SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                                (AMENDMENT NO. )
                           FILED BY THE REGISTRANT [X]
                           Check the appropriate box:
                         [ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
        [ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
                                Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
                         [X] Definitive Proxy Statement
                       [ ] Definitive Additional Materials
         [ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to 240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-12

                                   WM TRUST II
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

(1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
    Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
    calculated and state how it was determined):

(4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5) Total fee paid:

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
    0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
    previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
    or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

(1) Amount Previously Paid:

(2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3) Filing Party:

(4) Date Filed:


                                     Q & A
                             SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND


The Board of Trustees of WM Trust II, on behalf of its Small Cap Growth Fund
(the "Fund"), has scheduled a special meeting of shareholders on March 24, 2005
at 10:00 a.m., Pacific time for the purpose of approving sub-advisory agreements
relating to the Fund between WM Advisors, Inc. (the "Advisor"), the Fund, and
Oberweis Asset Management, Inc. ("Oberweis"), and between the Advisor, the Fund,
and Delaware Management Company ("Delaware Management"). The Board believes that
the proposed agreements would be in the best interest of shareholders and
recommends that you vote "FOR" their approval.


As part of its ongoing evaluation of the Fund and its investment advisors, the
Advisor has determined that the Fund would benefit from allocating its assets
among two sub-advisors. The Advisor believes that the investment styles of
Oberweis and Delaware Management (each a "Proposed Sub-Advisor") are
complementary and that allocating the Fund's assets among these two sub-
advisors could benefit the Fund by reducing volatility relative to having one
manager. In addition, the introduction of Oberweis and Delaware Management would
enable the Advisor to focus its direct equity management resources on
value-oriented portfolios, while leveraging the Advisor's existing asset
allocation and sub-advisory oversight expertise.


No. This change will not affect the Fund's aggregate advisory fee, although
approval of the proposals may result in increased portfolio turnover, which
typically involves brokerage costs.


The Advisor will determine the proportion of the Fund's assets, if any, to be
managed by each sub-advisor. The Advisor currently intends to allocate one-half
of the Fund's assets to each sub-advisor.


Most shareholders cast their votes by completing and signing the enclosed proxy
card and mailing it back in the postage-paid reply envelope. However, you can
use any of the following convenient methods:

     - Mail -- sign and date your proxy card, and mail it back in the enclosed
       postage-paid envelope.

     - Touch tone telephone -- please refer to your proxy card.

     - Internet -- please refer to your proxy card.

Your vote is important to us and will help ensure that the proposals in the
proxy statement can be acted upon.

Please take the time to read the proxy statement thoroughly. If you have any
questions, please contact your Investment Representative or call (800) 222-5852.
Thank you for your time, consideration and vote.

                               WM GROUP OF FUNDS
                             SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND
                                  WM TRUST II
                               1201 THIRD AVENUE
                           SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101

                          TO BE HELD ON MARCH 24, 2005

To the Shareholders of the Small Cap Growth Fund:

     Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Shareholders of the WM
Small Cap Growth Fund (the "Fund"), a series of WM Trust II, will be held on
March 24, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., Pacific time, at the main office of the Fund at
1201 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101, for the following purposes:

          1. To approve or disapprove a sub-advisory agreement for the Fund
     among the Fund, WM Advisors, Inc. and Oberweis Asset Management, Inc.;

          2. To approve or disapprove a sub-advisory agreement for the Fund
     among the Fund, WM Advisors, Inc. and Delaware Management Company;

          3. To consider and act upon any other matters which may properly come
     before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     Shareholders of record at the close of business on February 1, 2005 are
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Meeting.

                                           By order of the Board of Trustees,
                                           John T. West, Secretary

March 8, 2005

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

                               WM GROUP OF FUNDS
                             SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND

                                PROXY STATEMENT

     This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of
proxies on behalf of the Board of Trustees (the "Trustees") of WM Trust II (the
"Trust") for use at the Special Meeting of Shareholders of the Small Cap Growth
Fund (the "Fund"), a series of the Trust, to be held at 10:00 a.m., Pacific
time, on March 24, 2005, at 1201 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington, and at any
adjournment or adjournments thereof (the "Meeting"). This Proxy Statement and
its enclosures are being mailed to shareholders beginning on or about March 8,

RHODE ISLAND 02940-9757 OR BY CALLING (800) 222-5852.


     All shareholders of record of the Fund as of the close of business on
February 1, 2005, the record date for determining shareholders entitled to vote
at the Meeting (the "Record Date"), are entitled to one vote for each share of
beneficial interest of the Fund held as of that date, and each fractional share
shall be entitled to a proportional fractional vote. The aggregate number of
shares of beneficial interest of the Fund for all classes issued and outstanding
as of the Record Date was 26,856,333.

     Timely, properly executed proxies will be voted as you instruct. IF NO
AGREEMENTS. At any time before it has been voted, the enclosed proxy may be
revoked by the signer by a written revocation received by the Secretary of the
Trust, by properly executing a later-dated proxy or by attending the Meeting,
requesting the return of any previously delivered proxy and voting in person.

     The holders of a majority of the shares of the Fund outstanding as of the
Record Date, present in person or represented by proxy, constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business by the shareholders of the Fund at the Meeting.

cast by proxy or in person at the Meeting will be counted by persons appointed
by the Trust as tellers for the Meeting. The tellers will count the total number
of votes cast "for" approval of Proposals 1 and 2 for purposes of determining
whether sufficient affirmative votes have been cast for each Proposal. The
tellers will count all shares represented by proxies that reflect abstentions
and "broker non-votes" (i.e., shares held by brokers or nominees as to which (i)
instructions have not been received from the beneficial owners or the persons
entitled to vote and (ii) the broker or nominee does not have discretionary
voting power on a particular matter) as shares that are present and entitled to
vote for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum. Abstentions and
broker non-votes will have the same effect as a negative vote on each Proposal.

     Solicitation of proxies by personal interview, mail, telephone and
facsimile may be made by officers and Trustees of the Trust and employees of WM
Advisors, Inc., the Fund's investment advisor (the "Advisor"), and its
affiliates. The Trust has retained Georgeson Shareholder Communications Inc.
("Georgeson"), to aid in the tabulation of proxies. The costs of retaining
Georgeson and other expenses incurred in connection with the solicitation of
proxies, and the costs of holding the Meeting, will be borne by the Fund. The
anticipated cost associated with the solicitation of proxies by Georgeson is

     Portfolio diversification and strategic asset allocation have long been key
tenets of the investment philosophy of the Advisor. Mindful of the relatively
volatile nature of small cap growth equity investing, the Advisor believes the
Fund could benefit from entering into sub-advisory agreements (the "Proposed
Agreements") with Oberweis Asset Management, Inc. ("Oberweis") and Delaware
Management Company ("Delaware Management"). Under the Proposed Agreements, each
sub-advisor will invest the portion of the Fund allocated to it primarily in
equity securities of small-cap growth companies using its own distinct
investment philosophy and process. The Advisor believes that the investment
styles of Oberweis and Delaware Management (each a "Proposed Sub-Advisor") are
complementary and that allocating the Fund's assets among the Proposed
Sub-Advisors could benefit the Fund by reducing volatility relative to having
one manager. In addition, the introduction of Oberweis and Delaware Management
would enable the Advisor to focus its direct equity management resources on
value-oriented portfolios, while leveraging the Advisor's existing asset
allocation and sub-advisory oversight expertise.


     The Advisor will determine the proportion of the Fund's assets, if any, to
be managed by each sub-advisor. The Advisor currently intends to allocate
approximately one-half of the Fund's assets to each sub-advisor.

     In order for Oberweis and Delaware Management to serve as sub-advisors to
the Fund, the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"),
requires approval of the Proposed Agreements by both the Trustees and the Fund's

     The Proposed Agreements were unanimously approved by the Trustees,
including those Trustees who are not "interested persons" (as defined in the
1940 Act) of any party to the Proposed Agreements (the "Independent Trustees"),
on February 17, 2005. The Trustees, including a majority of the Independent
Trustees, are recommending approval of the Proposed Agreements by shareholders.
If shareholders of the Fund do not approve either or both of the Proposed
Agreements, the Trustees will consider what further actions to take. Such
actions could include considering one or more other sub-advisors for the Fund.

     A description of the Proposed Agreements, the services to be provided
thereunder, and the procedures for termination and renewal thereof is set forth
below under "Description of the Proposed Agreements." Such description is
qualified in its entirety by reference to the forms of Proposed Agreement set
forth in Appendix A to this Proxy Statement. Additional information about
Oberweis and Delaware Management is set forth below under "Additional


     In order to assist it in carrying out its responsibilities as manager of
the Fund, the Advisor has proposed to retain Oberweis and Delaware Management
under the Proposed Agreements to render sub-advisory services to the Fund under
the supervision of the Advisor and the Trustees.

     Each Proposed Agreement provides that, subject to the supervision of the
Trustees and the Advisor, the applicable Proposed Sub-Advisor will, with respect
to the portion of the Fund's assets allocated to it, make investment decisions
for the Fund in accordance with the Fund's investment objectives and policies as
stated in the Fund's Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information as in
effect and as supplemented from time to time and in conformity with the Trust's
Master Trust Agreement, the 1940 Act and the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as
amended (the "Advisers Act"). For its portion of the Fund, each


Proposed Sub-Advisor will also place purchase and sale orders for securities to
effectuate the investment decisions made, maintain books and records with
respect to the securities transactions and furnish to the Trust's Board of
Trustees such quarterly, annual and special reports as the Board may reasonably
request; treat confidentially and as proprietary information of the Fund all
records and other information relative to the Fund and prior, present or
potential shareholders; and supervise investments and conduct a continuous
program of investment, evaluation and, if appropriate, sale and reinvestment.
Each Proposed Agreement further provides that the applicable Proposed
Sub-Advisor shall not use such records and information for any purpose other
than performance of its responsibilities and duties thereunder. In addition, the
Proposed Sub-Advisor will furnish the Fund or the Advisor with whatever
statistical information the Fund or the Advisor may reasonably request with
respect to the investments that the Fund may hold or consider purchasing.

     Each Proposed Agreement provides that it will continue in effect for an
initial term of two years from its date of execution and thereafter so long as
it is approved at least annually in accordance with the 1940 Act. The 1940 Act
requires that, after the initial two-year term, each Proposed Agreement be
approved at least annually by (i) the vote, cast in person at a meeting called
for the purpose, of a majority of the Independent Trustees and (ii) the majority
vote of the full Board of Trustees or the vote of a majority of the outstanding
voting securities (as defined in the 1940 Act) of the Fund. Each Proposed
Agreement terminates automatically in the event of their assignment or upon any
termination of the advisory agreement between the Trust and the Advisor. Each
Proposed Agreement may be terminated without penalty on thirty days' written
notice, by the Advisor, the Board of Trustees of the Trust or by a vote of
holders of a majority of the Funds' shares, and upon sixty days' written notice
by the applicable Proposed Sub-Advisor.

     Each Proposed Agreement provides that the applicable Proposed Sub-Advisor
shall not be subject to any liability to the Trust, the Fund or the Advisor, or
to any shareholder, officer, director or Trustee thereof, for any act or
omission in the course of, or connected with, rendering services thereunder, in
the absence of willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless
disregard of its obligations and duties.

     Each Proposed Agreement also provides that, for the period during which the
Proposed Agreement is in effect, the Trust on behalf of the Fund will pay the


Advisor a monthly fee equal to the excess, if any, of the fee otherwise payable
to the Advisor under the Advisory Agreement dated as of May 11, 2004 between the
Advisor and the Fund (the "Advisory Agreement") over the total fees paid by the
Fund pursuant to the sub-advisory agreements with respect to the Fund.



     In determining whether to approve the Proposed Agreements, the Trustees met
with the relevant investment advisory personnel of the Advisor and the proposed
portfolio managers from the Proposed Sub-Advisor. The Trustees also considered
information provided by the Advisor and each Proposed Sub-Advisor relating to
the education, experience, and number of investment professionals and other
personnel providing services under the Proposed Agreements (including
information regarding expected changes in personnel) for the purpose of
evaluating Oberweis's and Delaware Management's fitness to serve as investment
advisors to the Fund. The Trustees also took into account the time and attention
that would be devoted by senior management of each Proposed Sub-Advisor to the
Fund. The Trustees evaluated the level of skill required to manage the Fund and
concluded that the resources that each Proposed Sub-Advisor would devote to the
Fund were appropriate to fulfill effectively their respective duties under the
applicable Proposed Agreement. The Trustees also considered the business
reputation and financial resources of each Proposed Sub-Advisor and concluded
that it would be able to meet any reasonably foreseeable obligations under the
Proposed Agreement.

     The Trustees considered information concerning the investment philosophy
and investment process proposed to be applied by each Proposed Sub-Advisor in
managing the Fund. In this context, the Trustees considered the in-house
research capabilities of each Proposed Sub-Advisor as well as other sources
available to each Proposed Sub-Advisor's personnel, including research services
available to each Proposed Sub-Advisor that would result from securities
transactions effected for the Fund and other investment advisory clients of each
Proposed Sub-Advisor. The Trustees concluded that the investment philosophy,
process, and research capabilities of Oberweis and Delaware Management were well
suited to the Fund, given its investment objective and policies.


     The Trustees considered the scope of the services to be provided by each
Proposed Sub-Advisor to the Fund under the applicable Proposed Agreement
relative to services provided by third parties to other mutual funds and
services provided by Oberweis and Delaware Management currently to mutual funds
and other clients. The Trustees considered the services to be provided by the
Advisor with respect to the Fund, including oversight by the Advisor of the
advisory services to be provided by each Proposed Sub-Advisor, and other
non-advisory services provided by the Advisor. The Trustees noted that the
standard of care applicable to each Proposed Sub-Advisor under the Proposed
Agreements was comparable to that found in most mutual fund investment advisory
agreements. The Trustees concluded that the scope of the services to be provided
to the Fund by each Proposed Sub-Advisor was consistent with the Fund's
operational requirements, including, in addition to its investment objective,
compliance with the Fund's investment restrictions, tax and reporting
requirements and related shareholder services.

     The Trustees evaluated the record of each Proposed Sub-Advisor with respect
to regulatory compliance. The Trustees also evaluated the procedures of each
Proposed Sub-Advisor designed to fulfill its fiduciary duties to its advisory
clients with respect to possible conflicts of interest, including the code of
ethics of each Proposed Sub-Advisor (regulating the personal trading of its
officers and employees), the procedures by which each Proposed Sub-Advisor
allocates trades among its various investment advisory clients, the integrity of
the systems in place to ensure compliance with the foregoing, and the record of
each Proposed Sub-Advisor in these matters. The Trustees also received and
considered information concerning procedures of each Proposed Sub-Advisor with
respect to the execution of portfolio transactions. See "Additional
Information -- Portfolio Transactions and Brokerage" below.

     The Trustees considered information relating to the investment performance
of accounts managed by each Proposed Sub-Advisor in a style similar to that it
would use with respect to the Fund and relative to funds managed similarly by
other advisors. The Trustees reviewed performance over various periods,
including one-, three- and five-year periods, and considered information
presented by the Advisor with respect to its expectations regarding the relative
performance of each Proposed Sub-Advisor under different market conditions and
during different phases of a market cycle, the volatility of such returns, as
well as factors identified by each Proposed Sub-Advisor as contributing to
performance. The Trustees concluded that the scope and quality of the services
expected to be


provided by each Proposed Sub-Advisor, as well as the investment performance of
comparable investment advisory clients of each Proposed Sub-Advisor, were
sufficient, in light of market conditions, performance attribution, the
resources dedicated by the Proposed Sub-Advisor and its integrity, its personnel
and systems and its financial resources, to merit approval of the applicable
Proposed Agreement.

     In reaching that conclusion, the Trustees also gave substantial
consideration to the fees payable under the Proposed Agreements. The Trustees
not only took into account the actual dollar amount of fees to be paid by the
Fund directly to each Proposed Sub-Advisor, but also took into account so-called
"fallout benefits" to each Proposed Sub-Advisor, such as any incremental
increase to its reputation derived from serving as investment advisor to the
Fund. The Trustees also considered fees paid to each Proposed Sub-Advisor, and
services provided by each Proposed Sub-Advisor, under other advisory contracts,
concluding that, considering the relative complexity of the investment
management responsibilities under such contracts, the fees to be paid to each
Proposed Sub-Advisor and the services to be provided by each Proposed
Sub-Advisor under the applicable Proposed Agreement bore a reasonable
relationship to such fees and services.

     The Trustees also considered the effective fees under the Proposed
Agreements, as a percentage of assets at different asset levels, and possible
economies of scale to each Proposed Sub-Advisor and concluded that the fee
levels reflect an appropriate sharing of these economies of scale. The Trustees
also considered the fact that, under the Proposed Agreements, the fees payable
to the Advisor by the Fund are reduced by the total fees paid by the Fund under
the Proposed Agreements and the possible impact of each Proposed Sub-Advisor's
fees on the profitability of the Advisor. The Trustees did not evaluate the
expected profitability of Oberweis or Delaware Management with respect to the
Fund, both because of the lack of actual operating history and because the
Trustees concluded that the negotiations between the Advisor and each Proposed
Sub-Advisor regarding the Proposed Agreements had been entirely at arms-length.

     In evaluating the Fund's sub-advisory fees, the Trustees also took into
account the complexity of investment management for the Fund relative to other
types of funds. The Trustees concluded that generally greater research intensity
and trading acumen is required for equity funds such as the Fund, as compared to
funds investing in primarily debt obligations.


     In considering to recommend approval of more than one sub-advisor, the
Trustees also took into account the fact that common holdings across one or more
sub-advisors will create the possibility of "wash sales," i.e., the sale of a
security within 30 days of its purchase or vice versa. For example, if Oberweis
were to sell a security from the portion of the Fund managed by it and Delaware
Management were to purchase the same security within 30 days, that would
constitute a "wash sale," even though different sub-advisors were responsible
for the purchase and sale decisions. "Wash sales" are disadvantageous from a tax
perspective because gains are recognized on a current basis, but losses are

     The Trustees also took into account the fact that the Fund will experience
higher portfolio turnover in connection with the initial allocation of Fund
assets to Oberweis and Delaware Management, with the attendant brokerage,
custodian, and other transactional costs (estimated by the Advisor, based on its
contemplated initial allocation, at approximately 2% of the Fund's assets).
Future reallocations among the sub-advisors may also result in higher portfolio
turnover and related costs.

     Based on the foregoing, the Trustees concluded that the fees to be paid
under each Proposed Agreement were fair and reasonable, given the scope and
quality of the services proposed to be rendered by the Proposed Sub-Advisor. The
Trustees unanimously approved, and recommend that shareholders of the Fund
approve, each Proposed Agreement.


     The Fund would pay fees to Oberweis and Delaware Management under the
Proposed Agreements, although the amount paid by the Fund to the Advisor would
be reduced by amounts paid to Oberweis and Delaware Management.

     Under the Proposed Agreement with Oberweis, Oberweis would receive fees on
a monthly basis calculated at an annual rate of 0.60% of the average daily net
assets of the Fund and the Small Cap Growth series of WM Variable Trust
(together, the "Combined Assets") under management by Oberweis on the first $250
million of such assets, 0.50% of the next $250 million of such Combined Assets,
and 0.40% of such assets in excess of $500 million. If the Proposed Agreement
with Oberweis had been in effect for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2004, the
Advisor estimates that Oberweis would have received fees equal to 0.60% of the
Combined Assets managed by Oberweis, assuming that Oberweis


had managed a portion of the Combined Assets equal to the portion of the
Combined Assets that the Advisor expects to initially allocate to Oberweis.

     Under the Proposed Agreement with Delaware Management, Delaware Management
would receive fees on a monthly basis calculated at an annual rate of 0.60% of
the average daily net Combined Assets under management by Delaware Management on
the first $250 million of such assets, 0.50% of the next $250 million of such
Combined Assets, and 0.40% of such Combined Assets in excess of $500 million. If
the Proposed Agreement with Delaware Management had been in effect for the
fiscal year ended October 31, 2004, Delaware Management would have received fees
equal to 0.60% of the Combined Assets managed by Delaware Management, assuming
that Delaware Management had managed a portion of the Combined Assets equal to
the portion of the Combined Assets that the Advisor expects to initially
allocate to Delaware Management.

     To the extent that the Fund may pay lower fees to Oberweis or Delaware
Management for sub-advisory services provided to the Fund, the Advisor may have
a financial incentive to allocate more assets to the sub-advisor that receives
lower fee payments.



     Approval of each Proposed Agreement requires the vote of a majority of the
outstanding voting securities as defined in the 1940 Act. A "majority of the
outstanding voting securities," as defined in the 1940 Act, means the lesser of
(1) 67% of the shares of the Fund represented at the Meeting, if more than 50%
of the shares of the Fund are represented at the Meeting, or (2) more than 50%
of the outstanding shares of the Fund.


     The Trust is an open-end management investment company organized in 1989 as
a business trust under the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Trust
is a series investment company with seven investment portfolios. The Fund is one
of those portfolios and is diversified.


     The Principal Executive Officer and Directors of the Advisor and their
principal occupations are listed below. The address for each is 1201 Third
Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101.

                   NAME                           PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
  William G. Papesh                         Director and President of the
                                            Advisor; WM Funds Distributor,
                                            Inc. and WM Shareholder Services,
  Michael L. Amato                          Director of the Advisor, WM Funds
                                            Distributor, Inc. and WM
                                            Shareholder Services, Inc. and
                                            Senior Vice President of
                                            Washington Mutual Bank,
                                            Washington Mutual Bank, FA and
                                            Washington Mutual Bank fsb.
  Mike E. Brandeberry                       Director of the Advisor and
                                            Senior Vice President of
                                            Washington Mutual Bank,
                                            Washington Mutual Bank, FA and
                                            Washington Mutual Bank fsb.
  Melissa R. Martinez                       Director of the Advisor, WM Funds
                                            Distributor, Inc. and WM
                                            Shareholder Services, Inc. and
                                            Senior Vice President of
                                            Washington Mutual Bank.
  Scott Pelkola                             Director of the Advisor, WM Funds
                                            Distributor, Inc. and WM
                                            Shareholder Services, Inc. and
                                            Senior Vice President of
                                            Washington Mutual Bank,
                                            Washington Mutual Bank, FA and
                                            Washington Mutual Bank fsb.
  Gary J. Pokrzywinski                      Director and Senior Vice
                                            President of the Advisor;
                                            Director of WM Funds Distributor,
                                            Inc. and WM Shareholder Services,
  Debra C. Ramsey                           Director and Senior Vice
                                            President of the Advisor, WM
                                            Funds Distributor, Inc. and WM
                                            Shareholder Services, Inc.


     By virtue of their positions with the Advisor and its affiliates, each of
the foregoing may have an interest in shareholder approval of the Proposed


     The Advisor is registered under the Advisers Act and has been in the
investment management business since 1944. The Advisor is a subsidiary of
Washington Mutual, Inc. The principal address of Washington Mutual, Inc. is 1201
Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101.


     The Advisor currently acts as the Fund's investment advisor pursuant to the
Advisory Agreement, which was last approved by the Fund's shareholders on
December 23, 1997. The Advisory Agreement was submitted for shareholder approval
at such time in connection with the consolidation of the investment advisory
businesses of the Advisor and Sierra Investment Advisors Corporation, the
Trust's previous investment advisor.

     The Advisor's responsibilities under the Advisory Agreement include
formulating the Fund's investment policies (subject to the terms of the
prospectus), analyzing economic trends, directing and evaluating the investment
services provided by any sub-advisors and monitoring the Fund's investment
performance and reporting to the Trustees, as well as providing certain
administrative services for the Fund. In connection with its service as
investment advisor to the Fund, the Advisor may engage one or more sub-advisors
to provide investment advisory services to the Fund and may change or eliminate
any such sub-advisor if it deems such action to be in the best interests of the
Fund and its shareholders. Where the Advisor has not delegated such duties to a
sub-advisor, it is responsible for managing the investment and reinvestment of
the Fund's assets.

     The Advisory Agreement provides that it will, unless sooner terminated in
accordance with the Advisory Agreement, continue in effect with respect to the
Fund for a period of two years from its effective date and thereafter on an
annual basis with respect to the Fund, provided such continuance is approved at
least annually by the vote of a majority of the Independent Trustees and either:
(a) by the vote of a majority of the Trustees, or (b) by the vote of a majority
of the outstanding voting securities of the Fund. The Advisory Agreement
provides that it terminates automatically in the event of its assignment (as
defined by the 1940


Act) by the Advisor. The Advisory Agreement provides that it may be amended only
in accordance with the 1940 Act.

     The Advisory Agreement may be terminated at any time without the payment of
any penalty, by the Trust by vote of a majority of the Trustees, including a
majority of the Independent Trustees, or by a vote of a majority of the
outstanding voting securities of the Fund upon 60 days' written notice to the
Advisor or by the Advisor at any time, without the payment of any penalty, upon
60 days' written notice to the Trust.

     The Advisory Agreement provides that the Advisor shall not be subject to
any liability arising out of any services rendered by it under the Advisory
Agreement, except by reason of willful misfeasance, bad faith, or gross
negligence in the performance of its duties, or by reason of reckless disregard
of its obligations and duties under the Advisory Agreement.

     The Advisory Agreement provides that the Advisor shall pay the expenses
incurred by it in connection with its activities under the Advisory Agreement.

     Under the Advisory Agreement, the Fund pays the Advisor a monthly advisory
fee based on the excess, if any, of (i) 0.85% of the first $500 million, 0.75%
of the next $2.5 billion, and 0.70% thereafter, of the Fund's average daily net
assets over the Fund's average daily net assets over (ii) the fees paid by the
Fund directly to its sub-advisor or sub-advisors.


     For the fiscal year ended October 31, 2004, the Fund paid advisory fees to
the Advisor, transfer agency fees to WM Shareholder Services, Inc. (the
"Transfer Agent") and distribution fees to the WM Funds Distributor, Inc. (the
"Distributor") as follows: advisory fees: $3,032,930; transfer agency fees:
$342,285; distribution fees: $410,425. If the fees in the Proposed Agreement had
been in effect during such fiscal year, and assuming Oberweis and Delaware
Management had managed the Fund's assets, the net advisory fees paid to the
Advisor would have been $892,038, representing a decrease of 71% from the net
advisory fees actually paid to the Advisor.


     Oberweis is a specialty investment firm established in 1997 that focuses on
investments in rapidly growing companies. It provides investment advice to


funds, institutions, and individual investors on a broad range of investment
products. As of December 31, 2004, Oberweis had approximately $925 million in
assets under management, all of which have micro cap, small cap, or small-mid
cap mandates. Oberweis has informed the Advisor that it has no financial
condition that is reasonably likely to impair its financial ability to fulfill
its commitment to the Fund under the Proposed Agreement. Oberweis is located at
951 Ice Cream Drive, North Aurora, Illinois 60542.

     The Principal Executive Officers and Directors of Oberweis and their
principal occupations are listed below. The address for each is care of Oberweis
at the address listed above.

                   NAME                           PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
  James W. Oberweis, CFA                    Director, President, Portfolio
                                            Manager, and Principal, Oberweis
                                            Asset Management, Inc.
  Martin L. Yokosawa                        Senior Vice President, Portfolio
                                            Manager, and Principal, Oberweis
                                            Asset Management, Inc.
  Kenneth S. Farsalas, CFA                  Vice President, Portfolio
                                            Manager, and Principal Oberweis
                                            Asset Management, Inc.
  David I. Covas, CFA                       Vice President, Analyst, and
                                            Principal, Oberweis Asset
                                            Management, Inc.
  Patrick B. Joyce, CPA                     Director, Executive Vice
                                            President, Chief Financial
                                            Officer and Principal Oberweis
                                            Asset Management, Inc.
  Brian K. Lee                              Director of Marketing & Client
                                            Service and Principal, Oberweis
                                            Asset Management, Inc.
  Steven J. LeMire                          Vice President, Operations and
                                            Principal, Oberweis Asset
                                            Management, Inc.


     If the Proposed Agreement is approved by shareholders, James W. Oberweis
will be primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the portion of
the Fund's portfolio managed by Oberweis.


     Delaware Management, located at 2005 Market Street, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 19103, is a series of Delaware Management Business Trust, which is
an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Delaware Management Holdings, Inc.
("DMH"). DMH and its subsidiaries provide a broad range of investment services
to both institutional and individual clients. As of September 30, 2004, DMH and
its subsidiaries had approximately $90 billion in assets under management,
including $7 billion in growth equity assets and $4.8 billion in small-cap
assets. DMH and Delaware Management are indirect, wholly owned subsidiaries, and
subject to the ultimate control of Lincoln National Corporation ("Lincoln
National"). Lincoln National, with headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is
a diversified organization with operations in many aspects of the financial
services industry, including insurance and investment management. Delaware
Management has informed the Advisor that it has no financial condition that is
reasonably likely to impair its financial ability to fulfill its commitment to
the Fund under the Proposed Agreement.


     The Principal Executive Officer and Trustees of Delaware Management and
their principal occupations are listed below. The address for each is 2005
Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.

                   NAME                           PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
  Jude T. Driscoll                          Trustee and President/Chief
                                            Executive Officer of Delaware
  John B. Fields                            Trustee and Senior Vice
                                            President/ Senior Portfolio
                                            Manager of Delaware Management
  Richelle S. Maestro                       Trustee and Executive Vice
                                            Counsel/Secretary of Delaware
  See Yeng Quek                             Trustee and Executive Vice
                                            President/Managing Director/Chief
                                            Investment Officer, Fixed Income
                                            of Delaware Management

     If the Proposed Agreement is approved by shareholders, the following
members of the investment team will be primarily responsible for the day-to-day
management of the portion of the Fund's portfolio managed by Delaware

                   NAME                           PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
  Marshall T. Bassett                       Portfolio Manager & Analyst,
                                            Delaware Management Company
  Steven T. Lampe                           Portfolio Manager & Analyst,
                                            Delaware Management Company
  Matthew Todorow                           Portfolio Manager & Analyst,
                                            Delaware Management Company
  Lori P. Wachs                             Portfolio Manager & Analyst,
                                            Delaware Management Company



     Please see below information on similar mutual funds sub-advised/advised by
Oberweis or any of its affiliates.

     The Oberweis Emerging Growth Portfolio, with $175.6 million in assets as of
December 31, 2004, is managed by Oberweis in a style substantially similar to
the style that it proposes to use for the Small Cap Growth Fund, although actual
portfolio holdings may slightly vary. Oberweis receives advisory and
non-advisory fees totaling 0.85% of the average daily net assets on the first
$50 million and .80% on amounts over $50 million. Oberweis also subadvises (in a
style substantially similar to the style that it proposes to use for the Small
Cap Growth Fund) portions of the portfolios of other investment companies.
Oberweis receives an advisory fee of 0.70% for Optimum Small Cap Growth Fund,
for which it managed approximately $26.5 million as of December 31, 2004.
Oberweis receives an advisory fee of 0.60% from GVIT Small Cap Growth Fund for
which it managed approximately $87.5 million in assets as of December 31, 2004.
Oberweis receives an advisory fee of 0.55% from JP Morgan Multi-Manager Small
Cap Growth Fund, for which it managed approximately $24.8 million in assets as
of December 31, 2004.


     Please see below information on similar mutual funds sub-advised/advised by
Delaware Management. There may be differences in holdings and other


portfolio characteristics between the funds sub-advised/advised by Delaware
Management listed below and the Fund.

                                                             RATE OF DELAWARE
  Mercantile Capital               $96,977,927          0.70% on first $1 billion
  Opportunities Fund                                    0.60% in excess of $1
  SEI Institutional               $204,393,718          0.50%
  Managed Trust -- Small
  Cap Growth Fund
  SEI Institutional               $145,958,625          0.50%
  Investments Trust --
  Small Cap Fund
  First Funds Capital             $120,573,215          0.70% on first $50 million
  Appreciation Portfolio                                0.65% in excess of $50
  First Horizon Capital             $5,247,232          0.60%
  Appreciation Portfolio
  Diversified Investors           $108,525,645          0.50%
  Small-Cap Growth Fund
  Delaware Pooled                   $2,079,932          0.75%**
  Trust -- Small-Cap
  Growth II Equity
  Delaware Small Cap               $42,044,272          1.00% on first $250
  Growth Fund                                           million***
                                                        0.90% on next $250 million
                                                        0.75% in excess of $500

  * As a percentage of average daily net assets for the respective fund.

 ** Delaware Management has agreed to waive fees and pay expenses through April
    30, 2005 in order to prevent the fund's total operating expenses from
    exceeding 0.92% of average daily net assets.

*** Delaware Management has contracted to waive fees and pay expenses through
    August 31, 2005 in order to prevent the fund's total operating expenses from
    exceeding 1.35% of average daily net assets.




     Most of the purchases and sales of securities for the Fund, whether
transacted on a securities exchange or over the counter, will be effected in the
primary trading market for the securities. Decisions to buy and sell securities
for the Fund will be made by the Advisor, or by Oberweis or Delaware Management,
each of which also is responsible for placing these transactions, subject to the
overall review of the Trustees. Although investment decisions for the Fund will
be made independently from those of the other accounts managed by the Advisor,
Oberweis or Delaware Management, investments of the type the Fund may make may
also be made by those other accounts. When the Fund and one or more other
accounts managed by the Advisor, Oberweis or Delaware Management are prepared to
invest in, or desire to dispose of, the same security, available investments or
opportunities for sales will be allocated in a manner believed by the Advisor,
Oberweis or Delaware Management to be equitable to each. In some cases, this
procedure may adversely affect the price paid or received by the Fund or the
size of the position obtained or disposed of by the Fund. In other cases,
however, it is believed that coordination and the ability to participate in
volume transactions will be to the benefit of the Fund.

     There is frequently no stated commission in the case of securities traded
in the over-the-counter markets, but the prices of those securities include
undisclosed commissions or concessions, and the prices at which securities are
purchased from and sold to dealers include a dealer's markup or markdown.

     In selecting brokers or dealers to execute portfolio transactions on behalf
of the Fund, the Advisor, Oberweis, or Delaware Management, as applicable, seeks
to obtain execution of Fund transactions at prices that are advantageous to the
Fund and at commission rates that are reasonable in relation to the benefits
received. However, the Advisory Agreement authorizes the Advisor, and the
Proposed Agreements authorize Oberweis and Delaware Management, to select
brokers or dealers on the basis that they provide brokerage, research, or other
services or products (as those terms are defined in Section 28(e) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) to the Fund and/or other accounts
serviced by the Proposed Sub-Advisor or the Advisor. The Advisor or the
applicable Proposed Sub-Advisor may cause the Fund to pay a broker or dealer an
amount of commission for effecting a securities transaction in excess of the
amount of commission or dealer spread another broker or dealer would have


charged for effecting that transaction if the Advisor or the applicable Proposed
Sub-Advisor determines in good faith that such amount of commission was
reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage and research products
and/or services provided by such broker or dealer. This determination, with
respect to brokerage and research services or products, may be viewed in terms
of either that particular transaction or the overall responsibilities that the
Advisor or the applicable Proposed Sub-Advisor and their affiliates have with
respect to the Fund and to accounts over which they exercise investment

     Consistent with applicable provisions of the 1940 Act, the rules and
exemptions adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC")
thereunder, and relevant interpretive and "no-action" positions taken by the
SEC's staff, the Trustees have adopted procedures pursuant to Rule 17e-1 under
the 1940 Act to ensure that all portfolio transactions with affiliates will be
fair and reasonable. Under the procedures adopted, portfolio transactions for
the Fund may be executed through any affiliated broker (other than affiliated
persons of the Trust solely because the broker is an affiliated person of
another sub-advisor, who are generally not treated as affiliated brokers) if,
subject to other conditions in the Rule 17e-1 procedures, in the judgment of the
Advisor or the applicable sub-advisor, the use of an affiliated broker is likely
to result in price and execution at least as favorable as those of other
qualified broker-dealers, and if, in the transaction an affiliated broker
charges the Fund a rate consistent with those charged for comparable
transactions in comparable accounts of the broker's most favored unaffiliated
clients. Over-the-counter purchases and sales are transacted directly with
principal market makers except in those cases in which better prices and
executions may be obtained elsewhere.


     During the fiscal year ended October 31, 2004, the Fund did not pay any
brokerage commissions to any broker then affiliated with the Advisor or any sub-
advisor to the Fund.



     As of the Record Date, to the knowledge of the Trust, the Trustees and
officers of the Trust, as a group, owned less than one percent of each class of
shares of the Fund and of the Fund as a whole. The following table shows each
Trustee's aggregate range of shares owned in the WM Group of Funds.

                                (DOLLAR RANGES)
                            (AS OF FEBRUARY 1, 2005)

                                                      AGGREGATE DOLLAR
                                                       RANGE OF SHARES
                                                        OWNED IN THE
                                                      WM GROUP OF FUNDS
  Kristianne Blake                                            E
  Edmond R. Davis, Esq                                        D
  Carrol R. McGinnis                                          E
  Alfred E. Osborne, Jr. Ph.D.                                C
  Daniel L. Pavelich                                          E
  Jay Rockey                                                  E
  Richard C. Yancey                                           E
  Anne V. Farrell                                             E
  Michael K. Murphy                                           C
  William G. Papesh                                           E


* For purposes of this table, the term "Independent Trustee" means those
  Trustees who are not "interested persons" as defined by the 1940 Act.

A= $1 to $10,000
B= $10,001 to $50,000
C= $50,001 to $100,000
D= $100,001 to $250,000
E = over $250,000


     As of the Record Date, except as noted below, no persons owned of record or
beneficially 5% or more of the noted class of shares of the Fund:

                                                  SHARES      PERCENTAGE OF
                                               BENEFICIALLY      SHARES
                                                  OWNED           OWNED
                                               ------------   -------------



  WM Strategic Asset Management Portfolios...   19,003,096         100%
  1201 Third Avenue
  Seattle, Washington 98101


     The following persons are both officers or Trustees of the Trust and
officers or directors of the Advisor: William G. Papesh, Director and President
of the Advisor, is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Trust; Gary
J. Pokrzywinski, Director and Senior Vice President of the Advisor, is Senior
Vice President of the Trust; Debra C. Ramsey, Director and Senior Vice President
of the Advisor, is Senior Vice President of the Trust; Randall L. Yoakum, Senior
Vice President of the Advisor, is Senior Vice President of the Trust; Jeffrey L.
Lunzer, First Vice President of the Advisor, is First Vice President, Chief
Financial Officer and Treasurer of the Trust; John T. West, First Vice President
of the Advisor, is First Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, Secretary and
Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer of the Trust; and Wendi B. Bernard,
Assistant Vice President of the Advisor, is Assistant Vice President and
Assistant Secretary of the Trust.

     No persons act as both officers or Trustees of the Trust and officers or
directors of Oberweis or Delaware Management.


     The Fund's transfer agent is WM Shareholder Services, Inc., which has a
principal business address of 1201 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98101.


The Fund's principal underwriter is WM Funds Distributor, Inc., which has a
principal business address of 12009 Foundation Place, Suite 350, Gold River,
California 95670.


     In the event that a quorum is not present for purposes of acting on the
Proposed Agreements or if sufficient votes in favor of the Proposed Agreements
are not received by the time of the Meeting, the persons named as proxies may
propose one or more adjournments of the Meeting to permit further solicitation
of proxies. In addition, if in the judgment of persons named as proxies, it is
advisable to defer action on one or more proposals, the persons named as proxies
may propose one or more adjournments of the Meeting with respect to such
proposal or proposals. Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote of
a plurality of the shares present in person or represented by proxy at the
session of the Meeting to be adjourned. The persons named as proxies will vote
in favor of such adjournment those proxies which they are entitled to vote in
favor of the Proposed Agreements. They will vote against any such adjournment
those proxies required to be voted against the Proposed Agreements and will not
vote any "broker non-votes" or any proxies that direct them to abstain from
voting on the Proposed Agreements.

     Although the Meeting is called to transact any other business that may
properly come before it, the only business that management intends to present or
knows that others will present is the consideration of the Proposed Agreements,
as mentioned in the Notice of Special Meeting. However, you are being asked on
the enclosed proxy to authorize the persons named therein to vote in accordance
with their judgment with respect to any additional matters which properly come
before the Meeting, and on all matters incidental to the conduct of the Meeting.


     The Trust does not hold annual or other regular meetings of shareholders.
Shareholder proposals to be presented at any future meeting of shareholders of
the Trust must be received by the Trust at a reasonable time before the Trust
begins to print and mail its proxy materials in order for such proposals to be
considered for inclusion in the proxy materials relating to that meeting.

March 8, 2005


                                   APPENDIX A

                         EFFECTIVE AS OF [            ]

     This Investment Sub-Advisory Agreement is made and entered into as of
this     day of [month], 2005, among WM Advisors, Inc. ("WM Advisors"), a
corporation organized under the laws of the state of Washington, WM Trust II, a
business trust formed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (the
"Trust"), on behalf of its Small Cap Growth Fund series (the "Fund"), and
Oberweis Asset Management, Inc. (the "Sub-Advisor"), a corporation organized
under the laws of the state of Illinois

     Whereas, the Trust is an open-end, management investment company and is so
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940

     Whereas, the Trust offers a number of investment portfolios, each with its
own investment objective and strategies, and of which one investment portfolio
is the Fund;

     Whereas, WM Advisors is engaged in the business of rendering investment
advisory and management services, is registered as an investment adviser under
the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the "Advisers Act"), and is the
investment advisor of the Fund;

     Whereas, the Sub-Advisor is engaged in the business of rendering investment
advisory and management services and is registered as an investment adviser
under the Advisers Act; and

     Whereas, WM Advisors desires to retain the Sub-Advisor to furnish
investment sub-advisory and management services to the Fund and the Sub-Advisor
is willing to furnish such services;

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained,
it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:


     WM Advisors desires to employ such portion of the capital of the Fund as
may from time to time be determined by WM Advisors by investing and reinvesting
in investments of the kind and in accordance with the limitations specified in
the Trust's Master Trust Agreement, as amended, the Bylaws, as amended, and in
the Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information relating to the Fund as
in effect and which may be amended from time to time, and in such manner and to
such extent as may from time to time be approved by the Board of Trustees of the
Trust. Copies of the Fund's Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information,
Bylaws, and the Trust's Master Trust Agreement, each as amended, have been
submitted to the Sub-Advisor. WM Advisors agrees to provide copies of all
amendments or supplements to the Fund's Prospectus and Statement of Additional
Information, Bylaws, and the Trust's Master Trust Agreement to the Sub-Advisor
during the continuance of this Agreement before or at the time such amendments
or supplements become effective provided, however, that if any such amendment or
supplement relates to the Sub-Advisor or may reasonably be expected to
materially affect the Sub-Advisor's duties or obligations under this Agreement,
WM Advisors agrees to provide copies of such amendment or supplement prior to
its effectiveness. WM Advisors agrees to furnish the Sub-Advisor with
resolutions approved by the Board of Trustees of the Trust to the extent they
may affect the duties of the Sub-Advisor, a certified copy of any financial
statements or reports prepared for the Fund by the Trust's independent
registered public accountants, and with copies of any financial statements or
reports made by the Fund to its shareholders or to any governmental body or
securities exchange, and any further materials or information which the
Sub-Advisor may reasonably request to enable it to perform the services
hereunder. WM Advisors desires to employ and hereby appoints the Sub-Advisor to
act as investment sub-adviser to the portion of the Fund allocated to the
Sub-Advisor by WM Advisors from time to time. The Sub-Advisor accepts the
appointment and agrees to furnish the services described herein for the
compensation set forth below.



     Subject to the supervision of the Board of Trustees of the Trust and of WM
Advisors, the Fund's investment adviser, the Sub-Advisor will, solely with
respect to the portion of the Fund allocated to the Sub-Advisor by WM Advisors,
(a) maintain and implement compliance procedures that are reasonably designed to
ensure its compliance with the applicable provisions of the Trust's Master Trust
Agreement, and to prevent violations of the "Federal Securities Laws" (as
defined in Rule 38a-1 under the 1940 Act); (b) make investment decisions in
accordance with the Fund's investment objectives and policies as stated in the
Fund's Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information as in effect and,
after notice to the Sub-Advisor, and which may be amended from time to time; (c)
place purchase and sale orders on behalf of the Fund to effectuate the
investment decisions made; (d) maintain books and records with respect to the
securities transactions of the Fund in accordance with the 1940 Act and the
Advisers Act and the rules adopted thereunder and furnish to the Trust's Board
of Trustees such quarterly, annual and special reports as the Board may
reasonably request; and (e) except as permitted in this section or elsewhere in
this Agreement treat confidentially and as proprietary information of the Trust,
all records and other information relative to the Trust and to prior, present or
potential shareholders and will not knowingly use or disclose such records and
information for any purpose other than performance of its responsibilities and
duties hereunder, except after prior notification to and approval in writing by
the Trust, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld and such records
may not be withheld where the Sub-Advisor may be exposed to civil or criminal
contempt proceedings for failure to comply, when requested to divulge such
information by duly constituted authorities, or when so requested by the Trust.
The Sub-Advisor will supervise the Fund's investments and conduct a continuous
program of investment, evaluation and, if appropriate, sale and reinvestment of
the Fund's assets. The Sub-Advisor has responsibility for providing investment
services and advice only with respect to such discrete portion of the Fund as
may from time to time be allocated to the Sub-Advisor by WM Advisors. Subject to
the supervision of WM Advisors and in accordance with the investment objectives
and policies as stated in the Fund's Prospectus and Statement of Additional
Information, the Sub-Advisor is authorized, in its discretion and without prior
consultation with WM Advisors, to buy, sell, lend and otherwise trade in any
stocks, bonds, and other securities and investment instruments on behalf of the
Fund, without regard to the length of time the securities have been held and the


resulting rate of portfolio turnover or any tax considerations, and so long as
consistent with the Fund's investment objectives and policies, the majority or
the whole of the portion of the Fund may be invested in such proportions of
stocks, bonds, other securities or investment instruments, or cash as the
Sub-Advisor shall determine. In addition, the Sub-Advisor will furnish the Fund
or WM Advisors with whatever statistical information the Fund or WM Advisors may
reasonably request with respect to the investments that the Fund may hold or
contemplate purchasing in the portion of the Fund under the Sub-Advisor's
management. The Sub-Advisor will not consult with any other sub-advisors of any
other funds within the Trust (or any sub-advisors with respect to any other
portion of the Fund) concerning the transactions in securities or other assets
of the Fund or any other funds of the Trust other than for purposes of complying
with the conditions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of Rule 12d3-1 under the 1940 Act.

     The Sub-Advisor agrees to comply with the requirements of the 1940 Act, the
Advisers Act, the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended (the "1934 Act"), the Commodity Exchange Act and the respective rules
and regulations thereunder, to the extent applicable, as well as with all other
applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations and case law that relate
to the services and relationships described hereunder and to the conduct of its
business as a registered investment adviser. No supervisory activity undertaken
by WM Advisors shall limit the Sub-Advisor's full responsibility for any of the


     Subject to (a) the over-riding objective of obtaining the best possible
execution of orders; and (b) review and approval of the Board of Trustees of the
Trust, which may be conducted as often as the Trustees of the Trust may
determine, the Sub-Advisor shall place all orders for the purchase and sale of
securities for the Fund with brokers or dealers selected by the Sub-Advisor,
which may include brokers or dealers affiliated with the Sub-Advisor. All
transactions with any affiliated person of the Trust, or where any such
affiliated person acts as broker or agent in connection with any such
transaction, shall be accomplished in compliance with the 1940 Act, the Advisers
Act, the 1934 Act, as amended, the rules adopted thereunder and the procedures
adopted thereunder by the Trust. Purchase or sell orders for the Fund may be
aggregated with contemporaneous purchase or sell orders of other clients of the

provided that (a) no advisory account will be favored by the Sub-Advisor over
any other account; (b) each client of the Sub-Advisor who participates in such
an aggregated order will participate at the average share price, with all
transaction costs shared on a pro rata basis; (c) only advisory clients'
transactions will be aggregated for such an aggregated order; and (d) the
accounts of clients whose orders are aggregated will be segregated on the
Sub-Advisor's books and records so as to identify the particular client who has
the beneficial interest therein. The Sub-Advisor shall use its best efforts to
obtain execution of Fund transactions at prices which are advantageous to the
Fund and at commission rates that are reasonable in relation to the benefits
received. However, the Sub-Advisor may select brokers or dealers on the basis
that they provide brokerage, research, or other services or products to the Fund
and/or other accounts serviced by the Sub-Advisor. The Sub-Advisor may pay a
broker or dealer an amount of commission for effecting a securities transaction
in excess of the amount of commission or dealer spread another broker or dealer
would have charged for effecting that transaction if the Sub-Advisor determines
in good faith that such amount of commission was reasonable in relation to the
value of the brokerage and research products and/or services provided by such
broker or dealer. This determination, with respect to brokerage and research
services or products, may be viewed in terms of either that particular
transaction or the overall responsibilities which the Sub-Advisor and its
affiliates have with respect to the Fund and to accounts over which they
exercise investment discretion, and not all such services or products may be
used by the Sub-Advisor in managing the Fund; provided that with respect to such
transaction and such determination the affiliates of the Sub-Advisor shall have
the same responsibilities to the Fund as the Sub-Advisor has under this
Agreement. Notwithstanding the forgoing, the Sub-Advisor may not compensate a
broker or dealer (including a government securities or municipal securities
broker or dealer) for any promotion or sale of shares of any investment company,
including the Fund, by directing to the broker or dealer the Fund's portfolio
securities transactions or any remuneration, including but not limited to any
commission, mark-up, mark-down, or other fee (or portion thereof) received or to
be received from the Fund's portfolio transactions effected through a broker or


     The Sub-Advisor will keep the Trust and WM Advisors informed of
developments materially affecting the Fund of which the Sub-Advisor becomes


aware and will, on its own initiative, furnish the Trust and WM Advisors on at
least a quarterly basis with whatever information the Sub-Advisor believes is
appropriate for this purpose. Further, the Sub-Advisor shall notify WM Advisors
immediately upon detection of (a) any material failure to manage the Fund in
accordance with its investment objectives and policies or any applicable law; or
(b) any material breach of any of the Fund's or the Sub-Advisor's policies,
guidelines or procedures


     The Sub-Advisor shall exercise its best judgment in rendering the services
described in paragraphs 2-4 above. Except as may otherwise be provided by
federal securities laws, the Sub-Advisor shall not be liable for any error of
judgment or mistake of law or for any loss suffered by the Fund in connection
with the matters to which this Agreement relates except a loss resulting from
willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on its part in the
performance of its duties or from reckless disregard by it of its obligations
and duties under this Agreement (the conduct excepted in this sentence shall be
referred to as "Disqualifying Conduct").


     In consideration of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, the
Trust, on behalf of the Fund, will pay the Sub-Advisor on the first business day
of each month a fee for the previous month according to the schedule of fees
detailed in Annex A attached to this Agreement. Upon any termination of this
Agreement before the end of a month, the fee for such part of that month shall
be prorated according to the proportion that such period bears to the full
monthly period and shall be payable upon the date of termination of this
Agreement. For the purpose of determining fees payable to the Sub-Advisor, the
value of the Fund's net assets under management by the Sub-Advisor shall be
computed at the times and in the manner specified in the Fund's Prospectus or
Statement of Additional Information relating to the Fund as from time to time in


     The Sub-Advisor will bear all of its expenses in performing its services
under this Agreement, which expenses shall not include brokerage fees or
commissions in connection with the effectuation of securities transactions. The


shall not be required to bear any expenses of the Trust, the Fund or WM
Advisors. The Trust will bear certain other expenses to be incurred in its
operation, including but not limited to: organizational expenses, taxes,
interest, brokerage fees and commissions, if any; fees of trustees of the Trust
who are not officers, directors or employees of the Sub-Advisor, WM Advisors, or
any of their affiliates; Securities and Exchange Commission fees and state Blue
Sky qualification fees; all fees, including out-of-pocket expenses of
custodians, transfer and dividend disbursing agents and transaction charges of
custodians; insurance premiums; outside auditing and legal expenses; costs of
maintenance of the Trust's existence; costs attributable to investor services,
including without limitation, telephone and personnel expenses; costs of
preparing and printing prospectuses and statements of additional information for
regulatory purposes and for distribution to existing shareholders; costs of
shareholders' reports and meetings of the shareholders of the Fund and of the
officers or Board of Trustees of the Trust; and any extraordinary expenses. In
addition, the Fund pays a distribution fee pursuant to the terms of a
Distribution Plan adopted under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act. Any reimbursement of
investment advisory fees required by any expense limitation provision shall be
the sole responsibility of WM Advisors.


     WM Advisors understands that the Sub-Advisor now acts, will continue to act
and may act in the future as investment adviser to fiduciary and other managed
accounts and as investment adviser to one or more other investment companies or
series of investment companies, and WM Advisors has no objection to the
Sub-Advisor so acting, provided that whenever the Fund and one or more other
accounts or investment companies advised by the Sub-Advisor have available funds
for investment, investments suitable and appropriate for each will be allocated
in accordance with procedures reasonably believed to be equitable to each
entity. Similarly, opportunities to sell securities will be allocated in an
equitable manner. WM Advisors recognizes that in some cases this procedure may
limit the size of the position that may be acquired or disposed of for the Fund.
In addition, WM Advisors understands that the persons employed by the
Sub-Advisor to assist in the performance of the Sub-Advisor's duties hereunder
will not devote their full time to such service and nothing contained herein
shall be deemed to limit or restrict the right of the Sub-Advisor or any
affiliate of the Sub-Advisor to engage in and devote time and attention to other
business or to render services of whatever kind or nature. WM Advisors
recognizes and agrees


that the Sub-Advisor may provide advice to other clients which may differ from
or be identical to advice given with respect to the Fund.


     This Agreement shall become effective as of the date first written above,
shall continue for a period of two years thereafter, and shall continue in
effect for a period of more than two years thereafter only so long as such
continuance is specifically approved at least annually by (a) the Board of
Trustees of the Trust or (b) a vote of a "majority" (as defined in the 1940 Act)
of the Fund's outstanding voting securities, provided that in either event the
continuance is also approved by a majority of the Board of Trustees who are not
"interested persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of any party to this
Agreement, by vote cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting
on such approval. This Agreement is terminable, without penalty, on 30 days'
written notice, by WM Advisors, the Board of Trustees for the Trust or by vote
of holders of a majority of the Fund's shares, or upon 60 days' written notice
by the Sub-Advisor and will terminate automatically upon any termination of the
advisory agreement between the Trust and WM Advisors. In addition, this
Agreement will also terminate automatically in the event of its assignment (as
defined in the 1940 Act). The Sub-Advisor agrees to notify the Trust of any
circumstances that, to its best knowledge and belief, might result in this
Agreement being deemed to be assigned.


     WM Advisors represents that (a) a copy of the Trust's Master Trust
Agreement, dated February 22, 1989, together with all amendments thereto, is on
file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, (b)
the appointment of the Sub-Advisor has been duly authorized, (c) it has acted
and will continue to act in conformity with the 1940 Act and other applicable
laws, and (d) it is authorized to perform the services herein.

     The Sub-Advisor represents that it is authorized to perform the services
described herein. Further, the Sub-Advisor represents that it maintains errors
and omissions insurance coverage in an appropriate amount and shall provide
prior written notice to WM Advisors (a) of any material changes in its insurance
policies or insurance coverage; or (b) if any material claims will be made on
its insurance policies. Furthermore, the Sub-Advisor shall upon reasonable


provide WM Advisors any information it may reasonably require concerning the
amount of or scope of such insurance.


     WM Advisors shall indemnify and hold harmless the Sub-Advisor from and
against any and all claims, losses, liabilities or damages (including reasonable
attorneys' fees and other related expenses), howsoever arising from or in
connection with this Agreement or the performance by the Sub-Advisor of its
duties hereunder; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall require
that the Sub-Advisor be indemnified for Disqualifying Conduct.

     Sub-Advisor shall indemnify and hold harmless WM Advisors and the Fund from
and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities or damages (including
reasonable attorneys' fees and other related expenses), howsoever arising from
or in connection with this Agreement attributable to Disqualifying Conduct.


     No provision of this Agreement may be changed, waived, discharged or
terminated orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by the party
against which enforcement of the change, waiver, discharge or termination is


     The parties agree and acknowledge that the Sub-Advisor is the sole owner of
the name and mark "Oberweis" and that all use of any designation comprised in
whole or part of Oberweis (a "Sub-Advisor Mark") under this Agreement shall
inure to the benefit of the Sub-Advisor. The use by the Trust on its own behalf
or on behalf of the Fund of any Sub-Advisor Mark in any advertisement or sales
literature or other materials promoting the Fund shall be with the consent of
the Sub-Advisor. The Trust and WM Advisors shall not, without the consent of the
Sub-Advisor, make representations regarding the Sub-Advisor intended to be
disseminated to the investing public in any disclosure document, advertisement
or sales literature or other materials promoting the Fund. Such consent shall
not be required for any documents or other materials intended for broker-dealer
use only, for use by the Trust's trustees and for internal use by the Trust and
WM Advisors. Consent by the Sub-Advisor to such use of any Sub-Advisor Mark and
any such representation shall not be unreasonably withheld and shall be deemed
to be given if no written objection is received by the Trust, the Fund

or WM Advisors within 3 business days after the request is made by the Trust,
the Fund or WM Advisors for such use of any Sub-Advisor Mark or any such
representation. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Trust and
WM Advisors shall cease all use of any Sub-Advisor Mark(s) as soon as reasonably

     The Sub-Advisor agrees and acknowledges that the Trust is the sole owner of
the name and mark "WM Trust II" and WM Advisors is the sole owner of the name
and mark "WM Advisors, Inc." and that any and all use of any designation
comprised in whole or in part of "WM Trust II" or "WM Advisors, Inc." (each a
"WM Mark") under this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the Trust or WM
Advisors, respectively. The use by the Sub-Advisor on its own behalf of any WM
Mark in any advertisement or sales literature or other materials promoting the
Sub-Advisor shall be with the consent of the Trust or WM Advisors, respectively.
The Sub-Advisor shall not, without the consent of the Trust or WM Advisors, as
applicable, make representations regarding the Trust, the Fund or WM Advisors in
any disclosure document, advertisement or sales literature or other materials
promoting the Sub-Advisor. Consent by the Trust and WM Advisors to such use of
any WM Mark and any such representations shall not be unreasonably withheld and
shall be deemed to be given if no written objection is received by the
Sub-Advisor within 5 business days after the request by the Sub-Advisor is made
for such use of any WM Mark or any such representations. Upon termination of
this Agreement for any reason, the Sub-Advisor shall cease any and all use of
any WM Mark as soon as reasonably practicable.


     A copy of the Master Trust Agreement of the Trust is on file with the
Secretary of State of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and notice is hereby
given that this Agreement is executed by an officer of the Trust, as an officer
and not individually, on behalf of the Trustees of the Trust, as trustees and
not individually, on further behalf of the Fund, and that the obligations of
this Agreement with respect to the Fund shall be binding upon the assets and
properties of the Fund only and shall not be binding upon the assets and
properties of any other series of the Trust or upon any of the Trustees,
officers, employees, agents or shareholders of the Fund or the Trust



     This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the parties hereto,
except that WM Advisors and the Trust are also parties to an Investment
Management Agreement relating to the Fund dated May 11, 2004 as Amended and
Restated (the "Management Agreement").

     The Trust and WM Advisors hereby amend the Management Agreement, for so
long as this Agreement shall remain in effect, to provide that: (a) The Trust,
on behalf of the Fund, shall pay to WM Advisors a monthly fee equal to the
excess, if any, of (i) the fee set forth in Section 5 of the Management
Agreement (the "Management Fee") over (ii) the fee paid by the Fund under this
Agreement or any other sub-advisory agreement with respect to the Fund; (b) WM
Advisors shall not be entitled to any other fees under the Management Agreement
with respect to the Fund; (c) The Trust acknowledges and agrees that, for so
long as Sub-Advisor meets the standard of care set forth in this Agreement, WM
Advisors shall have no obligation to (i) furnish a continuous investment program
for the Fund, (ii) determine from time to time what securities will be
purchased, retained or sold by the Fund, and what portion of the Fund's assets
will be held as cash, or (iii) place orders for the purchase and sale of
portfolio securities for the Fund with brokers or dealers selected by WM
Advisors; (d) Notwithstanding this Agreement, WM Advisors remains authorized to
determine what securities or other property shall be purchased or sold by or for
the Fund; (e) In exchange for the fee paid by the Fund under the Management
Agreement and in recognition of its obligation to select and monitor the
Sub-Advisor, and not for the services provided by the Sub-Advisor pursuant to
the Sub-Advisory Agreement, WM Advisors shall indemnify and hold the Trust
harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, expenses (including
attorneys' fees), losses, damages, charges, payments and liabilities of any sort
or kind which may be asserted against the Trust or for which the Trust may be
held liable arising out of or attributable to any actual or alleged failure of
Sub-Advisor to meet the standard of care set forth in this Agreement.


     This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of The
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Any term or provision of this Agreement which is
invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction be
ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability without


rendering invalid or unenforceable the remaining terms or provisions of this
Agreement or affecting the validity or enforceability of any of the terms or
provisions of this Agreement in any other jurisdiction.


     (a) Unless WM Advisors or the Trust gives the Sub-Advisor written
instructions to the contrary, the Sub-Advisor shall vote all proxies solicited
by or with respect to the issuers of securities in which assets of the portion
of the Fund under the Sub-Advisor's management may be invested. The Sub-Advisor
shall use its best good faith judgment to vote such proxies in a manner which
best serves the interests of the Fund's shareholders.

     (b) WM Advisors shall provide the Sub-Advisor with a copy of the Fund's
agreement (the "Custody Agreement") with the custodian (the "Custodian")
designated to hold the assets of the Fund and any modification thereto in
advance. The Fund's assets shall be maintained in the custody of the Custodian
identified in, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of, the Custody
Agreement. The Sub-Advisor shall have no liability for the acts or omissions of
the Custodian. Any assets added to the portion of the Fund to be managed by the
Sub-Advisor shall be delivered directly to the Custodian. WM Advisors shall
instruct the Fund's Custodian and other appropriate parties to promptly forward
proxies related to securities within the portion of the Fund managed by the
Sub-Advisor to the Sub-Advisor, and the Sub-Advisor shall have no liability for
failing to vote the proxy for an issuer when it has not received the proxy
statement for that issuer. The Sub-Advisor shall under no circumstances act as
custodian for the Fund.

     (c) The Sub-Advisor may perform its services through any employee, officer
or agent of the Sub-Advisor, and the Trust and the Fund shall not be entitled to
the advice, recommendation, or judgment of any specific person.

     (d) In the performance of its duties hereunder, the Sub-Advisor is and
shall be an independent contractor and, unless otherwise expressly provided
herein or otherwise authorized in writing, shall have no authority to act for or
represent the Fund, the Trust, or WM Advisors in any way or otherwise be deemed
to be an agent of the Fund, the Trust, or WM Advisors. If any occasion should
arise in which the Sub-Advisor gives any advice to its clients concerning the
shares of the Fund, the Sub-Advisor will act solely as investment counsel for
such clients and not in any way on behalf of the Fund.

     (e) The headings of paragraphs contained in this Agreement are provided for
convenience only, form no part of this Agreement and shall not affect its

     (f) This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     (g) WM Advisors and the Trust's Board of Trustees understand that the value
of investments made for the Fund may go up as well as down, is not guaranteed
and that investment decisions will not always be profitable. The Sub-Advisor has
not made and is not making any guarantees, including any guarantee as to any
specific level of performance of the Fund. WM Advisors and the Trust's Board of
Trustees acknowledge that the Fund is designed for the described investment
objective and is not intended as a complete investment program. They also
understand that investment decisions made on behalf of the Fund by the
Sub-Adviser are subject to various market and business risks.

     (h) All written notices, requests or other communications to any party
hereunder shall be given to the following addresses and telecopy numbers, or
such other address and telecopy number communicated to the other parties from
time to time:

     If to WM Advisors, Inc. to: Cindy M. Kim
     1201 Third Avenue 22nd Floor Seattle, WA 98101

     If to the Fund, to: Attn: J.B. Kittredge of Ropes & Gray LLP
     One International Place Boston, MA 02110-2624

     If to the Sub-Advisor, to: Attn: James W. Oberweis
     951 Ice Cream Drive, Suite 200 North Aurora, IL 60542

     (i) The Sub-Advisor is permitted to include the performance of the portion
of the Fund managed by the Sub-Advisor in calculating the performance of its
composites and identify the Fund to third parties as a client; provided, that
the Sub-Advisor shall indemnify the Fund and WM Advisors, Inc. for any liability
that results from such use.


     "Confidential Information" of any party shall mean ideas, expressions,
trade secrets, customer lists, products, policies, forms, business methods,

plans, software and information from third parties (such as software and its
related documentation) for which such party has a duty of confidentiality, as
well as information which from all relevant circumstances should reasonably be
assumed by a party to be confidential information, whether any of which is
marked "Confidential Information" or not. Each party will make reasonable effort
to advise each other party when information disclosed to that other party is
Confidential Information. Confidential Information relating to a party shall be
held in confidence by each other party to the same extent and in at least the
same manner as such party protects its own Confidential Information, but in no
case to a lesser extent or manner than a reasonable degree of care under the
circumstances. Confidential Information shall not be disclosed to third parties
without specific written permission of the protected party. Each party shall,
however, be permitted to disclose relevant aspects of each other party's
Confidential Information to its officers, agents, subcontractors and employees
to the extent that such disclosure is reasonably necessary for the performance
of its duties and obligations under this Agreement; provided, however, that such
party shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that Confidential Information
of the other party is not disclosed or duplicated in contravention of the
provisions of the Agreement by such officers, agents, sub contractors, and

     The obligations in this Section 18 shall not restrict any disclosure by any
party pursuant to any applicable state or federal laws, or by order of any court
or government agency (provided that the disclosing party shall give prompt
notice to the non-disclosing party of such order) and shall not apply with
respect to information which (1) is independently developed by the other party
without violating the disclosing party's proprietary rights, (2) is or becomes
publicly known (other than through unauthorized disclosure), (3) is
intentionally disclosed by the owner of such information to a third party free
of any obligation of confidentiality, (4) is already known by such party without
an obligation of confidentiality other than pursuant to this Agreement or of any
confidentiality agreements entered into before the effective date of this
Agreement as evidenced by the written records of such party, or (5) is
rightfully received by a party free of any obligation of confidentiality.

     The parties agree that they shall abide by the provisions of the Gramm-
Leach-Bliley Act ("GLB") and other applicable privacy laws and shall each
establish commercially reasonable controls to ensure the confidentiality of the
Confidential Information and to ensure that the Confidential Information is not
disclosed contrary to the provisions of this Agreement, GLB or any other

applicable privacy laws and regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, each
party shall implement such physical and other security measures as are necessary
to (i) ensure the security and confidentiality of the Confidential Information
(ii) protect against any threats or hazards to the security and integrity of the
Confidential Information and (iii) protect against any unauthorized access to or
use of the Confidential Information. To the extent that any duties and
responsibilities under the Agreement are delegated to an agent or other
subcontractor, the party shall take reasonable steps to ensure that such agents
and subcontractor adhere to the same requirements. Each party shall have the
right, during regular office hours and upon reasonable notice, to audit the
other party to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, GLB and other
privacy laws and regulations.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this Section 18 shall
impose no obligations on the Fund.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed as of the date first written above.

WM ADVISORS, INC                       WM TRUST II, on behalf of its
                                       Small Cap Growth Fund series
By                                     -------------------------------------
-------------------------------------  Name: John T. West
Name: William G. Papesh                Title:  First Vice President
Title:  President

By                                     Dated:
Name: James W. Oberweis
Title:  President


                                                                         ANNEX A

     1. For purposes of calculating the fee to be paid to the Sub-Advisor under
this Agreement:

     "Fund Assets" shall mean the net assets of the portion of the Fund managed
     by the Sub-Advisor;

     "Other Assets" shall mean the net assets of the portion of the Small Cap
     Growth Fund series of WM Variable Trust managed by the Sub-Advisor.

     "Combined Assets" shall mean the sum of Fund Assets and Other Assets; and

     "Average Daily Net Fund Assets," "Average Daily Net Other Assets" and
     "Average Daily Net Combined Assets" shall mean the average of the value of
     the Fund Assets, Other Assets or Combined Assets, as the case may be, on
     each business day.

     2. The Sub-Advisor fee shall be paid in arrears (within 10 days of end of
month) based upon the Average Daily Net Combined Assets during the preceding
month. The fee payable for the month shall be calculated by applying the annual
rate, as set forth in the fee schedule below, to the Average Daily Net Combined
Assets, and dividing by twelve. The portion of the monthly fee to be paid by the
Fund shall be prorated based upon the Average Daily Net Fund Assets as compared
to the Average Daily Net Combined Assets. For a month in which this Agreement
becomes effective or terminates, the portion of the Sub-Advisor fee due
hereunder shall be prorated on the basis of the number of days that the
Agreement is in effect during the month.

     3. The following fee schedule shall be used to calculate the fee to be paid
to the Sub-Advisor under this Agreement:

 $250     $250     $500
-------  -------  -------
0.60%      0.50%    0.40%


                           THE SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND
                                 OF WM TRUST II

                          EFFECTIVE AS OF

     This Investment Sub-Advisory Agreement is made and entered into as of this
  day of   [month]  , 200  , among WM Advisors, Inc. ("WM Advisors"), a
corporation organized under the laws of the state of Washington, WM Trust II, a
business trust formed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (the
"Trust"), on behalf of its Small Cap Growth Fund series (the "Fund"), and
Delaware Management Company, a series of Delaware Management Business Trust,
(the "Sub-Advisor"), a statutory trust organized under the laws of the state of

     Whereas, the Trust is an open-end, management investment company and is so
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940

     Whereas, the Trust offers a number of investment portfolios, each with its
own investment objective and strategies, and of which one investment portfolio
is the Fund;

     Whereas, WM Advisors is engaged in the business of rendering investment
advisory and management services, is registered as an investment adviser under
the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the "Advisers Act"), and is the
investment advisor of the Fund;

     Whereas, the Sub-Advisor is engaged in the business of rendering investment
advisory and management services and Delaware Management Business Trust, of
which the Sub-Advisor is a series, is registered as an investment adviser under
the Advisers Act; and

     Whereas, WM Advisors desires to retain the Sub-Advisor to furnish
investment sub-advisory and management services to the Fund and the Sub-Advisor
is willing to furnish such services;

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained,
it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:


     WM Advisors desires to employ such portion of the capital of the Fund as
may from time to time be determined by WM Advisors by investing and reinvesting
in investments of the kind and in accordance with the limitations specified in
the Trust's Master Trust Agreement, as amended, the Bylaws, as amended, and in
the Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information relating to the Fund as
in effect and which may be amended from time to time, and in such manner and to
such extent as may from time to time be approved by the Board of Trustees of the
Trust. Copies of the Fund's Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information,
Bylaws, and the Trust's Master Trust Agreement, each as amended, have been or
will be submitted to the Sub-Advisor. WM Advisors agrees to provide copies of
all amendments or supplements to the Fund's Prospectus and Statement of
Additional Information, Bylaws, and the Trust's Master Trust Agreement to the
Sub-Advisor during the continuance of this Agreement before or at the time such
amendments or supplements become effective; provided, however, that if any such
amendment or supplement relates to the Sub-Advisor or may reasonably be expected
to materially affect the Sub-Advisor's duties or obligations under this
Agreement, WM Advisors agrees to provide copies of such amendment or supplement
prior to its effectiveness. WM Advisors agrees to furnish the Sub-Advisor with
resolutions approved by the Board of Trustees of the Trust to the extent they
may affect the duties of the Sub-Advisor, a copy of any financial statements or
reports prepared for the Fund by the Trust's independent registered public
accountants, and with copies of any financial statements or reports made by the
Fund to its shareholders or to any governmental body or securities exchange, and
any further materials or information which the Sub-Advisor may reasonably
request to enable it to perform its services hereunder. WM Advisors desires to
employ and hereby appoints the Sub-Advisor to act as investment sub-adviser to
the portion of the Fund allocated to the Sub-Advisor by WM Advisors from time to
time. The Sub-Advisor accepts the appointment and agrees to furnish the services
described herein for the compensation set forth below.



     Subject to the supervision of the Board of Trustees of the Trust and of WM
Advisors, the Fund's investment adviser, the Sub-Advisor will, solely with
respect to the portion of the Fund allocated to the Sub-Advisor by WM Advisors,
(a) maintain and implement compliance procedures that are reasonably designed to
ensure its compliance with Rule 206(4)-7 of the Advisers Act and to prevent
violations of the "Federal Securities Laws" (as defined in Rule 38a-1 under the
1940 Act) (b) make investment decisions in accordance with the Fund's investment
objectives and policies as stated in the Fund's Prospectus and Statement of
Additional Information as in effect and, after notice to the Sub-Advisor, and
which may be amended from time to time; (c) place purchase and sale orders on
behalf of the Fund to effectuate the investment decisions made; (d) maintain
books and records with respect to the securities transactions of the Fund in
accordance with the 1940 Act and the Advisers Act and the rules adopted
thereunder and furnish to the Trust's Board of Trustees such quarterly, annual
and special reports as the Board may reasonably request; and (e) except as
permitted in this section or elsewhere in this Agreement treat confidentially
and as proprietary information of the Trust, all records and other information
relative to the Trust and to prior, present or potential shareholders and will
not knowingly use or disclose such records and information for any purpose other
than performance of its responsibilities and duties hereunder, except after
prior notification to and approval in writing by the Trust, which approval shall
not be unreasonably withheld and such records may not be withheld where the
Sub-Advisor may be exposed to civil or criminal contempt proceedings for failure
to comply, when requested to divulge such information by duly constituted
authorities, or when so requested by the Trust. The Sub-Advisor will supervise
the Fund's investments and conduct a continuous program of investment,
evaluation and, if appropriate, sale and reinvestment of the Fund's assets in
the portion of the Fund under the Sub-Advisor's management. The Sub-Advisor has
responsibility for providing investment services and advice only with respect to
such discrete portion of the Fund as may from time to time be allocated to the
Sub-Advisor by WM Advisors. Subject to the supervision of WM Advisors and in
accordance with the investment objectives and policies as stated in the Fund's
Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information, the Sub-Advisor is
authorized, in its discretion and without prior consultation with WM Advisors,
to buy, sell, lend and otherwise trade in any stocks, bonds, and other
securities and investment instruments on behalf of the Fund, without regard to
the length of


time the securities have been held and the resulting rate of portfolio turnover
or any tax considerations, and so long as consistent with the Fund's investment
objectives and policies, the majority or the whole of the Fund may be invested
in such proportions of stocks, bonds, other securities or investment
instruments, or cash as the Sub-Advisor shall determine. In addition, the
Sub-Advisor will furnish the Fund or WM Advisors with whatever statistical
information the Fund or WM Advisors may reasonably request with respect to the
investments that the Fund may hold or contemplate purchasing in the portion of
the fund under the Sub-Advisor's management. The Sub-Advisor will not consult
with any other sub-advisors of any other funds within the Trust (or any
sub-advisors with respect to any other portion of the Fund) concerning the
transactions in securities or other assets of the Fund or any other funds of the
Trust other than for purposes of complying with the conditions of paragraphs (a)
and (b) of Rule 12d3-1 under the 1940 Act.

     The Sub-Advisor agrees to comply with the requirements of the 1940 Act, the
Advisers Act, the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended (the "1934 Act"), the Commodity Exchange Act and the respective rules
and regulations thereunder, to the extent applicable, as well as with all other
applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations and case law that relate
to the services and relationships described hereunder and to the conduct of its
business as a registered investment adviser. No supervisory activity undertaken
by WM Advisors shall limit the Sub-Advisor's full responsibility for any of the


     Subject to (a) the over-riding objective of obtaining the best possible
execution of orders; and (b) review and approval of the Board of Trustees of the
Trust, which may be conducted as often as the Trustees of the Trust may
determine, the Sub-Advisor shall place all orders for the purchase and sale of
securities for the Fund with brokers or dealers selected by the Sub-Advisor,
which may include brokers or dealers affiliated with the Sub-Advisor. All
transactions with any affiliated person of the Trust, or where any such
affiliated person acts as broker or agent in connection with any such
transaction, shall be accomplished in compliance with the 1940 Act, the Advisers
Act, the 1934 Act, as amended, the rules adopted thereunder and the procedures
adopted thereunder by the Trust. Purchase or sell orders for the Fund may be
aggregated with contemporaneous purchase or sell orders of other clients of the


provided that (a) no advisory account will be favored by the Sub-Advisor over
any other account; (b) each client of the Sub-Advisor who participates in such
an aggregated order will participate at the average share price, with all
transaction costs shared on a pro rata basis; (c) only advisory clients'
transactions will be aggregated for such an aggregated order; and (d) the
accounts of clients whose orders are aggregated will be segregated on the
Sub-Advisor's books and records so as to identify the particular client who has
the beneficial interest therein. The Sub-Advisor shall use its best efforts to
obtain execution of Fund transactions at prices which are advantageous to the
Fund and at commission rates that are reasonable in relation to the benefits
received. However, the Sub-Advisor may select brokers or dealers on the basis
that they provide brokerage, research, or other services or products to the Fund
and/or other accounts serviced by the Sub-Advisor. The Sub-Advisor may pay a
broker or dealer an amount of commission for effecting a securities transaction
in excess of the amount of commission or dealer spread another broker or dealer
would have charged for effecting that transaction if the Sub-Advisor determines
in good faith that such amount of commission was reasonable in relation to the
value of the brokerage and research products and/or services provided by such
broker or dealer. This determination, with respect to brokerage and research
services or products, may be viewed in terms of either that particular
transaction or the overall responsibilities which the Sub-Advisor and its
affiliates have with respect to the Fund and to accounts over which they
exercise investment discretion, and not all such services or products may be
used by the Sub-Advisor in managing the Fund; provided that with respect to such
transaction and such determination the affiliates of the Sub-Advisor shall have
the same responsibilities to the Fund as the Sub-Advisor has under this
Agreement. Notwithstanding the forgoing, the Sub-Advisor may not compensate a
broker or dealer (including a government securities or municipal securities
broker or dealer) for any promotion or sale of shares of any investment company,
including the Fund, by directing to the broker or dealer the Fund's portfolio
securities transactions or any remuneration, including but not limited to any
commission, mark-up, mark-down, or other fee (or portion thereof) received or to
be received from the Fund's portfolio transactions effected through a broker or


     The Sub-Advisor will keep the Trust and WM Advisors informed of
developments related to the Sub-Advisor, or its affiliates, their business,


tion or prospects, including without limitation material regulatory
investigations, that may materially affect the Fund of which the Sub-Advisor
becomes aware and will, on its own initiative, furnish the Trust and WM Advisors
on at least a quarterly basis with whatever information the Sub-Advisor believes
is appropriate for this purpose. For purposes of the preceding sentence only,
the term "affiliate" shall mean (i) affiliates of the Sub-Advisor controlled by
Delaware Management Holdings, Inc. (or its successor), which directly or
indirectly controls the Sub-Advisor, and (ii) any registered broker-dealer or
registered investment adviser under common control with the Sub-Advisor.
Further, the Sub-Advisor shall notify WM Advisors immediately upon detection of
(a) any material failure to manage the Fund in accordance with its investment
objectives and policies or any applicable law; or (b) any material breach of any
of the Fund's or the Sub-Advisor's policies, guidelines or procedures. WM
Advisors agrees to provide Sub-Advisor with all relevant Fund policies,
guidelines and procedures.


     The Sub-Advisor shall exercise its best judgment in rendering the services
described in paragraphs 2-4 above. Except as may otherwise be provided by
federal securities laws, the Sub-Advisor shall not be liable for any error of
judgment or mistake of law or for any loss suffered by the Fund in connection
with the matters to which this Agreement relates, except a loss resulting from
willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence on its part in the
performance of its duties or from reckless disregard by it of its obligations
and duties under this Agreement (the conduct excepted in this sentence shall be
referred to as "Disqualifying Conduct").


     In consideration of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, the
Trust, on behalf of the Fund, will pay the Sub-Advisor on the first business day
of each month a fee for the previous month according to the schedule of fees
detailed in Annex A attached to this Agreement. Upon any termination of this
Agreement before the end of a month, the fee for such part of that month shall
be prorated according to the proportion that such period bears to the full
monthly period and shall be payable upon the date of termination of this
Agreement. For the purpose of determining fees payable to the Sub-Advisor, the
value of the Fund's net assets under management by the Sub-Advisor shall be
computed at


the times and in the manner specified in the Fund's Prospectus or Statement of
Additional Information relating to the Fund as from time to time in effect.


     The Sub-Advisor will bear all of its expenses in performing its services
under this Agreement, which expenses shall not include brokerage fees or
commissions in connection with the effectuation of securities transactions. The
Sub-Advisor shall not be required to bear any expenses of the Trust, the Fund or
WM Advisors. The Trust will bear certain other expenses to be incurred in its
operation, including but not limited to: organizational expenses, taxes,
interest, brokerage fees and commissions, if any; fees of trustees of the Trust
who are not officers, directors or employees of the Sub-Advisor, WM Advisors, or
any of their affiliates; Securities and Exchange Commission fees and state Blue
Sky qualification fees; all fees, including out-of-pocket expenses of
custodians, transfer and dividend disbursing agents and transaction charges of
custodians; insurance premiums; outside auditing and legal expenses; costs of
maintenance of the Trust's existence; costs attributable to investor services,
including without limitation, telephone and personnel expenses; costs of
preparing and printing prospectuses and statements of additional information for
regulatory purposes and for distribution to existing shareholders; costs of
shareholders' reports and meetings of the shareholders of the Fund and of the
officers or Board of Trustees of the Trust; and any extraordinary expenses. In
addition, the Fund pays a distribution fee pursuant to the terms of a
Distribution Plan adopted under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act. Any reimbursement of
advisory fees required by any expense limitation provision shall be the sole
responsibility of WM Advisors.


     WM Advisors understands that the Sub-Advisor now acts, will continue to act
and may act in the future as investment adviser to fiduciary and other managed
accounts and as investment adviser to one or more other investment companies or
series of investment companies, and WM Advisors has no objection to the
Sub-Advisor so acting, provided that whenever the Fund and one or more other
accounts or investment companies advised by the Sub-Advisor have available funds
for investment, investments suitable and appropriate for each will be allocated
in accordance with procedures reasonably believed to be equitable to each
entity. Similarly, opportunities to sell securities will be allocated in an
equitable manner. WM Advisors recognizes that in some cases this procedure


may limit the size of the position that may be acquired or disposed of for the
Fund. In addition, WM Advisors understands that the persons employed by the
Sub-Advisor to assist in the performance of the Sub-Advisor's duties hereunder
will not devote their full time to such service and nothing contained herein
shall be deemed to limit or restrict the right of the Sub-Advisor or any
affiliate of the Sub-Advisor to engage in and devote time and attention to other
business or to render services of whatever kind or nature. WM Advisors
recognizes and agrees that the Sub-Advisor may provide advice to other clients
which may differ from or be identical to advice given with respect to the Fund.


     This Agreement shall become effective as of the date first written above,
shall continue for a period of two years thereafter, and shall continue in
effect for a period of more than two years thereafter only so long as such
continuance is specifically approved at least annually by (a) the Board of
Trustees of the Trust or (b) a vote of a "majority" (as defined in the 1940 Act)
of the Fund's outstanding voting securities, provided that in either event the
continuance is also approved by a majority of the Board of Trustees who are not
"interested persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act) of any party to this
Agreement, by vote cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting
on such approval. This Agreement is terminable, without penalty, on 30 days'
written notice, by WM Advisors, the Board of Trustees for the Trust or by vote
of holders of a majority of the Fund's shares, or upon 60 days' written notice
by the Sub-Advisor and will terminate automatically upon any termination of the
advisory agreement between the Trust and WM Advisors. In addition, this
Agreement will also terminate automatically in the event of its assignment (as
defined in the 1940 Act). The Sub-Advisor agrees to notify the Trust of any
circumstances that, to its best knowledge and belief, might result in this
Agreement being deemed to be assigned.


     WM Advisors represents and acknowledges, for itself and on behalf of the
Fund, that (a) a copy of the Trust's Master Trust Agreement, dated February 22,
1989, together with all amendments thereto, is on file in the office of the
Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, (b) the appointment of the
Sub-Advisor has been duly authorized, (c) it has acted and will continue to act
in conformity with the 1940 Act and other applicable laws, (d) it is authorized


perform the services herein, and (e) it has received a copy of Part II of
Sub-Advisor's current Form ADV, at least 48 hours prior to signing this

     The Sub-Advisor represents that it is authorized to perform the services
described herein. Further, the Sub-Advisor represents that it maintains errors
and omissions insurance coverage in an appropriate amount and shall provide
prior written notice to WM Advisors (a) of any material changes in its insurance
policies or insurance coverage; or (b) if any material claims will be made on
its insurance. Furthermore, the Sub-Advisor shall upon reasonable request
provide WM Advisors any information it may reasonably require concerning the
amount of or scope of such insurance.


     WM Advisors shall indemnify and hold harmless the Sub-Advisor from and
against any and all claims, losses, liabilities or damages (including reasonable
attorneys' fees and other related expenses), howsoever arising from or in
connection with this Agreement or the performance by the Sub-Advisor of its
duties hereunder; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall require
that the Sub-Advisor be indemnified for Disqualifying Conduct.

     Sub-Advisor shall indemnify and hold harmless WM Advisors and the Fund from
and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities or damages (including
reasonable attorneys' fees and other related expenses), howsoever arising from
or in connection with this Agreement attributable to Disqualifying Conduct.


     No provision of this Agreement may be changed, waived, discharged or
terminated orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by the party
against which enforcement of the change, waiver, discharge or termination is


     The parties agree and acknowledge that the Sub-Advisor is the sole owner of
the name and mark "Delaware Management Company, a series of Delaware Management
Business Trust," and that all use of any designation comprised in whole or part
of Delaware Management Company, a series of Delaware Management Business Trust,
(a "Sub-Advisor Mark") under this Agreement shall inure


to the benefit of the Sub-Advisor. The use by the Trust on its own behalf or on
behalf of the Fund of any Sub-Advisor Mark in any advertisement or sales
literature or other materials promoting the Fund shall be with the consent of
the Sub-Advisor. The Trust and WM Advisors shall not, without the consent of the
Sub-Advisor, make representations regarding the Sub-Advisor intended to be
disseminated to the investing public in any disclosure document, advertisement
or sales literature or other materials promoting the Fund. Such consent shall
not be required for any documents or other materials intended for broker-dealer
use only, for use by the Trust's trustees and for internal use by the Trust and
WM Advisors. Consent by the Sub-Advisor to such use of any Sub-Advisor Mark and
any such representation shall not be unreasonably withheld and shall be deemed
to be given if no written objection is received by the Trust, the Fund or WM
Advisors within 3 business days after the request is made by the Trust, the Fund
or WM Advisors for such use of any Sub-Advisor Mark or any such representation.
Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Trust and WM Advisors
shall cease all use of any Sub-Advisor Mark(s) as soon as reasonably

     The Sub-Advisor agrees and acknowledges that the Trust is the sole owner of
the name and mark "WM Trust II" and WM Advisors is the sole owner of the name
and mark "WM Advisors, Inc." and that any and all use of any designation
comprised in whole or in part of "WM Trust II" or "WM Advisors, Inc." (each a
"WM Mark") under this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the Trust or WM
Advisors, respectively. Except as used to identify the Fund to third parties as
a client, the use by the Sub-Advisor on its own behalf of any WM Mark in any
advertisement or sales literature or other materials promoting the Sub-Advisor
shall be with the consent of the Trust or WM Advisors, respectively. The
Sub-Advisor shall not, without the consent of the Trust or WM Advisors, as
applicable, make representations regarding the Trust, the Fund or WM Advisors in
any disclosure document, advertisement or sales literature or other materials
promoting the Sub-Advisor. Consent by the Trust and WM Advisors to such use of
any WM Mark and any such representations shall not be unreasonably withheld and
shall be deemed to be given if no written objection is received by the
Sub-Advisor within 5 business days after the request by the Sub-Advisor is made
for such use of any WM Mark or any such representations. Upon termination of
this Agreement for any reason, the Sub- Advisor shall cease any and all use of
any WM Mark as soon as reasonably practicable.



     A copy of the Master Trust Agreement of the Trust is on file with the
Secretary of State of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and notice is hereby
given that this Agreement is executed by an officer of the Trust, as an officer
and not individually, on behalf of the Trustees of the Trust, as trustees and
not individually, on further behalf of the Fund, and that the obligations of
this Agreement with respect to the Fund shall be binding upon the assets and
properties of the Fund only and shall not be binding upon the assets and
properties of any other series of the Trust or upon any of the Trustees,
officers, employees, agents or shareholders of the Fund or the Trust


     This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the parties hereto,
except that WM Advisors and the Trust are also parties to an Investment
Management Agreement relating to the Fund dated May 11, 2004 as Amended and
Restated (the "Management Agreement").

     The Trust and WM Advisors hereby amend the Management Agreement, for so
long as this Agreement shall remain in effect, to provide that: (a) The Trust,
on behalf of the Fund, shall pay to WM Advisors a monthly fee equal to the
excess, if any, of (i) the fee set forth in Section 5 of the Management
Agreement (the "Management Fee") over (ii) the fee paid by the Fund under this
Agreement or any other sub-advisory agreement with respect to the Fund; (b) WM
Advisors shall not be entitled to any other fees under the Management Agreement
with respect to the Fund; (c) The Trust acknowledges and agrees that, for so
long as Sub-Advisor meets the standard of care set forth in this Agreement, WM
Advisors shall have no obligation to (i) furnish a continuous investment program
for the Fund, (ii) determine from time to time what securities will be
purchased, retained or sold by the Fund, and what portion of the Fund's assets
will be held as cash, or (iii) place orders for the purchase and sale of
portfolio securities for the Fund with brokers or dealers selected by WM
Advisors; (d) Notwithstanding this Agreement, WM Advisors remains authorized to
determine what securities or other property shall be purchased or sold by or for
the Fund; (e) In exchange for the fee paid by the Fund under the Management
Agreement and in recognition of its obligation to select and monitor the
Sub-Advisor, and not for the services provided by the Sub-Advisor pursuant to
the Sub-Advisory Agreement, WM Advisors shall indemnify and


hold the Trust harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, expenses
(including attorneys' fees), losses, damages, charges, payments and liabilities
of any sort or kind which may be asserted against the Trust or for which the
Trust may be held liable arising out of or attributable to any actual or alleged
failure of Sub-Advisor to meet the standard of care set forth in this Agreement.


     This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of The
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Any term or provision of this Agreement which is
invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction be
ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability without
rendering invalid or unenforceable the remaining terms or provisions of this
Agreement or affecting the validity or enforceability of any of the terms or
provisions of this Agreement in any other jurisdiction.


     (a) Unless WM Advisors or the Trust gives the Sub-Advisor written
instructions to the contrary, the Sub-Advisor shall vote all proxies solicited
by or with respect to the issuers of securities in which assets of the portion
of the Fund under the Sub-Advisor's management may be invested. The Sub-Advisor
shall use its best good faith judgment to vote such proxies in a manner which
best serves the interests of the Fund's shareholders. The Fund shall cause all
proxies received by it or on its behalf that relate to securities within the
portion of the Fund managed by the Sub-Advisor to be delivered to the
Sub-Advisor or its agent on a timely basis.

     (b) WM Advisors shall provide the Sub-Advisor with a copy of the Fund's
agreement (the "Custody Agreement") with the custodian (the "Custodian")
designated to hold the assets of the Fund and any modification thereto in
advance. The Fund's assets shall be maintained in the custody of the Custodian
identified in, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of, the Custody
Agreement. The Sub-Advisor shall have no liability for the acts or omissions of
the Custodian. Any assets added to the portion of the Fund to be managed by the
Sub-Advisor shall be delivered directly to the Custodian. The Sub-Advisor shall
under no circumstances act as custodian for the Fund.


     (c) The Sub-Advisor may perform its services through any employee, officer
or agent of the Sub-Advisor, and the Trust and the Fund shall not be entitled to
the advice, recommendation, or judgment of any specific person.

     (d) In the performance of its duties hereunder, the Sub-Advisor is and
shall be an independent contractor and, unless otherwise expressly provided
herein or otherwise authorized in writing, shall have no authority to act for or
represent the Fund, the Trust, or WM Advisors in any way or otherwise be deemed
to be an agent of the Fund, the Trust, or WM Advisors. If any occasion should
arise in which the Sub-Advisor gives any advice to its clients concerning the
shares of the Fund, the Sub-Advisor will act solely as investment counsel for
such clients and not in any way on behalf of the Fund.

     (e) The headings of paragraphs contained in this Agreement are provided for
convenience only, form no part of this Agreement and shall not affect its

     (f) This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in two or more
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     (g) All written notices, requests or other communications to any party
hereunder shall be given to the following addresses and telecopy numbers, or
such other address and telecopy number communicated to the other parties from
time to time:

     If to WM Advisors, to: Attn: Cindy Kim
     1201 Third Avenue 22nd Floor Seattle, WA 98101

     If to the Fund, to: Attn: J. B. Kittredge of Ropes & Gray LLP
     One International Place Boston, MA 02110-2624

     If to the Sub-Advisor, to: Attn: Patrick Coyne
     2005 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, with a copy to General
     Counsel at same address

     (h) The Sub-Advisor is permitted to include the performance of the portion
of the Fund managed by the Sub-Advisor in calculating the performance of its
composites; provided, that the Sub-Advisor shall indemnify the Fund and WM
Advisors for any liability that results from such use.



     "Confidential Information" of any party shall mean ideas, expressions,
trade secrets, customer lists, products, policies, forms, business methods,
business plans, software and information from third parties (such as software
and its related documentation) for which such party has a duty of
confidentiality, as well as information which from all relevant circumstances
should reasonably be assumed by a party to be confidential information, whether
any of which is marked "Confidential Information" or not. Each party will make
reasonable effort to advise each other party when information disclosed to that
other party is Confidential Information. Confidential Information relating to a
party shall be held in confidence by each other party to the same extent and in
at least the same manner as such party protects its own Confidential
Information, but in no case to a lesser extent or manner than a reasonable
degree of care under the circumstances. Confidential Information shall not be
disclosed to third parties without specific written permission of the protected
party. Each party shall, however, be permitted to disclose relevant aspects of
each other party's Confidential Information to its officers, agents,
subcontractors and employees to the extent that such disclosure is reasonably
necessary for the performance of its duties and obligations under this
Agreement; provided, however, that such party shall take all reasonable measures
to ensure that Confidential Information of the other party is not disclosed or
duplicated in contravention of the provisions of the Agreement by such officers,
agents, sub contractors, and employees.

     The obligations in this Section 18 shall not restrict any disclosure by any
party pursuant to any applicable state or federal laws, or by order of any court
or government agency (provided that, the disclosing party shall give prompt
notice to the non-disclosing party of such order) and shall not apply with
respect to information which (1) is independently developed by the other party
without violating the disclosing party's proprietary rights, (2) is or becomes
publicly known (other than through unauthorized disclosure), (3) is
intentionally disclosed by the owner of such information to a third party free
of any obligation of confidentiality, (4) is already known by such party without
an obligation of confidentiality other than pursuant to this Agreement or of any
confidentiality agreements entered into before the effective date of this
Agreement as evidenced by the written records of such party, or (5) is
rightfully received by a party free of any obligation of confidentiality.


     The parties agree that they shall abide by the provisions of the Gramm-
Leach-Bliley Act ("GLB") and other applicable privacy laws and shall each
establish commercially reasonable controls to ensure the confidentiality of the
Confidential Information and to ensure that the Confidential Information is not
disclosed contrary to the provisions of this Agreement, GLB or any other
applicable privacy laws and regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, each
party shall implement such physical and other security measures as are necessary
to (i) ensure the security and confidentiality of the Confidential Information
(ii) protect against any threats or hazards to the security and integrity of the
Confidential Information and (iii) protect against any unauthorized access to or
use of the Confidential Information. To the extent that any duties and
responsibilities under the Agreement are delegated to an agent or other
subcontractor, the party shall take reasonable steps to ensure that such agents
and subcontractor adhere to the same requirements. Each party shall have the
right, during regular office hours and upon reasonable notice, to audit the
other party to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, GLB and other
privacy laws and regulations.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this Section 18 shall
impose no obligations on the Fund.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed as of the date first written above.

WM ADVISORS, INC.                      WM TRUST II, on behalf of its
                                       Small Cap Growth Fund series
By                                     -------------------------------------
-------------------------------------  Name: John T. West
Name: William G. Papesh                Title:  First Vice President
Title:  President

By                                     Dated:
-------------------------------------     ----------------------------------


                                                                         ANNEX A

     1. For purposes of calculating the fee to be paid to the Sub-Advisor under
this Agreement:

     "Fund Assets" shall mean the net assets of the portion of the Fund managed
     by the Sub-Advisor;

     "Other Assets" shall mean the net assets of the portion of the Small Cap
     Growth Fund series of WM Variable Trust managed by the Sub-Advisor.

     "Combined Assets" shall mean the sum of Fund Assets and Other Assets; and

     "Average Daily Net Fund Assets," "Average Daily Net Other Assets" and
     "Average Daily Net Combined Assets" shall mean the average of the value of
     the Fund Assets, Other Assets or Combined Assets, as the case may be, on
     each business day.

     2. The Sub-Advisor fee shall be paid in arrears (within 10 days of month
end) based upon the Average Daily Net Combined Assets during the preceding
month. The fee payable for the month shall be calculated by applying the annual
rate, as set forth in the fee schedule below, to the Average Daily Net Combined
Assets, and dividing by twelve. The portion of the monthly fee to be paid by the
Fund under this Agreement shall be prorated based upon the Average Daily Net
Fund Assets as compared to the Average Daily Net Combined Assets. For a month in
which this Agreement becomes effective or terminates, the portion of the
Sub-Advisor fee due hereunder shall be prorated on the basis of the number of
days that the Agreement is in effect during the month.

     3. The following fee schedule shall be used to calculate the fee to be paid
to the Sub-Advisor under this Agreement:

 $250     $250     $500
-------  -------  -------
0.60%      0.50%    0.40%


                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT!

                                        YOUR PROXY VOTE IS IMPORTANT!

                                        AND NOW YOU CAN VOTE YOUR PROXY ON THE
                                        PHONE OR THE INTERNET.

                                        IT SAVES MONEY! TELEPHONE AND INTERNET
                                        VOTING SAVES POSTAGE COSTS. SAVINGS
                                        WHICH CAN HELP MINIMIZE EXPENSES.

                                        IT SAVES TIME! TELEPHONE AND INTERNET
                                        VOTING IS INSTANTANEOUS - 24 HOURS A

                                        IT'S EASY! JUST FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE

                                        1. READ YOUR PROXY STATEMENT AND HAVE IT
                                        AT HAND.

                                        2. CALL TOLL-FREE 1-866-241-6192 OR GO
                                        TO WEBSITE: VOTE.PROXY-DIRECT.COM.

                                        3. FOLLOW THE RECORDED OR ON-SCREEN

                                        4. DO NOT MAIL YOUR PROXY CARD WHEN YOU
                                        VOTE BY PHONE OR INTERNET.

                  Please detach at perforation before mailing.

PROXY CARD                     WM GROUP OF FUNDS                      PROXY CARD
                              SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND

The undersigned hereby revokes all previous proxies for his or her or its shares
and appoints William G. Papesh and John T. West, and each of them separately,
proxies with power of substitution to each, and hereby authorizes them to
represent and to vote, as designated on the reverse side, at the Special Meeting
of Shares of the Small Cap Growth Fund (the "Fund"), a series of WM Trust II, on
March 24, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (the "Meeting"), and any
adjournments(s) thereof, all of the shares of the Fund which the undersigned
would be entitled to vote if personally present.


                                        VOTE VIA THE INTERNET:
                                        VOTE VIA THE TELEPHONE: 1-866-241-6192

                                        999 9999 9999 999

                                        SIGNATURE(S) NOTE: Please sign exactly
                                        as your name appears on this proxy card.
                                        All joint owners should sign. When
                                        signing as executor, administrator,
                                        attorney, trustee or guardian or as
                                        custodian for a minor, please give full
                                        title as such. If a corporation, please
                                        sign in full corporate name and indicate
                                        the signer's office. If a partner, sign
                                        in the partnership name.

                                        Signature(s) (Title(s), if applicable)

                                        Date                           WMA_15005


                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT!

                  Please detach at perforation before mailing.


In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other matters
that may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof. The
Trustees recommend a vote FOR the Proposals.


                                                     FOR     AGAINST     ABSTAIN

To approve a Sub-Advisory Agreement relating to      [ ]       [ ]         [ ]
the Fund among the Fund, WM Advisors, Inc. and
Oberweis Asset Management, Inc.


To approve a Sub-Advisory Agreement relating to      [ ]       [ ]         [ ]
the Fund among the Fund, WM Advisors, Inc. and
Delaware Management Company.


(WM Group Letterhead)

March 8, 2005

Dear Small Cap Growth Fund Shareholder:

     The enclosed proxy statement solicits your vote as a shareholder of the
Small Cap Growth Fund (the "Fund") for the purpose of approving sub-advisory
agreements with two sub-advisors: Oberweis Asset Management, Inc. ("Oberweis")
and Delaware Management Company ("Delaware Management"). This proxy statement is
designed to give you information about the proposed agreements. After you have
reviewed this material carefully, we encourage you to follow the Board of
Trustees' recommendation by voting "FOR" the proposed agreements.

     The Fund is managed by WM Advisors, Inc. (the "Advisor") and currently has
no sub-advisors. Portfolio diversification and strategic asset allocation have
long been key tenets of the Advisor's investment philosophy. Mindful of the
relatively volatile nature of small cap growth equity investing, the Advisor
believes the Fund could benefit from allocating Fund assets among the two
sub-advisors. The Advisor believes that the investment styles of Oberweis and
Delaware Management (each a "Proposed Sub-Advisor") are complementary and that
allocating the Fund's assets among these two sub-advisors could benefit the Fund
by reducing volatility. In addition, the introduction of Oberweis and Delaware
Management would enable the Advisor to focus its direct equity management
resources on value-oriented portfolios, while leveraging the Advisor's existing
asset allocation and sub-advisory oversight expertise.

     These proposals will NOT change the total advisory fees paid by the Fund,
although approval of the proposals may result in increased portfolio turnover,
which typically involves brokerage costs.

     A special meeting of shareholders has been scheduled for March 24, 2005 at
10:00 a.m., Pacific time, at the main office of the Fund at 1201 Third Avenue,
Seattle, Washington 98101. While you are invited to attend the meeting, most
shareholders cast their vote by completing the accompanying proxy card. Your
vote is essential. Please vote as soon as possible using any of the following

     - Mail -- sign and date your proxy card, and mail it back in the enclosed
       postage-paid envelope.

     - Touch tone telephone -- please refer to your proxy card.

     - Internet -- please refer to your proxy card.

     If you have questions, please contact your Investment Representative or
call (800) 222-5852.

     Your vote is important to us and is needed to ensure that the proposed
agreements in the proxy statement can be acted upon. We look forward to
receiving your vote soon.


/s/ William G. Papesh
William G. Papesh