RELIANT ENERGY, INCORPORATED
                                  SAVINGS PLAN

                (As Amended and Restated Effective April 1, 1999)

                                Fourth Amendment

         The Benefits Committee of Reliant Energy, Incorporated (the
"Committee"), having reserved the right under Section 10.3 of the Reliant
Energy, Incorporated Savings Plan, as amended and restated effective April 1,
1999, and as thereafter amended (the "Plan"), to amend the Plan, does hereby
amend the Plan, in accordance with the January 9, 2002 and May 1, 2002
resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Company, effective as of the dates
specified herein, as follows:

         1. Effective as of May 6, 2002, Article I of the Plan is hereby amended
to add the following new definition of "Reliant Energy Common Stock Fund" as
Section 1.56, and all subsequent definitions are hereby redesignated and all
affected references are hereby amended accordingly:

                  "1.56 RELIANT ENERGY COMMON STOCK FUND: An Investment Fund
         that is invested and reinvested primarily in Common Stock and
         constitutes an employee stock ownership plan, within the meaning of
         Section 4975(e) of the Code, with such fund a part of, and included
         within, the ESOP Fund and ESOP Account."

         2. Effective as of July 1, 2002, the fourth sentence in the first
paragraph of Section 4.2 of the Plan is hereby amended to read as follows:

         "Effective as of July 1, 2002, a Participant's Pre-Tax Contributions
         under this Plan and all other plans, contracts or arrangements of the
         Employer shall not exceed a maximum dollar limitation provided under
         Code Section 402(g), as adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury or
         his delegate for cost-of-living increases pursuant to Code Section
         402(g), except to the extent permitted under this Section 4.2 with
         respect to Catch-Up Contributions."

         3. Effective as of July 1, 2002, Section 4.2 of the Plan is hereby
amended by adding the following new paragraph after the second paragraph

                  "Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, from and after July
         1, 2002, all Employees who are eligible to make Pre-Tax Contributions
         under this Plan and who have attained age 50 before the close of the
         Plan Year shall be eligible to make catch-up contributions in
         accordance with, and subject to the limitations of, Section 414(v) of
         the Code ('Catch-Up Contributions') in the form and manner prescribed
         by the Committee. Such Catch-Up Contributions shall not be taken into
         account for purposes of the provisions of the Plan implementing the
         required limitations of Sections 402(g) and 415 of the Code. The Plan
         shall not be treated as failing to satisfy the provisions of the Plan
         implementing the requirements of Section 401(k)(3), 401(k)(11),
         401(k)(12), 410(b), or 416 of the Code, as applicable, by reason of the
         making of such Catch-Up Contributions."

         4. Effective as of May 6, 2002, Section 5.3(b) of the Plan is hereby
amended to read as follows:

                  "(b) ESOP Accounts: Other than with respect to the portion of
         the ESOP Account attributable to the Reliant Energy Common Stock Fund,
         the ESOP Account of each Participant who is a Reliant Employee shall
         have credited to his ESOP Account his allocable portion of (i) the
         Company Stock investment in the ESOP Fund purchased and paid for by the
         Trust (other than Financed Stock) or contributed in kind by the Reliant
         Employer, (ii) forfeitures from the ESOP Fund, (iii) the Company Stock
         investment in the ESOP Fund released from the Stock Suspense Account
         and (iv) any cash held in the ESOP Fund. Except as provided below with
         respect to the Reliant Energy Common Stock Fund, allocations shall be
         made in the ratio that the sum of each such Participant's Pre-Tax
         Matched Contribution and After-Tax Matched Contribution for the period
         bears to the total Pre-Tax Matched Contributions and After-Tax Matched
         Contributions of all such Participants for the period. The foregoing
         allocations shall be made as soon as practicable after the close of
         each payroll period in an amount not to exceed 75% of the total of each
         such eligible Participant's Pre-Tax Matched Contribution and After-Tax
         Matched Contribution and, if applicable, after the close of the first
         quarter following the end of the applicable Plan Year in an amount
         equal to the discretionary allocation percentage of the total of each
         such eligible Participant's Pre-Tax Matched Contribution and After-Tax
         Matched Contribution in accordance with Section 4.1(b). Allocations to
         the portion of the ESOP Fund that is the Reliant Energy Common Stock
         Fund shall be made in accordance with Section 5.3(a)(i)."


         5. Effective as of May 6, 2002, clauses (i) and (ii) of subsection (d)
of Section 5.3 of the Plan are hereby amended to read as follows:

                           "(i) Earnings of the Investment Fund: The earnings
                  (or loss) of the Investment Fund, including the Reliant Energy
                  Common Stock Fund, since the preceding Valuation Date
                  (including the appreciation or depreciation in value of the
                  assets of the Investment Fund) shall be allocated to the
                  Accounts of Participants (other than a terminated
                  Participant's Accounts which have become current obligations
                  of the Investment Fund) in proportion to the balances in such
                  Accounts on the preceding Valuation Date, but after first
                  reducing each such Account balance by any distribution from
                  such Account since the preceding Valuation Date.

                           (ii) Income and Appreciation in Value of Stock
                  Suspense Account and ESOP Accounts, Other Than the Reliant
                  Energy Common Stock Fund, in the Trust Fund: Other than with
                  respect to the Reliant Energy Common Stock Fund, the income of
                  the ESOP Fund shall be allocated in proportion to the
                  balances, as of the preceding Valuation Date, in the Stock
                  Suspense Account and the ESOP Accounts, but after first
                  reducing each such Account balance by any distributions or
                  charges from such Accounts since the preceding Valuation Date.
                  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Plan, if and
                  to the extent that dividends credited to Participants' ESOP
                  Accounts are used to amortize an Exempt Loan pursuant to
                  Section 5.6, an interest in the ESOP Fund with a fair market
                  value not less than the amount of such dividends must be
                  allocated to the Participants' ESOP Accounts (resulting from
                  the release of Financed Stock attributable to such use of
                  dividends to amortize the Exempt Loan) for the year of payment
                  of such dividends to the Plan, and the Company shall make such
                  additional Employer Matching Contributions as are necessary to
                  accomplish such result. Any dividends with respect to Financed
                  Stock that are used to amortize an Exempt Loan shall be used
                  first to repay current principal and then to repay current
                  interest with respect to such loan."

         6. Effective as of July 1, 2002, paragraph (5) of Section 5.5(d) of the
Plan is hereby amended to read as follows:

                  "5. Maximum Permissible Amount: Except to the extent permitted
         under Section 4.2 with respect to Catch-Up Contributions and Code
         Section 414(v), if applicable, for a Limitation Year, the Maximum
         Permissible Amount with respect to any Participant shall be the lesser


                                            A. $40,000, as adjusted by the
                           Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate pursuant to
                           Code Section 415(d); or

                                            B. 100% of the Participant's
                           Compensation for the Limitation Year."

         7. Effective as of May 6, 2002, the first paragraph of Section 6.1 of
the Plan is hereby amended to add the following new sentence to the end thereof:

         "The foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding, a Participant who is an
         active Employee and eligible to participate in the Plan on or after May
         6, 2002 shall be 100% and fully vested in the values of his Accounts as
         of May 6, 2002 (if any) and in all Employer Contributions to his
         Accounts made on and after May 6, 2002."

         8. Effective as of May 6, 2002, Section 6.5 of the Plan is hereby
amended to read as follows:

                  "6.5 In-Service Distributions: A Participant may elect, in
         such manner and pursuant to such rules and procedures prescribed by the
         Committee, to have cash dividends paid with respect to shares of
         Company Stock in the Participant's ESOP Account (1) paid in cash to the
         Participant or (2) paid to the Participant's ESOP Account and
         reinvested in Company Stock, in accordance with, and subject to, the
         requirements of Code Section 404(k), as amended by the Economic Growth
         and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001. Participants shall be
         provided a reasonable opportunity to change their election at least

                  Otherwise, except to the extent that distribution of a
         Participant's Account is required prior to termination of his
         employment under Section 6.10 hereof (in the case of a Participant
         whose required beginning date occurs prior to his termination of
         employment) or under Section 10.5 hereof relating to termination of the
         Plan, or at the election of the Participant under Article VII hereof
         relating to certain withdrawals and loans, no distribution or
         withdrawal of any benefits under the Plan shall be permitted prior to
         the Participant's "separation from service, death or disability" within
         the meaning of Code Section 401(k) and the regulations thereunder other
         than a distribution authorized under the Plan upon the occurrence of an
         event described in, and made in accordance with, Code Section
         401(k)(10) or any successor provision of the Code."


         9. Effective as of May 6, 2002, Section 8.1 of the Plan is hereby
amended to read as follows:

                  "8.1 Investment of Trust Fund: Except as provided in Article
         VII with respect to Plan loans and as otherwise provided below, the
         Trustee shall divide the Trust Fund into Investment Funds, as set forth
         in Attachment A hereto, with such attachment hereby incorporated by
         reference as a part of the Plan, in accordance with the directions of
         the Participant and following such rules and procedures prescribed by
         the Committee. Notwithstanding any provision in this Section 8.1 to the
         contrary, prior to May 6, 2002, a Participant (a) may not direct the
         investment of the amounts in his (i) Reliant Employer Matching Account
         (including amounts contributed to a Participant's 'Employer Matching
         Account' prior to March 1, 2001 (as such term was defined under the
         Plan immediately prior to March 1, 2001)), (ii) ESOP Account, or (iii)
         Prior Plan 1999 Matching Account into any Investment Fund other than
         the Reliant Energy Common Stock Fund, as described in Attachment A
         hereto, except as provided in Section 8.2.

                  The Committee from time to time may revise the number and type
         of Investment Funds provided in Attachment A. Subject to such rules and
         procedures adopted by the Committee, each Participant shall have the
         right to direct the Committee or any agent appointed by the Committee
         to administer the investment of the Trust Fund to instruct the Trustee
         to invest his (i) Pre-Tax Contributions, (ii) After-Tax Contributions,
         (iii) Employer Contributions, (iv) amounts in his Prior Plan Accounts,
         and (v) Rollover Account, and the earnings and accretions thereon, in
         any whole percentages totaling 100% among the Investment Funds.

                  With no restrictions on frequency, each Participant may, by
         electronic, telephonic, written or other such manner as may be
         prescribed from time to time by the Committee and subject to any
         restrictions or conditions that may be established by the Committee,
         direct (1) the investment of his future (i) After-Tax Contributions,
         (ii) Pre-Tax Contributions and Employer Contributions, and (2) the
         transfer of the current values in his (i) After-Tax Contribution
         Account, (ii) Pre-Tax Contribution Account, (iii) Prior Plan Accounts,
         (iv) Employer Matching Account, (v) Profit Sharing Account, (vi) ESOP
         Account and/or (vii) Rollover Account among the various Investment
         Funds in any whole percentages totaling 100%. Any such change in
         Investment Funds shall be effective as soon as reasonably practicable
         following receipt of the change of Investment Funds, but in no event
         shall such change be effective earlier than the close of business on
         the Valuation Date on which such change is received. If a Participant
         fails to make a proper designation, then his Account shall be invested
         as soon as administratively feasible in the Investment Fund or Funds
         specified by the Committee from time to time in a uniform and
         nondiscriminatory manner.

                  Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, and subject to
         Section 6.5, interest, dividends and other income and all profits and
         gains produced by each

         Investment Fund shall be paid in such Investment Fund, and such
         interest, dividends and other income, and profits or gains without
         distinction between principal and income, shall be invested and
         reinvested, but only in property of the class hereinabove specified for
         the particular Investment Fund. In making payments in respect of Exempt
         Loans, the Trustee shall utilize income and ESOP Contributions as is
         specified in Section 5.3 hereof; namely, that income shall be first
         used to fund principal payments and ESOP Contributions shall be first
         used to fund interest payments. All purchases of Company Stock shall be
         made at prices which, in the judgment of the Trustee, do not exceed the
         fair market value of such Company Stock. Pending such investment or
         application of cash, the Trustee may retain cash uninvested without
         liability for interest if it is prudent to do so, or may invest all or
         any part thereof in Treasury Bills, commercial paper, or like holdings.

                  It is hereby explicitly provided and expressly acknowledged
         that up to 100% of the assets of the Plan held in the Trust Fund may be
         invested in Common Stock, as contemplated by the exception provided in
         Section 407(b) of ERISA."

         10. Effective as of May 6, 2002, Section 8.2 of the Plan is hereby
amended to read as follows:

                  "8.2 Diversification Election: Each Qualified Participant (as
         defined herein) may elect, within 90 days after the close of each Plan
         Year in the initial election period (as defined herein), to direct the
         investment of up to 25% of the sum of the balances in the Participant's
         Reliant Employer Matching Account, ESOP Account and Prior Plan 1999
         Matching Account (to the extent such portion exceeds the amount to
         which a prior election to diversify under this Section 8.2(a) applies)
         into any or all Investment Funds (with the exception of the Reliant
         Energy Common Stock Fund, as applicable) and such diversification shall
         be made no later than as required under Code Section 401(a)(28). In the
         Plan Year after the initial election period, the percentage shall be
         50% instead of 25%. A Qualified Participant is any Participant who has
         completed at least 10 years of participation in the Plan and applicable
         Prior Plan and who has attained age 55. The initial election period
         means the five Plan Year period beginning with the first Plan Year on
         or after January 1, 1992 in which the Participant first became a
         qualified Participant."

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Benefits Committee of Reliant Energy,
Incorporated has caused these presents to be executed by its duly authorized
Chairman in a number of copies, all of which shall constitute one and the same
instrument, which may be sufficiently evidenced by any executed copy hereof,
effective as of the dates specified above.


                                       BENEFITS COMMITTEE OF
                                       RELIANT ENERGY, INCORPORATED

                                       By: /s/ David M. McClanahan
                                           David M. McClanahan, Chairman


/s/ Lynne Harkel-Rumford
- -------------------------------
Lynne Harkel-Rumford, Secretary
