FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE

In re:                                    )        Chapter 11
UNITED PETROLEUM CORPORATION,             )        Case No. 99-88 (PJW)
                           Debtor.        )


          United    Petroleum    Corporation    ("UPC"    or    "Debtor"),    as
Debtor-In-Possession,  having on July 23, 1999 filed the Second  Amended Plan of
Reorganization  Under  Chapter 11 of The  Bankruptcy  Code for United  Petroleum
Corporation  (the  "Plan");  and the  Debtors  having on July 23, 1999 filed the
Second  Amended  Disclosure  Statement  With  Respect to Second  Amended Plan of
Reorganization of United Petroleum Corporation (the "Disclosure Statement"); and
the Court, by Order dated July 23, 1999 (the "Disclosure Approval Order") having
approved the  Disclosure  Statement  after notice and a hearing held on July 22,
1999  and July  23,  1999;  and upon the  affidavits  of  service  filed  herein
reflecting  compliance  with the notice  and  solicitation  requirements  of the
Disclosure Approval Order; and upon the Declaration of Kathleen Logan Certifying
the Ballots  Accepting and Rejecting the Plan filed with the Court on August 23,
1999; and objections to  confirmation  of the Plan having been filed by (i) John
Rankin,  (ii) Dan Dotan and  Mantel  Investments,  (iii)  The  Internal  Revenue
Service,  (iv) John Pisacreta and James Lynn (the "Securities  Claim Objectors")
and (v) the Securities and Exchange Commission (collectively, the "Objections');
and upon the  submission of Plan  Documents  filed on August 13, 1999 (the "Plan
Documents");  and upon the submission of the revised form of Merger Agreement on
September  29, 1999 (the "Merger  Agreement"),  and after a hearing  having been
held on September 29, 1999 (the  "Hearing");  and upon the evidence  adduced and
proffered and the arguments of counsel made at the Hearing; and the Court having
reviewed all  documents in  connection  with  confirmation  and having heard all
parties desiring to be heard; and the Debtor,  Infinity and the Securities Claim
Objectors having reached an agreement as set forth herein regarding the terms on
which the objections of the Securities  Claim Objectors  shall be resolved;  and
upon  the  record  compiled  in  the  case;  and  after  due   deliberation  and
consideration of all of the foregoing;  and sufficient cause appearing therefor;
the Court hereby makes the following:


          A. Capitalized terms used herein,  but not defined herein,  shall have
the respective  meanings attributed to such terms in the Plan and the Disclosure

          B. This  Court has  jurisdiction  over the  Debtor's  chapter  11 case
pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1334(a) and 157(l). Venue of these proceedings and
the  chapter 11 case in this  district is proper  pursuant to 28 U.S.C.  Section
1408  and  1409.  This  is a  core  proceeding  pursuant  to 28  U.S.C.  Section

          C. The Plan  complies  with all of the  applicable  provisions  of the
Bankruptcy Code.

          D. The classification of claims and interests under the Plan is proper
under Section 1122 of the Bankruptcy  Code.

          E. The Plan provides  equal  treatment for each Claim or Interest of a
particular  class.

          F.  The  Debtor,  as  proponent  of the  Plan  has  complied  with the
applicable  provisions of the Bankruptcy  Code.

          G. The  Plan has been  proposed  in good  faith  and not by any  means
forbidden  by law.

          H. Any payments  made or promised by the Debtor,  or a person  issuing
securities or acquiring  property  under the Plan, for services or for costs and
expenses in, or in connection with, the case, or in connection with the Plan and
incident to the case,  have been  approved  by, or is subject to approval of the
Court  as   reasonable.

          I. In the  Disclosure  Statement,  the identity,  qualifications,  and
affiliation  of the persons who are to serve as officers  and  directors  of the
reorganized  debtor after  confirmation  of the Plan was fully disclosed and the
appointment  of such persons is  consistent  with the  interests of the Debtor's
creditors  and  equity  security  holders  and  with  public  policy.

          J. In the Disclosure Statement,  the identity of any insider that will
be  employed  or  retained  by the  Debtor and his  compensation  has been fully

          K.  The  provisions  of Section 1129(a)(6) of the Bankruptcy Code  are
inapplicable to this case.

          L. The  procedures by which the ballots for acceptance or rejection of
the Plan were  distributed  and tabulated  were fair,  properly  conducted,  and
complied with the  Bankruptcy  Code,  the  Bankruptcy  Rules and the  Disclosure
Approval Order.

          M. As evidenced by the Disclosure  Statement and at the Hearing,  each
holder of a Claim or Interest in each  impaired  class has either  accepted  the
Plan or will  receive or retain  under the Plan  property of a value,  as of the
Effective  Date of the Plan,  that is not less than the amount  that such holder
would  receive  or  retain  if the  Debtor  liquidated  under  Chapter  7 of the
Bankruptcy  Code on such  date.

          N. With respect to each class of Claims or  Interests,  such class has
accepted  the  Plan or  such  class  is not  impaired  under  the  Plan  and is,
therefore,  deemed  to have  accepted  the Plan  under  Section  1126(f)  of the
Bankruptcy  Code,  except  for  Class  8.

          O. With  respect  to Class 8, the  requirements  of 11 U.S.C.  Section
1129(b)(2)(c) have been satisfied.

          P. At least  one  impaired  class of  claims  has  accepted  the Plan,
determined  without  including any  acceptances  of the Plan by any insider.

          Q.  Except to the  extent  that the holder of a  particular  claim has
agreed to a different treatment of such Claim, the treatment of Claims under the
Plan of the type  specified in Sections  507(a)(1)  and 507(a)(3) - 507(a)(8) of
the Bankruptcy Code, if any, complies with the provisions of Section  1129(a)(9)
of the  Bankruptcy  Code.

          R. No other  chapter 11 plan has been moved for  confirmation.

          S. The primary  purpose of the Plan is not the  avoidance  of taxes or
the requirements of Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933.

          T.  Confirmation  of the Plan is not likely to be followed by the need
for further  financial  reorganization  of the Debtor.

          U. All  fees  payable  under  section  1930 of title 28 of the  United
States Code,  have either been paid or will be paid under the Plan.

          V. The Plan and the Infinity Settlement  Agreement are hereby modified
as follows:  (a)  Infinity  Securities  Claims  asserted in the  Pisacreta/Tucci
Action shall (including,  without limitation, the Claims of the named plaintiffs
therein,  the  members of the  putative  class  sought to be  certified  therein
whether or not the class is  certified,  and any opt-outs from such class) shall
be excluded from the injunctive  provisions of Section 16.13(c) of the Plan; (b)
any assets in the UPC Trust after the  satisfaction  of all  Allowed  Securities
Claims shall be distributed 100% to the Infinity  Parties;  and (c) the Infinity
Parties  shall  retain  all of their  Causes  of  Action  for  contribution  and
indemnity  against any Person with  respect to the Infinity  Securities  Claims,
except the Debtor, its affiliates and their respective  officers,  directors and

          W.  The  settlements  and  compromises   incorporated  into  the  Plan
(including,  the settlement and compromise set forth in Section 14.1 of the Plan
and the  Infinity  Settlement  Agreement,  as modified  pursuant to paragraph V,
above) meet the requirements  for approval under section  1123(6)(3) of the Code
and  Bankruptcy  Rule 9019 because,  among other  things,  the  settlements:

          i.  reflect a  reasonable  balance of the risks and  expenses  of both
     future  litigation and the continuation of this Chapter 11 Case, on the one
     hand, and early resolution of the disputes, on the other hand;

          ii.  fall within the range of  reasonableness  for the  resolution  of
     complex litigation or litigable issues and claims;

          iii. are fair and  equitable  and in the best  interest of the Debtor,
     the Debtor's estate and all holders of Claims and Equity Interests; and

          iv. Are essential to the Debtor's  reorganization and the confirmation
     of the Plan.

          X. The Proponent,  Infinity and FSCI have consented to the approval of
the  compromises  and  settlements  described  in Section  14.1 of the Plan,  as
modified hereby, and the exclusion of Infinity Securities Claims asserted in the
Pisacreta/Tucci  Action  from the  injunctive  provisions  set forth in  Section
16.13(c) of the Plan.

          Y. The Plan, as modified hereby, does not materially  adversely affect
the  treatment  of any  class of  Claims  or  Equity  Interests  under the Plan.
Consequently,  all votes accepting the Plan shall constitute votes accepting the
Plan,  as modified  hereby.

          Z.  By  operation  of  section  1145  of  the  Bankruptcy   Code,  the
distribution of new UPC Common Stock to be issued under the Plan shall be exempt
from registration under section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
any state or local law requiring registration for offer or sale of a security or
registration  or  licensing of an issuer of, or broker or dealer in, a security.
All such  securities  so issued  shall be  freely  transferable  by the  initial
recipients thereof (i) except for any such securities received by an underwriter
within the meaning of section 1145(b) of the Bankruptcy Code and (ii) subject to
any  restriction  contained in the terms of such securities  themselves,  in the
Plan or any documents relating to the Plan.

          NOW, it is hereby,

          ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED, that:

          1. All Objections,  to the extent not settled or withdrawn, are hereby
expressly  overruled.

          2.  The  Plan,  as  modified  hereby  (the  "Modified  Plan")  and  as
supplemented by the Merger Agreement,  is confirmed  pursuant to section 1129 of
the Bankruptcy Code;  provided,  however,  that if there is any conflict between
the terms of the Modified Plan and the terms of the Merger Agreement,  the terms
of the  Modified  Plan shall  control and if there is any  conflict  between the
terms of either  the  Modified  Plan or Merger  Agreement  and the terms of this
Confirmation  Order,  this  Confirmation  Order  shall  control.

          3. The Merger Agreement and Plan Documents  substantially in the forms
previously  filed with the Court,  are approved and the Debtor is authorized and
directed  to  execute,  enter into and deliver  such  documents  and to execute,
implement and consummate the transactions contemplated thereby.

          4. The Debtor is hereby authorized,  empowered,  and ordered to issue,
execute,  deliver,  file and record any  documents or court papers or pleadings,
and to take any and all actions,  that are  necessary or desirable to implement,
effectuate, and consummate the transactions contemplated by the Plan, whether or
not specifically referred to therein and without further application or order of
this Court, in each case with like effect as if exercised and taken by unanimous
action of the  directors and  stockholders  of the Debtor as may be necessary to
cause the same to become effective under the Delaware  General  Corporation Law.

          5. The Debtor shall remain a Debtor-in-Possession under the Bankruptcy
Code  until the  Effective  Date.  The Debtor may  consummate  the  transactions
contemplated by the Plan and make distributions to creditors after the Effective
Date in accordance  with the Plan, and free of any  restrictions  imposed by the
Bankruptcy  Code.

          6. Any and all pre-petition  unexpired leases and executory  contracts
not previously rejected by the Debtor,  unless specifically  assumed pursuant to
the  Bankruptcy  Code  prior to the date  hereof or the  subject  of a motion to
assume or assume and assign pending on the date hereof, shall be deemed rejected
by the Debtor  effective as of the Effective  Date of the Plan.

          7. All  proofs  of claim  with  respect  to  claims  arising  from the
rejection of executory  contracts and unexpired  leases  shall,  unless  another
order of the  Bankruptcy  Court  provides for an earlier date, be filed with the
Bankruptcy  Court  within  thirty  (30) days after the  mailing of notice of the
entry of this  order.  Any  proof of claim  that is not  timely  filed  shall be
released,  discharged and forever barred from assertion against the Debtor,  its
estate or property  or the  Post-Confirmation  Debtor.

          8. The exculpation and injunction provisions set forth in the Modified
Plan, including without limitation, those set forth in Sections 5.2, 8.14, 11.1,
16.12,  16.13,  16.14 and 16.15 of the Modified  Plan,  are approved;  provided,
however,  that the  injunction  provided  by  section  5.2 of the Plan shall not
result in the release by the United States Internal  Revenue Service (the "IRS")
of any claim  against  any  responsible  officer or  director of the Debtor that
otherwise  would be liable  to the IRS on any  priority  tax  claim  owed by the
Debtor to the IRS and further provided that notwithstanding section 16.13(iv) of
the Modified Plan, the IRS shall be permitted to offset against any claim of the
Debtor or  Reorganized  Debtor  against the IRS any claim of the IRS against the
Debtor  that was timely  filed in the  Debtor's  Chapter 11 case,  to the extent
ultimately allowed.

          9. Subject to paragraph 8 herein,  on the Effective  Date, all Persons
who have been,  are, or may be holders of Claims against or Equity  Interests in
the Debtor shall be enjoined from taking any of the following actions against or
affecting  the Debtor,  its Estate,  or its assets and property  with respect to
such  Claims or Equity  Interests  (other  than  actions  brought to enforce any
rights or obligations under the Plan and appeals, if any, from this Confirmation

          (i)  commencing,  conducting or continuing in any manner,  directly or
     indirectly,  any suit,  action or other  proceeding of any kind against the
     Debtor,  its Estate,  or its assets or property,  or any direct or indirect
     successor  in  interest  to the  Debtor,  or any assets or property of such
     transferee or successor (including, without limitation, all suits, actions,
     and proceedings  that are pending as of the Effective  Date,  which must be
     withdrawn or dismissed with prejudice);

          (ii) enforcing, levying, attaching, collecting or otherwise recovering
     by any manner or means whether directly or indirectly any judgment,  award,
     decree or order against the Debtor,  its Estate, or its assets or property,
     or any direct or indirect  successor  in  interest  to the  Debtor,  or any
     assets or property of such transferee or successor;

          (iii)  creating,  perfecting  or  otherwise  enforcing  in any manner,
     directly or  indirectly,  any Lien against the Debtor,  its Estate,  or its
     respective  assets or  property,  or any direct or  indirect  successor  in
     interest to any of the Debtor, or any assets or property of such transferee
     or successor other than as contemplated by the Plan;

          (iv)  asserting any setoff,  right of subrogation or recoupment of any
     kind,  directly or indirectly  against any obligation  due the Debtor,  its
     Estate,  or its  respective  assets or property,  or any direct or indirect
     successor  in interest  to any of the Debtor,  or any assets or property of
     such transferee or successor; and

          (v)  proceeding  in any manner in any place  whatsoever  that does not
     conform to or comply with the  provisions of the Plan or the settlement set
     forth in Article XIV of the Plan to the extent such  settlements  have been
     approved by the Bankruptcy  Court in connection  with  confirmation  of the

          10.  From and  after  the  Effective  Date,  except  (a) for  Infinity
Securities Claims asserted in the  Pisacreta/Tucci  Action,  including,  without
limitation,  the  Claims of the named  plaintiffs  therein,  the  members of the
putative  class  sought to be  certified  therein,  whether or not such class is
certified,  and any opt-outs from such putative class (which claims shall not be
affected or impaired in any way by this Order), and (b) as provided by paragraph
11 below, all Infinity  Securities  Claims shall channel and transfer to the UPC
Trust,  and all  Persons  who have  been,  are,  or may be  holders  of any such
Infinity  Securities  Claim shall be enjoined  from taking any of the  following
actions  against or affecting the Infinity  Parties or their assets and property
with respect to such Infinity  Securities  Claim (other than actions  brought to
enforce any rights or obligations  under the Plan,  the UPC Trust  Agreement and
the Infinity Settlement Agreement):

          (vi) commencing,  conducting or continuing in any manner,  directly or
     indirectly,  any suit,  action or other  proceeding of any kind against any
     Infinity  Party or its  assets  or  property,  or its  direct  or  indirect
     successors  in interest,  or any assets or property of such  transferee  or
     successor   (including,   without  limitation,   all  suits,  actions,  and
     proceedings  that are  pending  as of the  Effective  Date,  which  must be
     withdrawn or dismissed with prejudice);

          (vii)   enforcing,   levying,   attaching,   collecting  or  otherwise
     recovering  by any  manner or means  whether  directly  or  indirectly  any
     judgment,  award,  decree or order against any Infinity Party or its assets
     or  property,  or its direct or indirect  successors  in  interest,  or any
     assets or property of such transferee or successor;

          (viii)  creating,  perfecting  or  otherwise  enforcing in any manner,
     directly or  indirectly,  any Lien against any Infinity Party or its assets
     or  property,  or its direct or indirect  successors  in  interest,  or any
     assets or property of such transferee or successor;

          (ix) asserting any set-off,  right of subrogation or recoupment of any
     kind, directly or indirectly against any obligation due any Infinity Party,
     or its  assets  or  property,  or its  direct  or  indirect  successors  in
     interest,  or any assets or property of such  transferee or successor;  and

          (x)  proceeding  in any manner in any place  whatsoever  that does not
     conform to or comply with the  provisions of the Plan,  or the  settlements
     set forth in  Article  XIV of the  Plan,  the UPC  Trust  Agreement  or the
     Infinity Settlement Agreement.

          11. The injunction provided by paragraph 10 of this Confirmation Order
shall terminate and be of no further force or effect if at any time or from time
to time the UPC  Trustee  files with the  Bankruptcy  Court and serves  upon the
Infinity Parties a notice that the UPC Trust assets have been fully expended and
that additional  Allowed  Securities  Claims exist or that all Securities Claims
have not yet been  resolved and the Infinity  Parties,  within  thirty (30) days
after the filing of such notice, fail to make an additional  contribution to the
UPC  Trust in an  aggregate  amount  equivalent  to (A) not less  than  $100,000
(provided  that such amount must be at least  enough to satisfy all  outstanding
Allowed  Securities  Claims in full and  provide  at least  $25,000  to fund the
expenses of the UPC Trust in liquidating any remaining Securities Claims) or (B)
such lesser amount as may be agreed to by the UPC Trustee.

          12. Nothing  contained herein or in the Modified Plan shall impair the
rights or claims asserted in the  Pisacreta/Tucci  Action by or on behalf of the
named  plaintiffs  therein,  the  members  of the class  sought to be  certified
therein  (whether  or not such class is  certified)  or any  opt-outs  from such

          13. Unless required to be filed by an earlier date by another order of
this Court,  all requests for payment of  Administrative  Claims,  including all
applications for final allowance of compensation  and  reimbursement of expenses
of  Professionals,  must be filed  and  served  on the  Debtor,  no  later  than
forty-five  (45) days after the Effective  Date.  Any person that is required to
file and serve such a request for payment of an  Administrative  Claim and fails
to timely file and serve such  request,  shall be forever  barred,  estopped and
enjoined from asserting such Claim or participating  in distributions  under the
Plan on account  thereof.

          14. The  Debtor  shall file  objections  to Claims  with this Court no
later  than 60 days  after the  Effective  Date,  provided,  however,  that this
deadline  may be  extended  by the Court  upon  motion of the  Post-Confirmation
Debtor, without notice or a hearing. After the date hereof, no party, other than
the Debtor or Post-Confirmation  Debtor, may file objections to the allowance of

          15. This Order shall  constitute all approvals and consents  required,
if any, by the laws, rules or regulations of any State or any other governmental
authority with respect to the implementation or consummation of the Plan and any
other  acts that may be  necessary  or  appropriate  for the  implementation  or
consummation  of the Plan.

          16.  Pursuant to Section 1146(c) of the Bankruptcy  Code,  neither the
making nor delivery of an instrument of transfer,  nor the  revesting,  transfer
and sale of any real  property or personal  property of the Debtor in accordance
with the Plan,  shall  subject  the Debtor to any state or local law  imposing a
stamp tax,  transfer tax or similar tax or fee.

          17. The provisions of the Plan and this Order shall be, and hereby are
now, and forever  afterwards,  binding on the Debtor,  all holders of Claims and
Interests  (whether  or not  impaired  under  the Plan and  whether  or not,  if
impaired,  they accepted the Plan), any other party in interest, any other party
making an  appearance  in this  Chapter 11 Case,  and any other person or entity
affected  thereby,  as well as  their  respective  heirs,  successors,  assigns,
trustees,  subsidiaries,  affiliates,  officers,  directors,  agents, employees,
representatives,  attorneys, beneficiaries,  guardians, and similar officers, or
any person  claiming  through or in the right of any such person or entity.

          18. The Court hereby retains jurisdiction of this case (i) as provided
for in the Plan, (ii) as provided for in this Order,  and (iii) for the purposes
set forth in Sections 1127 and 1142 of the Bankruptcy  Code.

          19. The  compromises  and settlements set forth in Section 14.1 of the
Plan  and in the  Infinity  Settlement  Agreement,  in  substantially  the  form
attached hereto as Exhibit A, are approved.

          20. The UPC Trust  Agreement  and the ADR are hereby  approved and the
Debtor and the UPC Trustee once appointed may take such actions as are necessary
to  implement  the terms  thereof.

          21. The failure to  reference or discuss any  particular  provision of
the Plan in this Order shall have no effect on the validity,  binding effect and
enforceability  or such  provision  and  such  provision  shall  have  the  same
validity,  binding  effect and  enforceability  as every other  provision of the

          22. Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2002(f)(7) and 3020(c),  the Debtor is
hereby  directed  to serve a notice of the entry of this Order on all holders of
record of Claims and  Interests  as of the date  hereof,  all  parties  who have
entered  their  appearance  in  this  case  and  requested  notice  pursuant  to
Bankruptcy  Rule 2002 and the Office of the United States  Trustee no later than
ten (10) days after the Effective Date of the Plan. Dated: Wilmington,  Delaware
October 7, 1999

                                 s/Peter J. Walsh
                                 Peter J. Walsh
                                 Chief Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court