March 31, 2004

      Common and Class B Common stockholders have the same rights, except (1) no
cash dividend may be paid on Class B Common Stock and (2) the two classes of
stock are voted separately in electing directors. A provision in the by-laws
requires an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the directors to approve
any proposal which may come before the directors. This by-law provision cannot
be changed without a majority vote of each class of stock.

      Common stockholders, with cumulative voting rights, may elect five of the
nine directors. Class B Common stockholders may, with no cumulative voting
rights, elect four directors, if 1,050,000 or more shares of Class B Common
Stock are outstanding; three directors, if between 600,000 and 1,050,000 shares
of Class B Common Stock are outstanding; if less than 600,000 shares of Class B
Common Stock are outstanding, the Common Stock and the Class B Common Stock
shall be voted as a single class upon all matters, with the right to cumulate
votes for the election of directors.

      No change in the Certificate of Incorporation which would affect the
Common Stock and the Class B Common Stock unequally shall be made without the
affirmative vote of at least a majority of the outstanding shares of each class,
voting as a class.

      Class B Common Stock may, at any time, be converted by its shareholders
into Common Stock on a share-for-share basis, but all of the holders of Class B
Common Stock have agreed among themselves not to convert their stock. The
agreement may be extended or terminated by them at any time. Such conversion is
mandatory on any transfer to a person not a lineal descendant (or spouse,
trustee, etc. of such descendant) of William H. Stewart.