Section 3, sub-paragraph 1 a) to c) shall be revised as follows:

        (1)     The annual remuneration amounts to E292.500,00 effective as of
                1st January 2003. This annual remuneration shall be paid in
                equal monthly amounts of E22.500,00, respectively due for
                payment at the end of the month. At the end of November the
                amount shall be increased to E45.000,00.

        (2)     Furthermore, Mr Roepstorff shall receive an annual bonus payment
                up to an amount of maximum E150.000,00. The payment of the bonus
                is dependent on Mr Roepstorff reaching variable milestones which
                will be newly determined every year by the CEO of Staar Surgical
                or his authorized representative.

                A company car was made available to Mr Roepstorff for his work
                in the framework of this Agreement, which may also be used on a
                private basis. Mr Roepstorff shall keep records of the
                kilometers driven in the company car for his private use. The
                parties herewith intend to clarify and record the fact that Mr
                Roepstorff also has a future claim to a company car
                corresponding to the value of the car currently driven.


        (1)     In the case of a temporary incapacity to work on the part of Mr
                Roepstorff caused by sickness or other reasons for which Mr
                Roepstorff is not responsible, the remuneration shall continue
                to be paid for six months according to Section 3 (1) during the
                period of the incapacity to work. The amount will hereby be
                deducted which corresponds to the sickness allowance paid by the
                health insurance company. The continuation of the payment of the
                remuneration shall only be made to the end of the Agreement at
                the latest.

        (2)     Should Mr Roepstorff pass away during the term of this
                Agreement, his widow and legitimate children, provided they have
                not yet reached the age of 25 and are still in professional
                training, shall have a claim as joint and several creditors to
                the continuation of payment of the salary according to Section 3
                for the month in which Mr Roepstorff passed away and the
                following six months.


        (1)     The holiday claim agreed up to now with Mr Roepstorff of an
                annual holiday of 30 workdays shall be increased every third
                year of employment by one day, whereby the first increase in the
                annual holiday shall take place in the year in which Mr
                Roepstorff has reached the age of 58. Further increases shall
                subsequently take place on a three-year basis.

                The parties are furthermore in agreement that Mr Roepstorff is
                entitled to transfer each year ten days of his annual holiday to
                the next calendar year. The transferred holiday expires at the
                end of the transferred year to which the annual holiday was
                transferred, should Mr Roepstorff not have taken the transferred
                annual holiday.

                In other respects the Agreement shall be supplemented as

                Change in Control

                The parties are in agreement that the contractual relationship
                on hand shall be continued with unchanged conditions even in the
                case of there being a change in control. This shall not apply if
                a possible successor of the present shareholders wishes to
                terminate the contractual relationship. In this case Mr
                Roepstorff shall receive a redundancy payment to the amount of
                half a month's salary for each year he has been employed with
                the company. The same correspondingly applies in the case of his
                position being considerably reduced as a result of the change in
                control or if the headquarters of the company is relocated to
                over 75 km away from the present headquarters. Mr Roepstorff is
                entitled to end the contractual relationship himself within the
                first six months of acquiring knowledge of the change in control
                with a notice period of twelve months. After this period, Mr
                Roepstorff shall receive a bonus of six monthly salaries if he
                has continued to manage the business during the notice period of
                twelve months.

                Euro conversion

                The parties are in agreement that sums of money, in as far as
                they have been shown up to now in Deutsche Mark, shall be
                converted to euros. This particularly applies to sums of money
                included in Section 1, paragraph 2 of the Supplementary
                Agreement dated 25th November 1997.

                /s/ Gunther Roepstorff       CEO STAAR Surgical
                Domilens GmbH                /s/ David Bailey