Amendment") has been entered into this 26th day of July, 1996, by and among
Rolls-Royce North America Inc., a Delaware corporation ("RRNA"), Rolls-Royce
Acquisition Corp., a Delaware corporation ("Buyer"), U.S. Turbine Corp., a
Nevada corporation ("Seller"), and Powell Industries, Inc., a Nevada
corporation and the sole shareholder of Seller ("Shareholder").


                 1.       The parties have entered into an Asset Purchase
Agreement, dated June 20, 1996 (the "Original Agreement"), whereby Buyer has
agreed to purchase, and Seller has agreed to sell, substantially all of the
assets of Seller's business.

                 2.       The parties wish to amend the Original Agreement as
set forth herein.

                 3.       Capitalized terms used herein but not otherwise
defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Original Agreement.


                 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants
contained herein and in the Original Agreement, the parties agree that the
Original Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

                 1.       Section 1.2(b)(ii)(E) is hereby amended and restated
in its entirety as follows:

         "(E) each of the Contracts listed or described on Schedule 1.2(b)
attached hereto;"

                 2.       Schedule 1.2(b), in the form attached hereto, shall
be deemed to be a part of the Original Agreement from and as of the date of
execution of the Original Agreement.

                 3.       A new Section 4.28 is hereby added to the Original
Agreement, which Section 4.28 shall read as follows:

                 "SECTION 4.28.  Subcontracting Services.  The parties shall
         enter into a subcontract as of the Closing Date in the form attached
         hereto as Exhibit 4.28A (the "Subcontract"), pursuant to which Buyer
         shall perform services as a subcontractor to Seller under the
         Contracts listed or described in Schedule 3.1(bb).  Until the fifth
         anniversary following completion of all services to be performed by
         Buyer under the Subcontract, Seller shall maintain in effect (and
         shall remain current in payment of all premiums with respect to)
         general liability, excess liability and excess umbrella liability
         policies which insure the risks described, and with the aggregate
         limit not lower than that specified, on Exhibit 4.28B attached hereto,
         and such policies shall also cover services rendered to customers by
         or on behalf of Seller before or after the Closing Date.  All such
         policies shall name Buyer as an additional named insured."

                 4.       Exhibits 4.28A and 4.28B, in the forms attached
hereto, shall be deemed to be a part of the Original Agreement from and as of
the date of execution of the Original Agreement.

                 5.       New subsections 7.1(f) and 7.1(g) are hereby added to
the Original Agreement, which subsections 7.1(f) and 7.1(g) shall read as
follows, and the current subsection 7.1(f) is hereby redesignated as subsection

                 "(f)  Any liabilities or obligations for special, indirect,
         incidental, consequential or similar Damages arising out of or in
         connection with the Subcontract or any contract, agreement, warranty
         obligation or other commitment of any type of Seller (including,
         without limitation, original equipment sales or service contracts,
         maintenance contracts, aftermarket contracts, customer service or
         supply contracts or engineering services agreements), INCLUDING,

                 (g)      Any liabilities or obligations for special, indirect,
         incidental, consequential or similar Damages arising out of or in
         connection with the Subcontract or any contract, agreement, warranty
         obligation or other commitment of any type of Seller (including,
         without limitation, original equipment sales or service contracts,
         maintenance contracts, aftermarket contracts, customer service or
         supply contracts or engineering services agreements), INCLUDING,

                 6.       A new clause (iv) is hereby added to Section 7.3(d)
of the Original Agreement, which clause (iv) shall read as follows:

         ", or (iv) any Damages described in subsection 7.1(f) or 7.1(g)."

                 7.       A new Section 3.1(bb) is hereby added to the Original
Agreement, which Section 3.1(bb) shall read as follows:

                 "(bb)  Consequential Losses.  Schedule 3.1(bb) sets forth a
         true and complete listing and description of all contracts,
         agreements, warranty obligations or other commitments of any type of
         Seller (including, without limitation, original equipment sales or
         service contracts, maintenance contracts, aftermarket contracts,
         customer service or supply contracts or engineering services
         agreements) which do not specifically exclude liability or obligation
         on the part of Seller for special, indirect, incidental, consequential
         or similar losses, liabilities, claims, damages or expenses."

                 8.       Schedule 3.1(bb), in the form attached hereto, shall
be deemed to be part of the Original Agreement from and as of the date of
execution of the Original Agreement.

                 9.       Section 1.6 of the Original Agreement is hereby
amended and restated in its entirety as follows:

                 "SECTION 1.6.  Allocation of Purchase Price.  $50,000 of the
         aggregate consideration payable by Buyer hereunder shall be allocated
         to the covenant not to compete set forth in Section 4.15.  The
         remainder of the aggregate consideration payable by Buyer hereunder
         shall be allocated for purposes of Section 1060 of the Internal
         Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, in accordance with the fair market
         values of the respective Sale Assets.  Buyer and Seller hereby agree,
         subject to the requirements of Section 1060 of the United States
         Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Treasury
         Regulations promulgated thereunder, to report consistently, in any tax
         return completed or filed by any of them, the sale of the Sale Assets
         pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with such allocation."

                 10.      Exhibit A to the Original Agreement is hereby amended
as follows:

                 (a)      A new subsection 2.3(c) shall be added which shall
read as follows:

         "The assets shown on Schedule 3.1(j) as acquired in April 1984 were
         revalued in April 1984 by Seller.  For the purposes of calculating the
         net book value of these assets, the acquired book value as set forth
         on Schedule 3.1(j) will be deemed the actual cost, which will be
         depreciated in accordance with Section 2.2 above."

                 (b)      A new subsection 2.3(d) shall be added which shall
read as follows:

         "The Stated Value of the Owned Property shall not exceed  One Hundred
         Fifty Two Thousand Dollars ($152,000)."

                 (c)      The first paragraph of Section 3.2 shall be amended
and restated in its entirety to read as follows:

         "Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market value where
         cost includes direct costs i.e., actual material cost only plus duty
         and freight where applicable.  Inventory provisions will be made where
         applicable in order to reduce the value of inventories to the lower of
         cost or market value.  The inventory provisions will include, but not
         be limited to, the following:"

                 (d)      The provision relating to "Production Inventory" in
the table in Section 3.2 shall be amended and restated in its entirety to read
as follows:

         "100% provision against items deemed not usable in the foreseeable
         future in the ordinary course of Seller's business."

                 (e)      The provision associated with "Raw material
inventory" in the table in Section 3.2 shall be amended and restated to read in
its entirety as follows:

         "100% provision against items considered to be inactive in the
         ordinary course of Seller's business."

                 (f)      The first sentence following the table in Section 3.2
shall be amended and restated to read in its entirety as follows:

         "All parts that have been damaged, declared not saleable or
         technologically obsolete will have such provisions made as are
         necessary to value such items at the lower of cost or net realizable

                 11.      The Owned Property shall be included in the Sale
Assets and shall not constitute part of the Excluded Assets.

                 12.      A new Section 4.29 is hereby added to the Original
Agreement, which Section 4.29 shall read as follows:

                 "SECTION 4.29.  Deferred Maintenance.  Buyer has entered into
         a letter agreement with American Real Estate Holdings Limited
         Partnership ("AREHLP") pursuant to which Buyer has agreed to undertake
         certain repairs with respect to the Leased Property included in the
         Maineville Real Estate in accordance with the property inspection

         report prepared by Don Schwartz, dated June 26, 1996, a copy of which
         previously has been provided to Seller and Shareholder (the "Report").
         Seller and Shareholder, jointly and severally, agree to reimburse
         Buyer promptly (and, in any event, within fifteen (15) days of receipt
         of a request therefor) for fifty percent (50%) of any and all costs
         incurred by Buyer in respect of performing or causing to be performed
         the repairs or deferred maintenance items listed in the Report;
         provided, however, that the maximum amount of reimbursement Seller
         and/or Shareholder shall be required to provide hereunder shall be
         Fifty-Five Thousand Dollars ($55,000).  Such costs incurred by Buyer
         shall be adequately supported by Buyer's itemized list of same.  To
         the extent repairs are made by a third party or materials are
         purchased specifically for the purpose of such repairs from a third
         party, copies of all such third party invoices or receipts shall
         accompany such itemized list.  To the extent that repairs are made by
         Buyer, Buyer shall include with such itemized list a general
         description of the work performed, the costs incurred and the manner
         of calculation thereof.  However, if any contractor is hired to
         perform both repairs covered by the Report and other work not covered
         by the Report, Buyer shall require such contractor either to submit
         separate invoices or an invoice itemized in sufficient detail to
         permit segregation of such items."

                 13.      A new Section 4.30 is hereby added to the Original
Agreement, which Section 4.30 shall read as follows:

                 "SECTION 4.30.  Performance of Obligations Under Lease.  As of
         the Closing Date, Buyer will become the assignee of the Agreement of
         Lease, dated June 7, 1979, between Penske Power Systems, Inc., f/k/a
         Turbine Power Systems Co. and American Property Investors IX, which
         Agreement of Lease shall have been amended by the Amendment of Lease
         by and between AREHLP, as successor to American Property Investors IX,
         and Buyer (as amended, the "Lease").  Buyer covenants and agrees with
         Seller that it will perform its obligations under the Lease."

                 14.      A new Section 4.31 is hereby added to the Original
Agreement, which Section 4.31 shall read as follows:

                 "SECTION 4.31.  AREHLP Legal Fees.  As a condition to
         consenting to the assignment and amendment of the Lease, AREHLP has
         demanded that the legal fees of its counsel, McCarthy, Fingar,
         Donovan, Drazen & Smith, be paid by Buyer and/or Seller.  Buyer and
         Seller each agree to pay one-half ( 1/2) of such legal fees up to a
         maximum of

         Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) to be payable by each party.  The
         parties agree that any party that pays such legal fees shall be
         entitled to reimbursement from the other for the pro rata share of
         such other party, which reimbursement will be made immediately upon
         request therefor."

                 15.      The following language shall be added to the end of
Section 7.2(c):

         "and any liabilities arising from the termination of any of the
         Consulting Agreements listed or described on Schedule 3.1(n)(i)."

                 16.      Except as expressly set forth herein, the Original
Agreement shall not be amended, modified or revised and shall continue in full
force and effect in accordance with the terms and provisions set forth therein.

                 17.      In the event of any irreconcilable inconsistency
between the terms of the Original Agreement and this First Amendment, the terms
of this First Amendment shall control.

                 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this First
Amendment to be signed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized,
all as of the date first written above.


By: ________________________               By: ___________________________

Printed: ___________________               Printed:_______________________

Title: _____________________               Title: ________________________

U.S. TURBINE CORP.                         POWELL INDUSTRIES, INC.

By:_________________________               By:____________________________

Printed:____________________               Printed:_______________________

Title:______________________               Title:_________________________

                                SCHEDULE 1.2(B)

                         Additional Excluded Contracts

1.       All Contracts (as defined in the Asset Purchase Agreement) listed or
         described on Schedule 3.1(bb).

2.       Contracts with Stockholders listed on Schedule 3.1(n)(iii).

3.       Guaranties listed on Schedule 3.1(n)(iv).

4.       Powers of Attorney listed on Schedule 3.1(n)(v).

5.       Canadian Chamber of Commerce Group Medical Contract, Aetna Life
         Insurance Group 401(k) Plan Contract, and Retiree Medical Plan, each
         of which is listed on Schedule 3.1(n)(x).

6.       Agency/Representative Contract for Eastern Europe with Business
         Development Corp. listed on Schedule 3.1(n)(xv).

7.       License Agreement with International Power Technology, Inc. listed on
         Schedule 3.1(n)(xvi) and described on Schedule 3.1(l).

8.       The Consulting Agreements listed or described on Schedule 3.1(n)(i).
