AMENDED AND RESTATED
                           SECURITY DEPOSIT AGREEMENT

         Effective as of December 21, 2001, Administaff of Texas, Inc.
("Administaff") and United HealthCare Insurance Company ("United HealthCare")
(collectively Administaff and United HealthCare are referred to as the
"Parties") agree as follows:

1.       Administaff shall remit a security deposit to United HealthCare in the
         amount of Fifteen Million and No/100 Dollars ($15,000,000) on or before
         December 31, 2001 plus an additional Five Million and No/100 Dollars
         ($5,000,000) before April 1, 2002 and an additional Five Million and
         No/100 Dollars ($5,000,000) before September 30, 2002 (collectively
         known as the "Security Deposit"). For the 2003 calendar year, the
         Security Deposit shall be Twenty-Five Million and No/100 Dollars
         ($25,000,000). Unless amended in writing by the Parties, beginning in
         the 2004 calendar year, the Security Deposit will be adjusted as of
         January 1st of each calendar year during the term of the Insurance
         Program to an amount equal to the greater of (i) $22,500,000 or (ii)
         7.5 percent of the Aggregate Payable Rate (using the number of covered
         employees under Policies and Non-MP Policies as of December 15 of the
         prior year) for the first quarter of the applicable calendar year
         multiplied by four. On or before January 1st of each calendar year
         during the term of the Insurance Program as defined in section 6 below,
         Administaff will remit any deficit in the above-required Security
         Deposit to United HealthCare or United HealthCare will remit any
         surplus in the above-required Security Deposit to Administaff.

2.       United HealthCare will credit interest to the Security Deposit as of
         the end of each calendar month. The interest credited for each month
         will be based on (i) the daily balance in the Security Deposit for the
         month and (ii) an annual interest rate equal to the average, for that
         month and the two immediately preceding months, of the yields at
         auction (on a bank-discount basis) for three-month Treasury bills, plus
         25 basis points.

         United HealthCare may change the method of crediting interest described
         above by giving ninety days written notice of such change to
         Administaff. However, such change shall apply only as of the first day
         of the calendar year beginning after the 90-day notice period.

3.       United HealthCare may without any further authorization from
         Administaff draw against such Security Deposit and retain such draw
         upon the following circumstances:

         a.       United HealthCare may draw on the Security Deposit upon a
                  failure by Administaff to pay (i) any amount then currently
                  payable under the Insurance Program, including but not limited
                  to, any amount described in


                  section 4(b)(v) of the Minimum Premium Financial Agreement, or
                  (ii) any amount due under any United HealthCare policy in
                  effect following termination of the Minimum Premium Financial
                  Agreement; provided, however, that any draw shall only be
                  allowed under this Section 3.a. up to an amount not greater
                  than the Aggregate Payable Rate for the applicable calendar
                  year quarter reduced by any amount related to such Aggregate
                  Payable Rate otherwise paid by Administaff within *** business
                  days of the final due date of such amount or any applicable
                  incremental amount thereof.

         b.       United HealthCare may draw on the Security Deposit in an
                  amount equal to United HealthCare's Accumulated Deficit as of
                  the date that (i) Administaff's public rating on short-term
                  debt falls below Investment Grade and on the last day of any
                  subsequent calendar month in which Administaff's public rating
                  is still below Investment Grade, (ii) Administaff fails to
                  cure or a creditor fails to waive a default by Administaff or
                  its affiliates on their material obligations under their
                  revolving line of credit facility (or under any future
                  revolving line of credit facility or successor credit
                  facility) and on the last day of any subsequent calendar month
                  in which such default continues to exist without having been
                  cured or waived, or (iii) Administaff's current ratio (i.e.,
                  current assets over current liabilities) is less than 6.0 to
                  1.0 and on the last day of any subsequent calendar month in
                  which such a current ratio continues to exist (each of (i),
                  (ii) and (iii) are referred to as a "Trigger Event" or
                  collectively, the "Trigger Events"). If a Trigger Event occurs
                  other than at the end of a calendar year, United HealthCare
                  will determine the Accumulated Deficit as of that date, but in
                  accordance with the annual review principles described in
                  Exhibit A of the Minimum Premium Financial Agreement.
                  Administaff must notify United HealthCare immediately upon the
                  occurrence of any of the Trigger Events.

4.       In addition to United HealthCare's right to draw against the Security
         Deposit in accordance with Section 3 above, upon a termination of the
         Minimum Premium Financial Agreement, United HealthCare without any
         further authorization from Administaff may draw against the Security
         Deposit and retain such draw as follows:

         a.       Immediately following completion of the Initial Termination
                  Review, United HealthCare may withdraw from the Security
                  Deposit an amount equal to any Accumulated Deficit identified
                  in that review.

         b.       Immediately following completion of the Final Termination
                  Review, United HealthCare may withdraw from the Security
                  Deposit an amount equal to any Accumulated Deficit identified
                  in that review.


5.       Any amount withdrawn against the Security Deposit by United HealthCare
         shall be credited as Policy Revenue under, and to the extent provided
         in, Exhibit A of the Minimum Premium Financial Agreement.

6.       The below indicated defined terms when initially capitalized in this
         Agreement shall have the following meanings. Capitalized terms not
         defined in this section shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the
         Minimum Premium Financial Agreement.

                  "INSURANCE PROGRAM" means the program of medical and dental
         insurance and related services provided through the Policies and the
         Non-MP Policies.

                  "MINIMUM PREMIUM FINANCIAL AGREEMENT" is the Minimum Premium
         Financial Agreement by and between Administaff of Texas, Inc. and
         United HealthCare Insurance Company, as amended from time to time.

                  "AGGREGATE PAYABLE RATE" - for a calendar year quarter means
         an amount equal to the product of (i) the applicable "Monthly Payable
         Rate" (defined in or pursuant to Exhibit A of the Minimum Premium
         Financial Agreement) multiplied by three, and (ii) the number of
         employees covered under the Policies and the Non-MP Policies in a given
         month determined as of the 15th day of the applicable month.

7.       In the event that Administaff fails to make any of the deposits
         required by Section 1 above, then United HealthCare shall not be
         obligated to perform under the Minimum Premium Financial Agreement and
         the MP Administrative Services Agreement for all periods subsequent to
         the date of Administaff's failure to make such deposit.

8.       Within 10 days after completion of the Final Termination Review, United
         HealthCare shall return to Administaff any balance of the Security
         Deposit remaining after United HealthCare has exercised its right to
         draw on the Security Deposit as provided in this Security Deposit

9.       The right to draw against the Security Deposit under the Agreement
         shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other remedy available
         at law or in equity to United HealthCare, and any such draw by United
         HealthCare shall not cure Administaff's failure to pay amounts due,
         without United HealthCare's express written consent.

10.      This Security Deposit Agreement shall replace and render null and void
         any agreements relating to any security deposit previously entered into
         by the Parties. Any remittances of funds by Administaff pursuant to any
         previous security deposit agreement shall be considered performance
         under this Security Deposit Agreement.


                                             INSURANCE COMPANY

/s/ Howard G. Buff                           /s/ William A. Munsel
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Date: 6/25/02                                Date: 6/25/02
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