(As Amended And Restated Effective as of January 1, 2001)

WHEREAS, Erie Indemnity Company (the "Company") maintains the Erie Insurance
Group Employee Savings Plan (the "Plan") under an amendment and restatement
effective as of January 1, 2001;

WHEREAS, the Plan provides that the Company may amend the Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Company wishes to amend the Plan as hereinafter set forth. The
purpose of this Amendment is to make changes in connection with recent
legislative and regulatory changes affecting tax-qualified plans. The provisions
of this Amendment shall be effective as of the dates stated herein. Words and
phrases used herein with initial capital letters which are defined in the Plan
are used herein as defined.

NOW THEREFORE, the Company hereby amends the Plan as follows:

1.    Effective January 1, 2002, the following provisions shall be added to the
      end of the first paragraph of Section 6.3(c) of the Plan:

      "With respect to distribution under the Plan made in calendar years
      beginning on or after January 1, 2002, the Plan will apply the minimum
      distribution requirements of Section 401(a)(9) of the Code in accordance
      with the regulations under Section 401(a)(9) that were proposed in January
      2001, notwithstanding any provisions of the Plan to the contrary. This
      amendment will continue in effect until the end of the last calendar year
      beginning before the effective date of final regulations under Section
      401(a)(9) of the Code or such other date specified in guidance published
      by the Internal Revenue Service."

2.    Effective January 1, 2002, Sections 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 of the Plan shall
      be deleted in their entirety and the following shall be inserted in lieu

      "10.1 Claims Review Procedure.

            The Administrator shall be responsible for the claims procedure
            under the Plan. An application for a distribution, withdrawal or
            loan under the Plan shall be considered a claim for purposes of this
            Article Ten.


      10.2  Original Claim.

            In the event a claim of any Participant, beneficiary, alternate
            payee, or other person (hereinafter referred to in this Section as
            the "Claimant") for a benefit is partially or completely denied, the
            Administrator shall give, within ninety (90) days after receipt of
            the claim (or if special circumstances, made known to the Claimant,
            require an extension of time for processing the claim, within one
            hundred eighty (180) days after receipt of the claim), written
            notice of such denial to the Claimant. Such notice shall set forth,
            in a manner calculated to be understood by the Claimant, the
            specific reason or reasons for the denial (with reference to
            pertinent Plan provisions upon which the denial is based); an
            explanation of additional material or information, if any, necessary
            for the Claimant to perfect the claim; a statement of why the
            material or information is necessary; on and after January 1, 2002,
            a statement of the Claimant's right to bring a civil action under
            Section 502(a) of ERISA; and an explanation of the Plan's claims
            review procedure, including the time limits applicable to such
            procedure. If the notice of denial is not furnished within the
            required time period specified above, the claim shall be deemed to
            be denied and the Claimant shall be permitted to proceed to the
            review stage described in Section 10.3.

      10.3  Review of Denied Claim.

            (a)   A Claimant whose claim is partially or completely denied shall
                  have the right to request a full and fair review of the denial
                  by a written request delivered to the Administrator within
                  sixty (60) days of receipt of the written notice of claim
                  denial (or sixty (60) days after the date on which the claim
                  is deemed denied under Section 10.2), or within such longer
                  time as the Administrator, under uniform rules, determines. In
                  such review, the Claimant or his duly authorized
                  representative shall have the right to review, upon request
                  and free of charge, all documents, records or other
                  information relevant to the claim and to submit any written
                  comments, documents, or records relating to the claim to the

            (b)   The Administrator, within sixty (60) days after the request
                  for review, or in special circumstances, such as where the
                  Administrator in its sole discretion holds a hearing, within
                  one hundred twenty (120) days of the request for review, will
                  submit its decision in writing. Such decision shall take into
                  account all comments, documents, records and other information
                  properly submitted by the Claimant, whether or not such
                  information was considered in the original claim
                  determination. The decision on review will be binding on all
                  parties, will be written in a manner calculated to be
                  understood by the Claimant, will contain specific reasons for
                  the decision and specific references to the pertinent Plan
                  provisions upon which the decision is based, will indicate


                  that the Claimant may review, upon request and free of charge,
                  all documents, records or other information relevant to the
                  claim and on and after January 1, 2002, will contain a
                  statement of the Claimant's right to bring a civil action
                  under Section 502(a) of ERISA. If no decision is made within
                  the time period specified above, the claim shall be deemed to
                  be denied on review.

            (c)   If a Claimant fails to file a claim or request for review in
                  the manner and in accordance with the time limitations
                  specified herein, such claim or request for review shall be
                  waived, and the Claimant shall thereafter be barred from again
                  asserting such claim.

      10.4  Determination by the Administrator Conclusive.

            The Administrator's determination of factual matters relating to
            Participants, beneficiaries and alternate payees shall be
            conclusive. The Administrator and the Company and its respective
            officers and directors shall be entitled to rely upon all tables,
            valuations, certificates and reports furnished by any accountant for
            the Plan, the Trustee or any investment managers and upon opinions
            given by any legal counsel for the Plan insofar as such reliance is
            consistent with ERISA. The Trustee and other service providers may
            act and rely upon all information reported to them by the
            Administrator and/or the Company and need not inquire into the
            accuracy thereof nor shall be charged with any notice to the

3.    Effective January 1, 2001, a new section shall be added to Article Eleven
      of the Plan and such new section shall read as follows:

      "8.15 Provision for Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000

            For Plan Years and limitation years ending on and after January 1,
            2001, the definition of "Test Compensation" shall include elective
            amounts that are not includable in the gross income of the Employee
            by reason of Section 132(f)(4) of the Code."

4.    Effective January 1, 2002, Section 14.2(c) of the Plan shall be deleted in
      its entirety and the following shall be inserted in lieu thereof:

            "(c)  Length of Loan. The Eligible Applicant and the Administrator
                  shall arrange for the repayment of a Plan loan. The period of
                  repayment shall not exceed five years from the date the loan
                  is made. All repayment schedules (whether by payroll
                  withholding or otherwise) shall commence as of the next
                  administratively feasible pay period following the
                  disbursement of the loan


                  and shall provide for substantially level amortization of
                  principal and interest.

                  An Eligible Applicant on a leave of absence shall be permitted
                  to extend the term of the loan by the length of the absence;
                  provided, however, that except with respect to a leave of
                  absence on account of military service, the term of the loan,
                  as extended, shall not exceed five years from the date the
                  loan is made. An Eligible Applicant who terminates employment
                  with the Company and Affiliates must make principal and
                  interest payments in the amount and on such dates as otherwise
                  due. In the event such payments are not made the maturity of
                  the loan shall be accelerated and the outstanding principal
                  amount of the loan, together with all accrued interest shall
                  be deemed immediately due and distributable at such date or
                  dates as the Administrator deems reasonable and as may be
                  specified by applicable law and regulation. Except as
                  otherwise permitted in Income Tax Regulations, in no event
                  shall the date of deemed distribution extend beyond the end of
                  the calendar quarter next following the calender quarter in
                  which the payment was not made."

Executed at Erie, Pennsylvania, this 10th day of December, 2001.

                                             ERIE INDEMNITY COMPANY

                                             By: /s/ Stephen A. Milne
                                                Stephen A. Milne
                                                President and CEO
