ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                  BY AND AMONG

                               CAMELOT MUSIC, INC.

                                  as Purchaser


                              THE WALL MUSIC, INC.

                                    as Seller


                       WH SMITH GROUP HOLDINGS (USA), INC.

                                    as Parent

                          Dated as of December 10, 1997

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                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

          ASSET PURCHASE  AGREEMENT (this  "Agreement") dated as of December 10,
1997 by and among CAMELOT MUSIC, INC., a corporation organized under the laws of
the  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania  (the  "Purchaser"),  THE WALL MUSIC,  INC., a
corporation  organized under the laws of the  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania  (the
"Seller"),  and WH SMITH GROUP  HOLDINGS  (USA),  INC., a corporation  organized
under the laws of the State of Nevada (the "Parent").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

          WHEREAS,  the  Purchaser  is  engaged  in the  business  of owning and
operating mall-based recorded music retail stores; and

          WHEREAS,  on August 9, 1996 (the "Petition Date"), the Purchaser filed
a voluntary petition for reorganization under Chapter 11, title 11 of the United
States Code (as the same is in effect for cases filed on the Petition  Date, the
"Bankruptcy  Code") in the United  States  Bankruptcy  Court for the District of
Delaware  (the  "Bankruptcy  Court"),  and  since  the  Petition  Date  has been
operating its business as a debtor and debtor in possession; and

                  WHEREAS,  the Purchaser  desires to purchase certain assets of
the Seller from the Seller and to assume  certain  liabilities  and contracts of
the Seller,  and the Seller  desires to sell such assets to the Purchaser and to
assign such  liabilities  and contracts to the Purchaser,  in each case upon the
terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein; and

          WHEREAS,  the Parent owns one hundred percent (100%) of the issued and
outstanding  capital  stock of the  Seller,  and the  Parent  expects  to derive
substantial benefits from the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and

          WHEREAS,  the Purchaser  intends to assign its rights and  obligations
under this Agreement to the Acquiring Corporation.

          NOW,   THEREFORE,   in  consideration  of  the  mutual  covenants  and
agreements set forth herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I


          Section  1.1.   Definitions.   The  following  terms  shall  have  the
respective  meanings  specified  therefor  below  (such  meanings  to be equally
applicable to both the singular and the plural forms of the terms defined).

          "Accrued Gift  Certificate  Reserve"  shall mean all liability for all
gift  certificates  sold by the Seller  during the  twelve  months  prior to the
Closing Date and not redeemed as of the Closing Date.

          "Accrued  Store Credit  Reserve"  shall mean all  liability  for store
credits  issued to customers of the Seller for  returned  merchandise  which are
unused and unexpired as of the Closing Date.

          "Accrued  Vacation Reserve" shall mean all liability in respect of any
earned and unused vacation time of any Hired Employees as of the Closing Date.

          "Acquiring  Corporation" shall mean Camelot Northeast Region,  Inc., a
Delaware corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Purchaser.

          "Affiliate"  shall mean, with respect to any Person,  any other Person
controlling,  controlled by or under common  control with such Person.  A Person
shall be deemed to control another Person if such Person possesses,  directly or
indirectly,  the power to direct or cause the  direction of the  management  and
policies of such other Person,  whether through ownership of voting  securities,
by contract or otherwise.

          "Agreement"  shall  mean  this  Agreement,  as  amended,  modified  or
supplemented from time to time.

          "Airport  Stores"  shall mean  stores  engaged in  pre-recorded  music
retailing  owned either now or in the future by the Seller or its Affiliates and
located within airports or hotels.

          "Airport Stores  Agreement" shall mean an agreement to be entered into
between the  Purchaser  and the Seller  and/or their  relevant  Affiliates on or
prior to the Closing Date  embodying the terms set forth in Exhibit 8.6 attached

          "Allocation"  shall have the  meaning  specified  in Section  11.1(a).
"Apportioned Current Assets" shall mean any amounts in respect of Operating

          Expenses  to be  satisfied  by the Seller  pursuant to Section 2.4 and
which, with respect to each Transferred Store, are attributable to the ownership
and operation of such Transferred  Store after the later to occur of the Closing
Date and the Assignment Date with respect to the  Transferred  Lease relating to
such Transferred Store.

          "Apportioned Current Liabilities" shall mean any amounts in respect of
Operating  Expenses to be satisfied by the Purchaser pursuant to Section 2.4 and
which with respect to each  Transferred  Store are attributable to the ownership
and operation of such  Transferred  Store on or before the later to occur of the
Closing  Date and the  Assignment  Date with  respect to the  Transferred  Lease
relating to such Transferred Store.

          "Apportionment   Schedule"   shall  mean  a  schedule,   delivered  in
accordance with Section 2.4(c),  which sets forth each Apportioned Current Asset
and each Apportioned Current Liability.

          "Approval Order" shall have the meaning specified in Section 4.1.

          "Assets  Transferred"  shall mean  Store  Cash,  Purchased  Inventory,
Purchased  Receivables,  Vendor  Credits  Receivable,  and  Apportioned  Current

          "Assigned  Contracts"  shall  have the  meaning  specified  in Section

          "Assigned  Leases" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.1(b).
"Assigned  Non-Transferred  Lease"  shall mean a  Non-Transferred  Lease (i) for
which the Assignment  Date occurs during the  Non-Transferred  Lease  Assignment
Period and (ii) which has a  remaining  term of twelve (12) months or greater as
of such Assignment Date, including for the purpose of calculating such remaining
term any renewal term which is reasonably acceptable to the Purchaser.

          "Assigned  Non-Transferred Lease Amount" shall be an amount calculated
for each Assigned Non-Transferred Lease in accordance with Section 2.10(b).

          "Assigned Permits" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.1(h).

          "Assignment Date" shall mean, with respect to each Assigned Lease, the
date on which such Lease is validly assigned to the Purchaser.

          "Assignment  Information  Requirements"  shall  mean  the  information
regarding  the  Purchaser  which the Seller is  required,  under  certain of the
Assigned  Leases,  to present to the landlords in connection with the assignment
of such Assigned Leases to the Purchaser.

          "Assumed Liabilities" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.3.

          "Bankruptcy  Case"  shall  mean  the  case  under  Chapter  11 of  the
Bankruptcy  Code in  respect  of the  Purchaser  currently  pending  before  the
Bankruptcy Court, Case No. 96-1248 (PJW).

          "Bankruptcy  Code" shall have the meaning  specified  in the  recitals

          "Bankruptcy  Court"  shall have the meaning  specified in the recitals
hereto.  "Books and  Records"  shall mean all  books,  records,  files and data,
including customer lists and telephone numbers, certificates, copies of material
tax returns (other than income tax returns) which have been filed during the six
(6) year  period  ending  on the  Closing  Date,  and  other  documents  related
primarily  to the conduct of the  Business  or the  ownership  of the  Purchased
Assets  and  all  material  sales  and  promotional  literature  of the  Seller,
including  personnel  records  and files (to the extent  legally  transferable);
provided  that Books and Records  shall not include  books and records  relating
exclusively  to the  organizational  proceedings  of the  Seller  and  shall not
include the Seller's stock register.

          "Business"  shall mean  retail  sales by the  Seller and the  Seller's
Subsidiaries of  pre-recorded  music and related items (other than such sales at
the Airport Stores), and all the business activities and operations relating to,
connected with, or arising out of such sales, as conducted on the date hereof.

          "Business Day" shall mean any day excluding  Saturday,  Sunday and any
day on which banks in New York,  New York are  authorized  or required by law or
other governmental action to close.

          "Business  Employee"  shall  mean an  employee  of the  Seller,  or an
independent  contractor  or officer or  director of the Seller as of the Closing

          "Capital Lease  Payable"  shall mean the remaining  payments after the
Closing Date under any capital lease which is an Assigned Contract.

          "Cash Equivalents" shall mean certificates of deposit,  time deposits,
bankers' acceptances, commercial paper and government securities with maturities
of less than one year.

          "Claim" shall have the meaning specified in Section 13.4(a).

          "Closing" shall have the meaning specified in Section 3.1.

          "Closing Date" shall have the meaning specified in Section 3.1.

          "Closing Date Deficiency"  shall have the meaning specified in Section

          "COBRA" shall have the meaning specified in Section 5.16(b).

          "Code" shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  or
any successor law, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

          "Competing  Business"  shall  have the  meaning  specified  in Section

          "Condition" shall mean the business, operations,  condition (financial
or  otherwise)  or  results of  operations  of the  Business,  the  Seller,  the
Purchased Assets or the Assumed Liabilities.

          "Confidentiality Agreements" shall mean the Confidentiality Agreements
among the Seller,  the Parent and the Purchaser dated February 4, 1997 and March
10, 1997.

          "Damages"   shall  mean  all  damages,   losses,   costs  or  expenses
(including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and expenses) whether
or not resulting from third party claims.

          "Determination  Date" shall mean the date which is sixty (60) calendar
days after the Closing Date.

          "Employee  Benefit Plans" shall have the meaning  specified in Section

          "Encumbrance"  shall mean any encumbrance,  lien,  security  interest,
charge, option, right of first refusal, easement,  mortgage,  indenture, deed of
trust, right of way or other restriction of any kind or nature.

          "Environmental  Claims"  shall  mean  administrative,   regulatory  or
judicial actions, suits, demand letters,  written claims, liens, written notices
of noncompliance or violation or proceedings  relating to any  Environmental Law
or any environmental  permit (for purposes of this definition only,  referred to
as "Claims"), including (a) Claims by governmental or regulatory authorities for
enforcement,  cleanup, removal,  response,  remedial or other actions or damages
pursuant to any applicable  Environmental Law, and (b) Claims by any third party
seeking damages, contribution,  indemnification,  cost recovery, compensation or
injunctive  relief  resulting from  Hazardous  Materials or arising from alleged
injury or threat of injury to health, safety or the environment.

          "Environmental Laws" shall mean any applicable federal, state or local
statute, law, rule, regulation,  ordinance, code or rule of common law in effect
and in each case as amended as of the Closing Date,  relating to the environment
or Hazardous  Materials,  including  the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response
Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended,  42 U.S.C. ss. 9601 et seq.;
the Resource  Conservation  and Recovery Act, as amended,  42 U.S.C. ss. 6901 et
seq.; the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. ss. 1251 et
seq.; the Toxic  Substances  Control Act, 15 U.S.C.  ss. 2601 et seq.; the Clean
Air Act, 42 U.S.C.  ss. 7401 et seq.; the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. ss.
300f et seq.;  the Oil Pollution Act of 1990,  33 U.S.C.  ss. 2701 et seq.;  and
their state and local counterparts and equivalents.

          "ERISA"  shall mean the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of
1974,  as  amended,  or  any  successor  law,  and  the  rules  and  regulations

          "Escrow Account" shall mean the escrow account to be established under
the Escrow Agreement.

          "Escrow  Agreement"  shall mean an  agreement to be entered into on or
prior to the Closing Date among the Seller,  the  Purchaser  and an escrow agent
reasonably acceptable to the Seller and the Purchaser.

          "Escrow Amount" shall mean two million dollars ($2,000,000).

          "Excluded Assets" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.2.

          "Excluded  Liabilities"  shall have the meaning  specified  in Section

          "Final Order" shall mean an order of the Bankruptcy Court or any court
exercising  jurisdiction  over the  Bankruptcy  Case, the operation or effect of
which has not been  reversed,  stayed,  modified  or amended and as to which the
time to appeal or to seek certiorari,  review or rehearing has expired and as to
which no appeal or petition  for review or  rehearing  is pending or as to which
any right to appeal or seek review or rehearing  has been waived in writing in a
manner reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser and the Seller, or if an appeal,
reargument,  petition for certiorari or rehearing thereof has been sought,  such
order has not been stayed or has been affirmed by the highest court to which the
order was appealed or from which the reargument or rehearing was sought, and the
time to take any further  appeal or to seek further  reargument or rehearing has

          "Final  Post-Closing  Adjustment  Amount" shall mean the  Post-Closing
Adjustment  Amount as determined  after the final  resolution of any disputes in
accordance with Section 2.7(c).

          "Franchise  Agreement"  shall have the  meaning  specified  in Section

          "Franchised  Store" shall have the meaning  specified in Section 7.17.

          "GAAP"  shall  mean  generally  accepted   accounting   principles  as
promulgated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

          "Hazardous  Materials"  shall  mean  (a) any  petroleum  or  petroleum
products,  asbestos in any form that is or could be friable, and transformers or
other   equipment   that  contain   dielectric   fluid   containing   levels  of
polychlorinated biphenyls of 50 ppm or greater and (b) any chemicals,  materials
or  substances   defined  as  or  included  in  the   definition  of  "hazardous
substances,"  "hazardous wastes," "hazardous  materials,"  "extremely  hazardous
wastes," "restricted  hazardous wastes," "toxic substances," "toxic pollutants,"
or words of similar import, under any applicable Environmental Law.

          "Hired Employee" shall mean an individual who is offered employment in
accordance with the terms of Section 12.1(a) and who is actually employed by the
Purchaser on or within sixty (60) calendar days of the Closing Date.

          "HSR Act" shall mean the Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust Improvements Act
of 1976, as amended.

          "Indemnifying  Party"  shall  have the  meaning  specified  in Section

          "Indemnitee" shall have the meaning specified in Section 13.4(a).

          "Intellectual Property" shall mean copyrights,  licenses,  patents and
patent  applications,  trade names,  registered and unregistered  trademarks and
service marks, software programs and databases.

          "Interim  Payment  Amount"  shall  mean  twenty-four  million  dollars
($24,000,000),  or such other amount  determined in accordance with Section 2.6,
and paid to the Seller in accordance with Section 2.5.

          "Interim  Payment  Date"  shall  mean the  date  that is  thirty  (30)
calendar  days after the Closing Date, or if such day is not a Business Day, the
first Business Day thereafter.

          "Inventory"  shall mean all of the Seller's  inventory  located in the
Seller's  stores,  returns  warehouse,  distribution  center  or in  transit  or

          "Letter   of  Credit"   shall  mean  a  stand-by   letter  of  credit,
substantially in the form of Exhibit 10.4 attached  hereto,  issued by The Chase
Manhattan Bank in the amount of twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000).

          "Liabilities   Transferred"   shall  mean  the   Apportioned   Current
Liabilities,  the Capital Lease Payable,  the Accrued Gift Certificate  Reserve,
the Accrued Store Credit Reserve and the Accrued Vacation Reserve.

          "Liquidated Damages Amount" shall mean the amount set forth in Exhibit
2.10(b) attached hereto with respect to a Non-Transferred Lease.

          "Liquidated  Damages  Statement" shall mean the statement  prepared by
the Seller which sets forth (a) the Non-Transferred  Lease Adjustment Amount for
each  Non-Transferred  Lease as determined  in accordance  with Section 2.10 and
Exhibit  2.10(b)  attached  hereto,  and (b)  the  Total  Non-Transferred  Lease
Adjustment Amount.

          "Net Asset  Transferred  Amount"  shall mean the amount  determined in
accordance with the formula set forth in Exhibit 2.7(a) attached hereto.

          "Non-Transferred  Lease"  shall mean an  Assigned  Lease which has not
been  validly  assigned  to the  Purchaser  during the period  beginning  on the
Closing Date and ending on the Determination Date.

          "Non-Transferred   Lease  Adjustment  Amount"  shall  mean,  for  each
Non-Transferred Lease, the amount determined in accordance with Section 2.10.

          "Non-Transferred  Lease  Assignment  Period"  shall  mean  the  period
beginning  on the day  after  the  Determination  Date and  ending  on the first
anniversary of the Determination Date.

          "Operating Expenses" shall mean the following expenses relating to the
operation of the  Business:  (i) all payments  required to be made by the tenant
under  the  Transferred  Leases,  including,   without  limitation,  base  rent,
Percentage Rent Charges,  additional rent, real estate Taxes, insurance charges,
merchants'  association dues and charges, mall marketing charges, mall marketing
funds, mall security,  licenses,  HVAC charges,  sprinkler expense, common area,
community  area  and  enclosed  mall  charges;   and  (ii)  all  other  expenses
specifically  related to the  operation of the  Transferred  Stores,  including,
without limitation,  utility,  maintenance,  trash and telephone bills,  prepaid
Billboard  and other  subscriptions,  prepaid Muse fees,  and personal  property
Taxes, but not including payroll or related expenses.

          "Operating  Expense  Invoice"  shall  mean an invoice in respect of an
Operating Expense.

          "Percentage  Rent Charge" shall mean contingent rent which is based on
sales of a  particular  store which are above a  predetermined  threshold as set
forth in the lease applicable to such store.

          "Permitted  Encumbrances"  shall mean (a)  Encumbrances  consisting of
easements,  permits and other  restrictions  or  limitations  on the use of real
property or irregularities in title thereto which do not materially detract from
the value of, or  materially  impair the use of, such  property by the Seller in
the operation of the Business,  (b) Encumbrances for current taxes,  assessments
or governmental  charges or levies on property not yet due and  delinquent,  (c)
Encumbrances  arising by  operation of law,  (d)  Encumbrances  disclosed in the
Seller Balance Sheet,  and (e)  Encumbrances  set forth in Schedule 5.8 attached

          "Person"  shall  mean  any  individual,  partnership,  joint  venture,
company, corporation, trust, unincorporated organization or other enterprise, or
any  government  or  political   subdivision   or  any  agency,   department  or
instrumentality thereof.

          "Petition  Date"  shall have the  meaning  specified  in the  recitals

          "Post-Closing  Adjustment Amount" shall mean the sum of (i) twenty-six
million dollars ($26,000,000), plus (ii) the Net Asset Transferred Amount, minus
(iii) forty-five million dollars  ($45,000,000),  minus (iv) the Interim Payment

          "Post-Closing  Periods"  shall mean all taxable  years or periods that
begin after the Closing  Date,  and with  respect to any taxable  year or period
beginning  before and ending after the Closing Date, the portion of such taxable
year or period beginning the first calendar day after the Closing Date.

          "Pre-Closing Periods" shall mean all taxable years or periods that end
on or before the Closing  Date,  and with  respect to any taxable year or period
beginning  before and ending after the Closing Date, the portion of such taxable
year or period ending on and including the Closing Date.

          "Purchased Assets" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.1.

          "Purchased  Inventory" shall mean Inventory and Selling Supplies other
than Inventory and Selling Supplies located in stores subject to Non-Transferred

          "Purchased   Receivables"   shall  mean  all  notes  issued  by  Hired
Employees,  all landlord receivables and all deposits, in both cases, in respect
of  Transferred  Leases  (including  any utility  deposits),  and the  Soundscan
receivable,  together  with any  guarantees  and any  other  rights  in  respect

          "Purchaser"  shall have the meaning  specified in the preamble to this

          "Purchaser  Trade  Vendors"  shall  mean  trade  vendors  which are in
business on the Closing  Date and are not, on the Closing  Date,  the subject of
bankruptcy proceedings and with which the Purchaser presently has, or within the
six-month period immediately preceding the Closing Date had, an active account.

          "Relevant  Markets"  shall  have  the  meaning  specified  in  Section

          "Returns" shall mean all returns and reports for Taxes for Pre-Closing
Periods  which are  required  to be filed by or with  respect  to the  Purchased
Assets or the Business.

          "Seller"  shall have the  meaning  specified  in the  preamble to this

          "Seller  Audited  Statements"  shall  have the  meaning  specified  in
Section 5.5(a).

          "Seller  Balance  Sheet"  shall have the meaning  specified in Section

          "Seller  Balance  Sheet  Date"  shall have the  meaning  specified  in
Section 5.5(a).

          "Seller  Executives" shall mean Vice Presidents,  Directors and Senior
Directors of the Seller.

          "Seller Property" shall have the meaning specified in Section 5.20(a).

          "Seller Transition  Employee" shall mean those Business Employees whom
the Seller desires to employ after the Closing.

          "Seller  Unaudited  Statements"  shall have the meaning  specified  in
Section 5.5(b).

          "Seller's  Remaining  Stores" shall mean the Seller's stores which are
the  subject of  Assigned  Leases  which have not been  validly  assigned to the
Purchaser as of the Closing Date.

          "Seller's  Subsidiaries"  shall  mean Wee  Three  Record  Shops of New
Jersey,  Inc.,  a New Jersey  corporation,  and The Wall Music  Shops,  Inc.,  a
Delaware corporation.

          "Selling  Supplies" shall mean supplies bought for use in the Seller's
stores in connection with the operation of the Business in the ordinary  course,
including,  but not limited to,  printed  material,  security  tags and shopping

          "Statement  of Assets  and  Liabilities  Transferred"  shall  have the
meaning specified in Section 2.7(a).

          "Store Cash" shall mean cash located in each of the Seller's stores as
of the close of business on the Closing Date in the amounts set forth in Exhibit

          "Supply Agreement" shall have the meaning specified in Section 7.16.

          "Tax" or "Taxes" shall mean all taxes,  assessments,  charges, duties,
fees, levies or other governmental  charges,  including without limitation,  all
federal,  state, local, foreign and other income,  franchise,  profits,  capital
gains,  capital stock,  transfer,  sales,  use,  occupation,  property,  excise,
severance,  windfall profits,  stamp,  license,  payroll,  withholding and other
taxes (whether  payable  directly or by withholding and whether or not requiring
the filing of a Return), all estimated taxes, deficiency assessments,  additions
to tax,  penalties and interest and shall include any liability for such amounts
as a result  either of being a member of a  combined,  consolidated,  unitary or
affiliated group or of a contractual obligation to indemnify any Person or other

          "Third  Party  Claim"  shall  have the  meaning  specified  in Section

          "Total  Non-Transferred Lease Adjustment Amount" shall mean the lesser
of (a)  the  aggregate  of  all  Non-Transferred  Lease  Adjustment  Amounts  as
determined pursuant to Section 2.10(b) and (b) two million five hundred thousand
dollars ($2,500,000).

          "Transfer Taxes" shall have the meaning  specified in Section 11.1(c).

          "Transferred  Lease"  shall mean an  Assigned  Lease  which is validly
assigned to the  Purchaser  during the period  beginning on the Closing Date and
ending on the Determination Date.

          "Transferred  Store"  shall  mean a store  which is the  subject  of a
Transferred Lease.

          "Vendor Credits  Receivable" shall mean issued and unused credit memos
issued by the  Purchaser  Trade  Vendors and credit memos due from the Purchaser
Trade  Vendors for  inventory  returned by the Seller on or prior to the Closing

          "Warehouse Lease" shall mean the lease,  dated June 27, 1990,  between
Wee Three Records Shops, Inc., the predecessor by name change to the Seller, and
Anvil Construction Company,  Inc., as amended,  covering the Seller's warehouse,
headquarters and distribution center located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as in
effect on the date hereof.

          "WARN  Act"  shall  mean  the   Worker   Adjustment   and   Retraining
Notification Act, as amended, 29 U.S.C. ss. 2901 et seq.

                                   ARTICLE II


          Section  2.1.  Transfer  of Assets.  Upon the terms and subject to the
conditions of and exceptions  contained in this Agreement,  the Purchaser agrees
to purchase from the Seller,  and the Seller agrees to sell,  convey,  transfer,
assign and deliver to the Purchaser on the Closing Date,  against the receipt by
the Seller of the consideration  specified in Section 2.5, free and clear of any
Encumbrances of any kind except for Permitted Encumbrances, all right, title and
interest  of the Seller in and to all of the  assets,  other  than those  assets
described in Section 2.2 and those  assets  disposed of in  accordance  with the
terms of this Agreement,  including, without limitation, Section 7.1, used in or
relating to the conduct of the Business, tangible and intangible, real, personal
and mixed,  wheresoever  situated  and whether or not  specifically  referred to
herein or in any instrument of conveyance delivered pursuant hereto, and whether
or not any such asset has any value for accounting purposes  (collectively,  the
"Purchased Assets"), including, without limitation, the following:

          (a) Store Cash,  Purchased  Receivables,  Vendor  Credits  Receivable,
     Apportioned  Current  Assets and  deposits  other than  those  included  in
     Purchased   Receivables   or  relating  to  Excluded   Assets  or  Excluded

          (b)  subject to Section  3.4,  all right,  title and  interest  of the
     Seller in and to all leases and  subleases  of real  property  set forth in
     Schedule  5.7  attached  hereto,  as such  leases and  subleases  have been
     amended or modified prior to the Closing Date, together with all buildings,
     facilities,  fixtures  and other  improvements  thereon and all  easements,
     rights-of-way,  transferable  licenses and permits and other  appurtenances
     thereto, (the "Assigned Leases");

          (c) Purchased Inventory;

          (d) all of the fixed assets, including machinery and equipment,  spare
     parts,  supplies,  computer hardware and related software,  motor vehicles,
     furniture and fixtures and other personal property owned, leased or used by
     the  Seller on the  Closing  Date  other  than any of the  foregoing  items
     located in stores subject to Non-Transferred Leases and, subject to Section
     3.4, all rights of the Seller under all  contracts,  commitments,  purchase
     orders,  agreements,  and leases (other than Assigned Leases) of the Seller
     (collectively, the "Assigned Contracts");

          (e)  all  of  the  Seller's  right,  title  and  interest  in  and  to
     Intellectual  Property owned, licensed or used by the Seller on the Closing
     Date  (other than any  interest  that the Seller may have in the name "W.H.
     Smith,"  "Waterstone's"  or any  similar  name,  or any  trademark  or logo
     relating  thereto),  all documents  embodying  proprietary  information and
     copyright  protected  material  and  all  evidence  of  ownership  of  such
     Intellectual Property;

          (f) all Books and Records;

          (g) the  Business as a going  concern,  including  all of the Seller's
     goodwill associated with the Business,  including,  without limitation, the
     Seller's  right,  title and  interest  in, and right to use,  the name "The
     Wall" and any and all variants and derivatives thereof;

          (h) subject to Section 3.4, all transferable  federal,  state or local
     or other  governmental and other third party permits  (including  occupancy
     permits), certificates,  licenses, consents and authorizations necessary or
     useful in the operation of the Business (the "Assigned Permits");

          (i) any rights of the Seller pertaining to any counterclaims,  setoffs
     or defenses it may have with respect to any Assumed Liabilities; and

          (j) all  insurance  proceeds (or the right to receive such  proceeds),
     net of any  deductible  or  co-payment  payable to the  relevant  insurance
     carrier for which the Seller or the Parent is liable, relating to claims in
     respect of any of the Purchased  Assets other than tangible  current assets
     of the types or categories  of assets  included in the  calculation  of the
     Post-Closing  Adjustment Amount, to the extent that such proceeds relate to
     a loss resulting in a reduction in value of such Purchased Assets.

          Section  2.2.  Excluded  Assets.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of
Section  2.1,  the  Purchased  Assets  shall not  include  the  following  items
(collectively, the "Excluded Assets"):

          (a) all cash on hand,  in transit  and in banks and Cash  Equivalents,
     other than Store Cash;

          (b) all  notes  and  accounts  receivable  other  than  the  Purchased

          (c) the Warehouse Lease;

          (d) the Seller's  insurance  policies listed on Schedule 5.14 attached

          (e) all  Employee  Benefit  Plans;

          (f) the Parent's and the Seller's rights under this Agreement;

          (g) any  shares of capital  stock of the  Seller's  Subsidiaries;

          (h)  subject  to  Section  2.1(i),  rights,   claims,   counterclaims,
     privileges,  causes  of action  and  demands  relating  to any  pending  or
     potential litigation;

          (i) any refund,  rebate, credit or similar claim for Taxes paid by the
     Seller,  the Seller's  Subsidiaries,  or any of their  Affiliates,  whether
     known or unknown on the  Closing  Date,  relating  to the  Business  or the
     Purchased Assets;

          (j) any  contracts  and  other  assets  described  on  Exhibit  2.2(j)
     attached hereto; and

          (k) all fixed assets, including machinery and equipment,  spare parts,
     supplies,   computer  hardware  and  related   software,   motor  vehicles,
     furniture,  fixtures and  personal  property  owned,  leased or used by the
     Seller and located in and used solely in stores subject to  Non-Transferred

          Section 2.3. Assumption and Exclusion of Liabilities. (a) On the terms
and subject to the conditions of this  Agreement,  the Purchaser  shall,  on the
Closing Date,  assume and shall agree to pay, perform and discharge when due the
following  categories and types of liabilities and obligations (such liabilities
and obligations being the "Assumed Liabilities"):

          (i) the Liabilities Transferred; and

          (ii)  liabilities  and  obligations  under the  Assigned  Leases,  the
     Assigned  Contracts and the Assigned  Permits (other than  liabilities  and
     obligations  under an Assigned  Contract or Assigned Permit relating solely
     to a store subject to a Non-Transferred Lease), to the extent such Assigned
     Leases, Assigned Contracts and Assigned Permits are validly assigned to the
     Purchaser,  and in each case to the extent such liabilities and obligations
     arise or accrue subsequent to the Closing Date.

          (b) Except for the Assumed  Liabilities,  the Seller shall retain, and
shall be responsible for paying,  performing and  discharging  when due, and the
Purchaser shall not assume or have any  responsibility  for or in any way become
liable with respect to, any debts,  liabilities  and obligations of the Business
arising  on  or  before  the  Closing  Date,  or of  the  Seller,  the  Seller's
Subsidiaries,  the Parent or any of their respective  Affiliates  arising at any
time,  whether  known,  unknown,  contingent  or  otherwise  (collectively,  the
"Excluded   Liabilities").   The   Purchaser   shall  not  be  deemed  to  be  a
successor-in-interest   to  the  Parent,   the  Seller,   any  of  the  Seller's
Subsidiaries or of their respective Affiliates for any purposes whatsoever.

          Section 2.4. Satisfaction and Apportionment of Operating Expenses. (a)
Except as set forth in this Section  2.4,  the Seller  shall timely  satisfy all
Operating  Expenses  due on or  prior to the  Closing  Date,  and all  Operating
Expenses  set forth in all  Operating  Expense  Invoices  received by the Seller
prior to or on the Closing  Date.  Except as set forth in this  Section 2.4, the
Purchaser  shall  timely  satisfy all  Operating  Expenses due after the Closing
Date,  and all Operating  Expenses set forth in all Operating  Expense  Invoices
received by the  Purchaser  after the Closing  Date.  The Seller shall  promptly
forward to the Purchaser any Operating  Expense Invoices  received by the Seller
after the Closing Date. With respect to Transferred  Leases not validly assigned
to the Purchaser as of the Closing Date, the term "Closing Date" as used in this
Section 2.4(a) and Section 2.4(b) shall mean the applicable Assignment Date.

          (b)  Exhibit  2.4(b)(1)   attached  hereto  sets  forth  the  parties'
agreement  and   understanding   with  respect  to  the   methodology   for  the
apportionment of Operating Expenses. In the event a particular type of Operating
Expense is not listed on  Exhibit  2.4(b)(1)  attached  hereto,  such  Operating
Expense  shall be prorated  based on the number of days in the billing cycle for
such  Operating  Expense  before and  including,  and after,  the Closing  Date,
respectively.  The  apportionment of the Percentage Rent Charge payable pursuant
to each Transferred Lease shall be determined in accordance with the information
which shall be set forth by the Seller on a schedule,  substantially in the form
of Exhibit  2.4(b)(2)  attached hereto,  after the Closing Date and delivered to
the Purchaser as part of the Apportionment Schedule.

          (c)  The  Seller  shall  deliver  the  Apportionment  Schedule  to the
Purchaser   simultaneously   with  the  Statement  of  Assets  and   Liabilities
Transferred.  Any dispute with respect to the  Apportionment  Schedule  shall be
resolved pursuant to Section 2.7(c) as if the  Apportionment  Schedule were part
of the Statement of Assets and  Liabilities  Transferred.  Without  limiting the
Seller's obligations under the penultimate sentence of Section 2.4(a), after the
Closing Date, each party shall, on a weekly basis,  provide,  or make available,
to the  other  party  copies  of the  Operating  Expense  Invoices  which it has
received  and any evidence of the  satisfaction  of the  Operating  Expenses set
forth therein by such party.

          Section  2.5.   Purchase  Price.  In   consideration   for  the  sale,
conveyance,  transfer,  assignment  and delivery by the Seller of the  Purchased
Assets to the Purchaser,  the Purchaser shall (a) assume the Assumed Liabilities
on the  Closing  Date,  (b) pay to the  Seller on the  Closing  Date  forty-five
million dollars ($45,000,000) by wire transfer of immediately available funds to
the  account  specified  by the Seller at least two  Business  Days prior to the
Closing,  (c) deposit  into the Escrow  Account on the  Closing  Date the Escrow
Amount in  immediately  available  funds,  (d) pay to the Seller on the  Interim
Payment  Date the  Interim  Payment  Amount and (e) pay to the Seller  after the
Closing the amounts, if any, determined pursuant to Sections 2.8 and 2.10.

          Section 2.6. Adjustment of Interim Payment Amount. The Interim Payment
Amount shall equal twenty-four million dollars  ($24,000,000) unless such amount
is adjusted in accordance with this Section 2.6. During the period ending twenty
(20)  calendar  days  after the  Closing,  the Seller  shall  make a  good-faith
estimate of the Interim  Payment  Amount which shall be made in accordance  with
the methodology set forth in Exhibit 2.6 attached hereto. In the event that such
estimate  is more than one  million  dollars  ($1,000,000)  greater or less than
twenty-four million dollars  ($24,000,000),  then (i) the Seller, not later than
five (5) calendar days prior to the Interim  Payment Date,  shall furnish to the
Purchaser a certificate signed by its Chief Financial Officer,  in substantially
the form attached hereto as Exhibit 2.6,  setting forth such estimate,  and (ii)
such estimate shall replace  twenty-four  million dollars  ($24,000,000)  as the
amount of the Interim Payment Amount.

          Section 2.7. Statement of Transferred Assets and Liabilities.  (a) Not
more than seventy (70)  calendar days  following  the Closing  Date,  the Seller
shall  prepare and deliver to the  Purchaser a statement,  substantially  in the
form of Exhibit  2.7(a)  attached  hereto,  which  shall set forth the Net Asset
Transferred Amount (the "Statement of Assets and Liabilities Transferred").

          (b) After the Closing Date, the Purchaser  shall permit the Seller and
its representatives to have reasonable access to any Books and Records under the
Purchaser's  control  so that the Seller can timely  prepare  the  Statement  of
Assets and  Liabilities  Transferred.  The  Statement of Assets and  Liabilities
Transferred shall be prepared in accordance with GAAP, and such principles shall
be applied in a manner  consistent  with the  application of such  principles in
connection with the preparation of the Seller Audited Statements,  provided that
with  respect to the Accrued  Gift  Certificate  Reserve  and the Accrued  Store
Credit Reserve, the accounting  methodology to be applied shall be, and shall be
applied in a manner consistent with the application of, the Seller's  accounting
methodology  consistently  applied  in the  preparation  of the  Seller  Audited
Statements,  and provided  further that the Accrued  Vacation  Reserve  shall be
determined  in accordance  with the Books and Records and the Seller's  existing
vacation policy.

          (c) After  preparation  of the  Statement  of Assets  and  Liabilities
Transferred,  the Seller  shall  promptly  deliver the  Statement  of Assets and
Liabilities  Transferred to the Purchaser and the Purchaser's accountants (which
shall be  designated  in  writing  to the  Seller  prior to the  Closing  Date),
together with a report,  substantially  in the form of Exhibit  2.7(c)  attached
hereto, by the Seller's accountants attesting to the accuracy thereof, for their
review, and the Purchaser and the Purchaser's  accountants may make inquiries of
the  Parent,  the  Seller  and  the  Seller's  accountants  regarding  questions
concerning,  or  disagreements  with,  the  Statement of Assets and  Liabilities
Transferred  arising in the course of such  review and shall have access to such
working papers and related  documentation as they may request. The Purchaser and
the  Purchaser's  accountants  shall  complete  their review of the Statement of
Assets and  Liabilities  Transferred  within  thirty (30)  calendar  days of the
delivery  of  the  Statement  of  Assets  and  Liabilities  Transferred  to  the
Purchaser.  Promptly  following  completion of their review, the Purchaser shall
submit to the Seller a letter  regarding its agreement or disagreement  with the
accuracy of the Statement of Assets and Liabilities  Transferred,  provided that
the  Purchaser  shall be  deemed to agree  with the  principles  applied  in the
preparation of the Statement of Assets and Liabilities Transferred to the extent
that the  Statement  of  Assets  and  Liabilities  Transferred  is  prepared  in
accordance  with GAAP applied on a basis  consistent with the preparation of the
Seller  Audited  Statements  (or,  with respect to the Accrued Gift  Certificate
Reserve and the Accrued Store Credit Reserve,  to the extent that the accounting
methodology  so  applied  is, and is  applied  in a manner  consistent  with the
application  of,  the  Seller's  accounting  methodology  that was  consistently
applied in the preparation of the Seller Audited Statements, or, with respect to
the Accrued Vacation Reserve,  to the extent that it is determined in accordance
with the Books and Records and the  Seller's  existing  vacation  policy).  Such
letter  must  state  each  item  disagreed  with,  the  basis or bases  for such
disagreement, and the amount and extent thereof. Unless the Purchaser delivers a
letter  disagreeing with the accuracy of the Statement of Assets and Liabilities
Transferred  within such 30-day period,  the Statement of Assets and Liabilities
Transferred  shall be binding upon the parties.  Following  delivery of any such
letter  indicating a disagreement,  the Seller and the Purchaser shall use their
respective reasonable best efforts to resolve promptly such disagreement in good
faith. If a resolution of such disagreement has not been effected within fifteen
(15) calendar days (or longer, as mutually agreed by the parties) after delivery
of such letter, the Seller and the Purchaser shall submit such disagreement to a
nationally recognized independent accounting firm (other than an accounting firm
already retained by the Purchaser, the Seller or the Parent) jointly selected by
the Seller and the  Purchaser.  The  determination  of such firm with respect to
such  disagreement  and the accuracy of the Statement of Assets and  Liabilities
Transferred as a result shall be completed within  forty-five (45) calendar days
of the date of the  submission  of the  disagreement  to such  firm and shall be
final and binding upon the parties hereto.

          (d)  The  Seller  shall  pay  the  fees,  costs  and  expenses  of its
accountants  and the  Purchaser  shall pay the fees,  costs and  expenses of its
accountants.  The fees,  costs and expenses of the  independent  accounting firm
selected in the event of a dispute shall be allocated between the Seller and the
Purchaser in the same  proportion  that the aggregate  dollar amount of disputed
items which are so submitted that is unsuccessfully  disputed by each such party
(as finally  determined by such firm) bears to the total amount of such disputed
items so submitted.

          (e) The Seller shall cause a nationally  recognized  inventory service
to perform a physical count of the Purchased  Inventory (which,  for purposes of
this Section 2.7(e) only, shall include  Inventory located in all stores subject
to Assigned  Leases) not more than five (5)  calendar  days prior to the Closing
Date.  Such inventory count shall be adjusted by the Seller pursuant to standard
cutoff  procedures  to be as of the  Closing  Date.  With  respect to  Purchased
Inventory  located in any store which is covered by a Transferred  Lease that is
not validly  assigned to the Purchaser  within seven (7) calendar days after the
Closing Date, the Seller shall cause a nationally  recognized  inventory service
to perform a physical  count of the  Purchased  Inventory  located in such store
within five (5)  calendar  days after the  Assignment  Date for such store.  The
result of such  inventory  count shall be adjusted to reflect the  Inventory  in
such store as of the Assignment Date pursuant to standard  accounting  roll-back
procedures  and shall  replace  the  inventory  count  performed  at such  store
pursuant to the first sentence of this Section 2.7(e).  The inventory count with
respect to all of the stores  subject to  Transferred  Leases,  as  adjusted  in
accordance  with  this  Section  2.7(e),  shall be used in  connection  with the
estimation of the Interim Payment Amount and in the preparation of the Statement
of Assets and  Liabilities  Transferred.  The fees,  costs and  expenses  of the
inventory  service  incurred in connection  with the inventory  count  performed
prior to the  Closing  Date  shall be shared  equally by the  Purchaser  and the
Seller.  The fees,  costs and  expenses  of the  inventory  service  incurred in
connection  with any inventory count performed after the Closing Date in respect
of any Transferred Lease shall be satisfied by the Purchaser.

          Section 2.8.  Post-Closing  Settlement.  (a) If the Final Post-Closing
Adjustment Amount equals or exceeds the Escrow Amount,  then the Seller shall be
entitled to the Escrow  Amount,  and the  Purchaser  shall pay to the Seller the
additional  amount,  if any, by which the Final  Post-Closing  Adjustment Amount
exceeds the Escrow Amount. If the Final  Post-Closing  Adjustment Amount is less
than the Escrow Amount (such  deficiency  being the "Closing Date  Deficiency"),
then the Seller  shall be entitled  to the  amount,  if any, by which the Escrow
Amount exceeds the Closing Date Deficiency,  and the Purchaser shall be entitled
to the  balance.  If the Closing  Date  Deficiency  equals or exceeds the Escrow
Amount, then the Purchaser shall be entitled to the Escrow Amount and the Seller
shall  pay to the  Purchaser  the  amount,  if any,  by which the  Closing  Date
Deficiency exceeds the Escrow Amount.

          (b) Any  amount  to which the  Purchaser  or the  Seller  is  entitled
pursuant to Section  2.8(a) shall be paid no later than five (5)  Business  Days
after the  determination  of the Final  Post-Closing  Adjustment  Amount by wire
transfer of immediately  available funds to an account or accounts designated in
writing by the party entitled to such payment. Any interest earned on the Escrow
Amount  pursuant to the Escrow  Agreement shall be distributed to the Seller and
the Purchaser pro rata based on the proportion of the Escrow Amount to which the
Seller and the Purchaser, respectively, are entitled pursuant to Section 2.8(a).
Any additional amounts payable by either the Seller or the Purchaser pursuant to
Section  2.8(a)  shall bear  interest  at nine  percent  (9%) per annum from and
including the thirty-first  (31st) calendar day following the Closing Date until
the date of payment.

          Section 2.9.  Acquiring  Corporation.  Prior to the Closing Date,  the
Purchaser may, in accordance with Section 16.6(b),  assign all of its rights and
obligations hereunder to the Acquiring Corporation, which shall have a net worth
of not less than sixty-five million dollars ($65,000,000) immediately before the
Closing,  and which shall  acquire the  Purchased  Assets and assume the Assumed
Liabilities  pursuant  to the  terms and  subject  to the  conditions  set forth
herein; provided that the Purchaser shall remain bound by all obligations of the
Purchaser  under  Sections 2.4, 2.5, 2.8, 7.4, 7.14,  13.3 and 15.2.  After such
assignment, all references herein to the Purchaser (other than the references in
this Section 2.9 and Sections 3.1, 6.1, 7.7, 13.3 and 16.6(b) and in Article XV)
shall  be  deemed  to be  references  to the  Acquiring  Corporation.  It is the
Purchaser's  intent  to assign  its  rights  and  obligations  hereunder  to the
Acquiring Corporation.

          Section 2.10.  Purchase Price Adjustment for  Non-Transferred  Leases.
(a) In the event that the Assignment Date for any Assigned Lease is a date after
the  Closing  Date  and  prior  to the  Determination  Date,  there  shall be no
adjustment to the Final Post-Closing  Adjustment Amount related thereto,  except
as otherwise  expressly  provided by Section  2.7(e),  and no deduction from any
amounts to be paid to the Seller pursuant to Section 2.8 related thereto.

          (b) The Seller shall deliver the Liquidated  Damages  Statement to the
Purchaser   simultaneously   with  the  Statement  of  Assets  and   Liabilities
Transferred.  In the event that the remaining term of a Non-Transferred Lease as
of  the  Determination   Date  is  twenty-four  (24)  months  or  greater,   the
Non-Transferred  Lease Adjustment  Amount for such  Non-Transferred  Lease shall
equal the Liquidated Damages Amount set forth in Exhibit 2.10(b) attached hereto
with respect to such Non-Transferred Lease. In the event that the remaining term
of a Non-Transferred Lease as of the Determination Date is less than twenty-four
months, the Non-Transferred  Lease Adjustment Amount for a Non-Transferred Lease
shall equal the Liquidated  Damages Amount set forth in Exhibit 2.10(b) attached
hereto with respect to such Non-Transferred Lease multiplied by a fraction,  the
numerator  being  the  number of months  remaining  in the lease  term as of the
Determination  Date and the denominator being twenty-four (24). Any dispute with
respect to the  Liquidated  Damages  Statement  shall be  resolved  pursuant  to
Section 2.7(c) as if the Liquidated Damages Statement were part of the Statement
of Assets and Liabilities Transferred.

          (c) The Seller shall pay the Total  Non-Transferred  Lease  Adjustment
Amount,  if such Amount is a positive  number,  to the  Purchaser on the date on
which the payment, if any, pursuant to Section 2.8 is scheduled to be made.

                                   ARTICLE III


          Section 3.1. Closing. The closing of the sale and purchase referred to
in Section  2.1 (the  "Closing")  shall take place at the  offices of Shearman &
Sterling,  599  Lexington  Avenue,  New York,  New York 10022 on the third (3rd)
Business Day following the  satisfaction or waiver by the  appropriate  party or
parties of all the  conditions  contained in Articles VIII, IX and X, or at such
other place as the parties  hereto  shall  designate in writing or on such other
date  (which the  parties to this  Agreement  anticipate  will be on or prior to
January  30,  1998 but in no event  shall be later than the earlier of (x) sixty
(60)  calendar  days  after  the  delivery  by the  Purchaser  to the  Seller of
financial  statements  certified by an independent  auditor  evidencing that the
Acquiring  Corporation  has a net worth of at least  sixty-five  million dollars
($65,000,000) and (y) April 30, 1998). Such time and date are herein referred to
as the "Closing  Date." The Purchaser  agrees to use its best efforts to deliver
such  financial  statements  as promptly as  practicable  after the date of this
Agreement, but in no event later than February 28, 1998.

          Section 3.2.  Deliveries by the Seller at the Closing. At the Closing,
the Seller shall deliver to the Purchaser each of the documents, instruments and
evidences of satisfaction  of conditions  required to be delivered by the Seller
as a  condition  to the Closing  pursuant  to Article IX, in form and  substance
satisfactory to the Purchaser and its counsel.

          Section 3.3.  Deliveries by the Purchaser at Closing.  At the Closing,
the Purchaser  shall deliver to the Seller (a) the portion of the  consideration
referred to in Section  2.5(b) to be  delivered on the Closing Date and (b) each
of the  documents,  instruments  and  evidences of  satisfaction  of  conditions
required to be delivered by the Purchaser as a condition to Closing  pursuant to
Article X, in form and substance satisfactory to the Seller and its counsel.

          Section 3.4. Consents. (a) The Seller and the Purchaser shall each use
their  best  efforts  to  obtain,  on or prior to the  Closing  Date,  the valid
assignment to the  Purchaser of each of the Assigned  Leases and with respect to
any  Assigned  Lease not  assigned as of the  Closing  Date,  within  sixty (60)
calendar days after the Closing Date;  provided that neither party, in using its
best  efforts,  shall be  required  to pay any  amounts,  other  than de minimis
amounts or amounts expressly  required to be paid under the applicable  Assigned
Lease to obtain the assignment.

          (b) To the  extent  that a claim  can be made  successfully  that  the
transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement will  constitute the assignment of
any contract, lease, commitment,  sales order, purchase order, account, license,
permit or  undertaking  requiring  the consent of another  party  thereto,  this
Agreement  shall not  constitute an agreement to assign the same if an attempted
assignment  would  constitute a breach  thereof.  Except as  otherwise  required
pursuant to Section  3.4(a),  the Seller agrees that it will use its  reasonable
best efforts to obtain the written consent of the other necessary parties to the
assignment of all such contracts,  leases,  commitments,  sales orders, purchase
orders, accounts,  licenses, permits and undertakings and if such consent is not
obtained,  the Seller will  cooperate  with the  Purchaser,  as requested by the
Purchaser,  in any lawful and contractually  permitted  arrangement  designed to
provide the  Purchaser the benefits  under any such  agreement,  arrangement  or

          Section  3.5.  Further  Assurances.  On or after the Closing  Date and
without  further  consideration,  the  Seller  shall,  at  the  request  of  the
Purchaser,  from time to time execute and deliver such  further  instruments  of
conveyance,  assignment and transfer, and shall take, or cause to be taken, such
other  actions as the Purchaser may  reasonably  request for the more  effective
conveyance,  assignment  and transfer of the Purchased  Assets to the Purchaser,
and the Seller shall use its reasonable  best efforts to assist the Purchaser in
the  collection  and reduction to  possession  of the  Purchased  Assets and the
exercise of rights with respect thereto and otherwise in the effectuation of the
intentions and purposes of this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                            BANKRUPTCY COURT APPROVAL

          Section  4.1.   Bankruptcy   Court  Order.   In  connection  with  the
transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement,  the Purchaser has filed or shall
file as promptly as possible after the date hereof with the  Bankruptcy  Court a
motion for an order approving this Agreement (the "Approval Order"), in form and
substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to the Seller.  The Purchaser shall use its
reasonable  best efforts with respect to seeking the entry of the Approval Order
by the Bankruptcy Court as promptly as practicable. The Purchaser shall instruct
its counsel to furnish the Seller and its  counsel  with copies of all  notices,
filings and orders of and with the Bankruptcy Court and other courts  pertaining
to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE V


          The  representations  and warranties  contained in this Article V with
respect  to  any  Purchased  Assets  and  the  elements  thereof  related  to  a
Transferred  Lease which is validly  assigned  after the  Closing  Date shall be
deemed to be repeated as of the Assignment Date with respect to such Transferred
Lease. Each of the Seller and the Parent, jointly and severally,  represents and
warrants to the Purchaser as follows:

          Section 5.1.  Existence and Good Standing.  Each of the Seller and the
Parent is a corporation duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing
under the laws of the  Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania  and the State of  Nevada,
respectively. The Seller has the requisite corporate power and authority to own,
lease and  operate  its  properties  and to conduct  the  Business  as now being
conducted.  The Seller is duly qualified to do business as a foreign corporation
in  each   jurisdiction   in  which  the  nature  of  the  Business  makes  such
qualification necessary,  except where the failure to be so duly qualified would
not have a material adverse effect on the Condition.

          Section 5.2. Authorization and Validity. Subject to the receipt of the
consents,  waivers and approvals set forth in Schedule 5.2 attached hereto, each
of the Seller and the Parent has all requisite  corporate power and authority to
execute and deliver this Agreement and all other  documents and agreements to be
executed in connection  herewith to which either or both of them is a party,  to
perform  its  obligations   hereunder  and  thereunder  and  to  consummate  the
transactions  contemplated  hereby and  thereby.  The  execution,  delivery  and
performance of this Agreement and, to the extent applicable, all other documents
and  agreements  to be  executed  in  connection  herewith by the Seller and the
Parent and the  consummation  by each of them of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby or  thereby  have  been  duly  authorized  and  approved  by the Board of
Directors and  stockholders  of each of the Seller and the Parent,  and no other
corporate  action  on the  part of the  Seller  or the  Parent  or any of  their
respective  Affiliates  is necessary to authorize  the  execution,  delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement  and all other  documents  and  agreements to be
executed in connection herewith by the Seller or the Parent and the consummation
of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby.  This  Agreement and all
other  documents and  agreements  to be executed in  connection  herewith by the
Seller or the Parent have been duly  executed and delivered by the Seller and/or
the Parent, as the case may be, and, assuming due execution of this Agreement by
the  Purchaser,  each  constitutes a valid and binding  obligation of the Seller
and/or the Parent, as the case may be, enforceable against the Seller and/or the
Parent,  as the case may be, in accordance with its terms,  except to the extent
that its  enforceability  may be subject to applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium  and  similar  laws  affecting  the  enforcement  of
creditors' rights generally and by general equitable principles.

          Section 5.3.  Consents and  Approvals;  No  Violations.  Except as set
forth in Schedule  5.3  attached  hereto,  the  execution  and  delivery of this
Agreement and all other  documents  and  agreements to be executed in connection
herewith  by the  Seller  and/or  the  Parent,  as the  case  may  be,  and  the
consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby (a) will not
violate or  contravene  any provision of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or
By-laws of the Seller or the  Parent,  (b) will not  violate or  contravene  any
statute,  rule,  regulation,  order or decree of any public body or authority by
which  the  Seller or the  Parent is bound or by which  either of them or any of
their  properties or assets are bound,  (c) will not require any filing with, or
permit, consent or approval of, or the giving of any notice to, any governmental
or regulatory  body,  agency or authority,  or any other Person and (d) will not
result in a violation  or breach of,  conflict  with,  or  constitute  (with due
notice  or lapse  of time or  both) a  default  (or  give  rise to any  right of
termination,  cancellation,  payment or  acceleration)  under,  or result in the
creation of any Encumbrance,  other than Permitted Encumbrances  (excluding from
the definition of Permitted  Encumbrances any Encumbrances  arising by operation
of law),  upon any of the assets of the Seller or the  Parent  under,  any note,
bond,  mortgage,   indenture,   license,  permit,  agreement,  lease,  franchise
agreement  or any other  instrument  or  obligation  to which the  Seller or the
Parent  is a party or by which  either  of them or any of  their  properties  or
assets is or will be bound,  excluding  from the foregoing  clauses (b), (c) and
(d) filings, notices, permits, consents and approvals, the absence of which, and
violations,  breaches,  defaults, conflicts and Encumbrances the consequences of
which,  in the  aggregate,  would  not have a  material  adverse  effect  on the
Condition or the Purchaser.

          Section 5.4.  Subsidiaries and Investments.  The Seller's Subsidiaries
are the only  Persons in which the Seller  owns,  directly  or  indirectly,  any
equity interest.  No Seller's  Subsidiary has any assets or employees,  nor does
any Seller's Subsidiary have any operations or liabilities.

          Section 5.5. Seller Financial Statements; No Material Changes. (a) The
Seller has furnished the Purchaser with the audited  consolidated  balance sheet
(the "Seller Balance  Sheet") of the Seller and the Seller's  Subsidiaries as of
June 1, 1997  (the  "Seller  Balance  Sheet  Date")  together  with the  related
consolidated  statements of operations,  stockholders' equity and cash flows for
the fiscal year then ended,  together  with the report of Deloitte & Touche with
respect  to the fiscal  year  ending  June 1, 1997  (collectively,  the  "Seller
Audited  Statements").  The Seller Audited  Statements,  including the footnotes
thereto,  have been prepared in accordance  with GAAP and present  fairly in all
material  respects  the  financial  position  of the  Seller  and  the  Seller's
Subsidiaries at June 1, 1997, and the consolidated results of the operations and
cash flows of the Seller and the Seller's  Subsidiaries for the period described

          (b) The Seller has heretofore furnished the Purchaser with all balance
sheets and  statements  of  operations,  stockholders'  equity and cash flows or
other  financial  statements or reports  provided by the Seller to the Parent in
the  ordinary   course  of  business   since  the  Seller   Balance  Sheet  Date
(collectively  with any such information  provided  pursuant to Section 9.7, the
"Seller  Unaudited  Statements").  The Seller Unaudited  Statements have been or
will be prepared in accordance with accounting  principles used by the Seller in
the ordinary course of preparing such financial information and reflect, or when
prepared will reflect, the application of those principles on a basis consistent
with  those  used  by the  Seller  in the  ordinary  course  of  preparing  such

          (c) Except as set forth in Schedule 5.5(c) attached hereto,  since the
Seller Balance Sheet Date, (i) there has been no material  adverse change in the
Condition;  (ii) there has been no damage,  destruction  or loss to any material
asset or  property,  tangible  or  intangible,  of the Seller  and the  Seller's
Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole,  ordinary wear and tear  excepted;  (iii) other
than in connection  with the proposed  sale of the Seller or the  Business,  the
Business has been conducted only in the ordinary course; (iv) neither the Seller
nor any of the Seller's  Subsidiaries  has  incurred  any  material  liabilities
(direct,  contingent or otherwise)  or engaged in any material  transactions  or
entered  into  any  material  agreements;   (v)  the  Seller  and  the  Seller's
Subsidiaries  have not increased the  compensation of any officer or granted any
general  salary  or  benefits  increase  to their  employees  other  than in the
ordinary course of business;  and (vi) there has been no change by the Seller or
the Parent, in relation to the Business, in accounting principles,  practices or

          (d) Other than the Seller Audited  Statements and the Seller Unaudited
Statements,  no  financial  statements  relating  solely  to the  Seller  or the
Business  have been  prepared,  other than such  statements  relating to periods
prior to the  periods  covered by the Seller  Audited  Statements  or the Seller
Unaudited Statements, as the case may be.

          Section  5.6.   Compliance   with  Laws.  The  Seller,   the  Seller's
Subsidiaries  and the  Parent,  in  connection  with the  Business,  are each in
compliance  in all material  respects  with all  applicable  laws,  regulations,
orders,  judgments and decrees.  Without in any way limiting the foregoing,  the
Seller  and the  Parent  have  complied  with all of their  respective  material
obligations under the WARN Act.

          Section 5.7. Real Property;  Leases. Neither the Seller nor any Seller
Subsidiary  owns any real property.  Schedule 5.7 attached  hereto lists each of
the  Assigned  Leases,  and with  respect  to each  Assigned  Lease sets forth a
description of the term thereof,  the base rent payable with respect thereto and
any security  deposit  relating  thereto.  The Seller is a party to no leases or
subleases  of real  property  other than the Assigned  Leases and the  Warehouse
Lease.  The Seller has  heretofore  delivered or made available to the Purchaser
true and complete  copies of all such Assigned  Leases and the  Warehouse  Lease
including all amendments, modifications and waivers with respect thereto. Except
as otherwise set forth in Schedule 5.7(b) attached  hereto,  each Assigned Lease
and the Warehouse  Lease is in full force and effect;  all rents and  additional
rents due to date on each Assigned Lease and the Warehouse Lease have been paid;
the Seller has  received  no notice  that it is or will be in default  under any
Assigned Lease or the Warehouse  Lease as of the Closing Date; no landlord is in
default of any of its  obligations  under any  Assigned  Lease or the  Warehouse
Lease;  and, to the  knowledge  of the Parent and the Seller  after due inquiry,
there exists no event, occurrence,  condition or act (including the consummation
of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement)  which,  with the giving of
notice,  the lapse of time or the  happening of any further  event or condition,
would become a default by the Seller under any Assigned  Lease or the  Warehouse
Lease.  The Seller is currently the lessee under each of the Assigned Leases and
may  exercise all rights of a lessee  under each of the  Assigned  Leases.  Each
Assigned  Lease under which the Seller was not the  original  lessee was validly
assigned  to the  Seller,  and any party  which has a right of  consent  to such
assignment  and of which  the  Seller  has  knowledge  after  due  review of the
applicable  Assigned Lease has consented to such  assignment and any other party
having a right of  consent  to such  assignment  has  either  consented  to such
assignment  or has  taken  no  action  inconsistent  with the  granting  of such
consent.  Other than the real  property  covered by the Assigned  Leases and the
Warehouse Lease, no owned or leased real property is used in connection with the

          Section  5.8.  Title to  Properties;  Encumbrances.  (a) Except as set
forth in Schedule 5.8 attached hereto, the Seller has good, valid and marketable
title to the Purchased Assets, subject to no Encumbrances,  except for Permitted

          (b) All of the Purchased  Assets are in good  operating  condition and
repair,  ordinary  wear and tear  excepted and are fit for the purpose for which
they are being  utilized.  The sale to the  Purchaser  of the  Purchased  Assets
pursuant to this  Agreement  will pass to the Purchaser  good and valid title to
the Purchased  Assets free and clear of any  Encumbrances  (other than Permitted

          Section 5.9.  Intellectual  Property.  The Seller  either (a) owns all
right,  title  and  interest  in and to the  Intellectual  Property  used in the
Business free and clear of Encumbrances other than Permitted Encumbrances or (b)
has valid  and  transferable  licenses  to use all such  Intellectual  Property,
except where the lack of such right,  title and  interest or licenses  would not
have a  material  adverse  effect,  in the  aggregate,  on  the  Condition.  All
registered  patents,  registered  trademarks and  registered  copyrights and all
other  material  Intellectual  Property  owned or  licensed by the Seller is set
forth  in  Schedule  5.9  attached  hereto,  and  Schedule  5.9 sets  forth  all
registered  patents,  registered  trademarks and  registered  copyrights and all
other material  Intellectual Property used in connection with or required by the
Business. Except as set forth in Schedule 5.9, neither the Seller nor any of the
Seller's  Subsidiaries  has  granted  to any other  Person a license  to use any
Intellectual  Property  listed in Schedule 5.9.  Except as set forth in Schedule
5.9, no  third-party  consent will be required  for the use of any  Intellectual
Property as a consequence of the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement.
Except as set forth in Schedule 5.9, each item of  Intellectual  Property listed
in Schedule  5.9 (other than  software  programs  and  databases)  has been duly
registered  with,  filed in, or issued by the  appropriate  domestic  or foreign
governmental agency, and each such registration,  filing and issuance remains in
full force and  effect,  and the Seller has  received  no written  notice of any
event,  inquiry,   investigation  or  proceeding  threatening  the  validity  or
enforceability of any such Intellectual  Property. No such Intellectual Property
is the  subject of any  action,  suit or  proceeding,  or written  claim that is
pending or, to the  knowledge  of the Seller and the Parent  after due  inquiry,
threatened which: (i) accuses the Seller,  any of the Seller's  Subsidiaries or,
with respect to the Business,  the Parent of  infringing or otherwise  violating
any  Intellectual  Property rights of any third party;  (ii) accuses the Seller,
any of the Seller's Subsidiaries or, with respect to the Business, the Parent of
breaching  any contract  with  respect to any  Intellectual  Property;  or (iii)
raises any claim that is  materially  adverse to the  interest  of the Seller in
such  Intellectual  Property,  except for such actions,  suits,  proceedings  or
claims that, if adversely determined, could not, in the aggregate, reasonably be
expected to have a material adverse effect on the Condition.

          Section  5.10.  Litigation.  Except  as set  forth  in  Schedule  5.10
attached  hereto,  there is no  action,  suit,  proceeding  at law or in equity,
arbitration  or  administrative  or other  proceeding  by or before  (or, to the
knowledge  of the Seller or the Parent  after due inquiry by the  relevant  home
office employees of the Seller and the Parent, any investigation by) any Person,
including,  without  limitation,  any governmental or other  instrumentality  or
agency,  pending,  or, to the knowledge of the Seller or the Parent,  threatened
against or affecting  the Seller,  the Seller's  Subsidiaries,  the Parent,  the
Business  or  the  Purchased  Assets  which,  if  adversely  determined,   could
reasonably be expected to materially and adversely affect the Purchaser's  right
or ability to carry on the Business or could reasonably be expected to adversely
affect or  materially  delay the Seller's or the Parent's  ability to consummate
the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  or  which,  in  the  aggregate,  could
reasonably be expected to have a material  adverse effect on the Condition;  and
neither  the Seller nor the Parent has any actual  knowledge  of any valid basis
for any such  action,  proceeding  or  investigation.  Neither the  Seller,  the
Seller's  Subsidiaries,  the Parent,  the Business nor the  Purchased  Assets is
subject to any  judgment,  order or decree  entered in any lawsuit or proceeding
which,  in the  aggregate,  could  reasonably  be  expected  to  materially  and
adversely  affect the  Purchaser's  right or  ability to carry on the  Business,
could  reasonably  be  expected  to  adversely  affect or  materially  delay the
Seller's or the Parent's  ability to consummate  the  transactions  contemplated
hereby,  or which,  in the  aggregate,  could  reasonably  be expected to have a
material adverse effect on the Condition.

          Section 5.11.  Compensation  of Employees.  Set forth in Schedule 5.11
attached  hereto is an  accurate  and  complete  list  showing  the names of all
persons  employed by the Seller who are expected to receive more than $50,000 in
cash compensation in 1997 (including, without limitation, salary, commission and
bonus).  Such list sets forth the present  salary or hourly wage,  expected 1997
cash compensation (including,  without limitation, salary, commission and bonus)
and fringe  benefits,  of each such person,  as well as of Richard  Anderson and
Stephen Newton.

          Section 5.12. Material Contracts. Except as set forth in Schedule 5.12
attached hereto, neither the Seller nor, with regard to the Business, the Parent
is a party to nor is bound by (a) any  agreement,  contract or  commitment  that
involves the  performance of services or the delivery of goods and/or  materials
by or to it of an  amount or value in excess  of  $100,000,  (b) any  agreement,
contract  or  commitment  not in the  ordinary  course of  business  relating to
expenditures or liabilities in excess of $50,000, (c) any agreement, contract or
commitment  relating  to  capital  expenditures  in  excess  of  $50,000  in the
aggregate, (d) any agreement,  indenture or instrument relating to indebtedness,
liability  for  borrowed  money  or the  deferred  purchase  price  of  property
(excluding  trade payables in the ordinary course of business),  (e) any loan or
advance to (other than advances to employees in the ordinary  course of business
in amounts of $1,000 or less to any individual and $10,000 in the aggregate), or
investment in, any Person, any agreement, contract or commitment relating to the
making of any such loan,  advance or  investment or any  agreement,  contract or
commitment involving a sharing of profits, (f) any guarantee or other contingent
liability in respect of any  indebtedness  or obligation of any Person,  (g) any
management  service,  consulting or any other similar type of contract,  (h) any
agreement,  contract or commitment  limiting the ability of the Seller to engage
in any line of  business  or to  compete  with  any  Person,  (i) any  warranty,
guaranty or other similar undertaking with respect to a contractual  performance
extended by the Seller, (j) any contract,  agreement or arrangement  whereby the
Seller shares  services with any third party,  (k) any capital lease or lease of
personal property,  or (l) any amendment,  modification or supplement in respect
of any of the foregoing.  Except as otherwise set forth in Schedule  5.12,  each
contract  or  agreement  set  forth in  Schedule  5.12 as well as each  Assigned
Contract  not set forth  therein is in full force and effect and there exists no
default or event of default or event,  occurrence,  condition or act  (including
the  consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby) on the part of the
Seller,  the  Seller's  Subsidiaries  or, to the  knowledge of the Seller or the
Parent,  any other Person which, with the giving of notice, the lapse of time or
the happening of any other event or  condition,  would become a default or event
of default thereunder.

          Section 5.13.  Liabilities.  Except as set forth in the Seller Balance
Sheet or  referred to in the  footnotes  thereto or in  Schedule  5.13  attached
hereto,  there is no material  outstanding  claim,  liability  or  indebtedness,
contingent or otherwise,  of the Seller, any Seller's Subsidiary or the Business
incurred  subsequent to the Seller  Balance Sheet Date other than those incurred
in the ordinary course of business.

          Section 5.14.  Insurance.  Schedule 5.14 attached  hereto  contains an
accurate  summary  description  of all policies of property,  fire and casualty,
product  liability,  workers  compensation and other forms of insurance owned or
held by the Seller or the Parent in connection with the Business,  together with
a list of all material  outstanding  claims against any insurer  relating to the
Business.  Neither  the Seller nor the  Parent  has  received  (a) any notice of
cancellation  or  non-renewal  of any policy  described in such Schedule 5.14 or
refusal of  coverage  thereunder,  (b) any notice that any issuer of such policy
has filed for protection under applicable insolvency laws or is otherwise in the
process of liquidating or has been liquidated,  or (c) any other indication that
such  policies  are no longer in full  force or effect or that the issuer of any
such policy is no longer willing or able to perform its obligations  thereunder.
Since the last  renewal  date of any  insurance  policy,  there has not been any
material adverse change in the premiums payable pursuant to such policies.

          Section  5.15.  Employment  Relations.  Each  of the  Seller  and  the
Seller's  Subsidiaries  is in  compliance  with  all  federal,  state  or  other
applicable  laws,  domestic or foreign,  respecting  employment  and  employment
practices, terms and conditions of employment and wages and hours, and 

          (a) neither the Seller nor any Seller's Subsidiary has, or is, engaged
     in any unfair labor practice under applicable law;

          (b) no unfair  labor  practice  complaint  against  the  Seller or any
     Seller's Subsidiary is pending before the National Labor Relations Board;

          (c) there is no labor strike,  dispute,  slowdown or stoppage  pending
     or, to the  knowledge  of the  Seller  or the  Parent  after  due  inquiry,
     threatened against or involving the Seller or any Seller's Subsidiary;

          (d) neither the Seller nor any Seller's  Subsidiary  nor, with respect
     to the  Business,  the  Parent,  is a party  to any  collective  bargaining
     agreement  and  no  collective  bargaining  agreement  is  currently  being
     negotiated  by  the  Seller,  any  Seller's  Subsidiary  or the  Parent  in
     connection with the Business; and

          (e) except as set forth in Schedule  5.15,  no claim in respect of the
     employment  of any  employee  has  been  asserted  in  writing  or,  to the
     knowledge  of the  Seller  or the  Parent  after due  inquiry,  threatened,
     against the Seller or any Seller's Subsidiary.

          The  representations  and  warranties  contained  in this Section 5.15
shall  not be deemed to be  breached  to the  extent  that the  failure  of such
representations  and  warranties to be accurate,  when viewed in the  aggregate,
could not  reasonably  be  expected  to have a  material  adverse  effect on the

          Section 5.16.  Employee  Benefit Plans. (a) Set forth in Schedule 5.16
attached hereto is an accurate and complete list of all domestic and foreign (i)
"employee  benefit  plans,"  within the meaning of Section  3(3) of ERISA;  (ii)
bonus, stock option, stock purchase, restricted stock, equity-based,  incentive,
profit-sharing,  savings, pension or retirement, deferred compensation, medical,
life,  disability,  accident,  salary  continuation,  severance,  accrued leave,
vacation,  sick  pay,  sick  leave,  welfare,  fringe,  multiemployer,  multiple
employer,  supplemental  or excess  retirement and  unemployment  benefit plans,
programs, arrangements,  commitments,  policies and/or practices (whether or not
insured); and (iii) employment, consulting, termination, and severance contracts
or agreements;  in each case for active, inactive,  retired or former employees,
officers, directors, and independent contractors of the Business, whether or not
any  such  plans,  programs,  arrangements,  commitments,  policies,  contracts,
agreements  and/or  practices  (referred to in (i),  (ii) or (iii) above) are in
writing or are otherwise  exempt from the  provisions  of ERISA;  that have been
established,  maintained  or  contributed  to  (or  with  respect  to  which  an
obligation  to  contribute  has been  undertaken)  or with  respect to which any
potential liability is borne by the Seller or, with respect to the Business, the
Parent  (including,  for  this  purpose  and  for  the  purpose  of  all  of the
representations  in this Section 5.16, any  predecessors to the Seller or to any
of the Seller's  Subsidiaries  and all employers  (whether or not  incorporated)
that are by reason of  common  control  treated  together  with the  Seller as a
single  employer  within the meaning of Section 414 of the Code) since September
2, 1974 (collectively, the "Employee Benefit Plans").

          (b)  Neither  the  Seller  nor any of the  Seller's  Subsidiaries  has
incurred,  and, to the knowledge of the Seller and the Parent after due inquiry,
no event has occurred and no condition or circumstance  exists that could result
directly or indirectly  in, any  unsatisfied  liability  under Title IV of ERISA
arising in connection with the termination of, or complete or partial withdrawal
from, any employee  pension benefit plan covered or previously  covered by Title
IV of  ERISA,  and the  Seller  and the  Seller's  Subsidiaries  have  paid  and
discharged when due or accrued in the Seller Audited  Statements all obligations
and  liabilities  arising  under ERISA and the Code with respect to all Employee
Benefit  Plans.  The Seller and the Seller's  Subsidiaries  have complied in all
respects with the continuation  coverage requirements of Part 6 of Subtitle B of
Title I of ERISA and  Section  4980B(f)  of the Code  ("COBRA")  and neither the
Seller  nor  any  of the  Seller's  Subsidiaries  is  subject  to  any  material
liability,  including,  without  limitation,  additional  contributions,  fines,
taxes, penalties or loss of tax deduction as a result of such administration and
operation.  Full  payment  has been made of all amounts  which the  Parent,  the
Seller or any of the Seller's Subsidiaries is required,  and full compliance has
been achieved,  under  applicable law or under any Employee  Benefit Plan or any
agreement  relating to any Employee Benefit Plan to which the Seller or any such
Seller's  Subsidiary  is a party,  to have  paid as  contributions  or  premiums
thereunder  as of the last day of the most recent  fiscal year of such  Employee
Benefit Plan ended prior to the date hereof. Each Employee Benefit Plan intended
to be  "qualified"  under  Section  401(a) of the Code,  and each related  trust
intended to be exempt from federal  income  taxation under Section 501(a) of the
Code,  is  so  qualified   (and/or   exempt),   and  has  received  a  favorable
determination  letter from the  Internal  Revenue  Service  with  respect to its
qualified or exempt status,  and since the date of each such  determination,  no
event has occurred and no condition or circumstance has existed that resulted or
is likely to result in the  revocation of any such  determination  or that could
adversely  affect the qualified  status of any such Employee Benefit Plan or the
exempt  status  of  any  such  trust.  There  are  no  actions,  suits,  audits,
investigations or claims pending or asserted, or, to the knowledge of the Seller
or the Parent  after due  inquiry,  threatened,  anticipated  or  expected to be
asserted  with  respect to any  Employee  Benefit Plan or the assets of any such
plan (other  than  routine  claims for  benefits  and  appeals of denied  claims
arising in the ordinary course).

          (c) None of the Parent,  the Seller nor any Seller's  Subsidiary  is a
party to any  agreement  that would  require it to make any  payment  that would
constitute an "excess parachute  payment" for purposes of Sections 280G and 4999
of the Code.

          Section 5.17.  Purchased  Assets.  Schedule  5.17(a)  attached  hereto
contains an accurate and complete list of or, where appropriate,  description of
the categories of the Purchased Assets.  Except as set forth in Schedule 5.17(b)
attached hereto, the Purchased Assets comprise all assets used in or relating to
the conduct of the Business.

          Section 5.18.  Books and Records.  The respective  minute books of the
Seller and the  Seller's  Subsidiaries,  as  previously  made  available  to the
Purchaser and its  representatives,  contain materially  accurate records of all
meetings of, and accurately  reflect all material  corporate action taken by the
Seller  and  the  Seller's  Subsidiaries  (including  action  taken  by  written
consent).  Except as set forth in Schedule  5.18  attached  hereto,  neither the
Seller nor the Seller's Subsidiaries has any of its records, systems,  controls,
data or information recorded, stored,  maintained,  operated or otherwise wholly
or  partly  dependent  on or  held  by  any  means  (including  any  electronic,
mechanical  or  photographic   process,   whether  computerized  or  not)  which
(including  all means of access  thereto and therefrom) are not under the direct
control of the Seller, and after  consummation of the transactions  contemplated
hereby,  the Purchaser  shall enjoy the same access to, and control  over,  such
records,  systems,  controls,  data and information,  or accurate copies of such
records,  data and  information,  as the Seller and the  Seller's  Subsidiaries,
respectively, enjoyed prior to such consummation.

          Section  5.19.  Inventories.   Except  for  items  which  are  in  the
possession or control of suppliers,  the Purchased  Inventory is in the physical
possession  of the Seller,  in transit to or from  suppliers of the Seller or in
transit to the  Seller's  stores.  Except for  products  which are  returned  or
determined to be defective or obsolete in the ordinary  course of business as to
which  appropriate  reserves  have been  established,  the  Purchased  Inventory
consists  of items  which are in good and  merchantable  condition  and are of a
quality  presently  usable and  salable  consistent  with past  practice  in the
ordinary course of the Business.

          Section 5.20.  Environmental Matters.  Except as set forth in Schedule
5.20 attached hereto and except as would not, in the aggregate,  have a material
adverse effect on the Condition:

          (a) Hazardous  Materials  have not been  generated,  used,  treated or
     stored on or released or disposed of by the Seller, any Seller's Subsidiary
     or, to the knowledge of the Seller and the Parent,  by any other Person, on
     any real property  covered by the leases set forth in Schedule 5.7 ("Seller
     Property"),  except for limited  quantities of Hazardous  Materials used or
     stored  in the  ordinary  course of  business  and in  compliance  with all
     applicable Environmental Laws.

          (b) Each of the Seller, the Seller's Subsidiaries and the Parent is in
     compliance  with  Environmental  Laws and the  requirements  of any permits
     issued under such Environmental Laws with respect to all Seller Property.

          (c) There are no  pending  or, to the  knowledge  of the Seller or the
     Parent  after due inquiry,  threatened,  Environmental  Claims  against the
     Seller, any Seller's Subsidiary or directly involving,  or to the knowledge
     of the Seller and the Parent, relating to any Seller Property.

          (d) To the knowledge of the Seller and the Parent, there are no facts,
     circumstances, conditions or occurrences regarding any Seller Property that
     could  reasonably  be  expected  (i) to form the basis of an  Environmental
     Claim against the Seller,  any of the Seller's  Subsidiaries  or any Seller
     Property  or assets or (ii) to cause such  Seller  Property or assets to be
     subject  to  any   restrictions  on  its  ownership,   occupancy,   use  or
     transferability under any Environmental Law.

          (e) There are not now and,  to the  knowledge  of the  Seller  and the
     Parent after due inquiry,  never have been any  underground  storage  tanks
     located on any Seller Property.

          Section 5.21. Broker's or Finder's Fees. No agent,  broker,  person or
firm acting on behalf of the Seller or any  Affiliate  of the Seller is, or will
be,  entitled to any  commission  or  broker's or finder's  fees from any of the
parties  hereto,  or  from  any  Affiliate  of  any of the  parties  hereto,  in
connection with any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          Section 5.22. Interests in Customers, Suppliers, Etc. To the knowledge
of the Seller and the Parent after due inquiry,  except as set forth in Schedule
5.22  attached  hereto,  neither  the Seller  nor the Parent nor any  officer or
director of either of them  possesses,  directly or  indirectly,  any  ownership
interest  in, or is a director,  officer or employee  of, any Person  which is a
supplier,  customer,  lessor, lessee,  licensor,  developer or competitor of the
Business.  Ownership of securities of a company whose  securities are registered
under the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended,  of 5% or less of any
class of such  securities  shall not be deemed to be an  ownership  interest for
purposes of this Section 5.22.

          Section 5.23.  Taxes. (a) Tax Returns.  Except where the failure to do
so would not, in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on the Condition,
all  Returns  have been or will be timely  filed when due,  and such  Returns as
filed are or will be accurate in all material respects.

          (b) Payment of Taxes.  Except as set forth in the Seller Balance Sheet
or in Schedule 5.23(b) attached hereto, all Taxes owed by or with respect to the
Purchased  Assets or the  Business  (whether or not shown on any Return) for all
Pre-Closing  Periods have been or will be fully paid by the Seller or the Parent
upon or prior to the date upon which such Taxes  become  due,  except  where the
failure to do so would not, in the aggregate,  have a material adverse effect on
the Condition.

          (c) Other Tax Matters.  (i) Except as provided in Schedule  5.23(c)(i)
attached hereto, there is no action, suit, proceeding,  investigation, audit, or
claim now pending or, to the knowledge of the Seller, the Seller's  Subsidiaries
or the Parent after due inquiry, threatened by any authority regarding any Taxes
(other than income Taxes and de minimis  amounts of other Taxes) relating to the
Purchased Assets or the Business for any Pre-Closing Period.

          (ii) There are no liens or security  interests,  other than  Permitted
Encumbrances,  on any of the Purchased  Assets that arose in connection with any
failure or alleged failure to pay any Taxes.

          (iii)  Except as provided in Schedule  5.23(c)(iii)  attached  hereto,
there are no agreements  for the extension or waiver of the time for  assessment
of any non-income Taxes relating to the Purchased Assets or the Business for any
Pre-Closing Period and none of the Seller, any Seller's Subsidiary or the Parent
has been requested to enter into any such agreement or waiver.

          (iv) All Taxes which the Parent, the Seller or any Seller's Subsidiary
is (or was)  required by law to withhold or collect  have been duly  withheld or
collected,  and have been  timely  paid over to the  proper  authorities  to the
extent due and payable.

          Section 5.24.  Seller's and Parent's  Efforts.  Except as set forth on
Schedule 5.24 attached  hereto,  since the Seller Balance Sheet Date, the Seller
and the  Parent  have used  commercially  reasonable  efforts  to  preserve  the
Business and the goodwill of the customers,  suppliers,  advertisers  and others
having business  relations with the Seller, and to keep the Business intact, and
have  maintained  all of the Purchased  Assets in good  operating  condition and
repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted.

          Section  5.25.   Solvency.   Immediately  prior  to,  and  immediately
subsequent to, the  consummation of the sale of the Purchased Assets pursuant to
this Agreement,  the Parent,  the Seller and the Seller's  Subsidiaries  will be
solvent  corporations  with the  ability to pay their  respective  debts as they
become due. For purposes of this  Agreement,  "solvent" shall mean, with respect
to the Parent,  the Seller or any Seller's  Subsidiaries,  that the present fair
saleable  value of the  Parent's,  the Seller's and each  Seller's  Subsidiary's
assets,  respectively,  is greater  than the amount that will be required to pay
its liability on its existing debts as they become absolute and matured.

                                   ARTICLE VI


          The Purchaser  represents and warrants to the Seller and the Parent as

          Section  6.1.  Existence  and  Good  Standing  of  the  Purchaser  and
Acquiring Corporation. The Purchaser is a corporation duly incorporated, validly
existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of  the   Commonwealth   of
Pennsylvania. The Acquiring Corporation is, or will be as of the Closing Date, a
corporation duly  incorporated,  validly existing and in good standing under the
laws of the State of Delaware.

          Section 6.2.  Authorization  and  Validity.  Subject to any  necessary
authority  from the  Bankruptcy  Court and the receipt of various  consents  and
approvals  set forth in Schedule  6.2 attached  hereto,  the  Purchaser  has the
requisite  corporate  power and authority to execute and deliver this  Agreement
and  perform  its  obligations  hereunder  and to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby. The execution,  delivery and performance of this Agreement
by the  Purchaser  and the  consummation  on the  part of the  Purchaser  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly authorized and approved by all
necessary corporate action on the part of the Purchaser,  and no other corporate
action on the part of the  Purchaser is necessary  to authorize  the  execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement by the Purchaser and the consummation
of the transactions  contemplated  hereby. This Agreement has been duly executed
and delivered by the Purchaser and,  assuming due execution of this Agreement by
the Seller and the Parent,  is a valid and binding  obligation of the Purchaser,
enforceable  against the Purchaser in accordance  with its terms,  except to the
extent  that  its  enforceability  may  be  subject  to  applicable  bankruptcy,
insolvency,   reorganization,   moratorium   and  similar  laws   affecting  the
enforcement of creditors' rights generally and by general equitable principles.

          Section 6.3.  Consents and  Approvals;  No  Violations.  Except as set
forth in Schedule  6.3  attached  hereto,  the  execution  and  delivery of this
Agreement by the Purchaser and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
hereby (a) will not violate or contravene  any provision of the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  or By-laws of the  Purchaser,  (b) will not violate or contravene
any statute, rule,  regulation,  order or decree of any public body or authority
by which the Purchaser is bound or by which any of its  properties or assets are
bound, (c) will not require any filing with, or permit,  consent or approval of,
or the giving of any notice to, any governmental or regulatory  body,  agency or
authority or any other Person,  and (d) will not result in a violation or breach
of,  conflict with,  constitute  (with or without due notice or lapse of time or
both) a default (or give rise to any right of termination, cancellation, payment
or acceleration) under, or result in the creation of any Encumbrance upon any of
the assets of the Purchaser under, any of the terms, conditions or provisions of
any note, bond, mortgage,  indenture,  license,  franchise,  permit,  agreement,
lease,  franchise  agreement or any other  instrument or obligation to which the
Purchaser is a party,  or by which it or any of its  properties or assets may be
bound,  excluding from the foregoing clauses (b), (c) and (d) filings,  notices,
permits, consents and approvals, the absence of which, and violations, breaches,
defaults,   conflicts  and  Encumbrances  the  consequences  of  which,  in  the
aggregate,  would not have a material  adverse  effect on the  Purchaser  or the

          Section 6.4. Litigation.  Except as set forth in Schedule 6.4 attached
hereto, there is no action, suit, proceeding at law or in equity, arbitration or
administrative  or other  proceeding  by or before (or, to the  knowledge of the
Purchaser  after due  inquiry,  any  investigation  by) any  Person,  including,
without  limitation,  any  governmental  or  other  instrumentality  or  agency,
pending,  or, to the  knowledge of the Purchaser  after due inquiry,  threatened
against or affecting the Purchaser or the Purchaser's assets which, if adversely
determined,  would  materially and adversely  affect the Purchaser's  ability to
satisfy the Assumed  Liabilities or would adversely  affect or materially  delay
the Purchaser's ability to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

          Section  6.5.  Financing.  The  Purchaser  has, or will have as of the
Closing Date,  financial  resources or financing  commitments  from  responsible
financial  institutions  available in  connection  with the  acquisition  of the
Purchased Assets and the assumption of the Assumed  Liabilities which are, or as
of the Closing Date will be, in an aggregate amount sufficient to consummate the
transactions contemplated hereby.

          Section 6.6.  Broker's or Finder's Fees. No agent,  broker,  person or
firm  acting  on  behalf  of the  Purchaser  is,  or will  be,  entitled  to any
commission or broker's or finder's fees from any of the parties hereto,  or from
any  Affiliate  of any of the  parties  hereto,  in  connection  with any of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                              ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

          Section 7.1. Conduct of the Business.  During the period from the date
of this Agreement to the Closing Date, the Seller and, to the extent applicable,
the Parent shall each (a) conduct the Business in the ordinary course consistent
with past  practice  (including,  without  limitation,  in  connection  with the
collection of accounts  receivable  and the  incurrence  and payment of accounts
payable and with pricing and  marketing  practices)  and  maintain  satisfactory
relationships  with  suppliers,  customers,  lessors and others having  business
relationships  with the Seller or the Business,  (b) maintain,  consistent  with
past practice and good business practices, all the Purchased Assets in customary
repair, order and condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and insurance upon
all the Purchased Assets in such amounts and of such kinds comparable to that in
effect on the date  hereof,  (c)  maintain  the Books and  Records in the usual,
regular and ordinary  manner,  on a basis  consistent with past practice and (d)
maintain,  consistent with past practice and good business practices,  inventory
levels.  Notwithstanding the immediately  preceding sentence, on or prior to the
Closing  Date and  except as may be first  approved  by the  Purchaser  or as is
otherwise  permitted or required by this  Agreement,  neither the Seller nor the
Parent shall (a) increase the  compensation  payable or to become payable by the
Seller  or the  Parent  to any  officer,  director,  independent  contractor  or
employee of the Seller,  except (i) in the  ordinary  course of business or (ii)
increases  equal to no more  than  fifteen  percent  (15%) of the  total  annual
compensation  of any  employee  who  earned  less than  fifty  thousand  dollars
($50,000)  per year before  giving  effect to such  increase,  (b)  increase the
benefits payable or to become payable by the Seller or the Parent to any present
or former officer,  director,  independent  contractor or employee of the Seller
under  any  Employee  Benefit  Plan  (or  other  plan,   program,   arrangement,
commitment,  policy,  contract,  agreement  and/or  policy  relating to employee
benefits  or  compensation  adopted  subsequent  to the date of this  Agreement)
except (i) in the ordinary course of business or (ii) increases equal to no more
than  fifteen  percent  (15%) of the total annual  benefits  payable to such any
employee,  who earns less than fifty  thousand  dollars  ($50,000) per year, (c)
enter into any contract or commitment  except  contracts and  commitments in the
ordinary course of business  consistent with past practice,  (d) cancel or waive
any claims or rights which reasonably could be valued in excess of $100,000, (e)
sell,  transfer or otherwise  dispose of any Purchased  Asset (other than in the
ordinary  course of business),  (f) make any capital  expenditure  or commitment
therefor in excess of $25,000  individually  or $100,000 in the  aggregate,  (g)
make  any  change  in any  method  of  accounting  practice,  (h)  write-off  as
uncollectible  any  notes  or  accounts  receivable,  except  write-offs  in the
ordinary  course of  business  charged  to  applicable  reserves,  none of which
individually or in the aggregate is reasonably likely to have a material adverse
effect on the Condition,  or (i) agree,  whether or not in writing, to do any of
the foregoing.

          Section 7.2.  Review of the Company.  The Purchaser  may, prior to the
Closing Date,  through its  representatives,  review the  properties,  books and
records of the Seller and the Parent to familiarize  itself with such properties
and the  Business.  The Seller and the Parent shall permit the Purchaser and its
representatives  to have reasonable access to the premises and to such books and
records  during  normal  working  hours and to furnish the  Purchaser  with such
information  and  data  with  respect  to the  Seller  and the  Business  as the
Purchaser may from time to time request.  The Purchaser  shall,  and shall cause
its representatives to, conduct such review in such a manner as not to interfere
unreasonably with the operations of the Seller or the Parent.  Such review shall
not,  however,  affect the  representations  or warranties of the Seller and the
Parent in this Agreement or the remedies of the Purchaser for breaches thereof.

          Section 7.3.  Confidentiality.  Information  obtained by the Purchaser
pursuant   to  Section   7.2  shall  be  subject  to  the   provisions   of  the
Confidentiality  Agreements.  The Purchaser,  the Seller and the Parent agree to
continue to be bound by the terms of the Confidentiality Agreements.

          Section  7.4.  Cooperation.  Each party hereto  shall,  and the Seller
shall  cause  each of the  Seller's  Subsidiaries  to, use its  reasonable  best
efforts,  and each party  hereto  shall,  and the Seller shall cause each of the
Seller's Subsidiaries to, cooperate with the other parties hereto, to secure all
necessary  consents,  approvals,  authorizations,  exemptions  and waivers  from
governmental  entities and third parties as shall be required in order to enable
each party hereto to effect the  transactions  contemplated  on its part hereby,
and each party  hereto  shall,  and the Seller  shall cause each of the Seller's
Subsidiaries  to,  otherwise  use their  reasonable  best  efforts  to cause the
consummation  of such  transactions  in accordance with the terms and conditions
hereof and to cause all conditions  contained in this Agreement to be satisfied;
provided  that the  Purchaser  shall not be required to consent to any change in
the terms of any  Assigned  Lease,  Assigned  Contract or Assigned  Permit which
could  reasonably  be expected to  adversely  affect the  economic  value to the
Purchaser of such Assigned Lease,  Assigned  Contract or Assigned  Permit.  Each
party  hereto  further  agrees to deliver  to the other  parties  hereto  prompt
written  notice  of any  event or  condition  known to such  party,  which if it
existed  on  the  date  of  this   Agreement,   would   result  in  any  of  the
representations  and warranties of such party contained herein being untrue. The
Seller and the Parent agree to cooperate to the extent  reasonably  requested by
the Purchaser in restating the Seller  Unaudited  Statements in such a manner as
to be in accordance with GAAP.

          Section 7.5. Exclusive Dealing. (a) During the period from the date of
entry of the Approval Order to the earlier of the  termination of this Agreement
in accordance with its terms and the Determination Date, neither the Seller, the
Parent nor any of their respective  Affiliates or representatives shall take any
action to,  directly or indirectly,  encourage,  initiate,  solicit or engage in
discussions or  negotiations  with, or provide any  information  to, any Person,
other than the Purchaser (and its Affiliates  and  representatives),  concerning
any direct or  indirect  acquisition  of the  Seller or any  direct or  indirect
purchase  of all or any part of the assets of the Seller  (other  than  ordinary
course  inventory  sales) or any direct or indirect  stock  purchase,  direct or
indirect  merger or similar  transaction  directly or  indirectly  involving the

          (b) During the period from the date of entry of the Approval  Order to
the earlier of the  termination of this  Agreement in accordance  with its terms
and the Closing,  subject,  as  applicable,  to its  obligations  as a debtor in
possession  under the  Bankruptcy  Code,  neither the  Purchaser  nor any of its
Affiliates  or  representatives  shall  seek any  relief  or  approval  from the
Bankruptcy  Court which is  inconsistent  with this  Agreement  or the  Approval

          (c) The parties agree that, through and including the date of entry of
the Approval  Order,  the provisions of the sixth and seventh  paragraphs of the
Letter of Intent,  dated October 27, 1997 from the Purchaser to the Seller,  the
Parent and WH Smith Group plc shall remain in full force and effect.

          Section 7.6. Use of Name. Except as expressly  provided in the Airport
Stores Agreement,  each of the Seller and the Parent hereby agrees that from and
after the Closing Date, it shall,  and shall cause its  respective  subsidiaries
and  Affiliates to,  discontinue  all use of the name "The Wall" alone or in any
combination of words for any and all purposes, and the Seller shall no more than
five (5) Business  Days after the Closing Date file with the  Secretary of State
of  the  Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania  an  amendment  to  its  Certificate  of
Incorporation  providing for a change in the  corporate  name of the Seller to a
name not using "The Wall" or any derivative thereof.

          Section 7.7.  Warehouse  Lease.  The  Warehouse  Lease (as well as any
security  posted by the  Seller  to secure  its  obligations  thereunder)  is an
Excluded  Asset and the  obligations  thereunder  shall not  constitute  Assumed
Liabilities.  Subject to the last sentence of this Section 7.7, beginning on the
Closing  Date and until the  expiration  of the term of the  Warehouse  Lease on
August 31,  1998,  the Seller and the Parent  shall  afford the  Purchaser  full
access to the  premises  covered  by the  Warehouse  Lease.  Given this right of
access, the Purchaser shall (i) pay to the Seller twenty-eight  thousand dollars
($28,000)  per month in  advance,  on the first day of the month  following  the
month  in which  the  Closing  Date  occurs  and the  first  day of every  month
thereafter  through  August 1, 1998,  for base rent payments  including  charges
payable to the landlord thereunder for common area maintenance charges and taxes
(prorated  for any partial  month  periods),  (ii)  reimburse  the Seller,  upon
presentation of evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser, for any other
amount  paid by the  Seller on  account  of any claim  arising  by virtue of the
Purchaser's use and occupancy of the subject  premises,  subject to any defenses
that the Purchaser may have in respect of such  obligation as against the Person
to whom such payment was made, or otherwise.  Subject to Section  13.3(iv),  the
Purchaser  shall have no other  liabilities  in  connection  with the  Warehouse
Lease,  whether  arising  under the  Warehouse  Lease or  otherwise,  including,
without  limitation,  any obligations with respect to renovation,  construction,
demolition,  restoration or remodeling expenses.  The Purchaser shall vacate the
subject  premises on or prior to a date to be mutually  agreed by the parties in
order to permit  the  Seller  sufficient  time to  return  the  premises  to the
appropriate  condition specified in the Warehouse Lease prior to the end of such
Lease's term.

          Section 7.8. Pyramid Litigation. The Seller agrees that it will, after
Closing,  accept  reasonable  direction  from the Purchaser  with respect to the
conduct, prosecution or settlement of Brookstone Company, Inc. et al. v. Pyramid
Company of Hadley et al. (Case No. 96-CV-1215),  currently pending in the United
States District Court for the Northern District of New York.

          Section 7.9. Accountants' Consent. The Seller and the Parent shall use
their  reasonable  best efforts to cause Deloitte & Touche to consent to the use
of their audit of the Seller  Audited  Statements  in the event that such Seller
Audited  Statements  are  required  to be  filed  by CM  Holdings,  Inc.  or its
Affiliates with the Securities and Exchange Commission,  or any successor agency

          Section 7.10. Updated Financial  Information;  Obligation to Disclose.
(a) The Parent shall, within thirty (30) calendar days of the end of each fiscal
year in which the Parent has any  obligations  (including,  without  limitation,
contingent  obligations)  under this  Agreement,  provide the  Purchaser  with a
certificate,  signed by the Chief Financial Officer of the Parent, to the effect
that as of such date, the net worth of the Parent exceeds thirty million dollars

          (b) The Parent shall  promptly  advise the  Purchaser at any time when
the Parent's net worth fails to exceed thirty million dollars ($30,000,000), and
the Parent will respond to any reasonable  requests made by the Purchaser to the
Parent at any time to confirm that the Parent's net worth exceeds thirty million
dollars ($30,000,000).

          Section  7.11.  WARN Act  Compliance.  Each of the  Seller  and,  with
respect to the  Business,  the Parent  hereby agrees that prior to and after the
Closing  Date, it shall comply with all of its  obligations  under the WARN Act.
Without in any way limiting the foregoing,  from and after the Closing Date, the
Seller  and the Parent  shall  retain  all  obligations  under the WARN Act with
respect to any Business  Employee who is not a Hired Employee,  and with respect
to any Hired Employee, up to the date of his or her hiring by the Purchaser.

          Section  7.12.  Mail.  (a) The  Seller and the  Parent  authorize  the
Purchaser,  from and after the  Closing  Date,  to receive and open all mail and
other  communications  received by the Purchaser  addressed to the Seller or any
Seller's  Subsidiary,  and to act with  respect to such  communications  in such
manner  as the  Purchaser  may  choose  if  such  communications  relate  to the
Business,  or, if they do not, to forward  such  communications  promptly to the
Seller. The Seller and the Parent agree promptly to deliver to the Purchaser any
mail (including  Operating Expense Invoices),  cash, checks or other instruments
of payment to which the  Purchaser is entitled  (including,  but not limited to,
any check or other evidence of indebtedness received by the Seller or the Parent
in respect of any  Purchased  Receivables)  and shall hold such cash,  checks or
instruments in trust for the Purchaser until delivery.

          (b) The Purchaser  shall as promptly as practicable  notify the Seller
with  respect to any  Excluded  Liability  for which the  Purchaser  receives an
invoice or other demand for payment.

          Section 7.13.  Satisfaction of Excluded Liabilities.  The Seller shall
satisfy the Excluded Liabilities,  when due, in accordance with its standard and
customary business practices. In the event the Purchaser,  its Affiliates or any
of their assigns elects to satisfy an Excluded Liability,  the Purchaser or such
Affiliate shall have a right of reimbursement against the Seller, subject to any
defenses  that the Seller may have in respect of such  obligation as against the
Person to whom such  payment  was made,  or  otherwise.  The  parties  agree and
acknowledge that the Seller shall be solely  responsible for the satisfaction of
the Excluded Liabilities.

          Section  7.14.  Purchaser  Information  for  Lease  Assignments.   The
Purchaser  acknowledges  that (a) the  Purchaser  has had access to the Assigned
Leases and (b) the Seller has previously provided to the Purchaser a description
of  the  Assignment  Information  Requirements.  The  Purchaser  shall  use  its
reasonable  best  efforts to provide  such  information  to the Seller in a form
which  complies  with the  Assignment  Information  Requirements  within two (2)
calendar days of the date hereof.

          Section 7.15. Seller Updated Lease Information. Not less than five (5)
calendar days prior to the Closing Date,  the Seller shall furnish the Purchaser
with a list of each of the  Assigned  Leases  setting  forth,  as of the Closing
Date, the term thereof, the rent paid, any security deposit relating thereto and
an estimate of the rent  prepaid or payable as of the Closing  Date with respect

          Section 7.16. Supply  Agreement.  On or prior to the Closing Date, the
Purchaser  and the  Seller  shall  enter  into a supply  agreement,  in form and
substance  reasonably  satisfactory to them, which shall set forth the terms and
conditions  pursuant  to which  the  Purchaser  shall  supply  inventory  to the
Seller's Remaining Stores (the "Supply  Agreement").  The Supply Agreement shall
provide  that the  Purchaser  shall use  reasonable  efforts to (a)  service the
Seller's Remaining Stores' in-store inventory range and levels and (b) replenish
such inventory,  in each case in accordance with the Seller's  operating  models
which shall be supplied to the Purchaser on the Closing Date.  Inventory will be
sold at a price  equal to the  Purchaser's  cost of such  inventory  plus  three
percent (3%),  payable in accordance with standard  60-day  industry terms.  The
Purchaser will accept all returns of inventory  (except for cut-outs),  and will
provide full credit for such returns against future purchases.  The Purchaser or
its  Affiliates  will poll sales from the  electronic  point of sale system on a
daily basis for sales reporting and replenishment purposes. The Purchaser or its
Affiliates  will provide the Seller with weekly sales  reports.  The term of the
Supply  Agreement  shall begin on the first  Business Day after the Closing Date
and shall end on the  Determination  Date.  The Seller  shall retain any profits
earned by the Seller's Remaining Stores during the term of the Supply Contract.

          Section 7.17.  Franchise  Agreement.  On or prior to the Determination
Date,  the Purchaser and the Seller shall enter into a franchise  agreement,  in
form  and  substance  reasonably   satisfactory  to  them  (each,  a  "Franchise
Agreement"),  with respect to each store  designated  by the Seller which is the
subject of a Non-Transferred  Lease (each, a "Franchised Store"). Each Franchise
Agreement  shall be  substantially  identical,  and the  term of each  Franchise
Agreement shall be the lesser of the two years ending on the second  anniversary
of the Determination Date and the remaining term as of the Determination Date of
the applicable Non-Transferred Lease. The Franchise Agreement shall provide that
the Purchaser shall use reasonable efforts to (a) service the Franchised Stores'
in-store  inventory range and levels and (b) replenish such  inventory,  in each
case in accordance with the Seller's operating models which shall be supplied to
the  Purchaser on the Closing Date.  Inventory  will be sold at a price equal to
the  Purchaser's  cost of such  inventory  plus three percent  (3%),  payable in
accordance  with standard  sixty (60) day industry  terms.  The  Purchaser  will
accept all returns of  inventory  (except for  cut-outs),  and will provide full
credit  for  such  returns  against  future  purchases.  The  Purchaser  or  its
Affiliates  will poll sales from the electronic  point of sale system on a daily
basis for sales  reporting  and  replenishment  purposes.  The  Purchaser or its
Affiliates will provide the Seller with weekly sales reports.  Furthermore, each
Franchise  Agreement  shall provide that the Seller shall pay to the Purchaser a
franchise fee equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the store  contribution  for the
applicable store during the first year of the term of such Franchise  Agreement,
and twenty-five percent (25%) of the store contribution through the remainder of
the Franchise  Agreement's  term. Such payments shall be made on an annual basis
sixty (60)  calendar  days after,  to the extent  applicable,  each of the first
anniversary  of the  Determination  Date and the  termination  of the  Franchise
Agreement.  The  Seller  shall not have the  right to  transfer  or  assign  any
Franchise Agreement without the consent of the Purchaser.

          Section 7.18.  Assigned  Non-Transferred  Leases.  (a) With respect to
each Assigned  Non-Transferred  Lease, the Purchaser shall accept the assignment
and purchase the related  inventory  and other  assets in  accordance  with this
Section 7.18;  provided that no material  amendment shall have been made to such
Lease.  In the event that the Seller obtains an assignment of a  Non-Transferred
Lease   during  the   Non-Transferred   Lease   Assignment   Period,   and  such
Non-Transferred Lease has a remaining term of less than twelve months (including
for the purpose of  calculating  such  remaining  term any renewal term which is
reasonably  acceptable to the  Purchaser),  the Purchaser  may, but shall not be
obligated  to, elect to accept the  assignment  and, if the Purchaser so elects,
the Seller and the Purchaser  shall  negotiate in good faith with respect to the
terms of such  assignment  and the purchase of the related  inventory  and other

          (b) With  respect to any  Assigned  Non-Transferred  Lease and related
inventory and other assets,  the Purchaser shall pay to the Seller,  within five
Business  Days of the  Assignment  Date,  an amount  equal to the sum of (i) the
Assigned   Non-Transferred  Lease  Amount  determined  in  accordance  with  the
directions  set forth below,  plus (ii) the Seller's  cost of  inventory,  minus
(iii) the franchise  fees paid,  or to be paid, by the Seller to the  Purchaser,
for the period or periods  ending prior to the Assignment  Date,  minus (iv) any
accounts owing by the Seller to the Purchaser and plus (v) any accounts owing by
the Purchaser to the Seller.  In addition,  in connection with the occurrence of
the  Assignment  Date with respect to any Assigned  Non-Transferred  Lease,  the
parties will apportion expenses and settle assets and liabilities, to the extent
not otherwise  settled  hereunder,  on a basis consistent with the methodologies
set forth in this  Agreement.  The  Assigned  Non-Transferred  Lease Amount with
respect to an Assigned Non-Trasnferred Lease shall be an amount equal to (i) the
Non-Transferred  Lease Adjustment  Amount with respect to such Lease as had been
determined  in accordance  with Section  2.10,  minus an amount equal to (x) the
Liquidated  Damages  Amount with respect to such Lease,  divided by  twenty-four
(24),  multiplied by (y) the number of months (pro rated for any partial  month)
between the Determination Date and the Assignment Date.

          (c)  Notwithstanding  any provision of this Section  7.18,  the Seller
shall not be obligated  to assign any  Non-Transferred  Lease to the  Purchaser,
provided that the  Purchaser  shall have the right of first refusal with respect
to  any  proposed  disposition  during  the  term  of the  applicable  Franchise

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                          CONDITIONS TO THE OBLIGATIONS

          The respective obligations of the Purchaser, the Seller and the Parent
to consummate the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement are conditioned
upon  satisfaction  or  waiver,  at or prior to the  Closing,  of the  following

          Section 8.1. Bankruptcy Court Approval.  The Approval Order shall be a
Final Order.

          Section  8.2.   Injunctions.   There  shall  not  be  outstanding  any
preliminary  or  permanent   injunction,   decree  or  order  of  any  court  or
governmental   department  or  agency   prohibiting  the   consummation  of  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

          Section 8.3. Statutes. No statute, rule, regulation,  executive order,
decree or order of any kind shall have been enacted,  entered,  promulgated,  or
enforced by any court or governmental authority which prohibits the consummation
of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement or has the effect of making
such transactions illegal.

          Section 8.4. HSR Act. Any waiting  period (and any extension  thereof)
under the HSR Act applicable to the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement
shall have expired or been terminated  without any adverse action by the Federal
Trade Commission or the U.S. Department of Justice.

          Section 8.5. Escrow  Agreement.  The Escrow  Agreement shall have been
executed by the parties thereto and shall be in full force and effect.

          Section 8.6.  Airport Stores  Agreement.  The Airport Stores Agreement
shall be in full force and effect.

          Section  8.7.  Closing  Date.  Unless the parties  otherwise  agree in
writing,  if the Closing  Date is to occur before  February  28, 1998,  landlord
consents to the  assignment of at least one hundred  forty-five  (145)  Assigned
Leases must have been obtained.

                                   ARTICLE IX


          The  obligations  of the  Purchaser  to  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement are conditioned upon  satisfaction or waiver,  at
or prior to the Closing, of the following conditions:

          Section   9.1.   Truth  of   Representations   and   Warranties.   The
representations  and  warranties of the Seller and the Parent  contained in this
Agreement  shall be true and correct in all  material  respects on and as of the
Closing Date (provided,  however,  that if any portion of any  representation or
warranty is already  qualified  by  materiality,  for  purposes  of  determining
whether this Section 9.1 has been satisfied with respect to such portion of such
representation or warranty,  such portion of such  representation or warranty as
so qualified  must be true and correct in all respects)  with the same effect as
though  such  representations  and  warranties  had been  made on and as of such
Closing Date,  and each of the Seller and the Parent shall have delivered to the
Purchaser an officer's certificate, dated the Closing Date, to such effect.

          Section 9.2.  Performance of Agreements.  The agreements of the Seller
and the Parent to be  performed  prior to the  Closing  pursuant to the terms of
this Agreement shall have been duly performed in all material respects, and each
of the Seller and the Parent shall have  delivered to the Purchaser an officer's
certificate, dated the Closing Date, to such effect.

          Section 9.3. Transfer  Documentation.  The Seller and the Parent shall
have executed and delivered to the Purchaser  such bills of sale,  endorsements,
assignments,  releases,  transfers in  registered  form,  certificates  or other
instruments  of  transfer  and  conveyance,  in form  and  substance  reasonably
satisfactory  to the  Purchaser  and its counsel,  as the  Purchaser  shall deem
necessary to vest in the Purchaser  good and  marketable  title to the Purchased
Assets,  free and clear of any Encumbrance,  except for Permitted  Encumbrances,
and without recourse to or  representation by the Seller or the Parent except as
expressly provided herein.

          Section 9.4.  Governmental and Third-Party  Approvals.  (a) Subject to
Section 9.4(b), all governmental and third-party filings, consents and approvals
required to be obtained or made by the Seller  and/or the Parent,  to permit the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, shall have been
obtained or made.

          (b) If the Closing  Date shall occur on or after  February  28,  1998,
landlord  consents  to the  assignment  of at least 138  Assigned  Leases to the
Purchaser,  or  evidence  reasonably  satisfactory  to the  Purchaser  that such
consents are not required to effect such  assignments,  shall have been obtained
and provided to the Purchaser.

          Section 9.5.  Proceedings.  All  proceedings to be taken in connection
with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and all documents incident
thereto shall be reasonably  satisfactory in form and substance to the Purchaser
and its  counsel,  and the  Purchaser  shall  have  received  copies of all such
documents and other  evidence as it or its counsel shall  reasonably  request to
establish  the  consummation  of  such   transactions  and  the  taking  of  all
proceedings in connection therewith.

          Section  9.6. WH Smith Group plc  Guarantee.  WH Smith Group plc shall
have  executed a guarantee  in favor of the  Purchaser  and its  successors  and
permitted  assigns,  in respect  of all  obligations  of the  Parent  under this
Agreement,  substantially  in the form of Exhibit  9.6  attached  hereto,  which
guarantee  shall  provide that WH Smith Group plc shall only become liable under
such guarantee if, at any time when the Parent has any  obligations  (including,
without limitation,  contingent  obligations) under this Agreement,  (a) the net
worth of the Parent shall fall below thirty million  dollars  ($30,000,000),  or
(b) the Parent shall cease to be an Affiliate of WH Smith Group plc.

          Section  9.7.  Update of Certain  Information.  The Seller  shall have
furnished the Purchaser with any Seller Unaudited Statements prepared subsequent
to the date hereof promptly after such preparation.

                                    ARTICLE X


          The  obligations  of the  Seller  and the  Parent  to  consummate  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement are conditioned upon satisfaction or
waiver, at or prior to the Closing, of the following conditions:

          Section  10.1.   Truth  of   Representations   and   Warranties.   The
representations  and  warranties  of the Purchaser  contained in this  Agreement
shall be true and correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date
(provided,  however,  that if any portion of any  representation  or warranty is
already  qualified  by  materiality,  for purposes of  determining  whether this
Section  10.1  has  been   satisfied  with  respect  to  such  portion  of  such
representation or warranty,  such portion of such  representation or warranty as
so qualified  must be true and correct in all respects)  with the same effect as
though such representations and warranties had been made on and as of such date,
and the Purchaser  shall have delivered to the Seller an officer's  certificate,
dated the Closing Date, to such effect.

          Section  10.2.  Performance  of  Agreements.  The  agreements  of  the
Purchaser  to be  performed  prior to the Closing  pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement  shall have been duly  performed  in all  material  respects,  and the
Purchaser shall have delivered to the Seller an officer's certificate, dated the
Closing Date, to such effect.

          Section 10.3.  Proceedings.  All proceedings to be taken in connection
with the assumption of the Assumed Liabilities and payment of the purchase price
contemplated  by this  Agreement  and all  documents  incident  thereto shall be
reasonably satisfactory in form and substance to the Seller and its counsel, and
the Seller shall have received  copies of all such  documents and other evidence
as it or its counsel shall  reasonably  request to establish the consummation of
such transactions and the taking of all proceedings in connection therewith.

          Section 10.4. Letter of Credit.  The Purchaser shall have arranged for
the  issuance  of the  Letter of Credit  for the  benefit  of the Seller and the
Seller shall have received the Letter of Credit.  The Seller agrees that it will
not draw upon the  Letter of Credit  prior to five (5)  Business  Days after the
Interim  Payment Date, and will only draw upon the Letter of Credit in an amount
equal to the Interim  Payment Amount less any payment  received by the Seller in
respect of the Interim Payment Amount pursuant to Section 2.5. The Seller,  upon
receipt of the Interim  Payment Amount from the Purchaser,  shall  surrender the
Letter of Credit to the issuer of the Letter of Credit.

                                   ARTICLE XI

                                   TAX MATTERS

          Section  11.1.  Tax  Matters.  (a)  The  Seller,  the  Parent  and the
Purchaser  agree to allocate  the  aggregate  purchase  price to be paid for the
Purchased Assets in accordance with Section 1060 of the Code (the "Allocation").
The Seller,  the Parent and the  Purchaser  agree to reduce such  allocation  to
writing as soon as  practicable  (which in any event shall occur  within  ninety
(90) calendar days) after the Closing Date. In addition,  the Seller, the Parent
and the Purchaser hereby undertake and agree to file timely any information that
may be required to be filed pursuant to Treasury  Regulations  promulgated under
Section  1060(b) of the Code.  Neither the Seller,  the Parent nor the Purchaser
shall file any tax return or other document or otherwise take any position which
is inconsistent with the Allocation.

          (b) If the  Seller,  the  Parent  and the  Purchaser  do not  reach an
agreement on the  Allocation  within ninety (90) calendar days after the Closing
Date, they shall promptly submit the issue for arbitration by (i) the accounting
firm  selected  pursuant  to  Section  2.7(c),  or (ii) if no such  firm  was so
selected, a mutually acceptable,  nationally  recognized  accounting firm (other
than any accounting  firm already  retained by the Purchaser,  the Seller or the
Parent) for resolution  within thirty (30) calendar days after such  submission.
The  Seller,  the  Parent and the  Purchaser  shall  jointly  share the fees and
expenses of such firm.  The decision of such firm with respect to the Allocation
shall be final and non-appealable and binding on the parties hereto.

          (c) Any stamp, transfer,  documentary,  sales, use, registration,  and
other such taxes and fees (including any penalties and interest)  required to be
paid in connection with this Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby
(collectively,  the "Transfer  Taxes") shall be paid by the  Purchaser,  and the
Purchaser  shall  properly  file on a timely  basis all  necessary  tax returns,
reports,  forms, and other  documentation with respect to any Transfer Taxes and
provide to the Seller evidence of payment of all Transfer Taxes.

          (d) The  Seller  and the  Parent,  jointly  and  severally,  and their
respective  Affiliates and successors,  hereby  indemnify and hold the Purchaser
and its officers, directors,  Affiliates,  successors and assigns harmless on an
after-tax  basis for (i) all non-income  Taxes relating to the Purchased  Assets
and the Business for all Pre-Closing  Periods,  but only to the extent that such
Taxes are in an aggregate  amount in excess of $35,000;  (ii) except as provided
in Section 11.1(c),  all Taxes resulting from,  arising out of, or incurred with
respect to, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and (iii) all Taxes
incurred by or imposed on or with  respect to the income of the Seller or any of
its Affiliates.

          (e) The Purchaser  and its  successors  hereby  indemnify and hold the
Seller and its officers, directors, Affiliates,  successors and assigns harmless
on an after-Tax  basis for (i) all Transfer Taxes and (ii) all Taxes relating to
the  Purchased  Assets and the  Business  for all  taxable  periods or  portions
thereof  beginning  immediately  after the  Closing  Date,  but with  respect to
non-income  Taxes,  only to the  extent  that  such  non-income  Taxes are in an
aggregate amount in excess of $35,000.

          Section  11.2.  Cooperation  on Tax Matters.  (a) The  Purchaser,  the
Seller and the Parent  agree to furnish or cause to be  furnished to each other,
as promptly as  practicable,  such  information  relating  to the  Business  and
assistance as is reasonably  necessary for the preparation and filing of any tax
return for any Pre-Closing Periods or Post-Closing Periods,  claim for refund or
other required or optional filings relating to tax matters,  for the preparation
for and the proof of facts during any tax audit, for the preparation for any tax
protest, for the prosecution or defense of any suit or other proceeding relating
to tax  matters and for the answer to any  governmental  or  regulatory  inquiry
relating to tax matters.

          (b) The Purchaser agrees to retain possession of all files and records
delivered to the Purchaser by the Seller, for a period of at least six (6) years
from the  Closing  Date.  In  addition,  from and after the  Closing  Date,  the
Purchaser  agrees that it will provide  reasonable  access to the Seller and the
Parent  and  their  attorneys,  accountants  and  other  representatives  (after
reasonable notice and during normal business hours and without charge),  to such
files and records as they may reasonably deem necessary to properly prepare for,
file, prove,  answer,  prosecute and/or defend any such Return,  filing,  audit,
protest,  claim,  suit,  inquiry or other proceeding.  The Parent and the Seller
shall, and shall cause their  representatives  to, conduct any reviews in such a
manner as not to interfere unreasonably with the operations of the Purchaser.

          (c) The Seller agrees that it will not agree to or settle any property
tax appeal which was ongoing as of the date of this  Agreement  which would bind
the  Purchaser  regarding  the  assessment  of  property  taxes  payable  by the
Purchaser  pursuant  to this  Agreement.  In  addition,  the  Purchaser  will be
entitled to control any property tax appeals  initiated after, or ongoing as of,
the  date of this  Agreement  which  would  bind  the  Purchaser  regarding  the
assessment  of  property  taxes  payable  by  the  Purchaser  pursuant  to  this

          (d) The  Purchaser  and the Seller  agree that neither will settle any
Tax matter that could  materially  impact the other without first  obtaining the
consent of the other which consent may not be unreasonably withheld.

                                   ARTICLE XII

                          EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYEE PLANS

          Section 12.1. Employees.  (a) Except as provided by this Section 12.1,
to the extent requested by the Purchaser, the Seller and the Parent shall assist
the Purchaser in obtaining the employment of some or all of the employees of the
Seller.  Within seven (7) calendar  days after the date of this  Agreement,  the
Seller shall provide the Purchaser  with a list setting forth the name and title
of each Business  Employee,  each such Business  Employee's date of hire and the
location at which each such Business Employee works, and the Seller shall update
such list upon the Purchaser's reasonable request.  Within fifteen (15) calendar
days after the date of this  Agreement,  the Seller shall  provide the Purchaser
with a list of the Seller Transition Employees.  Not less than five (5) calendar
days prior to the Closing Date,  the  Purchaser  shall provide the Seller with a
list setting forth those  Business  Employees to whom the  Purchaser  desires to
offer employment,  which list shall include,  but need not be limited to, all of
the Seller's  regional  directors,  operations  managers and full- and part-time
store  employees and the Seller shall assist and cooperate with the Purchaser in
connection with the  Purchaser's  hiring of any such Business  Employee,  unless
such Business Employee is a Seller Executive.  Any of the Seller, the Parent and
the Purchaser may offer employment to any Seller Executive. The foregoing to the
contrary  notwithstanding,  nothing  contained  herein  shall  be  construed  or
interpreted  as a contract of employment  with any Business  Employee or to give
any Hired  Employee the right to be retained as an employee of the  Purchaser or
its Affiliates  after the Closing Date, or to restrict or otherwise  inhibit the
Purchaser's  or  any  such  Affiliate's  rights  to  terminate,  or  change  the
conditions of, the employment of any Hired Employee.

          (b) As of the Closing Date, each of the Hired Employees shall cease to
be covered by the Seller's Employee Benefit Plans. On and after their respective
dates of hire by the  Purchaser,  each  Hired  Employee  shall be covered by the
employee  benefit  plans of the  Purchaser  that  are  applicable  to  similarly
situated  employees of the Purchaser.  For purposes of the Purchaser's  employee
benefit plans,  the Purchaser  shall credit each Hired Employee with full credit
for service with the Seller prior to the Closing Date to the extent such service
was recognized for such purposes under similar Seller employee benefit plans. In
addition,  the Purchaser  shall use  reasonable  efforts to cause each Purchaser
group health plan to waive any pre-existing condition exclusions thereunder with
respect to the Hired Employees to the extent that such employees are enrolled in
the applicable  group health plan of the Seller as of their  respective dates of
hire by the  Purchaser;  provided  that the  Purchaser  shall not be required to
expend material amounts of funds in connection with any such enrollment. Nothing
contained in this Article XII shall obligate or commit the Purchaser to continue
any of its benefit  plans  after the  Closing  Date or to maintain in effect any
such plan or any level or type of benefits.  The Seller shall be responsible for
all post-retirement  benefits,  including,  for example, any medical,  dental or
life  insurance  coverage  obligations,  or  pension,  retirement,  or  deferred
compensation  with respect to any Business Employee who is not a Hired Employee,
as well as any retired,  former or inactive  employee,  independent  contractor,
officer or director of the Seller.

          (c) Except with respect to liabilities  that are expressly  assumed by
the Purchaser under this Article XII, the Seller shall remain  obligated for all
obligations  with  respect  to  the  Business  Employees,   including,   without
limitation,  (i) all wages,  salaries or bonuses  relating to services  rendered
prior  to,  on or  after  the  Closing  Date,  (ii)  all  benefits  and  benefit
entitlements  under the Employee Benefit Plans earned or accrued prior to, on or
after the Closing Date and (iii) all employment-related  claims related to facts
or events  occurring prior to, on or after the Closing Date. The Purchaser shall
pay severance  obligations  to each Hired  Employees  which become payable after
such Hired  Employee's  date of hire by the Purchaser  under any severance  plan
then  maintained  by the  Purchaser  in which such  employees  are  eligible  to
participate,  and the Purchaser shall recognize such employees' service with the
Seller for the purpose of determining such severance entitlements.

          (d)  The  Seller  agrees  to  comply  with  all  notice  and  coverage
requirements  under COBRA and the WARN Act with  respect to any and all Business
Employees  who are  entitled to such  notice and  coverage,  including,  without
limitation,  as a result of, or relating to, any of the  transactions  or events
contemplated by this  Agreement,  and the Seller shall be liable for any failure
to so comply.

          (e) The Purchaser shall be fully responsible for any liability arising
under the WARN Act arising in connection  with the  termination of employment of
any Hired Employee after the Closing Date. The Purchaser shall have no liability
under the WARN Act for any Person other than Hired  Employees or for any periods
prior to the Closing Date.

          (f) The Seller shall cause  (whether by plan  amendment or otherwise),
effective no later than the later of the Closing Date or their  respective dates
of hire by the  Purchaser  or an Affiliate  of the  Purchaser,  all of the Hired
Employees  hired by the  Purchaser  or an  Affiliate  of the  Purchaser  who are
participants  in any of the  Seller's  or the  Parent's  tax-qualified  pension,
profit-sharing,  savings,  or  retirement  plans  to be  fully  vested  in their
benefits and accounts thereunder,  irrespective of whether or not such employees
have  satisfied the vesting  requirements  otherwise  applicable  under any such
plan. The Purchaser  shall take all reasonable and necessary  action (whether by
plan  amendment or  otherwise) to permit its defined  contribution  plan that is
applicable to the Hired Employees to accept an "eligible rollover  contribution"
(within  the  meaning  of  Section  401(a)(31)  of the Code) in cash of all or a
portion of the  balance of any Hired  Employee's  account  under the  W.H. Smith
401(k) Savings and Retirement Plan.

          (g) The Seller and the Purchaser agree to exchange,  in a diligent and
timely  manner,  such  employee  census  or other  data as  shall be  reasonably
necessary to calculate  benefits  under any plan and to take any and all actions
as shall be reasonably  necessary  and/or  advisable to effect the provisions of
this Article XII.

          (h) As promptly as  practicable  after the  Closing  Date,  the Seller
shall furnish the Purchaser with a schedule setting forth the name of each Hired
Employee and any vacation pay accrued in respect of each such Hired  Employee as
well as any  other  Transferred  Liabilities  attributable  to each  such  Hired
Employee.  The Seller  represents and warrants that the amounts of such vacation
pay and any other such Transferred  Liabilities will be calculated in accordance
with the Seller's standard policies with respect thereto as of the date hereof.

          Section 12.2. Transition Services.  Not less than thirty (30) calendar
days prior to the Closing Date,  the  Purchaser  shall provide the Seller with a
list of the Business Employees who work in the Seller's  corporate  headquarters
in Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania and who shall not be Hired Employees, but who the
Purchaser proposes shall be retained in the employment of the Seller in order to
provide  certain  transition and other services to the Purchaser.  The Purchaser
and the Seller agree to use their  reasonable best efforts to agree on the terms
and conditions  (including  payment  terms) under which such Business  Employees
shall  provide  services to the  Purchaser and the method by which such Business
Employees  shall allocate  their  services  between the Seller and the Purchaser
after the Closing Date. However,  with respect to any such Business Employee who
is a Seller  Transition  Employee,  the Seller may, in its discretion during the
period  ending on the  earlier  to occur of the date on which the  Statement  of
Assets and  Liabilities  Transferred  is delivered  and the date that is seventy
(70) calendar  days after the Closing  Date,  determine the extent to which such
Seller  Transition  Employee will provide services to the Purchaser.  During the
thirty  (30) day period  immediately  following  the period  referred  to in the
preceding  sentence,  the Seller shall use its reasonable  efforts to cause such
Seller  Transition  Employees  to provide  services  to and as  directed  by the

                                  ARTICLE XIII


          Section  13.1.  Survival  of  Representations   and  Warranties.   The
respective  representations  and warranties of the Seller and the Parent, on the
one hand, and the Purchaser,  on the other hand,  contained in this Agreement or
in any  Schedule  attached  hereto  or  agreement  or other  document  delivered
pursuant hereto shall survive the purchase and sale of the Purchased  Assets and
the  assumption  of the Assumed  Liabilities  contemplated  hereby until May 31,
1999;  provided that the  representations  and  warranties of the Seller and the
Parent  contained in Sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.8 shall survive  indefinitely,  and
those  contained  in Sections  5.20 and 5.23 shall  survive  for the  applicable
statute of limitations periods.

          Section  13.2.  Indemnification  by the  Seller  and the  Parent.  (a)
Subject  to this  Section  13.2(a),  the  Seller  and the  Parent,  jointly  and
severally,  shall indemnify and hold the Purchaser and its Affiliates, and their
respective officers, directors, employees, and agents, and any successors to any
such Persons,  harmless  from and against all Damages  incurred or suffered as a
result of or arising  out of (i) the failure of any  representation  or warranty
made by the Seller or the Parent in this  Agreement or in any Schedule  attached
hereto or any agreement or other documents  executed and delivered by the Seller
or the  Parent  pursuant  hereto to be true and  correct,  (ii) the breach of or
failure to comply with any covenant or agreement  made or to be performed by the
Seller or the Parent pursuant to this Agreement or any Schedule  attached hereto
or any other  agreement or document  executed and delivered by the Seller or the
Parent pursuant hereto,  (iii) the failure by the Seller or the Parent to comply
with its or their obligations under the WARN Act, including, without limitation,
failure to comply with their  obligations  under  Section  7.11 with  respect to
Business  Employees who are not Hired Employees or (iv) the Seller's  failure to
pay or discharge any valid Excluded Liability when due, and  indemnification for
which, or similar rights in respect of which, is not separately  available under
Section 7.13 or Section  11.1(d).  The Parent and the Seller shall not be liable
under this  Section  13.2(a)  unless and until the amount for which they,  taken
together, would otherwise be liable equals or exceeds $250,000 on account of all
obligations otherwise  indemnifiable  pursuant to this Section 13.2(a), in which
event the Parent and the Seller  shall be jointly and  severally  liable for the
amount in excess thereof.

          (b)  Subject to this  Section  13.2(b),  the  Seller  and the  Parent,
jointly  and  severally,   shall  indemnify  and  hold  the  Purchaser  and  its
Affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents, and
any  successors  to any such  Persons,  harmless  from and  against  all Damages
incurred or suffered as a result of or arising out of (i) the removal of friable
asbestos  from Seller  Property,  which  asbestos was  introduced to such Seller
Property  by, or on behalf of at the  direction  of, the Seller,  whether or not
such asbestos was in friable form at the time of its introduction,  and (ii) the
removal of  friable  asbestos  from  Seller  Property,  which  asbestos  was not
introduced  into such Seller  Property by, or on behalf or at the  direction of,
the Seller,  whether or not such asbestos was in friable form at the time of its
introduction. With respect to clause (ii) above, the Seller and the Parent shall
be liable for Damages  suffered by the Purchaser and its Affiliates with respect
to any store only to the extent  that such  Damages  with  respect to such store
exceed seventy-five  thousand dollars ($75,000),  and only to the extent of such
excess.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  in the case of Damages  indemnifiable
pursuant  to  this  Section  13.2(b),  (aa)  the  Purchaser  agrees  to use  its
reasonable  efforts to minimize such  Damages,  (bb) the  Purchaser's  claims in
respect of such Damages  pursuant to this Section 13.2(b) or otherwise  pursuant
to this Agreement shall not survive the applicable statute of limitations period
and (cc) in no event  shall the Seller or the  Parent be in any way  responsible
for  Damages  suffered  or incurred  as a result of the  removal,  abatement  or
handling of asbestos that is not in friable form.

          Section 13.3.  Indemnification  by the Purchaser.  The Purchaser shall
indemnify and hold the Seller,  its  Affiliates and their  respective  officers,
directors,  employees,  agents,  and any successors to any such Persons harmless
from and against all Damages  incurred or suffered as a result of or arising out
of (i) the failure of any  representation  or warranty  made by the Purchaser in
this  Agreement or in any  Schedule  attached  hereto or any  agreement or other
document  executed and  delivered to the Seller  pursuant  hereto to be true and
correct,  (ii) the breach of or failure to comply with any covenant or agreement
made or to be performed by the Purchaser  pursuant to this Agreement,  (iii) the
Purchaser's  failure to pay, discharge and perform any valid Assumed Liabilities
when due and indemnification for which is not separately available under Section
11.1(e),  or (iv) the use or occupancy of the premises  covered by the Warehouse
Lease by the Purchaser, or its Affiliates, agents or invitees; provided that the
Purchaser  shall not be liable under Section  13.3(i),  (ii) or (iii) unless and
until the  amount  for which it would  otherwise  be  liable  equals or  exceeds
$250,000  on account of all  obligations  otherwise  indemnifiable  pursuant  to
Section 13.3(i),  (ii) or (iii) in which event the Purchaser shall be liable for
the amount in excess thereof.

          Section 13.4.  Indemnification  Procedure.  (a) Notice of Claims.  Any
party seeking indemnification (an "Indemnitee") from any party (an "Indemnifying
Party") with respect to any claim,  demand,  action,  proceeding or other matter
pursuant to this Agreement (the "Claim") shall promptly notify the  Indemnifying
Party of the  existence of the Claim,  setting  forth in  reasonable  detail the
facts and  circumstances  pertaining  thereto and the basis for the Indemnitee's
right to  indemnification.  Such  Indemnifying  Party  shall  have a  period  of
twenty-five  (25) Business Days after the receipt of such notice within which to
respond thereto. If such Indemnifying Party fails to do so or rejects such claim
in whole or in part,  such  Indemnitee  shall be free to pursue such remedies as
may be available to such party under applicable law or under this Agreement.

          (b) Notice of Third Party Claims.  If any third party shall notify any
Indemnitee  with  respect  to any  matter  which  may give  rise to a Claim  for
indemnification  against an Indemnifying Party under this Agreement (such Claim,
a "Third Party Claim"),  such Indemnitee shall notify the Indemnifying  Party in
writing, and in reasonable detail, of the Third Party Claim promptly (and in any
event within  fifteen (15) Business  Days) after  receipt by such  Indemnitee of
notice of the Third Party Claim; provided that failure to give such notification
shall not affect the Indemnitee's right to  indemnification  hereunder except to
the extent the  Indemnifying  Party shall have been  materially  prejudiced as a
result of such failure (provided that the Indemnifying Party shall not be liable
for any expenses  incurred  during the period in which the Indemnitee  failed to
give such notice).  Thereafter, the Indemnitee shall deliver to the Indemnifying
Party,  promptly (and in any event within  fifteen (15) Business Days) after the
Indemnitee's  receipt  thereof,  copies of all notices and documents  (including
court papers) received by the Indemnitee relating to the Third Party Claim.

          (c) Legal  Defense of Third  Party  Claims.  If a Third Party Claim is
made  against  an  Indemnitee,  the  Indemnifying  Party  shall be  entitled  to
participate in the defense thereof and, if it so chooses,  to assume the defense
thereof with counsel selected by the Indemnifying  Party, which counsel shall be
reasonably  satisfactory to the  Indemnitee.  Should the  Indemnifying  Party so
elect to assume the defense of a Third Party Claim, the Indemnifying Party shall
not be  liable  to the  Indemnitee  for  legal  or other  expenses  subsequently
incurred  by the  Indemnitee  in  connection  with the defense  thereof.  If the
Indemnifying Party assumes such defense,  the Indemnitee shall have the right to
participate in the defense  thereof and to employ  counsel,  at its own expense,
separate  from  the  counsel  employed  by  the  Indemnifying  Party,  it  being
understood  that  the  Indemnifying  Party  shall  control  such  defense.   The
Indemnifying  Party  shall be liable for the  reasonable  fees and  expenses  of
counsel  employed by the Indemnitee for any period during which the Indemnifying
Party has failed to assume the  defense of the Third  Party  Claim  (other  than
during the period  prior to the time the  Indemnitee  shall have given notice of
the Third Party Claim as provided above). If the Indemnifying Party so elects to
assume the defense of any Third Party Claim,  each  Indemnitee  shall  cooperate
with  the   Indemnifying   Party  in  the   defense  or   prosecution   thereof.
Notwithstanding the foregoing:

          (i) the Indemnifying Party shall not be entitled to assume or continue
     the defense of any Third Party Claim (and shall be liable to the Indemnitee
     for the  fees  and  expenses  of  counsel  incurred  by the  Indemnitee  in
     defending  such Third  Party  Claim) if the Third  Party Claim seeks as its
     primary claim for relief an order,  injunction or other equitable relief or
     relief other than money damages against the Indemnitee which the Indemnitee
     determines, after conferring with its counsel, cannot be separated from any
     related claim for money damages; provided that, if such equitable relief or
     other relief portion of the Third Party Claim can be so separated from that
     for money damages,  the  Indemnifying  Party shall be entitled to assume or
     continue the defense of the portion relating to money damages;

          (ii) an Indemnifying Party shall not be entitled to assume or continue
     the defense of any Third Party Claim (and shall be liable to the Indemnitee
     for the  fees  and  expenses  of  counsel  incurred  by the  Indemnitee  in
     defending such Third Party Claim) if, in the reasonable  opinion of outside
     counsel  to the  Indemnitee  (which  opinion  need  not be in  writing),  a
     conflict of interest  between such Indemnitee and such  Indemnifying  Party
     exists in respect  of such Third  Party  Claim or such claim  involves  the
     possibility of criminal  sanction or criminal  liability to the Indemnitee;

          (iii) if at any time after assuming the defense of a Third Party Claim
     an Indemnifying  Party shall fail to prosecute,  withdraw or be required to
     withdraw from the defense of such Third Party Claim,  the Indemnitee  shall
     be entitled to resume the defense thereof and the Indemnifying  Party shall
     be liable to the Indemnitee  for the fees and expenses of counsel  incurred
     by the Indemnitee in such defense.

          (d)  Settlement  of Third Party Claims.  Except as otherwise  provided
below in this Section 13.4(d), if the Indemnifying Party has assumed the defense
of any Third Party Claim, then

          (i) in no event will the  Indemnitee  admit any liability with respect
     to, or settle,  compromise or discharge,  any Third Party Claim without the
     Indemnifying  Party's prior written  consent;  provided that the Indemnitee
     shall have the right to settle,  compromise  or discharge  such Third Party
     Claim  without  the  consent of the  Indemnifying  Party if the  Indemnitee
     releases  the  Indemnifying  Party  from  its  indemnification   obligation
     hereunder  with  respect to such  Third  Party  Claim and such  settlement,
     compromise  or  discharge   would  not  otherwise   adversely   affect  the
     Indemnifying Party, and

          (ii) the  Indemnitee  will  agree  to any  settlement,  compromise  or
     discharge of a Third Party Claim that the Indemnifying  Party may recommend
     and that by its  terms  obligates  the  Indemnifying  Party to pay the full
     amount of the  liability  in  connection  with such Third  Party  Claim and
     releases the  Indemnitee  completely  in  connection  with such Third Party
     Claim and that would not otherwise adversely affect the Indemnitee.

          Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Indemnitee may refuse to agree to
any such settlement,  compromise or discharge if the Indemnitee  agrees that the
Indemnifying Party's indemnification obligation with respect to such Third Party
Claim  shall not exceed the amount  that would be  required  to be paid by or on
behalf of the Indemnifying Party in connection with such settlement,  compromise
or  discharge,  including,  but not limited  to,  reasonable  fees and  expenses
(including attorneys' fees) incurred as of the date of the Indemnitee's refusal.

          If the Indemnifying Party has not assumed the defense of a Third Party
Claim,  then in no event shall the  Indemnitee  settle,  compromise or discharge
such  Third  Party  Claim  without   providing   prior  written  notice  to  the
Indemnifying  Party,  which shall have the option  within  fifteen (15) Business
Days following receipt of such notice to:

          (1) approve and agree to pay the settlement,

          (2)  approve  the  amount of the  settlement,  reserving  the right to
     contest the Indemnitee's right to indemnity pursuant to this Agreement,

          (3)  disapprove  the  settlement  and assume in  writing  all past and
     future  responsibility  for  such  Third  Party  Claim  (including  all  of
     Indemnitee's prior expenditures in connection therewith), or

          (4)   disapprove   the   settlement   and  continue  to  refrain  from
     participation in the defense of such Third Party Claim.

          In the event the  Indemnifying  Party does not respond to such written
notice  from  the  Indemnitee  within  such  fifteen  (15)  Business  Days,  the
Indemnifying Party shall be deemed to have elected option (1).

          (e) The Indemnitee  shall be entitled to  reimbursement  of reasonable
expenses  included  in Damages  with  respect to any Claim  (including,  without
limitation, the cost of defense,  preparation and investigation relating to such
Claim) as such expenses are incurred by the Indemnitee.

                                   ARTICLE XIV

                              EVENTS OF TERMINATION

          Section 14.1. Events of Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated
by written notice at any time prior to the Closing Date:

          (a) by mutual consent of the Seller, the Parent and the Purchaser; 

          (b) by the Purchaser, if there has been a material violation or breach
     by  the  Seller  or  the  Parent  of any  of  their  respective  covenants,
     representations or warranties  contained in this Agreement (or any Schedule
     attached hereto or any agreement or document  executed and delivered by the
     Seller or the Parent pursuant  hereto) and such violation or breach has not
     been waived by the Purchaser or, with respect to a covenant  breach,  cured
     by the Seller within  fourteen (14) calendar days after notice thereof from
     the Purchaser;

          (c) by the Seller, if there has been a material violation or breach by
     the  Purchaser  of any  of its  covenants,  representations  or  warranties
     contained  in  this  Agreement  (or any  Schedule  attached  hereto  or any
     agreement or document  executed and  delivered  by the  Purchaser  pursuant
     hereto) and such  violation or breach has not been waived by the Seller or,
     with respect to a covenant  breach,  cured by the Purchaser within fourteen
     (14) calendar days after notice thereof from the Seller; or

          (d) by the  Purchaser or the Seller  without  liability on the part of
     the  terminating  party  on  account  of  such  termination  (provided  the
     terminating  party  is not  otherwise  in  default  or in  breach  of  this
     Agreement),  if the Closing Date shall not have  occurred by the earlier of
     April 30,  1998 and sixty  (60)  calendar  days after the date on which the
     Purchaser delivers the certified  financial  statements required by Section

          Section  14.2.  Effect  of  Termination.  (a)  In  the  event  of  the
termination  of this Agreement as provided in Section  14.1(a) or 14.1(d),  this
Agreement, other than the provisions of this Section 14.2 and Section 7.3, shall
be terminated without further liability on the part of the Seller, the Parent or
the Purchaser hereunder.

          (b) In the event of the  termination  of this Agreement as provided in
Section 14.1(b) or 14.1(c),  this  Agreement,  other than the provisions of this
Section 14.2 and Section 7.3, shall be terminated  without further  liability on
the part of the Seller,  the Parent or the  Purchaser  hereunder;  provided that
nothing  herein shall  relieve any party from any liability  resulting  from any
breach of this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE XV


          Section 15.1.  Seller and Parent  Non-Competition.  Each of the Seller
and the Parent  covenants  and agrees that from and after the  Closing  Date and
after giving effect to the transactions contemplated hereby, each of the Seller,
the Parent and each of their Affiliates shall not directly or indirectly:

          (a) at any time prior to the second  anniversary  of the Closing Date,
     within any market area in which,  after giving  effect to the  transactions
     contemplated  hereby,  the  Purchaser  or any of its  Affiliates  is  doing
     business  as of or  subsequent  to  the  Closing  Date  (collectively,  the
     "Relevant  Markets"),  own, have an ownership  interest in, manage,  render
     services to, operate, join or control, or participate in, alone or with any
     Person,  the ownership,  management,  operation or control of any business,
     firm,  corporation  or other entity  which  engages in  pre-recorded  music
     retailing in malls, strip malls, power centers or stand-alone stores (each,
     a "Competing Business");  provided that the provisions of this Section 15.1
     shall not apply to  beneficial  ownership  (as such term is defined in Rule
     13d-3 under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) of securities
     of a corporation traded on a registered  national securities exchange or on
     the  National  Over  The  Counter  Market  which  shall  constitute  in the
     aggregate 5% or less of the total number of such securities outstanding;

          (b) disclose any nonpublic  information  with respect to the Purchaser
     or the Business;

          (c) solicit any customer  of, or supplier or lessor to, the  Purchaser
     not to conduct  business with the Purchaser or to conduct its business with
     a Competing Business or otherwise interfere with such customer, supplier or
     lessor/lessee relationship; or

          (d)  solicit  any  employee  (i)  who  is  offered  employment  by the
     Purchaser not to accept such offer of employment or (ii) who is employed by
     the Purchaser to terminate such  employment,  unless the employment of such
     employee by the Purchaser has previously been terminated.

          Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Seller and the Parent shall not be
prohibited  from (a)  operating  stores  pursuant  to the  Supply  Agreement  or
Franchise  Agreement  as expressly  provided by this  Agreement,  (b)  operating
stores,  twenty percent (20%) or less of the sales of which is  attributable  to
pre-recorded  music  sales,  (c)  acquiring  and  operating  a  business,  firm,
corporation or other entity,  twenty percent (20%) or less of the sales of which
is attributable to pre-recorded  music sales,  (d) operating the Airport Stores,
or (e) selling pre-recorded music in stores located in hotels.

          Section 15.2  Purchaser  Non-Competition.  The Purchaser  consents and
agrees  that from and  after the  Closing  Date and after  giving  effect to the
transactions  contemplated  hereby, on or prior to the sixtieth (60th) day after
the  termination of the Franchise  Agreement  with respect to a  Non-Transferred
Lease,  neither it nor any of its Affiliates shall operate,  join in or control,
or  participate  in,  alone  or with  any  Person,  the  ownership,  management,
operation or control of any store which engages in pre-recorded  music retailing
in a mall in which a store subject to such Non-Transferred  Lease operated prior
to the Closing Date; provided that the provisions of this Section 15.2 shall not
apply with respect to (a) any store which the Purchaser or any of its Affiliates
operates  as of  the  Closing  Date,  or  (b)  any  mall  where  the  applicable
Non-Transferred  Lease is validly  assigned  to the  Purchaser  pursuant to this

          Section 15.3.  Breach.  In the event of a breach of the  provisions of
Section 15.1, in addition to any other remedies the Purchaser may have at law or
in equity,  the  Purchaser  shall be entitled to seek an  injunction  or similar
remedy so as to enable it specifically to enforce such provisions.  In the event
of a breach of the provisions of Section 15.2, in addition to any other remedies
the Seller or the Parent may have at law or in equity,  the Seller or the Parent
shall be entitled  to seek an  injunction  or similar  remedy so as to enable it
specifically to enforce such provisions.

          Section 15.4. Severability. It is the desire and intent of the parties
hereto that the  provisions of this Article XV be enforced to the fullest extent
permissible  under the laws and public policies applied in each  jurisdiction in
which  enforcement is sought.  Accordingly,  if any  particular  portion of this
Article XV should be  adjudicated to be invalid or  unenforceable,  such portion
shall be  deleted  and such  deletion  shall  apply  only  with  respect  to the
operation of such portion of this Article XV in the particular  jurisdiction  in
which  adjudication  is made;  further,  to the extent any  provision  hereof is
deemed  unenforceable by virtue of its scope in terms of area or length of time,
but may be enforceable with limitations thereon, the parties agree that the same
shall, nevertheless,  be enforceable to the fullest extent permissible under the
laws and public policies  applied in such  jurisdiction in which  enforcement is

                                   ARTICLE XVI


          Section 16.1.  Expenses.  Except as expressly  set forth  herein,  the
parties hereto shall pay all of their own expenses  incident to the negotiation,
preparation and carrying out of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
including,  without  limitation,  the fees and  expenses  of their own  brokers,
finders,  agents,  representatives,   financial  consultants,   accountants  and

          Section  16.2.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be  construed,
performed  and  enforced in  accordance  with,  and governed by, the laws of the
State of New York,  without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of laws
thereof.  Until a final decree has been entered by the Bankruptcy  Court closing
the Bankruptcy Case, the parties hereto  irrevocably  elect as the sole judicial
forum for the  adjudication  of any matters  arising under or in connection with
this Agreement,  and consent to the jurisdiction of, the Bankruptcy Court. After
the  Bankruptcy  Court  so  closes  the  Bankruptcy  Case,  the  parties  hereto
irrevocably elect as the sole judicial forum for the adjudication of any matters
arising  under  or in  connection  with  this  Agreement,  and  consent  to  the
jurisdiction  of, the courts of the County of New York,  State of New York or of
the United States of America for the Southern  District of New York. On or prior
to the Closing Date, all of the parties hereto shall have appointed an agent for
the  service of process in the States of Delaware  and New York,  and each party
shall have  notified the other parties in writing of the identity and address of
such agent.

          Section 16.3.  Captions.  The Article and Section captions used herein
are for reference  purposes only, and shall not in any way affect the meaning or
interpretation of this Agreement.

          Section  16.4.  Publicity.  Except  as  otherwise  required  by law or
regulation  as  advised  by counsel or as may be  necessary  or  appropriate  in
connection  with the pending Chapter 11 proceedings in respect of the Purchaser,
none of the  parties  hereto  shall  issue any press  release  or make any other
public  statement,  in each case relating to or connected with or arising out of
this  Agreement or the matters  contained  herein,  without  obtaining the prior
approval  of the  Seller and the  Purchaser  to the  contents  and the manner of
presentation and publication thereof.

          Section 16.5. Notices. Any notice or other communications  required or
permitted  hereunder shall be sufficiently  given if delivered in person or sent
by telecopy or by registered or certified mail,  postage  prepaid,  addressed as

                  If to the Purchaser, to:

                  Camelot Music, Inc.
                  8000 Freedom Avenue, N.W.
                  North Canton, Ohio 44720
                  Attention: James E. Bonk
                  President and Chief Executive Officer
                  Telecopy: (330) 494-8535

                  With a copy to its counsel:

                  White & Case
                  1155 Avenue of the Americas
                  New York, New York 10036
                  Attention: Howard S. Beltzer, Esq.
                  Telecopy: (212) 354-8113

          With a further copy to counsel to the Official  Committee of Unsecured
Creditors in the  Bankruptcy  Case,  but only until such  Committee is dissolved
pursuant to the Plan:

                  Zalkin, Rodin & Goodman LLP
                  750 Third Avenue
                  New York, New York 10017
                  Attention: Richard Toder, Esq.
                  Telecopy: (212) 682-6331

                  If to the Seller, to:

                  The Wall Music, Inc.
                  3200 Windy Hill Road
                  Suite 1500, West Tower
                  Atlanta, Georgia 30339
                  Attention: Mr. Richard McNamara
                  Executive Vice President
                  Telecopy: (770) 618-2788

                  With a copy to its counsel:

                  Shearman & Sterling
                  599 Lexington Avenue
                  New York, New York 10022-6069
                  Attention: Alfred J. Ross, Jr., Esq.
                  Telecopy: (212) 848-7179

or such  other  address or number as shall be  furnished  in writing by any such
party, and such notice or communication shall be deemed to have been given as of
the date so delivered, sent by telecopy or mailed.

          Section 16.6.  Benefit and Assignment.  (a) Nothing in this Agreement,
whether  expressed  or implied,  is intended or shall be construed to confer any
rights or remedies  under or by reason of this  Agreement  on any Persons  other
than the  parties to it and their  respective  successors  and  assigns,  nor is
anything in this  Agreement  intended to relieve or discharge the  obligation or
liability  of any third  Persons to any party to this  Agreement,  nor shall any
provision  contained  herein  give any third party any right of  subrogation  or
action over against any party to this Agreement.

          (b) This Agreement  shall be binding on, and accrue to the benefit of,
the parties hereto and their respective  successors and permitted assigns.  This
Agreement may not be assigned by any party without the prior written  consent of
the other parties.  Any assignment that  contravenes the terms of this Agreement
shall be void ab initio.

Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  subject to the  provisions of Section 2.9, the
Purchaser may, by written notice delivered to the Seller and the Parent not less
than three (3) calendar days prior to the Closing Date,  designate the Acquiring
Corporation  to assume  all or a  portion  of the  obligations  or rights of the
Purchaser hereunder.

          Section 16.7.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two or
more counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one instrument.

          Section  16.8.  Entire  Agreement.  Subject  to Section  7.5(c),  this
Agreement,  including the Exhibits,  Schedules and other  documents  referred to
herein which form a part hereof, contain the entire understanding of the parties
hereto with respect to the subject matter contained herein and therein.  Subject
to  Section  7.5(c),   this  Agreement   supersedes  all  prior  agreements  and
understandings,  written  or oral,  between  the  parties  with  respect to such
subject matter including,  without limitation,  the Letter of Intent referred to
in Section 7.5(c).

          Section 16.9.  Amendments.  This Agreement may not be changed  orally,
but only by an agreement in writing signed by the parties hereto.  Any provision
of this  Agreement  can be waived,  amended,  supplemented  or modified  only by
written agreement of the parties hereto.

          Section  16.10.  Severability.  If any provision of this  Agreement is
invalid,  illegal or  incapable  of being  enforced by any rule of law or public
policy, all other provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full
force and effect so long as the economic or legal substance of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby is not  affected in any manner  adverse to any party.  Upon
such  determination  that a provision is invalid,  illegal or incapable of being
enforced,  the  parties  hereto  shall  negotiate  in good faith to modify  this
Agreement  so as to effect  the  original  intent of the  parties  as closely as
possible in an acceptable  manner to the end that the transactions  contemplated
hereby are fulfilled.

          Section 16.11.  Bulk Sales. The Purchaser hereby waives  compliance by
the Seller and the Parent  with the  provisions  of any bulk  transfer  or other
similar laws of any  jurisdiction  in connection  with the sale of the Purchased

          Section 16.12.  Projections.  Without in any way limiting the Seller's
representations  and  warranties  contained  in Section 5.5, the Seller makes no
representations  or  warranties  with  respect  to any  estimates,  projections,
forecasts, plans or budgets provided to the Purchaser.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Purchaser,  the Seller and the Parent
have caused their  corporate  names to be hereunto  subscribed by their officers
thereunto duly authorized, all as of the day and year first above written.

                                  CAMELOT MUSIC, INC.

                                  By: /s/ James E. Bonk
                                     Name:  James E. Bonk
                                     Title: President & C.E.O.

                                  THE WALL MUSIC, INC.

                                  By: /s/ R.J. McNamara

                                  WH SMITH GROUP HOLDINGS (USA), INC.

                                  By: /s/ Keith Hamill

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


                                    ARTICLE I

    Section 1.1.  Definitions...............................................  2

                     ARTICLE II

    Section 2.1.  Transfer of Assets........................................ 17
    Section 2.2.  Excluded Assets........................................... 20
    Section 2.3.  Assumption and Exclusion of Liabilities................... 21
    Section 2.4.  Satisfaction and Apportionment of Operating Expenses...... 22
    Section 2.5.  Purchase Price............................................ 23
    Section 2.6.  Adjustment of Interim Payment Amount...................... 24
    Section 2.7.  Statement of Transferred Assets and Liabilities........... 24
    Section 2.8.  Post-Closing Settlement................................... 28
    Section 2.9.  Acquiring Corporation..................................... 29

                     ARTICLE III

    Section 3.1.  Closing................................................... 31
    Section 3.2.  Deliveries by the Seller at the Closing................... 31
    Section 3.3.  Deliveries by the Purchaser at Closing.................... 32
    Section 3.4.  Consents.................................................. 32
    Section 3.5.  Further Assurances........................................ 33

                     ARTICLE IV

    Section 4.1.  Bankruptcy Court Order.................................... 33

                      ARTICLE V

    Section 5.1.  Existence and Good Standing............................... 34
    Section 5.2.  Authorization and Validity................................ 35
    Section 5.3.  Consents and Approvals; No Violations..................... 36
    Section 5.4.  Subsidiaries and Investments.............................. 37
    Section 5.5.  Seller Financial Statements; No Material Changes.......... 37
    Section 5.6.  Compliance with Laws...................................... 39
    Section 5.7.  Real Property; Leases..................................... 39
    Section 5.8.  Title to Properties; Encumbrances......................... 40
    Section 5.9.  Intellectual Property..................................... 41
    Section 5.10. Litigation................................................ 42
    Section 5.11. Compensation of Employees................................. 43
    Section 5.12. Material Contracts........................................ 43
    Section 5.13. Liabilities............................................... 45
    Section 5.14. Insurance................................................. 45
    Section 5.15. Employment Relations...................................... 45
    Section 5.16. Employee Benefit Plans.................................... 47
    Section 5.17. Purchased Assets.......................................... 49
    Section 5.18. Books and Records......................................... 49
    Section 5.19. Inventories............................................... 50
    Section 5.20. Environmental Matters..................................... 50
    Section 5.21. Broker's or Finder's Fees................................. 52
    Section 5.22. Interests in Customers, Suppliers, Etc.................... 52
    Section 5.23. Taxes..................................................... 52
    Section 5.24. Seller's and Parent's Efforts............................. 54
    Section 5.25. Solvency.................................................. 54

                     ARTICLE VI

    Section 6.1.  Existence and Good Standing of the Purchaser 
                  and Acquiring Corporation................................. 54
    Section 6.2.  Authorization and Validity................................ 55
    Section 6.3.  Consents and Approvals; No Violations..................... 55
    Section 6.4.  Litigation................................................ 56
    Section 6.5.  Financing................................................. 57
    Section 6.6.  Broker's or Finder's Fees................................. 57

                     ARTICLE VII

    Section 7.1.  Conduct of the Business................................... 57
    Section 7.2.  Review of the Company..................................... 59
    Section 7.3.  Confidentiality........................................... 60
    Section 7.4.  Cooperation............................................... 60
    Section 7.5.  Exclusive Dealing......................................... 61
    Section 7.6.  Use of Name............................................... 62
    Section 7.7.  Warehouse Lease........................................... 62
    Section 7.8.  Pyramid Litigation........................................ 63
    Section 7.9.  Accountants' Consent...................................... 63
    Section 7.10. Updated Financial Information; Obligation to Disclose..... 64
    Section 7.11. WARN Act Compliance....................................... 64
    Section 7.12. Mail...................................................... 64
    Section 7.13. Satisfaction of Excluded Liabilities...................... 65
    Section 7.14. Purchaser Information for Lease Assignments............... 65
    Section 7.15. Seller Updated Lease Information.......................... 66
    Section 7.16. Supply Agreement.......................................... 66
    Section 7.17. Franchise Agreement....................................... 67
    Section 7.18. Assigned Non-Transferred Leases........................... 68

                    ARTICLE VIII

    Section 8.1.  Bankruptcy Court Approval................................. 70
    Section 8.2.  Injunctions............................................... 70
    Section 8.3.  Statutes.................................................. 70
    Section 8.4.  HSR Act................................................... 70
    Section 8.5.  Escrow Agreement.......................................... 70
    Section 8.6.  Airport Stores Agreement.................................. 71
    Section 8.7.  Closing Date.............................................. 71

                     ARTICLE IX

    Section 9.1.  Truth of Representations and Warranties................... 71
    Section 9.2.  Performance of Agreements................................. 72
    Section 9.3.  Transfer Documentation.................................... 72
    Section 9.4.  Governmental and Third-Party Approvals.................... 72
    Section 9.5.  Proceedings............................................... 73
    Section 9.6.  WH Smith Group plc Guarantee.............................. 73
    Section 9.7.  Update of Certain Information............................. 73

                      ARTICLE X

    Section 10.1.  Truth of Representations and Warranties.................. 74
    Section 10.2.  Performance of Agreements................................ 74
    Section 10.3.  Proceedings.............................................. 74
    Section 10.4.  Letter of Credit......................................... 75

                     ARTICLE XI
                     TAX MATTERS

    Section 11.1.  Tax Matters.............................................. 75
    Section 11.2.  Cooperation on Tax Matters............................... 77

                     ARTICLE XII

    Section 12.1.  Employees................................................ 79
    Section 12.2.  Transition Services...................................... 83

                    ARTICLE XIII

    Section 13.1.  Survival of Representations and Warranties............... 84
    Section 13.2.  Indemnification by the Seller and the Parent............. 84
    Section 13.3.  Indemnification by the Purchaser......................... 86
    Section 13.4.  Indemnification Procedure................................ 87

                     ARTICLE XIV

    Section 14.1.  Events of Termination.................................... 92
    Section 14.2.  Effect of Termination.................................... 93

                     ARTICLE XV

    Section 15.1.  Seller and Parent Non-Competition........................ 94
    Section 15.2   Purchaser Non-Competition.................................95
    Section 15.3.  Breach................................................... 96
    Section 15.4.  Severability............................................. 96

                     ARTICLE XVI

    Section 16.1.  Expenses................................................. 97
    Section 16.2.  Governing Law............................................ 97
    Section 16.3.  Captions................................................. 98
    Section 16.4.  Publicity................................................ 98
    Section 16.5.  Notices.................................................. 98
    Section 16.6.  Benefit and Assignment...................................100
    Section 16.7.  Counterparts.............................................101
    Section 16.8.  Entire Agreement.........................................101
    Section 16.9.  Amendments...............................................101
    Section 16.10. Severability.............................................101
    Section 16.11. Bulk Sales...............................................102
    Section 16.12. Projections..............................................102


2.1               Store Cash
2.2(j)            Excluded Assets
2.4(b)(1)         Operating Expense Apportionment Methodology
2.4(b)(2)         Form of Percentage Rents Schedule
2.6               Form of Interim Payment Amount Statement
2.7(a)            Form of Statement of Assets and Liabilities Transferred
2.7(c)            Form of Auditor's Report
2.10(b)           Liquidated Damages for Non-Transferred Leases
8.6               Airport Stores Term Sheet
9.6               Form of WH Smith Group plc Guarantee
10.4              Form of Letter of Credit


5.2               Authorization and Validity
5.3               Consents and Approvals
5.5(c)            Events Since the Balance Sheet Date
5.7(a)            Leases
5.7(b)            Lease Representations
5.8               Title and Properties
5.9               Intellectual Property
5.10              Litigation
5.11              Employee Compensation
5.12              Material Contracts
5.13              Liabilities
5.14              Insurance
5.16              Employee Benefit Plans
5.17(a)           Purchased Assets
5.17(b)           Scope of Purchased Assets
5.18              Books and Records
5.20              Environmental Matters
5.22              Interests in Suppliers
5.23(b)           Payment of Taxes
5.23(c)(i)        Other Tax Matters
5.23(c)(iii)      Non-Income Taxes
5.24              Seller's Efforts


6.2               Authorization and Validity
6.3               Consents and Approvals
6.4               Litigation