To the Board of Directors
Champion Healthcare Corporation
    We have audited the  accompanying consolidated  balance sheet of Champion
Healthcare Corporation as of December  31,  1994  and 1995, and  the  related
consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' equity and cash flows for
each of the three years in the  period ended December 31, 1995. These financial
statements   are   the   responsibility  of   the   Company's management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.
    We conducted our audits in  accordance with  generally  accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting principles  used and significant estimates  made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
    In  our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred  to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Champion
Healthcare Corporation as of December 31, 1994 and 1995, and the results of its
operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period  ended
December 31, 1995, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

                                          Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.
Houston, Texas
February 27, 1996

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                                              DECEMBER 31,
                                                             1994         1995
                                                           -------       ------
                                                        (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS,
                                                          EXCEPT  SHARE DATA)
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents............................  $   48,424  $   7,583
  Restricted cash......................................       5,000       --
  Accounts receivable, less allowance
   for doubtful accounts of $4,959 and $10,118 in 1994
   and 1995, respectively..............................      17,115     33,262
  Supplies inventory...................................       1,942      3,470
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets............       4,899      6,264
                                                            ---------  -------
  Total current assets.................................      77,380     50,579
Property and equipment:
  Land.................................................       4,510      6,418
  Buildings and improvements...........................      48,888    115,688
  Equipment............................................      25,016     42,343
  Construction in progress.............................       8,839      4,666
                                                            ---------  -------
    Total property and equipment.......................      87,253    169,115
  Less allowances for depreciation and amortization....       5,340     10,733
                                                            ---------   ------
    Total property and equipment, net..................      81,913    158,382
Investment in Dakota Heartland Health System...........      40,088     48,145
Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization of $37 and
 $1,051 in 1994 and 1995, respectively.................       5,947     20,933
Intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization of
 $1,647 and $2,052 in 1994 and 1995, respectively......       5,718      7,438
Other assets...........................................       5,507      5,783
                                                            ---------- -------
    Total assets.......................................  $  216,553  $ 291,260
                                                            ---------- -------
                                                            ---------- -------

                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET


                                                              DECEMBER 31,
                                                             1994       1995
                                                         ---------   ---------
                                                        (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS,
                                                           EXCEPT SHARE DATA)
Current liabilities:
  Current portion of long-term debt....................  $    4,221  $   1,166
  Current portion of capital lease obligations.........         560      1,301
  Accounts payable.....................................      10,637     13,952
  Due to third parties.................................       2,241      8,829
  Accrued and other liabilities........................       8,446     15,490
                                                           ----------   ------
    Total current liabilities..........................      26,105     40,738
Long-term debt.........................................     102,626    159,670
Capital lease obligations..............................       2,658      2,777
Other long-term liabilities............................      11,037     10,177
Commitments and contingencies (Notes 3 and 13)
Redeemable preferred stock.............................      76,294     46,029
Common stock, $.01 par value:
 Authorized - 25,000,000 shares, 4,223,975 and 11,868,230
 shares issued and outstanding in 1994 and 1995,
 respectively..........................................          42        119
Common stock subscribed, 100,000 and 80,000 shares
 in 1994 and 1995, respectively........................          50         40
Common stock subscription receivable...................         (50)      (40)
Paid in capital........................................      15,998     47,643
Accumulated deficit....................................     (18,207)  (15,893)
                                                           --------- ---------
    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity.........  $  216,553  $ 291,260
                                                          ----------  --------
                                                          ----------  ------

                See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                                  YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                            1993         1994        1995
                                         ---------      --------   --------
                                           (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS,
                                           EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA>
Net patient service revenue... .........  $ 86,728  $    99,613 $    163,500
Other revenue...........................     3,104        4,580        4,020
                                        -----------  -----------  -----------
    Net revenue.........................    89,832      104,193      167,520
  Salaries and benefits.................    36,698       41,042       72,188
  Supplies..............................    11,641       12,744       21,113
  Other operating expenses..............    24,033       29,767       44,594
  Provision for bad debts...............     5,669        7,812       12,016
  Interest..............................     2,725        6,375       13,618
  Depreciation and amortization.........     3,524        4,010        9,290
  Equity in earnings of Dakota Heartland 
      Health System...................          --           --       (8,881)
  Asset write-down.....................     15,456           --           --
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
    Total expenses......................    99,746      101,750      163,938
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
  Income (loss) before income taxes and 
      extraordinary items..............     (9,914)       2,443        3,582
Provision for income taxes.............      1,009          200          150
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
  Income (loss) before extraordinary items (10,923)       2,243        3,432
Extraordinary items:
  Loss on early extinguishment of debt,
     net of tax benefit of $634 for 1993    (1,230)          --       (1,118)
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
  Net income (loss)..................  $   (12,153)  $    2,243   $    2,314
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
  Loss applicable to common stock....  $   (13,805) $    (2,467) $    (9,017)
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
Loss per common share:
  Loss before extraordinary items..... $    (11.21) $     (1.69) $     (1.86)
  Extraordinary items.................       (1.10)     --             (0.26)
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
    Loss per common share............. $    (12.31) $     (1.69) $     (2.12)
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------
                                         -----------  -----------  -----------

                See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                               COMMON STOCK   COMMON STOCK    ADDI- 
                             ---------------   -------------   TIONAL   ACCUM-
                                               SUBS-  RECEI-  PAID-IN   ULATED
                              SHARES    AMOUNT CRIBED  VABLE  CAPITAL  DEFICIT
                             ---------- ------ ----- -------  ------- --------
BALANCES AT JANUARY 1, 1993.. 1,100,000 $   11 $  50 $  (50)         $ (2,363)
Preferred stock dividends
 accrued, including accretion
 of issuance costs...........                                          (1,652)
Exercise of bridge loan
 warrants....................    26,250                                 
Net loss...................                                           (12,153)
                           ----------  -----  ----  ------  ------     -------
BALANCES AT DECEMBER 31 ,1993 1,126,250     11    50    (50)          (16,168)
Exercise of bridge loan
 warrants....................    83,044      1
Shares issued in AmeriHealth
 acquisition................. 3,014,681     30               $  16,426
Preferred stock dividends accrued,
 including accretion of issuance
 costs......................                                      (428)(4,282)
Net income..................                                            2,243
                             ----------- -----  ----  -----   --------- -----
BALANCES AT DECEMBER 31, 1994 4,223,975     42    50    (50)    15,998(18,207)
Preferred stock dividends accrued,
 including accretion of issuance
 costs......................                                    (5,982)
Dividends declared pursuant to the
 Recapitalization...........                                    (5,349)
Issuance of warrants........                                       668
Exercise of options/stock
 subscriptions..............     38,411      1   (10)     10       108
Shares issued pursuant to the
 Recapitalization, net of issuance
 costs.....................   7,605,844     76                   42,200
Net income................                                              2,314
                           ------------ -----  ----  ----    ---------  ------
BALANCES AT DECEMBER 31,1995 11,868,230  $119  $  40  $ (40) $ 47,643$(15,893)
                           ------------ -----  ----  ----    ---------  ------
                           ------------ -----  ----  ----    ---------  ------

           See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                                  YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                              1993         1994        1995
                                          -----------  ----------  ----------
                                                    (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
Operating activities:
Net income (loss)....................... $   (12,153) $    2,243  $    2,314
Adjustments to reconcile net income
 (loss) to net cash provided by
 (used in) operating activities:
  Extraordinary loss, net...............       1,230      --           1,118
  Equity in earnings of Dakota Heartland
   Health System, net of distributions.      --           --          (8,056)
  Depreciation and amortization........        3,524       4,010       9,290
  Deferred income taxes................       (1,171)      1,600      --
  Provision for bad debts..............        5,669       7,812      12,016
  Asset write-down....................        15,456      --          --
  Changes in operating assets and liabilities,
   excluding acquisitions:
    Accounts receivable................       (6,842)     (9,088)    (14,864)
    Supplies inventory.................         (446)       (264)        144
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets   (169)     (4,154)      2,103
    Other assets.......................       (1,654)       (908)     (3,210)
    Accounts payable, income taxes payable
      and other accrued liabilities.....        1,935      (1,968)     12,037
                                           -----------  ----------  ----------
      Net cash provided by (used in)
        operating activities...........        5,379        (717)     12,892
                                            -----------  ----------  ----------
Investing activities:
  Purchase of facilities...............       (5,813)     --         (59,810)
  Net payment for investment in partnership  --          (20,000)     (2,000)
  Cash acquired in acquisitions........      --            4,341         361
  Additions to property and equipment..       (4,726)    (12,561)    (42,822)
  Proceeds from sales of property and
     equipment...........................    --           --           1,704
  Investment in note receivable..........    --             (757)     (2,524)
                                          -----------  ----------  ----------
      Net cash used in investing activities  (10,539)    (28,977)   (105,091)
                                           ----------  ----------  ----------
Financing activities:
  Proceeds from issuance of long-term
     obligations.........................      63,091      19,133     143,532
  Payments related to issuance of long-term
    debt obligations and other
    financing costs......................      (2,396)     --          (3,927)

                            CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION

                                                    YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                               1993        1994       1995
                                          ---------    ---------   -----------
                                                  (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
  Payments on long-term obligations......     (28,516)     (2,300)    (94,715)
  Payments on obligations assumed through
    acquisitions........................      --          (10,911)     --
  Proceeds from issuance of redeemable
    preferred stock and stock warrants...      34,345      11,223         793
  Payments related to preferred and
    common stock issuance................        (882)     --             (38)
  Cash restricted under collateral agreement  --           (5,713)     --
  Cash released under collateral agreement    --           --           5,713
                                           -----------  ----------  ----------
      Net cash provided by financing
          activities........................   65,642      11,432      51,358
                                           -----------  ----------  ----------
      (Decrease) increase in cash and cash
         equivalents.....................      60,482     (18,262)    (40,841)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
         year.............................      6,204      66,686      48,424
                                           -----------  ----------  ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year..$    66,686  $   48,424  $    7,583
                                           -----------  ----------  ----------
                                           -----------  ----------  ----------

                See notes to consolidated financial statements.

    Champion Healthcare Corporation (the "Company"), a Delaware corporation,is
engaged in the ownership and management of  general acute  care and  specialty
hospitals  and related healthcare facilities. At  December 31, 1995, including
hospital partnerships, the Company  owns  and/or  operates  seven  acute  care
hospitals, two psychiatric hospitals and a skilled nursing facility.See Note 16
"Subsequent Events" for a discussion of recent acquisition activity.
    Including hospital partnerships, the  seven  general acute  care hospitals
owned and/or operated by the Company provide a range  of medical and  surgical
services  typically available in general acute care  hospitals. These services
include inpatient care such as intensive and cardiac care, diagnostic services,
radiological  services and emergency services. All of the hospitals provide an
extensive range of outpatient services, including ambulatory surgery,laboratory
and radiology.The Company's two psychiatric hospitals provide child, adolescent
and adult comprehensive psychiatric and chemical dependency treatment programs,
with inpatient, day hospital, outpatient and other ambulatory care.
    Effective December 31, 1995, the Company  and its  preferred shareholders
entered into the 1995 Recapitalization Agreement to reduce the complexity ofthe
Company'scapital structure and eliminate the accrual of future dividends on its
outstanding preferred stock and the resulting impact on earnings per share.As a
result of the Recapitalization Agreement, common shares outstanding  increased
from  4,262,386 to  11,868,230 and preferred shares outstanding decreased from
10,452,370 to 2,605,714. The transactions comprising the 1995 Recapitalization
Agreement  are herein collectively referred  to as the "Recapitalization." See
Note  8  "Stockholders'Equity"   for  a  discussion  of   the  terms  of   the
    The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company,
all   wholly-owned   and   majority-owned subsidiaries   and    majority-owned
partnerships.The Company uses the equity method of accounting when it has a 20%
to  50% interest in  other companies and partnerships. Under the equity method,
the Company records its original investment at cost and adjusts its investment
for  its undistributed share of the earnings or losses of the equity investee.
All significant intercompany transactions and accounts have been eliminated in
    The preparation of financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
accepted accounting principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions that affect the reported  amounts of  assets and  liabilities, the
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities  at the date of the  financial
statements,  and the  reported amounts  of net revenue and expenses during the
period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The most significant
areas   which  require  the   use  of  management's  estimates relate  to  the
determination  of  estimated  third-party  payor settlements,  allowance   for
uncollectable accounts receivable, income tax valuation allowance and reserves
for professional liability risk.



    The Company's  facilities have entered into  agreements  with  third-party
payors, including US government programs and managed  care health plans, under
which the Company is paid based  upon established  charges, cost  of  services
provided, predetermined rates by diagnosis, fixed per  diem rates or discounts
from established charges.

    Net patient service revenues are recorded at estimated amounts due from
patients  and third  party payors for health care services provided, including
anticipated settlements under reimbursement agreements with third party payors.
Payments    for    services    rendered    to    patients   covered   by  the
Medicare and Medicaid programs are generally less than billed charges. 
Provisions  for  contractual adjustments are made  to reduce charges  to these
patients  to  estimated  receipts  based upon  each  program's  principle   of
payment/reimbursement   (either  prospectively determined  or  retrospectively
determined  costs).  Settlements  for retrospectively  determined  rates   are
estimated in the period the related services are rendered  and are adjusted in
future periods as final settlements are determined.  In management's  opinion,
adequate allowance has been provided for possible adjustments that might result
from  final  settlements  under   these  programs.  Allowance  for contractual
adjustments under these programs are deducted from  accounts receivable in the
accompanying consolidated balance sheet.
    Other revenue includes income from  non-patient hospital activities such as
cafeteria sales and interest income, among others.
    Cash and  cash equivalents  include all  highly  liquid  debt instruments,
primarily US government backed securities and certificates of deposit,purchased
with an original  maturity of three  months or less. The Company maintains its
cash in bank deposits which, at times, may exceed federally insured limits.
    The  Company adopted Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards  No. 115
("SFAS  115"),  "Accounting  for Certain  Investments   in  Debt  and   Equity
Securities," on January 1, 1995. All investments accounted  for under SFAS No.
115 are  classified as available-for-sale,  and  the  implementation  of  this
statement had no impact on net income.
    Accounts receivable consist primarily of amounts due from the Medicare and
Medicaid  programs,  other  government programs, managed  care  health  plans,
commercial insurance companies and individual  patients. Current  earnings are
charged with an allowance for doubtful accounts based on experience and  other
circumstances that may affect the ability of patients to meet their obligation.
Accounts deemed uncollectable are charged against that allowance.

    Inventory consists primarily of pharmaceuticals  and supplies and is stated
at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out) or market.


    Property and equipment are recorded at cost.Expenditures for new facilities
and equipment and those that substantially increase the useful life of existing
property  and equipment  are capitalized.  Ordinary maintenance and repairs are
charged to  expense when  incurred.  Upon disposition,  the assets and  related
accumulated  depreciation are removed from the accounts, and the resulting gain
or loss is included in the statement of operations.
    Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method at rates calculated
to  amortize the cost of assets over their estimated useful lives ranging
from 3 to 40 years.
    Goodwill represents costs in excess of net assets acquired and is amortized
on a straight-line basis over a period of 20 years.Intangible assets consist of
deferred  financing costs, non-compete agreements and  various other intangible
assets.Deferred financing costs are amortized on a straight-line basis over the
term of the applicable debt. Costs related to non-compete agreements and  other
intangibles are amortized on a straight-line basis over two to five years.
    Amortization expense for 1993, 1994  and 1995 was approximately $1,209,000,
$1,000,000, and $2,724,000,  of  which approximately  $139,000,  $395,000,  and
$845,000 relate to deferred financing costs.
    Through  December 31, 1995,  the Company  reflected accumulated  unpaid and
undeclared dividend on its cumulative redeemable preferred stock as an increase
in the related issue with corresponding charges to additional paid-in  capital,
to   the   extent  available,  and   accumulated  deficit.   Pursuant   to  the
Recapitalization,  all accrued  preferred   dividends  at  December  31,   1995
(approximately  $12,614,000) were paid by  the issuance  of common  stock at an
agreed price of $7.00  per share. Additionally, the holders of  Series C and  D
preferred stock have waived all dividends accruing after December 31, 1995. See
Note 8 "Stockholders'  Equity"   for  a  discussion  of   the  terms  of   the
    The Company uses the liability method of accounting for income taxes. Under
this method, deferred income taxes are recorded to reflect the tax  consequence
on future years oftemporary differences between the tax basis of the assets and
liabilities and their financial amounts at year-end.
    Loss per  common  and common  equivalent  share amounts  are  calculated by
dividing loss applicable to  common stock  by the  weighted average  number  of
common shares outstanding during  each period, as  restated for the two-for-one
stock split on July 7, 1993, and assuming the exercise, when dilutive, of  all
stock options and warrants having an exercise price less than the average stock
market price of the common stock using the treasury stock method. Common  stock
equivalents and other potentially dilutive  securities have not been considered
                           CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION

because their effect was antidilutive in all years. Weighted average shares
outstanding used to determine  earnings per common  and common equivalent share
were 1,122,000,1,457,000, and 4,255,000 in 1993, 1994 and 1995, respectively.
    Certain reclassifications have been made in prior year financial statements
to conform to the  1995 presentation. These reclassifications  had no effect on
the results of operations previously reported.
    In March 1995, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  121  ("SFAS  121"),  "Accounting for the
Impairment of Long-Lived Assets  and for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed  Of."
SFAS 121, which is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15,
1995,requires that long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangibles held
and used by an entity  be reviewed  for impairment  whenever events  or
changes in circumstances  indicate  that  the  carrying  amount  of  an
asset may not be recoverable. The Company does  not believe that the
adoption of this statement will have a material effect on its financial
    In October 1995, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement
of  Financial  Accounting Standards No.  123  ("SFAS  123"),  "Accounting  for
Stock-Based Compensation," which is effective for fiscal years beginning after
December 15, 1995. SFAS 123 establishes new financial accounting and  reporting
standards  for  stock-based compensation  plans. Entities  will  be  allowed to
measure compensation expense for stock-based compensation under SFAS 123 or APB
Opinion No. 25,"Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees." Entities electing to
account for such compensation under APB Opinion No. 25 will be required to make
pro forma disclosures of net income and earnings per share  as if SFAS 123  had
been  applied. The Company is presently evaluating  which alternative  it will
adopt under SFAS 123 and has not yet  quantified the potential  impact on  the
Company of adopting this new standard.
    The Company acquired Physicians and Surgeons Hospital  ("P&S") in Midland,
Texas on May 1,1993 for approximately $5,800,000 in cash and the assumption of
$1,200,000 in debt. The acquisition was accounted for as a purchase transaction
with operations reflectedin the consolidated financial statements beginning May
1,1993. The Company replaced P&S in the fourth quarter of 1995 with the  newly
constructed 101 bed Westwood Medical Center.Total construction cost for the new
facility was approximately $39,017,000.
    On October 21, 1994,the Company acquired Psychiatric Healthcare Corporation
("PHC"), a privately held corporation  headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, by
the merger of PHC with and into a wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company.  PHC
owned and operated two freestanding psychiatric hospitals with a combined total
of  219 beds  located in Springfield, Missouri  and Alexandria,  Louisiana, and
owned a third freestanding psychiatric hospital located in Sherman, Texas, that

was closed and held for sale at the date of acquisition.The net purchase price,
including contingent consideration of$2,000,000 paid in 1995 and the assumption
of long-term debt, was approximately $24,600,000. The Company  paid no cash  to
PHC  shareholders. Total consideration  paid by  the  Company consisted  of the
assumption of approximately $14,880,000 in long-term debt  and the issuance  of
the  following securities to PHC shareholders:  (i) 264,306 shares  of Series D
preferred stock, (ii) $7,123,000 of 11% Senior Subordinated Notes with  213,690
detachable  warrants  to  acquire common stock  and (iii)  options,  which were
subsequently exercised,  to  acquire an additional  7,561 shares  of  Series  D
Preferred  Stock and $202,000 principal amount of 11% Senior Subordinated Notes
with 6,060 detachable warrants.The payment of contingent consideration had been
subject to the Company's receipt of up to $2,000,000 from a combination of  the
sale  of the  Sherman, Texas  facility, a recovery from  a lawsuit  and certain
specified Medicaid  payments.  All  conditions for the  payment  of  contingent
consideration  were substantially  met in  1995, including the sale of Sherman
Hospital for  approximately  $1,300,000  in  March  1995. The acquisition  was
accounted  for  as  a  purchase transaction  with operations reflected  in the
consolidated financial statements  effective October 1, 1994. The Company  has
completed  its analysis of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed and has
allocated approximately $8,800,000 in excess purchase price to goodwill, which
is currently being amortized over a 20 year period. 
    On  December 6, 1994, the Company merged with AmeriHealth, Inc. ("AHH"), a
Delaware corporation,with AHH being the  surviving corporation resulting  from
the  merger (the "Combined  Company").  The  merger  was  accounted  for  as a
recapitalization of the Company with the Company as
the acquiror (a reverse  acquisition). Concurrent with the merger, the name of
the  Combined Company  was changed to Champion Healthcare Corporation, and the
Combined Company adopted the Company's certificate of incorporation provisions.
    Pursuant to the merger, the Combined Company: (a) paid a cash distribution
of  $0.085 cents  per share to  all common  stockholders of AHH,(b) issued one
share of  its Combined  Company common stock for each  5.70358 shares  of  the
approximately 17.2 million outstanding shares of AHH's Common Stock,(c) issued
one share of  Combined Company common  stock for each of the approximately 1.2
million then outstanding shares of the Company common stock, and (d) issued one
share of newly authorized Combined Company preferred stock for each of the then
outstanding shares of the Company's preferred stock.The terms of the new voting
shares  of  Combined  Company preferred  stock are identical to  those  of the
Company's preferred  stock outstanding  prior to the merger. In addition,  the
outstanding  shares  of  AHH's  $2.125  Increasing Rate Cumulative Convertible
Preferred Stock were canceled inexchange for cash equal to the redemption price
of such shares plus all unpaid dividends, which totaled approximately  $47,000.
The net purchase price,including the assumption of approximately $17,700,000 in
debt,  was approximately $38,876,000. The  acquisition was  accounted for  as a
purchase transaction with operations reflected in  the consolidated  financial
statements effective December 1, 1994.The Company has completed its analysis of
the  assets  acquired and liabilities assumed  and has  allocated approximately
$8,946,000 in  excess purchase price  to  goodwill, which  is  currently  being
amortized over a 20 year period.
    On  December 21, 1994, a wholly owned subsidiary of  the Company that owned
Heartland Medical Center,a 142 bed general acute care facility in Fargo,  North

                           CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
Dakota,  entered  into a  partnership   with  Dakota  Hospital  ("Dakota"),  a
not-for-profit corporation that owned a 199bed general acute care hospital also
in Fargo, North Dakota. The partnership is operated as Dakota Heartland  Health
System  ("DHHS").  Also  on  December 21, 1994,  the  Company  entered  into an
operating agreement  with the partnership  and Dakota  to manage  the  combined
operations  of the two hospitals. Under the terms of the partnership agreement,
the Company is obligated to advance funds to DHHSto cover any and all operating
deficits of DHHS. DHHS began operations on December 31, 1994.
    The Company and Dakota contributed their respective hospitals debt and lien
free  (except  for  capitalized lease  obligations), including certain working
capital components, and  the Company contributed an additional $20,000,000  in
cash,  each  in exchange for 50% ownership in  the partnership.  A $20,000,000
special distribution was made to Dakota after capitalization of the partnership
in  accordance with  the terms  of the partnership agreement. The Company will
receive 55%  of  the net income and distributable  cash  flow ("DCF")  of  the
partnership  until  such time  as it has recovered  on a  cumulative  basis an
additional $10,000,000 of  DCF in the form of an "excess" distribution. As  of
December 31,1995, the Company has received $825,000 in cash distributions from
    The partnership is administered by  a  Governing Board  comprised  of  six
members appointed by Dakota, three members appointed by  the Company and three
members appointed by mutual consent of the Dakota members and the Company
members. Certain Governing Board actions require  the majority approval of each
of the Company and Dakota members. Because the partners through the partnership
agreement have delegated substantially all management of the partnership to the
Company through the operating agreement,the authority of the Governing Board is
    Beginning July 1996,Dakota has the right to require the Company to purchase
its partnership interest free of debt or liens for a cash purchase price  equal
to 5.5 times Dakota's pro rata share of earnings before depreciation, interest,
income taxes and amortization, as  defined in the  partnership agreement,  less
Dakota's pro-rata share of the partnership's  long-term debt. DHHS had earnings
before depreciation, interest, income taxes and  amortization of  approximately
$19,000,000  for the year ended December 31, 1995.  Beginning January 1998, the
purchase price  for Dakota's  partnership  interest  shall  not  be  less  than
$50,000,000. After receipt  of written  notice of  Dakota's intent  to sell its
partnership interest,the Company would have 12 months to complete the purchase.
Should the Company not complete the purchase during this period, Dakota has the
right  to, among  others, (i)  terminate the operating agreement and engage an
outside party to manage  the hospital,(ii) replace the Company's designees  to
the Governing Board and (iii)enter into a fair market value transaction to sell
substantially all of the partnership's assets.
    The Company accounts for its investment in DHHSunder the equity method. The
following table summarizes certain financial information of DHHS as of December
31, 1994 and 1995, and  for  the year  ended  December 31,  1995  (dollars  in
thousands). DHHS began operations on December 31, 1994.

                            CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION

                                                            YEAR ENDED
                                                         DECEMBER 31, 1995
  Net revenue..........................................     $   106,011
  Net income...........................................          16,148
  Company's equity in the earnings of DHHS.............           8,881

                                         DECEMBER 31, 1994  DECEMBER 31, 1995
                                         -----------------  -----------------
  Current assets.......................... $    28,220        $    39,008
  Non-current assets......................      44,298             55,854
  Current liabilities.....................      12,212             19,980
  Non-current liabilities.................         129                 57
  Partners' equity........................      60,177             74,825

    On April 13,1995,  the Company acquired Salt  Lake Regional Medical Center
("SLRMC") from Columbia/HCA  Healthcare  Corporation  ("Columbia").  SLRMC  is
comprised of a 200 bed tertiary care hospital and five clinicsand is located in
Salt  Lake  City,  Utah.  Total acquisition  cost  for SLRMC was approximately
$61,042,000,which consisted of approximately $56,816,000 in cash and additional
consideration due to  Columbia of  approximately  $1,767,000, as  well  as  the
assumption of approximately $2,459,000 in capital lease obligations. Cash
consideration included approximately $11,783,000  for certain  working  capital
components, resulting in a net purchase price of approximately $49,259,000. The
Company funded  the  asset  purchase  from  available  cash  and  approximately
$30,000,000 in borrowings  under  its then  outstanding  credit  facility. The
acquisition was accounted  for  as  a  purchase  transaction  with  operations
reflected in the consolidated financial statements beginning April 14, 1995.
    On  March 1, 1996, the Company acquired Jordan  Valley Hospital ("Jordan")
from Columbia. Jordan is a 50 bed acute care  hospital located in West  Jordan,
Utah, a suburb of Salt Lake City. The Company  acquired Jordan in exchange for
Autauga Medical Center, an 85 bed acute care hospital, and Autauga Health  Care
Center,  a 72 bed skilled nursing facility, both in  Prattville, Alabama, plus
preliminary cash consideration paid to the seller of approximately $10,750,000,
which   included  approximately  $3,750,000  for  certain net working  capital
components,  subject  to  adjustment,  and  reimbursement  of certain  capital
expenditures made previously by the seller.The transaction did not result in a
gain or loss. The Alabama facilities were acquired  as part  of the  Company's
acquisition of AmeriHealth, Inc. on December 6, 1994.

    The  following selected unaudited pro forma financial  information for the
years ended December  31, 1994 and  1995 assumes that the acquisition of  SLRMC
occurred  on  January  1,  1994. The  selected unaudited  pro  forma financial
information for the year ended December 31, 1994, assumes that the acquisitions
of AHH and PHC,and the formation of the DHHS partnership occurred on January 1,
1994.  The  pro forma financial  information  below  does  not  purport  to be
indicative of the results that  actually  would  have been  obtained  had  the
operations been combined during the periods presented,and is not intended to be
a projection of future results or trends.

                                                          1994         1995
                                                     -----------  -----------
                                                        (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS,
                                                        EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Net revenue........................................  $   195,915  $   189,540
                                                      -----------  -----------
                                                      -----------  -----------
Equity in earnings of DHHS.........................  $     5,443  $     8,881
                                                      -----------  -----------
                                                      -----------  -----------
Income (loss) before extraordinary item............  $    (3,198) $     3,999
                                                      -----------  -----------
                                                      -----------  -----------
Net income (loss)................................... $    (3,198) $     2,881
                                                      -----------  -----------
                                                      -----------  -----------
Loss applicable to common stock......................$    (8,196) $    (8,450)
                                                      -----------  -----------
                                                      -----------  -----------
Loss per common share before extraordinary item......$     (1.94) $     (1.72)
                                                      -----------  -----------
                                                      -----------  -----------
Loss per common share................................$      (1.94)$     (1.99)
                                                      -----------  -----------
                                                      -----------  -----------
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding..      4,224        4,255
                                                      -----------  -----------
                                                      -----------  -----------


    In  December 1993, the Company ceased providing  medical services  at Gulf
Coast Hospital ("GCH"), one of two Company-owned hospitals located in  Baytown,
Texas,  which  it had acquired from  HCA  Health Services  of  Texas,  Inc. on
September 1, 1992. The  Company intended to use GCH for limited administrative
purposes only until it could arrange a sale. As a result,the Company wrote down
the  GCH assets by $15,456,000,which reflected the estimated fair value of the
facility under limited use less  ongoing operating  costs and  various  rental


concessions previously granted the tenants. The book value of GCH prior to the
write-down was  $16,681,000. The remaining net historical cost  of  $1,225,000
represented the equipment moved to the other Baytown campus. In June 1994, the
Company  sold  the  former  HCA  facility to  a physician  group  for  nominal
consideration.The Company believes that assets associated with its other campus
in Baytown have not been impaired as the result of this change in operations. 

   Accrued and other liabilities consisted of  the following  at December 31,
1994 and 1995 (dollars in thousands):

                                                            1994       1995
                                                         ---------  ---------
Accrued salaries and wages.............................. $   1,303  $   3,851
Accrued vacation........................................     1,148      2,516
Accrued interest........................................     1,256      3,156
Other...................................................     4,739      5,967
                                                          ---------  ---------
 Total accrued and other liabilities................... $   8,446  $  15,490
                                                          ---------  ---------
                                                          ---------  ---------

    Long-term debt consisted of the  following at  December 31,  1994 and  1995
(dollars in thousands):

                                                      1994         1995
                                                 -----------  -----------
Revolving Loan................................      --       $    47,700
Term Loan......................................  $    18,500      --
11% Senior Subordinated Notes (face amount of
 $99,089, net of a discount of
 $642 at December 31, 1995)....................       62,703       98,447
Health Care REIT, Inc..........................       12,770       11,120
Wilmington Savings Fund Society................        9,766      --
Other notes payable............................        3,108        3,569
                                                   -----------  -----------
  Total debt...................................      106,847      160,836
Less current portion...........................      (4,221)      (1,166)
                                                   -----------  -----------
    Total long-term debt.......................  $   102,626  $   159,670
                                                   -----------  -----------
                                                   -----------  -----------

    On  June 12, 1995, the  Company  issued  $35,000,000 face  amount  (less a
discount of approximately $668,000) of Senior Subordinated Notes (the  "Notes")
maturing  on December 31, 2003. The Notes bear interest  at an annual effective

                            CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION

rate of 11.35% (11% stated rate). Interest is payable quarterly,and the  stated
rate increases from 11% to 11.5% on March 31, 1996.The Notes include detachable
warrants  for the  purchase of  525,000 shares of common  stock. The  Notes are
subject to redemption on or after December 31, 1995, at the Company's option,at
prices declining from 112.5% of principal amount at December 31, 1995,to par at
December 31,  2002.  Additionally, there  is  a requirement  to repurchase  all
outstanding  Notes in the  event of a change  in control of the Company, at the
holder's option, based on a declining redemption premium ranging from 112.5% to
103%  of principal.  Proceeds from  the issuance of  Notes were used to paydown
approximately $31,500,000 principal amount outstanding under the Revolving Loan
with  the  remainder  retained for  general  corporate purposes.  The Notes are
uncollateralized obligation and are subordinated in right of payment to certain
senior indebtedness of the Company. Approximately $668,000 of the proceeds from
the issuance of the Notes were allocated to the warrants.
    On May 31,  1995, the  Company refinanced and  paid a  $50,000,000 term and
revolving credit facility("old credit facility") obtained in November 1993 with
a $100,000,000  revolving credit facility (the  "Revolving Loan")  with  Banque
Paribas, as agent, AmSouth Bank of Alabama, Bank One of Texas, N.A., CoreStates
Bank, N.A.,and NationsBank of Texas, N.A. Amounts available under the Revolving
Loan are subject to certain limitations, and the  total amount available  under
the Revolving Loan declines  to $80,000,000 on the  third anniversary date. The
Revolving Loan also  provides  for  short-term  letters  of  credit  of  up  to
$5,000,000. The Revolving Loan matures no later  than March 31, 1999, and bears
interest at a lender defined incremental rate plus,at the Company's option, the
LIBOR or  Prime rate.  The incremental  rate to be applied  is based  upon  the
Company meeting certain operational performance targets, as defined, and ranges
from 2.5% to 3.0% with respect to the LIBOR rate  option and from 1.0% to  1.5%
with respect to the Prime rate option. The interest rates on the Revolving Loan
and old credit facility were 8.85% and 9.12%,respectively, at December 31, 1995
and 1994. The  Company currently  has approximately $649,000 outstanding  under
letters of credit. Proceeds from the refinancing were used to pay approximately
$48,000,000 principal amount outstanding underthe Company's old credit facility
and approximately$9,533,000 principal amount of debt held by Wilmington Savings
Fund Society ("WSFS").The interest rate on the WSFS Loan was 11.5% and 10.5% at
May 31, 1995(the date of payment) and December 31, 1994, respectively. With the
exception of certain assets collateralizing debt assumed in the Company's  1994
acquisition of PHC,the Revolving Loan is collateralized by substantially all of
the Company's assets.The terms of the Revolving Loan eliminated the requirement
under   the   Company's  previous   bank   credit   facility   to   maintain  a
cash collateral  account with the  lender  in  the amount  of  $5,000,000.  The
Company's   future acquisitions  and  divestitures   may  require,  in  certain
circumstances, consent by lenders under this agreement.
    In connection with the Company's refinancing and payment of its old  credit
facility,  the  Company  wrote  off  unamortized deferred  financing  costs  of
$1,118,000, which  had  no tax  effect.  This amount has  been recorded  as  an
extraordinary loss in the accompanying consolidated statement of operations.The
Company also prepaid the WSFS Loan with no material financial impact.
    On  December 30, 1994, pursuant to  commitments obtained  from the original
purchasers of the 11% Senior Subordinated Notes issued on December 31,1993, the
Company issued an additional $19,133,000  of Notes with detachable warrants for
the  purchase of 573,990 shares  of common stock. No value was allocated to the


warrants at the time of issuance  because the  interest rate on  the Notes  was
considered a market rate and the exercise  price was greater than the estimated
fair value of the common stock. The Notes bear interest at an effective  annual
rate  of 11%. All other  terms of the Notes are substantially the same as those
discussed above.
    In connection with the  Company's acquisition  of PHC,  the Company  issued
approximately $7,123,000 principal  amount of Notes,  and assumed approximately
$12,970,000 of mortgage financing on the PHC facilities,$257,000 in capitalized
leases, $159,000 in notes payable and a working capital credit facility with  a
balance of approximately $1,494,000, which was repaid from available cash ofthe
Company and PHC.The Notes bear interest at an effective annual rate of 11%. All
other terms of the Notes are substantially the same as those discussed above.
    The mortgage notes are payable to Health  Care REIT, Inc. and bear interest
at an annual rate that increases yearly  from 13.44% at  December 31, 1995,  to
15.4% at November 1, 2001. Thereafter, the mortgage bears interest at an annual
rate equal to  the  seven  year  US Treasuries  rate  plus  500  basis  points.
Approximately $10,125,000 principal balance of the mortgage matures on December
1, 2008, with principal payments on that portion  commencing in December  1995,
based  on 25 year amortization. The remaining balance  of the mortgage requires
quarterly principal payments of  $200,000 through  1997. The  Company sold  the
Sherman,  Texas facility for  approximately $1,300,000  on  March 22,  1995. In
connection with the sale,  the Company  made a  required principal  payment  of
$850,000 on the mortgage collateralized by this facility and obtained a release
of  collateral from  the  lender.  The  remaining  principal  balance  is   now
collateralized by the Company's hospital in Alexandria, Louisiana.
    Other notes payable bear interest  at rates ranging from  5.1% to 11.8% and
are generally collateralized by the underlying assets to which they relate.
    On November  5, 1993,  the  Company  refinanced  its  subsidiary  term  and
revolving  credit loans  obtained in  August  1991, with  a  $50,000,000 credit
facility comprised of a $20,000,000 term loan and a$30,000,000 revolving credit
facility (collectively, the  "old credit facility," as referred  to above).  In
connection  with the refinancing, a prepayment premium and unamortized deferred
financing costs of $1,230,000, net of an income tax benefit of $634,000,  were
written off and recorded as an extraordinary loss.
    The  Company capitalized approximately $1,462,000 and  $294,000 in interest
costs associated with the construction of a hospital and other medical  related
facilities  at  December 31,  1995 and 1994, respectively.  The Company  had no
capitalized interest for the year ended December 31, 1993.
    The Revolving Loan,Notes and Mortgages referenced above contain restrictive
covenants which include,among others, restrictions on additional  indebtedness,
the payment of dividends and other
distributions,  the repurchase of  common  stock and  related  securities under
certain circumstances,and the requirement to maintain certain financial ratios.
The Company was in compliance with  or has obtained  permanent waivers for  all
loan covenants to which it was subject as of December 31, 1994 and 1995.

                           CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION
    Maturities of debt  as of  December 31, 1995,  were as  follows (dollars in

1996.............................................................  $   1,166
1997.............................................................      2,514
1998.............................................................        885
1999.............................................................     47,785
2000.............................................................         79
Thereafter.......................................................    108,407
                                                                   $ 160,836

    Redeemable preferred stock consisted of the following at December 31,  1994
and  1995 (See Note 8  "Stockholders' Equity" for a discussion of the effect of
the Recapitalization on the outstanding series of preferred stock):

                                                           1994       1995
                                                         ---------  ---------
                                                             (DOLLARS IN
Series D - Cumulative convertible redeemable preferred
 stock, $.01 par, 2,200,000 shares authorized;
 2,105,258 and 2,156,903 shares issued and outstanding 
 at December 31, 1994 and 1995, respectively ($39,787
 and $38,824 liquidation value in 1994 and 1995,
 respectively).........................................  $  38,754  $  37,982
Series C - Cumulative convertible redeemable preferred 
 stock, $.01 par, 500,000 shares authorized;
 448,811 shares issued and outstanding at December 31,
 1994 and 1995 ($8,778 and $8,079 liquidation value in
 1994 and 1995, respectively)...........................     8,740      8,047
Series BB - Cumulative convertible redeemable preferred 
 stock, $.01 par; 1,577,547 shares issued and outstanding
 at December 31, 1994...................................    21,551     --
Series A-1 - Cumulative convertible redeemable preferred
 stock, $.01 par; 2,769,109 shares issued and outstanding
 at December 31, 1994...................................     3,206     --
Series A - Cumulative convertible redeemable preferred 
 stock, $.01 par; 3,500,000 shares issued and outstanding
 at December 31, 1994...................................     4,043     --
                                                         ---------  ---------
                                                         $  76,294  $  46,029
                                                         ---------  ---------
                                                         ---------  ---------

                            CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION

    The Series D cumulative convertible redeemable preferred stock ("Series D")
is  convertible, at  the holder's option, into the  common stock at  a price of
$9.00 per  share until  redemption  date. The  conversion  price is subject  to
adjustment upon the sale or issuance of additional common stock,including stock
rights,  options  and convertible  securities, for consideration less  than the
conversion price  in  effect  immediately  prior to the  sale  or  issuance  in
question.  Redemption of Series D shares will occur only on the redemption date
of June 1, 2000, at the redemption price of $18.00 per share.If all outstanding
shares of Series  D and  Series C can  not be  redeemed at the same time,  then
redemption of such shares will be prorated with preference given to Series D,as
defined.  Series D  shares are  entitled to  liquidation payments of $18.00 per
share. If  the  Company is  unable  to  pay fully  the  Series D and  Series  C
stockholders,  then liquidation of such shares will be prorated with preference
given to
Series D,as defined. Series D  will participate in  any dividends declared  on
common stock on an as converted basis.At December 31, 1995, the Series D shares
were convertible into 4,313,806 shares of common stock.
    The  Company issued  51,645  shares  of Series  D  preferred  stock  to PHC
shareholders in 1995 pursuant to the  exercise of options  and the issuance  of
contingent consideration due under the terms  of the PHC purchase agreement. On
October 21, 1994, the Company issued 212,661 shares of Series D preferred stock
to  PHC shareholders in connection with its acquisition of PHC. On December 30,
1994,the Company issued 623,453 shares of Series D preferred stock pursuant  to
existing commitments for the original purchasers of Series D.Cash proceeds from
the December 30, 1994 issuance were $11,222,000.
    The Series C cumulative convertible redeemable preferred stock ("Series C")
is convertible, at the holder's option, into common stock  at a price of  $9.00
per share until the redemption date.The conversion price is adjustable upon the
same  terms and conditions as  Series D preferred stock. Redemption of Series C
shares will occur only on the redemption date of June 1,2000, at the redemption
price of $18.00 per share. Series C will participate in any dividends  declared
on common stock on an as converted basis. If all outstanding shares of Series D
and Series C can not  be redeemed  at the same  time, then  redemption of  such
shares will be prorated with preference given to Series D, as defined. Series C
shares are entitled to liquidation payments of $18.00 per share. If the Company
is unable to pay fully the Series D and Series C stockholders, then liquidation
of such shares will be prorated with preference given to Series D, as  defined.
At  December 31, 1995, Series C shares were convertible  into 897,622 shares of
common stock.
    The Company has the right to convert all  or any shares of  Series D and  C
into common stock upon the anticipated completion ofa public offering of common
stock  for net  proceeds of not  less than  $25,000,000 at a per share offering
price of not less than $10.00 per share.
stock have voting rights on all matters according tothe number of common shares
into which each Series is convertible at the time of any shareholders'vote. The


issuance of a new class  of stock or the increase  of shares within an existing
class of stock that either ranks on parity with oris superior to a given series
of preferred  stock as  to dividends,  redemption and liquidation requires  the
following approvals by the then outstanding class or classes: (1) 75% of Series
C voting together as a class, and  (2) 75% of  Series D voting  as a class.  No
amendment   of  voting powers,  designations,  preferences  or  rights  and  no
amendments of Articles or Bylaws that materially adversely affect the rights of
Series  C and D preferred  stock shall occur without the following approvals by
the then outstanding class or classes: (1)90% of Series C voting together as  a
class  and (2) 90% of the Series D voting as a class. Upon the occurrence of an
event of  default, the  preferred stock shareholders  will  have the  right  to
enlarge the Board of Directors and elect a controlling number of directors.
    Pursuant to the Recapitalization, all outstanding  shares of Series A, A-1,
and BB preferred stock, under their existing terms, were converted into  common
stock at December 31, 1995, along with all accrued dividends as of December 31,
1995.In  total,  including  additional  consideration  for  the  actions  taken
pursuant to the Recapitalization,the holders of Series A, A-1, and BB preferred
stock  received  5,889,523 shares of common  stock.  See Note  8 "Stockholders'
Equity" for a discussion of the terms of the Recapitalization.

    The Series BB cumulative  convertible redeemable  preferred stock  ("Series
BB") was convertible, at the  holder's option, into common  stock at a price of
$5.90per share until redemption date and was mandatorily redeemable on June 30,
2000,at $11.80 per share plus  any accrued and unpaid dividends. Dividends  had
accrued at a rate of 8% of the stated value of $11.80per share and were payable
in  cash under certain events, including, among others,a change in control or a
successful secondary public offering of the Company's common stock.
   Series A-1 cumulative convertible redeemable preferred stock ("Series  A-1")
was convertible, at the holder's option, into common stock at a conversion rate
of one share of common stock for each four shares of Series A-1preferred stock.
Series A-1 shares were mandatorily redeemable, at the holder's option, at $1.00
per share within 90 days of receipt of written notice of a change of control or
a default event (as defined). Dividends on Series A-1 accrued at a rate of $.08
per  share per annum. Dividends were payable in common stock and/or cash in the
event of a  change of  control, as defined,  subject to  the Company's existing
agreement  with senior  secured lenders  and the  approval of two-thirds of all
outstanding Series  BB,  C and  D  preferred  stock. The Series  A-1  preferred
stockholders  were entitled to liquidation payments of $1.00 per share plus all
accrued but unpaid  dividends, or ratable payments among all  Series A and  A-1
preferred  stockholders if  such amounts were not available for  payment by the
Company. Liquidation payments were  subject to the prior liquidation rights  of
the Series BB through D preferred stockholders.
    Series A cumulative convertible redeemable preferred stock ("Series A") was
convertible, at the holder's option, into common stock at a conversion rate  of
one share of common stock for each 3.685 shares of Series A Preferred Stock.All
other rights and preferences that apply to  Series A-1 preferred stock apply to
Series A preferred stock.
    The changes in redeemable preferred stock for the years ended December  31,
1993, 1994 and 1995 were as follows (dollars in thousands, except share data):

                                        SERIES D               SERIES C    
                               --------------------  ----------------------
                                SHARES     AMOUNTS     SHARES     AMOUNT
                               --------- ----------  ---------  -----------
BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 1993........
Exercise of stock warrants......
Issuance of preferred stock -- Series C
 (net of $46 in issue costs)....                         448,811  $   8,033
Issuance of preferred stock -- Series D
 (net of $837 in issue costs)... 1,269,144  $  22,008
Preferred dividends accrued, including
 accretion of issuance costs....                                         56
                                ---------  ---------  ----------  -----------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1993...... 1,269,144     22,008    448,811      8,089 
Issuance of preferred stock -- Series D
 (net of $327 in issue costs)...   836,114     14,723
Preferred dividends accrued,
 including accretion of 
 issuance costs.................                2,023                    651
                               ---------  -----------  ---------  -----------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1994.....  2,105,258     38,754     448,811      8,740 
Issuance of preferred stock --
 Series D......                     51,645        930
Preferred dividends accrued, including
 accretion of issuance costs...                 3,222                    653
Dividends declared pursuant to the
 Recapitalization..............                 3,610                    751
Recapitalization...............                (8,534)                (2,097)
                              ----------  ---------  ----------  ------------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1995.....  2,156,903  $  37,982     448,811  $   8,047
                               ----------  ---------  ----------  -----------
                              ----------  ---------  ----------  ------------ 

                                   SERIES BB                  SERIES A-1
                              ---------------------  -------------------------
                                SHARES       AMOUNT     SHARES        AMOUNT  
                              ----------   --------  -----------  ------------
BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 1993.......  1,287,597   $  15,272  2,769,109   $  2,876
Exercise of stock warrants....     289,950       3,422
Issuance of preferred stock--
  Series C (net of $46 in 
  issue costs)................
Issuance of preferred stock-- 
  Series D (net of $837 in 
  issue costs)................


                                       SERIES BB             SERIES A-1
                                ----------------------  --------------------
                                 SHARES       AMOUNT      SHARES     AMOUNT
                                ----------    --------   ----------  --------
Preferred dividends accrued,
  including accretion of
  issuance costs.............                    1,301                   128
                               ----------    --------  -----------  ----------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1993...    1,577,547      19,995   2,769,109     3,004
Issuance of preferred stock--
  Seried D (net of $327 in 
  issue cost)................
Preferred dividends accrued, 
  including accretion of
  issuance costs.............                     1,556                  202
                               ----------    --------  ------------  ---------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1994....   1,557,547       21,551  2,769,109     3,206
Issuance of preferred stock--
  Series D...................
Preferred dividends accrued, 
  including accretion of
  issuance costs.............                     1,559                  234
Dividends declared pursuant to
  the Recapitalization.......                       739                  110
Recapitalization.............   (1,557,547)     (23,849)(2,769,109)   (3,550)
                               -----------    -------- ----------    ---------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1995       --            $ --      --            $ --
                               -----------    -------  ----------    ---------
                               -----------    -------  ----------    ---------


                                                        SERIES A
                                                    SHARES       AMOUNTS
                                               -----------  -----------
BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 1993.....................    3,500,000   $   3,598
Exercise of stock warrants...................
Issuance of preferred stock -- Series C
 (net of $46 in issue costs).................
Issuance of preferred stock -- Series D
 (net of $837 in issue costs)................
Preferred dividends accrued, including
 accretion of issuance costs.................                      167
                                               -----------  -----------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1993...................    3,500,000       3,765
Issuance of preferred stock -- Series D
 (net of $327 in issue costs)................
Preferred dividends accrued, including
 accretion of issuance costs.................                      278
                                               -----------  -----------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1994...................    3,500,000       4,043
Issuance of preferred stock -- Series D......
Preferred dividends accrued, including
 accretion of issuance costs.................                      314
Dividends declared pursuant to the
 Recapitalization............................                      139
Recapitalization.............................   (3,500,000)     (4,496)
                                              -----------  -----------
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 1995...................    --        $  --
                                              -----------  -----------
                                              -----------  -----------

    Effective December   31,  1995,   the  Company,   pursuant  to   the  1995
Recapitalization Agreement, entered into  several transactions to  reduce  the
complexity  of  the Company's  capital structure and eliminate the  accrual of
future dividends on its outstanding preferred stock and the resulting impact on
earnings  per share. As a part of these transactions (i) all outstanding shares
of Series A,  A-1, and BB preferred stock, pursuant  to their terms,  converted
into  4,797,161 shares of common stock, (ii) all  accrued dividends at December
31, 1995, totaling approximately $12,614,000  on all classes  of the  Company's
outstanding preferred stock  were paid  by issuing  1,801,900 shares  of common
stock at an agreed upon  price of  $7.00 per share,  and (iii)  the holders of
Series C and D preferred stock agreed to waive the future accrual of 
preferential dividends. As a further  part of these  transactions, the  Company
issued an additional 1,006,783shares of common stock to all holders of its then
outstanding  preferred stock as consideration for  actions taken  and agreed to
reduce the exercise prices of one series of warrants totaling 680,104from $5.90
to $5.25 per share and two series  of warrants totaling 2,447,670 from $9.00 to
$7.00  per share until May  13, 1996, after which the exercise prices revert to
their prior amounts. Warrant holders have the right to tender subordinated debt
in  lieu of cash,  where applicable. Shareholders approved the Recapitalization
and an Amended Certificate  of Incorporation at a special shareholders  meeting
held  on February 12, 1996.  As a result of the Recapitalization, common shares
outstanding at December 31,  1995, increased from 4,262,386 to 11,868,230,  and
preferred  shares outstanding decreased from 10,452,370 to 2,605,714.Other than
for fractional shares,  no cash consideration  was paid under the terms of  the
Recapitalization.  On  a  pro  forma basis,  assuming  the Recapitalization had
occurred on January 1, 1995,primary and fully diluted earnings per share  would
have been $0.27 and $0.19, respectively,for the year ended December 31, 1995.
    Under the terms of the Company's  amended Certificate of Incorporation, the
Company is authorized to issue 25,000,000 shares of common stock, and 2,700,000
shares  of  preferred stock,  divided into  two series  as follows: (i) 500,000
shares of Series C, and (ii) 2,200,000 shares of Series D.
    In connection with the Company's merger with  AmeriHealth, Inc. ("AHH")  on
December  6, 1994, the Company issued one share of $0.01 par value common stock
in exchange for  each share  of Company common stock outstanding  prior to  the
consummation of the merger. The stockholders'equity accounts were retroactively
restated  to reflect the  issuance of $0.01 par value common  stock (See Note 3
"Acquisitions and Other  Investments"). Additionally, the Company  paid a  cash
distribution of $0.085 per share to all AHH common stockholders.
    Currently, payment  of  any  cash  dividends  or  other  distributions  or
repurchases of any capital stock of the Company are prohibited.
    The Company has six  nonstatutory  stock option  plans  in  which  certain
officers and/or directors  are eligible  to participate:  Employee Stock Option

                             CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION

Plan, dated December 31, 1991("Plan No. 1"), Employee Stock Option Plan No.  2,
dated  May 27,  1992 ("Plan  No. 2"), Employee Stock  Option Plan  No. 3, dated
September 1992 ("Plan No. 3"), Senior Executive Stock Option Plan No. 4,  dated
January  5, 1994 ("Plan No.  4"), Selected Executive  Stock Option  Plan No. 5,
dated May 25, 1995 ("Plan No. 5"), and Directors' Stock Option Plan, dated 1992
(the  "Directors' Plan") (collectively, the "Plans"). Additionally, the Company
has options  issued  and  outstanding to certain  executive  officers  and  key
employees  under other authorized plans from  which additional  options are not
actively being issued.
    At  the  Company's annual  stockholders  meeting  on  May  25,  1995,   the
stockholders  approved the adoption  of Plan  No.  5, which  authorized 144,500
shares of common stock for issuance under the Plan.
    As a result of the Company's merger with  AmeriHealth, Inc. on December  6,
1994, all AmeriHealth options then outstanding became fully vested. At December
31, 1994, 244,017  options granted  to  certain former  AmeriHealth  directors,
officers and key employees were outstanding and fully vested.
    The  Plans are  presently  administered  by  the  Option  and  Compensation
Committee(the "Committee") of the Board of Directors, Officers, other key 
employees and, under limited  circumstances, members of  the Board of Directors
are eligible to participate in Plan  No.1. Officers and executive personnel  of
the Company are eligible to participate in Plans No.2 through 5. The Directors'
Plan  is available to members  of the Board of Directors who are not members of
management or elected as representatives of the Company'spreferred stockholders
pursuant to a voting agreement.
    With the exception of Plan No.1, options granted under the Plans can not be
less than 80%of the fair market value of common stock on the date of the grant.
Under Plan No.1,  the per share  price can not  be less than  100% of the  fair
market value of the common stock on the date of grant.The Plans provide that no
stock option shall be exercisable later than 10 years and one day from the date
of grant.
    The following table summarizes the activity under these stock option  plans
and any special grants authorized by the Board of Directors:

                                                   NUMBER OF      OPTION PRICE
                                                     SHARES         PER SHARE
                                                   -----------  --------------
STOCK OPTIONS OUTSTANDING AT JANUARY 1, 1993.....       690,000 $1.00 to $6.25
Granted...........................................       15,000 $5.90 to $9.00
STOCK OPTIONS OUTSTANDING AT DECEMBER 31, 1993.....     705,000 $1.00 to $9.00
Granted...........................................      367,566 $9.00
Grants to former AmeriHealth employees............      244,017 $1.07 to $35.65
STOCK OPTIONS OUTSTANDING AT DECEMBER 31, 1994......  1,316,583 $1.00 to $35.65
Granted.............................................    159,000 $9.00
Exercised...........................................    (18,411)$5.35
Expired.............................................     (4,943)$3.92 to $35.65
STOCK OPTIONS OUTSTANDING AT DECEMBER 31, 1995....... 1,452,229 $1.00 to $25.67


    At December 31, 1995,  options for the purchase  of 1,044,852 common shares
were exercisable.
    SHARES RESERVED. Shares covered by  stock options that expire or  otherwise
terminate unexercised become available for awards under the respective Plans.At
December 31, 1995,the Company had reserved 1,811,147 shares of common stock for
awards under its various stock option plans,of which 358,918 were available for
new grants.
    As of December 31, 1995, the Company  had issued and outstanding a total of
2,858,541 warrants to purchase  3,244,412 shares  of common  stock at  exercise
prices  ranging from $0.01 per share to  $9.00 per share.  Such warrants expire
December 31, 1997 through December 31, 2003.  Pursuant to the  Recapitalization
approved  by  the shareholders on  February 12,  1996,  the exercise  prices on
certain of  the  warrants were reduced  until May  13,  1996, after  which  the
exercise prices revert to their prior amounts (see Recapitalization above).

   The provision for  income taxes  consisted of  the following  for the years
ended December 31, 1993, 1994 and 1995:

                                                 1993       1994       1995
                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                      (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
  Federal.  ...................................$   1,310  $  (1,600) $     100
  State........................................      236        200         50
                                               ---------  ---------  ---------
    Total current provision (benefit)..........    1,546     (1,400)       150
                                               ---------  ---------  ---------
  Federal....................................       (537)     1,600     --
  State........................................   --         --         --
                                               ---------  ---------  ---------
    Total deferred expense (benefit)...........     (537)     1,600     --
                                               ---------  ---------  ---------
Provision for income taxes.....................  $   1,009  $     200  $     150
                                               ---------  ---------  ---------
                                               ---------  ---------  ---------

                            CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION

    The reconciliation ofthe statutory federal income tax rate to the provision
for income taxes was as follows:

                                                   1993       1994       1995
                                               ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                      (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
Federal income tax provision (benefit) at
 statutory rate of 34%...........             $  (4,004) $     831  $     838
State income taxes, net of federal benefit...       156        132         33
Changes in valuation allowance...............     4,359       (849)      (580)
Extraordinary item...........................      (634)    --         --
Net operating loss for which no benefit is
 recognizable................................       525     --         --
Other........................................       (27)        86       (141)
                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Provision for income taxes..................        375        200        150
Amount allocated to extraordinary item......        634     --         --
                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Total provision for income taxes............  $   1,009  $     200  $     150
                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
                                              ---------  ---------  ---------

    The components of the deferred tax assets and(liabilities) at December 31,
1994 and 1995 were as follows:

                                                   1994        1995
                                                ----------  ----------
                                                (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
Net operating loss carryforward................ $    5,894  $    7,062
Depreciable equipment..........................    (12,532)    (11,680)
Amounts expensed for book purposes not
 currently deductible for tax..................      4,237       2,779
Investments in partnerships....................       (800)       (140)
Tax credits....................................        441         388
Less valuation allowance.......................     (2,046)     (3,281)
                                                 ----------  ----------
  Net deferred tax liability...................     (4,806)     (4,872)
  Less current portion.........................     (1,671)     (2,521)
                                                   ----------  ----------
  Noncurrent portion........................... $   (6,477) $   (7,393)
                                                   ----------  ----------
                                                   ----------  ----------



    The current deferred tax asset was included in  prepaid expenses and other
current assets in 1995 and 1994. The noncurrent deferred tax liability in  1994
and 1995 was included in other long-term liabilities.
    At December 31, 1995, the  Company had net operating  losses and tax credit
carryforwards for income tax purposes of approximately$18,587,000 and $388,000,
respectively, which  will expire in years  1999 through 2009. The  tax  credit
carryforwards  consist of several  business credits and alternative minimum tax
("AMT") credits of approximately $68,000 and $320,000, respectively.

    For federal income tax purposes,  due to  certain changes  in ownership  of
AmeriHealth,  Inc.,its net operating  loss carryforward of $7,727,000 (included
in  the  Company's net  operating  loss  carryforward)   may  be  limited   to
approximately $1,900,000 per year  under the Internal  Revenue Service Code. If
the available amount is not used to reduce taxes in any year,the unused  amount
increases  the  allowable limit  in subsequent  years. These loss carryforwards
expire in years 1999 through 2008. AmeriHealth, Inc. also has General  Business
Credit  and  AMT Credit  carryforwards of approximately  $68,000  and $100,000,
respectively, which may also be limited because of the change in ownership.


                                                        DECEMBER 31,
                                                   1993       1994       1995
                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                     (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS)
Income taxes paid............................ $     478  $     878  $      95
Interest paid................................     2,762      5,582     12,528

   The Company sponsors a  defined contribution  401(k)  plan  for  qualified
employees  of  the Company. For  those  employees  of the  Company  electing to
participate, the Company matches certain  employee contributions  and may  make
additional discretionary contributions.
   Total expense for employer contributions to the plan for 1993, 1994 and 1995
was $84,000, $258,000 and $319,000, respectively.

   Management Prescriptives, Inc. ("MPI"), a company owned by a Director of the
Company, has  provided  specialized  consulting  services  to  certain  of  the
Company's hospitals. MPI received approximately $283,000  and $421,000 in  fees
from the Company for the years ended December 31, 1994 and 1995,respectively.

                           CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION


    The Company has entered into various  operating lease agreements related to
buildings and equipment. Future annual minimum lease payments under
noncancelable operating leases with  initial or remaining terms  of one year or
more were as follows at December 31, 1995 (dollars in thousands):

1996..............................................................  $   2,649
1997..............................................................      2,266
1998..............................................................      1,842
1999..............................................................      1,544
2000..............................................................      1,230
Thereafter........................................................      2,379
                                                                    $  11,910

    Rent expense for  1993,  1994  and  1995  was  approximately   $2,348,000,
$2,648,000 and $3,530,000, respectively.
    LITIGATION. The Company is  from time to time  subject to claims and suits
arising in the ordinary course of operations. In the opinion of management, the
ultimate  resolution of such pending legal proceedings will not have a material
effect on the Company'sfinancial position, results of operations or liquidity.
    PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY.  The Company is self-insured  up to $1,000,000  per
occurrence for the payment of claims arising from professional liability risks.
The Company has accrued liabilities for potential professional liability  risks
based  on  estimates  for  losses limited  to  $1,000,000  per  occurrence  and
$4,000,000 in the  aggregate. The Company is  further insured  by a  commercial
insurer  for claims in  excess of these limits up to  an additional $10,000,000
over its self-insured retention. At December 31,1994 and 1995, the Company  had
accrued  approximately $2,681,000 and $3,171,000, respectively, related to such
claims. In the  opinion of management, any unaccrued damages  awarded will  not
have  a material adverse effect on the Company's financial position, results of
operations or liquidity.
    The following tables summarize the Company's  quarterly financial data  for
the  years ended December 31, 1994 and  1995 (dollars in  thousands, except per
share data).

                            CHAMPION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION

                                    FIRST     SECOND         THIRD      FOURTH
1994                               QUARTER   QUARTER        QUARTER     QUARTER
- --------------------------------  -------  ----------      -------     -------
Net revenue. ..................  $24,563   $23,403        $23,331     $32,896
Net income (loss)..............    1,473       757          1,028      (1,015)
Primary income (loss) per common
 share (3)......................     .21     (0.31)         (0.12)      (1.03)
Fully diluted income per common
 share (3).....................      .15     --   (1)       --   (1)  --   (1)


                                     FIRST      SECOND       THIRD     FOURTH
1995(1)                            QUARTER   QUARTER(2)    QUARTER    QUARTER
                                 ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------
Net revenue..................... $  28,727   $  43,319   $  45,789  $  49,685
Income before extraordinary item.      177         829         791      1,635
Net income (loss)................      177        (289)        791      1,635
Primary loss per common share: (3)
  Loss before extraordinary item
  per common share..............     (0.31)      (0.16)      (0.17)     (1.22)
  Loss per common share.........     (0.31)      (0.42)      (0.17)     (1.22)

- -----------------------
(1) Fully diluted earnings per share for the period has not been presented  due
    to the antidilutive effect of such calculation.
(2) The net loss for the second  quarter of 1995 included an extraordinary loss
    of approximately  $1,118,000  from   the  early  extinguishment  of   debt.
    Additionally, results for the  quarter and six months  ended June 30, 1995,
    and the nine months  ended  September 30,  1995,  have been  restated  from
    amounts previously  reported in  Form 10Q  and 10Q/A  to eliminate  the tax
    benefit associated with the extraordinary  loss due  to a  revision in  the
    Company's estimate of the impact of net operating loss carryforwards.
(3) Earnings per  share is computed  independently for  each quarter presented;
    therefore,the sum of the  per share amounts does  not equal the annual  per
    share amount due to  quarterly fluctuations in  weighted average common and
    common equivalent shares outstanding.

    The Company's revenues consist primarily of amounts  due from the  Medicare
and  Medicaid programs  in addition to amounts due from  insurance carriers and
individuals. The  Company determines the adequacy  of a  patient's  third-party
payor  coverage  upon  admission. However, it  generally does  not  require any
collateral prior  to performing  services. The  Company maintains  reserves  for
contractual allowances and potential credit losses based on past experience and
management's current expectations.Medicare and Medicaid gross revenue accounted
for approximately 39% and 12% in 1993, 39% and 18% in 1994, and 42% and 19%  in
1995, respectively, of the Company's total gross revenue.
    The carrying of cash and cash equivalents approximate fair value due to the
short term maturities  of  these  instruments.  The  carrying  amounts  of  the
Company's fixed  rate  long-term  borrowings  at  December  31,  1994  and 1995
approximate their fair value.
    The carrying value of the Company's revolving credit agreement approximates
fair value because the interest rate on such agreement is variable and based on
current market rates.
   On January 31, 1996, the Company entered into a letter of intent to sell the
149 bed Lakeland Regional Hospital in Springfield, MO, to Columbia in  exchange
for  the 100 bed Poplar Springs Hospital in Petersburg, VA. Both facilities are
psychiatric  hospitals. The  Company  anticipates  receiving  additional   cash
consideration as a result of the sale,net of certain working capital components
and  the respective facilities' long term debt. This  transaction is subject to
numerous contingencies,including adequate due diligence and various  regulatory
approvals;  accordingly, the Company  is presently  unable to  conclude whether
consummation of this transaction is more likely than not to occur.