CORPORATION BUREAU

                      Articles of Incorporation-For Profit
                                  (15 Pa.C.S.)

Entity Number  [x] Business-stock (Section 1306)             [ ] Management (Section 2703)
   3175561     [ ] Business-nonstock (Section 2102)          [ ] Professional (Section 2903)
               [ ] Business-statutory close (Section 2303)   [ ] Insurance (Section 3101)
               [ ] Cooperative (Section 7102)

Name                                     DOCUMENT WILL BE RETURNED TO THE
                                         NAME AND ADDRESS YOU ENTER TO THE LEFT.
CT CORP-COUNTER                          -

- -------------------------------------
City         State           Zip Code

Fee: $100                        Filed in the Department of State on OCT 29 2003

                                 /s/ Pedro A. Cortes
                                 Secretary of the Commonwealth

       In compliance with the requirements of the applicable provisions
(relating to corporations and unincorporated associations), the undersigned,
desiring to incorporate a corporation for profit, hereby states that:

1.   The name of the corporation (corporate designator required, i.e.,
     "corporation", "incorporated", "limited" "company" or any
     abbreviation. "Professional corporation" or "P.C"):

General Nutrition Incorporated

2.   The (a) address of this corporation's current registered office in
     this Commonwealth (post office box, alone, is not acceptable) or (b)
     name of its commercial registered office provider and the county of
     venue is:

     (a) Number and Street       City          State        Zip           County

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (b) Name of Commercial Registered Office Provider                    County

c/o: CT Corporation System                                          Philadelphia
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.   The corporation is incorporated under the provisions of the Business
     Corporation Law of 1988.

4.   The aggregate number of shares authorized: 3000

DSCB: 15-1306, 2102/2303/2702/2903/3101/7102A-2

     5.   The name and address, including number and street, if any, of each
          incorporator (all incorporators must sign below):

          Name                                   Address

          Guy E. Snyder 222 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60601

     6.   The specified effective date, if any:
                                                month/day/year hour, if any

     7.   Additional provisions of the articles, if any, attach an 8 1/2 by 11

     8.   Statutory close corporation only: Neither the corporation nor any
          shareholder shall make an offering of any of its shares of any class
          that would constitute a "public offering" within the meaning of the
          Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. 77a et seq.)

     9.   Cooperative corporations only: Complete and strike out inapplicable

          The common bond of membership among its members/shareholders is:-----.

                                      IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the incorporator(s)
                                      has/have signed these Articles of
                                      Incorporation this

                                      28th day of October, 2003.

                                      /s/ Guy E. Snyder
