DATE: 21 December 2001

1.       PARTIES

         This Agreement is entered into between:

         E.P. INTEROIL, LTD, a company incorporated under the laws of the Cayman
         Islands with its registered office at c/o Maples and Calder, Ugland
         House, South Church Street, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands,
         British West Indies ("BUYER"); and

         BP SINGAPORE PTE LIMITED a company registered in Singapore with its
         registered office at 396 Alexandra Road # 01-01 BP Tower, Singapore
         119954 ("SELLER").

2.       SCOPE

         Seller agrees to sell and to be the exclusive marketing agent for the
         supply of crude oil ("CRUDE") to Buyer or a nominated related company,
         subject to Seller's prior approval, not to be unreasonably withheld, to
         provide for all the crude oil requirements of the Buyer's oil refinery
         at Napa Napa near Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea (the "INTEROIL
         REFINERY") in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. This
         Agreement comprises the following Special Provisions and the General
         Terms & Conditions for Sales and Purchases of Crude Oil (BP Oil
         International Limited General Terms & Conditions for Sales and
         Purchases of Crude Oil 2000 Edition) attached as Annexure `A'. If there
         is any conflict between the terms of these Special Provisions and the
         terms of the General Terms & Conditions, the former will prevail.

         As exclusive marketing agent for Crude supply to the InterOil Refinery,
         Seller undertakes to act in good faith and use its reasonable
         endeavours to:

         (a)      ensure a competitive CIF price for Crude delivered to the
                  InterOil Refinery; and

         (b)      supply a steady volume of Crude to the InterOil Refinery in
                  accordance with the scheduling/nomination provisions under
                  clause 4 such that the InterOil Refinery incurs no loss of
                  crude run.

3.       CRUDE

3.1      TYPE

         The Crude shall be, when available, Kutubu Blend crude oil ("KUTUBU
         BLEND CRUDE"), in running production quality and may be substituted by
         similar crudes from a pre-determined basket subject to prior agreement
         by both parties.


         The Seller may, and would be expected to nominate Crude outside this
         basket if it believes that Crude offers excess value to the InterOil
         Refinery. Such Crude may include crudes such as distressed cargoes or
         West African crudes.

         The Seller agrees to work with the Buyer's scheduler/LP planner to
         supply the optimum Crude on the day crude selection and purchase
         decision is made with the Buyer having last say on Crude supplied
         (subject to availability).

3.2      DELIVERY

         Subject to agreement on price under clause 3.3 the Seller shall deliver
         the Crude to the InterOil Refinery as and when, and in the amounts
         required by the Buyer, for processing in the InterOil Refinery in
         accordance with the scheduling/nomination provisions in clause 4.

         The Buyer shall make available to the Seller a terminal and berth that
         is both safe and meets an International level of HSSE standards in
         accordance with the following publications by Witherbys:

         -    ISGOTT

         -    Mooring Equipment Guidelines

         -    Guide to Marine Terminal Fire Protection and Emergency Evacuation.

         Such terminal shall be made available for inspection at the reasonable
         request of the Seller and Buyer agrees to work with Seller to rectify
         problems highlighted in such inspections.

         The Seller acknowledges the terms of the Project Agreement dated 29 May
         1997 (as amended and extended by the Extension Deed dated 1 July 1999)
         between the Buyer as Developer, InterOil Limited as the Refiner and the
         Independent State of Papua New Guinea (copy attached hereto as Annexure
         `B'). The Seller agrees to act in good faith; to use all reasonable
         efforts to ensure Crude Access (as defined in that Agreement) and not
         to frustrate the Buyer's ability to purchase Kutubu Blend Crude.

3.3      PRICE

         [deleted for confidentiality]


3.4      PAYMENT

         The Buyer shall pay the Seller within 30 days after Bill of Lading date
         (unless both parties mutually agree alternate terms on a cargo-by-cargo
         basis) however payment may be made up to 45 days after Bill of Lading
         date if the Buyer pays interest on the payment amount at the rate of
         LIBOR plus 2% pa. for the excess period over 30 days.

         Payment shall be made by means of an irrevocable documentary letter of
         credit in accordance with the provisions of section 23.8 of the General
         Terms & Conditions. Said letter of credit shall be opened with a bank
         of investment grade standard and be in a form and substance acceptable
         to the Seller.

         All banking charges at applicant's bank are for applicant's account and
         beneficiary's bank for beneficiary's account.

         The letter of credit shall be advised to Seller's London office, by not
         later than 1600hrs (London time) 15 working days prior to loading

3.5      FEE

         [deleted for confidentiality]


3.6      SUPPLY

         The Seller will supply the Crude nominated by the Buyer on a delivered
         basis to the InterOil Refinery and title to and risk in such Crude will
         pass to the Buyer at the permanent flange of the discharge jetty at the
         InterOil Refinery.

         The Seller will be responsible for the charter of a mutually acceptable
         vessel at a competitive market rate for delivery of Crude and will
         liaise with the Buyer to ensure freight economics are optimised.

         Quality and quantity will be based on that available at the Port of
         Loading and otherwise will be in accordance with the General Terms &

3.7      SURPLUS

         If the Buyer decides that a cargo is surplus to the requirements of the
         InterOil Refinery after the Buyer has committed to that cargo (for
         whatever reason in the Buyer's sole discretion) or in the event that
         the Buyer/InterOil Refinery is unable to receive a cargo of Crude
         previously agreed for whatever reason, the Seller will use its best
         efforts to obtain the best netback value for the sale of that Crude.
         Any loss resulting from the sale will be borne by the Buyer; any gain
         resulting from the sale will be shared equally by the Buyer and the


         [deleted for confidentiality]



         (a)      The Seller shall arrange deliveries of Crude to the InterOil
                  Refinery based on information provided by the Buyer or Buyer's
                  Representative pursuant to clause 4.2. For this purpose the

                  and the Seller will mutually endeavour to ensure deliveries
                  are scheduled so that production of the InterOil Refinery is
                  not reduced as a result of a Crude shortfall or a delivery of
                  Crude is unable to be discharged due to insufficient ullage in
                  the Refinery Crude tanks.

         (b)      Seller shall use all reasonable efforts to ensure that during
                  any month, deliveries shall occur such that the Crude
                  inventory level does not fall below 80,000 barrels or such
                  other level as may be mutually agreed from time to time.

         (c)      Notwithstanding the right of the Buyer to reduce Refinery
                  Crude runs due to scheduled or unscheduled Refinery
                  maintenance, tank-tops for one or more Refinery products or
                  for general economic considerations, Buyer undertakes to
                  maintain a minimum 75%


                  stream factor when averaged over any rolling 12 month period.
                  In the event that this does not occur then Buyer and Seller
                  will, within 30 days of the 12 month period, discuss and agree
                  in good faith a pro rata increase in the commission fee.
                  Seller reserves the right to terminate this Agreement, upon 60
                  days notice, in the event that the stream factor in any
                  rolling 12 month period falls below 50%.


         Buyer or Buyer's Representative shall provide the following information
         to the Seller:

         (a)      every Tuesday, or as soon as practicable each week, the crude
                  inventory and crude usage forecasts for the InterOil Refinery
                  for the current month and the next succeeding 2 months,
                  highlighting the last possible date as contemplated under
                  clause 4.1(b) by which the next delivery must arrive;

         (b)      notice as soon as practicable of any material increase or
                  decrease (of 10% or more over any one week period) in
                  forecasts of crude usage or inventory;

         (c)      notice as soon as possible of operational circumstances that
                  will reduce the capacity of either of the two proposed crude
                  storage tanks;

         (d)      at least 60 days notice of scheduled maintenance of any of the
                  InterOil Refinery marine and other facilities (including the
                  loading terminal), or unavailability of resources, which will
                  either impact on Refinery crude usage or impose constraints on
                  Seller's ability to deliver Crude.


         Buyer and Seller acknowledge that the following nomination procedures
         must work equitably for both parties and be acceptable to the Kutubu
         Offtake Coordinator. To the extent that the following procedures are
         shown to be impractical then both parties will work together to agree
         an amended set of procedures:


         (a)      On or before the 15th day of month x, Seller will use best
                  efforts based on the Kutubu Offtake Coordinator's forecast
                  production to provide the following information to Buyer or
                  Buyer's Representative:

                  (i)   tentative 5 day loading windows for the available Crude
                        cargoes in month x+3;

                  (ii)  firm 5 day loading windows for the available crude
                        cargoes in month x+2 and firm price indications for such
                        cargoes in accordance with clause 3.3 of this Agreement;

                  (iii) firm 2 day loading windows in month x+1 for those
                        cargoes previously agreed between the Buyer and the
                        Seller; and

                  (iv)  full details, including CIF price, quality, loading
                        dates and estimated arrival dates of any alternative
                        Crudes that Seller may wish to propose for delivery in
                        month x+2.

         (b)      Not later than the 28th day of month x, the Buyer will
                  nominate which Crude cargoes it will commit to buy for
                  delivery in month x+2.


         (a)      The Loading Date Range for Kutubu Blend Crude cargoes will be
                  advised by the Seller to the Buyer on a regular basis in
                  accordance with advice from the Kutubu Offtake Coordinator.

         (b)      For alternate Crude deliveries:

                  (i)   the Buyer and the Seller will agree a 10 day arrival
                        window (ADR 10) at the time of commitment to the cargo
                        which will be narrowed by the Seller to a 5 day window
                        (ADR 5) (within ADR 10) 30 days prior to vessel arrival;

                  (ii)  no Later than 15 days prior to the first day of the ADR
                        5, the Seller shall further narrow this range to a three
                        day arrival window (ADR 3) which shall fall fully within
                        the previously advised ADR 5 unless the Parties mutually
                        agree otherwise.


         (a)      The supply of Crude under this Agreement will be for a term of
                  5 years from the Bill of Lading date of the first loading of
                  the supply of Crude to the InterOil Refinery.

         (b)      This Agreement may only be terminated in accordance with this
                  clause 5 and Section 27 of the General Terms & Conditions.


         (c)      The Seller may at its sole discretion (without prejudice to
                  its other rights) either terminate this Agreement or suspend
                  delivery under this Agreement until further notice on
                  notifying the Buyer in writing, if the Buyer fails in its
                  repayment obligations under the Credit and Indemnity Agreement
                  executed by the parties on or about the date of this

         (d)      The Buyer may at its sole discretion (without prejudice to its
                  other rights) either terminate this Agreement or suspend the
                  taking of delivery under this Agreement until further notice
                  on notifying the Seller in writing, if the Seller fails in its
                  obligations under the First Demand Bond executed by the Seller
                  on or about the date of this Agreement.

         (e)      Failure by the Buyer to comply with the requirements of clause
                  3.4, shall be a breach by the Buyer of this Agreement
                  entitling the Seller to terminate this Agreement and claim
                  damages. In any event, whether the Seller has exercised that
                  right to terminate or not, the Seller shall be under no
                  obligation to commence discharge of the shipment in question
                  or loading the shipment in question (as the case may be) and
                  shall be entitled to claim direct damages (including
                  demurrage, if any).

         (f)      Neither party may terminate this Agreement, suspend delivery
                  or the taking of delivery without first giving the other party
                  at least 30 days notice of such intention to terminate or
                  suspend and the opportunity to rectify the cause of such
                  intention to terminate within that time.


         The parties undertake that information listed below which is exchanged
         between the parties pursuant to the Agreement shall be deemed to be
         confidential and the parties agree to keep and maintain, and shall
         cause its employees and agents to keep and maintain, the information
         indicated herein below confidential:-

         (a)      any and all information received, obtained or observed by the
                  parties or its employees and agents in respect of the InterOil
                  Refinery, in particular, the technology, operation and
                  processes utilised in the InterOil Refinery and any commercial
                  information relating thereto; and

         (b)      any and all information received from the parties related
                  companies in relation to supply of the InterOil Refinery which
                  is in writing marked "private and confidential " or


         The parties further undertake to use all such information only for the
         purposes contemplated in the Agreement and will confine such
         information to its directors, officers and employees who are directly
         concerned with such purposes and made aware of its confidential status.

         The foregoing restrictions on the party as the recipient of information
         ("the Recipient") shall not apply to any information which:-

         (c)      the Recipient can prove by documentary evidence, was already
                  in the possession of the Recipient and at the Recipient's free
                  disposal before the Recipient received, obtained or observed
                  the information; or

         (d)      is disclosed to the Recipient without any obligation of
                  confidence by a third party who has not derived it directly or
                  indirectly from the other party or affiliated companies of the
                  other party;

         (e)      is reasonably required by Overseas Private Investment
                  Corporation to be disclosed to it or its nominated advisers;

         (f)      is or becomes public knowledge through no act or default on
                  the part of the Recipient or the Recipient's agents or


         The General Terms & Conditions are varied as follows, and if there is
         any conflict between the terms of these Special Provisions and the
         General Terms & Conditions, the terms of these Special Provisions shall

         (a)      Section 11.1 - The quantity delivered in any cargo shall be
                  that agreed under clause 4 and shall be delivered in one

         (b)      Section 11.3 - Nominated Discharge Port is the InterOil
                  Refinery wharf, Port Moresby Harbour, Papua New Guinea;

         (c)      Section 13.2 - For non Kutubu Crude cargoes running hours
                  shall commence:

                  (i)   berth or no berth, 6 hours after NOR or upon all fast in
                        berth, whichever first occurs, provided that if the
                        Vessel arrives before the first day of ALDR 3, running
                        hours shall not commence until the Vessel is all fast in
                        berth or at 0600hrs on the first day of ALDR3 whichever
                        is the earlier; and

                  (ii)  if the Vessel arrives after the end of ALDR 3, when the
                        Vessel is all fast in berth.

         (d)      Section 18.1.4 - Definition of "banking day" - means a day
                  other than a Saturday or Sunday or statutory "bank holiday" in
                  New York, New York;


         (e)      Section 23.6 - Seller's bank details

                  Pay to Citibank New York

                  Account No. 40595264

                  ABA No. 021000089

                  In favour of BP Singapore Pte Limited

         (f)      Section 26.1 - Indemnities and limitation of liabilities - The
                  Seller shall indemnify the Buyer for loss of crude run due to
                  negligence of the Seller at a rate of USD [deleted for
                  confidentiality] per day, and Seller's liability in respect of
                  direct, indirect or consequential losses or expenses as a
                  result of such loss shall be capped at that rate. Seller's
                  negligence shall be limited to acts or omissions occurring in
                  the course of performance of the supply obligation which
                  actually results in a loss of throughput and shall
                  specifically exclude any event of force majeure.

         (g)      Section 29 - Notices

                  In respect of Seller:      BP Singapore Pte Limited
                                             396 Alexandra Road
                                             #01-01 BP Tower
                                             Singapore 119954
                                             Fax No: 65 275 7659
                                             Richard Massam

                  In respect of the Buyer:   EP InterOil, Ltd
                                             C/- InterOil Australia Pty Ltd
                                             Suite 2 Level 2 Orchid Plaza
                                             79 Abbott Street
                                             Cairns, QLD 4870
                                             Fax No: 61 7 4031 4565
                                             Managing Director

The parties have caused their duly authorised representatives to execute this
Agreement on the 20th day of December 2001.

E.P. INTEROIL, LTD                           BP SINGAPORE PTE LIMITED

- -----------------------------------          ----------------------------------

Name  :                                      Name  :

Title :                                      Title :




                            BP SINGAPORE PTE LIMITED



                                EP INTEROIL, LTD



                          BP OIL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED

                           GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS

                           FOR SALES AND PURCHASES OF

                                    CRUDE OIL