Albert Heijnweg 1
The Netherlands

F.M. Schlingmann - advocaat
Telephone:        (020) 577 1452
Facsimile:        (020) 577 1775

Amsterdam, 8 June 1999 Your ref.:
Our ref.:         i:\main_lib\newyork\1101615\0035\9$hk01!.doc\mb

Ladies and Gentlemen,

                             Koninklijke Ahold N.V.
          Registration under the United States Securities Act of 1933,
            as amended, of common shares, financing preferred shares
                        and convertible preferred shares
                 in the share capital of Koninklijke Ahold N.V.,
                      par value NLG 0.50 per common share,
                          financing preferred share and
                          convertible preferred share,
          as described in the Registration Statement (as defined below)

I have acted in the name of De Brauw Blackstone  Westbroek N.V. as legal counsel
in respect of the law of the  Netherlands to  Koninklijke  Ahold N.V., a company
incorporated  under  the law of the  Netherlands,  with  its  corporate  seat in
Zaandam (municipality Zaanstad), the Netherlands (the "Company"),  in connection
with the registration under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended
(the  "Securities  Act"), by the Company of common shares,  financing  preferred
shares and convertible preferred shares (collectively the "Shares"), each with a
par value of NLG 0.50,  in the share  capital  of the  Company  pursuant  to the
Registration  Statement (as defined below).  The Shares are being registered for
offering  and sale from time to time  pursuant to Rule 415 under the  Securities
Act.  The  aggregate  public  offering  price of the  Shares  and  certain  debt
securities  and  warrants  of the  Company  and of Ahold  Finance  U.S.A.,  Inc.
(collectively the "Securities")  that are also being registered  pursuant to the
Registration  Statement and  securities  that have been  registered  pursuant to
certain  other  registration  statements  of the  Company  will not  exceed  USD
3,000,000,000  or the  equivalent  thereof  in one or more  foreign  currencies,
foreign currency units or composite currencies.

In connection herewith I have examined the following documents:

(a)    a photocopy of a copy of the deed of incorporation of the Company and the
       text of the  articles of  association  of the Company,  as most  recently
       amended,  according  to the  Extract  (as  defined  below),  by  deed  of
       amendment executed on June 22, 1998 (the "Articles of Association"), both
       as filed with the Chamber of Commerce and  Industry  for "de  Zaanstreek"
       (the "Chamber of Commerce");

(b)    an extract from the trade register  regarding the Company,  dated June 7,
       1999 (the  "Extract"),  provided by the Chamber of Commerce and confirmed
       to me to be unchanged in all respects material for rendering this opinion
       by telephone by the Chamber of Commerce on the date hereof;

(c)    a telecopy  of an extract  from the  minutes  of the  general  meeting of
       shareholders  of the  Company,  held  on May 6,  1997,  referring  to the
       resolution  to  designate  the  corporate   executive  board  ("raad  van
       bestuur") of the Company as the  corporate  body  authorized  to resolve,
       subject  to  the   approval   of  the   supervisory   board   ("raad  van
       commissarissen")  of the  Company,  to,  inter alia,  issue Shares and to
       limit or exclude pre-emptive rights;

(d)    a telecopy of an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the corporate
       executive board ("raad van bestuur") of the Company,  held on October 26,
       1998,  relating to the resolution of the corporate executive board of the
       Company to file a shelf  registration  statement  with the United  States
       Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  at a maximum  total  amount of USD
       3,000,000,000  and a  telecopy  of an  excerpt  from the  minutes  of the
       meeting of the  corporate  executive  board  ("raad van  bestuur") of the
       Company,  held  on  May  17,  1999,  relating  to the  resolution  of the
       corporate  executive  board of the  Company to file a shelf  registration
       statement with the United States Securities and Exchange  Commission at a
       maximum total amount of USD 3,500,000,000;

(e)    telecopies  of  a  resolution  of  the   supervisory   board  ("raad  van
       commissarissen") of the Company, signed in counterparts and dated January
       15,  1999,  to approve the proposal of filing a shelf  registration  that
       offers the possibility to issue equity,  senior debt,  convertible  debt,
       preferred financing shares,  convertible financing shares and warrants in
       the amount of up to USD  3,000,000,000  and telecopies of a resolution of
       the supervisory board ("raad van commissarissen") of the Company,  signed
       in counterparts and dated May 20, 1999, to approve the proposal of filing
       a shelf registration that offers the possibility to issue equity,  senior
       debt, convertible debt, preferred financing shares, convertible financing
       shares and warrants in the amount of up to USD 3,500,000,000;

(f)    a copy of a  registration  statement  on Form F-3 and on Form  S-3  (Nos.
       333-71383 and 333-71383-01) (the "Registration  Statement"),  including a
       prospectus  (together the  "Prospectus"),  relating to the Shares and the

and such other documents as I have deemed  necessary to enable me to render this

My examination referred to above has been limited to the text of the documents.

For the purpose of this opinion I have made the following assumptions:

(i)    all  signatures on original  documents are the genuine  signatures of the
       persons  purported to have  executed the same and all copies (in whatever
       form) conform to the originals;

(ii)   the  Shares,  at the  time of  issuance  thereof,  will  have  been  duly
       authorized in accordance  with the articles of association of the Company
       in  effect  at the time of  authorization  (and  under  the  Articles  of
       Association due authorization requires that Shares are issued pursuant to
       a resolution  adopted by the general meeting of  shareholders  ("algemene
       vergadering  van  aandeelhouders")  of the  Company on a proposal  of the
       corporate  executive  board  ("raad  van  bestuur")  of the  Company,  or
       pursuant to a resolution of the corporate  executive board of the Company
       if the corporate  executive board of the Company has been duly authorized
       to issue Shares in accordance with the Articles of  Association,  subject
       to the approval of the supervisory board ("raad van  commissarissen")  of
       the Company, and the validity of the resolution of the general meeting of
       shareholders  of the Company to issue Shares or rights to acquire  Shares
       or to designate  another corporate body of the Company requires the prior
       or  simultaneous  approval of each group of holders of shares of the same
       class whose rights are prejudiced by the issue);

(iii)  the nominal amount of the Shares and any share premium agreed upon at any
       time will have been duly paid up;

(iv)   the amount of the authorized share capital  ("maatschappelijk  kapitaal")
       of the  Company at the time of issuance  is  sufficient  to allow for the
       issuance of the Shares;

(v)    the Shares will have been issued in the form and in the manner prescribed
       by the  articles of  association  of the Company in effect at the time of
       issuance (and under the Articles of Association  issuance as contemplated
       under  the   Registration   Statement  and  the  Prospectus   meets  that
       requirement)  with due observance or valid  exclusion of any  pre-emptive
       rights; and

(vi)   the  Shares  will   otherwise  have  been  issued  and  accepted  by  the
       subscribers  therefor in accordance  with all applicable law  (including,
       for the avoidance of doubt, the law of the Netherlands).

I have not investigated  the law of any jurisdiction  other than the Netherlands
and I do not  express an opinion on the law of any  jurisdiction  other than the
Netherlands.  I only express an opinion on matters of the law of the Netherlands
as it stands and has been  published  as at the date of this  opinion.  I do not
express any opinion on taxation laws.

Terms and  expressions of law and of legal concepts as used in this opinion have
the meaning attributed to them under the law of the Netherlands and this opinion
should be read and understood accordingly.

Based  upon  the  foregoing  (including  the  documents  listed  above  and  the
assumptions  set out above) and subject to any facts,  circumstances,  events or
documents not disclosed to me in the course of my examination referred to above,
I am, at the date hereof, of the following opinion:

1.     The Company has been duly incorporated and is validly existing as a legal
       entity in the form of a public company with limited liability  ("naamloze
       vennootschap") under the law of the Netherlands.

2.     The Shares, when issued as set out in the assumptions above, will be duly
       authorized and will be validly  issued by the Company in accordance  with
       the law of the Netherlands and will be fully paid and non-assessable.

Without my prior written consent,  this opinion letter may not be transmitted to
or filed with any person,  firm,  company or institution,  except to your United
States counsel, White & Case LLP.

I hereby consent to the filing of this opinion as an exhibit to the Registration
Statement  and to the  reference to De Brauw  Blackstone  Westbroek  N.V. in the
Prospectus  under the headings  "Limitations on Enforcement of U.S. Laws against
Royal Ahold, its Management, and Others" and "Validity of Securities". In giving
such consent,  I do not thereby admit that I am in the category of persons whose
consent is required under Section 7 of the Securities Act.

Very truly yours,

  /s/ Francine M. Schlingmann
- ------------------------------
Francine M. Schlingmann
for De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek N.V.