  adversely  affect the market  price,  the market
liquidity  of our  common  stock and our  ability  to raise  necessary  capital.
Moreover,  it would likely be more  difficult to trade in or to obtain  accurate
quotations as to the market price of our common stock.

We have a history of losses since our  inception  and expect to incur losses for
the foreseeable future. Accumulated losses excluding non-cash transactions as of
December  31,  2001,  were  $27.5  million  and  acquisition   related  non-cash
transactions  were $89.2 million which  resulted in an  accumulated  net loss of
$116.7  million,  the majority of which was related to the March 2000 merger and
its subsequent write-down of its goodwill. The non-cash losses were dominated by
the  amortization  and  write-down  of goodwill and  purchased  intangibles  and
write-down of acquired in process research and development  related to the March
2000 acquisition,  and also included some non-cash stock-based compensation.  We
have not yet achieved  profitability  and we can give no assurances that we will
achieve  profitability  within the  foreseeable  future as we fund operating and
capital  expenditures in areas such as  establishment  and expansion of markets,
sales and marketing, operating equipment and research and development. We cannot
assure investors that we will ever achieve or sustain  profitability or that our
operating losses will not increase in the future.

We are presently  dependent on U.S.  government  contracts.  The majority of our
revenues to date have been derived from research and development  contracts with
the U.S.  federal  government.  We may  continue to rely on such  contracts  for
revenue until volume commercial sales commence. The government at its discretion
may  terminate  our  government  contracts.  We plan  to  submit  proposals  for
additional  development  contract  funding;   however,  funding  is  subject  to
legislative  authorization  and even if funds are appropriated such funds may be
withdrawn based on changes in government priorities.  No assurances can be given
that  our  existing  contracts  will  continue,  that we will be  successful  in
obtaining new government contracts, or that programs through which our contracts
are funded  will  continue  to be funded  beyond the current  fiscal  year.  Our
inability to obtain  revenues from  government  contracts  could have a material
adverse effect on our results of operations.


Risks Related To Our Intellectual Property

We rely on our license  agreement with Eastman Kodak for the  development of our
products, and the termination of this license,  Eastman Kodak's licensing of its
OLED technology to others for microdisplay applications,  or the sublicensing by
Eastman  Kodak of our OLED  technology to third  parties,  could have a material
adverse impact on our business. Our principal products under development utilize
OLED  technology  that we license from Eastman Kodak. We rely upon Eastman Kodak
to protect  and  enforce key  patents  held by Eastman  Kodak,  relating to OLED
display  technology.  Eastman  Kodak's patents expire over a range of years from
2002 to 2020.  Our license  with  Eastman  Kodak could  terminate  if we fail to
perform any material  term or covenant  under the license  agreement.  Since our
license from Eastman Kodak is  non-exclusive,  Eastman Kodak could also elect to
become a  competitor  itself or to  license  OLED  technology  for  microdisplay
applications to others who have the potential to compete with us. The occurrence
of any of these events could have a material adverse impact on our business.

We may not be successful in protecting our intellectual property and proprietary
rights. We rely on a combination of patents, trade secret protection,  licensing
agreements  and other  arrangements  to  establish  and protect our  proprietary
technologies.  If we fail to  successfully  enforce  our  intellectual  property
rights,  our competitive  position could suffer,  which could harm our operating
results.  Patents may not be issued for our current patent  applications,  third
parties  may  challenge,  invalidate  or  circumvent  any  patent  issued to us,
unauthorized  parties  could  obtain  and  use  information  that we  regard  as
proprietary  despite  our  efforts to protect  our  proprietary  rights,  rights
granted under patents issued to us may not afford us any competitive  advantage,
others  may  independently  develop  similar  technology  or design  around  our
patents,  our  technology  may be available to licensees of Eastman  Kodak,  and
protection of our intellectual property rights may be limited in certain foreign
countries.  We may be required to expend  significant  resources  to monitor and
police our intellectual property rights. Any future infringement or other claims
or  prosecutions  related  to our  intellectual  property  could have a material
adverse effect on our business. Any such claims, with or without merit, could be
time  consuming  to defend,  result in costly  litigation,  divert  management's
attention  and  resources,  or  require us to enter  into  royalty or  licensing
agreements.  Such  royalty or  licensing  agreements,  if  required,  may not be
available  on terms  acceptable  to us, if at all.  Protection  of  intellectual
property has  historically  been a large yearly expense for eMagin.  We have not
recently been in a financial  position to file for patents on a worldwide  basis
and may not be in a position to do so for some time even if  sufficient  funding
is available for our  production  and sales ramp. We continue to protect all our
intellectual  property  as  trade  secrets  and  continue  to  prosecute  patent
applications for key technology.

Risks Related To the Microdisplay Industry

The commercial  success of the  microdisplay  industry depends on the widespread
market acceptance of microdisplay systems products. The market for microdisplays
is emerging.  Our success will depend on consumer acceptance of microdisplays as
well as the success of the  commercialization  of the  microdisplay  market.  At
present,  it is difficult to assess or predict with any  assurance the potential
size,  timing and viability of market  opportunities  for our technology in this


market.  The  viewfinder  microdisplay  market sector is well  established  with
entrenched competitors who we must displace.

The microdisplay  systems business is intensely  competitive.  We do business in
intensely  competitive  markets that are  characterized  by rapid  technological
change, changes in market requirements and competition from both other suppliers
and our potential OEM  customers.  Such markets are typically  characterized  by
price erosion. This intense competition could result in pricing pressures, lower
sales,  reduced  margins,  and  lower  market  share.  Our  ability  to  compete
successfully  will  depend on a number of  factors,  both within and outside our
control.  We expect  these  factors to include  the  following:  our  success in
designing,  manufacturing and delivering expected new products,  including those
implementing  new  technologies  on a timely  basis;  our ability to address the
needs of our  customers and the quality of our customer  services;  the quality,
performance,  reliability,  features,  ease of use and pricing of our  products;
successful  expansion  of our  manufacturing  capabilities;  our  efficiency  of
production,  and ability to  manufacture  and ship products on time; the rate at
which  original  equipment   manufacturing  customers  incorporate  our  product
solutions  into their own  products;  the market  acceptance  of our  customers'
products;  and  product or  technology  introductions  by our  competitors.  Our
competitive  position  could be damaged if one or more  potential  OEM customers
decide  to  manufacture  their  own  microdisplays,   using  OLED  or  alternate
technologies.  In  addition,  our  customers  may  be  reluctant  to  rely  on a
relatively  small  company  such as eMagin for a critical  component.  We cannot
assure  you that we will be able to compete  successfully  against  current  and
future  competition,  and the failure to do so would have a  materially  adverse
effect upon our business, operating results and financial condition.

The display  industry is  cyclical.  The display  industry is  characterized  by
fabrication  facilities  that require large capital  expenditures  and long lead
times go construct leading to frequent mismatches between supply and demand. The
OLED  microdisplay  sector may  experience  overcapacity  if and when all of the
facilities  presently in the planning  stage come on line leading to a difficult
market in which to sell our products.

Competing  products  may get to market  sooner than ours.  Our  competitors  are
investing   substantial   resources  in  the   development  and  manufacture  of
microdisplay  systems using  alternative  technologies such as reflective liquid
crystal displays (LCDs),  LCD-on-Silicon ("LCOS")  microdisplays,  active matrix
electroluminescence  and scanning image systems,  and transmissive active matrix
LCDs.  Color LCOS  displays are currently in initial  production,  and may be in
higher volume  production a year or more earlier than our  microdisplays,  which
could have a significant detrimental effect on our market opportunity.

Our  competitors  have  many  advantages  over us.  As the  microdisplay  market
develops, we expect to experience intense competition from numerous domestic and
foreign companies including  well-established  corporations possessing worldwide
manufacturing and production facilities, greater name recognition, larger retail
bases and significantly  greater financial,  technical,  and marketing resources
than us, as well as from emerging companies  attempting to obtain a share of the
various  markets  in which  our  microdisplay  products  have the  potential  to


Our products  are subject to lengthy OEM  development  periods.  We plan to sell
most of our  microdisplays  to OEMs who will incorporate them into products they
sell. OEMs determine  during their product  development  phase whether they will
incorporate  our  products.  The time elapsed  between  initial  sampling of our
products by OEMs, the custom design of our products to meet specific OEM product
requirements,  and the ultimate  incorporation of our products into OEM consumer
products is significant.  If our products fail to meet our OEM customers'  cost,
performance  or technical  requirements  or if unexpected  technical  challenges
arise in the  integration  of our  products  into  OEM  consumer  products,  our
operating results could be significantly and adversely affected.  Long delays in
achieving  customer  qualification  and  incorporation  of  our  products  could
adversely affect our business.

Our products  will likely  experience  rapidly  declining  unit  prices.  In the
markets in which we expect to compete,  prices of  established  products tend to
decline  significantly  over time. In order to maintain our profit  margins over
the long term,  we believe  that we will need to  continuously  develop  product
enhancements  and new  technologies  that will either slow price declines of our
products or reduce the cost of producing and delivering  our products.  While we
anticipate many opportunities to reduce production costs over time, there can be
no assurance  that these cost reduction  plans will be  successful.  We may also
attempt to offset the  anticipated  decrease  in our  average  selling  price by
introducing new products,  increasing our sales volumes or adjusting our product
mix.  If we fail to do so, our results of  operations  would be  materially  and
adversely affected.

Risks Related To Manufacturing

We expect  to  depend on  semiconductor  contract  manufacturers  to supply  our
silicon integrated circuits and other suppliers of key components, materials and
services.  We do not  manufacture  our silicon  integrated  circuits on which we
incorporate  the OLED.  Instead,  we expect to  provide  the  design  layouts to
semiconductor   contract  manufacturers  who  will  manufacture  the  integrated
circuits on silicon  wafers.  We also expect to depend on suppliers of a variety
of other components and services,  including circuit boards,  graphic integrated
circuits,  passive components,  materials and chemicals,  and equipment support.
Our inability to obtain sufficient quantities of high quality silicon integrated
circuits or other necessary components,  materials or services on a timely basis
could result in manufacturing delays,  increased costs and ultimately in reduced
or delayed sales or lost orders which could  materially and adversely affect our
operating results.

We have not manufactured OLED-on-silicon products in large commercial quantities
and  we  do  not  know  if  our  manufacturing  yields  or  throughput  will  be
commercially  viable. In order for us to be successful as a product or component
manufacturer,  our products must be manufactured to meet high quality  standards
in  commercial  quantities at  competitive  prices.  We have not begun  quantity
commercial  production of any of our OLED-based  products and we are not staffed
adequately to run high quantity  production.  The manufacture of OLED-on-silicon
is new and OLED microdisplays have not been produced in significant  volumes. We
expect to begin commercial production during 2002 to meet anticipated demand for
our products.  If we are unable to produce our products in sufficient  quantity,
we will be unable to attract customers.  In addition,  we cannot assure you that


once we commence volume production we will attain yields at high throughput that
will  result  in  profitable  gross  margins  or  that we  will  not  experience
manufacturing  problems  which  could  result in delays in delivery of orders or
product introductions.

We are  dependent  on a  single  manufacturing  line.  We  initially  expect  to
manufacture  our products on a single  manufacturing  line. If we experience any
significant  disruption in the operation of our manufacturing facility we may be
unable to supply microdisplays to our customers.  For this reason, some OEMs may
also be  reluctant  to  commit a broad  line of  products  to our  microdisplays
without  a  second   production   facility  in  place.   Interruptions   in  our
manufacturing  could  be  caused  by  manufacturing   equipment  problems,   the
introduction  of new equipment into the  manufacturing  process or delays in the
delivery of new manufacturing equipment. Lead-time for delivery of manufacturing
equipment  can be  extensive.  No  assurance  can be given that we will not lose
potential  sales  or be  unable  to meet  production  orders  due to  production
interruptions  in our  manufacturing  line. In order to meet the requirements of
certain OEMs for multiple manufacturing sites, we will have to expend capital to
secure   additional  sites  and  may  not  be  able  to  manage  multiple  sites

Risks Related To Our Business

Our success depends in a large part on the continuing  service of key personnel.
Changes  in  management  could have an adverse  effect on our  business.  We are
dependent  upon the active  participation  of several key  management  personnel
including Gary W. Jones,  our Chief Executive  Officer.  We also need to recruit
additional  management in order to expand  according to our business  plan.  The
failure to attract and retain  additional  management or personnel  could have a
material adverse effect on our operating results and financial performance.

Our success  depends on attracting  and retaining  highly  skilled and qualified
technical  and  consulting  personnel.  We must hire  highly  skilled  technical
personnel as employees and as  independent  contractors  in order to develop our
products.  The competition for skilled technical employees is intense and we may
not be able to retain or recruit such personnel.  We must compete with companies
that possess  greater  financial and other resources than we do, and that may be
more attractive to potential  employees and contractors.  To be competitive,  we
may have to increase the compensation,  bonuses,  stock options and other fringe
benefits offered to employees in order to attract and retain such personnel. The
costs of retaining or attracting  new  personnel  may have a materially  adverse
affect on our business and our operating results.  In addition,  difficulties in
hiring and retaining  technical  personnel could delay the implementation of our
business plan.

Our  business  depends  on new  products  and  technologies.  The market for our
products is characterized by rapid changes in product,  design and manufacturing
process  technologies.  Our success  depends to a large extent on our ability to
develop and  manufacture  new  products  and  technologies  to match the varying
requirements of different customers in order to establish a competitive position
and become profitable.  Furthermore, we must adopt our products and processes to
technological  changes  and  emerging  industry  standards  and  practices  on a
cost-effective  and timely  basis.  Our failure to  accomplish  any of the above
could harm our business and operating results.


Our microdisplay  business may not be successful.  The market for  microdisplays
may develop later than anticipated by us may therefore limit our sales potential
for the foreseeable future.

We generally do not have long term contracts with our customers. Our business is
operated on the basis of short term purchase orders and we cannot guarantee that
we will be able to obtain long term contracts for some time. In the absence of a
backlog of orders that can only be canceled with penalty,  we plan production on
the basis of internally  generated  forecasts of demand which makes it difficult
to accurately  forecast  revenues.  If we fail to accurately  forecast operating
results, out business may suffer and the value of your investment in the Company
may decline.

Our  business  strategy  may  fail  if we  cannot  continue  to  form  strategic
relationships  with  companies  that  manufacture  and use  products  that could
incorporate our OLED-on-silicon  technology. Our prospects will be significantly
affected  by  our  ability  to  develop   strategic   alliances  with  OEMs  for
incorporation of our  OLED-on-silicon  technology into their products.  While we
intend to continue to establish  strategic  relationships  with manufacturers of
electronic  consumer  products,  personal  computers,  chipmakers,  lens makers,
equipment  makers,  material  suppliers and/or systems  assemblers,  there is no
assurance  that we will be able to continue to establish and maintain  strategic
relationships  on  commercially  acceptable  terms,  or that the alliances we do
enter  in to will  realize  their  objectives.  Failure  to do so  would  have a
material adverse effect on our business.

We will need to obtain  additional  financing,  which  may not be  available  on
suitable  terms,  and as a  result  our  ability  to grow or  continue  existing
operations may be limited.  Our future  liquidity and capital  requirements  are
difficult to predict  because  they depend on numerous  factors,  including  our
success  in  completing  the  development  of our  products,  manufacturing  and
marketing our products and competing  technological and market developments.  We
may not be  able  to  generate  sufficient  cash  from  our  operations  to meet
additional working capital requirements, support additional capital expenditures
or  take  advantage  of  acquisition  opportunities.  In  addition,  substantial
additional capital may be required in the future to fund product development and
product  launches.  No assurance can be given that additional  financing will be
available or that,  if  available,  such  financing  will be obtainable on terms
favorable to our shareholders or us. To the extent we raise  additional  capital
by  issuing  equity  or  securities   convertible   into  equity,   our  current
shareholders   will  suffer   dilution  in  ownership.   If  needed  capital  is
unavailable,  our ability to continue to operate and grow our business  could be
adversely  affected.  Even if capital is available at acceptable  cost, we might
not be able to manage growth effectively.

Our business depends to some extent on international  transactions.  We purchase
needed materials from companies located abroad and may be adversely  affected by
political and currency risk, as well as the  additional  costs of doing business
with a foreign entity.  In addition,  many of the OEMs which are the most likely
long term  purchasers of our  microdisplays  are located  abroad  exposing us to
additional  political  and  currency  risk.  We may find it  necessary to locate
manufacturing  facilities  abroad to be closer to our customers which could give
expose  us  to  various  risks   including   management   of  a   multi-national


organization,  the  complexities  of  complying  with  foreign  law and  custom,
political   instability   and  the   complexities   of   taxation   in  multiple

Our business may expose us to product liability claims.  Our business exposes us
to potential product  liability claims.  Although no such claim has been brought
against us to date,  and to our knowledge no such claim is threatened or likely,
we may face  liability to product  users for damages  resulting  from the faulty
design or  manufacture  of our  products.  While we maintain  product  liability
insurance coverage, there can be no assurance that product liability claims will
not exceed  coverage  limits,  fall outside the scope of such coverage,  or that
such insurance will continue to be available at commercially  reasonable  rates,
if at all.

Our business is subject to  environmental  regulations  and  possible  liability
arising from potential employee claims of exposure to harmful substances used in
the  development  and  manufacture  of our  products.  We are subject to various
governmental  regulations  related to toxic,  volatile,  experimental  and other
hazardous chemicals used in our design and manufacturing process. Our failure to
comply with these  regulations could result in the imposition of fines or in the
suspension or cessation of our  operations.  Compliance  with these  regulations
could  require us to acquire  costly  equipment  or to incur  other  significant
expenses.  We  develop,  evaluate  and  utilize new  chemical  compounds  in the
manufacture  of our products.  While we attempt to ensure that our employees are
protected  from  exposure  to  hazardous  materials  we cannot  assure  you that
potentially  harmful  exposure  will not  occur or that we will not be liable to
employees as a result.

Risks Related To Our Stock

     The  substantial  number of shares  that are or will be  eligible  for sale
could cause our common stock price to decline even if the Company is successful.
Sales of  significant  amounts  of common  stock in the  public  market,  or the
perception that such sales may occur,  could materially  affect the market price
of our common  stock.  These sales might also make it more  difficult  for us to
sell equity or equity-related  securities in the future at a time and price that
we deem  appropriate.  As of March  1,  2002,  we have  outstanding  options  to
purchase  5,514,958  shares;  most are currently  locked-up  due to  contractual
restrictions.  The  restrictions on the sale of the remaining  shares will lapse
between June 16, 2002 and January 7, 2003. There are also  outstanding  warrants
to purchase 3,342,435 shares of common stock.

We do not intend to pay  dividends;  you will not receive funds without  selling
shares; and you may lose the entire amount of your investment.  We have not paid
any  dividends on our common  stock and we do not plan to pay cash  dividends in
the foreseeable future. We intend to retain our earnings, if any, for use in our
business.  We further  cannot  assure you that you will receive a return on your
investment when you sell your shares or that you will not lose the entire amount
of your investment.

Our principal stockholders, officers and directors will own a significant voting
interest  in  our  voting  stock.  Current  directors  and  officers  of  eMagin
Corporation  or their  affiliates  beneficially  own a large  percentage  of our
outstanding  common  stock.  If  these  shareholders were to vote together, they


could significantly  influence the outcome of items that are submitted to a vote
of the shareholders including the election of our directors.

We have a staggered Board of Directors and other anti-takeover  provisions which
could inhibit  potential  investors or delay or prevent a change of control that
may favor you.  Our Board of  Directors  is divided  into three  classes and our
Board member are elected for terms that are staggered. This could discourage the
efforts by others to obtain  control of the company.  Some of the  provisions of
our certificate of incorporation, our bylaws and Delaware law could, together or
separately,  discourage  potential  acquisition  proposals or delay or prevent a
change in control. In particular,  our board of directors is authorized to issue
up to  10,000,000  shares of  preferred  stock (less any  outstanding  shares of
preferred  stock) with rights and privileges  that might be senior to our common
stock, without the consent of the holders of the common stock.

We cannot forecast our future  performance.  We cannot  accurately  forecast our
revenues  because of our limited  commercial  operating  history and because the
OLED  microdisplay  market  is  only  beginning  to  emerge.  We may  experience
significant  fluctuations in our quarterly operating results due to many factors
which are outside our control. These factors include:  fluctuation in demand and
orders  for  our  products;  timing  or  cost  of  future  supply  or  equipment
deliveries; manufacturing capacity and yields; variations in product and process
development   costs;   expenses  or  operational   disruptions   resulting  from
acquisitions;  activities of our  competitors;  adequate  working  capital;  and
general economic conditions. Due to these factors, we cannot anticipate with any
degree of certainty what our revenues,  if any, will be in future  periods.  You
have  limited  historical  financial  data and  operating  results with which to
evaluate our business and our prospects.  As a result,  you should  consider our
prospects  in  light  of  the  expense,   difficulties  and  delays   frequently
encountered  by early  stage  companies  formed  to  pursue  development  of new

Our share price is likely to be highly  volatile which may result in substantial
losses for investors.  Share price volatility may subject us to securities class
action  litigation.  Prices and trading volume for technology  related stock has
been highly volatile. Accordingly, our stock prices are likely to also be highly
volatile.  Shareholders  may  experience a decrease in the value of their common
stock  regardless of our operating  performance or prospects.  In addition,  the
trading  price of our common  stock  could be subject  to wide  fluctuations  in
response  to: our  perceived  prospects;  quarter to quarter  variations  in our
operating   results;   changes  in  earnings  estimates  or  recommendations  by
securities  analysts and market perceptions of our operating results in relation
to those estimates or recommendations;  changes in market valuation of companies
in the microdisplay systems industry; announcements of technological innovations
or new  products  by us or our  competitors;  economic,  political,  and  issues
associated with our customers,  suppliers, partners,  accountants,  governmental
agencies in the USA and elsewhere,  or other  parties;  sales of shares by other
shareholders;  and general  conditions  in the personal  products  industries or
stock market  conditions.  In the past,  securities class action  litigation has
often been instituted against companies following periods of volatility in their
share price.  Those  companies,  like us, that are involved in rapidly  changing
technology  markets  are  particularly  subject  to  this  risk.  This  type  of
litigation,  if  instituted  against us, could result in  substantial  costs and
divert our management's attention and resources,  which could cause serious harm
to our business.





Report of Independent Public Accountants (Arthur Andersen LLP)............... 57

Report of Independent Public Accountants (Barry L. Friedman)..................58

Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2001 and December 31, 2000.... 60

Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2001,
2000 and 1999 and for the period from inception (January 23, 1996) through
December 31, 2001 ........................................................... 61

Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity for the period from
inception to December 31, 1996 and each of the five years ended
December 31, 2001.............................................................62

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2001,
2000 and 1999 and for the period from inception (January 23, 1996) through
December 31, 2001.............................................................64

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements................................66


Report of Independent Public Accountants......................................81

Consolidated Statements of Operations for the period from January 1, 2000
to March 15, 2000 (unaudited), the year ended December 31, 1999 and for
the period from inception (January 6, 1992) through December 31, 1999.........83

Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity for the period
from inception to December 31, 1992 and each of the seven years ended
December 31, 1999.............................................................86

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the period from January 1, 2000
to March 15, 2000 (unaudited), the year ended December 31, 1999 and for
the period from inception (January 6, 1992) through December 31, 1999.........88

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements................................90



To the Shareholders of eMagin Corporation:

We  have  audited  the  accompanying   consolidated  balance  sheets  of  eMagin
Corporation (a Delaware  corporation in the development  stage;  see Note 1) and
subsidiaries  as of  December  31, 2001 and 2000,  and the related  consolidated
statements of operations,  shareholders' equity (deficit) and cash flows for the
years  then  ended  and  the  related  consolidated  statements  of  operations,
shareholders'  equity  (deficit)  and cash flows for the period  from  inception
(January  23, 1996) to December 31, 2001.  These  financial  statements  are the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial  statements based on our audits.  We have not audited
the  financial  statements  of the Company from  inception to December 31, 1999.
These financial  statements were audited by other auditors whose report has been
furnished  to us, and our  opinion,  insofar  as it relates to the  consolidated
statements of operations,  shareholders' equity (deficit) and cash flows for the
period from  inception to December  31,  1999,  is based solely on the report of
other auditors.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  We believe  that our audits  provide a  reasonable  basis for our

In our  opinion,  based on our  audits  and the  report of other  auditors,  the
financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects,
the financial position of eMagin Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31,
2001 and 2000, and the results of their  operations and their cash flows for the
years then ended,  and for the period from  inception to December  31, 2001,  in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been  prepared  assuming that the
Company  will  continue  as a  going  concern.  As  discussed  in  Note 1 to the
consolidated   financial   statements,   the  Company's  recurring  losses  from
operations  since inception and the working  capital  deficit raise  substantial
doubt  about its  ability to continue  as a going  concern.  Management's  plans
concerning  these  matters  are  also  described  in  Note 1.  The  consolidated
financial  statements do not include any adjustments  that might result from the
outcome of this uncertainty.

New York, New York
March 13, 2002



Board of Directors

I have audited the  accompanying  Balance  Sheets of FASHION  DYNAMICS  CORP. (A
Development Stage Company),  as of December 31, 1999 and the related  statements
of operations,  stockholders' equity and cash flows for the years ended December
31, 1999 and 1998.  These  financial  statements are the  responsibility  of the
Company's  management.  My  responsibility  is to  express  an  opinion on these
financial statements based on my audit.

I conducted my audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing  standards.
Those standards  require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance   about  whether  the  financial   statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
I believe that my audit provides a reasonable basis for my opinion.

In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all
material  respects,   the  financial  position  of  FASHION  DYNAMICS  CORP.  (A
Development  Stage  Company),  as of  December  31,  1999 and the results of its
operations and cash flows for the years ended December 31, 1999 and December 31,
1998, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

The accompanying  financial  statements have been prepared  assuming the Company
will  continue  as a going  concern.  As  discussed  in Note 1 to the  financial
statements, the Company has suffered recurring losses from operations and has no
established  source of revenue.  This raises substantial doubt about its ability
to continue as a going concern.  Management's plan in regard to these matters is
described in Note 1. These  financial  statements do not include any adjustments
that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.

/s/ Barry L. Friedman
Certified Public Accountant
1582 Tulita Drive
Las Vegas, NV  89123

Las Vegas, Nevada
February 17, 2000

Where Barry L.  Friedman,  CPA is not the  accountant for the most recent fiscal
year ended,  and he has audited one or more of the prior fiscal years.  Barry L.
Friedman  was a sole  practitioner  in his  capacity as the  Company's  previous
auditor.  This  represents  a copy of Barry  L.  Freidmans's  previously  issued
report,  which he is unable to  reissue  in  accordance  with  Rule  2-02(a)  of
Regulation S-X due to his untimely demise, and hence, no longer in practice.


                                         eMAGIN CORPORATION (formerly FASHION DYNAMICS CORP.)
                                                     (a development stage company)

DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000

          ASSETS                                                              2001                2000
                                                                              ----                ----
              Cash and cash equivalents                                 $     738,342     $    7,367,257
              Contract receivables                                            485,021            825,733
              Costs and estimated profits in excess of billings
                 on contracts in progress                                     293,273            627,347
              Inventory                                                        90,720
              Prepaid expenses and other current assets                       388,344            665,222
                                                                        -------------      -------------
                           Total current assets                             1,995,700          9,485,559

          EQUIPMENT AND LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS, net                         1,166,509          1,268,304

          GOODWILL AND PURCHASED INTANGIBLES, net                           1,657,238         51,689,938

          OTHER LONG-TERM ASSETS                                               94,367            105,394
                                                                        -------------      -------------
                           Total assets                              $      4,913,814    $    62,549,195

    Accounts payable                                                 $      3,116,558    $       161,025
    Accrued payroll                                                           788,302          1,376,888
    Accrued expenses                                                          615,418            935,746
    Advance payments on contracts to be completed                             289,538            311,812
    Current portion of long-term debt                                         693,197            313,074
    Other short-term debt                                                   1,875,000                 -
    Other current liabilities                                                 108,805            144,000
                                                                        -------------      -------------
                 Total current liabilities                                  7,486,818          3,242,545
                                                                        -------------      -------------

LONG-TERM DEBT                                                              2,305,184            122,984
                                                                        -------------      -------------

COMMITMENTS and Contingencies (Note 9)


- ---------------------------------------------------------
    Common stock, $0.001 par value, 100,000,000 and
       40,000,000 shares authorized, 25,171,183 and
       25,069,143 shares issued and outstanding,                               25,171             25,069
    Additional paid-in capital                                            114,058,560        116,622,811
    Deferred compensation                                                  (2,277,367)        (9,266,397)
    Deficit accumulated during the development stage                     (116,684,552)       (48,197,817)
                                                                        -------------      -------------

                 Total shareholders' equity (deficit)                      (4,878,188)        59,183,666
                                                                        -------------      -------------

                 Total liabilities and shareholders'
                    equity (deficit)                                 $      4,913,814    $    62,549,195
                                                                        =============      =============

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of these  consolidated  balance


(a development stage company)

FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000, 1999
and for the period from inception (January 23, 1996) to December 31, 2001

                                                                                       Period from
                                                                                       (January 23,
                                                                                         1996) to
                                                                                       December 31,
                                              2001           2000         1999             2001
                                            -------         -------      -------         ------------


       Contract revenues                  $5,005,657     $ 2,557,587     $        -      $7,563,244
        Product sales                        841,713               -              -         841,713
                                          ----------     -----------     ----------      ----------
              Total revenues               5,847,370       2,557,587              -       8,404,957

    Research and development, net of
       funding under cost sharing
       arrangements of $1,555,811,
       $1,328,121 and $0,                 12,724,161       9,634,948              -      22,359,109
    General and administrative             7,385,707       5,149,513         18,452      12,566,219
    Amortization of purchased intangibles 17,886,838      20,932,320              -      38,819,158
    Write-down of goodwill and
       purchased intangibles              32,145,863               -              -      32,145,863
    Acquired in-process research and
       development                                 -      12,820,000              -      12,820,000
    Non-cash charge for
       stock-based   compensation          2,841,003      2,539,828               -       5,380,831
                                        ------------   -------------   ------------    ------------
          Total costs and expenses, net   72,983,572      51,076,609         18,452     124,091,180
                                        ------------   -------------   ------------    ------------
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                    (67,136,202)    (48,519,022)        (18,452)   (115,686,223)

OTHER (EXPENSE)/INCOME, NET              (1,350,533)        352,205               -        (998,328)
                                       ------------    ------------      ----------   -------------
              Net loss                 $(68,486,735)   $(48,166,817)       $(18,452)  $(116,684,552)
                                       ============    ============      ==========   =============
  Basic and diluted loss per share           $(2.73)         $(2.18)         $(0.00)
  Basic and diluted weighted average
  shares outstanding                     25,100,211      22,144,904      21,156,400

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.


(a development stage company)

INCEPTION (JANUARY 23, 1996) to DECEMBER 31, 1996 and FOR EACH of the FIVE YEARS
ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 AND 2001

                                                                                                     during the
                                          Number of                    Additional      Deferred     development
                                            Shares      $0.001 par      Paid- in     Compensation      stage      Total
                                                          value         Capital
February 6, 1996
Issued for Cash                              600,000        600          5,400             -             -             6,000

Net loss, January 23, 1996
(Inception) to
December 31, 1996                                  -          -              -             -          (3,803)         (3,803)

Balance, December 31, 1996                   600,000        600          5,400             -          (3,803)          2,197

Issuance of Common Stock for cash            500,000        500         24,500             -             -            25,000

Net loss                                           -          -              -             -          (5,268)         (5,268)

Balance, December 31, 1997                 1,100 000      1,100         29,900             -          (9,071)         21,929

Effect of stock split                      5,500,000      5,500        (5,500)             -              -                -

Net loss                                           -          -              -             -          (3,477)         (3,477)

Balance, December 31, 1998                 6,600,000      6,600         24,400             -         (12,548)         18,452

Effect of stock split                     13,556,400     13,556       (13,556)             -             -                -

Net loss                                           -          -              -             -         (18,452)        (18,452)

Balance, December 31, 1999                20,156,400     20,156         10,844             -         (31,000)              -

Sale of common stock in private
  placement, net of issuance costs of      3,464,547      3,465     23,246,535             -             -        23,250,000

Common stock issued and options and
warrants exchanged in connection with
FED acquisition                           10,486,386     10,486     92,354,461             -             -        92,364,947

Cancellation of existing shareholders
common stock                             (9,356,018)     (9,356)         9,356             -             -                 -

Issuance of common stock related to
exercise of warrant                            1,080          1          1,835             -             -             1,836

Issuance of common stock for services        316,748        317      2,216,919             -             -         2,217,236

Deferred compensation                              -          -              -    (13,023,364)           -       (13,023,364)

Amortization of deferred compensation              -          -              -      2,539,828            -         2,539,828

Reversal of deferred compensation
balance for
forfeited stock options                            -          -     (1,217,139)     1,217,139            -                 -

Net Loss                                           -          -              -              -    (48,166,817)    (48,166,817)


         Balance, December 31, 2000       25,069,143    $25,069   $116,622,811    $(9,266,397)  $(48,197,817)    $59,183,666

         Issuance of common stock related
         to exercise of warrant               16,002         16         27,507              -            -            27,523

         Issuance of common stock for
         services                             86,038         86        116,151              -            -           116,237

         Issuance of warrants related to debt
         financing (Note 5)                        -          -        408,068              -            -           408,068

         Value related to beneficial conversion
         features of debt financings               -          -        530,473              -            -           530,473

         Value related to original issue
         discount features of debt financings      -          -        501,577              -            -           501,577

         Amortization of deferred compensation     -          -              -      2,841,003            -         2,841,003

         Reversal of deferred compensation
         balance for
         forfeited stock options                   -          -     (4,148,027)     4,148,027            -                 -

         Net Loss                                  -          -              -              -    (68,486,735)    (68,486,735)

         Balance, December 31, 2001       25,171,183    $25,171   $114,058,560   $(2,277,367)  $(116,684,552)    $(4,878,188)
                                          ==========    =======   ============    ============ ==============    =============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements


                          (a development stage company)


FOR THE YEARS ENDED  DECEMBER  31,  2001,  2000 and 1999 and for the period from
inception (January 23, 1996) to December 31, 2001

                                                                                       Period from
                                                                                       (January 23,
                                                                                       1996) through
                                                                                       December 31,
                                              2001           2000         1999             2001
                                            -------         -------      -------       ------------


Net loss                                  $(68,486,735)  $(48,166,817)   $(18,452)      $(116,684,552)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss
    to net cash used in operating
Depreciation and amortization               18,453,461     21,488,686          94          39,942,982
Write-down of goodwill and
    purchased intangibles                   32,145,863             --          --          32,145,863
Loss on sale of assets                              --         98,548       2,103              97,713
Non-cash charge for stock-based
    compensation                              2,841,003     2,539,828          --           5,380,831
Non-cash interest related charges             1,222,562            --          --           1,222,562
Non-cash charge for services
    received                                    116,151            --          --             116,151
Acquired in-process research and
    development                                      --    12,820,000          --          12,820,000
Changes in operating assets and
Contract receivables                            340,606      (693,770)         --            (353,164)
Costs and estimated profits in
    excess of billings on
    contracts in progress                       334,074        (7,783)         --             326,291
Inventory                                       (90,720)           --          --             (90,720)
Prepaid expenses and other
    current assets                              276,984      (359,506)         --             (82,522)
Other long-term assets                           11,027       (94,943)         --             (83,916)
Advanced payment on contracts to
    be completed                                 86,531       311,812          --             398,343
Accounts payable, accrued
    expenses and other current
    liabilities                               1,932,619        51,039          --           1,983,658
                                             ----------    ----------    ----------         ----------

Net cash used in operating
    activities                              (10,816,574)  (12,012,906)    (16,255)        (22,860,480)

Purchases of equipment                         (464,829)     (803,033)         --          (1,267,862)
Net cash acquired in acquisition                     --     1,239,162          --           1,239,162
                                             ----------     ----------  ----------         ------------
Net cash (used in) provided by
    investing activities                       (464,829)      436,129          --             (28,700)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.


(a development stage company)


FOR THE YEARS ENDED  DECEMBER  31,  2001,  2000 and 1999 and for the period from
inception (January 23, 1996) to December 31, 2001

                                                                                       Period from
                                                                                       (January 23,
                                                                                         1996) to
                                                                                       December 31,
                                              2001           2000         1999             2001
                                            -------         -------      -------       ------------


Proceeds from sales of common
    stock, net of issuance costs                  --       21,250,000          --       21,281,000
Proceeds from exercise of warrants            27,609               --          --           27,609

Proceeds from debt financing
    transactions                           4,875,000               --          --        4,875,000
Re-payments of bridge loan and
    obligations under capital
    lease                                   (250,121)      (2,305,966)         --       (2,556,087)
Net cash provided by financing           ------------     ------------  ---------      ------------
    activities                             4,652,488       18,944,034          --       23,627,522

Net (decrease)/increase in cash
    and cash equivalents                  (6,628,915)       7,367,257     (16,255)         738,342

    beginning of period                    7,367,257               --      16,255               --
                                         -----------      -----------   ---------      -----------
    period                                $  738,342       $7,367,257   $     --          $738,342
                                         -----------      -----------   ---------      -----------
Interest paid                             $   53,436       $  244,208   $     --
Acquisition of business:
Total purchase price                       $      --       98,465,622   $     --

Fair value of assets, net of cash
    acquired                                      --       38,807,454          --
Net liabilities assumed                           --        3,816,747          --
Excess purchase price over net
    assets acquired                               --       54,602,259          --
                                         -----------      -----------   ---------
Net cash acquired in acquisition           $      --     $  1,239,162    $     --

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.


              eMAGIN CORPORATION (Formerly Fashion Dynamics Corp.)
                          (a development stage company)

                 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


Fashion Dynamics  Corporation  ("FDC") was organized January 23, 1996, under the
laws of the State of Nevada. FDC had no active business operations other than to
acquire  an  interest  in a  business.  On March  16,  2000,  FDC  acquired  FED
Corporation  ("FED") (the  "Merger").  FED was a developer and  manufacturer  of
optical  systems and micro displays for use in the electronics  industry.  FED's
wholly owned  subsidiary,  Virtual  Vision,  develops and markets  micro display
systems  and  optics   technology  for   commercial,   industrial  and  military
applications.  The merged company  changed its name to eMagin  Corporation  (the
"Company" or "eMagin") (Note 2). Following the Merger, the business conducted by
the Company is the business conducted by FED prior to the Merger.

The Company continues to be a development stage company, as defined by Statement
of Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 7, "Accounting and Reporting by
Development Stage  Enterprises," as it continues to devote  substantially all of
its efforts to  establishing  a new  business,  and it has not yet commenced its
planned  principal  operations.  Revenues  earned  by the  Company  to date  are
primarily  related to research and development  type contracts and limited sales
of preliminary  prototype  versions of the organic light emitting diode ("OLED")
micro display.

Since its inception,  FED has entered into research and development cost-sharing
arrangements,  as well as  research  and  development  contracts,  with  several
government  agencies  and private  industry.  To date,  such  arrangements  have
provided total funding of approximately  $35.5 million,  including $32.6 million
by FED prior to the Merger, through cost-sharing and contract revenues.  Certain
of these  arrangements  continue through 2002 and may provide for  approximately
$0.5  million of  additional  funding.  Such  funding is subject to, among other
factors, satisfactory progress on projects and available government funding.

Through  December 31, 2001,  the Company had incurred  development  stage losses
totaling  approximately $116.7 million.  Prior to the acquisition of FED by FDC,
FED incurred developmental stage losses totaling approximately $52.5 million. At
December  31, 2001,  the Company had  approximately  $1.2 million of cash,  cash
equivalents  and  contract   receivables  to  fund  short-term  working  capital
requirements and approximately $5.5 million of working capital  deficiency.  The
Company's  ability to  continue  as a going  concern  and its future  success is
dependent upon its ability to raise capital in the near future to continue:  (1)
its research and  development  efforts,  (2) hiring and retaining key employees,
(3)  satisfaction  of  its  commitments  and  (4)  the  successful  development,
marketing and production of its products.

The Company  believes that it will be able to secure  financing in the near term
and that the  proceeds  from  such  financings,  along  with  financings  closed
subsequent  to December 31, 2001 (Note 10) and its remaining  cash  resources at
December 31, 2001, will be sufficient to fund the Company's  operations into the
first  quarter  of 2003 and  beyond.  However,  there can be no  assurance  that
sufficient  capital will be available,  when required,  to permit the Company to
realize its plan, or even if such capital is available, that it will be at terms
favorable  to the  Company.  Additionally,  there can be no  assurance  that the


Company's  efforts to produce a commercially  viable product will be successful,
or that the Company will generate  sufficient  revenues to provide positive cash
flows from operations. These and other factors raise substantial doubt about the
Company's ability to continue as a going concern. The accompanying  consolidated
financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result should the
Company be unable to  continue in  existence.  (Also see  Liquidity  and Capital
Resources  section on Item 7  Management's  Dicussion  and Analysis of Financial
Conditions  and Results of Operation and Risks Related to Our Financial  Results
section of Item 7A Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures About Market Risk.)


On March 16, 2000 FDC acquired all of the  outstanding  stock of FED.  Under the
terms of the  agreement,  FDC issued  approximately  10.5 million  shares of its
common stock to FED shareholders,  and issued  approximately 3.9 million options
and  warrants in exchange  for  existing  FED  options and  warrants.  The total
purchase price of the transaction  was  approximately  $98.5 million,  including
$73.4 million of value  relating to the shares issued (at a fair value of $7 per
share, the value of the simultaneous  private  placement  transaction of similar
securities),  $20.9  million  of value  relating  to the  options  and  warrants
exchanged, based on the difference between the fair value and the exercise price
of said equity instruments, $3.8 million of assumed liabilities and $0.4 million
of  acquisition  costs.  The  transaction  was  accounted for using the purchase
method of accounting.  Accordingly, the purchase price was allocated to the fair
value of assets  acquired and liabilities  assumed as follows:  $13.0 million to
deferred compensation for the portion of value of options and warrants exchanged
relating to unvested securities, $18.0 million to identifiable intangible assets
as valued by an  independent  appraisal,  and $54.6  million to  goodwill.  Such
goodwill was being  amortized over a three year period.  The Company  recorded a
goodwill   impairment  charge  of  approximately   $32.1  million  in  2001  and
approximately $17.9 million and $20.9 million in amortization expense related to
goodwill and purchased  intangible  assets for the years ended December 31, 2001
and 2000, respectively.  In accordance with SFAS No. 2, "Accounting for Research
and Development  Costs",  as clarified by Financial  Accounting  Standards Board
Interpretation  No. 4, amounts  assigned to in-process  research and development
will be  charged  to  expense  as  part of the  allocation  of  purchase  price.
Accordingly,  the Company  recognized a charge of  approximately  $12.8  million
associated  with the write-off of acquired  in-process  research and technology,
which is included in the accompanying  consolidated  statement of operations for
the year ended December 31, 2000.

The following unaudited  information reflects pro forma statements of operations
data for the years ended December 31, 2000 and 1999, assuming the acquisition of
FED occurred at the beginning of each year presented:

                                                2000               1999
                                          -------------       -------------
    Revenues                              $   3,126,000       $   1,895,000
    Net loss                              $(65,305,000)        $(32,294,000)
    Net loss per share                    $      (2.95)  $            (1.25)

These pro forma results have been presented for comparative purposes only and do
not purport to be indicative  of the results that would have  actually  resulted
had the acquisition occurred at the beginning of the years presented.



Revenue and Cost Recognition

The Company has  historically  earned  revenues from certain of its research and
development  activities  under both firm  fixed-price  contracts  and  cost-type
contracts,  including some  cost-plus-fee  contracts.  Revenues relating to firm
fixed-price  contracts are generally recognized on the  percentage-of-completion
method of accounting  as costs are incurred  (cost-to-cost  basis).  Revenues on
cost-plus-fee  contracts include costs incurred plus a portion of estimated fees
or profits based on the relationship of costs incurred to total estimated costs.
Contract costs include all direct  material and labor costs and an allocation of
allowable indirect costs as defined by each contract,  as periodically  adjusted
to reflect revised agreed upon rates.

Product  revenue is recorded when  products are shipped to  customers,  at which
time,  title  passes to the  customer  and the Company has no  remaining  future
obligations.  No right of return is provided to the customers who have purchased
the products,  and no returns of such goods have been received by the Company to

As of December 31, 2001 and 2000, the Company had received  advanced payments on
contracts to be completed of $275,000 and $311,812, respectively. These amounts,
classified as deferred revenues in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets,
represent  that portion of amounts  billed by the Company,  or cash collected by
the Company,  for which services have not yet been provided or products have not
yet been delivered.

Costs and Estimated Profits in Excess of Billings on Contracts in Progress

The  Company  records  costs and  estimated  profits  in excess of  billings  on
contracts in progress as an asset on its balance sheet to the extent such costs,
and related profits, if any, have been incurred under outstanding  contracts and
are expected to be collected.

The components of costs and estimated profits in excess of billings on contracts
in progress as of December 31, 2001 and 2000 were as follows:


                                                                              2001              2000
                                                                         ------------      -------------
     Total costs incurred and estimated profits                          $ 21,414,000      $   3,408,000
     Less amounts billed                                                   21,121,000          2,781,000
                                                                         ------------      -------------
     Costs and estimated profits in excess of billings on   contracts
         in progress                                                     $    293,000      $     627,000
                                                                         ============      =============

Research and Development/Cost-Sharing Arrangements

To date,  activities  of the Company  include the  performance  of research  and
development under cooperative  agreements with United States ("U.S.") Government
agencies.  Current  industry  practices  provide that costs and related  funding
under such agreements be accounted for as incurred and earned.

The Company has entered into three  cost-sharing  arrangements with an agency of
the U.S.  Government  and one  commercial  customer.  The Company  has  incurred
research and development  costs and earned funding under these  agreements as of
December 31, 2001 and December 31, 2000 as follows:


                                                                              2001              2000
                                                                         ------------      -------------
     Unfunded research and development                                   $ 11,442,000      $   8,053,000
     Research and development costs                                         2,838,000          2,909,000

     Funding received                                                      (1,556,000)        (1,328,000)
                                                                         ------------      -------------
                                                                         $ 12,724,000      $   9,634,000
                                                                         ============      =============

The  Company  may incur  approximately  $700,000  of  additional  costs on these
efforts. If such costs, as defined, are incurred, the government is obligated to
reimburse the Company $300,000 of such amounts.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Company considers all highly liquid instruments with an original maturity of
three  months  or less at the  date of  purchase  to be cash  equivalents.  Cash
equivalents  consist  primarily of overnight  commercial paper and are stated at
cost, which approximates market value, and are considered available for sale.

SFAS  No.  115,   "Accounting  for  Certain   Investments  in  Debt  and  Equity
Securities,"  requires the classification of debt and equity securities based on
whether  the  securities  will be  held  to  maturity,  are  considered  trading
securities or are available-for-sale. Classification within these categories may
require the securities to be reported at their fair market value with unrealized
gains and losses included  either in current  earnings or reported as a separate
component of shareholders' equity, depending on the ultimate classification.

Comprehensive Income (Loss)

The  Company   complies  with  the  provisions  of  SFAS  No.  130,   "Reporting
Comprehensive  Income," which requires companies to report all changes in equity
during  a  period,   except  those  resulting  from  investment  by  owners  and
distributions  to  owners,   for  the  period  in  which  they  are  recognized.
Comprehensive  income  (loss) is the total of net  income  (loss)  and all other
non-owner  changes  in equity (or other  comprehensive  income  (loss))  such as
unrealized  gains or  losses on  securities  classified  as  available-for-sale,
foreign  currency   translation   adjustments  and  minimum  pension   liability
adjustments.  Comprehensive  income  (loss)  must be reported on the face of the
annual financial  statements.  The Company's operations did not give rise to any
material items includable in comprehensive income (loss), which were not already
in net income  (loss) for the years  ended  December  31,  2001,  2000 and 1999.
Accordingly,  the Company's  comprehensive  income (loss) is the same as its net
income (loss) for all periods presented.

Equipment and Leasehold Improvements

Equipment  and  leasehold  improvements  are  stated  at cost.  Depreciation  on
equipment is calculated  using the  straight-line  method of  depreciation  over
their  estimated  useful  lives.   Amortization  of  leasehold  improvements  is
calculated by using the straight-line method over the shorter of their estimated
useful  lives or lease  terms.  Expenditures  for  maintenance  and  repairs are
charged to expense as incurred.

Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets

Identifiable  intangible  assets  resulting from the  acquisition of FED and the
excess purchase price over net assets acquired  ("goodwill") are being amortized
on a  straight-line  basis  over  their  respective  estimated  useful  lives of
approximately  three  years.  The  Company's  ability to realize its goodwill is


dependent upon its ability to raise sufficient  financing in order to expand the
rollout and commercialization of its products. In the third quarter of 2001, the
Company was able to secure a limited amount of additional  financing to fund its
operations,  however,  such financing was not in the amount the Company expected
to be able to  secure,  nor was it enough to  rollout  commercialization  of its
product on a wide scale basis,  as had been  contemplated  by its business plan.
Based on these factors,  among others,  the Company  revised its future business
plan and evaluated the carrying value of the identifiable  intangible assets and
goodwill. Based on this evaluation,  the Company determined that the assets were
impaired,  and,  accordingly,  during the quarter ended  September 30, 2001, the
Company recorded an impairment write-down of its goodwill and other identifiable
intangible assets of approximately  $32.1 based on the estimated  discounted net
cash flow to be generated over the remaining life of the assets.  The impairment
charge is included in the accompanying  consolidated statement of operations for
the year ended  December 31,  2001.  Inclusive  of this  impairment  write-down,
amortization  of purchased  intangibles  expense for the year ended December 31,
2001 was approximately $50.0 million.

As of December  31, 2001 and 2000,  goodwill  and other  intangible  assets were
comprised of the following (in millions):

                                                      2001            2000
                                                      ----            ----

     Goodwill                                        $                $54.6

     Purchased identifiable intangibles                18.0            18.0

     Less: Accumulated amortization                   (16.3)          (20.9)

     Goodwill and other intangible assets, net       $  1.7           $51.7
                                                      =====            ====

Long-Lived Assets

SFAS No.  121,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets and for
Long-Lived  Assets to be Disposed  Of,"  established  financial  accounting  and
reporting   standards  for  the   impairment  of  long-lived   assets,   certain
identifiable  intangibles  and  goodwill.  SFAS No. 121  requires,  among  other
things,  that assets be reviewed for  impairment  whenever  events or changes in
circumstances  indicate  that the  carrying  amounts  of the  assets  may not be
realizable  considering,  among  other  factors,  expected  future  undiscounted
operating cash flows of the related asset.

Income Taxes

Deferred  income taxes are recorded by applying  enacted  statutory tax rates to
temporary  differences  between the financial statement carrying amounts and the
tax bases of existing assets and liabilities. At December 31, 2001 and 2000, the
Company has net deferred  tax assets of  approximately  $47.2  million and $19.8
million  respectively,  primarily  resulting  from the future tax benefit of net
operating loss carry forwards  discussed below. Such net deferred tax assets are
fully  offset  by  valuation  allowances  due to  the  uncertainty  as to  their

At December 31, 2001, the Company has net operating loss carry forwards totaling
approximately $118.2 million,  inclusive of the net operating losses acquired as
part of the  acquisition of FED, which expire through 2021,  available to offset
future Federal taxable income.  Pursuant to Section 382 of the Internal


Revenue Code,  the usage of a portion of these net operating loss carry forwards
is limited due to changes in ownership that have occurred.

Principles of Consolidation

The accompanying consolidated financial statements of eMagin Corporation include
the  assets,   liabilities,   revenues  and   expenses  of  all   majority-owned
subsidiaries   over  which  the   Company   exercises   control.   Inter-company
transactions and balances are eliminated in consolidation.

Loss per Common Share

In accordance with SFAS No. 128, "Earnings Per Share," net loss per common share
amounts ("basic EPS") were computed by dividing net loss by the weighted average
number of common shares  outstanding and excluding any potential  dilution.  Net
loss per common share amounts assuming dilution ("diluted EPS") were computed by
reflecting  potential  dilution from the exercise of stock options and warrants.
Common  equivalent shares have been excluded from the computation of diluted EPS
for all periods presented as their effect is antidilutive.

Stock-Based Compensation

The  Company  accounts  for  stock-based  compensation  issued to  employees  in
accordance with Accounting  Principles Board ("APB") Opinion No. 25, "Accounting
for Stock Issued to Employees." The Company, as permitted,  elected not to adopt
the  financial  reporting   requirements  of  SFAS  No.  123,   "Accounting  for
Stock-Based  Compensation," for stock-based  compensation  granted to employees.
Accordingly,  the Company has disclosed in the notes to the financial statements
the pro  forma net loss for the  periods  presented  as if the  fair-value-based
method was used in accordance with the provisions of SFAS No. 123.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the  reported  amounts  of assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosures  of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
the  reported  amounts of revenues  and expenses  during the  reporting  period.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Concentration of Credit Risk

Financial  instruments  which  potentially  subject  the  Company to credit risk
consist primarily of cash, cash equivalents,  contract receivables and costs and
estimate profits in excess of billings on contracts in progress.

The Company  maintains cash and cash  equivalents  with various major  financial
institutions.  Cash equivalents consist primarily of overnight commercial paper.
The  Company  limits  the  amount  of  credit  exposure  with any one  financial
institution and believes that no significant concentration of credit risk exists
with respect to cash investments.

Contract  receivables  and costs and estimated  profits in excess of billings on
contracts in progress subject the Company to the potential for credit risk with


customers,  primarily government contractors. The Company establishes its credit
polices based on an ongoing  evaluation of its customers'  creditworthiness  and
competitive market conditions and does not require collateral.


Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The Company has various financial instruments,  including cash, cash equivalents
and short and long-term  debt. The Company  believes the carrying  values of its
financial instruments approximate their fair values.


Certain prior-year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current year

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In July 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141, "Business Combinations" and SFAS No.
142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible  Assets." SFAS No. 141 requires all business
combinations  initiated  after  June 30,  2001 to be  accounted  for  using  the
purchase  method of  accounting.  Under SFAS No. 142,  goodwill  and  intangible
assets with indefinite lives are no longer  amortized but are reviewed  annually
(or more frequently if impairment  indicators  arise) for impairment.  Separable
intangible  assets that are not deemed to have indefinite lives will continue to
be  amortized  over  their  useful  lives  (but  with  no  maximum  life).   The
amortization  provisions of SFAS No. 142 apply to goodwill and intangible assets
acquired  after June 30, 2001.  With respect to goodwill and  intangible  assets
acquired  prior to July 1, 2001,  the  Company is required to adopt SFAS No. 142
effective  January 1, 2002. The Company is currently  evaluating the effect that
the  adoption  of the  provisions  of SFAS No.  142 will have on its  results of
operations and financial position.

In July  2001,  the  FASB  also  issued  SFAS No.  143,  "Accounting  for  Asset
Retirement   Obligations,"  which  requires  obligations   associated  with  the
retirement  of  long-lived  assets to be recorded as  increases  in costs of the
related  asset.  Also,  on  October  3,  2001,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No.  144,
"Accounting  for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived  Assets." SFAS No. 144
supersedes  SFAS  No.  121,  "Accounting  for  the  Impairment  or  Disposal  of
Long-Lived  Assets and for  Long-Lived  Assets to be Disposed  Of." SFAS No. 144
develops one accounting  model for determining  impairment based on the model in
SFAS No.  121,  and for  long-lived  assets  that are to be disposed of by sale,
requires  them to be  disposed  of at the lower of book value or fair value less
cost to sell. SFAS No. 144 expands the scope of  "discontinued  operations." The
new rules will be applied  prospectively  beginning January 1, 2002.  Management
does not expect the adoption of these  statements  to have a material  impact to
its financial statements.


Equipment and leasehold improvements and their estimated lives are as follows at
December 31, 2001 and 2000:

                                                                      Lives              2001              2000
                                                                  -------------     ------------      ------------
    Computer equipment and software                                     3           $     260,000     $    230,000
    Lab and factory equipment                                           3               1,551,000        1,230,000
    Furniture, fixtures and office equipment                           10                 154,000          108,000
    Leasehold improvements                                        Life of lease           325,000          256,000
                                                                                     ------------     ------------
                                                                                        2,290,000        1,824,000
    Less- Accumulated depreciation and amortization                                     1,123,000          556,000
                                                                                     ------------     ------------

                                                                                     $  1,167,000     $  1,268,000
                                                                                     ============     ============


Depreciation  and amortization  expense of equipment and leasehold  improvements
for the years ended  December 31, 2001 and 2000 was  approximately  $567,000 and
$580,000,  respectively.  Depreciation  expense for the year ended  December 31,
1999 was immaterial to the consolidated financial statements.

Additionally, from time to time, the Company makes deposits on certain equipment
that may  ultimately  be  purchased  by a  financing  company  and leased to the
Company.  Amounts paid by the Company for such  deposits  totaled  approximately
$225,000 at December 31, 2001.


On November  27,  2001,  the Company  entered  into a secured  convertible  note
purchase   agreement  (the  "note   agreement")  with  an  investor  group  (the
"Investors")  whereby  the  Company  could  issue up to $1.5  million of secured
convertible  notes  to the  Investors,  as  defined.  Concurrent  with  the note
agreement,  the Company issued secured  promissory notes to the Investors in the
amount of $875,000 (the "secured  notes").  The secured notes accrue interest at
an annual rate of 9.00% per annum and mature on August 30, 2002.  The Company is
also  required to meet  certain debt  covenants,  as defined.  In addition,  the
Company granted a total of 359,589  warrants to the Investors in connection with
the secured  notes at an exercise  price of $1.67 per share.  Such  warrants are
exercisable  through November 2004. The fair value of the warrants in the amount
of approximately $262,000 was recorded as original issue discount,  resulting in
a reduction  in the carrying  value of the debt.  The fair value of the warrants
was calculated using the Black-Scholes  option pricing model. The original issue
discount was being  amortized  into interest  expense over the life of the debt.
Due to default on the secured  notes which  occurred on November  30,  2001,  as
discussed  below,  the remaining  value of the original issue discount as of the
date of default was amortized into interest  expense.  Accordingly,  the related
interest  expense in the amount of $262,000 is included in "Other expense,  net"
in the  accompanying  consolidated  statement of  operations  for the year ended
December 31, 2001.

The secured notes were convertible into common stock at any time at a conversion
price of $1.46 per  share.  Such  conversion  terms  provided  for a  beneficial
conversion  feature.  As the  Investors  had the  option  to  convert  the notes
immediately  upon  execution  of the  agreement,  the  value  of the  beneficial
conversion  feature of  approximately  $244,000 was  recognized  immediately  as
interest  expense and is included in "Other  expense,  net" in the  accompanying
consolidated statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 2001.

On November  30,  2001,  the Company was not in  compliance  with a certain debt
covenant,  as defined, and consequently  defaulted on the secured notes, causing
the maturity date of the notes to  accelerate  and become  immediately  due (the
"default").  The Investors  elected not to demand payment  immediately.  Certain
investors  elected to reinvest their respective funds in a subsequent  financing
(see Note 10),  while  certain  other  investors  elected for repayment of their
respective  funds.  The  repayments to those  investors  occurred  subsequent to
year-end.  Accordingly,  at December  31, 2001,  the  original  liability of the
secured  notes of  $875,000,  plus accrued but unpaid  interest,  is included in
current liabilities in the accompanying  consolidated balance sheet for the year
ended December 31, 2001.

On August  20,  2001,  the  Company  entered  into a $1.0  million  bridge  loan
arrangement with The Travelers Insurance Company ("Travelers"). The loan accrues
interest at an annual rate of 9.25% and matures on May 20,  2002.  Additionally,
for  each  week  the  loan is  outstanding  following  the  closing  date of the
arrangement (August 20, 2001), the Company is required to issue $50,000 worth of
warrants to Travelers, as defined. Total warrants issuable to Travelers, per the


agreement,  are not to exceed an amount  such that the  exercise  of all related
warrants would provide Travelers greater than 19.9% ownership of the outstanding
common stock of the Company.  Additionally, if the Company completes the sale of
convertible  debt securities for gross proceeds greater than $5 million prior to
May 20, 2002, Travelers has the right to convert the aggregate principal and any
accrued but unpaid interest on the bridge loan into the proportionate  amount of
convertible debt securities with similar terms and privileges.

Through  December  31,  2001,  the  Company has issued an  aggregate  of 416,878
warrants to Travelers at exercise  prices  ranging from $1.28 to $1.93 per share
in  connection  with this  arrangement.  Such warrants are  exercisable  through
November  2004.  Related  interest  expense of  approximately  $408,000 has been
recognized in "Other expense, net" in the accompanying consolidated statement of
operations for the year ended  December 31, 2001. The expense  represents to the
fair value of the  warrants  on the date of grant  calculated  using the Black -
Scholes  option  pricing model.  Terms of a subsequent  bridge loan  arrangement
entered into by the Company and certain private investors (see Note 10) included
a cap on the  maximum  number  of  warrants  issuable  to  Travelers  under  the
Travelers bridge loan arrangement at 451,842  warrants.  Travelers agreed to the
aforementioned amendment.

In September 1999, FED entered into two $1,000,000  convertible bridge loans for
an  aggregate  of  $2,000,000.  Each loan bore  interest  at 8.00% per annum and
matured in June 2000.  The loans  were  convertible  at the option of the holder
into shares of the Company's  common stock at a purchase  price equal to the per
share value of the private  placement  completed in connection  with the Merger.
These  liabilities  were  assumed  by the  Company  in the  Merger.  The  entire
outstanding balance of the bridge loans,  including accrued and unpaid interest,
was repaid in June 2000.


On  September  18, 2001 (the  "closing  date") the Company  entered  into a $3.0
million  convertible debt  arrangement  with SK Corporation ("SK loan").  The SK
loan accrues  interest at an annual rate of 4.00% and matures on  September  18,
2004. In connection with the debt  arrangement,  the Company issued warrants for
the  purchase of 205,479  shares of the  Company's  common  stock at an exercise
price of $1.46 per share. Such warrants are exercisable  through September 2004.
The fair value of the  warrants in the amount of $240,000  has been  recorded as
original issue  discount,  resulting in a reduction in the carrying value of the
debt.  The fair value of the warrants  was  calculated  using the  Black-Scholes
option  pricing  model.  The original  issue  discount is being  amortized  into
interest  expense  over the  three-year  life of the debt  using  the  effective
interest  method.  In the event the debt is  converted  prior to  maturity,  the
remaining  discount will be amortized  into interest  expense at the  conversion
date.  For the year ended  December  31,  2001,  approximately  $23,000 has been
amortized into interest  expense and is included in "Other expense,  net" in the
accompanying  consolidated  statement of operations  for the year ended December
31, 2001.

The SK loan is convertible  into common stock at any time at a fixed  conversion
price of $1.28  per  share.  Such  conversion  terms of the debt  provide  for a
beneficial  conversion  feature.  Due to the fact that the note  holder  had the
option to convert the note  immediately  upon  execution of the  agreement,  the
value  of the  beneficial  conversion  feature  of  approximately  $287,000  was
recognized  immediately as interest  expense and is included in "Other  expense,
net" in the accompanying statement of operations for the year ended December 31,

Additionally,  the  terms  of the debt  arrangement  provide  for a put  option,
exercisable  at the  option of SK  Corporation,  to redeem up to 25% of the face
value  of  the  debt  each  90-day  period  beginning  on  September  19,  2002.
Accordingly,  25% of the face value of the debt and the  proportionate  share of


the  original  issue  discount has been  classified  as  short-term  debt and is
included in  "Current  portion of  long-term  liabilities"  in the  accompanying
consolidated  balance  sheet as of  December  31,  2001.  The  remaining  75% of
principal,  original issue discount and accrued  interest is classified as other
long-term debt in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet as of December 31,

The  components  of  long-term  debt as of  December  31,  2001  and 2000 are as
                                                  2001               2000
                                              ------------      --------------
         Notes payable (a)                    $    168,000      $      346,000
         Capital leases (b)                         32,000              40,000
         SK Loan                                 2,798,000              50,000
                                              ------------      --------------
                                                 2,998,000             436,000
         Less- Current portion                     693,000             313,000
                                              ------------      --------------
                                              $  2,305,000      $      123,000
                                              ============      ==============

     a.   In May 1999,  FED entered into a $625,000  three-year  loan  agreement
          collateralized by its fixed assets.  Such liability was assumed in the
          Merger.  The  remaining  principal  balance is $71,000 at December 31,
          2001 with payments due through 2002 at an interest rate of 13.88%.

          In June 1999, FED entered into a $155,000  five-year  uncollateralized
          loan agreement. Such liability was assumed in the Merger. The proceeds
          were used to finance a leasehold improvement. The principal balance is
          $97,007 at December  31,  2001 with  payments  due through  2004 at an
          interest rate of 18%.

     b.   The  Company is party to a capital  lease for certain  equipment  with
          aggregate remaining principal balance totaling $31,578 at December 31,
          2001,  excluding  interest,  due through  2003 at an interest  rate of

          Maturity of debt for years ending December 31 are as follows:

                            2002                      $   693,000
                            2003                           51,000
                            2004                        2,455,000
                            2005- Thereafter                    -
                            Total                     $ 3,199,000


On July 16,  2001,  the  shareholders  approved  an  increase  in the  number of
authorized  shares of common stock of the Company to  100,000,000  shares with a
par value of $0.001 per share.

In October  2001,  the Company  entered  into an  agreement  with a  third-party
whereby the Company issued 86,038 shares of common stock in lieu of cash payment
for services rendered on behalf of the Company.  The Company recorded an expense
in the amount of  approximately  $116,000,  the fair value of the shares granted
based on the  market  value of the stock on the date of grant.  The  expense  is
included  in  "General   and   administrative"   expense  in  the   accompanying
consolidated  statement  of  operations  for the year ended  December  31, 2001.
Additionally,  the  issuance  of the  shares is  reflected  in the  consolidated
statement of shareholders' equity(deficit) for the year ended December 31, 2001.


In connection with the stock  agreement,  the Company also entered into a supply
agreement with the third-party for future purchases of supplies. (see Note 10)

In June 2001, The Travelers  Insurance  Company  exercised  warrants to purchase
16,002  shares of common stock of the Company at an exercise  price of $1.72 per

On  December  31,  1999 the  Company  forward  split its common  stock  3.054:1,
increasing the number of issued and  outstanding  common stock from 6,600,000 to

On March 30, 1998 the Company  forward split its common stock 6:1 increasing the
number of issued and outstanding common shares from 1,100,000 to 6,600,000.

Prior to the Merger on March 16,  2000,  net  proceeds  of  approximately  $23.3
million were raised through the private placement  issuance of approximately 3.5
million shares of common stock.  Additionally,  approximately 9.4 million shares
of common stock held by FDC's principal  shareholders were cancelled at the time
of the Merger.

On March 16, 2000 FDC acquired all of the  outstanding  stock of FED.  Under the
terms of the  agreement,  FDC issued  approximately  10.5 million  shares of its
common stock to FED shareholders,  and issued  approximately 3.9 million options
and  warrants in exchange  for  existing  FED  options and  warrants.  The total
purchase price of the transaction  was  approximately  $98.5 million,  including
$73.4 million of value  relating to the shares issued (at a fair value of $7 per
share, the value of the simultaneous  private  placement  transaction of similar
securities),  $20.9  million  of value  relating  to the  options  and  warrants
exchanged, based on the difference between the fair value and the exercise price
of said  equity  instruments  and  $3.8  million  of  assumed  liabilities.  The
transaction   was  accounted  for  using  the  purchase  method  of  accounting.
Accordingly,  the  purchase  price  was  allocated  to the fair  value of assets
acquired  and   liabilities   assumed  as  follows:   $13  million  to  deferred
compensation for the portion of value of options and warrants exchanged relating
to unvested  securities,  $18.0  million to  identifiable  intangible  assets as
valued by an independent appraisal, and $54.6 million to goodwill. Such goodwill
is being  amortized over a three-year  period.  The Company  recorded a goodwill
impairment charge of approximately $32.1 million and approximately $38.8 million
in  amortization  expense  related to purchased  intangible  assets for the year
ended December 31, 2001. In accordance with SFAS No. 2, "Accounting for Research
and  Development  Costs," as clarified by Financial  Accounting  Standards Board
Interpretation  No. 4, amounts  assigned to in-process  research and development
will be  charged  to  expense  as  part of the  allocation  of  purchase  price.
Accordingly,  the Company  recognized a charge of  approximately  $12.8  million
associated  with the write-off of acquired  in-process  research and technology,
which is included in the accompanying  consolidated  statement of operations for
the year ended December 31, 2000.


In 1994, FED established  the 1994 Stock Plan (the "1994 Plan"),  which has been
assumed  by the  Company.  The plan  provided  for the  granting  of  options to
purchase an aggregate of 1,286,000  shares of the Common Stock to employees  and
consultants of FED Corporation.

In 2000, FED established the 2000 Stock Option Plan (the "2000 Plan"), which has
been assumed by the  Company.  On July 16, 2001,  the  shareholders  approved an
increase  in the  aggregate  number  of  shares of the  Company's  common  stock
reserved for issuance  under the 2000 Plan from  3,900,000 to 5,900,000  shares.
The Plan permits the granting of options and stock purchase  rights to employees
and consultants of the Company.  The 2000 Plan allows for the grant of incentive


stock options meeting the  requirements  of Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue
Code of 1986 (the "Code") or non-qualified  stock options which are not intended
to meet the requirements Section 422 of the Code.

In May 2001,  the Company's  Board of Directors  adopted the eMagin  Corporation
Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the "Stock Purchase Plan"), under which a total of
750,000  shares of its common stock have been reserved for issuance,  subject to
the approval of the shareholders of the Company.  The shareholders  approved the
Stock Purchase Plan on July 16, 2001.  The Purchase  Plan,  which is intended to
qualify as an employee  stock purchase plan within the meaning of Section 423 of
the Code, provides for consecutive,  overlapping 24-month offering periods. Each
offering period contains four six-month purchase periods.  Each participant will
be granted an option to purchase the Company's  common stock on the first day of
each of the  six-month  purchase  periods and such option will be  automatically
exercised on the last day of each such purchase  period.  The purchase  price of
each share of common stock under the  Purchase  Plan will be equal to 85% of the
lesser of the fair market value per share of common  stock on the starting  date
of that offering period or on the date of the purchase.  Offering  periods begin
on the  first  trading  day on or after  January  1 and July 1 of each  year and
terminate 24-months later. The first offering period, however, began on July 16,
2001 and will end on June 30, 2003.

Employees  are eligible to  participate  in the Stock  Purchase Plan if they are
employed by the Company,  or a subsidiary of the Company designated by the Board
of  Directors,  for at least 20 hours per week and for more than five  months in
any  calendar  year.  The Stock  Purchase  Plan  permits  eligible  employees to
purchase common stock through payroll deductions, which may not exceed 15% of an
employee's compensation, subject to certain limitations. Employees may modify or
end their  participation  in the offering at any time during the offering period
or on the date of purchase,  subject to certain limitations.  Participation ends
automatically on termination of employment with the Company. The Company's Board
of Directors  may amend,  suspend or terminate  the Stock  Purchase  Plan at any
time,  except that certain  amendments may be made only with the approval of the
stockholders of eMagin.

Vesting terms of the options range from immediate  vesting to a ratable  vesting
period of 5-1/2 years. Option activity for the years ended December 31, 2001 and
2000 is summarized as follows:

                                                       Shares    Exercise Price
                                                    -----------  --------------
     Outstanding at December 31, 1999                        --      $       --
         Options assumed                              3,342,832            2.01
         Options granted, post-merger                   329,200            9.30
         Options exercised                                    -               -
         Options canceled                              (281,842)           1.77
     Outstanding at December 31, 2000                 3,390,190            2.72
         Options granted                              1,078,594            1.05
         Options exercised                                    -
         Options canceled                              (924,063)           2.17

     Outstanding at December 31, 2001                 3,544,721            2.41
     Exercisable at December 31, 2001                1,346,301

At December 31, 2001,  there were 3,555,279 shares available for grant under the
2000 Plan and the 1994 Plan.


Weighted  average  fair value of  options  granted in 2001 and 2000 is $0.76 and
$2.72,  respectively.  The fair value of each option  grant is  estimated on the
date of grant using the  Black-Scholes  option  pricing model with the following
weighted  average  assumptions:  risk-free  interest rates ranging from 2.75% to
5.41%; no expected  dividend yield,  expected lives of 2.96 years;  and expected
stock price volatility of 128%.

The following table summarizes  information  about stock options  outstanding at
December 31, 2001:

                                            Options Outstanding                               Options Exercisable
                         ----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------
                               Number                                 Weighted            Number         Weighted Average
                           Outstanding at     Weighted Average         Average        Exercisable at    Exercisable Price
   Range of Exercise     December 31, 2001        Remaining           Exercise       December 31, 2001
        Prices                                Contractual Life          Price
- --------------------     -----------------    ----------------      ---------------  -----------------  -----------------
    $  0.41 -  $1.35               726,196                9.50                 0.49            666,196               0.41
       1.72 -   1.72             2,174,795                5.97                 1.72            483,918               1.72
       2.25 -  19.50               643,730                7.95                 6.90            196,187               9.85
                                ----------          ----------                              ----------
                                 3,544,721                7.05                 2.41          1,346,301               2.26
                      ==========          ==========           ==========         ==========         ==========

The Company has  elected to  continue  to account for  stock-based  compensation
under  APB  Opinion  No.  25,  under  which  no  compensation  expense  has been
recognized  for stock  options  granted to employees at fair market  value.  Had
compensation expense for stock options granted under the 2000 Plan and 1994 Plan
been determined  based on fair value at the grant dates,  the Company's net loss
and net loss per share for the years ended December 31, 2001 and 2000 would have
been increased to the pro forma amounts shown below.

Net loss:                                         2001                 2000
  As reported ..................             $ (68,487,000)      $ (48,167,000)
  Pro forma.....................             $ (69,479,000)      $ (49,470,000)

Net loss per share:
  As reported ..................             $       (2.73)      $       (2.18)
  Pro forma per share......                  $       (2.77)      $       (2.23)

For the year ended  December 31, 1999, pro forma net loss and net loss per share
would have been the same as the reported net loss and net loss per share.


At December 31, 2001,  1,747,082 warrants to purchase shares of common stock are
issued,  outstanding  and  exercisable at exercise  prices ranging from $1.72 to


Royalty Payments

The  Company  is  obligated  to  make  minimum  annual  royalty  payments  to  a
corporation  commencing January 1, 2001. The minimum royalty of $31,500 per year
due under  this  agreement  commences  in the first year of the  agreement,  and
increases to minimum  royalty payment of $125,000 per year starting in


the sixth year of the agreement.  Under this agreement,  the Company must pay to
the  corporation a certain  percentage of net sales of certain  products,  which
percentages are defined in the agreement with the  corporation.  The percentages
are on a sliding scale depending on the amount of sales  generated.  Any minimum
royalties  paid may be credited  against the amounts due based on the percentage
of sales.

For the year ended December 31, 2001, the expense related to the minimum royalty
payment is included in general and  administrative  expense in the  accompanying
consolidated statement of operations.

License and Technology Agreement

In March 1997,  FED entered into a technology  agreement  with a corporation  to
permit potential commercialization of small-format OLED displays. This agreement
was transferred to the Company in the Merger.  The Company is dependent upon its
license agreement with the corporation for the development and commercialization
of its currently  planned OLED  products.  There are no additional  payments due
under this agreement.

Supply Agreement

Simultaneous  with the  issuance  of common  shares in lieu of cash  payment for
services  rendered  to a third  party  (Note  7),  the  Company  entered  into a
development and supply agreement with the third party.

Operating Leases

The  Company  leases  certain  office  facilities  and  office,  lab and factory
equipment under operating leases expiring  through 2004.  Certain leases provide
for payments of monthly operating expenses. The approximate future minimum lease
payments are as follows:

         Year ending December 31:

             2002                                        $   3,037,000
             2003                                            2,118,000
             2004                                              493,000
             Total                                       $   5,648,000

Rent expense for the years ended  December  31, 2001 and 2000 was  approximately
$1,199,000  and  $1,213,000,  respectively.  Rent  expense  for the  year  ended
December 31, 1999 was immaterial.


The Company may, from time to time, be a party to litigation  arising during the
normal  course  of  business.  The  Company  is  currently  not a  party  to any

Note 10 - SUBSEQUENT EVENTS (unaudited)

In January 2002, the Company entered into a $1.0 million bridge loan arrangement
with a private  investor  (the  "Investor")  in  connection  with  secured  note
purchase  agreement  executed by the Company on November 27, 2001 (Note 5). This
transaction   increased  the  total  amount  of  the  secured  convertible  loan
outstanding under this arrangement to $1,625,000,  including amounts  previously
made  available to the Company in connection  with the November 27, 2001 secured


note  arrangement,  net of  repayments  to certain  investors who elected not to
reinvest of $250,000. The secured convertible notes accrue interest at a rate of
9.00% per annum and mature on August 30, 2002. Terms of the notes also include a
fixed conversion rate of $0.5264 per share. The Company also granted warrants to
purchase  921,161  shares of common stock with an exercise  price of $0.5468 per
share to the  Investor.  Such  warrants are  exercisable  through  January 2005.
Certain  Investors of the November 27, 2001  financing  who elected to remain in
the new bridge loan arrangement  received resets of the previous conversion rate
and warrant exercise prices to the same terms as the new Investor.

In February 2002, the Company  completed a private  placement of securities with
several  institutional  and individual  investors of 3,617,128  shares of common
stock  at  a  price  per  share  of  $0.6913,   generating   gross  proceeds  of
approximately $2.5 million.  In connection with the financing  arrangement,  the
Company  issued  warrants to purchase  1,446,852  shares of common  stock of the
Company at an exercise price of $0.7542 per share. Such warrants are exercisable
through February 2005.

In March 2002, the Company entered into an equity line of credit  agreement with
a private equity fund (the "Fund")  whereby the Company has the option,  but not
the  obligation,  to sell  shares of common  stock to the Fund for a  three-year
period at a price per share,  as defined.  The  agreement  provides  for certain
minimum  and  maximum  monthly  amounts up to a maximum of $15  million  and, in
certain circumstances, up to $20 million.



To the Shareholders of FED Corporation:

We  have  audited  the  accompanying   consolidated  statements  of  operations,
shareholders'  equity  (deficit) and cash flows of FED  Corporation  (a Delaware
corporation in the  development  stage;  see Note 1) and subsidiary for the year
ended December 31, 1999 and for the period from  inception  (January 6, 1992) to
December 31, 1999 and the consolidated  statements of  shareholders'  equity for
the period from inception (January 6, 1992) to December 31, 1992 and for each of
the seven years ended  December 31, 1999.  These  financial  statements  are the
responsibility of the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  We believe  that our audits  provide a  reasonable  basis for our

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the results of  operations  and cash flows for the year
ended December 31, 1999 and for the period from  inception  (January 6, 1992) to
December 31, 1999, in conformity with accounting  principles  generally accepted
in the United States.

New York, New York                                           Arthur Andersen LLP
February 14, 2000 (except for Note 3,
as to which the date is March 15, 2000)


                          FED CORPORATION (PREDECESSOR)
                          (a development stage company)


                              TO DECEMBER 31, 1999

                                                                               Period from
                                                Period from                     inception
                                                 January 1,                    (January 6,
                                                  2000 to                        1992) to
                                                 March 15,                       December
                                                    2000            1999         31, 1999
                                                -------------   ------------   ------------
CONTRACT REVENUES                                    $568,484     $1,895,426    $14,565,353
                                                   ----------     ----------    ------------
              Total revenues                          568,484      1,895,426     14,565,353
                                                   ----------     ----------    ------------

    Research and development, net of funding
       under cost sharing arrangements of
       $175,000 and $1,148,166, respectively        2,180,519     10,171,387     36,323,800
    General and administrative                        995,750      5,203,201     15,069,058
    Non-cash stock based compensation               7,778,850             --             --

    Non-cash charge for induced conversion of              --      1,917,391      1,917,391
       debt                                       -----------    -----------     -----------
         Total costs and expenses, net             10,955,119     17,291,979     53,310,249
                                                  -----------    -----------     -----------

OTHER  (EXPENSE):                                  (2,968,419)      (403,692)      (403,102)

              Net loss                           $(13,355,049)  $(15,800,245)  $(39,147,998)
                                                =============   =============  =============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.


                                             FED CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARY
                                              (a development stage company)

                          FOR THE PERIOD FROM INCEPTION (JANUARY 6, 1992) TO DECEMBER 31, 1992
                                 AND FOR EACH OF THE SEVEN YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999

                                Series A          Series B            Series C         Series D           Series E
                             ---------------   ---------------    ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
                             Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock    Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock
                             ---------------   ---------------    ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
                             Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount    Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount
                             ---------------   ---------------    ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
BALANCE, at  inception          -       $-       -        $-         -       $-        -       $-       -        $-
(January 6, 1992)

    Sale of common stock
       to founder               -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
    Sale of common stock
       to a trust
       by founder               -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
    Net loss for the period     -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

BALANCE, December 31, 1992      -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
                            ------    ------   ------   ------    ------   ------   ------   ------   ------    ------
    Sale of common stock
       to founder               -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
    Sale of common stock
       to founder's family      -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
    Repurchase of common
       stock from founder       -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
    Sale of Series A
       preferred stock      2,000       20       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
    Dividends on Series A
       preferred stock          -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
    Net loss for the period     -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
                            ------    ------   ------   ------    ------   ------   ------   ------   ------    ------
BALANCE, December 31, 1993  2,000       20       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Sale of common stock
       to founder               -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Sale of Series B
       preferred stock          -        -  10,154       102         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Sales of common stock       -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Sales of common stock
       to employees             -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Sales of common stock
       to employees and
       ESPP                     -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Stock purchases
       receivable from
       employees                -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Dividends on Series A
       preferred stock          -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Net loss for the period     -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
                            ------    ------   ------   ------    ------   ------   ------   ------   ------    ------
BALANCE, December 31, 1994  2,000       20  10,154       102         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Sales of common stock,
       net of stock
       issuance costs           -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Common stock issued to
       Director as
       finder's fee             -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

                             Series F           Series G
                            ----------         ----------                                  Accumulated
                          Preferred Stock  Preferred Stock    Common Stock   Additional    During the
                          ---------------  ---------------    ------------    Paid-in      Development    Subscription
                          Shares   Amount  Shares   Amount    Shares Amount   Capital        Stage        Receivables  Total
                          ------   ------  ------   ------    ------ ------   --------     -----------    ------------ -----
BALANCE, at  inception       -      $-      -       $-         -      $-          $-           $-           $-           $-
(January 6, 1992)

    Sale of common stock
       to founder            -       -      -        -    5,000,000  50,000     (45,000)        -            -          5,000
    Sale of common stock
       to a trust
       by founder            -       -      -        -      161,000   1,610     119,140         -            -        120,750
    Net loss for the
     period                  -       -      -        -         -        -          -         (59,116)        -        (59,116)
                          -------  ------- -----  -------   -------  -------    -------     ---------     -------    ----------
BALANCE, December 31, 1992   -       -      -        -    5,161,000  51,610      74,140      (59,116)        -         66,634

    Sale of common stock
       to founder            -       -      -        -       76,000     760      61,490         -            -         62,250
    Sale of common stock
       to founder's family   -       -      -        -       13,333     133      19,867         -            -         20,000
    Repurchase of common
       stock from founder    -       -      -        -   (1,600,000)(16,000)     14,400         -            -         (1,600)
    Sale of Series A
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -        -       199,980         -            -        200,000
    Dividends on Series A
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -        -          -          (3,750)        -         (3,750)
    Net loss for the period  -       -      -        -         -        -          -        (408,738)        -       (408,738)
                          -------  ------- -----  -------   -------  -------    -------     ---------     -------    ----------
BALANCE, December 31, 1993   -       -      -        -    3,650,333  36,503     369,877     (471,604)        -        (65,204)

    Sale of common stock
       to founder            -       -      -        -          100       1        -            -            -              1

    Sale of Series B
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -        -        40,514         -            -         40,616

    Sales of common stock    -       -      -        -    1,047,132  10,471   1,591,786         -            -      1,602,257

    Sales of common stock
       to employees          -       -      -        -       88,469     885     133,110         -            -        133,995

    Sales of common stock
       to employees and
       ESPP                  -       -      -        -       34,041     340      43,062         -            -         43,402

    Stock purchases
       receivable from
       employees             -       -      -        -         -        -          -            -        (26,810)     (26,810)

    Dividends on Series A
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -        -          -         (18,000)        -        (18,000)

    Net loss for the period  -       -      -        -         -        -          -      (1,404,862)        -     (1,404,862)
                          -------  ------- -----  -------   -------  -------    -------     ---------     -------  -----------
BALANCE, December 31, 1994   -       -      -        -    4,820,075  48,200   2,178,349   (1,894,466)    (26,810)     305,395

    Sales of common stock,
       net of stock
       issuance costs        -       -      -        -      460,000   4,600   1,107,723         -            -      1,112,323

    Common stock issued to
       Director as
       finder's fee          -       -      -        -       61,560     616     153,284         -            -        153,900


                                Series A          Series B            Series C         Series D           Series E
                             ---------------   ---------------    ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
                             Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock    Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock
                             ---------------   ---------------    ---------------   ---------------   ---------------
                             Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount    Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount
                             ---------------   ---------------    ---------------   ---------------   ---------------

    Sales of common stock
       to employees and
       ESPP                     -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Receipt of stock
       receivable from
       employees                -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Dividends on Series A
       preferred stock          -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Net loss for the period     -        -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
                            ------    ------   ------   ------    ------   ------   ------   ------   ------
BALANCE, December 31, 1995   2,000      20  10,154       102         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Conversion of Series A      -
       preferred stock     131,333   1,313       -         -         -        -        -        -       -
    Common stock issued as
       finder's fee              -       -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Sale of common stock
       to employees and
       ESPP                      -       -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Exercise of stock
       options                   -       -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Sale of Series B
       preferred stock           -       -   1,562        16         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Sale of Series C
       preferred stock           -       -       -         - 1,156,832   11,568        -        -       -         -

    Sale of Series D
       preferred stock           -       -       -         -         -        -   887,304   8,873       -         -

    Sale of Series E
       preferred stock           -       -       -         -         -        -         -       - 874,093     8,741

    Costs of private
       placement of
       preferred stock           -       -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

    Dividends on Series A
       preferred stock           -       -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -
    Net loss for the period      -       -       -         -         -        -        -        -       -         -

BALANCE, December 31, 1996 133,333   1,333  11,716       118 1,156,832   11,568  887,304    8,873 874,093     8,741

                             Series F           Series G
                            ----------         ----------                                  Accumulated
                          Preferred Stock  Preferred Stock    Common Stock   Additional    During the
                          ---------------  ---------------    ------------    Paid-in      Development    Subscription
                          Shares   Amount  Shares   Amount    Shares Amount   Capital        Stage        Receivables  Total
                          ------   ------  ------   ------    ------ ------   --------     -----------    ------------ -----

    Sales of common stock
       to employees and
       ESPP                  -       -      -        -       33,295     333      70,420         -            -         70,753
    Receipt of stock
       receivable from
       employees             -       -      -        -         -         -          -           -         26,810       26,810
    Dividends on Series A
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -         -          -        (18,000)        -        (18,000)
    Net loss for the period  -       -      -        -         -         -          -     (3,992,375)        -     (3,992,375)
                          -------  ------- -----  -------   -------  -------    -------     ---------     -------  -----------

BALANCE, December 31, 1995   -       -      -        -     5,374,930 53,749   3,509,776   (5,904,841)        -     (2,341,194)

    Conversion of Series A
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -         -       (1,313)        -            -           -

    Common stock issued as
       finder's fee          -       -      -        -        11,500    115        (115)        -            -           -

    Sale of common stock
       to employees and
       ESPP                  -       -      -        -        42,447    424     105,249         -            -        105,673

    Exercise of stock
       options               -       -      -        -         3,125     31       4,656         -            -          4,687

    Sale of Series B
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -         -        6,234         -            -          6,250

    Sale of Series C
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -         -    4,037,344         -            -      4,048,912

    Sale of Series D
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -         -    4,427,646         -            -      4,436,519

    Sale of Series E
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -         -    5,235,817         -            -      5,244,558

    Costs of private
       placement of
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -         -     (747,292)        -            -       (747,292)

    Dividends on Series A
       preferred stock       -       -      -        -         -         -          -       (18,000)         -        (18,000)

    Net loss for the period  -       -      -        -         -         -          -    (6,021,867)         -     (6,021,867)
                          -------  ------- -----  -------   -------  -------    -------  -----------     ------    -----------
BALANCE, December 31, 1996   -       -      -        -     5,432,002 54,319  16,578,002 (11,944,708)         -      4,718,246


                                                    FED CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARY
                                                     (a development stage company)

                                       FCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (Continued)
                                 FOR THE PERIOD FROM INCEPTION (JANUARY 6, 1992) TO DECEMBER 31, 1992
                                        AND FOR EACH OF THE SEVEN YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999

                                Series A          Series B            Series C         Series D           Series E
                                --------          --------            --------         --------           --------
                             Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock    Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock
                             ---------------   ---------------    ---------------   ---------------   ----------------
                             Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount    Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount
                             ------   ------   ------   ------    ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------
BALANCE, December
   31, 1996                  133,333   $ 1,333   11,716    $ 118     1,156,832  $11,568  887,304  $ 8,873  874,093   $8,741

    Sale of
     common stock
     to employees
     and ESPP                   -        -         -         -            -        -        -       -         -        -

    Costs of
     placement of
     stock                      -        -         -         -            -        -        -       -         -        -

    Dividends on
     Series A
     stock                      -        -         -         -            -        -        -       -         -        -

    Net loss for
     the period                 -        -         -         -            -        -        -       -         -        -
                            --------  --------  --------   ------   ----------  -------- -------  ------  --------   ------
BALANCE, December
   31, 1997                  133,333    1,333    11,716      118     1,156,832   11,568  887,304   8,873   874,093    8,741
    Sale of
     common stock
     to employees
     and ESPP                   -        -         -         -            -        -        -       -         -        -

    Exercise of
     stock options              -        -         -         -            -        -        -       -         -        -

    Sale of
     Series B
     stock                      -        -        2,778       28          -        -        -       -         -        -

    Sale of
     Series F
     stock                      -        -         -         -            -        -        -       -         -        -

    Costs of
     placement of
     stock                      -        -         -         -            -        -        -       -         -        -

    Dividends on
     Series A
     stock                      -        -         -         -            -        -        -       -         -       -

    Net loss for
     the period                 -        -         -         -            -        -        -       -         -       -
                          --------  --------  --------   ------   ----------  -------- -------  ------  --------   ------

BALANCE, December
   31, 1998                  133,333    1,333    14,494      146     1,156,832   11,568  887,304   8,873   874,093   8,741
    Sale of Series G
     preferred stock
     and resulting
     accretion to
     liquidation value          -        -         -        -             -        -        -       -         -       -

                             Series F           Series G
                             --------           --------                                   Accumulated
                          Preferred Stock  Preferred Stock    Common Stock   Additional    During the
                          ---------------  ---------------    ------------    Paid-in      Development    Subscription
                          Shares   Amount  Shares   Amount    Shares Amount   Capital        Stage        Receivables  Total
                          ------   ------  ------   ------    ------ ------   --------     -----------    ------------ -----
BALANCE, December
   31, 1996                -         $ -         -        $ -      5,432,002 $ 54,319   $16,578,002  $(11,944,708) $ -   $4,718,246

    Sale of
     common stock
     to employees
     and ESPP              -           -         -          -         12,728      128        53,246          -       -       53,374

    Costs of
     placement of
     stock                 -           -         -          -           -        -           (7,830)         -       -       (7,830)

    Dividends on
     Series A
     stock                 -           -         -          -           -        -             -          (18,000)   -      (18,000)

    Net loss for
     the period            -           -         -          -           -        -             -       (3,729,568)   -   (3,729,568)
                          --------  --------  --------   ------   ----------  -------- -------  ------  --------   ---   -----------
BALANCE, December
   31, 1997                -           -         -          -      5,444,730    54,447   16,623,418   (15,692,276)   -     1,016,222
    Sale of
     common stock
     to employees
     and ESPP              -           -         -          -          8,396       84        38,311          -       -       38,395

    Exercise of
     stock options         -           -         -          -          5,000       50        12,450          -       -       12,500

    Sale of
     Series B
     stock                 -           -         -          -           -         -          16,638          -       -       16,666

    Sale of
     Series F
     stock            1,915,471       19,155     -          -           -         -      11,473,671          -       -   11,492,826

    Costs of
     placement of
     stock                7,300          73      -          -           -         -        (134,538)         -       -     (134,465)

    Dividends on
     Series A
     stock                 -            -        -          -           -         -            -          (18,000)   -      (18,000)

    Net loss for
     the period            -            -        -          -           -         -            -       (7,731,427)   -   (7,731,427)
                        --------  --------  --------   ------   ----------  -------- -------  ------   -----------  ---  -----------

BALANCE, December
   31, 1998           1,922,771       19,228     -          -      5,458,126    54,581   28,029,950   (23,441,703)   -    4,692,717
    Sale of Series
     G preferred stock
     and resulting
     accretion to
     liquidation value     -            -     681,446      6,814        -         -       4,702,817      (957,185)   -    3,752,446


                                Series A          Series B            Series C         Series D           Series E
                                --------          --------            --------         --------           --------
                             Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock    Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock   Preferred Stock
                             ---------------   ---------------    ---------------   ---------------   ----------------
                             Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount    Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount
                             ------   ------   ------   ------    ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------

    Dividend on
     Series A
     stock                      -        -         -        -             -        -        -       -         -       -

     of preferred
     stock and
     debt to
     common stock           (133,333)  (1,333)  (14,494)   (146)    (1,156,832) (11,568)(887,304) (8,873) (874,093) (8,741)

    Sale of
     common stock
     to employees
     and ESPP                   -        -         -        -             -        -        -       -         -       -

    Common stock
     options and
     issued to
     nonemployees               -        -         -        -             -        -        -       -         -       -

     of debt                    -        -         -        -             -        -        -       -         -       -

    Stock split
     (Note 8)                   -        -         -        -             -        -        -       -         -       -

    Net loss for
     the period                 -        -         -        -             -        -        -       -         -       -
                          --------  --------  --------   ------   ----------  -------- -------  ------  --------   ------

BALANCE, December
    31, 1999                    -    $   -         -     $  -             -     $  -        -    $  -         -    $  -
                          ========  ========  ========   ======   =========   ======== =======  =====   =======    ======

                             Series F           Series G
                             --------           --------                                   Accumulated
                          Preferred Stock  Preferred Stock    Common Stock   Additional    During the
                          ---------------  ---------------    ------------    Paid-in      Development    Subscription
                          Shares   Amount  Shares   Amount    Shares Amount   Capital        Stage        Receivables  Total
                          ------   ------  ------   ------    ------ ------   --------     -----------    ------------ -----
   Dividend on
     Series A
     stock                 -            -        -          -           -         -            -           (9,000)   -       (9,000)

     of preferred
     stock and
     debt to
     common stock    (1,922,771)    (19,228) (681,446)    (6,814) 25,197,315   251,973   12,676,004    (7,030,511)  -     5,840,763

    Sale of
     common stock
     to employees
     and ESPP              -           -         -          -          8,326        83       15,524          -      -        15,607

    Common stock
     options and
     issued to
     nonemployees          -           -         -          -           -         -         234,000          -      -       234,000

     of debt               -           -         -          -           -         -       1,333,333          -      -     1,333,333

    Stock split
     (Note 8)              -           -         -          -    (26,283,178) (262,831)     262,831          -      -          -

    Net loss for
     the period            -           -         -         -           -         -            -     (15,800,245)   -    (15,800,245)
                       --------  --------  --------   ------   ----------  -------- -------  ------   -----------  ---  -----------

BALANCE, December
    31, 1999               -         $ -         -     $   -       4,380,589   $43,806  $47,254,459 $(47,238,64)   $-       $59,621
                       =======   ========  =======    ======      ==========  =========  =========== ============  ===  ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.


(a development stage company)


                                              Period from                  Period From
                                              January 1,                    Inception
                                               2000 to                     (January 6,
                                              March 15,                      1992) to
                                                2000                       December 31,
                                             (unaudited)       1999            1999
                                            -------------  -------------  --------------
Net loss                                    $(13,355,049)   $(15,800,245)  $(39,147,998)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to
    net cash used in operating
Depreciation and amortization                    325,095       1,625,081       4,804,920
Deferred rent                                      --              --              -
Gain on sale of assets                             --              --            (69,525)
Noncash charge for induced conversion
    of debt                                        --          1,917,391       1,917,391
Noncash charges for value of warrants
    granted and amortization of
    original issue discount                        --            203,000         203,000
Noncash charge due to beneficial
    conversion feature                             --            157,500         157,500
Noncash charge for stock based
    compensation                               7,778,850           --              --
Amortization of debt discount                  2,940,339           --              --
Changes in operating assets and
Contract receivables                             (58,659)        188,755         (73,304)
Costs and estimated profits in excess
    of billings on contracts in
    progress                                    (397,841)      3,069,008        (221,723)
Prepaid expenses and other current
    assets                                      (178,058)        129,840         140,779
Deposits and other assets                          --             23,871          23,871
Accounts payable, accrued expenses,
    and other current liabilities                488,516         131,112       2,110,597
Advance payments on contracts to be
    completed                                      ---          (246,518)          --
                                              -----------     ------------   --------------
Net cash used in operating activities         (2,456,807)     (8,601,205)    (30,154,492)
                                              ------------     -----------    -------------
Purchases of equipment                           (57,574)       (250,193)     (3,154,640)
Acquisition of business, net of cash
    acquired                                       --              --           (547,503)
Proceeds from the sale of assets                   --              --            229,550
                                              -----------       -----------  -------------
Net cash used in investing activities            (57,574)       (250,193)     (3,472,593)
                                              -----------       -----------  -----------


                                              Period from                  Period From
                                              January 1,                    Inception
                                               2000 to                     (January 6,
                                              March 15,                      1992) to
                                                2000                       December 31,
                                             (unaudited)       1999            1999
                                            -------------  -------------  --------------

Proceeds from senior notes, net of
    issuance costs                                 --              --          3,968,958
Proceeds from short-term debt                      --          3,333,333       3,333,333
Proceeds from notes payable                        --            590,232         590,232
Proceeds from sales of common stock,
    net of issuance costs                      1,269,378          15,608       3,419,160

Proceeds from sales of preferred
    stock, net of issuance costs                   --          3,752,407      23,856,998

Proceeds from short-term debt                  1,923,300           --              --
Payments of obligations under capital
    lease                                        (92,748)          --           (823,128)
                                               ----------      ---------      -----------
Net cash provided by financing
    activities                                 3,099,930       7,691,580      34,345,553
                                               ----------      ---------      -----------
Net (decrease) increase in cash and
    cash equivalents                             585,549      (1,159,818)        718,468

    of period                                    718,468       1,878,286           --
                                               ----------      ---------      -----------
    period                                   $ 1,304,017     $   718,468     $   718,468
                                               ==========      =========      ===========

Interest paid                                $    11,918     $   242,000     $   930,593
                                               ==========      =========      ===========

Conversion of preferred stock to
    common stock                             $      -        $ 7,576,862     $     -
                                               ==========      =========      ===========
Conversion of senior debt to common
    stock                                    $      -        $ 4,000,000     $     -
                                               ==========      =========      ===========
Acquisition of business-
Fair value of assets acquired, net of
    cash acquired                                  --        $     --        $    --
Net book value assumed                             --              --             --

Excess purchase price over net assets
    acquired                                       --              --             --
Value of preferred stock issued                    --              --             --
                                               ----------      ---------      -----------
Net cash paid for acquisition                      --        $     --        $    --
                                               ==========      =========      ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated statements.


                          FED CORPORATION (PREDECESSOR)
                          (a development stage company)

                 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


FED Corporation  ("FED",  together with its subsidiary the "Company") was formed
on January 6, 1992, to develop,  manufacture and market field emitter devices or
flat panel  displays.  In January 1994,  the Company moved its principal  office
from North Carolina to New York State.  In connection with this move, a Delaware
corporation was  established and the North Carolina  Corporation was statutorily
merged into the Delaware corporation with the latter being the survivor.  During
1998, FED acquired Virtual Vision, Inc. ("Virtual Vision," or the "Subsidiary"),
a head-mounted  display technology company.  Virtual Vision develops and markets
head-mounted   display   systems  for  standalone  and  wireless   computing  in
commercial, industrial, and military applications.

The Company continues to be a development stage company, as defined by Statement
of Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 7, "Accounting and Reporting by
Development Stage Enterprises",  as it continues to devote  substantially all of
its efforts to  establishing  a new  business,  and it has not yet commenced its
planned  principal  operations.  Revenues  earned  by the  Company  to date  are
primarily related to research and development type contracts and are not related
to the  Company's  planned  principal  operations  of the  commercialization  of
products using OLED technology.

Since  inception,   the  Company  has  entered  into  research  and  development
cost-sharing  arrangements,  as well as research and development contracts, with
several  government  agencies and private  industry.  Through December 31, 1999,
such  arrangements  have provided total funding of  approximately  $36.6 million
through cost sharing arrangements and contract revenues.

Through  December 31, 1999,  the Company had incurred  development  stage losses
totaling  approximately  $39 million,  and at December  31, 1999,  had a working
capital deficit of $3.3 million.  The Company's future success is dependent upon
its ability to continue  to raise  capital  for,  among  other  things,  (1) its
research and development  efforts,  (2) hiring and retaining key employees,  (3)
satisfaction of its commitments and (4) the successful development and marketing
of its products.


Revenue and Cost Recognition

The Company has  historically  earned  revenues from certain of its research and
development  activities  under both firm  fixed-price  contracts  and  cost-type
contracts,  including some  cost-plus-fee  contracts.  Revenues relating to firm
fixed-price  contracts are generally recognized on the  percentage-of-completion
method of accounting  as costs are incurred  (cost-to-cost  basis).  Revenues on
cost-plus-fee  contracts include costs incurred plus a portion of estimated fees
or profits based on the relationship of costs incurred to total estimated costs.
Contract costs include all direct  material and labor costs and an allocation of
allowable indirect costs as defined by each contract.


Research and Development/Cost Sharing Arrangements

To date,  activities  of the Company  include the  performance  of research  and
development under cooperative agreements with United States Government agencies.
Current  industry  practices  provide that costs and related  funding under such
agreements be accounted for as incurred and earned.

The Company has entered into three cost sharing  arrangements  with an agency of
the U.S. Government. The Company has incurred research and development costs and
earned funding under these agreements as follows:

     Unfunded research and development                   $    8,997,000
     Research and development costs                           2,322,000
     Funding received                                        (1,148,000)
                                                         $   10,171,000

Although it is not under any  obligation,  the  Company may incur  approximately
$6,700,000 of additional costs on these efforts. If such costs, as defined,  are
incurred, the government is obligated to reimburse the Company for $3,326,000 of
such costs.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Company considers all highly liquid instruments with an original maturity of
three months or less to be cash equivalents.  Cash equivalents consist primarily
of overnight commercial paper and are stated at cost, which approximates market,
and are considered available for sale.

SFAS  No.  115,   "Accounting  for  Certain   Investments  in  Debt  and  Equity
Securities,"  requires the classification of debt and equity securities based on
whether  the  securities  will be  held  to  maturity,  are  considered  trading
securities or are available-for-sale. Classification within these categories may
require the securities to be reported at their fair market value with unrealized
gains and losses included  either in current  earnings or reported as a separate
component of shareholders' equity, depending on the ultimate classification.

Comprehensive Income

The  Company   complies  with  the  provisions  of  SFAS  No.  130,   "Reporting
Comprehensive  Income", which requires companies to report all changes in equity
during  a  period,   except  those  resulting  from  investment  by  owners  and
distributions  to  owners,   for  the  period  in  which  they  are  recognized.
Comprehensive  income is the total of net income and all other non-owner changes
in equity (or other comprehensive  income) such as unrealized gains or losses on
securities  classified  as  available-for-sale,   foreign  currency  translation
adjustments and minimum pension liability  adjustments.  Comprehensive and other
comprehensive   income  must  be  reported  on  the  face  of  annual  financial
statements.  The Company's  operations  did not give rise to any material  items
includable in comprehensive  income which were not already in net income for the
year ended December 31, 1999. Accordingly, the Company's comprehensive income is
the same as its net income for all periods presented.


Equipment and Leasehold Improvements

Equipment  and  leasehold  improvements  are  stated  at cost.  Depreciation  on
equipment is calculated  using the  straight-line  method of  depreciation  over
their  estimated  useful  lives.   Amortization  of  leasehold  improvements  is
calculated by using the straight-line method over the shorter of their estimated
useful  lives or lease  terms.  Expenditures  for  maintenance  and  repairs are
charged to expense as incurred.


Excess  purchase price over net assets  acquired  ("goodwill") is amortized on a
straight-line  basis  over the  estimated  period  of  benefit  of the  business
acquired. Goodwill related to the acquisition of Virtual Vision of approximately
$4,110,000,  net of accumulated amortization of $1,439,000 at December 31, 1999,
is being amortized over a period of five years.

Long-Lived Assets

SFAS No.  121,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets and for
Long-Lived  Assets  to  be  Disposed,"   establishes  financial  accounting  and
reporting   standards  for  the   impairment  of  long-lived   assets,   certain
identifiable  intangibles  and  goodwill.  SFAS No. 121  requires,  among  other
things,  that assets be reviewed for  impairment  whenever  events or changes in
circumstances  indicate  that the  carrying  amounts  of the  assets  may not be
realizable  considering,  among  other  factors,  expected  future  undiscounted
operating cash flows of the related asset.

Income Taxes

Deferred  income taxes are recorded by applying  enacted  statutory tax rates to
temporary  differences  between the financial statement carrying amounts and the
tax bases of existing assets and liabilities.  At December 31, 1999, the Company
has net deferred tax assets of approximately $14.3 million,  primarily resulting
from the future tax benefit of net operating loss carryforwards discussed below.
Such net deferred tax assets are fully offset by valuation allowances because of
the uncertainty as to their future to be realized.

At December  31,  1999,  the Company has net  operating  loss  carryforwards  of
approximately  $35.8  million,  which expire  through 2019,  available to offset
future taxable income. Pursuant to Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code, the
usage of a portion of these net operating loss  carryforwards  is limited due to
changes in ownership that have occurred. Additionally, the transaction discussed
in Note 3, will result in a further  limitation of the use of such net operating
loss carryforwards.

Stock-Based Compensation

The  Company  accounts  for  stock-based  compensation  issued to  employees  in
accordance  with  Accounting  Principles  Board Opinion No. 25 ("APB Opinion No.
25"),  "Accounting  for Stock Issued to Employees."  The Company,  as permitted,
elected  not to adopt the  financial  reporting  requirements  of SFAS No.  123,
"Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation," for stock-based compensation granted
to  employees.  Accordingly,  the  Company  has  disclosed  in the  notes to the
financial  statements the pro forma net loss for the periods presented as if the
fair-value-based  method was used in accordance  with the provisions of SFAS No.


Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the  reported  amounts  of assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosures  of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
the  reported  amounts of revenues  and expenses  during the  reporting  period.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Certain prior-year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current year

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In June 1998,  the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Boards issued SFAS No. 133,
"Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging  Activities."  The statement
establishes  accounting and reporting  standards requiring that every derivative
instrument   (including  certain  derivative   instruments   embedded  in  other
contracts)  be recorded in the balance sheet as either an asset or liability and
be  measured at its fair value.  Additionally,  any changes in the  derivative's
fair value are to be recognized  currently in earnings,  unless  specific  hedge
accounting  criteria  are met.  This  statement  is  effective  for fiscal years
beginning  after June 15, 2000.  The Company  does not believe that  adoption of
this  statement  will  have a  material  impact  on its  consolidated  financial


On March 16, 2000 FDC acquired all of the  outstanding  stock of FED.  Under the
terms of the merger, FDC issued  approximately 10.5 million shares of its common
stock to FED  shareholders  and issued  approximately  3.9  million  options and
warrants in exchange for existing FED options and warrants.  The total  purchase
price of the  transaction  was  approximately  $98.5  million,  including  $73.4
million of value relating to the shares issued (at a fair value of $7 per share,
the  value  of  a  simultaneous   private   placement   transaction  of  similar
securities),  $20.9  million  of value  relating  to the  options  and  warrants
exchanged, based on the difference between the fair value and the exercise price
of said  equity  instruments,  and $3.8  million  of  assumed  liabilities.  The
transaction was accounted for using the purchase method of accounting.


In March 1998,  the Company  acquired  all of the  outstanding  stock of Virtual
Vision for a total purchase price of $5,000,000,  consisting of $500,000 in cash
and 750,000 shares of the Company's Series F Preferred Stock valued at $6.00 per
share. The acquisition was accounted for under the purchase method of accounting
and the  results of  operations  of Virtual  Vision  have been  included  in the
consolidated  financial  statements since the date of acquisition.  The purchase
price was allocated based on the fair value of the assets  acquired,  determined
by management's estimates,  as supported by appraisal.  Purchase price in excess
of  net  assets  acquired  of   approximately   $4.1  million  resulted  in  the
acquisition,  which is being  amortized  over a period of five years.  Pro forma
results  of  operations  for  the  periods  prior  to the  acquisition  are  not
materially different than the accompanying  historical  statements of operations
presented for the Company.



Depreciation  and amortization  expense of equipment and leasehold  improvements
for the year ended December 31, 1999 amounted to approximately $810,000.

Additionally, from time to time, the Company makes deposits on certain equipment
that may  ultimately  be  purchased  by a  financing  company  and leased to the
Company.  Amounts paid by the Company for such  deposits  totaled  approximately
$14,000 for the year ended December 31, 1999.


Senior Notes Payable

In April 1995,  the Company  completed a private  placement for the issuance and
sale of its 5% senior notes in the  aggregate  principal  amount of  $4,000,000,
which was to mature in full on April 12,  2002,  at an  interest  rate of 5% per
annum payable quarterly. In July 1999, as part of the Company's recapitalization
(Note 8), the note was converted into 5,072,464  shares of the Company's  common
stock.  Under the original  terms of the notes,  the holders of the senior notes
had the right to convert the unpaid principal  balance,  in multiples of $1,000,
into  common  stock at the  price of $3.45 per  share at any  time,  subject  to
provision for anti-dilution. In order to induce the note-holders to convert such
notes,  the Company  provided  for a  conversion  rate of 4.375 shares of common
stock, for each share of common stock otherwise  provided for under the original
conversion  terms.  The Company has  recorded  an expense of  $1,917,000  in the
accompanying  statement of operations  for the year ended December 31, 1999 as a
result of the  conversion,  based on an estimated fair value of $3.40 per share,
the value of a common share based on the Merger discussed in Note 3.

Bridge Loans

In September 1999, the Company entered into two $1,000,000 convertible loans for
an aggregate of  $2,000,000.  Each loan bears interest at 8% and matures in June
2000.  The loans are  convertible at the option of the holder into shares of the
Company's  common stock at a purchase  price equal to the per share value of the
Company's  most recent equity  financing.  In connection  with these loans,  the
Company  issued  warrants  for the purchase of 167,000  shares of the  Company's
common stock at an exercise  price of $12.00 per share.  The intrinsic  value of
these  warrants  of $140,000  has been  recorded  as  original  issue  discount,
resulting in a reduction in the carrying  value of this debt. The original issue
discount will be amortized into interest expense over the period of the debt.

In December 1999, the Company borrowed  $1,333,333 from a corporation  under the
terms of a convertible  note.  The note was  convertible  into 392,157 shares of
common stock under its original  terms.  The loan bears  interest at 8% annually
and matures in May 2000. In connection with the Merger discussed in Note 3, this
note  converted  into  common  stock.  Based  on the  terms  of the  merger  the
conversion terms of the debt provide for a beneficial  conversion  feature.  The
value of the beneficial feature is recorded as an offset to the debt account and
will be amortized into interest expense over the original  issuance term. At the
merger date, the remaining discount will be amortized into interest expense.



Long-term debt consists of the following as of December 31, 1999:

        Notes payable (a)                                      $      653,000
        Liabilities assumed from Virtual Vision (b)                   100,000
        Capital leases (c)                                             57,000
        Less-Current portion                                          269,000
                                                               $      541,000

     a.   In May 1999,  the  Company  entered  into a $625,000  three-year  loan
          agreement  collateralized by its fixed assets. The aggregate remaining
          principal  balance is $508,421 at December  31, 1999 and  payments are
          due through 2002 at an interest rate of 13.88%.

          In  June  1999,  the  Company  entered  into  a  $155,000    five-year
          uncollateralized  loan agreement.  The proceeds were used to finance a
          leasehold improvement.  The aggregate principal balance is $144,964 at
          December  31, 1999 and  payments  are due through  2004 at an interest
          rate of 18%.

     b.   In connection  with the  acquisition  of Virtual  Vision,  the Company
          assumed a liability relating to a previous acquisition made by Virtual
          Vision.  At December  31,  1999,  the  remaining  payments  under this
          agreement totaled  $100,000,  payable $50,000 per year for each of the
          next two years.  This agreement also provides for additional  payments
          over the $50,000 per year should certain  technology  acquired be used
          in consumer applications,  whereby payments would be required based on
          certain percentages of licensing and sales revenues.

     c.   The  Company is party to a capital  lease for certain  equipment  with
          aggregate remaining principal balance totaling $56,868 at December 31,
          1999,  excluding  interest,  due through  2003 at an interest  rate of

          Maturity of debt as of December 31, 1999 is as follows:

                                2000                    $269,000
                                2001                     351,000
                                2002                     115,000
                                2003                      49,000
                                2004                      26,000


In March 2000, FED repriced approximately 325,000 common stock options issued to
employees.  The  repricing  resulted  in  a  non-cash  compensation  expense  of
approximately $2.7 million for the period ended March 15, 2000.


In  addition,  FED repriced  approximately  108,000  warrants  issued to outside
consultants and organizations that provided bridge loans and funding commitments
to the Company.  The repricing  resulted in a non-cash  charge of  approximately
$1.2 million,  which is included in the accompanying  consolidated  statement of
operations for the Company period ended March 15, 2000.

In March 2000,  FED issued  options to purchase  common stock to employees at an
exercise price below the fair market value on the date of grant of $7.00.  These
options vest over a period of 1 - 60 months with a minimum  lockup  period of 18
months. As a result, the Company recorded deferred  compensation  expense in the
amount of approximately $12.5 million,  which will be amortized over the vesting
period of the options.

FED also issued  warrants to  shareholders  at an exercise  price below the fair
market  value on the  date of  grant.  As a  result,  FED  recorded  a  one-time
compensation  expense of  approximately  $2.5 million for the period ended March
15, 2000.

The  recipients  of the repriced  options and warrants  were required to execute
lock-up  agreements  that prohibit  disposition of the  underlying  shares for a
period of 18 months following the Merger. Thereafter the recipients may transfer
no more that 20% of the underlying  shares in the 6 months  following the end of
the 18-month period, and the balance of the underlying shares may be transferred
24-27 months after the Merger.

Common Stock

In July 1999, the Company effected a 1 for 7 reverse stock split, resulting in a
reduction of total common shares  outstanding  from  approximately  30.7 million
shares to approximately 4.4 million shares.

During  1999,  the Company  amended its  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and was
authorized to issue 50,000,000 shares of its Common Stock.

Preferred Stock

Through  1999,  the  Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  provided for the
issuance  of a total of  5,000,000  shares of  preferred  stock,  which could be
issued in various series.

Through  1998,  the Company had issued an  aggregate  of  4,988,827  of Series A
through  F  preferred  stock.  The  various  series  generally  provided  for  a
liquidation  preference  equal to the original  purchase  price of the preferred
stock,  plus  accrued but unpaid  dividends,  if  declared,  and were  generally
convertible at a rate of one share of preferred for one share of common,  at the
option of the holder.

During 1999,  the Company  issued  681,446  shares of Series G preferred  stock,
generating  aggregate proceeds of approximately  $3,847,000.  In connection with
the issuance of the Series G preferred,  the Company  offered  exchange  credits
whereby those purchasers of Series G preferred, also holders of preferred Series
D, E and F, would  exchange  Series D, E and F preferred  for upgrades to Series
D1, E1 and F1 preferred.

The Series G preferred provided for an immediate  liquidation value of $7.05 per
share, in excess of the purchase price.  Accordingly,  a charge of approximately
$957,000  was  recorded  against  retained  earnings to accrete the value of the
preferred stock to its liquidation value.


In July  1999,  the  Company  induced  conversion  of all  preferred  series  by
providing  for  conversion  rates and terms that were more  beneficial  than the
original terms.  The conversion of all preferred series resulted in the issuance
of 20,124,851 shares of the Company's common stock,  14,474,579 shares in excess
of the number of shares that would have been issued under the original  terms of
the  preferred   series.   Accordingly,   a  charge  to  retained   earnings  of
approximately   $7,000,000  has  been  recorded,   based  on  a  fair  value  of
approximately  $3.40  per  common  share,  the fair  value  attributable  to the
Company's common stock in the Merger discussed in Note 3.


The Company has two  stock-based  compensation  plans,  described  below,  which
provide for the grant at fair market value.  The Company applies APB Opinion No.
25 and related  interpretations  of accounting  for its plans.  Accordingly,  no
compensation  cost has been  recognized for its fixed stock option plans and its
stock  purchase plan. Had  compensation  cost for the Company's two  stock-based
compensation  plans been  determined  based on the fair value at the grant dates
for awards  under those plans  consistent  with the method of SFAS No. 123,  the
Company's net loss would have been the pro forma amounts indicated below:

                Net loss as reported           $   (15,800,000)
                Net loss pro forma                 (16,656,000)

The  effects  of  applying  SFAS No.  123 in this pro forma  disclosure  are not
indicative  of future  amounts.  SFAS No. 123 does not apply to awards  prior to
1995, and additional awards in future years are not anticipated.

Stock Option Plan

As amended in the  Certificate of  Incorporation,  the Company's Stock Plan (the
"Plan")  permits the  granting of options to purchase an  aggregate of 4,500,000
shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock to  employees  and  consultants  of the
Company.  The Plan  also  permits  the  granting  of stock  purchase  rights  to
employees and consultants of the Company.  Under the Plan, the Company may grant
either incentive or nonstatutory stock options;  however,  incentive options may
only be granted to employees.  The exercise  price of an incentive  stock option
may not be less than the fair market value,  as estimated by management,  of the
Company's  common shares on the date such option is granted.  The exercise price
of a  nonstatutory  stock  option may be less than the fair market  value on the
date of  grant.  In  accordance  with SFAS No.  123,  any  grants to other  than
employees  of the  Company,  and certain  directors,  will result in a charge on
earnings based to the fair value of the instruments granted.

Vesting  terms of the options range from  immediate  vesting of all options to a
ratable  vesting  period of 5-1/2  years.  Option  activity  for the year  ended
December 31, 1999 is  summarized  as follows (all amounts have been  restated to
reflect the Company's 1 for 7 reverse stock split (Note 8)):


                                                       Weighted Average
                                           Shares       Exercise Price
Outstanding at beginning of year           288,875       $ 18.13
    Options granted                        155,666         21.00
    Options exercised                           -           -
    Options forfeited                      (22,718)        22.43
    Options canceled                       (46,521)        21.68
Outstanding at end of year                 375,302         18.59

Exercisable at end of year                 283,389

Weighted average fair value of
    options granted                    $     14.84

At December 31, 1999,  there were 267,555  shares  available for grant under the

At December 31, 1999,  there were  369,136  warrants  issued and included in the
Black-Scholes option pricing model for pro forma purposes.

The fair value of each option  grant is estimated on the date of grant using the
Black-Scholes   option  pricing  model  with  the  following   weighted  average
assumptions used for grants in 1999 and 1998,  respectively:  risk-free interest
rate of 4.49% and 5.29%; no expected  dividend yield,  expected lives of 2.6 and
5.3  years;  and .78 and 0 expected  stock  price  volatility  in 1999 and 1998,
respectively. Exercise prices for outstanding options at December 31, 1999 range
from $5.20 - $38.00.

The following table summarizes  information  about stock options  outstanding at
December 31, 1999:

                                       Options Outstanding                               Options Exercisable
                      --------------------------------------------------------    ------------------------------------
                            Number         Weighted Average        Weighted            Number         Weighted Average
Range of Exercise      Outstanding at         Remaining            Average         Exercisable at        Exercisable
     Prices           December 31, 1999    Contractual Life     Exercise Price    December 31, 1999         Price
- -----------------     -----------------    ----------------     --------------    -----------------    ---------------
 $ 5.25 -  $15.00          120,302            5 years              $  11.23            124,971              $ 11.23
  15.01 -   20.00           76,014            5.9 years               17.99             52,379                18.22
  20.01 -   25.00          156,334            4.9 years               21.80            106,382                21.67
  25.01 -   40.00           22,652            8.2 years               37.53              5,143                37.28
                           375,302                                                     288,875

Employee Stock Purchase Plan

During 1994, the Company adopted a noncompensatory  Employee Stock Purchase Plan
(the "ESPP"),  under which eligible  employees may contribute up to 20% of their
base earnings, through payroll deductions,  toward the purchase of the Company's
Common Stock.  The employees'  purchase price is derived from a formula based on
the fair market value of the Common Stock.  A total of 200,000  shares of Common
Stock are reserved for issuance under the ESPP, of which 8,326 were purchased by
employees  during 1999. No compensation  expense has been recorded in connection
with  these  transactions  to  date as the  aggregate  differences  between  the
purchase  price  and the fair  value of the  common  stock  purchased  have been


In June 1999,  the Company  issued a warrant to purchase  600,000  shares of the
Company's  common stock to an entity for a commitment to  participate  in future


financings.  The warrant is  exercisable  for a three year period at an exercise
price of $12 per share. The exercise price is subject to change for antidilution
effects,  as  defined.  The  intrinsic  value of this  warrant of  approximately
$71,000 was charged to the statement of operations  for the year ended  December
31, 1999.


Royalty Payments

In 1992, the Company entered into a license agreement with the  Microelectronics
Center of North Carolina ("MCNC"),  granting the Company exclusive rights to all
inventions and patents  developed by MCNC involving  field emission  technology.
The  Company  is  obligated  to pay a  royalty  in  connection  with the sale of
products related to certain technologies of .1% to 2%, as defined,  with minimum
royalty  payments  of  $50,000  per  year  through  1997  and  $75,000  per year
thereafter for as long as any one of the patents remains valid and  outstanding.
In 1999, the Company terminated this license agreement.

The  Company,  as a result of its  acquisition  of Virtual  Vision  (Note 4) was
obligated to pay royalties to Insight  Corporation  ("Insight") on their license
and sales revenues  allocable to the patent application and patent acquired from
Insight. If royalties payable in any year are less than $75,000, the Company may
pay Insight the  deficiency and receive a credit  against  royalties  payable in
future years. In 1999, the Company elected not to pay the deficiency and Insight
exercised its right to repurchase the patent application and patent for $75,000.
There was no royalty expense incurred during 1999.

License and Technology Agreement

In  March  1997,  the  Company  entered  into  a  technology  agreement  with  a
corporation to permit potential commercialization of small-format OLED displays.
The Company is dependent upon its license agreement with the corporation for the
development  and  commercialization  of its  currently  planned  OLED  products.
Payments  are  due  under  evaluation  and  license   agreements  based  on  the
achievement of certain milestones in phases of the agreements. Payments totaling
$650,000  for the year ended  December  31,  1999 was  charged to  research  and
development  expense  under  various  phases of these  agreements.  Based on the
remaining phases of the current agreements, the Company will be required to make
additional  payments  of  $250,000  in  2001,  if the  remaining  phases  of the
agreements are achieved.

Operating Leases

The  Company  leases  certain  office  facilities  and  office,  lab and factory
equipment under operating leases expiring  through January 2004.  Certain leases
provide for  payments of monthly  operating  expenses.  The  approximate  future
minimum lease payments are as follows:

                Year ending December 31:
                    2000                                      $2,879,000
                    2001                                       2,306,000
                    2002                                       1,046,000
                    2003                                         915,000
                    2004                                         383,000

For the year ended December 31, 1999, rent expense was approximately $2,813,000.




                                    Part III


     Our executive officers and directors, and their ages and positions are:

Name                                             Age        Position
- ----                                             ---        --------
Gary W. Jones (1)..............................   46        Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, President
K. C. Park.....................................   65        President, Virtual Vision, Inc.
Edward V. Flynn................................   57        Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer
Susan K. Jones.................................   50        Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer, Secretary
Webster E. Howard..............................   66        Chief Technology Officer
Claude Charles (2) ............................   63        Director
Ajmal Khan (1,2)...............................   38        Director
Jack Rivkin (1) (2) (3)........................   61        Director

     Gary W. Jones has served as our  Chairman,  Chief  Executive  Officer,  and
President  since 1992.  Mr. Jones has over 25 years of experience in both public
and  private  companies  in the  areas  of  business  development,  high  volume
manufacturing,  product development,  research, and marketing.  Previously,  Mr.
Jones  managed both  semiconductor  manufacturing  and research and  development
programs  at Texas  Instruments.  Mr.  Jones  is a  director,  a  member  of the
Executive  Committee of the Board,  and Chairman of the Technology  Committee of
the United States  Display  Consortium.  Mr. Jones received a B.S. in electrical
engineering and physics from Purdue University.

     Dr. K.C. Park was named President of our wholly owned  subsidiary,  Virtual
Vision,  Inc., in January 2002 after serving as our Executive  Vice President of
International  Operations since June 1998.  During his twenty-seven  year tenure
with IBM he managed  flat panel  display and  semiconductor  programs at the IBM
Watson  Research  Center,  directed the  corporate  display  programs at the IBM
Corporate  Headquarters,  and established  Technical Operations in IBM Korea and
served as Senior  Managing  Director.  Dr. Park joined LG Electronics in 1993 as
Executive Vice President and initiated and led  corporate-wide  efforts to shift
the major emphasis of the  corporation  into  multimedia.  Immediately  prior to
joining  eMagin,  Dr. Park served as Executive  Vice President of Reveo Inc. Dr.
Park holds a B.S.  from the  University  of  Minnesota,  an M.S. from MIT, and a
Ph.D. in Solid State  Chemistry from the University of Minnesota and an MBA from
New York University.

     Edward V. Flynn,  Chief Financial  Officer and Treasurer,  joined eMagin in
February 1994 as Vice President of Finance and Controller. Previously, Mr. Flynn
was employed by the IBM  Corporation  for over 29 years in senior  financial and
consulting  positions  where  he held  responsibilities  for both  domestic  and


international  financial  management with  assignments in treasury,  accounting,
financial  planning,  pricing,  financial  system  development,  and  management
reporting and analysis. He consolidated the financial results of IBM's operating
results in Europe and provided accounting,  reporting and functional guidance to
over 70 locations in Europe,  Africa and the Middle East. Mr. Flynn received his
accounting  degree from St. John's  University  and MBA in financial  management
from Iona College.

     Susan K. Jones has served as Executive Vice  President and Secretary  since
1992,  and assumed  responsibility  of Chief  Marketing and Strategy  Officer in
2001.  Ms.  Jones  has 25  years  of  industrial  experience,  including  senior
research,  management, and marketing assignments at Texas Instruments and Merck,
Sharp,  & Dohme  Pharmaceuticals.  Ms.  Jones  serves  on the  boards  or chairs
committees for industry  organizations  including IEEE, SPIE, and SID. Ms. Jones
served as a director of FED  Corporation  from 1993 to 2000. Ms. Jones graduated
from Lamar  University  with a B.S. in chemistry and biology,  holds more than a
dozen patents, and has authored more than 100 papers and talks.

     Dr.  Webster E. Howard was named Chief  Technology  Officer in 2001,  after
serving as Vice President,  of Technology  Development since 1996. He joined IBM
in 1961 and, since 1973, he has focused on display technology, managing projects
in  plasma  displays,  thin  film  electroluminescence,   CRTs,  and  thin  film
transistor/liquid  crystal displays.  The latter project led to the formation of
DTI, the joint  venture  between IBM and Toshiba.  In 1993,  he joined AT&T as a
director   in  the   High-Resolution   Technologies   division  of  AT&T  Global
Manufacturing  and Engineering.  Dr. Howard is a Fellow of the American Physical
Society,  the IEEE, and the Society for Information  Display, as well as being a
member of Sigma Xi. He is past-president of the Society for Information  Display
and is a former  member of the IBM  Academy of  Technology.  He has  authored 55
papers  and  presentations.  Dr.  Howard  received  his BS from  Carnegie-Mellon
University and his A.M. and Ph.D. from Harvard University, all in Physics.


     Claude  Charles has served as a director  since April of 2000.  Mr. Charles
has served as President of Great Tangley  Corporation  since 1999.  From 1996 to
1998 Mr.  Charles was  Chairman of Equinox  Group  Holdings  in  Singapore.  Mr.
Charles has also served as a director  and in senior  executive  positions at SG
Warburg and Co.  Ltd.,  Peregrine  Investment  Holdings,  Trident  International
Finance Ltd., and Dow Banking Corporation. Mr. Charles holds a B.S. in economics
from  the  Wharton  School  at the  University  of  Pennsylvania  and a M.S.  in
international finance from Columbia University.

     Ajmal  Khan has  served as a  director  since  March of 2000.  Mr.  Khan is
President and CEO of Verus  International Group Limited, an investment firm, and
has served as its President and Chief  Executive  Officer since its inception in
1998.  Mr.  Khan  serves on the board of  directors  of  Wattage  Monitor  Inc.,
PredictIt Inc., and iParty Corp.

     Jack Rivkin has served as a director  since June of 1996. Mr. Rivkin is the
former Executive Vice President of Citigroup Investments Inc., and a director of
Greenwich Street Capital  Partners.  He previously served as Vice Chairman and a
director of Smith  Barney.  Mr.  Rivkin's  prior  industry  experience  includes


positions  at Procter and Gamble,  Mitchell  Hutchins,  Paine  Webber and Lehman
Brothers.  Mr.  Rivkin  serves on the board of directors of and Enherent
Corporation Group. Mr. Rivkin holds an engineering degree in metallurgy from the
Colorado School of Mines and an MBA from Harvard University.

     Information  concerning  Gary W. Jones,  also a Director of the Company and
the Chairman of our Board, is provided above with his officer profile.


General Information Concerning the Board of Directors

     The Board of Directors of eMagin is classified into three classes: Class A,
Class B and Class C. Each  Class A  director  will  hold  office  until the 2002
Annual  Meeting of our  stockholders.  Currently,  Mr.  Gary Jones and Mr.  Jack
Rivkin are the Class A directors.  Each Class B director  will hold office until
the 2003 Annual Meeting of our  stockholders.  Currently,  Mr. Ajmal Kahn is the
sole Class B director.  Class C directors will hold office until the 2004 Annual
Meeting of our stockholders.  Currently,  Mr. Claude Charles is the sole Class C
director.  In each case,  each  director will hold office until his successor is
duly  elected or  appointed  and  qualified  in the manner  provided in eMagin's
Amended and Restated  Certificate of Incorporation  and our Amended and Restated
Bylaws, or as otherwise  provided by applicable law.

     The Board of Directors held fourteen  meetings  during 2001. Each incumbent
director  attended at least 75% of the aggregate of all meetings of the Board of
Directors  during the period for which he was a director and the meetings of the
committees on which he or she served.  The Board of Directors has established an
Executive Committee, an Audit Committee and a Compensation Committee.


     During 2001, the Company's  directors received  compensation for service to
the  Company  as  director.  (See  "Executive  Compensation  -  Compensation  of
Directors".) Directors also received reimbursement of ordinary expenses incurred
in connection with attendance at such meetings.

     Due to other  time  commitments,  Messrs.  Reddy and  Solomon  resigned  as
directors  of the Company in December  2001.  There were no  disagreements  with
management policy or procedures relating to such resignations.

Executive Officers of the Company

     Officers  are  appointed  to  serve  at  the  discretion  of the  Board  of
Directors.  Except for Mr. Gary Jones, who is the spouse of Ms. Susan Jones, the
Company's Executive Vice President and Secretary, none of the executive officers
or directors of the Company has a family  relationship  with any other executive
officer or director of the Company.

Committees of the Board of Directors

     The Audit  Committee is responsible for (i) determining the adequacy of the
Company's internal accounting and financial controls, (ii) reviewing the results
of the audit of the Company performed by the independent public accountants, and
(iii)  recommending  the selection of independent  public  accountants.  Messrs.
Charles and Rivkin and Mr. Solomon,  prior to his resignation  from the Board in
December 2001, were members of the Audit Committee during fiscal 2001. The Audit
Committee met 4 times during fiscal 2001.

     The   Compensation   Committee   determines   matters   pertaining  to  the
compensation  of certain  executive  officers of the Company and administers the
Company's  stock option,  incentive  compensation,  and employee  stock purchase
plans.  Messrs.  Rivkin and Reddy,  prior to his  resignation  from the Board in
December 2001, were members of the Compensation Committee during fiscal 2001 and
met once during fiscal 2001.

     The Executive  Committee has authority to act for the Board on most matters
during  intervals  between Board meetings,  subject to Board  approval.  Messrs.
Jones,  Khan, and Rivkin were members of the Executive  Committee  during fiscal
2001. The Executive Committee met 2 times during the fiscal 2001.


Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Based on the Company's review of copies of all disclosure  reports filed by
directors and executive officers of the Company pursuant to Section 16(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the Company believes that there was
compliance with all filing requirements of Section 16(a) applicable to directors
and executive officers of the Company during fiscal 2001.



The  following  table  sets forth the total  compensation  for  services  in all
capacities to the Company or its  subsidiary  for the last three fiscal years of
those persons who at December 31, 2001, were (i) the chief executive  officer of
the Company and (ii) the other four most highly  compensated  executive officers
of  the  Company  (collectively,  the  "named  executive  officers").  Prior  to
establishment of the  Compensation  Committee,  the Chief Executive  Officer and
Board  elected not to pay bonuses as part of executive  compensation  during the
early development stage years of the Company.  The Compensation  Committee plans
to allocate a bonus in stock options for the fiscal year 2001 during 2002.

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                                                          Other Annual         Underlying
Name and Principal Position              Year          Salary              Bonus(1)       Compensation          Options)
- ---------------------------              ----          ------              -----          ------------          --------

 Gary Jones......................        2001         234,393                      (1)              -                -
    Chief Executive Officer              2000         227,863                     -                 -                -
                                         1999         188,377                     -                 -                -

Andrew P. Savadelis...............       2001         255,769               112,500(2)              -                -
      Former Executive Vice              2000          91,667(2)             37,500(2)              -                -
       President and Chief
        Financial Officer

 Susan K. Jones..................        2001         189,207                      (1)              -                -
    Executive Vice President             2000         183,837                     -                 -                -
      Chief Strategy Officer             1999         153,224                     -                 -                -

K.C. Park........................        2001         171,877                     -                 -                -
    President, Virtual Vision            2000         168,623                     -                 -                -
                                         1999         141,010                     -                 -                -

Webster E. Howard................        2001         173,923                     -                 -                -
    Chief Technology Officer             2000         171,046                     -                 -                -
                                         1999         144,668                     -                 -                -

Edward V. Flynn..................        2001         133,000                     -                 -                -
     Chief Financial Officer,            2000         129,893                     -                 -                -
     Treasurer                           1999         108,610                     -                 -                -

(1)  The  Compensation  Committee has allocated a bonus of 750,000 stock options
     to Gary W. Jones and 350,000  stock  options to Susan K. Jones for the year
     2001 during 2002.

(2)  Mr.  Savadelis was employed for less than a full year in 2000. As such, his
     salary  amount for that year  represents  salary earned from his start date
     through the end of the fiscal year. Mr. Savadelis' compensation included an
     annual salary of $250,000 and a  non-milestone-driven  bonus of $150,000 to
     be paid  quarterly in the period from  September  11, 2000 to September 10,
     2001. $37,500 of the  non-milestone-driven  bonus was paid to Mr. Savadelis
     during 2000.  In addition,  the Company paid  relocation  assistance in the
     amount of $50,000 in October,  2000. Mr. Savadelis ceased to be employed by
     the Company in January 2002.


Stock Options and Certain Other Compensation

     The  following  table  presents  the  stock  options  granted  to the named
executive officers in fiscal 2001 under the Company's 2000 Stock Option Plan:

                        Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                                          Percent of                                             Value at Assumed
                          Number of       Total Options                                     Annual Rates of Stock Price
                          Securities      Granted to                                             Appreciation for
                          Underlying      Employees       Exercise                                  Option Term
                          Options         in Fiscal       Price per       Expiration        ---------------------------
Name                      Granted         Year            Share (3)          Date                    5%           10%
- ----                      ----------      -------------   ---------       ----------             ------        -------
Gary W. Jones(2)              147,183          15.4%          $0.41          12/04/11           $17,099        $38,941
A. P. Savadelis(2)            176,056          18.4%          $0.41          12/04/11            20,454         46,580
Webster Howard(1)              60,000           6.3%          $1.35          10/18/06            22,952         52,270
Edward V. Flynn(2)              7,042           0.7%          $0.41          12/04/11               818          1,863
Webster Howard(2)              63,380           6.6%          $0.41          12/04/11             7,363         16,769
K.C. Park(2)                   60,563           6.3%          $0.41          12/04/11             7,036         16,024

(1)  Mr.  Howard was awarded an additional  grant of options  during fiscal year
     2001 due to his appointment during such year to Chief Technology Officer of
     the Company.  Options vested immediately.

(2)  Options  issued to compensate  employees for deferral of a portion of their
     salary. Options vested immediately.

(3)  The exercise  price of the stock options was based on the fair market value
     of the stock on the date of grant.


Aggregated  Option  Exercises  in Last  Fiscal Year and Fiscal  Year-End  Option

     The table below presents  certain  information  concerning the exercises of
stock  options  during the fiscal  year ended  December  31, 2001 by each of the
named  executive  officers and the number of shares subject to both  exercisable
and unexerciseable stock options as of December 31, 2001. The common stock price
at December 31, 2001 was $0.42 per share.

                                                                                                 Value of
                                                     # of Securities                             Unerercised
                                                     Underlying                                  In-the-money
                          Shares                     Unexercised                                 Options at
                          Acquired     Value         Options at FY-End                           FY-End
                          on Exercise  Realized      Exercisable          Unexercisable          Exercisable       Unexercisable
                          -----------  ---------     -----------------    --------------         -------------     -------------

Gary Jones--------------         -         -             147,183                    -                 $1,472            $ -
A. P. Savadelis---------         -         -             176,056                    -                  1,761              -
Susan K. Jones----------         -         -                   -                    -                      -              -
Webster Howard----------         -         -              63,380                    -                    634              -
K.C. Park---------------         -         -              60,563                    -                    606              -
Edward V. Flynn---------         -         -               7,042                    -                     70              -

Compensation of Directors

     Non-management  Directors  receive options under the 2000 Stock Option Plan
(the "2000  Plan").  Under the 2000 Plan, a grant of options to purchase  40,000
shares of Common Stock will  automatically  be granted on the date a Director is
first elected to the Board with an exercise price per share equal to 100% of the
market  value of one share on the date of grant.  Each  option so  granted  will
expire ten years  after the date of grant and will  become  exercisable  in four
equal  installments  commencing  on the date of grant and  annually  thereafter.
Non-management  Directors  receive an annual grant of options to purchase 10,000
shares of Common  Stock at the fair market  value as  determined  on the date of
grant,  which  options so granted  will expire ten years after the date of grant
and will  become  exercisable  in two  equal  installments  commencing  one year
following  the date of the grant and annually  thereafter.  In addition,  at the
beginning  of  2002,  each  non-management  Director  received  a  grant  of  an
additional 100,000 options with an exercise price per share equal to 100% of the
market  value of one share on the date of grant.  Each option so granted  vested
immediately  and  will  expire  five  years  after  the  date  of  grant.   Each
non-management  Director is also  reimbursed for ordinary  expenses  incurred in
connection with attendance at Board meetings.


Executive Employment Agreements

     In connection  with our merger with FED  Corporation,  effective  March 16,
2000, we entered into employment  agreements for a two-year term with Gary Jones
and Susan Jones which  provide for annual base salaries of $229,500 and $185,000
respectively   and  an  annual   discretionary   bonus,  as  determined  by  our
compensation  committee,   based  on  operating  milestones  and  public  market
valuations.   These  employment  agreements  expired  on  March  16,  2002.  The
employment agreements of the above executive officers included agreements not to
compete with us during their term of employment  with us and for a period of one
year following the qualified termination of their employment.

     The  Compensation  Committee has allocated a bonus of 750,000 stock options
to Gary W. Jones and 350,000  stock  options to Susan K. Jones for the year 2001
during 2002 based on  achievement  of first  product  sales and  achievement  of
certain military program awards.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

     The  members of the  Compensation  Committee  during  fiscal  2001 were Mr.
Rivkin and,  prior to Mr.  Reddy's  resignation  in December  2001,  Mr.  Reddy.
Neither of Mr. Reddy nor Mr.  Rivkin has ever been an officer or employee of the
Company. None of the executive officers of the Company served as a member of the
compensation committee of another entity during 2001.

Compensation Committee Report

     The Compensation  Committee establishes and reviews the compensation of the
Company's  executive  officers.  The  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board  of
Directors consists entirely of non-employee directors.

     Compensation  Philosophy.  The Company's executive  compensation program is
designed to attract and retain key executives  who will enhance the  performance
of the Company,  promote its long-term interest and build stockholders'  equity.
The  Compensation  Committee  sought to align total  compensation  for executive
management  with corporate  performance.  The Company's  executive  compensation
package generally includes four main components:

1.   A base salary which is established at levels considered appropriate for the
     duties and scope of responsibilities of each officer's position.
2.   A bonus potential which is tied directly to operating objectives.
3.   A stock option award to increase  stock  ownership in the Company and align
     executive compensation with stockholder interests.
4.   Other  compensation  and  employee  benefits  generally  available  to  all
     employees of the Company, such as health insurance and participation in the
     eMagin Employee Savings and Protection Plan ("401(k) Plan").


     The  Compensation  Committee  places a  particular  emphasis  on  variable,
performance  based  components,  such as the bonus  potential  and stock  option
awards,  the value of which could  increase  or  decrease to reflect  changes in
corporate and individual performances.

     CEO Compensation. Mr. Jones's base salary in 2001 was $229,500. On December
4,  2001 the  Company  temporarily  deferred  management  salaries  in excess of
$125,000  pending  closing  of  additional   financing.   In  January  2002  the
Compensation  Committee  allocated a bonus of 750,000  stock  options to Gary W.
Jones for the year 2001 based on achievement of first product sales, achievement
of certain military program awards, and other milestones. No cash bonus was paid
to Mr. Jones or any officer during 2001.

     Compliance with Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m). Section 162(m) of the
Internal  Revenue Code  disallows a tax deduction to publicly held companies for
compensation paid to certain of their executive officers to the extent that such
compensation  exceeds $1.0 million per covered  officer in any fiscal year.  The
limitation applies only to compensation that is not qualified  performance-based
compensation under the Internal Revenue Code. Non-performance-based compensation
paid to the Company's executive officers for the 1999 Fiscal Year did not exceed
the $1.0 million limit per officer, and the Compensation Committee plans to keep
the  non-performance-based  compensation  to be paid to the Company's  executive
officers for the 2000 Fiscal Year within that limit.

     It is  the  opinion  of  the  Compensation  Committee  that  the  executive
compensation policies and plans provide the necessary total remuneration program
to properly align the interests of each  executive  officer and the interests of
the  Company's  shareholders  through  the  use  of  competitive  and  equitable
executive  compensation in a balanced and reasonable  manner, for both the short
and long term.

                                                         Compensation Committee:

                                                         Jack Rivkin

Performance Graph

     The following graph compares the cumulative total shareholder return on our
Common  Stock from the initial  listing date of our Common Stock on the American
Stock Exchange  through December 30, 2001 to the Russell 2000 Index and an index
of peer companies  selected by the Company ("Peer Index").  The companies in the
Peer Index are as follows:  Kopin Corporation,  Microvision  Corporation,  Three
Five Systems,  Inc., and Universal Display Corporation.  The past performance of
the Company's Common Stock is not an indication of future performance. We cannot
assure you that the price of the Company's  Common Stock will  appreciate at any
particular rate or at all in future years.  Notwithstanding any statement to the


contrary in any of the Company's  previous or future filings with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission,  the graph shall not be incorporated by reference into
any such filings.

                     [Graphic of Performance Graph]

The above performance graph is based upon the following data:

                    03/17/00        12/29/00         12/28/01
                    --------        --------         --------
EMagin               $100.00          $9.24             $1.83
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Russell 2000         $100.00         $87.34            $89.53
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Peer Index           $100.00         $38.05            $14.42
- -----------------------------------------------------------------


     The  following  table sets  forth the number of shares of our common  stock
beneficially owned by (i) each member of our board of directors; (ii) certain of
our executive officers  (including all of our named executive  officers);  (iii)
all of our directors and executive officers as a group; and (iv) all those known
by us to be  beneficial  owners  of more than five  percent  of the  outstanding
shares of our common stock as of April 1, 2002. Unless otherwise indicated,  the
shareholders  listed in the table  have sole  voting and  investment  power with
respect to the shares indicated.

                             PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS

                                                          Shares of Common Stock Beneficially
                                                           Shares               Percent
Travelers Insurance
Company (1)...................................          8,535,007                26.5%

Mortimer D.A. Sackler (2).....................          4,898,323                14.3%

Gary W. Jones (3).............................          2,519,231                 7.9%

Susan K. Jones (3)............................          2,519,231                 7.9%

SK Corporation (4)............................          2,549,229                 7.8%

Dr. Mortimer D. Sackler(5)....................          2,162,761                 6.9%

ROHM Corporation(6)...........................          1,794,871                 5.8%

Farmers Group (7).............................          1,531,628                 5.0%

Ajmal Khan (8)................................            621,135                   *

Claude Charles (9)............................            140,000                   *


                                                          Shares of Common Stock Beneficially
                                                           Shares               Percent
K. C. Park (10)...............................            167,603                   *

J. Rivkin (11)................................            519,939                   *

W. Howard (12)................................            325,204                   *

Edward V. Flynn (13)..........................            309,636                   *

All Directors and Executive Officers as a
   Group (14).................................         13,137,755               37.2%

- ---------------------

*    Less than 1% of the outstanding common stock.

(1)  Shares are owned by Travelers and its  affiliates  TRAL and Citicorp.  This
     figure includes warrants held by Travelers and Citicorp to purchase 614,613
     and 127,292  shares of common stock  respectively,  40,000 options of which
     10,000 are exercisable within 60 days of April 1, 2002 and convertible debt
     to purchase  1,188,396  shares of common stock at a value date of March 28,
     2002.  (Address of beneficial owner is Citigroup Inc. 399 Park Avenue,  New
     York, NY 10043.)

(2)  Includes warrants and convertible debt to purchase  1,367,781 and 2,279,635
     shares of common  stock  respectively.  This figure also  includes  961,597
     shares of common  stock and warrants to purchase  289,310  shares of common
     stock held by Rainbow Gate  Corporation.  Mr. Mortimer D.A.  Sackler is the
     investment  manager of Rainbow Gate  Corporation  and disclaims  beneficial
     ownership  of the shares  held by Rainbow  Gate  Corporation  except to the
     extent of his pecuniary  interest in Rainbow Gate Corporation.  (Address of
     beneficial  owner is c/o Chadbourne & Parke LLP, 30 Rockefeller  Plaza, New
     York, New York 10112.)

(3)  This figure  represents  shares owned by Gary Jones and Susan Jones who are
     married to each other,  including 1,408,655 shares of common stock issuable
     upon  exercise of stock  options and warrants to purchase  59,716 shares of
     common stock,  which options and warrants are exercisable within 60 days of
     April 1, 2002.

(4)  Includes  warrants and convertible  debt to purchase  205,479 and 2,343,750
     shares of common stock  respectively.  (Address of  beneficial  owner is SK
     Corporation, 99 Seorin-dong, Jongro-ku, Seoul, 110-110, Korea.)

(5)  Includes  warrants  and  convertible  debt to purchase  341,945 and 569,945
     shares of common  stock  respectively.  This figure also  includes  961,597
     shares of common  stock and warrants to purchase  289,310  shares of common
     stock held by Rainbow Gate Corporation. Dr. Mortimer D. Sackler is the sole
     shareholder of Rainbow Gate  Corporation.  (Address of beneficial  owner is
     c/o  Chadbourne  & Parke LLP,  30  Rockefeller  Plaza,  New York,  New York


(6)  Includes  warrants to purchase 512,820 shares of common stock.  (Address of
     beneficial owner is ROHM Corporation, 21 Saiin Mizosaki-cho,  kyo-Ku Kyoto,
     615-8585, Japan.)

(7)  Includes 724,618 shares of common stock owned by Farmers Insurance Exchange
     and 724,618 shares owned by Mid-Century Insurance, and warrants to purchase
     a total of 82,352  shares of common stock,  one-half of which  warrants are
     held by  Farmers  Insurance  Exchange  and  one-half  of which  are held by
     Mid-Century  Insurance.  (Address of beneficial  owner is 4 New York Plaza,
     New York, N.Y. 10004.)

(8)  Includes 481,135 shares held by Verus International Ltd., in which Mr. Kahn
     is Chief Executive Officer and a stockholder.  Also includes 140,000 shares
     of common stock  issuable  upon  exercise of stock options of which 110,000
     are exercisable within 60 days of April 1, 2002.

(9)  Includes  140,000  shares of common stock  issuable  upon exercise of stock
     options of which 110,000 are exercisable within 60 days of April 1, 2002.

(10) Includes  167,431  shares of common stock  issuable  upon exercise of stock
     options of which 141,009 are exercisable within 60 days of April 1, 2002.

(11) Includes  options,  warrants  and  convertible  debt to  purchase  140,000,
     142,477  and  237,462  shares of common  stock  respectively.  All  140,000
     options to purchase shares of common stock are  exercisable  within 60 days
     of April  1,  2002.  Mr.  Rivkin  is the  Non-Executive  Chairman  of Verus
     International Ltd.

(12) Includes  325,204  shares of common stock  issuable  upon exercise of stock
     options of which 211,230 are exercisable within 60 days of April 1, 2002.

(13) Includes  309,636  shares of common stock  issuable  upon exercise of stock
     options of which 249,571 are exercisable within 60 days of April 1, 2002.

(14) Includes  2,670,676  shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of stock
     options of which 2,380,465 are exercisable within 60 days of April 1, 2002.
     Also includes warrants to purchase 985,194 shares of common stock.


     We entered  into a  consulting  agreement  dated as of March 16,  2000 with
Verus International Ltd., of which Mr. Ajmal Khan is Chief Executive Officer and
Mr.  Rivkin is the  Non-Executive  Chairman.  Mr.  Khan and Mr.  Rivkin are also
members  of our  Board of  Directors.  Terms of the  agreement  include  monthly
payments of $15,000 by us to Verus  International  Ltd. for consulting  services
rendered during 2001. The term of the agreement expired on March 16, 2002.

     On November  27,  2001,  eMagin  Corporation  entered  into a Secured  Note
Purchase  Agreement whereby five accredited  initial investors agreed to lend us
an aggregate of $875,000 in exchange for (i) 9.00% per annum Secured Convertible
Promissory  Notes  in an  aggregate  principal  amount  of  $875,000,  and  (ii)
three-year  warrants  to purchase up to an  aggregate  of 359,589  shares of our
common stock.  Messrs.  Rivkin and Solomon,  who at the time of the


transaction  were  each  members  of our  Board of  Directors,  participated  as
investors in the  transaction  and each  invested  $125,000 in the  Company.  In
return for such investment, Messrs. Rivkin and Solomon collectively received (i)
Secured  Convertible  Promissory  Notes  in an  aggregate  principal  amount  of
$250,000,  and (ii)  warrants  exercisable  for  102,740 of our  common  shares.
Soveriegn Bancorp Ltd. also invested $100,000 under the transaction and received
(i) a Secured  Convertible  Promissory Note in an aggregate  principal amount of
$100,000,  and (ii) warrants  exercisable  for 41,096 of our common shares.  The
brother of Mr.  Khan,  a director  of the  Company,  is an officer of  Soveriegn
Bancorp  Ltd.  In  addition,  Mr.  Mortimer  D.A.  Sackler,  who is  currently a
beneficial  owner of more than five  percent  of the  outstanding  shares of our
common stock,  invested $200,000 under the transaction and collectively received
(i) Secured  Convertible  Promissory  Notes in an aggregate  principal amount of
$200,000,  and (ii) warrants  exercisable for 82,192 of our common shares. As of
January 14, 2002,  the Secured Note  Purchase  Agreement was amended to increase
(i) the aggregate principal amount of the Secured  Convertible  Promissory Notes
issued thereunder to $1,625,000, and (ii) the number of shares issuable pursuant
to the warrants issued  thereunder to 1,954,944.  Pursuant to these  amendments,
Mr. Mortimer D.A.  Sackler  invested an additional  $1,000,000 under the Secured
Note  Purchase  Agreement  and  received  (i)  additional  Secured   Convertible
Promissory  Notes with an aggregate  principal  amount of  $1,000,000,  and (ii)
additional  warrants  exercisable  for  1,285,589  shares of our  common  stock.
Rainbow Gate Corporation,  pursuant to the November 27, 2001 transaction and the
January  14,  2002  amendment,  invested  $300,000  under  the  transaction  and
collectively  received (i) Secured Convertible  Promissory Notes in an aggregate
principal amount of $300,000,  and (ii) warrants  exercisable for 341,945 of our
common shares. After the close of the January 14, 2002 amended transaction,  Dr.
Mortimer  D.  Sackler  purchased  from  Rainbow  Gate  Corporation  the  Secured
Convertible  Promissory Notes in an aggregate principal amount of $300,000,  and
(ii) warrants  exercisable for 341,945 of our common shares.  At the time of the
amendment,  the Company also redeemed $250,000 in aggregate  principal amount of
the then  outstanding  notes held by three of the  initial  investors  under the
agreement.  Pursuant to this redemption,  the notes held by Mr. Solomon, (who at
the time of the redemption was no longer a member of our Board of Directors) and
by Soveriegn Bancorp Ltd. were redeemed.

     On February 27, 2002, eMagin  Corporation and a group of several accredited
institutional  and  individual  investors  entered  into a  Securities  Purchase
Agreement  providing  for  the  issuance  and  sale to the  investors  of (i) an
aggregate of  approximately  3.6 million  shares of our common  stock,  and (ii)
warrants  exercisable  for a period of three (3) years from the Closing Date for
an aggregate of approximately 1.4 million shares of our common stock (subject to
certain customary anti-dilution adjustments).  Rainbow Gate Corporation invested
$500,000  in the  Company  under the  agreement  and  received  pursuant to such
investment (i) 723,275 shares of our common stock, and (ii) warrants exercisable
for 289,310 shares of our common stock.

     The Company  believes that the  transactions  described  above were made on
terms no less favorable  than could have been obtained from third  parties.  All
transactions were negotiated at arm's length.


                                     PART IV


(a) 1.      Financial Statements

            Financial Statements are included in Item 8,  "Financial  Statements
            and Supplementary Data" as follows:

            -   Report of Independent Public Accountants

            -   Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2001 and 2000


            -   Consolidated  Statements  of  Operations  for  the  Years  ended
                December  31,  2001,  2000  and  1999  and  for  the period from
                inception (January 23, 1996) to December 31, 2001.

            -   Consolidated  Statements  of Shareholders' Equity for the period
                from inception (January 23, 1996) to December 31, 1996  and each
                of the five years ended December 31, 2001

            -   Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows--Years  ended December 31,
                2001, 2000, and 1999 and for the period  from inception (January
                23, 1996) through December 31, 2001

            -   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

(a) 2.   Financial Statement Schedules


(a) 3.   Exhibit List

Number    Description
- -------   -----------

2.1       Agreement  and Plan of Merger  between  Fashion  Dynamics  Corp.,  FED
          Capital  Acquisition  Corporation and FED Corporation  dated March 13,
          2000,  as  filed in the  Registrant's  Form  8-K/A  Report  (file  no.
          001-15751) incorporated herein by reference.

3.1       Articles of  Incorporation  filed  January 23,  1996,  as filed in the
          Registrant's  Form 10-SB (file no. 000-24757)  incorporated  herein by

3.2       Bylaws,  as filed in the Registrant's  Form 10-SB (file no. 000-24757)
          incorporated herein by reference.

4.1       See  Exhibits  3.1  and  3.2  for   provisions   of  the  Articles  of
          Incorporation  and  Bylaws of the  Registrant  defining  rights of the
          holders of common stock of the Registrant herein by reference.

10.1      2000 Stock Option Plan,  as filed in the  Registrant's  Form S-8 (file
          no. 333-32474) incorporated herein by reference.

10.2      Consulting    Agreement   between   eMagin   Corporation   and   Verus
          International Ltd., dated March 16, 2000, as filed in the Registrant's
          Form  10-K/A for the year ended  December  31,  2000  incorporated  by
          reference herein.


10.3      Employment  Agreement  with Gary W. Jones,  dated March 16,  2000,  as
          filed in the  Registrant's  Form for the year ended  December 31, 2000
          incorporated by reference herein.

10.4      Employment  Agreement  with Susan K. Jones,  dated March 16, 2000,  as
          filed in the Registrant's  Form 10-K/A for the year ended December 31,
          2000 incorporated by reference herein.

10.5      Nonexclusive   Field  of  Use  License  Agreement   relating  to  OLED
          Technology for miniature, high resolution displays between the Eastman
          Kodak  Company and FED  Corporation  dated March 29, 1999, as filed in
          the  Registrant's  Form  10-K/A for the year ended  December  31, 2000
          incorporated by reference herein.

10.6      Amendment Number 1 to the Nonexclusive  Field of Use License Agreement
          relating  to  the  OLED  Technology  for  miniature,  high  resolution
          displays  between the Eastman Kodak Company and FED Corporation  dated
          March 16, 2000, as filed in the Registrant's  Form 10-K/A for the year
          ended December 31, 2000 incorporated by reference herein.

10.7      Amendment  Number  1  to  the  Lease  between  International  business
          Machines  Corporation and FED Corporation dated July 9, 1999, as filed
          in the  Registrant's  Form 10-K/A for the year ended December 31, 2000
          incorporated by reference herein.

10.8      Lease between  International  Business  Machines  Corporation  and FED
          Corporation  dated May 28,  1999,  as filed in the  Registrant's  Form
          10-K/A for the year ended December 31, 2000  incorporated by reference

10.9      Amendment  Number  2  to  the  Lease  between  International  Business
          Machines  Corporation and FED  Corporation  dated January 29, 2001, as
          filed in the Registrant's  Form 10-K/A for the year ended December 31,
          2000 incorporated by reference herein.

10.10     Virtual Vision lease between Redson  Building  Partnership  and Vision
          Newco dated  December  15,  1995,  as filed in the  Registrant's  Form
          10-K/A for the year ended December 31, 2000  incorporated by reference

10.11     Securities  Purchase  Agreement  dated as of September 18, 2001 by and
          between  eMagin  Corporation  and  SK  Corporation,  as  filed  in the
          Registrant's Form 8-K dated September 26, 2001 incorporated  herein by

10.12     Registration  Rights  Agreement  dated as of September 19, 2001 by and
          between  eMagin  Corporation  and  SK  Corporation,  as  filed  in the
          Registrant's Form 8-K dated September 26, 2001 incorporated  herein by


10.13     Note  Purchase  Agreement  entered into as of August 20, 2001,  by and
          among eMagin Corporation and The Travelers Insurance Company, as filed
          in the  Registrant's  Form 8-K dated  September  4, 2001  incorporated
          herein by reference.

10.14     Secured Note Purchase  Agreement entered into as of November 27, 2001,
          by and among eMagin  Corporation and certain  investors named therein,
          as  filed  in the  Registrant's  Form  8-K  dated  December  18,  2001
          incorporated herein by reference.

10.15     Registration  Rights  Agreement dated November 27, 2001 by and between
          eMagin  Corporation and certain  investors named therein,  as filed in
          the Registrant's Form 8-K dated December 18, 2001 incorporated  herein
          by reference.

10.16     Security  Agreement  dated as of  November  20,  2001,  by and between
          eMagin  Corporation,  Verus  International  Ltd. and certain investors
          named therein,  as filed in the  Registrant's  Form 8-K dated December
          18, 2001 incorporated herein by reference.

21.1      Subsidiaries of the Registrant as filed in the Registrant's  Form 10-K
          dated April 1, 2002 incorporated herein by reference.

23.1      Consent of Arthur Andersen LLP as filed in the Registrant's  Form 10-K
          dated April 1, 2002 incorporated herein by reference.

99.1      Letter to  commission  pursuant to  Temporary  Note 3T as filed in the
          Registrant's  Form 10-K  dated  April 1, 2002  incorporated  herein by


     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of  Section  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly  authorized  on the 30th day of
April 2002.

                               EMAGIN CORPORATION

                               By: /s/ Gary Jones
                                  Name:   Gary Jones
                                  Title:  Chief Executive Officer and President


                 NAME                                          TITLE                                  DATE
                 ----                                          -----                                  ----
/s/ Gary Jones                           President, Chief Executive Officer and Director    April 30, 2002
- ---------------------------              (Principal Executive Officer)
Gary Jones

/s/ Edward V. Flynn                      Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer (Principal      April 30, 2002
- ---------------------------              Financial Accounting Officer)
Edward V. Flynn

/s/ Claude Charles                       Director                                           April 30, 2002
- ---------------------------
Claude Charles

/s/ Ajmal Khan                           Director                                           April 30, 2002
- ---------------------------
Ajmal Khan

/s/ Jack Rivkin                          Director                                           April 30, 2002
- --------------------------
Jack Rivkin
