
                                UNITED STATES
                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                 FORM 10-K/A
                              (Amendment No. 3)
                     THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                     THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
           FOR THE TRANSITION PERIOD FROM            TO 
                                          ----------    ----------

                          BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY

              NEVADA                                             76-0151431
 (State or other jurisdiction of                              (I.R.S. Employer
  incorporation or organization)                            Identification No.)
333 CLAY STREET, 42ND FLOOR, HOUSTON, TEXAS                        77002
  (Address of principal executive offices)                       (Zip Code)



                                                       Name of each Exchange
         Title of each class                            on which registered
         -------------------                            -------------------
              Common Stock                             New York Stock Exchange
  $3.25 Convertible Preferred Stock                    New York Stock Exchange
  Rights to Purchase Preferred Stock                   New York Stock Exchange


         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.  YES   X    NO 
                                                ---      ---

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained,
to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information
statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K.  [x]

         The number of outstanding shares of the registrant's common stock as of
October 10, 1996 is 108,507,678. In addition, as of such date there were
outstanding 121,344,106 exchangeable shares of Battle Mountain Canada Ltd.,
which are exchangeable into an equal number of shares of the registrant's common
stock, entitle their holders to dividend and other rights economically
equivalent to those of the registrant's common stock and, through a voting
trust, to vote at meetings of stockholders of the registrant. The aggregate
market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant was
approximately $1.8 billion as of October 10, 1996, based on the closing sales
price of the registrant's common stock as reported on the New York Stock
Exchange Composite Tape on such date and the sum of the number of shares of the
registrant's common stock outstanding and the number of shares of the
registrant's common stock into which the outstanding exchangeable shares were
exchangeable as of such date.  For purposes of the foregoing sentence only, all
directors and officers of the registrant are assumed to be affiliates.



The information appearing in Part II, Item 8 and Part IV of Battle Mountain Gold
Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995
is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set forth below. The two primary
revisions to the Form 10-K are as follows:

(1)  The inclusion of Price Waterhouse LLP's reports on the Company's
     consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 1994 and for the two
     years then ended in place of the corresponding report issued on those years
     by the Company's predecessor accountants, Arthur Andersen LLP. Recently,
     the Company requested Price Waterhouse LLP to perform a reaudit of its 1993
     and 1994 financial statements in order to streamline its prospective 
     filings under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. 

(2)  The addition of a subsequent events footnote (Note 17) highlighting the
     Company's recent merger with Hemlo Gold Mines Inc.


                   Index to Consolidated Financial Statements

     Report of Independent Accountants....................................   2

     Consolidated Statement of Income.....................................   3

     Consolidated Balance Sheet...........................................   4

     Consolidated Statement of Shareholders' Equity.......................   5

     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.................................   6

     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements...........................   7

     Supplemental Financial Information...................................  28


     Report of Independent Accountants....................................  29

     Profit and Loss Accounts.............................................  30

     Balance Sheet........................................................  31
     Statement of Cash Flows..............................................  32

     Notes to Financial Statements........................................  33


                       Report of Independent Accountants

October 10, 1996

To the Board of Directors and
Shareholders of Battle Mountain Gold Company

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements of Battle Mountain Gold
Company listed in the index appearing under Item 14(a)(1) and (2) on page 45
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Battle
Mountain Gold Company and its subsidiaries at December 31, 1995 and 1994, and
the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years
in the period ended December 31, 1995, in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles. These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these
statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards which
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a
reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

Price Waterhouse LLP
Houston, Texas

                          BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY

                                                                               YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,                    
                                                                     1995           1994                1993              
                                                                   --------       --------            --------
                                                                            (Expressed in thousands except                
                                                                                  per share amounts)                      
 GROSS REVENUE                                                     $299,295       $242,984            $207,251
  Less:  freight, allowances and royalties                           15,035         13,314              13,836            
                                                                   --------       --------            --------
 NET REVENUE                                                        284,260        229,670             193,415            
 COSTS AND EXPENSES                                                                                                       
  Mining costs                                                       43,963         30,404              35,906            
  Milling and other plant costs                                     117,409         98,566              97,163            
  Depreciation, depletion and amortization                           70,752         51,247              41,389            
  Exploration, evaluation and other lease costs                      18,032         14,542               9,474            
  Asset write-downs                                                   2,222             -                   -            
  General and administrative expenses                                13,161         12,376              12,901            
  Taxes, other than income                                            2,737          2,593               2,316            
                                                                   --------       --------            --------
  Total costs and expenses                                          268,276        209,728             199,149            
                                                                   --------       --------            --------
 OPERATING INCOME(LOSS)                                              15,984         19,942              (5,734)           
  Interest income                                                     3,125          4,149               2,689            
  Interest (expense)                                                (14,099)       (13,722)            (13,103)           
  Interest capitalized                                                6,675          6,353               6,655            
  Other income (expense), net                                         6,912           (244)              5,708            
                                                                   --------       --------            --------
 INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES AND                                                                                    
  MINORITY INTEREST                                                  18,597         16,478              (3,785)           
  Income tax (benefit) expense                                       (2,804)         2,519              (4,089)           
  Minority interest in net (income) loss                             (6,156)        (4,387)             (4,709)           
                                                                   --------       --------            --------
 NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                   15,245          9,572              (4,405)           
  Preferred dividends                                                 7,475          7,475               3,738            
                                                                   --------       --------            --------
 NET INCOME (LOSS) TO COMMON SHARES                                $  7,770       $  2,097            $ (8,143)     
                                                                   ========       ========            ========      
 NET INCOME (LOSS) PER SHARE:                                      $    .09       $    .02            $   (.10)           
 DIVIDENDS PER COMMON SHARE                                        $    .05       $    .05            $    .05            
 AVERAGE COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING FOR                                                                                    
   INCOME PER SHARE PURPOSES                                         86,327         86,071              80,132            

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                          BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                                                                       DECEMBER 31,                            
                                                                                1995               1994                        
                                                                            ----------           ---------
 ASSETS                                                                          (Expressed in thousands)                      
 Current assets:                                                                                                               
     Cash and cash equivalents                                              $   46,071           $  76,464                     
     Accounts receivable                                                        26,320              22,810                     
     Inventories                                                                 4,158               5,048                     
     Materials and supplies, at average cost                                    26,563              27,730                     
     Other current assets                                                       12,846               7,014                     
                                                                            ----------           ---------
         Total Current assets                                                  115,958             139,066                     
 Investments                                                                   230,652               4,092                     
 Property, plant and equipment, net                                                                524,148
 Other assets                                                                   30,259              12,463
                                                                            ----------           ---------
         Total assets                                                       $  737,139           $ 679,769
                                                                            ==========           =========

 Current liabilities:
     Short term borrowings                                                  $    2,571           $    -
     Current maturities of long-term debt                                       13,427              13,427
     Accounts payable                                                           13,251              14,527
     Payroll and related benefits accrued                                        5,039               4,226
     Accrued interest                                                            7,198               6,714
     Other current liabilities                                                   5,448               3,425
                                                                            ----------           ---------
         Total current liabilities                                              46,934              42,319
                                                                            ----------           ---------

 Long-term debt                                                                169,175             165,602
 Other liabilities                                                              38,199              32,043
                                                                            ----------           ---------
         Total liabilities                                                     254,308             239,964
                                                                            ----------           ---------
 Minority interest                                                             111,773              64,171
                                                                            ----------           ---------

 Commitments and Contingencies (Note 14)                                          -                   -

 Shareholders' equity:
     Preferred stock, $1.00 par value:
       Authorized - 20,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding,
       1995 and 1994 - 2,299,980 shares                                        110,578             110,578
     Common stock, $.10 par value:
       Authorized - 200,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding,
       1995 - 81,133,540 shares and 1994 - 80,934,793 shares                     8,113               8,094
     Additional paid-in capital                                                199,533             206,735
     Retained earnings                                                          53,971              50,327
     Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustment                         (1,137)               (100)
                                                                            ----------           ---------
         Total shareholders' equity                                            371,058             375,634
                                                                            ----------           ---------
         Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                         $  737,139           $ 679,769
                                                                            ==========           =========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                          BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY

                                                                        YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                   1995                          1994                             1993
                                      ---------------------------     --------------------------      ---------------------------
                                                                      (Expressed in thousands)
                                    Preferred   Common              Preferred   Common              Preferred  Common
                                      Shares    Shares    Amount     Shares     Shares   Amount       Shares   Shares     Amount
                                      -----     ------   --------     -----     ------  --------      -----    ------    --------
PREFERRED STOCK, $1.00 par value;                                                                                                  
 Authorized 20,000,000 shares;                                                                                                     
  $50.00 liquidation preference                                                                                                    
  per share:                                                                                                                       
  Balance January 1                   2,300          -   $110,578     2,300          -  $110,579         -          -    $      -  
  Shares issued                           -          -          -         -          -         -      2,300         -     110,579  
  Shares converted to Common              -          -          -         -          -          (1)       -         -           -  
                                      -----     ------   --------     -----     ------  --------      -----    ------    --------
  Balance December 31                 2,300          -    110,578     2,300          -   110,578      2,300         -     110,579  
                                      -----     ------   --------     -----     ------  --------      -----    ------    --------
COMMON STOCK, $.10 par value;                                                                                                      
 Authorized 200,000,000 shares:                                                                                                    
  Balance January 1                       -     80,935      8,094         -     80,266     8,027          -    80,016       8,002  
  Shares issued                           -        199         19         -        669        67          -       250          25  
                                      -----     ------   --------     -----     ------  --------      -----    ------    --------
  Balance December 31                     -     81,134      8,113         -     80,935     8,094          -    80,266       8,027  
                                      -----     ------   --------     -----     ------  --------      -----    ------    --------
ADDITIONAL PAID-IN CAPITAL:                                                                                                        
  Balance January 1                       -          -    206,735         -          -   202,011          -         -     202,417  
  Shares issued                           -          -      1,705         -          -     5,933          -         -       1,732  
  Exercise of Niugini Mining              -          -     (2,208)        -          -    (1,209)         -         -           -  
  Niugini Mining equity offering          -          -          -         -          -         -          -         -      (2,138) 
  LGL equity offering                     -          -     (6,699)        -          -         -          -         -           -  
                                      -----     ------   --------     -----     ------  --------      -----    ------    --------
  Balance December 31                     -          -    199,533         -          -   206,735          -         -     202,011  
                                      -----     ------   --------     -----     ------  --------      -----    ------    --------
RETAINED EARNINGS:                                                                                                                 
 Balance January 1                        -          -     50,327         -          -    52,260          -         -      62,410  
 Net income (loss)                        -          -     15,245         -          -     9,572          -         -      (4,405) 
 Common stock dividends                   -          -     (4,126)        -          -    (4,030)         -         -      (2,007) 
 Preferred stock dividends                -          -     (7,475)        -          -    (7,475)         -         -      (3,738) 
                                      -----     ------   --------     -----     ------  --------      -----    ------    --------
 Balance December 31                      -          -     53,971         -          -    50,327          -         -      52,260  
                                      -----     ------   --------     -----     ------  --------      -----    ------    --------
CUMULATIVE FOREIGN CURRENCY                                                                                                        
 TRANSLATION ADJUSTMENT                   -          -     (1,137)        -          -      (100)         -         -      (3,317) 
                                      -----     ------   --------     -----     ------  --------      -----    ------    --------
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY            2,300     81,134   $371,058     2,300     80,935  $375,634      2,300    80,266    $369,560  
                                      =====     ======   ========     =====     ======  ========      =====    ======    ========  

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                          BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY

                                                                                        YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,            
                                                                                   1995           1994          1993       
                                                                               ----------     ----------    -----------    
                                                                                        (Expressed in thousands)           
  CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES:                                                                                    
    Net income (loss)                                                          $   15,245     $    9,572    $    (4,405)   
                                                                               ----------     ----------    -----------    
    Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss)                                                                      
    to cash flows from operating activities:                                                                               
       Depreciation, depletion and amortization                                    70,752         51,247         41,389    
       Exploration and evaluation costs                                            11,740         10,312          6,621    
       Unproven leases abandoned                                                      279             59            146    
       Gain (loss) from sales of assets                                            (5,153)           243         (6,429)   
       Asset write-downs                                                            2,222              -              -    
       Increase in accrued reclamation costs                                          143          1,341          1,517    
       Loss (gain) on foreign currency transactions                                   439          2,075           (228)   
       (Increase) decrease in accounts and notes receivable                        (3,212)        14,542        (13,337)   
       Decrease (increase) in inventories                                             841         (4,469)         6,857    
       Decrease (increase) in materials and supplies                                1,167         (4,555)        (1,762)   
       (Increase) in other current assets                                          (5,832)        (3,065)        (2,091)   
       (Increase) in non-current portion of deferred mining costs                  (2,312)        (6,566)             -    
       Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and other current                    3,356          3,212         (5,058)   
       Deferred income tax (benefit) expense                                       (4,968)         3,581              -    
       Minority interest                                                            6,156          4,387          4,709    
       Other net changes                                                             (278)         1,203          2,136    
                                                                               ----------     ----------    -----------    
  TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS                                                                75,340         73,547         34,470    
                                                                               ----------     ----------    -----------    
  NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                         90,585         83,119         30,065    
                                                                                ---------      ---------      ---------    
  CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES:                                                                                    
     Proceeds from sales of assets                                                  5,636            257         10,729    
     Acquisition of minority interest                                                   -         (5,200)             -    
     Capital expenditures                                                        (120,010)       (85,335)       (64,665)   
     Exploration and evaluation expenditures                                      (12,229)       (10,301)        (6,621)   
     (Increase) decrease in restricted cash                                        (4,964)             -            (53)   
     Other, net                                                                    (1,112)          (193)           329    
                                                                               ----------     ----------    -----------    
  NET CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                    (132,679)      (100,772)       (60,281)   
                                                                               ----------     ----------    -----------    
  CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES:                                                                                    
      Cash proceeds from stock issuances                                           19,350          6,397        130,934    
      Cash proceeds from borrowings                                                64,964              -         36,891    
      Cash dividend payments                                                      (11,524)       (11,505)        (7,743)   
      Debt repayments                                                             (59,322)       (13,558)       (59,869)   
      Other, net                                                                      (88)          (104)             -    
                                                                               ----------     ----------    -----------    
  NET CASH FLOWS FROM (USED IN) FINANCING ACTIVITIES                               13,380        (18,770)       100,213    
                                                                               ----------     ----------    -----------    
  EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH                                          (1,679)        (2,451)           (36)   
                                                                               ----------     ----------    -----------    
  NET (DECREASE) INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                            (30,393)       (38,874)        69,961    
  CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR                                   76,464        115,338         45,377    
                                                                               ----------     ----------    -----------    
  CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR                                     $   46,071     $   76,464    $   115,338    
                                                                               ==========     ==========    ===========    

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                          BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY
                   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Note 1.  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Principles of Consolidation - The accompanying consolidated financial
statements include the accounts of the Battle Mountain Gold Company ("BMG") and
its wholly-owned and majority-owned subsidiaries (the "Company").  The accounts
of Niugini Mining Limited, a Papua New Guinea precious metals exploration,
development and production company ("Niugini Mining"), have been consolidated
with the Company's from January 1, 1989 (See Note 10).  The accounts of Empresa
Minera Inti Raymi S.A., a Bolivian gold mining company ("Inti Raymi"), have
been consolidated with the Company's from April 1, 1990 (See Note 10).  All
significant intercompany transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.
Certain prior- period items have been reclassified in the consolidated
financial statements in order to conform with current year presentation.

Inventories - Inventories, consisting of gold, silver and copper, are reported
at the lower of cost or market, using the first-in, first-out method.

Property, Plant and Equipment - Property, plant and equipment are stated at
cost.  Expenditures for development of new mines and major development
expenditures at existing mines, which are expected to benefit future periods,
are capitalized and amortized, generally, on the units of production method.
Exploration and development costs expended to maintain production at operating
mines are charged to expense as incurred.  In certain cases, mining costs
associated with waste rock removal are deferred as development costs and
charged to operations on the basis of the average stripping ratio over the life
of the mine.

         Other property, plant and equipment includes capitalized lease costs
and mine development costs for projects in progress.  Capitalized exploration
costs are evaluated on an annual basis and costs attributable to unproductive
projects are charged directly to abandonment expense.

         Generally, depreciation, depletion and amortization of mining
properties and related assets are determined using the units of production
method based upon estimated recoverable ore reserve tonnages or reserve ounces
at the beginning of each quarter.  However, assets having an estimated life of
less than the estimated life of the mineral deposits are depreciated on the
straight-line method based on the expected life of the asset.  Write-downs and
write-offs of depreciable properties are included in accumulated depreciation,
depletion and amortization.  Effective December 31, 1995, the Company adopted
SFAS 121, "Impairment of Long-lived Assets".  There was no effect on the
carrying value of the Company's assets as a result of this adoption.

Exploration and Evaluation Expenditures- With the exception of lease
acquisition costs incurred to acquire mineral rights, the Company charges all
exploration and predevelopment evaluation

expenditures to expense as incurred prior to delineation of economic
mineralization.  Exploration costs incurred subsequent to delineation of
economic mineralization are capitalized.

Capitalization of Operating Results During Mine Development - During the
start-up period for each developing mine, operating costs may exceed revenues
earned from the sale of precious metals produced.  In these instances, all
costs incurred during this pre-commercial production period, net of revenues
earned, are capitalized as property costs.

Capitalization of Interest - Interest expense incurred attributable to
pre-commercial production stage projects is capitalized until those projects
commence commercial production.

Reclamation and Closure Costs - Reserves for estimated future reclamation and
closure costs of the Company's operating sites are accrued on a units of
production basis over the estimated lives of the respective mines.  These costs
are charged to milling and other plant costs as accrued (See Note 14).

Revenue Recognition - Revenue is recognized when the dore (a combination of
gold and silver) or concentrates are delivered against sales agreements or
contracts and risk of loss passes to the buyer.

Currency Translation - Foreign currency financial statements are translated
into U.S. dollars using current exchange rates and translation gains and losses
are accumulated in the balance sheet caption "Cumulative foreign currency
translation adjustment," a separate component of shareholders' equity.

         Effective January 1, 1994, Niugini Mining changed its functional
currency from the Papua New Guinea kina to U.S. dollars for financial reporting

Income (Loss) Per Share - Income (loss) per share is computed by dividing net
income (loss) attributable to common shareholders by the weighted average
number of common shares outstanding for the year, adjusted for common stock
equivalents, if dilutive.  The effects of common stock equivalents are not
included in the computation of income per share for 1993 because of their
antidilutive effect.  Fully diluted earnings per share are not presented for
any year because the effect of other dilutive securities would be antidilutive.

Statement of Cash Flows - At December 31, 1995, cash and cash equivalents
included $29.4 million and $10.6 million attributable to Niugini Mining and
Inti Raymi, respectively.  Cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 1994,
included $39.9 million and $15.4 million held by Niugini Mining and Inti Raymi,
respectively.  At December 31, 1995 and December 31, 1994, other assets
included $5.8 million and  $.9 million, respectively, of restricted cash held
by Niugini Mining.

         For purposes of the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, the Company
considers all highly liquid instruments purchased with a maturity of three
months or less to be cash equivalents.

         During the year ended December 31, 1995, the Company paid foreign
withholding taxes of $2.2 million.  During the year ended December 31, 1994,
the Company received a U.S. income tax refund of $4.3 million and paid foreign
withholding taxes of .9 million.  During the year ended December 31, 1993, the
Company paid $.7 million in U.S. income taxes.  The Company paid $10.1 million,
$6.4 million and $6.8 million in interest, net of amounts capitalized, during
1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.

         During 1995, the Company's investing activities included the exchange
of Niugini Mining's interest in the Lihir Joint Venture for the common stock of
Lihir Gold Limited ("LGL").  During 1994, the Company's investing activities
included the issuance of 435,897 shares of BMG's common stock (market value of
$4.25 million) and payment of $4.25 million cash for the purchase of an
additional 3 percent interest in the Crown Jewel Project.  During 1993, the
Company's investing activities did not include any significant non-cash

Issuance of Stock by Subsidiaries - The issuance of stock by subsidiaries is
accounted for as a capital transaction in the Consolidated Financial

Forward Sales Contracts, Options and Interest Rate Caps - The Company may enter
into fixed forward and spot deferred sales contracts for the sale of its metals
as a hedge against changes in prices.  Gains, losses or expenses related to
these transactions are netted against revenue when the hedged production is
sold.  The Company may also purchase put options for the sale of its produced
metals.  The premiums paid for the acquisition of put options are netted
against revenue in the period of expiry.

         Spot deferred sales contracts allow the Company to defer the delivery
of gold under the contract to a later date at the original contract price plus
the prevailing premium at the time of the deferral, as long as certain
conditions are satisfied.  Although spot deferred sales contracts could limit
amounts realizable during a period of rising prices, the Company may "roll
forward" its spot deferred contracts to future periods in order to realize
current market price increases, while maintaining future downside protection.

         Premiums paid for purchased interest rate caps are amortized as
interest expense over the terms of the interest rate cap agreement.
Unamortized premiums are included in other assets in the Consolidated Balance
Sheet.  Amounts earned under cap agreements are accrued as a reduction of
interest expense.

Estimates, risks and uncertainties - The preparation of financial statements in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to
make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of certain
assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at
the date of the financial statements and the related reported amounts of
revenues and expenses during the reporting period.  Actual results could differ
from these estimates.  Management believes that the estimates are reasonable.

Realization of the Company's assets is subject to various risks including
permitting of the Company's new mines, reserves estimation, gold prices and
environmental factors.

Note 2.  Investments

         The Company's long-term investments as of December 31 include the

                                                          1995              1994                          
                                                       ---------          --------                      
                                                           (expressed in thousands)                         
         Lihir Gold Limited                            $ 225,150          $    -                       
         Other joint ventures                                325                91                       
         Cash surrender value of life                             
           insurance, net                                  4,549             3,600                       
         Other                                               628               401                       
                                                       ---------          --------                      
                                                       $ 230,652          $  4,092                       
                                                       =========          ========                       

         Lihir Gold Limited ("LGL"), which is a company created specifically
for the development, financing, operating and ownership of the Lihir project in
Papua New Guinea, completed an initial public offering of common stock on
October 6, 1995.  LGL was formed and initially owned by the prior participants
in the Lihir Joint Venture which included a 30 percent ownership by Niugini
Mining, a 40 percent ownership by a subsidiary of RTZ Corporation, plc and a 30
percent ownership by an entity of the PNG government.  As a result of the
initial public offering, Niugini Mining now owns a 17.15 percent interest in
LGL and BMG's attributable interest is 8.7 percent.  Niugini Mining's interest
in LGL is accounted for using the equity method of accounting, effective from
October 1995, while the Company's investment in the Lihir Joint Venture was
previously recorded in property, plant and equipment.

         The initial public offering by LGL was the final transaction in a
series of planned transactions which restructured and reduced BMG's
participation in the Lihir project.  The Company recorded the effects of this
series of transactions in the fourth quarter of 1995.  An increase in Niugini
Mining's shareholders' equity of approximately $57 million related to the
issuance of the common stock by LGL at a value in excess of Niugini Mining's
carrying value per share in LGL was recorded.  This increase was recorded as a
credit to additional paid-in capital consistent with the Company's accounting
policy with regard to transactions of this nature.  An offsetting increase in
the carrying value of Niugini Mining's investment in LGL was recorded.  The
Company attributed $28 million of this increase to minority interest in its
consolidated financial statements; the remainder was credited to additional
paid-in capital.  As a result of these transactions, the Company also amortized
approximately $35 million of its investment in Niugini Mining attributable to
the investment in LGL.  This amortization was recorded as a charge to
additional paid-in capital.  The net result of these transactions in the
Company's consolidated financial statements was an increase in the carrying
value of the LGL investment of approximately $22 million, an increase in
minority interest of approximately $28 million and a net decrease in additional
paid-in capital of approximately $6 million.

         Interest costs amounting to $7.8 million in 1995 and $6 million per
year in 1994 and 1993 each were capitalized in connection with the Company's
investment in the Lihir project.

Note 3. Property, plant and equipment

         Property, plant and equipment as of December 31 consists of the

                                                                     1995               1994                             
                                                                   --------           ---------                         
                                                                     (expressed in thousands)                           
  Leasehold and mine development                                   $ 96,624            $132,803                         
  Mining, milling and other equipment                               336,839             314,231                         
  Other                                                             184,470             322,508                         
                                                                   --------           ---------                         
                                                                    617,933             769,542                         
  Accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization             (257,663)           (245,394)                        
                                                                   --------           ---------                         
                                                                   $360,270           $ 524,148                         
                                                                   ========           =========                         

Note 4. Asset Write-downs

         In June 1995, the Company decommissioned and dismantled the milling
facility formerly used at the depleted Fortitude mine in Nevada.  Accordingly
the remaining net carrying value of this mill and related facilities of
approximately $2.2 million was charged to operations.  In addition, $.9 million
was charged to milling and other plant costs, representing the carrying value
of spare parts rendered obsolete by the decommissioning of the milling
facility.  The Company did not recognize any charges for asset write-downs
during 1994 or 1993.

Note 5.  Debt

         The Company had the following long-term debt outstanding as of
December 31:

                                                                            1995             1994                              
                                                                        -----------      ----------                            
                                                                           (expressed in thousands)                            
 Convertible subordinated debentures, due 2005, 6%                      $    99,980      $  100,000                            
 Revolving credit facility, due 2000, variable rate                          17,000               -                            
 Inti Raymi Kori Kollo project financing:                                                                                      
     IFC loan, variable rate                                                 22,500          27,500                            
     IFC convertible loan, variable rate with 11% minimum                     5,000           5,000                            
     OPIC loan, variable rate                                                25,800          31,500                            
     Restructured OPIC loans, 10.5%                                           2,644           3,231                            
     CAF loan, variable rate                                                  9,643          11,786                            
 Other                                                                           35              12                            
                                                                        -----------      ----------                            
     Total                                                                  182,602         179,029                            
 Less current portion of long-term debt                                      13,427          13,427                            
                                                                        -----------      ----------                            
 Total long-term debt                                                   $   169,175      $  165,602                            
                                                                        ===========      ==========                            

         The convertible subordinated debentures are convertible into shares of
the Company's common stock at a conversion price of $20 5/8 per share, subject
to anti-dilution adjustment in certain circumstances. There are 4.8 million
shares of the Company's common stock reserved for issuance upon conversion of
the debentures.  The debentures are now redeemable at the Company's option at
any time at par value plus accrued interest. There are no sinking fund
requirements.  Interest is payable annually. Proceeds from the issuance were
added to working capital and used for general corporate purposes, including
mineral acquisitions and development of properties.

         On November 6, 1995, the Company entered into a new committed
non-reducing revolving credit agreement with a syndicate of six banks, led by
Citibank N.A. as agent.  In connection with the new revolving credit agreement
the Company terminated its previous existing committed revolving credit
agreement.  The new facility, which has a termination date of November 6, 2000,
provides for unsecured borrowings of up to $75 million.  Interest rates under
the facility are based on the facility agent's base rate, LIBOR, applicable
certificate of deposit rates or gold funding rates plus an applicable margin
which is subject to adjustment in case of certain changes in BMG's credit
rating and certain financial ratios.  Additionally, interest charges increase
when outstanding borrowings under this facility exceed $25 million and, again,
when such borrowings exceed $50 million.  Other costs associated with the new
facility include commitment fees of one-eighth percent per annum on the unused
portion of the facility and facility fees of one-eighth percent per annum on
the average daily commitment, in each case subject to adjustment in case of
certain changes in credit rating or ratios. The revolving credit agreement
imposes certain financial covenants upon the Company which include covenants
relating to leverage, net worth, contained production, mineral reserves and
working capital, as well as certain restrictions on liens, investments,
additional debt, lease obligations, and the acquisition or disposition of
assets.  In addition, the agreement sets forth restrictions limiting the amount
of dividends that BMG may pay based on $20 million plus 50% of consolidated net
income since December 31, 1994, plus 50% of proceeds received from the sale of
BMG's capital stock on a cumulative basis from the date of the agreement.  The
weighted average interest rate for borrowings under this facility for the year
ended December 31, 1995, was 6.7 percent.  No borrowings were outstanding under
the previous facility in 1994.  Interest charges applicable to the previous
facility for the year ended December 31, 1993, were based on a weighted average
interest rate ranging from 3.9 percent to 6.0 percent.

         During 1992, Inti Raymi, established separate but coordinated term
credit facilities with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation ("OPIC"),
International Finance Corporation ("IFC") and Corporacion Andina de Fomento
("CAF") for the development of its Kori Kollo expansion project in Bolivia.
Each loan is secured by a lien on the project and is to be repaid in
semi-annual installments which commenced in December 1993 and will continue
through June 2000, with certain provisions for accelerated repayment in the
event of substantial Kori Kollo reserve losses or significantly improved gold
market conditions. Through certain ratio tests, each loan may restrict
payments of intercompany debt and dividends by Inti Raymi to the owners of
shares of its capital stock.  Additional covenants exist which limit fixed
asset purchases, additional debt and liens, and require compliance with
applicable environmental laws.  During

1993, the project met the prerequisite physical and financial completion tests
as set forth in the facility agreements and in April 1994 achieved project
completion status.

         The OPIC and IFC loan agreements require that the current mining plan
indicate that production from the Kori Kollo mine extends at least three years
beyond the final scheduled principal payment ("Reserve Life Provision").
Failure to meet this Reserve Life Provision results in the suspension of all
debt repayments from Inti Raymi to its shareholders and all Inti Raymi dividend
payments until such time as compliance with the Reserve Life Provision is
achieved by either a prepayment of a sufficient portion of the debt or an
increase in the Kori Kollo mine ore reserves.  The IFC and CAF loan agreements
contain provisions which entitle their respective agencies to receive principal
prepayments proportionate to those received by OPIC.  In the third quarter of
1994, the Company completed a rescheduling of the life of mine production and
observed that the new schedule was not in compliance with the Reserve Life
Provision due to more rapid mining and production than originally planned.  The
then-current plan indicated that production would extend approximately 2.8
years beyond the date of the final scheduled principal payment.  To allow
continuing payments of dividends and the repayment of intercompany debts, Inti
Raymi obtained a temporary waiver, permitting noncompliance with the Reserve
Life Provision until June 30, 1996.  Inti Raymi has recently announced reserve
additions which the lenders have approved as sufficient to satisfy the Reserve
Life Provision well in advance of the scheduled expiration of the temporary

         The OPIC facility provided for borrowings of $40 million.  Interest
rates under the variable rate facility are based on LIBOR plus 2 percent.
Additionally, $4.1 million of previously existing OPIC loans to Inti Raymi were
restructured as loan obligations under the terms of the agreement, with the
exception that they are subject to their originally agreed interest rates.
Weighted average interest rates for borrowings under this facility for the
years ended December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993, were 8.5 percent, 6.7 percent and
5.6 percent, respectively.

         Under the IFC commitment, borrowings of $40 million were made.  The
interest rate for the non-convertible portion of the loan is based on LIBOR
plus 2.375 percent, but Inti Raymi has the right to request an interest rate
cap or collar, or may elect at any time to pay a fixed rate of interest.  Of
the total IFC borrowings, $5 million represents a convertible loan due on March
1, 2002, carrying a fixed annual interest rate of 11 percent with an additional
interest rate provision which varies with the price of gold.  Weighted average
interest rates for borrowings under this facility for the years ended December
31, 1995, 1994 and 1993 were 8.6 percent, 6.9 percent and 6.0 percent,
respectively, for the non-convertible portion of the loan and 12.8 percent,
13.7 percent and 12 percent, respectively, for the convertible portion of the
loan. The loan may be converted, at IFC's option, into an equity interest of
up to a 3.98 percent in Inti Raymi. Upon the conversion of the convertible
loan into equity, the Company and Inti Raymi's minority owner would have their
interests in the capital stock of Inti Raymi diluted proportionately.  Each
share of Inti Raymi common stock issued by Inti Raymi as a result of such
conversion will have an associated put option which, if exercised by IFC, would
require BMG and Inti Raymi's minority shareholder to purchase such share at its
fair market value as determined at the time the put is exercised.

         The CAF facility provided for borrowings of $15 million.  Interest
rates under the facility are based on LIBOR.  These funds were obtained from
several sources.  CAF charged a supervision and oversight fee and a commitment
fee in addition to fees charged by the participants in the funding.  Weighted
average interest rates for borrowings under this facility for the years ended
December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993, were 7.3 percent, 5.5 percent and 4.7
percent, respectively.

         The Company has a $15 million uncommitted revolving credit facility
with the Union Bank of Switzerland.  Interest rates under the facility are
variable, based on either the bank's base rate or a negotiated rate.  There are
no additional costs or financial restrictions under this facility.  No loans
were outstanding under this revolving credit facility as of December 31, 1995
and 1994; however, letters of credit amounting to $2.2 million and $4.8 million
had been issued against this facility as of December 31, 1995 and 1994,
respectively.  The weighted average interest rate for borrowings under this
facility for the year ended December 31, 1995, was 6.7 percent.  There were no
interest charges for the year ended December 31, 1994, since the Company did
not borrow against this facility in 1994.  Interest charges for the year ended
December 31, 1993, were based on weighted average interest rates of 3.5 to 4.3

         Scheduled maturities of the Company's long-term debt for each of the
next five years are $13.4 million for 1996 through 1999 and $6.9 million in
2000.  In addition, all borrowings then outstanding under the new revolving
credit facility are due and payable on November 6, 2000.

         BMG has effective a registration statement under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, for what is commonly referred to as a "universal shelf"
filing covering up to $200 million of its debt securities, preferred stock,
depositary shares, common shares and warrants which may be offered from time to

Note 6.  Shareholders' Equity

         Reference is made to Note 5 for information regarding the number of
shares of common stock reserved for issuance for the conversion of the
Company's outstanding convertible subordinated debentures.

         The Company's Board of Directors is authorized to divide the preferred
stock into series.  With respect to each series the Board may determine the
dividend rights, dividend rates, conversion rights and voting rights (which may
be greater or less than the voting rights of the common stock).  The Board may
also determine the redemption rights and terms, liquidation preferences,
sinking fund rights and terms, the number of shares constituting the series and
the designation of each series.

         Pursuant to their authority to divide the preferred stock into series,
the Board of Directors in 1988 designated 2,000,000 shares of preferred stock
as "Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock" for possible issuance upon
the exercise of stock rights as described below.

Stock Rights - Since November 21, 1988, when the Company's Board of Directors
declared a dividend of one right for each outstanding share of the Company's
common stock, each share of the Company's outstanding common stock carries with
it such right.  Each right entitles the holder to purchase from the Company one
one-hundredth of a share of Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock, par
value $1.00 per share, for an exercise price of $60, subject to adjustment.
The rights expire on November 10, 1998.  They will not be exercisable nor
transferable apart from the common stock until such time as a person or group
acquires 20 percent of the Company's common stock or initiates a tender offer
that will result in ownership of 30 percent of the Company's common stock.  In
the event that the Company is merged, and its common stock is exchanged or
converted, the rights will entitle the holders to buy shares of the acquirer's
common stock at a 50 percent discount.  Under certain other circumstances, the
rights can become rights to purchase the Company's common stock at a 50 percent
discount.  The rights may be redeemed by the Company for one cent per right at
any time until 10 days following the first public announcement of a 20 percent
acquisition of beneficial ownership of the Company's common stock.

Convertible Preferred Stock - On May 20, 1993, the Company received $111
million in net proceeds from the issuance of 2.3 million shares of its
convertible preferred stock with a liquidation preference of $50 per share plus
any accrued and unpaid dividends.  Each share of preferred stock will pay an
annual cumulative dividend of $3.25 and is convertible at any time at the
option of the holder into 4.762 shares of the Company's common stock.  The
preferred stock is redeemable at the option of the Company solely for shares of
the Company's common stock beginning May 15, 1996.  There are approximately 11
million shares of the Company's common stock reserved for issuance upon
conversion of the preferred stock.

Note 7.  Federal and Foreign Income Tax  

         Federal and foreign income tax (benefit) expense consisted of the
following at December 31:

                                                          1995             1994             1993                             
                                                      ----------       -----------        ---------                          
                                                                 (expressed in thousands)                                    
     United States                                    $        -       $    (2,288)       $  (5,117)                           
     Foreign                                               2,164             1,226            1,028                          
                                                      ----------       -----------        ---------                          
         Total current                                     2,164            (1,062)          (4,089)                         
                                                      ----------       -----------        ---------                          
     United States                                       (10,171)                -                -                          
     Foreign                                               5,203             3,581                -                          
                                                      ----------       -----------        ---------                          
         Total deferred                                   (4,968)            3,581                -                          
                                                      ----------       -----------        ---------                          
                                                      $   (2,804)      $     2,519        $  (4,089)                           
                                                      ==========       ===========        =========                            

         Consolidated income before income taxes includes income from foreign
operations of $36.1 million, $32.7 million and $13.8 million in 1995, 1994 and
1993, respectively.

         The Company's net deferred tax position at December 31, is comprised
of the following:

                                                             1995                 1994                              
                                                          ---------            ---------                           
                                                             (expressed in thousands)                              
 Deferred tax assets                                      $  74,415            $  55,275                              
 Deferred tax liabilities                                   (72,035)             (57,822)                          
 Valuation allowance                                           (993)              (1,034)                          
                                                          ---------            ---------                           
 Net deferred tax asset (liability)                       $   1,387            $  (3,581)                             
                                                          =========            =========                              

         Temporary differences and carryforwards which gave rise to significant
portions of deferred tax assets and liabilities at December 31 are as follows:

                                                             1995                1994                              
                                                          ----------          ----------   
                                                              (expressed in thousands)                              
 Net operating loss carryforwards                         $   25,131          $   24,975                              
 Alternative minimum tax credit carryforward                   4,552               4,552                           
 Employee compensation and benefits accrued                    5,480               5,052                           
 Foreign tax credit carryforwards                             11,859                   -                           
 Property, plant and equipment                               (21,319)            (22,126)                          
 Undistributed earnings of foreign subsidiaries              (23,493)            (17,556)                          
 Other, net                                                      170               2,556                           
 Valuation allowance                                            (993)             (1,034)                          
                                                          ----------          ----------   
 Net deferred tax asset (liability)                       $    1,387           $  (3,581) 
                                                          ==========           =========                              

         A reconciliation of income tax at the U.S. statutory rate to income
tax (benefit) expense as of December 31 follows:

                                                            1995           1994             1993                               
                                                          --------       -------         ---------                              
                                                                    (expressed in thousands)                                     
 Income tax based on statutory rate of 35%                $  4,354       $ 4,232         $  (2,973)                              
 Increases (reductions) resulting from:                                                                                          
     Foreign withholding tax, net                               -          4,377                -                              
     Change in filing position regarding foreign tax                                                                         
         credits                                            (7,125)           -                 -                              
     Undistributed (income) losses of foreign                                                                         
         subsidiaries not subject to income tax               (630)          302            (1,030)                             
     Change in valuation allowance                             (41)       (7,327)              722                              
     Other, net                                                638           935              (808)                             
                                                          --------       -------         ---------                              
 Income tax (benefit) expense                             $ (2,804)      $ 2,519         $  (4,089)                              
                                                          ========       =======         =========                               

         The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, enacted on August 10,
1993, retroactively increased the federal statutory income tax from 34 percent
to 35 percent for periods beginning on or after January 1, 1994.  The effect of
the rate change was not significant to the Company's net deferred income tax

         U.S. taxes have been provided on the undistributed earnings of
subsidiaries and joint ventures with the exception of Niugini Mining which is
in a cumulative loss position.

         The Company and its domestic subsidiaries file a consolidated U.S.
federal income tax return.  Such returns have been closed through the year

         At December 31, 1995, the Company had approximately $71.8 million of
regular net operating losses and $9.3 million of alternative minimum tax net
operating loss carryforwards expiring beginning in 2007, available to offset
future U.S. federal income tax and approximately $4.6 million of alternative
minimum tax credits available on an indefinite carryforward basis.  Changes in
the ownership of a company can result in an annual limitation under IRC section
382 on the amount of the tax net operating loss carryforwards which can be
utilized in any one year.  The annual limitation is based on the value of the
company as of the ownership change date multiplied by the federal long-term tax
exempt rate.  It is not anticipated that the section 382 limitation will
significantly restrict the future utilization of BMG's net operating loss

Note 8.  Major Customers and Export Gross Revenues

         All sales of the Company's products are made to precious metals
smelters, refiners or traders.  Accordingly, the precious metals industry has
substantial influence over the market for the Company's products.

         During 1995, gross revenues from five separate buyers accounted for
$83.2 million, $72.9 million, $35.6 million, $25.2 million and $22.5 million of
total gross revenues, respectively, representing 80.0 percent of total gross
revenues.  International gross revenues for 1995 were $299.3 million, of which
$58.1 million were from export of U.S.  product.  In 1994, gross revenues from
four separate buyers of $69.0 million, $64.8 million, $36.8 million and $17.1
million, respectively, accounted for 77.3 percent of total gross revenues.  Of
the Company's $243.0 million international gross revenues in 1994, $46.6
million were from export of U.S. product.  For 1993, 80.1 percent of the
Company's total gross revenues were distributed among six separate buyers who
accounted for $55.3 million, $36.2 million, $25.3 million, $17.4 million, $17.0
million and $14.8 million in gross revenues, respectively.  International gross
revenues of $207.2 million in 1993 included $47.9 million from export of U.S.
product.  Alternate buyers are available to replace the loss of any of the
Company's principal customers.

Note 9.  Other Income (Expense), Net

         Included in other income (expense), net, are certain non-operating
revenues, net of related expenses, consisting of:

                                                               1995          1994          1993                               
                                                            ---------     ---------    ----------                             
                                                                   (expressed in thousands)                                   
 Foreign currency exchange gains (losses)                   $    (431)    $  (2,075)   $      228                             
 Gain on sale of investments                                        -           725         2,697                             
 Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment                  5,542             -         3,730                             
 Royalty income                                                 1,331           820             -                             
 Other                                                            470           286          (947)                            
                                                            ---------     ---------    ----------                             
                                                            $   6,912     $    (244)   $    5,708                             
                                                            =========     =========    ==========                             

Note 10.  Acquisitions

Niugini Mining - In the aggregate, since January 1, 1989, the Company has paid
$204.1 million for 59.3 million shares of the common stock of Niugini Mining
representing a 50.5 percent ownership interest as of December 31, 1995.  In
December 1993, Niugini Mining issued 5.8 million of its common shares at A$5.00
per share in a public offering which provided net proceeds of approximately
$19.1 million U.S. equivalent.  As a result of this stock offering, BMG's
ownership interest in Niugini Mining decreased from 56.5 percent to 52.6
percent.  In December 1993, the Company recorded a $2.1 million adjustment to
reduce the carrying value of its investment in Niugini Mining to reflect the
reduction in ownership interest.  In 1995 and 1994, BMG's ownership interest
was diluted to 50.6 percent and 51.4 percent, respectively, due to employee
stock options that were exercised during the year.  In May 1995 and June 1994
the Company recorded adjustments of $2.2 million and $1.2 million,
respectively, to reduce the carrying value of its investment in Niugini Mining
to reflect these reductions in ownership interest.  In December 1995, the
Company paid approximately $17 million to purchase 11.9 million additional
shares of Niugini Mining through exercise of its share of options issued to
Niugini Mining's shareholders in May 1995.

         At December 31, 1995, the carrying value attributed to the Company's
proportionate share of Niugini Mining's investment in LGL exceeded its
proportionate share of Niugini Mining's historical cost basis in LGL by $102
million.  Such excess will be amortized against the Company's share of the
earnings of LGL based on the estimated recoverable reserves attributable to the
Lihir project upon commencement of production (See Note 2).

Inti Raymi - On March 8, 1994, the Company purchased an additional 3 percent of
Inti Raymi's outstanding stock for $5.2 million from Zeland Mines, S.A. to
increase the Company's ownership interest to 88 percent.  As of December 31,
1995, the Company had invested an aggregate of $41.1 million in cash and 9
million of its common shares (valued at approximately $76.3 million) to acquire
its 88 percent equity interest in Inti Raymi.

         At December 31, 1995, the carrying value, net of accumulated
amortization, attributed to the Company's share of the Kori Kollo and Llallagua
gold deposits exceeded its proportionate

share of Inti Raymi's historical cost basis in the deposits by $82.8 million.
This excess has been capitalized to property and is being amortized by the
units of production method based on the deposits' estimated recoverable
reserves.  Amortization of the excess cost amounted to $10.8 million, $11.1
million and $8.6 million in 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.

         Interest costs amounting to $.7 in 1995, $.4 million in 1994 and $.6
million in 1993 were capitalized in connection with the Kori Kollo project.

Note 11.  Common Stock and Stock Options

         Stock Options - Under the Company's 1994 Long-term Incentive Plan and
a predecessor stock option plan, 5,980,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock
were reserved for issuance as of December 31, 1995.  Of this number 3,240,582
shares and 3,641,173 shares, respectively, were available for future grants of
stock options, restricted stock, performance shares or other stock awards at
December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.

         Non-employee directors of the Company are granted non-qualified stock
options under a separate stock option plan for outside directors.  Under this
plan, a total of 250,000 shares of the Company's common stock are reserved for
issuance, of which 150,000 shares and 160,500 shares are available for future
grants at December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.

         Options granted under the above plans are exercisable under the terms
of the respective option agreements at the market price of the common stock at
the date of grant, subject to anti-dilution adjustments in certain
circumstances.  Payment of the exercise price may be made in cash or in shares
of common stock previously owned by the optionee, valued at current market

         Under a deferred income stock option plan for officers and directors,
each participant may elect to receive a non-qualified stock option in lieu of a
portion of his compensation.  A maximum of 2,000,000 shares of common stock is
issuable under the plan, of which 1,729,328 shares and 1,751,391 shares are
available for future grants at December 31, 1995 and 1994, respectively.
Options granted pursuant to the plan become exercisable at the beginning of the
calendar year immediately following the year in which the option was granted.
They expire no later than 10 years after the date of grant.  The amount of
deferred compensation is accrued as compensation expense during the period

         Additional information for 1995 related to the Company's stock option
plans follows:

                                                  Number of Shares                Option Price                              
                                                    Under Option                 Range Per Share                            
                                                 -----------------               ---------------                            
 Outstanding at December 31, 1994                      2,175,648                $ 4.83 to $ 20.75                           
   Granted                                               496,950                $ 9.25 to $ 11.38                           
   Exercised                                             (94,363)               $ 6.00 to $ 11.19                           
   Expired                                               (63,796)               $ 6.88 to $ 11.38                           
 Outstanding at December 31, 1995                      2,514,439                $ 4.83 to $ 20.75                           
 Exercisable at December 31, 1995                      1,760,174                $ 4.83 to $ 20.75                           

         At December 31, 1995, expiration dates for the outstanding options
ranged from July 1, 1996, to August 24, 2005.  The weighted average exercise
price per share was $9.51.

Note 12.  Benefits Plans

Pension Plans - Substantially all U.S. employees of the Company are covered by
non-contributory pension plans.  The U.S.  plans provide benefits based on
participants' years of service and compensation or defined amounts for each
year of service.  The Company makes annual contributions to the U.S. plans that
comply with the minimum funding provisions of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act ("ERISA").

         During 1993, the plans for BMG's Australian employees were changed
from non-contributory defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans.

         Pension costs are generally accrued and charged to expense currently.
Net periodic pension cost included the following components:

                                                          1995          1994             1993                                  
                                                      -----------     ---------       ----------
                                                               (expressed in thousands)                                     
 Service cost - benefits earned during the year       $       518     $      599      $      648                        
 Interest cost on projected benefit obligations             1,618          1,499           1,611                        
 Expected return on plan assets                            (1,888)        (2,060)         (1,773)                        
 Net amortization and deferral                                246            258             (88)                        
                                                      -----------     ----------      ----------                         
      Net periodic pension cost                       $       494     $      296      $      398                        
                                                      ===========     ==========      ==========                        

         At December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993, the projected long-term rate of
return on plan assets was 9 percent.

         Actual return on the plans' assets was $6.4 million for the year ended
December 31, 1995, $1.4 million for the year ended December 31, 1994, and $.3
million for the year ended December 31, 1993.

         The following sets forth the plans' funded status and related amounts
as of December 31:

                                                          1995            1994                          
                                                       ---------        ---------                         
                                                        (Expressed in thousands)                           
 Actuarial present value of                                                                                 
   benefit obligations:                                                                                     
      Vested benefit obligation                        $  20,282        $  17,148                           
                                                       =========        =========                            
      Accumulated benefit obligation                   $  21,712        $  18,163                           
                                                       =========        =========                            
      Projected benefit obligation                     $  23,386        $  19,299                           
 Plan assets at fair value                                26,724           21,498                         
                                                       ---------        ---------                         
 Plan assets in excess of projected benefit                                                                 
   obligation                                              3,338            2,199                         
 Unrecognized net gain and effects of                                                                       
   changes in actuarial assumptions                       (3,953)          (2,585)                        
 Unrecognized net asset at transition                       (796)            (914)                        
 Prior service cost not yet recognized in net                                                               
   periodic pension cost                                   2,879            3,262                         
                                                       ---------        ---------                         
 Prepaid pension cost                                  $   1,468        $   1,962                            
                                                       =========        =========                            

         Plan assets include equity securities, common trust funds and various
debt securities.  Weighted average rate assumptions used in determining
estimated benefit obligations were as follows:

                                                            1995        1994  
                                                            ----        ----  
  Discount Rate                                             7.5%        8.5%  
  Rate of increase in compensation levels                   8.8%        6.0%  

Contribution Plans - The Company has defined contribution plans available for
all full-time U.S. salaried employees and all full-time U.S. hourly employees.
The plans provide for savings contributions by employees from 1 to 16 percent
of their compensation, subject to ERISA limitations.  The Company matches 50 to
100 percent of employee contributions with BMG's common stock, subject to a
limit of 6 percent of an employee's compensation during each plan year.

         The Company has defined contribution plans available for all BMG's
Australian salaried and hourly employees.  The Company's contributions to the
salaried plan are determined in accordance with the trust deed.  The Company's
contributions to the hourly plan are determined in accordance with the union

         All Company contributions to the plans are expensed and funded
currently.  The cost of such Company contributions to the U.S. plans was $.4
million, $.3 million and $.5 million in 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.  The
cost attributable to the Australian plans was $.8 million, $.7 million and $.6
million in 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.

Postretirement Health Care and Life Insurance Benefits - Substantially all of
the Company's U.S. employees may become eligible for certain unfunded health
care and life insurance benefits when they reach retirement age while working
for the Company.

         Net periodic postretirement benefit cost included the following

                                                                   1995         1994       1993                            
                                                                 --------     --------   --------                             
                                                                     (expressed in thousands)                                  
  Service cost                                                   $    275     $    460   $    367                             
  Interest cost on accumulated benefit obligation                     502          554        644                             
  Amortization of (gain)loss                                         (108)          -          -                             
                                                                 --------     --------   --------                             
  Net periodic postretirement benefit cost                       $    669     $  1,014   $  1,011                             
                                                                 ========     ========   ========                             

         The following table presents the plans' status at December 31:

                                                                           1995               1994                          
                                                                        ----------          --------                           
                                                                          (expressed in thousands)                             
  Accumulated postretirement benefit                                                                                           
       Retirees                                                         $    4,863          $  3,940                             
       Fully eligible active plan participants                                 591               720                           
       Other active plan participants                                        2,133             2,299                           
                                                                        ----------          --------                           
                                                                             7,587             6,959                           
  Unrecognized net gain (loss)                                               1,215             1,510                           
                                                                        ----------          --------                           
  Accrued postretirement benefit cost                                   $    8,802          $  8,469                             
                                                                        ==========          ========                             

         The discount rate used in determining the accumulated postretirement
benefit obligation was 7.5 percent for 1995 and 8.5 percent for 1994.  For 1995
and 1994, the assumed annual rate of increase in the per capita cost of covered
health care benefits was 9 and 12 percent, respectively.  For 1995
calculations, a gradual decrease in the rate is assumed through the year 2000
when the rate is estimated to reach 6 percent and remain at that level
thereafter.  For 1994 calculations, a gradual decrease in the rate is assumed
through the year 1999 when the rate is estimated to reach 6 percent and remain
at that level thereafter.  A one percent increase in the assumed health care
cost trend rates would increase the accumulated postretirement benefit
obligation as of December 31, 1995, by approximately $1.1 million, and would
increase the total of the service and interest cost components of net periodic
postretirement health care cost for 1995 by approximately $.1 million.

Postemployment Benefits - Effective January 1, 1994, the Company adopted SFAS
No. 112, "Employers' Accounting for Postemployment Benefits".  This standard
requires that the expected cost of these benefits must be charged to expense
during the periods that employees vest in these benefits.  The Company had
previously recognized these costs as an expense when paid.  Adoption of the
standard did not have a material effect on the Company's financial position or
on its results of operations.  Postemployment benefit costs recognized under
this standard do not differ significantly from those that would have been
reported under the previous method.

Note 13.  Geographic Segment Information

         The following table sets forth certain financial information relating
to international and domestic operations:

                                                                        Year Ended December 31,                                     
                                                              1995               1994             1993                              
                                                          ------------        ----------       -----------                          
                                                                       (expressed in thousands)                                     
 Gross revenues:                                                                                                                    
   United States                                          $     58,058        $   46,562       $    47,915                          
   Austral Pacific                                              73,326            40,314            57,060                          
   South America                                               167,911           156,108           102,276                          
                                                          ------------        ----------       -----------                          
                                                          $    299,295        $  242,984       $   207,251                          
                                                          ============        ==========       ===========                          
 Operating Income (Loss):                                                                                                           
   United States                                          $    (13,098)       $  (10,673)      $   (19,239)                         
   Austral Pacific                                               1,051            (2,976)            7,046                          
   South America                                                29,065            34,861             7,434                          
   Other International                                          (1,034)           (1,270)             (975)                         
                                                          ------------        ----------       -----------                          
                                                                15,984            19,942            (5,734)                         
 Interest and Other income (expense), net                        2,613            (3,464)            1,949                          
                                                          ------------        ----------       -----------                          
 Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes and Minority                                                                                     
         Interest                                         $     18,597        $   16,478       $    (3,785)                         
                                                          ============        ==========       ===========                          
 Identifiable Assets:                                                                                                               
    United States                                         $    109,618        $  114,789       $   132,669                          
    Austral Pacific                                            295,423           228,989           216,200                          
    South America                                              331,035           335,683           318,959                          
    Other International                                          1,063               308               324                          
                                                          ------------        ----------       -----------                          
                                                          $    737,139        $  679,769       $   668,152                          
                                                          ============        ==========       ===========                          

Note 14.  Commitments and Contingencies

         Total operating lease rental expenses (exclusive of mineral leases)
were $3.4 million, $2.2 million and $1.4 million for 1995, 1994 and 1993,

         Aggregate minimum rentals (exclusive of mineral leases) subsequent to
December 31, 1995, under non-cancelable leases for the years ending December
31, 1996 to 2000, are estimated to be $3.1 million, $2.4 million, $1.8 million,
$1.0 million and $.6 million, respectively.  Lease commitments beyond the year
2000 total $1.8 million.

         Pursuant to pricing provisions as set out in dore customer contracts,
as of December 31, 1995, the Company had committed to sell 14,300 ounces of
gold contained in dore valued at approximately $5.6 million at prices
determined during various pricing periods in 1995, none of which exceeds 45
days.  The average price of gold sold under this commitment is approximately
$389 per ounce.

         All of the Company's mining and processing operations are subject to
reclamation and closure requirements.  The Company monitors such requirements
and periodically revises its cost estimates to meet the legal and regulatory
requirements of the various jurisdictions in which it conducts its business.
Where possible, plans for ongoing operations and future mine development are
implemented in a manner that contributes to the fulfillment of reclamation and
closure obligations in a cost effective manner through the conduct of ongoing
operating activities.  Costs estimated to be incurred in future periods which
cannot be addressed in this manner are charged to operations through provisions
based on the units of production method such that the estimated cost of
ultimate reclamation is fully provided for by the time mineral reserves are
depleted.  The timing of actual cash expenditures for reclamation may be
accelerated or deferred depending on cost and other determinations which may
make such decisions prudent in the circumstances.  The Company believes that
these policies and practices adequately address its reclamation obligations and
provide a systematic and rational method of charging such costs to operations
consistent with industry practice.  Accruals amounting to an aggregate of $8.0
million at December 31, 1995, are included as long-term liabilities in the
Company's Consolidated Balance Sheet.  At the Battle Mountain Complex,
aggregate reclamation expenditures estimated to be spent in future periods are
expected to amount to approximately $7.8 million.  Actual expenditures made to
date have equaled the total amount accrued to date, therefore there is no net
accrued liability at December 31, 1995 for this location.  Estimated ultimate
reclamation obligations and related accrued liability balances at December 31,
1995, respectively, for each of the Company's other operating mines is as
follows:  San Luis $3.3 million and $1.7 million, Pajingo $2.6 million and $1.5
million, Kori Kollo $10.0 million and $1.9 million and Red Dome $3.7 million
and $2.9 million.  Reclamation expenditures for the San Cristobal mine are not
expected to be material.

Note 15.  Forward Sales and Hedging

         The Company has only limited involvement with derivative financial
instruments and does not use them for trading purposes.  Derivative instruments
are used to manage well-defined interest rate, foreign currency exchange rate
and commodity price risks.

         Interest rate cap agreements are used to reduce the potential impact
of increases in interest rates on floating-rate long-term debt.  At December
31, 1995, Inti Raymi was party to three interest rate cap agreements which were
effective June 1, 1994, each with a term of three years.  The agreements
entitle Inti Raymi to receive from counterparties on a quarterly basis the
amounts, if any, by which Inti Raymi's interest payments on a portion of its
LIBOR based floating-rate Kori Kollo project financing exceed various fixed
rates over the term of the caps.  The fixed rates in the cap agreements
gradually escalate from 5.4 percent in 1995 to 7.2 percent in 1997.  Inti Raymi
has hedged 50 percent of its net interest rate exposure currently related to
the Kori Kollo LIBOR based project financing.  The hedge increases to 100
percent of its exposure by June 1996.  Inti Raymi has not hedged any of its
exposure subsequent to December 1997.  The net unamortized cost of the premiums
paid for these caps amounting to $.5 million at December 31, 1995, has been
included in other assets.  Since the interest rate caps were put in place, the
Company has amortized approximately $.2 million of such premiums and has
received approximately $.2 million in settlement of expiring caps.

         The Company uses fixed forward sales contracts, spot deferred sales
contracts and put options to hedge anticipated sales of gold, silver and
copper.  The following table summarizes the Company's forward sales contracts
at December 31, 1995:

                                                                      Average Price                                  
                                                 Amount                  Per Unit               Period               
                                                 ------             ------------------   --------------------        
   Forward sales contracts                                                                                           
      Gold                                     129,977 oz                 US$397            Jan 96 - Oct 96          
 Niugini Mining                                                                                                      
   Forward sales contracts                                                                                           
      Gold                                      91,529 oz                 A$536             Jan 96 - Dec 96          
                                                28,679 oz                 US$386                Jan 96               
      Silver                                    12,568 oz                US$5.87                Jan 96               
      Copper                                  2,000 tonnes               US$2,654           Jan 95 - Feb 96          
 Inti Raymi                                                                                                          
   Forward sales contracts                                                                                           
      Gold                                      83,500 oz                 US$396            Jan 96 - Jun 96          
   Purchased put options                                                                                             
      Gold                                      42,000 oz                 US$385            Jan 96 - Apr 96          

         Deferred costs associated with Inti Raymi's forward sales contracts
amounted to $1.3 million and $1.5 million at December 31, 1995 and 1994,
respectively.  Deferred costs associated with put options amounted to $.2
million at December 31, 1995.  The Company did not own any put options at
December 31, 1994.

         At December 31, 1995, the aggregate amount by which the net market
value of the Company's open forward sales contracts is greater than the spot
price of $387 per ounce of gold, $5.19 per ounce of silver, and  $2,815 per
tonne of copper, before consideration of the deferred costs referred to above,
is $2.6 million, of which $.4 million is attributable to minority interests.
Australian dollar contracts were converted to U.S. dollars at the December 1995
month end exchange rate of US$.74 to A$1.

         The Company is exposed to credit-related losses in the event of
nonperformance by the counterparties to its interest rate caps and forward
sales contracts, but does not expect any counterparties to fail to meet their
obligations.  The Company does not obtain collateral or other security to
support financial instruments subject to credit risk but monitors the credit
standing of counterparties.

Note 16.  Fair Value of Financial Instruments

         SFAS No. 107, "Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments,"
defines the fair value of a financial instrument as the amount at which the
instrument could be exchanged in a

current transaction between willing parties.  The following table presents the
carrying amounts and estimated fair values of the Company's financial
instruments at December 31:

                                                           1995                              1994                             
                                             ------------------------------   -------------------------------                 
                                               Carrying           Fair           Carrying           Fair                      
                                                Amount           Value            Amount           Value                      
                                               --------          -----           --------          -----                      
                                                                (expressed in thousands)                                      
 Financial Assets                                                                                                             
   Interest rate caps                        $      490       $       23       $      685       $    1,677                    
 Financial Liabilities                                                                                                        
   Debt                                      $  182,603       $  157,108       $  179,029       $  158,662                    

         The carrying amounts of the interest rate caps and debt shown in the
table are included in the Consolidated Balance Sheet under Other Assets and
Long-Term Debt, respectively.

         The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair
value of each class of financial instruments:

Cash, cash equivalents, trade receivables, and trade payables - The carrying
amounts approximate fair value because of the short maturity of those

Other assets - The amounts reported relate to the interest rate cap agreements
described in Note 15 .  The carrying amount comprises the unamortized premiums
paid for the contracts.  The fair value is estimated using option pricing

Debt - The fair value of the Company's convertible subordinated debentures is
based on the quoted market price of the debentures at the reporting date.  Due
to the generally variable interest rate features of the OPIC, IFC and CAF
loans, the Company believes the carrying amounts approximate the fair value of
this debt at the reporting date.

         The Company has issued corporate guarantees totaling $4.5 million to
ensure that the reclamation of the Battle Mountain Complex mines will be
performed as specified in the operating permits issued by the State of Nevada.
In addition, the Company has a letter of credit outstanding for $2.2 million as
collateral for surety bonds provided as security for various reclamation
obligations.  The Company believes the carrying value of these financial
instruments approximates their fair market value.

Note 17.  Subsequent Event

         On July 19, 1996, the Company combined with Hemlo Gold Mines Inc.
(Hemlo) in a transaction accounted for as a pooling of interests.  The
expected unaudited pro forma combined condensed balance sheet of the Company
and Hemlo as of December 31, 1995 giving effect to the transaction is as 
follows (in millions):

 Assets                                                  $    1,145          
 Liabilities                                                    392         
 Shareholders' equity                                           753         
 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity              $    1,145         



                                                                                  Earnings       Dividends per       Dividends
                                Net         Operating             Net            (Loss) Per         Common              per
                               Sales         Income             Income          Common Share        Share         Preferred Share
                            ----------      ---------          ---------        ------------     -------------    ---------------
                                                         (expressed in thousands except per share amounts)
 First Quarter              $   54,082      $   3,420          $   2,482           $ .01           $  .025            $   .8125
 Second Quarter                 81,263          6,607              7,630             .06                -                 .8125
 Third Quarter                  65,485          2,713              2,753             .01              .025                .8125
 Fourth Quarter                 83,430          3,244              2,380             .01                -                 .8125
                            ----------      ---------          ---------           -----           -------            ---------
                            $  284,260      $  15,984          $  15,245           $ .09           $  .050            $  3.2500
                            ==========      =========          =========           =====           =======            =========

 First Quarter              $   50,917      $   7,182           $  2,848           $ .01           $  .025            $   .8125
 Second Quarter                 57,036          6,028              3,084             .01                -                 .8125
 Third Quarter                  55,827          1,856              1,451            (.01)             .025                .8125
 Fourth Quarter                 65,890          4,876              2,189             .01                -                 .8125
                            ----------      ---------          ---------           -----           -------            ---------
                            $  229,670      $  19,942          $   9,572           $ .02           $  .050            $  3.2500
                            ==========      =========          =========           =====           =======            =========

                               LIHIR GOLD LIMITED
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)


The Board of Directors
Lihir Gold Limited
Port Moresby
Papua New Guinea

We have audited the financial statements of Lihir Gold Limited for the year
ended 31 December 1995 as set out on pages 30 to 44. The Company's Directors
are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements
and the information they contain. We have conducted an independent audit of
these financial statements in order to express an opinion on them to the members
of the Company.

Our audit has been conducted in accordance with International Standards on
Auditing which are substantially similar to U.S. standards, to provide
reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. Our procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence
supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial statements, and
the evaluation of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates.
These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion as to whether, in all
material respects, the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance
with Accounting Standards adopted for use in Papua New Guinea and Papua New
Guinea statutory requirements so as to present a view which is consistent with
our understanding of the Company's financial position and the results of its

The audit opinion expressed in the Report has been formed on the above basis.

As described in Note 20 to the financial statements, the Company's accounting
policies vary in certain important respects from the accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States. Note 20 reconciles these differences. 


In our opinion:

(a)      the financial statements of Lihir Gold Limited are properly drawn up:

         (i)    so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of 
                the Company at 31 December 1995 and of the results and cash 
                flows of the Company for the year ended on that date; and
         (ii)   in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 
                (Chapter 146); and
         (iii)  in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards;

(b)      the accounting and other records (including registers) examined by us
         have been properly kept in accordance with the Companies Act.

By R. Hubbard
Registered under the Accountants Registration Act (Chapter 89)


On 27th day of June 1996

                               LIHIR GOLD LIMITED
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                           PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTS

              FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1995, 1994 AND 1993

                                                                                 US $ 000                 
                                                                NOTE          1995        1994         1993    
                                                                          (NOTE 1(a))  (NOTE 1(1))  (NOTE 1(a))
Operating profit before income tax                                5             -          -            -
Income tax attributable to operating profit                                     -          -            -      
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
Operating profit after income tax                                               -          -            -       
Retained profits at the beginning of the financial period                       -          -            -       
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
Retained profits at end of the financial period                                 -          -            -       

The accompanying notes form part of these financial accounts

                              LIHIR GOLD LIMITED

                        (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                BALANCE SHEET

                       AS AT 31 DECEMBER 1995 AND 1994

                                                              US $ 000        
                                                NOTE       1995       1994   
                                                       (NOTE 1(a)) (NOTE 1(1))
CURRENT ASSETS                                                               
Cash                                              8      363,099           - 
Receivables                                       9          420           - 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                     363,519           - 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                           
Development properties                           10      268,235     151,624 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                 268,235     151,624 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL ASSETS                                             631,754     151,624 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                          
Creditors and borrowings                         11       10,054           - 
Employee benefits                                            218           - 
Retention                                                    168           - 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                 10,440           - 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSETS                                               621,314     151,624 
Ordinary Shares, par value PGK $0.10:
  Issued and outstanding: 900,000,000 Shares 
  in 1995 and none in 1994                       12       68,085           - 
Reserves                                         13      553,229           - 
Joint venture contributions                                    -     151,624 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                               621,314     151,624 

The accompanying notes form part of these financial accounts

                              LIHIR GOLD LIMITED

                        (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                            STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

              FOR THE YEARS ENDING 31 DECEMBER 1995, 1994 AND 1993

                                                          US $ 000                          
                                              1995          1994           1993       
                                           (NOTE 1(a))  (NOTE 1 (1))   (NOTE 1 (a))  
BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD                     -             -               -     
CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                              
Proceeds from issue of shares                431,754             -               -
Joint venture contributions                   37,936        12,812               -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             469,690        12,812               -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                       
Development properties                      (123,877)      (12,812)              -
Interest received                              7,266             -               -
Increase in current assets                      (420)            -               -
Increase in current liabilities               10,440       (12,812)              -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            (106,591)            -               -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET INCREASE IN CASH HELD                    363,099             -               -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BALANCE AT END OF PERIOD                     363,099             -               -

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements

                               LIHIR GOLD LIMITED
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                          NOTES TO AND FORMING PART
                               OF THE ACCOUNTS

                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 1995


The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable
International Accounting Standards (IAS).  The financial statements have also
been prepared on the basis of historical costs and do not take into account
changing money values.  Cost is based on the fair values of the consideration
given in exchange for assets.  The accounting policies have been consistently
applied, unless otherwise stated.

The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies adopted by
the Company in the preparation of the financial statements.


         The transfer of the Lihir Project to the Company has been accounted
         for as a uniting of interests of the Company with the respective
         interests of each participant in the Lihir Project.  A uniting of
         interests is accounted for by using the pooling of interests method in
         accordance with IAS 22.  Accordingly, the assets and liabilities
         identified with the Lihir Project have been transferred to the
         Company at historical cost and the Company's financial statements have
         been restated to reflect the Lihir Project accounts for all periods
         prior to the uniting of interests.

         The substance of a uniting of interests is that no acquisition has
         occurred and there has been a continuation of the mutual sharing of
         risks and benefits that existed prior to the business combination.
         Use of the pooling of interests method recognises this by accounting
         for the combined enterprises as though the separate businesses were
         continuing as before, though now jointly owned and managed.


         Exploration and evaluation expenditure is accumulated separately for
         each area of interest.  

         Exploration expenditure is fully written off in the financial year in
         which it is incurred, unless recoupment from revenue to be derived
         from the relevant area of interest/mineral resource, or from the sale
         of that area of interest, is reasonably assured.
         Evaluation expenditure is capitalised, to the extent to which its
         recoupment out of revenue to be derived from the relevant area of
         interest/mineral resource, or from sale of that area of interest, is
         reasonably assured.

         Exploration or evaluation expenditure written off, or provided
         against, is reinstated when recoupment out of revenue to be derived
         from the relevant area of interest/mineral resource or from sale of
         that area of interest, is reasonably assured.


         Development expenditure is accumulated separately for each area of
         interest in which economically recoverable mineral reserves have been
         identified and are reasonably assured.

         Once a development decision has been taken, all past and future
         exploration and evaluation expenditure in respect of the area of
         interest is aggregated with the costs of development and classified
         under non-current assets as "Development Properties".

         All expenditure incurred prior to the commencement of commercial levels
         of production from each development property is carried forward to the
         extent to which recoupment out of revenue to be derived from the sale
         of production from the relevant development property, or from sale of
         that property, is reasonably assured.


         No amortisation is provided in respect of development properties until
         they are reclassified as "Mine Properties", following the commencement
         of commercial production.


         Mine properties represent the accumulation of all exploration,
         evaluation, and development expenditure incurred by or on behalf of
         the Company in relation to areas of interest in which mining of a
         mineral resource has commenced.

         When further development expenditure is incurred in respect of a mine
         property after the commencement of production, such expenditure is
         carried forward as part of the cost of that mine property, only when
         substantial future economic benefits are thereby established,
         otherwise such expenditure is classified as part of the cost of 

         Amortisation of costs is provided on the unit-of-production method,
         separate calculations being made for each mineral resource.  The
         unit-of-production basis results in an amortisation charge
         proportional to the depletion of estimated recoverable gold ounces
         contained in Ore Reserves (comprising both Proved and Probable Ore


         Interest, other financing costs and foreign exchange differences are
         classified as part of development and mine properties where they
         relate to funds raised for developing those properties.  Interest
         earned on the temporary investment of borrowed funds and funds
         received in connection with the sale of equity securities prior to the
         expenditure being made is deducted from interest paid on the borrowed
         funds in arriving at the amounts so capitalised.


         The cost of each item of buildings, machinery and equipment is
         depreciated over the expected useful life adopting the
         unit-of-production method.  Each item's economic life has due regard
         to both physical life limitations and to present assessments of
         economically recoverable reserves of the mine property and to possible
         future variations in those assessments.  Estimates of remaining useful
         lives are made on a regular basis for all assets, with annual
         reassessments for major items.

         The total net carrying values of mine building, machinery and
         equipment at each mine property are reviewed regularly and, to the
         extent to which these values exceed their recoverable amounts, that
         excess is fully provided against in the financial year in which this
         is determined.

         Major spares purchased specifically for particular plant are included
         in the cost of plant and are depreciated over the expected useful life
         of the item of plant.


         In estimating the remaining life of the mine at each mine property for
         the purpose of amortisation/depreciation calculations, due regard is
         given, not only to the volume of remaining recoverable mineral
         reserves, but also to limitations which could arise from the potential
         for changes in technology, demand, product substitution and other
         issues which are inherently difficult to estimate over a lengthy time


         Restoration, rehabilitation and environmental expenditure to be
         incurred during the production phase of operations is accrued when the
         need for such expenditure is established, and then written off as part
         of the cost of production of the mine property concerned.  Significant
         restoration, rehabilitation and environmental expenditure to be
         incurred subsequent to the cessation of production at each mine
         property is accrued, in proportion to production, when the amount of
         expenditure can be reasonably estimated.


         Inventories of broken ore, concentrate and metal are physically
         measured or estimated and valued at the lower of cost and net
         realisable value.

         Cost comprises direct material, labour and transportation expenditure
         in getting such inventories to their existing location and condition,
         together with an appropriate portion of fixed and variable overhead
         expenditure, based on weighted average costs incurred during the
         period in which such inventories are produced.  Net realisable value
         is the amount estimated to be obtained from sale of the item of
         inventory in the normal course of business, less any anticipated costs
         to be incurred prior to its sale.

         Inventories of consumable supplies and spare parts expected to be used
         in production are valued at weighted average cost.


         Sales are recognised as revenue only when there has been a passing of
         risk to the customer, and:

         *       the product is in a form suitable for delivery and no further
                 processing is required by, or on behalf of, the Company;

         *       the quantity and quality (grade) of the product can be
                 determined with reasonable accuracy;

         *       the product has been despatched to the customer and is no
                 longer under the physical control of the Company (or property
                 in the product has earlier passed to the customer); and

         *       the selling price can be measured reliably.

         Sales revenue represents the gross proceeds receivable from the

         Revenue received from sale/disposal of product, materials or services
         during the exploration, expenditure or development phases of
         operations is offset against expenditure in respect of the area of
         interest/mineral resource concerned.


         (i)     Wages and Salaries

                 A liability for wages and salaries is recognised, and measured
                 as the amount unpaid at balance date at current pay rates in
                 respect of employees' services up to that date.

         (ii)    Annual and Long Service Leave

                 A liability for annual and long service leave is recognised,
                 and measured as the present value of expected future payments
                 to be made in respect of services provided by employees up to
                 balance date.  In assessing expected future payments regard is
                 had to expected future wage and salary levels and experience
                 of employee departures and periods of service.


         As the Company's turnover is denominated in US dollars and the
         majority of its fixed asset purchases and costs are in US dollars or
         currencies related to US dollars, the Company's Directors have adopted
         the US dollar as the Company's functional and management reporting

         The Company's Kina figures are translated from US dollars at the rate
         prevailing at 31 December 1995 of PGK 1.00 = USD0.75.  Movements in the
         share capital account are accounted for as a capital reserve.

         Specific Commitment

         Currency hedging could be undertaken to avoid or minimise possible
         adverse financial effects of movements in exchange rates.  Gains or
         costs arising upon entry into a hedging transaction intended to hedge
         the purchase or sale of goods or services, together with subsequent
         exchange gains or losses resulting from those transactions up to the
         date of purchase or sale, are deferred and included in the measurement
         of the purchase or sale. In the case of hedges of monetary items,
         exchange gains or losses are brought to account in the financial year
         in which the exchange rate changes.  Gains or costs arising at the
         time of entering into such hedging transactions are brought to account
         in the profit and loss account over the lives of the hedges.


         Unrealised gains and losses on gold hedging contracts covering
         expected future gold production, are not recognised as revenue until
         delivery of gold against the contract occurs.  Any instruments entered
         into which are not for the purpose of hedging future sales revenues
         are recorded at their market value at the year end.  Gains and losses
         on these instruments are brought to account each year in the profit
         and loss account.

(n)      INCOME TAX

         Tax effect accounting procedures are followed whereby the income tax
         expense in the profit and loss account is matched with the accounting
         profit (after allowing for permanent differences).  The future tax
         benefit relating to tax losses is not carried forward as an asset
         unless the benefit is assured beyond any reasonable doubt.  Income tax
         on net cumulative timing differences is set aside to the deferred
         income tax and future income tax benefit accounts at the rates which
         are expected to apply when those timing differences reverse.

(o)      LEASES

         Leases of fixed assets where substantially all the risks and benefits
         incidental to the ownership of the asset, but not the legal ownership
         transferred to the Company, are classified as finance leases.  Finance
         leases are capitalised, recording an asset and liability equal to the
         present value of the minimum lease payments, including any guaranteed
         residual values.  Leased assets are amortised over their estimated
         useful lives.  Lease payments are allocated between the reduction of
         the lease liability and the lease interest expense for the period.

         Lease payments for operating leases, where substantially all the risks
         and benefits remain with the lessor, are charged as expenses in the
         periods in which they are incurred.

(p)      CASH

         For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash includes:

         (i)     cash on hand and in at call deposits with banks or financial
                 institutions, net of bank overdrafts; and

         (ii)    investments in money market instruments with less than 90 days
                 to maturity.


         The Company operates in Papua New Guinea.


         Comparative figures have been included in accordance with
         International Accounting Standards for the pooling of interests.


         The financial statements and directors' report have been rounded to
         the nearest thousand dollars.


The Special Mining Lease was issued on 17 March, 1995 and has a term of 40
years. Under the Mining Act it may be renewed for subsequent 20 year periods
at the discretion of the PNG Government.


The PNG Central Banking (Foreign Exchange and Gold) Regulations generally
require PNG companies to hold all cash reserves in Kina.  Prior approval of the
PNG Central Bank is required to convert funds from Kina into other currencies.

Under the Mining Development Contract, however, the Company has permission to
retain funds in foreign currencies to meet its obligations.


The Loan Agreement prohibits the payment of dividends by the Company prior to
Completion (as defined in the Loan Agreement) and permits the payment of
dividends thereafter only on the quarterly payment dates under the Loan
Agreement and only if certain conditions are met, including a condition that
after payment of such dividends and all other payments required under the Loan
Agreement the company has a specified minimum cash balance in an offshore
account and a Debt Cover ratio (as defined in the Loan Agreement) of not less
than 1.25:1.


                                                                       US$ 000            
                                                             1995        1994         1993                
Operating Profit before income                                                                            
tax expense has been determined                                                                           
after:                                                          -           -            -                
(i)       Charging as expenses:                                 -           -            -                
(ii)      Crediting as Income:                                  -           -            -                

It is noted that all items of income and expenditure relate to the development
properties and as such have been capitalised.


(a)       Directors' and Executive Officers Remuneration (US$000s)

                                                              1995        1994     1993             
Income received or due and receivable by all directors                                              
including insurance premiums to indemnify                                                           
liability whilst acting as a director & executive officer:      921         685       -              
Executive directors & executive officers:                      847         685       -              

The names of Company directors who have held office during the financial year

          GARNAUT, Ross G.         TELFER, Ian
          LEPANI, Charles W.       THOMAS, Gavin 
          LESLIE, Jonathan CA      VICKERMAN, Andrew 
          LOUDON, A. Geoffrey      FORBES, Jeffrey I. (Alternate for JCA Leslie)
          O'REILLY, John F.        KULALA, John (Alternate for CW Lepani)
          SOIPANG, Mark            LUTYENS, Charles (Retired)
          TAUVASA, Joseph J.
          TAYLOR, Meg

(b)       Retirement and superannuation payments

                                                            1995        1994     1993           
Amounts paid directly on retirement from office or to                                           
prescribed superannuation funds for the                                                         
provision of retirement benefits for:                                                           
          Principal executive officer                        -           -        -
          Directors                                          -           -        -            


Amounts received or due and receivable by                                US$000           
                                                              1995        1994     1993            
Company auditors for:                                                                              
          - auditing the accounts                               30          7      -               
          - other services                                     747          5      -               


                                                            1995        1994     1993           
CASH AT BANK                                                 1,372        -        -             
At call deposits with financial institutions               149,012        -        -             
Treasury bills and commercial paper                        212,715        -        -             
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           363,099        -        -


                                                            1995        1994     1993
Prepayments                                                  41           -        -  
Amounts receivable from:                                                             
- - other related bodies corporate                            379           -        -  
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            420           -        -  


                                                            1995        1994     1993           
DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES                                                                          
- - Exploration and evaluation phase                       146,005     146,005       -             
- - Development phase                                      115,005       5,619       -             
- - Interest received                                       (7,266)          -       -              
- - Borrowing costs                                         10,054           -       -             
- - Foreign currency translation                             4,437           -       -                   
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total development properties                             268,235     151,624       -      


                                                            1995        1994     1993  
Creditors and borrowing
Trade creditors and accruals                               9,492           -       -
Amounts payable to related bodies                            562           -       -
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          10,054           -       -


                                                            1995       1994     1993 
          2 billion Ordinary Shares of K0.10 each        148,000          -        -
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          900,000,000 Ordinary Shares of K0.10            68,085          -        -
          each, fully paid                                                                

(c)       On 17 March, 1995 the Company issued 100 shares at K1.00 which were
          subsequently split into 1000 shares of K0.10 each on 4 August 1995.

(d)       On 13 October, 1995 the company issued 866,475,701 Ordinary Shares
          and on 19 October 33,523,299 a total of Ordinary Shares of K0.10 at a
          premium as follows:

                                                         NO. OF SHARES      PREMIUM PER SHARE (US$)
          Shares issued to sponsors                      514,461,874*      0.2928         (K0.3904)
          Global Offering                                385,537,126       1.09157        (K1.45543)

          *  The shares issued to the sponsors are held in escrow for a period
             of two years commencing 13 October, 1995.


          The Company granted to the Sponsors 7,200,000 share options at a price
          15% above the final institutional price in consideration for their
          agreement to underwrite the over-allotment options under the Companies
          Global Offering.  The option is valid for a period of five years from
          13 October 1995 and if exercised during the escrow period the shares
          would be subject to the escrow conditions.


                                                            1995        1994       1993   
Share premium reserve                                    553,229           -          -
Foreign currency translation reserve                           -           -          - 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         553,229           -          -

                                                            1995        1994       1993   
Share premium reserve
Premium on shares issued                                 571,475           -          -
Less underwriters' fees                                  (18,246)          -          -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         553,229           -          -


                                                            1995        1994       1993   
(a)  Operating Lease Commitments
     Non-cancellable operating leases for
     facilities and automobiles contracted
     for but not capitalised in the accounts

     - 1995                                                    -         834          -
     - 1996                                                  944         775          - 
     - 1997                                                  302         159          -   
     - 1998                                                    -           -          -
     - 1999                                                    -           -          -
     - 2000                                                    -           -          -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           1,246       1,768          -

                                                            1995        1994       1993   
(b)  Capital Expenditure Commitments
     Capital expenditure commitments contracted for:

     Capital expenditure projects                        228,231           -          -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     - not later than one year                           195,755           -          -
     - later than one year but not later than 2 years     32,476           -          -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         228,231           -          -


There are no material amounts of contingent liabilities, not provided for in
the accounts.


A contingent liability exists in the Company in relation to the restoration,
monitoring and control of mine sites and in respect of possible but
unidentified remediation requirements on certain such sites. The extent to
which contingent liabilities may involve future costs is not possible to


                                     1995        1994           1993  
Loan facilities                       310           -              -
Amount utilised                         -           -              -  
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Unused loan facilities                310           -              -

The major facilities are summarised as follows:

(a) $300,000,000 Limited Recourse Project Financing Facility with a syndicate
    of 25 banks, which expires on 11 August, 2005. Interest payments under the
    facility are based on LIBOR plus a margin which varies over time. Mandatory
    prepayments are required under the Loan Agreement in certain conditions.
    There are certain conditions precedent to first drawdown including hedging
    and political risk insurance cover still in place. The first drawdown is
    forecast for the fourth quarter 1996. The sponsors have guaranteed the
    facility until Completion. The Company has provided a range of covenants
    and warranties in relation to the facility.

(b) $10,000,000 Subordinated Priority Loan Agreement with UBS Australia Ltd for
    the Purchase of Put Options which expires on 11 August 2005. Interest
    payments under the facility are based on LIBOR plus a margin which varies
    over time. The Company has provided a range of covenants and warranties in
    relation to the facility.


                                                      1995     1994          1993
Debts receivable:
- - not later than one year                               420      -            -
Debts payable:
- - not later than one year                            10,054      -            -



On 15 February 1996 the Company entered an Agreement with EIB and MRDC whereby
the European Investment Bank will lend funds to MRDC who will on-lend those
funds to the Company. The amount of the loan is 25 million European Currency
Units (ECU's) currently equivalent to approximately US$32 million. The funds are
provided to MRDC at a concessional rate of interest. The drawdown period is up
to 3 years and 11 months from the date of the Agreement. The interest rate
payable by the Company will be 2% above the cost of funds of EIB at the time of
the drawdown. EIB's current cost of funds is approximately 50 points above the
90 day LIBOR rate. The Loan Principal is repayable by way of 16 semi-annual
instalments commencing four years after loan signature. The payment of interest
under the Loan will be deferred during the construction period and will be
repaid when permitted under the Senior Debt Agreement. The Loan is unsecured.
There are various conditions precedent to the loan being drawn by the Company
including the signing of an onlending agreement between the Company and MRDC
which is expected to be finalised shortly.


Transactions between related parties are on normal commercial terms and
conditions which are no more favourable than those available to other parties.


Lihir Management Company Pty Ltd (LMC), a wholly owned subsidiary of RTZ,
manages the Company and the Lihir Project pursuant to the Management Agreement
dated 17 March 1995. LMC receives a management fee for managing the project.
There are four directors who are on the Board of the Company and LMC.

                                              1995           1994        1993
Related Companies

RTZ supplies labour on a secondment
basis and bears expenses on behalf of
the project which are subsequently
recharged to the project                      1,127           640          -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LMC management fee                              875           123          -


The Company's accounting policies vary in certain important respects from the
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States ("US GAAP"). Such
differences principally affect the measurement of mineral development costs and
certain reclassification issues.

Exploration costs

For the purposes of US GAAP, the Company's policy is to expense exploration and
evaluation costs when incurred. When a commercial mineral deposit has been
identified and the decision has been made to formulate a mining plan, the costs
of developing the mine are capitalized. The Company's management determined
that a commercial mineral deposit existed in 1992 and for the purpose of US
GAAP all expenditure incurred since this date has been capitalized. In
accordance with the Company's mineral development properties accounting policy
under IAS, exploration and development costs of $113.7 million incurred prior
to the date that commercial feasibility was determined to exist have been
capitalised as part of the mineral development property asset. Under US GAAP
such costs would have been expensed.

Reconciliation to generally accepted accounting principles in the United States

                                                                        1995          1994
                                                                       US $000      US $000
Shareholders' Equity in accordance with IAS GAAP                       621,314      151,624
         Interest received                                               7,266            -
         General and administrative costs expensed                      (7,298)      (1,400)
         Project financing                                              (8,994)      (1,900)
         Reversal of exploration and evaluation costs incurred
         prior to identification of commercial feasibility            (113,700)    (113,700)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
US GAAP                                                               (122,726)    (117,000)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY UNDER US GAAP                                     498,588       34,624

Net Income/loss in accordance with IAS GAAP                                  -            -

         Interest received                                               7,266            -
         General and administrative costs expensed                      (5,898)        (300)
         Project financing                                              (7,094)      (1,800)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET LOSS UNDER US GAAP                                                  (5,726)      (2,100)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET LOSS PER ORDINARY SHARE                                             (0.006)           -

                                    PART IV


       (a)(1)  As to financial statements and supplementary information, 
               reference is made to "Index to Consolidated Financial
               Statements" on page 1 of this Annual Report on Form 10-K/A.

       (a)(2)  Financial Statement Schedules.

                 Schedule I.  Condensed Financial Information of 
                 Registrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S-1

       Other schedules of Battle Mountain Gold Company and subsidiaries are
omitted because of the absence of the conditions under which they are required
or because the required information is included in the financial statements or
notes thereto.

       (a)(3)  Exhibits:  See attached exhibit index, page E-1, which also
               includes the management contracts or compensatory plans or
               arrangements required to be filed as exhibits to this Annual
               Report by Item 601(10)(iii) of Regulation S-K.

       (b)     Reports on Form 8-K:  None



                                   BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY

                                   By:       /s/  R. Dennis O'Connell 
                                                  R. Dennis O'Connell
                                         Executive Vice President, Finance and
                                                 Corporate Development

                                   Date: October 17, 1996


                          BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY
                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET

                                                                                    December 31,
                                                                           1995                    1994
                                                                        ----------              ----------
                                                                            (expressed in thousands)
 Current Assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                             $    1,837              $   19,315
   Subsidiaries*                                                            36,283                  31,339
   Other                                                                     2,991                   1,834
  Materials and supplies, at average cost                                    1,562                   2,165
  Other current assets                                                       7,582                   5,343
                                                                        ----------              ----------
   TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                     50,255                  59,996
  Subsidiaries*                                                            373,506                 374,724
  Other                                                                     48,871                  42,915
 Net property, plant and equipment                                          38,360                  34,296
 Deferred tax benefit                                                       10,928                       -
 Other assets                                                                1,989                   1,960
                                                                        ----------              ----------
 TOTAL ASSETS                                                           $  523,909              $  513,891
                                                                        ==========              ==========

 Current Liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                                           1,299                   2,290
  Payroll and related benefits accrued                                       1,820                   1,797
  Accrued interest                                                           6,082                   6,000
  Other current liabilities                                                  2,117                   1,253
                                                                        ----------              ----------
   TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                11,318                  11,340
 Long-term debt                                                            116,980                 100,000
 Deferred income tax                                                         8,840                   9,352
 Other liabilities                                                          15,713                  17,565
                                                                        ----------              ----------
   TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                       152,851                 138,257
 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                      371,058                 375,634
                                                                        ----------              ----------
 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                             $  523,909              $  513,891
                                                                        ==========              ==========

*        Eliminated in consolidation

         This condensed statement should be read in conjunction with the
         Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes thereto which are 
         included in Item 8 herein.

                         BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY
                        CONDENSED STATEMENT OF INCOME

                                                           Year Ended December 31, 
                                                    1995            1994             1993
                                                    ----            ----             ----
                                                           (Expressed in thousands)
GROSS REVENUE                                    $30,081         $18,990          $21,854
  Less: Freight, allowances & royalties              549             195              262
                                                 -------         -------          -------
NET REVENUE                                       29,532          18,795           21,592
                                                 -------         -------          -------
COSTS AND EXPENSES              
  Mining costs                                     6,091           2,939            8,272
  Milling and other plant costs                   18,387          10,841           15,608
  Depreciation, depletion and amortization         4,998           6,453            4,684
  Exploration, evaluation and other lease costs    1,651             435              636
  Asset write-downs                                2,222               -                -
  General and administrative expenses              7,634           7,512            6,801
  Taxes, other than income                         1,213           1,113            1,151
                                                 -------         -------          -------
    Total costs and expenses                      42,196          29,293           37,152
                                                 -------         -------          -------

OPERATING (LOSS)                                 (12,664)        (10,498)         (15,560)
Interest income from subsidiaries, net*            2,693           2,388            2,722
Other interest income, net                           310           1,334              180
Other income (expense), net                         (254)           (325)              86
                                                 -------         -------          -------
EQUITY IN INCOME (LOSS) OF SUBSIDIARIES           (9,915)         (7,101)         (12,572)

Income tax (benefit) expense                      (2,804)          2,519           (4,274)
                                                 -------         -------          -------
  OF SUBSIDIARIES                                 (7,111)         (9,620)          (8,298)
Equity in income of subsidiaries                  22,356          19,192            3,893
                                                 -------         -------          -------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                 15,245           9,572           (4,405)
Preferred dividends                                7,475           7,475            3,738
                                                 -------         -------          -------
NET INCOME (LOSS) TO COMMON SHARES               $ 7,770         $ 2,097          $(8,143)
                                                 =======         =======          =======

*   Eliminated in consolidation

This condensed statement should be read in conjunction with the Consolidated 
Financial Statements and Notes thereto which are included in Item 8 herein.


                          BATTLE MOUNTAIN GOLD COMPANY

                                                                                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                    1995           1994           1993
                                                                                  --------       -------       ---------
                                                                                         (expressed in thousands)
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                                                 $ 15,245       $ 9,572       $ (4,405)
   Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss)
       to cash flows from operating activities:
          Depreciation, depletion and amortization                                   4,998          6,453         4,684
          Exploration and evaluation costs                                           1,081            435           636
          Asset write-downs                                                          2,222              -             -
          Gain from sale of assets                                                       -              -          (741)
          (Increase) decrease in accrued reclamation                                (2,082)           170           582
          Undistributed (income) losses of subsidiaries*                               548        (10,071)       (3,070)
          Deferred income tax benefit                                               (4,967)         3,722          (878)
          Change in current accounts receivable and payable with
              subsidiaries*                                                          8,818          4,299         1,044
          Change in other current assets and liabilities                            (2,653)         5,483        (7,785)  
          Other net changes                                                            201           (356)        2,486
                                                                                  --------       --------      --------
Total Adjustments                                                                    8,166         10,135        (3,042)
                                                                                  --------       --------      --------
NET CASH FLOWS FROM (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                  23,411         19,707        (7,447)
                                                                                  --------       --------      --------
   Proceeds from sales of assets                                                       582              -         2,878
   Investment in subsidiaries*                                                     (28,906)        (5,200)      (12,358)
   Investment in Crown Jewel                                                        (4,785)       (10,305)       (7,595)
   Capital expenditures                                                            (12,884)       (30,636)       (3,839)
   Exploration and evaluation expenditures                                          (1,081)          (435)         (636)
   Other, net                                                                        1,143         (1,573)          111
                                                                                  --------       --------      --------
NET CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                        (45,931)       (48,149)      (21,439)
                                                                                  --------       --------      --------
   Cash proceeds from stock issuances                                                  606            691       111,840
   Cash proceeds from borrowings                                                    32,000              -        30,500
   Cash dividend payments                                                          (11,524)       (11,505)       (7,743)
   Debt repayments                                                                 (14,692)             -       (53,051)
   Other, net                                                                       (1,348)          (624)            -
                                                                                  --------       --------      --------
NET CASH FLOWS FROM (USED IN) FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                   5,402        (11,438)       81,546
                                                                                  --------       --------      --------
   EQUIVALENTS                                                                     (17,478)       (39,880)       52,660
   OF YEAR                                                                          19,315         59,195         6,535
                                                                                  --------       --------      --------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR                                          $  1,837       $ 19,315      $ 59,195
                                                                                  ========       ========      ========
       Cash paid (received) during the year for:
          Interest, net of amount capitalized                                            -              -             4
          Income taxes, net                                                         (2,200)        (3,405)          892
*             Eliminated in consolidation

This condensed statement should be read in conjunction with the Consolidated
Financial Statements and Notes thereto which are included in Item 8 herein.


                               INDEX OF EXHIBITS

Exhibit No.               Document
- -----------               --------
*3(a)             --      Restated Articles of Incorporation of the Company, as amended and restated through May 11, 1988
                          (Exhibit 4(a) to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-3 as filed with the Commission
                          on January 14, 1994; Registration No. 33-51921).

*3(b)             --      Certificate of Resolution Establishing Designation, Preferences and Rights of $3.25 Convertible
                          Preferred Stock (Exhibit 4(b) to the Company's Registration Statement on Form S-3 as filed with
                          the Commission on January 14, 1994; Registration No. 33-51921).

*3(c)             --      Bylaws of the Company, as amended through March 1, 1994 (Exhibit 3(c) to the Company's
                          Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1995; File No. 1-9666).

*4(a)(1)          --      Rights Agreement, dated November 10, 1988, between the Company and NCNB Texas National Bank, as
                          Rights Agent (Exhibit to the Company's Form 8 filed with the Commission on November 30, 1988,
                          amending the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated November 21, 1988; File No. 1-9666).

*4(a)(2)          --      First Amendment to Rights Agreement, dated July 30, 1992, between the Company and the Bank of
                          New York, as successor Rights Agent (Exhibit 4(a)(2) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-
                          K for the year ended December 31, 1992; File No. 1-9666).

*4(b)             --      Specimen Stock Certificate for the Common Stock of the Company (Exhibit 4(b) to the Company's
                          Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 1, 1988; File No. 1-9666).

*4(c)             --      Fiscal and Paying Agency Agreement, dated as of January 4, 1990, between the Company and
                          Citibank, N.A., Fiscal Agent (Exhibit 4(c) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
                          year ended December 31, 1989; File No. 1-9666).

*4(d)(1)          --      Credit Agreement, dated as of December 29, 1989, among the Company, the banks named therein and
                          Citibank, N.A., as agent, as amended (Exhibit 4(a) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form
                          10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1992; File No. 1-9666).


*4(d)(2)          --      Amendment to Credit Agreement, dated April 30, 1994, among the Company, the lenders parties
                          thereto and Citibank, N.A., as agent (Exhibit 4 to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                          for the quarter ended June 30, 1994; File No. 1-9666).

*4(d)(3)          --      Amendment to Credit Agreement, dated May 12, 1995, among the Company, the lenders parties
                          thereto and Citibank, N.A., as agent (Exhibit 4(a) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form
                          10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1995; File No. 1-9666).

*4(e)(1)          --      Investment Agreement, dated May 22, 1992, between Empresa Minera Inti Raymi S.A. and
                          International Finance Corporation (Exhibit 4(e) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
                          the year ended December 31, 1992; File No. 1-9666).

*4(e)(2)          --      Amendment to Investment Agreement and Waiver, effective as of December 31, 1994, between
                          Empresa Minera Inti Raymi S.A. and International Finance Corporation (Exhibit 4(a) to the
                          Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1995; File No. 1-9666).

*4(f)(1)          --      Finance Agreement, dated as of September 14, 1992, between Empresa Minera Inti Raymi S.A. and
                          Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Exhibit 4(f) to the Company's Annual Report on Form
                          10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992; File No. 1-9666).

*4(f)(2)          --      First Amendment to Finance Agreement and Limited Waiver, effective as of December 31, 1994,
                          between Empresa Minera Inti Raymi S.A. and Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Exhibit
                          4(f)(2) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994; File
                          No. 1-9666).

*4(f)(3)          --      Letter Agreement dated December 31, 1994, among Overseas Private Investment Corporation, Battle
                          Mountain Gold Company, Kori Kollo Corporation and Zeland Mines, S.A. (Exhibit 4(c) to the
                          Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1995, File No. 1-9666).

*4(g)(1)          --      Loan Agreement, dated June 29, 1992, between Empresa Minera Inti Raymi S.A. and Corporacion
                          Andina de Fomento (English translation) (Exhibit 4(g) to the Company's Annual Report on Form
                          10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992; File No. 1-9666).



*4(g)(2)          --      Amendment to Loan Agreement, effective as of December 31, 1994, between Empresa Minera Inti
                          Raymi S.A. and Corporacion Andina de Fomento (English translation) (Exhibit 4(b) to the
                          Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1995; File No. 1-9666).

++4(h)            --      Credit Agreement, dated as of November 6, 1995, among the Company, the banks named therein and
                          Citibank, N.A., as agent.

+*10(a)(1)        --      Battle Mountain Gold Company 1988 Deferred Income Stock Option Plan, as amended through May 18,
                          1995 (Exhibit 10(a) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June
                          30, 1995; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(a)(2)        --      Specimen of Deferred Income Stock Option Agreement for officers of the Company, as amended and
                          restated (Exhibit 10(a)(4) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
                          December 31, 1992; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(b)(1)        --      1985 Stock Option Plan of the Company, as amended and restated effective April 7, 1993 (Exhibit
                          10(a) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1993; File
                          No. 1-9666).

+*10(b)(2)        --      First Amendment to 1985 Stock Option Plan of the Company, effective May 12, 1995 (Exhibit
                          10(b)(1) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1995;
                          File No. 1-9666).

+*10(b)(3)        --      Specimen of the Company's 1985 Stock Option Plan Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement for
                          executive officers of the Company (Exhibit 10(a)(1) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form
                          10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1993; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(b)(4)        --      Specimen Amendment to the Company's 1985 Stock Option Plan Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement
                          for executive officers of the Company (Exhibit 10(b)(2) to the Company's Quarterly Report on
                          Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1995; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(b)(5)        --      Specimen of the Company's 1985 Stock Option Plan Incentive Stock Option Agreement for executive
                          officers of the Company (Exhibit 10(a)(2) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for
                          the quarter ended March 31, 1993; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(b)(6)        --      Specimen Amendment to the Company's 1985 Stock Option Plan Incentive Stock Option Agreement for
                          executive officers of the Company (Exhibit 10(b)(3) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form
                          10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1995; File No. 1-9666).


+*10(c)(1)        --      Battle Mountain Gold Company 1986 Restricted Stock Plan, as amended and restated (Exhibit 4(d)
                          to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1988; File No.

+*10(c)(2)        --      Specimen of Agreement under the Company's 1986 Restricted Stock Plan (Exhibit 10(c)(2) to the
                          Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(d)(1)        --      Battle Mountain Gold Company 1988 Long-Term Performance Unit Plan, as amended and restated
                          effective July 1, 1992 (Exhibit 10(d)(1) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
                          year ended December 31, 1992; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(d)(2)        --      Specimen of Agreement under the Company's 1988 Long-Term Performance Unit Plan (Exhibit
                          10(d)(2) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992; File
                          No. 1-9666).

+*10(e)(1)        --      Battle Mountain Gold Company Deferred Compensation Plan (Exhibit 10(b) to the Company's
                          Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1993; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(e)(2)        --      Specimen of the Company's Deferred Compensation Agreement for directors of the Company (Exhibit
                          10(d) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986; File
                          No. 0-13728).

+*10(f)(1)        --      Battle Mountain Gold Company Executive Supplemental Retirement Income Plan (Exhibit 10(f)(1) to
                          the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992; File No. 1-

+_*10(f)(2)       --      Specimen of the Company's Executive Supplemental Retirement Income Plan Agreement (Exhibit
                          10(f)(2) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992; File
                          No. 1-9666).

+_*10(g)(1)       --      Specimen of the Company's Severance Agreements with officers of the Company regarding certain
                          benefits payable in the event of change of control of the Company (Exhibit 10(f) to the
                          Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1986; File No. 0-13728).

+*10(g)(2)        --      Severance Agreement, dated June 5, 1992, between the Company and R. Dennis O'Connell (Exhibit
                          10(g)(2) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1992; File
                          No. 1-9666).

+*10(h)           --      Battle Mountain Gold Company Contribution Equalization Plan, as amended and restated effective
                          as of November 10, 1988 (Exhibit 10(h) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
                          ended December 31, 1992; File No. 1-9666).



+*10(i)           --      Battle Mountain Gold Company Executive Productivity Bonus Plan, as amended and restated
                          effective January 1, 1994 (Exhibit 10(i) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
                          year ended December 31, 1993; File No. 1-9666).

*10(j)(1)         --      Battle Mountain Gold Company Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan for Outside Directors.  (Exhibit
                          10(m) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1991; File
                          No. 1-9666).

*10(j)(2)         --      Amendment to Battle Mountain Gold Company Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan for Outside Directors
                          effective January 1, 1995 (Exhibit 10(j)(2) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
                          year ended December 31, 1994; File No. 1-9666).

*10(j)(3)         --      Specimen of Director's Stock Option Agreement under the Company's Non-Qualified Stock Option
                          Plan for Outside Directors (Exhibit 10(j)(2) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
                          the year ended December 31, 1992; File No. 1-9666).

*10(k)            --      Heads of Agreement, dated March 23, 1989, among the Company, Niugini Mining Limited and the
                          individuals listed on the signature page thereto (Exhibit 10(k) to the Company's Annual Report
                          on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1988; File No. 1-9666).

*10(l)            --      Mining Lease, dated May 5, 1987, granted by the Queensland (Australia) Department of Mines to
                          Pajingo Gold Mine Pty. Ltd. (Exhibit 28(a) to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated
                          February 14, 1990; File No. 1-9666).

*10(m)            --      Mining Lease, dated October 1, 1987, as amended, between Earth Sciences, Inc. and Battle
                          Mountain Gold Company (Exhibit 28(b) to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated February
                          14, 1990; File No. 1-9666).

*10(n)            --      Special Mining Lease No. 6, dated March 17, 1995, granted by the Independent State of Papua New
                          Guinea to Kennecott Explorations (Australia) Ltd., Niugini Mining Limited and Mineral Resources
                          Lihir Pty. Limited (Exhibit 10(a) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
                          quarter ended September 30, 1995, File No. 1-9666).

+*10(o)(1)        --      1994 Long-Term Incentive Plan of Battle Mountain Gold Company, as effective April 21, 1994
                          (Exhibit 10(a)(1) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March
                          31, 1994; File No. 1-9666).



+*10(o)(2)        --      Specimen of the Company's 1994 Long-Term Incentive Plan Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement
                          (Exhibit 10(c)(1) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30,
                          1995; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(o)(3)        --      Specimen of the Company's 1994 Long-Term Incentive Plan Incentive Stock Option Agreement
                          (Exhibit 10(c)(2) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30,
                          1995; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(o)(4)        --      Specimen of the Company's 1994 Long-Term Incentive Plan Restricted Stock Agreement (Exhibit
                          10(a)(4) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1994;
                          File No. 1-9666).

+*10(o)(5)        --      Specimen of the Company's 1994 Long-Term Incentive Plan Performance Unit Agreement (Exhibit
                          10(n)(5) to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994; File
                          No. 1-9666).

+*10(p)(1)        --      Specimen Split-Dollar Agreement (Individual) (Exhibit 10(o)(1) to the Company's Annual Report
                          on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(p)(2)        --      Specimen Amendment to Split-Dollar Agreement (Individual) (Exhibit 10(o)(2) to the Company's
                          Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(p)(3)        --      Specimen Split-Dollar Agreement (Trustee) (Exhibit 10(o)(3) to the Company's Annual Report on
                          Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(p)(4)        --      Specimen Amendment to Split-Dollar Agreement (Trustee) (Exhibit 10(o)(4) to the Company's
                          Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(q)(1)        --      Battle Mountain Gold Company Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (Exhibit 10(d)(1) to the
                          Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1995; File No. 1-9666).

+*10(q)(2)        --      Battle Mountain Gold Company Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan Trust Agreement (Exhibit
                          10(d)(2) to the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1995;
                          File No. 1-9666).

+_*10(q)(3)       --      Specimen of the Company's Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan Agreement (Exhibit 10(b) to
                          the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1995, File No.

++11              --      Computation of Earnings Per Common Share.



++12              --      Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges and Earnings to Combined Fixed Charges and
                          Preferred Dividends.

++21              --      Subsidiaries of the Company.

  23(a)           --      Consent of Price Waterhouse LLP.

  23(b)           --      Consent of Coopers & Lybrand.

++24              --      Powers of Attorney

++27              --      Financial Data Schedule
- ------------------------                         

*        Incorporated by reference as indicated.

++       Previously filed.

+        Represent management contracts or compensatory plans or arrangements
         required to be filed as exhibits to this Annual Report by Item
         601(10)(iii) of Regulation S-K.

_        Pursuant to Instruction 2 accompanying paragraph (a) and the
         Instruction accompanying paragraph (b)(10)(iii)(B)(6) of Item 601 of
         Regulation S-K, the registrant has not filed each executive officer's
         individual Executive Supplemental Retirement Income Agreement with the
         Company as an exhibit hereto; the registrant has agreements
         substantially identical to Exhibit 10(q)(3) above with each of Karl E.
         Elers, Kenneth R. Werneburg, Joseph L. Mazur, R. Dennis O'Connell,
         Robert J. Quinn and Fred B. Reisbick.  In addition, the registrant
         has not filed each executive officer's individual Severance Agreement
         with the Company as an exhibit hereto; the registrant has agreements
         substantially identical to Exhibit 10(g)(1) above with each of Messrs.
         Elers, Werneburg, Mazur, Quinn and Reisbick.
