CAMELOT MUSIC HOLDINGS, INC.
                             1998 STOCK OPTION PLAN

     1. Purposes.  The purposes of the Camelot Music  Holdings,  Inc. 1998 Stock
Option Plan are:

     (a) To further the growth,  development  and success of the Company and the
Subsidiaries  by enabling the  executive  and other key salaried  employees  and
directors  of  Camelot  and the  Subsidiaries  to  acquire a  continuing  equity
interest in the Company,  thereby  increasing  their personal  interests in such
growth,  development  and success and motivating such employees and directors to
exert their best efforts on behalf of the Company and the Subsidiaries; and

     (b) To maintain the ability of the Company and the  Subsidiaries to attract
and retain  employees and directors of  outstanding  ability by offering them an
opportunity  to acquire a  continuing  equity  interest  in the  Company and the
Subsidiaries  which will  reflect  the  growth,  development  and success of the
Company and the Subsidiaries.

Toward these  objectives,  the Committee may grant Options to such employees and
directors, all pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Plan.

     2. Definitions.  As used in the Plan, the following capitalized terms shall
have the meanings set forth below:

     (a) "AFFILIATE" - with respect to any Person, any other Person controlling,
controlled by or under common control with such Person. A Person shall be deemed
to control another Person if such Person possesses,  directly or indirectly, the
power to direct or cause the  direction of the  management  and policies of such
other Person,  whether through  ownership of voting  securities,  by contract or

     (b) "AGREEMENT" - an option agreement evidencing an Option.

     (c) "ALLOWED" - the meaning given such term in the Reorganization Plan.

     (d) "BOARD" - the Board of Directors of the Company.

     (e) "CAMELOT" - Camelot  Music,  Inc., a Pennsylvania  corporation,  or any
successor entity.

     (f) "CHANGE IN CONTROL" - the occurrence of any of the following:

          (i)  (A) any Person  who is not a  shareholder  of the  Company on the
               Effective  Date,  together with any Affiliate of such Person,  in
               the aggregate become beneficial  owners,  directly or indirectly,
               of 35% or more of the Stock  then  outstanding  or (B) any Person
               who is a  shareholder  of the  Company  on  the  Effective  Date,
               together  with any  Affiliate  of such Person,  in the  aggregate
               become beneficial owners, directly or indirectly,  of 50% or more
               of the Stock then outstanding; or

          (ii) individuals  who on the Effective Date  constituted  the board of
               directors of the Company  (together with any new directors  whose
               election  by the  board of  directors  of the  Company,  or whose
               nomination for election by the  shareholders of the Company,  was
               approved by a vote of a majority of the  directors of the Company
               then still in office who were either  directors on the  Effective
               Date or whose  election or nomination for election was previously
               so approved) cease for any reason to constitute a majority of the
               Board of the Company then in office; or

          (iii)the  shareholders  of the  Company  approve  any  transaction  or
               series of transactions  under which the Company or any Subsidiary
               is merged or consolidated with any other company,  other than (A)
               a merger  or  consolidation  which  would  result  in the  voting
               securities of the Company or any Subsidiary  party to such merger
               or consolidation outstanding immediately prior thereto continuing
               to  represent  (either  by  remaining  outstanding  or  by  being
               converted  into voting  securities of the surviving  entity) more
               than 50% of the combined voting power of the voting securities of
               the merged entity  immediately after such merger or consolidation
               or (B) any  transaction  or  series of  transactions  implemented
               pursuant to the Reorganization Plan; or

          (iv) the  shareholders of the Company approve a plan of liquidation of
               the Company or any  Subsidiary,  or an agreement  for the sale or
               disposition  of all or  substantially  all of the  assets  of the
               Company or any  Subsidiary,  other than a sale or  disposition of
               all or  substantially  all of the  assets of the  Company  or any
               Subsidiary to an Affiliate of such respective Person or Persons.

     (g) "CLAIMS" - the meaning given such term in the Reorganization Plan.

     (h) "CODE" - the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as it may be amended from
time  to  time,  including   regulations  and  rules  thereunder  and  successor
provisions and regulations and rules thereto.

     (i)  "COMMITTEE" - the  Compensation  Committee of the Board, or such other
Board  committee as may be designated  by the Board to  administer  the Plan, in
accordance with Section 3.

     (j) "COMPANY" - Camelot Music Holdings,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  or
any successor entity.

     (k)  "EFFECTIVE  DATE" - the meaning given such term in the  Reorganization

     (l)  "EXCHANGE  ACT" - the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as it may be
amended  from  time to time,  including  regulations  and rules  thereunder  and
successor provisions and regulations and rules thereto.

     (m) "FAIR MARKET VALUE" of a share of Stock as of a given date shall be (i)
the average of the closing  representative bid and asked prices for the Stock on
such date (or, if no such prices are reported for such date, the most recent day
for which such prices are available  shall be used) as reported by NASDAQ or any
stock  exchange on which the Stock is then listed,  or, if not then  reported by
NASDAQ or any such stock  exchange,  by any other  nationally  recognized  stock
quotation  system,  or (ii) if the Stock is not then publicly  traded,  the fair
market  value  determined  by such  other  reasonable  valuation  method  as the
Committee  shall,  in its  discretion,  select and apply in good faith as of the
given date;  provided,  however,  that for purposes of paragraphs (a) and (g) of
Section  6, such fair  market  value  shall be  determined  subject  to  Section
422(c)(7) of the Code.

     (n) "ISO" or "INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION" - an option to purchase Stock granted
to a Participant  under the Plan in accordance with the terms and conditions set
forth in Section 6 and which  conforms to the  applicable  provisions of Section
422 of the Code.

     (o) "NASDAQ" - the National  Association  of Securities  Dealers  Automated
Quotation System (or its successor quotation system).

     (p) "NOTICE" - written notice  actually  received by Camelot at its offices
on the day of such  receipt,  if received on or before 1:30 p.m.,  on a day when
Camelot's  offices are open for business,  or, if received after such time, such
notice  shall be  deemed  received  on the next such day,  which  notice  may be
delivered in person to Camelot's Chief Financial Officer or sent by facsimile to
Camelot, or sent by certified or registered mail or overnight courier,  prepaid,
addressed to Camelot at 8000  Freedom  Avenue N.W.,  North  Canton,  Ohio 44720,
Attention: Chief Financial Officer.

     (q) "OPTION" - an option to purchase  Stock granted to a Participant  under
the Plan in  accordance  with the terms and  conditions  set forth in Section 6.
Options may be either ISOs or stock options other than ISOs.

     (r)  "OPTIONEE"  - a  Participant  who has been granted an Option under the
Plan in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Section 6.

     (s)  "PARTICIPANT"  - an  individual  eligible,  pursuant  to Section 5, to
participate  in the Plan who is selected to  participate in the Plan pursuant to
Section 3.

     (t)  "PERSON"  -  any  individual,  partnership,  joint  venture,  company,
corporation,  trust,  unincorporated  organization or other  enterprise,  or any
governmental   or   political   subdivision   or  any  agency,   department   or
instrumentality thereof.

     (u) "PLAN" - this Camelot Music Holdings, Inc. 1998 Stock Option Plan.

     (v)  "REORGANIZATION  PLAN" - that certain  Second Amended Joint Chapter 11
Plan of Reorganization of the Company, Camelot, and various affiliated entities,
dated November 7, 1997, as amended.

     (w)  "SECURITIES  ACT" - the  Securities  Act of 1933, as it may be amended
from time to time,  including  regulations  and rules  thereunder  and successor
provisions and regulations and rules thereto.

     (x)  "STOCK" - the $0.01 par value  common  stock of the  Company,  without
preemptive rights or cumulative voting rights.

     (y) "SUBSIDIARY"  shall mean (i) any present or future corporation which is
or would be a "subsidiary  corporation" of the Company as the term is defined in
Section  424(f) of the Code and (ii) for purposes of Options which are not ISOs,
any  unincorporated  entity  in  which  the  Company  and/or  one or more of its
"subsidiary  corporations"  (as defined in Section 424(f) of the Code) presently
or in the future own an aggregate  profits  interest of fifty  percent  (50%) or
more,  which the Committee in its discretion  determines  will be a "Subsidiary"
for purposes of the Plan.

     3.  Administration  of the Plan.  (a) The  Committee  shall have  exclusive
authority to operate,  manage and  administer  the Plan in  accordance  with its
terms and conditions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in its absolute discretion,
the  Board may at any time and from time to time  exercise  any and all  rights,
duties and responsibilities of the Committee under the Plan, including,  but not
limited to, establishing procedures to be followed by the Committee.

     (b) The Committee shall be appointed from time to time by the Board.

     (c) The Committee shall have all authority that may be necessary or helpful
to enable it to discharge its responsibilities with respect to the Plan. Without
limiting the  generality  of the  foregoing  sentence or  paragraph  (a) of this
Section  3, the  Committee  shall  have the  exclusive  right and  discretionary
authority,  in accordance  with the other terms and  conditions of the Plan, to:
(i) interpret the Plan and the Agreements; (ii) construe any ambiguous provision
of the Plan and/or the  Agreements;  (iii)  subject to Section  5(b),  determine
eligibility  for  participation  in the Plan,  decide all  questions  concerning
eligibility  for and the amount of Options  granted under the Plan,  and select,
from time to time,  from among those  eligible,  the  employees and directors to
whom Options shall be granted under the Plan,  which selection may be based upon
information furnished to the Committee by the Company's management; (iv) subject
to Section  5(b),  determine  whether an Option shall take the form of an ISO or
Option other than an ISO; (v) subject to Section  5(b),  determine the number of
shares  of Stock to be  included  in any  Option or to which  any  Option  shall
otherwise  relate and the periods for which  Options will be  outstanding;  (vi)
establish,  amend, waive and/or rescind rules and regulations and administrative
guidelines for carrying out the Plan;  (vii) to the extent  permitted  under the
Plan and the  applicable  Agreement,  grant  waivers of Plan terms,  conditions,
restrictions and limitations;  (viii) to the extent permitted under the Plan and
the applicable Agreement, permit the transfer of an Option or the exercise of an
Option by one other than the  Participant who received the grant of such Option;
(ix) correct any errors,  supply any omissions or reconcile any  inconsistencies
in the Plan and/or any Agreement or any other instrument relating to any Option;
(x) to the  extent  permitted  by the  Plan,  amend  or  adjust  the  terms  and
conditions  of any  outstanding  Option and/or adjust the number and/or class of
shares of Stock subject to any outstanding  Option;  (xi) in accordance with the
Plan,  establish and administer  any  performance  goals in connection  with any
Options;  (xii) at any  time and from  time to time  after  the  granting  of an
Option, specify such additional terms,  conditions and restrictions with respect
to  any  such  Option  as may be  deemed  necessary  or  appropriate  to  ensure
compliance with any and all applicable laws, including,  but not limited to, (A)
terms,  restrictions  and  conditions  for  compliance  with  federal  and state
securities  laws,  (B) methods of  withholding  or providing  for the payment of
required  taxes  and (C)  restrictions  regarding  a  Participant's  ability  to
exercise  Options  under  a  "cashless  exercise"  program  established  by  the
Committee;  and (xiii) take any and all such other action it deems  necessary or
advisable  for the  proper  operation  and/or  administration  of the Plan.  The
Committee shall have full discretionary  authority in all matters related to the
discharge of its  responsibilities  and the exercise of its authority  under the
Plan. Options need not be uniform as to all grants and recipients thereof.

     (d) Each Option shall be evidenced by an Agreement, which shall be executed
by the Company and the Participant to whom such Option has been granted,  unless
the  Agreement  provides  otherwise;  however,  two or more  Options to a single
Participant may be combined in a single  Agreement.  An Agreement shall not be a
precondition  to the  granting of an Option;  however,  no person shall have any
rights  under any  Option  unless and until the  Participant  to whom the Option
shall have been granted (i) shall have  executed and delivered to the Company an
Agreement  or other  instrument  evidencing  the Option,  unless such  Agreement
provides  otherwise,  and (ii) has otherwise  complied with the applicable terms
and conditions of the Option.  Except as provided in Section 5(b), the Committee
shall  prescribe  the form of all  Agreements,  and,  subject  to the  terms and
conditions  of the Plan,  shall  determine  the content of all  Agreements.  Any
Agreement  may be  supplemented  or  amended  in  writing  from  time to time as
approved by the  Committee;  provided that the terms and  conditions of any such
Agreement as supplemented or amended are not inconsistent with the provisions of
the Plan.

     (e) The  Committee  may  consult  with  counsel  who may be  counsel to the
Company.  The Committee  may, with the approval of the Board,  employ such other
attorneys or consultants,  accountants,  appraisers, brokers or other persons as
it deems necessary or appropriate.  In accordance with Section 12, the Committee
shall not incur any  liability  for any action  taken in good faith in  reliance
upon the advice of such counsel or such other persons.

     (f) The Committee may, in its discretion,  delegate to appropriate officers
of Camelot  the  "administration"  of the Plan under this  Section 3;  provided,
however,  that no such  delegation  by the  Committee  shall be made (i) if such
delegation  would not be permitted under  applicable law or (ii) with respect to
the administration of the Plan as it affects executive officers and directors of
Camelot,  and,  provided  further,  however,  the Committee may not delegate its
authority to correct  errors,  omissions  or  inconsistencies  in the Plan.  All
authority delegated by the Committee under this paragraph (h) of Section 3 shall
be exercised in  accordance  with the terms and  conditions  of the Plan and any
rules,  regulations or  administrative  guidelines that may from time to time be
established by the Committee.

     4. Shares of Stock Subject to the Plan.  (a) The shares of stock subject to
Options  granted  under the Plan shall be shares of Stock.  Such shares of Stock
subject to the Plan may be either  authorized and unissued  shares or previously
issued  shares  acquired by the Company or any  Subsidiary.  The total number of
shares of Stock that may be delivered pursuant to Options granted under the Plan
is seven and  one-half  percent  (7.5%)  of the total  number of shares of Stock
authorized in connection with the Reorganization Plan as of the Effective Date.

     (b)  Notwithstanding  any of the  foregoing  limitations  set forth in this
Section 4, the numbers of shares of Stock  specified  in this Section 4 shall be
adjusted as provided in Section 10.

     (c) Any shares of Stock  subject to an Option which for any reason  expires
or is  terminated  without  having  been  fully  exercised  may again be granted
pursuant to an Option under the Plan, subject to the limitations of this Section

     5. Eligibility.  (a) Executive and other key salaried employees,  including
officers  of Camelot and the  Subsidiaries  and  directors  (whether or not also
employees)  of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  shall be  eligible to become
Participants  and receive Options in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the Plan.

     (b) As of the Effective Date, ISOs,  evidenced by Agreements in the form of
Appendix A hereto,  shall be granted to the Category 1 employees of Camelot,  as
listed on Schedule I hereto, to purchase shares of Stock equal to the percentage
of the total shares of Stock  subject to the Plan that are allocated on Schedule
I to the Category 1 employees,  at the option exercise price of $20.75 per share
of Stock,  subject to  proportionate  adjustment  (i) to the extent that the per
share Fair Market Value of the Stock has changed since the Effective Date due to
the  issuance  of  additional  shares of Stock in respect  of Claims  that first
become Allowed Claims after the Effective  Date, and (ii) as otherwise  provided
in  Section  10 and  the  other  terms  and  conditions  of the  Plan  and  such
Agreements. Furthermore, Options shall be granted to the Category 2 and Category
3 prospective  employees of Camelot, as listed on Schedule I hereto, to purchase
shares of Stock equal to the  percentage of the total shares of Stock subject to
the Plan that are  allocated  on  Schedule I to the  Category  2 and  Category 3
prospective employees,  respectively, upon the satisfaction of the conditions to
the  granting of such  Options as set forth on Schedule I hereto.  Such  Options
shall be  granted  at the  option  exercise  price of $20.75 per share of Stock,
subject to proportionate adjustment in the same manner as the Options granted to
the Category 1 employees as of the Effective Date.

     6. Terms and  Conditions of Stock  Options.  All Options to purchase  Stock
granted  under the Plan shall be either  ISOs or Options  other than ISOs.  Each
Option shall be subject to all the applicable  provisions of the Plan, including
the following terms and  conditions,  and to such other terms and conditions not
inconsistent  therewith as the Committee shall determine and which are set forth
in the applicable Agreement.

          (a) Except as provided in Section 5(b), the option  exercise price per
     share of shares of Stock  subject to each Option shall be determined by the
     Committee  and  stated in the  Agreement;  provided,  however,  that,  with
     respect to ISOs,  subject to paragraph (g)(C) of this Section 6, such price
     shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a share of Stock at
     the time that the Option is  granted.  Notwithstanding  any intent to grant
     ISOs, the Options granted  pursuant to Section 5(b) shall not be considered
     ISOs to the extent that the  exercise  price is deemed to be less than 100%
     of the Fair Market Value of a share of Stock on the Effective Date.

          (b) Each Option shall be exercisable in whole or in such installments,
     at such  times  and  under  such  conditions  as may be  determined  by the
     Committee in its discretion and stated in the Agreement, and, in any event,
     over a period of time  ending  not later  than ten (10) years from the date
     such Option was granted, subject to paragraph (g)(C) of this Section 6.

          (c) An Option  shall not be  exercisable  with respect to a fractional
     share of Stock or the  lesser of fifty  (50)  shares or the full  number of
     shares of Stock then subject to the Option.  No fractional  shares of Stock
     shall be issued upon the exercise of an Option.

          (d) Each  Option  may be  exercised  by giving  Notice to the  Company
     specifying  the number of shares of Stock to be  purchased,  which shall be
     accompanied  by payment in full  including  applicable  taxes,  if any,  in
     accordance  with  Section 9.  Payment  shall be in any manner  permitted by
     applicable law and prescribed by the Committee, in its discretion,  and set
     forth in the Agreement,  including, in the Committee's discretion,  payment
     by delivery of a notice  that the  Optionee  has placed a sell order with a
     broker with respect to shares of Stock then  issuable  upon exercise of the
     Option,  and that the broker has been directed to pay a sufficient  portion
     of the net proceeds of the sale of Stock to the Company in  satisfaction of
     the Option exercise price.

          (e) No Optionee or other person shall become the  beneficial  owner of
     any shares of Stock subject to an Option,  nor have any rights to dividends
     or other rights of a shareholder with respect to any such shares,  until he
     or she has exercised his or her Option in accordance with the provisions of
     the Plan and the applicable Agreement.

          (f) An Option may be exercised  only if at all times during the period
     beginning  on the date of the granting of the Option and ending on the date
     of such  exercise,  the  Optionee was an employee or director of either the
     Company or of a Subsidiary or of another corporation referred to in Section
     422(a)(2)  of  the  Code.   Notwithstanding  the  preceding  sentence,  the
     Committee may determine in its  discretion  that an Option may be exercised
     following  termination  of  such  continuous  employment  or  directorship,
     whether or not  exercisable  at such time,  to the extent  provided  in the
     applicable Agreement.

          (g)(A) Each  Agreement  relating to an Option shall state whether such
     Option  will or will not be  treated  as an ISO.  No ISO  shall be  granted
     unless such Option, when granted,  qualifies as an "incentive stock option"
     under Section 422 of the Code.  No ISO shall be granted to any  Participant
     who is not an  employee of the  Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  on the
     date of  granting  of such  Option.  Any ISO  granted  under the Plan shall
     contain  such  terms  and  conditions,  consistent  with the  Plan,  as the
     Committee  may  determine  to be  necessary  to qualify  such  Option as an
     "incentive stock option" under Section 422 of the Code; provided,  however,
     that the  Committee  may not  modify  the terms and  conditions  of Options
     granted on the Effective  Date pursuant to Section 5(b), or the  Agreements
     in the form of Appendix A hereto, absent the express written consent of the
     affected Optionee.

          (B)  Notwithstanding any intent to grant ISOs, an Option granted under
     the Plan will not be considered an ISO to the extent that it, together with
     any other  "incentive  stock options" (within the meaning of Section 422 of
     the Code,  but without  regard to subsection (d) of such Section) under the
     Plan or any other  "incentive  stock  option"  plans of the Company and any
     Subsidiary,  are  exercisable for the first time by any Optionee during any
     calendar  year with respect to Stock having an aggregate  Fair Market Value
     in excess of $100,000  (or such other limit as may be required by the Code)
     as of the time the Option with  respect to such Stock is granted.  The rule
     set forth in the preceding sentence shall be applied by taking Options into
     account in the order in which they were granted.

          (C) No ISO shall be  granted to a  Participant  who owns  (within  the
     meaning of Section 424(d) of the Code),  at the time the Option is granted,
     more than ten  percent  (10%) of the  total  combined  voting  power of all
     classes of stock of the Company or a Subsidiary.  This restriction does not
     apply if at the time such ISO is  granted  the  Option  exercise  price per
     share of Stock  subject to the  Option is at least 110% of the Fair  Market
     Value of a share of Stock on the date such ISO is  granted,  and the ISO by
     its terms is not  exercisable  after the  expiration of five (5) years from
     such date of grant.

          (h) An Option and any shares of Stock received upon the exercise of an
     Option  shall be subject to such  transfer  and/or  ownership  restrictions
     and/or legending  requirements as the Committee may determine are necessary
     to comply with any applicable law,  regulation or rule, and may be referred
     to on the certificates evidencing such shares of Stock.

          (i)  Notwithstanding  any other provision contained in the Plan to the
     contrary,  the  maximum  number of shares of Stock  which may be subject to
     Options granted to any single  Participant in any twelve  (12)-month period
     shall not exceed  250,000  shares of Stock (as adjusted in accordance  with
     Section 10(a)).

     7. Transfer,  Leave of Absence.  For purposes of the Plan, a transfer of an
employee  from the  Company to a  Subsidiary  or an  Affiliate  of the  Company,
whether or not incorporated,  or vice versa, or from one Subsidiary or Affiliate
of the Company to another, and a leave of absence, duly authorized in writing by
the Company or a Subsidiary  or Affiliate of the Company,  shall not be deemed a
termination of employment of the employee.

     8. Rights of  Employees  and Other  Persons.  (a) No person  shall have any
rights or claims under the Plan except in accordance  with the provisions of the
Plan, the applicable Agreement and the Reorganization Plan.

     (b) Nothing  contained in the Plan or in any  Agreement  shall be deemed to
give any  employee  or  director  the right to be retained in the service of the
Company or its  Subsidiaries  nor,  subject to the terms and  conditions  of any
applicable  employment or other agreement,  restrict the right of the Company or
any  Subsidiary  to  terminate  any  employee's  employment  or  any  director's
directorship at any time with or without cause.

     (c) Except as provided in Section 5(b),  the adoption of the Plan shall not
be deemed to give any  employee  of the Company or any  Subsidiary  or any other
person any right to be selected as a Participant or to be granted an Option.

     9. Tax Withholding  Obligations.  (a) The Company and/or any Subsidiary are
authorized  to take  whatever  actions are  necessary  and proper to satisfy all
obligations of  Participants  for the payment of all federal,  state,  local and
foreign taxes in  connection  with any Options  (including,  but not limited to,
actions pursuant to the following paragraph (b) of this Section 9).

     (b) Each  Participant  shall (and in no event shall Stock be  delivered  to
such Participant with respect to an Option until),  no later than the date as of
which the value of the Option first  becomes  includible  in the gross income of
the  Participant  for income tax  purposes,  pay to the Company in cash, or make
arrangements  satisfactory  to the Company,  as  determined  in the  Committee's
discretion,  regarding payment to the Company of, any taxes of any kind required
by law to be withheld with respect to the Stock subject to such Option,  and the
Company and any Subsidiary shall, to the extent permitted by law, have the right
to deduct  any such taxes from any  payment  of any kind  otherwise  due to such
Participant. Notwithstanding the above, the Committee may, in its discretion and
pursuant to procedures approved by the Committee,  permit the Participant to (i)
elect  withholding  by the  Company  of  Stock  otherwise  deliverable  to  such
Participant pursuant to such Option (provided,  however,  that the amount of any
Stock so withheld shall not exceed the minimum required  withholding  obligation
taking into  account the  Participant's  effective  tax rate and all  applicable
federal, state, local and foreign taxes) and/or (ii) tender to the Company Stock
owned by such Participant (or by such Participant and his or her spouse jointly)
and acquired  more than six (6) months prior to such tender,  in full or partial
satisfaction of such tax obligations.

     10. Changes in Capital. (a) Upon changes in the outstanding Stock by reason
of a stock dividend,  stock split, reverse split,  issuance of additional shares
in respect of Allowed  Claims,  issuance of warrants or other rights to purchase
Stock  or  other  securities  of  the  Company  (other  than  under  the  Plan),
recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation  (whether  or  not  the  Company  is a
surviving corporation),  combination or exchange of shares of Stock, separation,
or  reorganization,  or in the event of an extraordinary  dividend,  "spin-off,"
liquidation or other substantial distribution of assets of the Company, or other
similar corporate  transaction or event, the aggregate number and kind of shares
of stock  available  under the Plan as to which  Options  may be granted and the
number,  kind of shares  of stock and the  option  price  per share  under  each
outstanding  Option  shall,  in each  case,  be  appropriately  adjusted  by the
Committee to preserve the  benefits or  potential  benefits  intended to be made
available under the Plan or with respect to any Options,  and,  without limiting
the generality of the foregoing,  after the Effective Date, as further shares of
Stock are  issued in  respect of Allowed  Claims,  (1) the  aggregate  number of
shares of Stock that may be delivered pursuant to Options granted under the Plan
shall be adjusted  so that at all times such number of shares  shall equal seven
and  one-half  percent  (7.5%) of the sum of (A) the  total  number of shares of
Stock issued under the Reorganization Plan and (B) the total number of shares of
Stock that may be delivered  pursuant to Options granted under the Plan, and (2)
each outstanding  Option shall be  appropriately  adjusted by the Committee such
that the potential  proportionate interest in the total issued shares of capital
stock of the  Company  attributable  to the  shares of Stock  receivable  by the
Optionee  upon an exercise of his or her Option in full at any time would not be
diminished from his or her potential  proportionate interest in the total issued
shares of  capital  stock of the  Company  attributable  to the  shares of Stock
receivable  by the Optionee upon an exercise of his or her Option in full on the
Effective Date.

     (b) Upon the occurrence of a Change in Control:

          (1) Each outstanding  Option shall  automatically  become fully vested
     and  exercisable  as to all shares of Stock  covered  thereby for which the
     Option  was  not  previously  exercised,  notwithstanding  anything  to the
     contrary in the Plan or the Agreement.

          (2) In its  discretion,  and on such terms and  conditions as it deems
     appropriate,  the  Committee  may  provide,  either  by  the  terms  of the
     applicable  Agreement or by a resolution adopted prior to the occurrence of
     such event,  that any outstanding  Option shall be adjusted by substituting
     for Stock subject to such Option stock or other securities of any successor
     corporation to the Company,  or a parent or subsidiary thereof, or that may
     be  issuable  by  another  corporation  that is a party to the  transaction
     whether or not such stock or other securities are publicly traded, in which
     event the aggregate  exercise price (as  applicable)  shall remain the same
     and the  amount of shares or other  securities  subject  to option or other
     rights  under an Option  shall be the amount of shares or other  securities
     which could have been  purchased on the closing date or expiration  date of
     such  transaction  with the proceeds  which would have been received by the
     Participant  if the  Option  had  been  exercised  in  full  prior  to such
     transaction or expiration  date and the  Participant  exchanged all of such
     shares in the transaction.

          (3) In its  discretion,  and on such terms and  conditions as it deems
     appropriate,  the  Committee  may  provide,  either  by  the  terms  of the
     applicable  Agreement or by a resolution adopted prior to the occurrence of
     such event, that any outstanding  Option shall be converted into a right to
     receive in cash and/or such other consideration received by shareholders of
     the Company  generally  in  connection  with such  transaction,  as soon as
     practicable   following  the  closing  date  or  expiration   date  of  the
     transaction,  an  amount  equal to the value of the  consideration  (or the
     actual  consideration)  to be received in connection with such  transaction
     for one share of Stock,  less the per share  exercise price of such Option,
     multiplied by the number of shares of Stock subject to such Option.

No Participant  shall have any right to prevent the  consummation  of any of the
foregoing  acts  affecting  the  number  of shares  of Stock  available  to such
Participant.   Any  actions  or  determinations  of  the  Committee  under  this
Subsection  10(b) need not be uniform as to all outstanding  Options,  nor treat
all Participants identically.  Notwithstanding the foregoing adjustments,  in no
event may any  Option be  exercised  after ten (10)  years  from the date it was
originally  granted,  and any changes to ISOs pursuant to this Section 10 shall,
unless the Committee determines otherwise,  only be effective to the extent such
adjustments  or changes do not cause a  "modification"  (within  the  meaning of
Section  424(h)(3) of the Code) of such ISOs or adversely  affect the tax status
of such ISOs.

     11. Miscellaneous  Provisions.  (a) The Plan shall be unfunded. The Company
shall not be required to establish  any special or separate  fund or to make any
other  segregation  of assets to assure  the  issuance  of shares of Stock  upon
exercise  or payment of any  Option.  Proceeds  from the sale of shares of Stock
pursuant to Options granted under the Plan shall constitute general funds of the
Company. The expenses of the Plan shall be borne by the Company.

     (b) Except as otherwise  provided in this  paragraph  (b) of Section 11, an
Option by its terms shall be personal and may not be sold, transferred, pledged,
assigned,  encumbered or otherwise  alienated or hypothecated  otherwise than by
will or by the laws of descent and distribution and shall be exercisable  during
the lifetime of a Participant only by him or her. At the Committee's discretion,
an Agreement  may permit the receipt or exercise of a  Participant's  Option (or
any portion  thereof)  after his or her death by the  beneficiary  most recently
named by such  Participant  in a  written  designation  thereof  filed  with the
Company,  or, in lieu of any such surviving  beneficiary,  by the legatee of the
Participant under the Participant's last will or by the legal  representative of
such Participant's  estate. The Committee may, in its discretion,  authorize any
Option which is not an ISO granted to a Participant  to be on terms which permit
transfer  of all or a portion of such  Option to  members of such  Participant's
immediate  family or a trust or  partnership,  or similar  vehicle,  established
solely for the benefit of, or the  partners or members of which are solely,  any
such  immediate  family member or members,  provided  that the Option  expressly
permits  such  transferability  and any  transfer  of such  Option  shall  be in
accordance with any other terms, conditions, rules and limitations prescribed by
the Committee and/or set forth in the applicable Agreement.  Following the valid
transfer of any such Option, the transferred Option shall continue to be subject
to the same terms and conditions as were  applicable to such Option  immediately
prior to such  transfer,  provided  that the  transferee of such Option shall be
treated  under the Plan and the  applicable  Agreement  as the  Participant  who
transferred  the Option,  except that the terms of Section 6(f) (and any similar
provisions of the applicable Agreement, dealing with exercisability of an Option
and  termination  of  a  Participant's   relationship  with  the  Company  or  a
Subsidiary,  or his or her death),  shall continue to be applied with respect to
the original  Participant,  so that  following a  Participant's  termination  of
employment or  relationship  as a director,  with the Company or a Subsidiary or
the death of a Participant, any transferee of such original Participant's Option
may only  exercise  such  Option  to the  extent  provided,  and for the  period
specified,  in such Section 6(f) (and any similar  provisions of the  applicable
Agreement). In the event any Option is exercised by the transferee of an Option,
or the  executors,  administrators,  heirs or  distributees  of the  estate of a
deceased  Participant,  or such  Participant's  beneficiary,  in any  such  case
pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Plan and the  applicable  Agreement,
the Company shall be under no obligation  to issue Stock  thereunder  unless and
until the  Committee is  satisfied  that the person or persons  exercising  such
Option  is the  valid  transferee  of  the  Option,  the  duly  appointed  legal
representative  of the deceased  Participant's  estate or the proper legatees or
distributees thereof or the named beneficiary of such Participant.

     (c) If at any time the Committee shall determine,  in its discretion,  that
the  listing,  registration  and/or  qualification  of shares of Stock  upon any
securities  exchange  or under any  state or  federal  law,  or the  consent  or
approval of any  governmental  regulatory  body,  is necessary or desirable as a
condition  of, or in  connection  with,  the sale or purchase of shares of Stock
hereunder,  no Option may be exercised in whole or in part unless and until such
listing,  registration,  qualification,  consent and/or approval shall have been
effected or obtained,  or otherwise  provided  for, free of any  conditions  not
acceptable to the Committee.

     (d) The  Committee  may require each person  receiving  Stock in connection
with any  Option  under the Plan to  represent  and agree  with the  Company  in
writing that such person is acquiring the shares of Stock for investment without
a view to the distribution  thereof. The Committee,  in its absolute discretion,
may impose such restrictions on the ownership and  transferability of the shares
of Stock  purchasable or otherwise  receivable by any person under any Option as
it deems appropriate. Any such restrictions shall be set forth in the applicable
Agreement,  and the  certificates  evidencing such shares may include any legend
that the Committee deems appropriate to reflect any such restrictions.

     (e) The  Committee  may,  in its  discretion,  extend  one or more loans to
Participants  who are key employees of the Company or a Subsidiary in connection
with the  exercise or receipt of an Option  granted to any such  employees.  The
terms and conditions of any such loan shall be set by the Committee.

     (f) By accepting  any benefit  under the Plan,  each  Participant  and each
person claiming under or through such Participant  shall be conclusively  deemed
to have indicated their  acceptance and  ratification of, and consent to, all of
the terms and  conditions of the Plan and any action taken under the Plan by the
Committee, the Company or the Board.

     (g) Neither the  adoption of the Plan nor anything  contained  herein shall
affect any other  compensation or incentive plans or arrangements of the Company
or any  Subsidiary,  or  prevent  or  limit  the  right  of the  Company  or any
Subsidiary to establish any additional  forms of incentives or compensation  for
their  employees  or  directors,  or grant or  assume  options  or other  rights
otherwise than under the Plan.

     (h) The Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of Delaware, except as superseded by applicable federal law.

     (i) The word  "Section"  used herein shall refer to provisions of the Plan,
unless stated otherwise.

     12. Limits of  Liability.  (a) Any liability of the Company or a Subsidiary
to any  Participant  with  respect  to any  Option  shall be based  solely  upon
contractual obligations created by the Plan and the Agreement.

     (b) Neither the Company nor a Subsidiary nor any member of the Committee or
the  Board,  nor any other  person  participating  in any  determination  of any
question under the Plan, or in the interpretation, administration or application
of the Plan, shall have any liability, in the absence of bad faith, to any party
for any action  taken or not taken in  connection  with the Plan,  except as may
expressly be provided by statute.

     13. Amendments and Termination.  The Committee may, at any time and with or
without prior notice,  amend, alter,  suspend, or terminate the Plan;  provided,
however,  no amendment,  alteration,  suspension,  or termination  shall be made
which  would  impair the  previously  accrued  rights of any holder of an Option
theretofore  granted without his or her written consent or which,  without first
obtaining  approval of the  stockholders  of the Company (where such approval is
necessary  to satisfy (i) any  requirements  under the Code  relating to ISOs or
(ii) applicable state law), would:

          (a) except as is provided in Section 10,  increase the maximum  number
     of shares of Stock which may be sold or awarded under the Plan;

          (b)  except as is  provided  in  Sections  5(b) and 10,  decrease  the
     minimum  option  exercise  price  requirements  of Section 6(a)  (provided,
     however,  that except for  decreases  provided in Sections  5(b) and 10, no
     such decrease may be made by the Board without first obtaining  approval of
     the  stockholders  of the  Company  other than in the event of a  sustained
     decrease in the value of the Stock);

          (c) change the class of persons  eligible to receive Options under the
     Plan; or

          (d) extend the duration of the Plan or the period during which Options
     may be exercised under Section 6(b).

     The  Committee  may  amend  the terms of any  Option  theretofore  granted,
including any Agreement,  retroactively or prospectively,  but no such amendment
shall impair the previously accrued rights of any Participant without his or her
written consent.

     Notwithstanding  any other  provision of the Plan to the  contrary,  (x) no
amendment,  alteration,  suspension  or  termination  of the Plan or any Option,
including  any  Agreement,  shall be made which would be  inconsistent  with the
terms and conditions of the Reorganization  Plan, without the written consent of
each  affected  Participant,  and (y) the  Board  may  amend  the  Plan  and the
Committee may amend any Option granted under the Plan,  including any Agreement,
either retroactively or prospectively, and without the consent of the applicable
Participant,  so as to  preserve or come within any  exemptions  from  liability
under  Section  16(b) of the  Exchange  Act,  pursuant to the rules and releases
promulgated  by the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  (including  Rule 16b-3
under the Exchange Act).

     14.  Effective  Date.  The Plan shall become  effective as of the Effective
Date (in the  event  that the  Reorganization  Plan,  which  shall  include  the
adoption of the Plan, is approved by a majority of the amount of Allowed  Claims
of  the  Persons   entitled  to  vote   thereon)  or,  in  the  event  that  the
Reorganization  Plan is not  approved  by a  majority  of the  amount of Allowed
Claims of the Persons  entitled to vote  thereon,  the date on which the Plan is
approved by the  shareholders  of the  Company.  The Plan shall be of  unlimited
duration;  provided,  however, that, to the extent required by the Code, no ISOs
may be  granted  under the Plan on a date that is more than ten (10)  years from
the earlier of the dates  referred to in the first  sentence of this  Section 14
above. No termination of the Plan shall affect the previously  accrued rights of
any Participant  hereunder and all Options  previously  granted  hereunder shall
continue in force and in operation after the termination of the Plan,  except as
they may be otherwise  terminated in accordance with the terms of the applicable

                                                                      Schedule I

         Employees Designated to Receive Initial Option Grants Under the
               Camelot Music Holdings, Inc. 1998 Stock Option Plan

                                                     SHARES COVERED BY
                                                   EMPLOYEE'S OPTION AS
                                                   A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL
Employee(1)                                       SHARES SUBJECT TO PLAN

Category 1 Employees

         62 current Camelot employees                      75.6033%

Category 2 Employees

         15 prospective employees to be                     4.8100%
         hired upon consummation of
         The Wall transaction

Category 3 Employees

         4 prospective employees to be                      3.7000%
         hired regardless of consummation
         of The Wall transaction

Shares not subject to Options granted
pursuant to Section 5(b)
("Unallocated Options")                                    15.8867%

(1)  The aggregate  number of shares  allocated for Options to be granted on the
Effective  Date to the  Category  1  Employees  may  not be  reduced  under  any
circumstances at any time.

     Each  grant  of  Options  to  Category  2  Employees  is  contingent   upon
consummation of the Company's  acquisition of the assets of The Wall Music, Inc.
and  commencement  of the  applicable  Category  2  Employee's  employment  with
Camelot. In the event that either such condition (or both such conditions) shall
fail to occur,  such Options shall be reallocated (i) among any other Category 2
Employees or any  Category 1 Employees  or Category 3 Employees,  or (ii) to the
pool of Unallocated Options.

     Each  grant  of  Options  to  Category  3  Employees  is  contingent   upon
commencement of the applicable Category 3 Employee's employment with Camelot. In
the event  that  such  condition  shall  fail to occur,  such  Options  shall be
reallocated (i) among any other Category 3 Employees or any Category 1 Employees
or Category 2 Employees, or (ii) to the pool of Unallocated Options.

     Notwithstanding  the  satisfaction  of the  conditions  to the  granting of
Options to any  Category 2 Employee or Category 3 Employee,  such Options may be
reallocated  prior to the  effective  date of grant of such  Options,  among the
Category 1 Employees, Category 2 Employees and/or Category 3 Employees. However,
to the extent that the  conditions  to the granting of Options to any Category 2
Employee or Category 3 Employee are  satisfied,  the shares  allocated  for such
Options may not be reallocated to the pool of unallocated Options.

                                                                     Appendix A

                [Form of Incentive Stock Option Award Agreement]

                          CAMELOT MUSIC HOLDINGS, INC.



          This Agreement  (this  "Agreement"),  dated January,  27 1998, is made
between Camelot Music Holdings,  Inc. (the "Company") and  _______________  (the
"Optionee").  All  capitalized  terms that are not defined herein shall have the
meaning as defined in the Camelot  Music  Holdings,  Inc. 1998 Stock Option Plan
(the "Plan").  References to "he," "him," and "his" shall mean the feminine form
of such terms, when applicable.

                               W I T N E S E T H :

          1. Grant of Option. The Company hereby grants to the Optionee, subject
to the terms and conditions of the Plan and the terms and conditions  herein set
forth,  the right and option to purchase  from the Company all or any part of an
aggregate  of  ____________  shares of the $0.01 par value  common  stock of the
Company (the "Stock") at a per share purchase price equal to $20.75,  subject to
proportionate adjustment as provided in Section 5(b) of the Plan (the "Option"),
such Option to be  exercisable  as  hereinafter  provided.  The Option  shall be
treated as an "incentive stock option" as defined in Section 422 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

          2. Terms and  Conditions.  It is understood and agreed that the Option
evidenced hereby is subject to the following terms and conditions:

          (a) Expiration  Date. The Option shall expire ten (10) years after the
date indicated above.

          (b) Exercise of Option.

          (i) Subject to the other  terms of this  Agreement  and the Plan,  the
Option may be exercised at any time on or after the date which is four (4) years
from the date  hereof as to the total  number of shares of Stock  subject to the
Option,  or any  portion  thereof,  for  which  the  Option  was not  previously
exercised;  provided, however, the Option shall become exercisable prior to such
date as to that  portion of the total  number of shares of Stock  covered by the
Option set forth on Schedule II attached hereto,  subject to satisfaction of the
Fair Market  Value of Stock  targets  set forth on such  Schedule  II;  provided
further,  however, that,  irrespective of satisfaction of such targets, upon the
occurrence of a Change in Control,  the Option shall automatically  become fully
vested and exercisable for all of the shares of Stock subject to the Option with
respect to which the Option was not previously exercised.

          (ii)  Any  exercise  of  all or  any  part  of  the  Option  shall  be
accompanied by a written  notice to the Company  specifying the number of shares
of Stock as to which the Option is being  exercised.  Upon the valid exercise of
all or any part of the Option, a certificate (or certificates) for the number of
shares of Stock with respect to which the Option is exercised shall be issued in
the name of the  Optionee,  subject to the other  terms and  conditions  of this
Agreement and the Plan.  Notation of any partial  exercise  shall be made by the
Company on Schedule I attached hereto.

          (iii) At the time of any exercise of the Option, the purchase price of
the shares of Stock as to which the Option shall be  exercised  shall be paid to
the Company (A) in United States dollars by personal check,  bank draft or money
order;  (B)  with the  consent  of the  Committee,  through  delivery  of a full
recourse  promissory  note upon such  payment  and other  terms and  conditions,
including  interest  (at no less  than  such  rate as shall  then  preclude  the
imputation of interest  under the Code),  as may be prescribed by the Committee;
or (C) by delivery of a notice that the  Optionee has placed a sell order with a
broker  with  respect  to shares of Stock then  issuable  upon  exercise  of the
Option, and that the broker has been directed to pay a sufficient portion of the
net proceeds of the sale of Stock to the Company in  satisfaction  of the Option
exercise price.

          (iv) The Option shall terminate upon the termination,  for any reason,
of the Optionee's employment with the Company or a Subsidiary,  and no shares of
Stock may thereafter be purchased under the Option, except as follows:

          (A) In the event of the death of the Optionee while an employee of the
     Company  or  a  Subsidiary,  the  Option,  to  the  extent  exercisable  in
     accordance with Section 2(b)(i) hereof as of the date of his death,  may be
     exercised after the Optionee's death by his heir, the legal  representative
     of the  Optionee's  estate or by the legatee of the Optionee under his last
     will for a period of two (2) years  from the date of his death or until the
     expiration  of the stated  period of the  Option,  whichever  period is the

          (B) If the  Optionee's  employment  with the  Company or a  Subsidiary
     shall terminate by reason of "Permanent Disability" (as defined in the last
     sentence  of  this  Section   2(b)(iv)(B)),   the  Option,  to  the  extent
     exercisable  in accordance  with Section  2(b)(i)  hereof as of the date of
     such termination of employment,  may be exercised after such termination by
     the Optionee or his legal  representative,  but may not be exercised  after
     the  expiration  of the  period  of one  (1)  year  from  the  date of such
     termination or of the stated period of the Option,  whichever period is the
     shorter. For purposes of this Agreement,  "Permanent Disability" shall mean
     "permanent  and total  disability,"  as defined in Section  22(e)(3) of the
     Code, and a condition which would constitute a "permanent disability" under
     the Camelot Music Group Long-Term Disability Insurance Plan.

          (C) If the Optionee's  employment  with the Company or a Subsidiary is
     terminated due to voluntary  resignation of the Optionee prior to attaining
     four (4) years of service as an employee  of the Company  and/or any of its
     Subsidiaries (including,  without limitation,  any such service rendered as
     an  employee  of  the  Company  and/or  any of its  Subsidiaries  prior  or
     subsequent to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings of the Company and its then
     Subsidiaries),  the Option shall terminate on the date of such  termination
     of employment and shall cease to thereafter be exercisable  with respect to
     any shares of Stock.

          (D) Upon termination of the Optionee's  employment with the Company or
     a Subsidiary under any  circumstances  other than any of those described in
     paragraph (A), (B) or (C) above of this Section  2(b)(iv),  the Option,  to
     the extent the Option is  exercisable  in accordance  with Section  2(b)(i)
     hereof as of the date of such termination or thereafter becomes exercisable
     by reason of a Change in Control in accordance with Section 2(b)(i) hereof,
     may thereafter be exercised,  but may not be exercised after the expiration
     of the period of three (3) months from the date of such termination,  or of
     the stated period of the Option, whichever period is the shorter.

          (E) If the Optionee dies after  termination of his employment with the
     Company  and/or a Subsidiary  under  paragraphs  (B) or (D) of this Section
     2(b)(iv)  above  during  the  one-year  or  three-month  period  specified,
     respectively, in such paragraphs, any unexercised Option, to the extent the
     Option  would have been  exercisable  in  accordance  with such  applicable
     paragraph (B) or (D) hereof, may be exercised after the Optionee's death by
     the  Optionee's  heir,  the legal  representative  of his  estate or by the
     legatee of the  Optionee  under his last will until the  expiration  of the
     period of two (2) years from the date of his death or the stated  period of
     the Option, whichever period is the shorter.

          (c) Transfer.  The Option shall not be transferable  otherwise than by
will or the laws of descent and  distribution,  and is  exercisable,  during the
lifetime of the Optionee,  only by him; provided,  however,  that the Option (or
any  portion  thereof)  may be  exercised  after  the  Optionee's  death  by the
beneficiary most recently named by the Optionee in a written designation thereof
filed with the Company,  or, in lieu of any such surviving  beneficiary,  by the
Optionee's  heir, the legatee of the Optionee under the Optionee's  last will or
the legal representative of the Optionee's estate.

          (d)  Withholding  Taxes.  At the time of  receipt  of  Stock  upon the
exercise of all or any part of the Option, the Optionee shall be required to pay
to the Company in cash any taxes of any kind required by law to be withheld with
respect  to such  Stock.  In no event  shall  Stock be  delivered  to any person
exercising the Option until such person has paid to the Company in cash, or made
arrangements satisfactory to the Company regarding the payment of, the amount of
any taxes of any kind  required by law to be withheld  with respect to the Stock
subject to the Option,  and the Company  shall have the right to deduct any such
taxes from any payment of any kind otherwise due to the Optionee.

          (e) No Rights  as  Stockholder.  Neither  the  Optionee  nor any other
person shall become the  beneficial  owner of the shares of Stock subject to the
Option,  nor have any rights to dividends or other rights of a shareholder  with
respect to any such shares,  until the Optionee or his legal  representative  or
legatee has exercised the Option in accordance with the provisions hereof and of
the Plan.

          (f) No Right to Continued Employment. The Option shall not confer upon
the  Optionee  any right to be  retained  in the  service  of the  Company  or a
Subsidiary,  nor,  subject  to  the  terms  and  conditions  of  any  applicable
employment  or  other  agreement,  restrict  the  right  of the  Company  or any
Subsidiary to terminate his employment at any time with or without cause.

          (g) Inconsistency with Plan.  Notwithstanding  any provision herein to
the contrary,  the Option provides the Optionee with no greater rights or claims
than are  specifically  provided for under, or contemplated by, the Plan. If and
to the extent that any provision contained herein is inconsistent with the Plan,
the Plan shall govern.

          (h)  Compliance  with  Laws,  Regulations,  Etc.  The  Option  and the
obligation of the Company to sell and deliver shares of Stock hereunder shall be
subject in all respects to (i) all applicable  federal and state laws, rules and
regulations  and  (ii)  any  registration,  qualification,  approvals  or  other
requirements  imposed by any  government or regulatory  agency or body which the
Committee  shall,  in  its  sole  discretion,   determine  to  be  necessary  or
applicable.  Moreover,  the Option may not be exercised if its exercise,  or the
receipt of shares of Stock  pursuant  thereto,  would be contrary to  applicable

          3.  Investment  Representation.  If at the time of  exercise of all or
part of the Option the Stock is not registered  under the Securities Act, and/or
there is no current  prospectus in effect under the  Securities Act with respect
to the Stock, the Optionee shall execute, prior to the issuance of any shares of
Stock  to the  Optionee  by the  Company,  an  agreement  (in  such  form as the
Committee  may specify) in which the Optionee  represents  and warrants that the
Optionee is purchasing or acquiring the shares acquired under this Agreement for
the  Optionee's  own  account,  for  investment  only and not with a view to the
resale or  distribution  thereof,  and represents and agrees that any subsequent
offer for sale or distribution of any of such shares shall be made only pursuant
to  either  (i)a  registration  statement  on  an  appropriate  form  under  the
Securities Act, which registration statement has become effective and is current
with regard to the shares being  offered or sold,  or (ii)a  specific  exemption
from the  registration  requirements of the Securities Act, but in claiming such
exemption  the  Optionee  shall,  prior  to any  offer  for sale or sale of such
shares,  obtain  a  prior  favorable  written  opinion,  in form  and  substance
satisfactory to the Committee, from counsel for or approved by the Committee, as
to the applicability of such exemption thereto.

          4. Optionee Bound by Plan. The Optionee hereby acknowledges receipt of
a copy of the Plan and  agrees to be bound by all of the  terms  and  provisions
thereof,  including the terms and  provisions  adopted after the granting of the
Option but prior to the complete exercise hereof,  subject to the last paragraph
of Section 13 of the Plan as in effect on the date hereof.

          5. Notices.  Any notice hereunder to the Company shall be addressed to
it, c/o Camelot  Music,  Inc., at 8000 Freedom Avenue N.W.,  North Canton,  Ohio
44720,  Attention:  Chief  Financial  Officer,  and any notice  hereunder to the
Optionee  shall be addressed  to him at  _______________________________________
subject  to the right of either  party to  designate  at any time  hereafter  in
writing some other address.

          6.  Governing  Law. The  validity,  interpretation,  construction  and
performance  of this  Agreement  shall be  governed  by the laws of the State of
Delaware  applicable to contracts  executed and to be performed  entirely within
said state.

          7. Severability.  If any of the provisions of this Agreement should be
deemed  unenforceable,  the remaining  provisions shall remain in full force and

          8.  Modification.  This Agreement may not be modified or amended,  nor
may any provision  hereof be waived,  in any way except in writing signed by the
parties hereto.

          9. Counterparts.  This Agreement has been executed in two counterparts
each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument.

          IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Camelot Music  Holdings,  Inc.,  has caused this
Agreement to be executed by an appropriate officer and the Optionee has executed
this Agreement, both on the day and year first above written.

                                              CAMELOT MUSIC HOLDINGS, INC.





                                                                     SCHEDULE I

                        NOTATIONS AS TO PARTIAL EXERCISE

                Number of          Balance of
Date of      Shares of Stock     Shares of Stock     Authorized    Notation
Exercise        Purchased           on Option        Signature       Date
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                     SCHEDULE II

                            Exercisability of Option

Subject to  paragraph  (b) of Section 2 of this  Agreement,  prior to the fourth
anniversary  of the  Effective  Date,  the Option shall be  exercisable  for the
fraction  set  forth  below of the total  number  of  shares of Stock  stated in
Section 1 of this Agreement on the date or dates on which the corresponding Fair
Market Value of Stock objectives are first achieved:
First date on which the average of the 
Fair Market Value of the Stock for a period
of ten (10) consecutive business days has
exceeded the price stated in Section 1 of
this Agreement (using such price stated in                  Fraction of Total  
Section 1 as the base) by:                              Shares Subject to Option
- -------------------------------------------             ------------------------
15%                                                            one-third       
30%                                                            two-thirds      
45%                                                            all shares      
The foregoing to the contrary  notwithstanding,  but subject to paragraph (b) of
Section 2 of this  Agreement,  prior to the second  anniversary of the Effective
Date the Option  shall not be  exercisable  for more than  one-half of the total
number of shares  of Stock  subject  to the  Option;  from and after the  second
anniversary  of the  Effective  Date,  the  Option may  become  exercisable,  in
accordance with the foregoing  schedule,  for the total number of shares subject
to the Option.

As an example,  if on a date which is 11 months after the  Effective  Date,  the
average  of the  Fair  Market  Value  of the  Stock  for a  period  of ten  (10)
consecutive  business  days  exceeds  the  price  stated  in  Section  1 of this
Agreement  by 15%,  the Option  shall become  exercisable  (in  accordance  with
Section  2(b)) for  one-third of the shares of Stock stated in Section 1 of this
Agreement at the time such average price is first  attained.  As an  alternative
example,  if on a date 11 months after the  Effective  Date,  the average of the
Fair  Market  Value of the Stock for a period of ten (10)  consecutive  business
days exceeds the price stated in Section 1 of this  Agreement by 45%, the Option
shall become exercisable (in accordance with Section 2(b)) for 50% of the shares
of Stock stated in Section 1 of this Agreement at the time such average price is
first  attained and shall become  exercisable  (subject to Section 2(b)) for the
remaining  50% of such total number of shares on the second  anniversary  of the
Effective Date.