Exhibit 10.2(c)

                              CONSULTING AGREEMENT

This Consulting Agreement is entered into by and between Michael Baker
Corporation, a Pennsylvania corporation (the "Corporation") and Richard L. Shaw,
an individual (the "Executive"), effective April 25, 2001.

     WHEREAS, the Corporation and the Executive entered into an Employment
Agreement dated April 12, 1988 and subsequently amended the Employment Agreement
by Supplemental Agreement No. 1 dated March 17, 1992, Supplemental Agreement No.
2 dated October 1, 1994, Supplemental Agreement No. 3 dated June 1, 1995,
Supplemental Agreement No. 4 dated March 1, 1998, and Supplemental Agreement No.
5 dated September 7, 1999 (hereinafter collectively the "Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS, at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors on April 24, 2001,
the Executive retired from the position of Chief Executive Officer of the
Corporation, and the Board of Directors elected Donald P. Fusilli, Jr. to
succeed the Executive in such position, both actions to take effect on April 25,
2001; and

     WHEREAS, the Corporation and the Executive now desire to further amend the
Agreement in recognition of the change in the Executive's status, and to take
this opportunity to consolidate, restate and supercede the original Employment
Agreement and prior Supplements with this one document for ease of future
reference and use;

     NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and
other good and valuable consideration, and intending to be legally bound hereby,

1.   Consulting Arrangement. Commencing April 26, 2001 and continuing until
     April 26, 2003 unless terminated earlier pursuant to Section 4 of this
     Consulting Agreement, Executive will serve as a consultant to the
     Corporation to perform such executive or policy duties as the Corporation
     and Executive may mutually agree. The purpose of this consulting
     arrangement is to enable the Corporation to continue to take advantage of
     the knowledge and experience of the Executive in dealing with the business
     and affairs of the Corporation, and the parties shall mutually agree on
     effective ways of making this knowledge and experience available to its
     Corporation consistent with Executive's retirement from full time service
     and the performance of not more than approximately eight days service by
     Executive in each calendar month. The period within which Executive serves
     as a consultant is hereinafter called the "Consulting Term."

2.   Compensation. During the Consulting Term, the Corporation shall pay the
     Executive annual compensation equal to 25% of the salary of the Executive
     in effect on April 25, 2001 (or 25% of $425,006.40). Payment of such
     compensation shall be made in equal monthly installments.

     In consideration of the Executive's compensation during the Consulting
     Term, and the Executive's benefits as provided herein, the Executive shall
     be responsible for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Executive in
     the conduct of the Corporation's business,


     including costs of his office. However, if the Executive travels at the
     Corporation's request outside the Pittsburgh area on the Corporation's
     business, the Corporation shall reimburse the Executive his reasonable
     travel expenses in accordance with the travel policy then in effect for the

     During the Consulting Term, the Executive shall be independent contractor
     as distinguished from an employee of the Corporation, and as such shall be
     solely responsible to report income to the proper authorities and pay
     appropriate taxes.

3.   Benefits. In recognition of the Executive's service to the Corporation both
     as an employee and consultant, in addition to the compensation provided
     during the Consulting Term under Section 2 of this Consulting Agreement,
     the Corporation shall provide the following for the Executive:

     (a)  Health Insurance. The Corporation shall pay the cost of the "65
          Special" health insurance and coverage for the Executive and his
          spouse for the duration of their respective lives.

     (b)  Life Insurance. The Corporation shall maintain for the duration of the
          Executive's life the existing Unum whole life insurance policy on the
          Executive's life in the amount of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand
          Dollars ($250,000). Notwithstanding the above, the Corporation may
          elect at its option to substitute for such policy, comparable coverage
          for the Executive as part of a group insurance policy involving other
          Corporation executives.

          In addition to the existing $250,000 whole life policy referred to
          above, during his employment as a full-time employee of the
          Corporation and as provided by the Corporation's benefits program, the
          Executive acquired Three Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Dollars
          ($325,000) in group life insurance. Upon ceasing to be a full-time
          employee of the Corporation on April 25, 2001, the Executive may elect
          to either port such insurance pursuant to the ____ Act or convert such
          insurance to an individual whole life policy. The Executive must make
          such election within thirty (30) days after ceasing to be a full-time
          employee of the Corporation, or he shall have waived his right to do

          If the Executive elects to port or convert such insurance, the
          Corporation will pay an amount not to exceed $25,000 annually toward
          the actual costs incurred by the Executive to maintain such insurance.
          Notwithstanding the above, the Corporation may elect at its option, in
          lieu of contributing $25,000 annually to the costs of such coverage,
          to substitute for such policy comparable coverage for the Executive as
          part of a group insurance policy involving other Corporation

     (c)  Supplemental Retirement Benefit. Commencing at the expiration of the
          Consulting Term and for the remainder of the life of Executive or his
          spouse, whichever shall be longer, the Corporation will pay Executive
          or his spouse $5,000.00 per month as an additional retirement benefit.


     4.   Termination. The following events shall terminate the Consulting Term
          at the times indicated:

          (a)  Death. The death of Executive shall terminate the Consulting Term
               on the date thereof. In the event of death of the Executive
               during the Consulting Term, the Corporation will pay the spouse
               of Executive, should she survive him, one full year's
               compensation at the rate in effect at the time of death pursuant
               to the provisions of Paragraph 2, such compensation to be payable
               in equal monthly installments over a three year period.

          (b)  Disability. In the event the Board of Directors of the
               Corporation determines that, by reason of illness or incapacity,
               Executive is no longer able to perform his duties hereunder and
               such failure to so perform shall have continued for a continuous
               period of not less than three months, the Corporation may, by
               notice to the Executive, terminate the Consulting Term effective
               at any time after such three month period,. In such event, the
               Corporation shall continue to pay Executive one-half of the
               compensation provided for in Section 2, less any benefits
               received by the Executive from the Corporation's then existing
               Long-Term Disability plan, for a period of two years following

          (c)  Termination for Cause. In the event that, in the judgment of the
               Board of Directors of the Corporation, the Executive shall have
               (a) been guilty of an act of dishonesty material with respect to
               the Corporation, (b) committed a crime involving moral turpitude
               or (c) intentionally disregarded the provisions of this
               Consulting Agreement or the express instructions of the Board of
               Directors of the Corporation with respect to matters of policy
               continuing for a period of not less than 30 days after notice of
               such disregard, the Corporation may terminate this Consulting
               Agreement and all its continuing obligations hereunder effective
               at such date as it shall specify.

          (d)  Termination by Executive. Executive may terminate his obligations
               under this Consulting Agreement (other than those contained in
               Section 8 hereof) at any time upon not less than 90 days notice
               to the Corporation. Unless such termination by Executive occurs
               after a Material Event (defined in Paragraph 5 hereof), the
               Corporation's obligations under this Consulting Agreement shall
               terminate on the effective date of such termination.

     5.   Material Event. A material event shall be deemed to have occurred if a
          person, other than the Corporation's ESOP, shall have acquired or have
          the contractual right to acquire 20% or more of the outstanding stock
          of the Corporation, considering all classes of common stock as one

     6.   Compensation in the Event of Material Event. In the event that the
          Consulting Agreement is terminated by Executive after the occurrence
          of a Material Event during the Consulting Term or by the Corporation
          other than pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 4(a), (b) or (c),
          the Corporation shall be obligated to pay Executive all amounts which
          would be due him were the Consulting Term hereunder to continue until
          its scheduled expiration, and to satisfy all of the Corporation's
          obligations set forth in Section 3, Benefits as if this Consulting
          Agreement remained in full force and effect.


     7.   Taxes. In the event that any payment, coverage or benefit provided
          under the Agreement would in the reasonable opinion of counsel for the
          Corporation be deemed not deductible in whole or in part by the
          Corporation in the calculation of its federal income tax by reason of
          Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code, the amounts payable
          pursuant to the provisions hereof shall be reduced to the maximum
          amount which would be so deductible; provided, however, that in no
          event shall such amounts be equal to less than 50% of the compensation
          remaining for the Consulting Term of Executive.

     8.   Confidentiality and Non-Competition.

          (a)  Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information. Executive shall not,
               during the Consulting Term or thereafter, and whether this
               Consulting Agreement expires or is terminated with or without
               cause: (a) use directly or indirectly for Executive's own
               benefit, or for the benefit of any corporation, partnership,
               proprietorship, firm, person or other entity; or (b) disclose to
               any corporation, partnership, proprietorship, firm, person or
               other entity, other than Corporation, any Confidential
               Information used by the Corporation and made known to Executive,
               whether or not with knowledge and permission of the Corporation
               and whether or not developed, devised, or otherwise created in
               whole or in part by the efforts of the Executive, during or by
               reason of his employment or retention as a consultant by the
               Corporation. For purposes hereof, Confidential Information shall
               mean and include information concerning the Corporation's sales,
               sales volume, sales methods, customers, identity of customers,
               identity of key purchasing personnel in the employ of customers,
               amount or kind of customers purchases from the Corporation, the
               formula, processes, methods, machines, manufacture, compositions,
               ideas, improvements, inventions or other confidential or
               proprietary information belonging to the Corporation or related
               to the Corporation's affairs.

          (b)  Non-Competition. Executive covenants and agrees that for a period
               of five (5) years following the expiration of the Consulting
               Term, or termination with or without cause of the Consulting
               Agreement, whichever occurs earlier, Executive will not, in any
               area of the United States of America, or in any other area in
               which the Corporation or any Subsidiary has carried on its
               business during the six-month period prior to such expiration or
               termination, engage directly or indirectly, as a principal,
               agent, employee, employer, independent contractor, officer,
               director, partner or substantial stockholders of any corporation,
               partnership, proprietorship, firm or person, in any business
               competitive with the Corporation's business during the three
               years prior to such expiration or termination.

               If the Corporation seeks judicial enforcement of this paragraph,
               the period of time during which Executive is restricted from
               competing with the Corporation shall extend to three years after
               the date of the judicial order or settlement requiring


          (c)  Executive acknowledges that the remedies at law for any breach by
               Executive of the provisions of Section 8 hereof will be
               inadequate and that the Corporation shall be entitled to
               injunctive relief against Executive in the event of any such
               breach or anticipatory breach, in addition to any other remedies
               and damages available. Executive acknowledges that the
               restrictions contained herein are reasonable but agrees that if a
               Court of competent jurisdiction shall hold such restrictions
               unreasonable as to time, geographic area, activities or
               otherwise, such restrictions shall be deemed to be reduced or
               modified to the extent necessary in the opinion of such court to
               make them reasonable.

          (d)  The Executive may, subject to the terms of Section 8, perform
               services for third parties during the Consulting Term or
               thereafter, provided they do not otherwise interfere with
               performance of his responsibility under this Consulting

     9.   Indemnification Agreement. The Corporation agrees to indemnify, save
          harmless and defend the Executive during the Consulting Term pursuant
          to the Indemnification and Insurance Agreement attached hereto as
          Exhibit A. This Indemnification Agreement is to be in addition to the
          Indemnification and Insurance Agreement dated June 17, 1987 by and
          between the Executive and the Corporation which is hereby ratified and
          confirmed by the Corporation and the Executive.

     10.  Governing Law. This Consulting Agreement is made under the laws of the
          Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and for all purposes shall be construed
          and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of said

     11.  Notices. Any notice or other communications hereunder shall be in
          writing and shall be mailed or delivered to the respective parties
          hereto at the address set forth below:

          Michael Baker Corporation
          Airport Office Park, Building No. 3
          420 Rouser Road
          Coraopolis, PA 15108
          Attn: Donald P. Fusilli, Jr. , President and Chief Executive Officer

          THE EXECUTIVE:
          Richard L. Shaw
          360 Lincoln Avenue
          Beaver, PA 15009

          Either party may change the address specified herein for receipt of
          notices, by providing written notice to the other party as provided

     12.  Entire Agreement. This Consulting Agreement constitutes the entire
          agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter and
          is in substitution for and merges and supersedes all previous
          agreements and arrangements for services, either written or oral,
          between Executive and Corporation including the Agreement. This
          Consulting Agreement may not be changed orally, but only in an
          agreement in writing and signed by both parties.


     13.  No Assignment. This Consulting Agreement may not be assigned by either
          party without the prior written consent of the other, except that
          Corporation's obligations hereunder may be discharged by any direct or
          indirect subsidiary of Corporation and the Corporation may transfer
          its rights hereunder to any other corporation in connection with the
          merger or consolidation with, or sale of all or substantially all the
          assets of Corporation to, such other corporation. Subject to the
          foregoing, this Consulting Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
          to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs,
          representatives, successors and assigns.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Consulting Agreement as of
the day and year first above written.

ATTEST:                                  MICHAEL BAKER CORPORATION
                                         (The "Corporation")

/s/ H. James McKnight                    By: /s/ Donald P. Fusilli, Jr.
- -------------------------------             --------------------------------
H. James McKnight                           Donald P. Fusilli, Jr.
Secretary                                   President & Chief Executive Officer

WITNESS:                                RICHARD L. SHAW
                                        (The "Executive")

/s/ Marcia S. Wolk                      /s/ Richard L. Shaw
- -------------------------------         ------------------------------------