DANIEL COMPLETES BETTIS MERGER

HOUSTON, TEXAS, December 12, 1996. . . . Daniel Industries, Inc. (NYSE-DAN) and
Bettis Corporation jointly announced the approval of their Agreement and Plan
of Merger by the stockholders of both companies at their respective special
meetings held on December 12, 1996.  Each outstanding share of Bettis common
stock will be converted into .58 of a share of Daniel common stock.  Daniel
will have approximately 17 million shares outstanding, of which former Bettis
stockholders will own approximately 30%.  Bettis stock will no longer trade.

At the Daniel special meeting, stockholders also approved an amendment to
Daniel's Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized
shares of Daniel's common stock from 20,000,000 to 40,000,000.  The increase in
the number of authorized shares provides Daniel the flexibility to take
advantage of potential future opportunities as they arise.

W.A. Griffin, III, President and CEO of Daniel, commented "The affirmative vote
from the stockholders is the culmination of several months of dedicated effort
by Daniel and Bettis.  Bettis is an excellent company, and now that the
combination is completed we can take advantage of the numerous opportunities
that this merger offers."

W. Todd Bratton, President and CEO of Bettis, appointed an Executive Vice
President of Daniel, added "The merger allows Bettis to benefit from Daniel's
extensive marketing network and greater financial flexibility."
W. Todd Bratton will continue as President of Bettis following the merger.
Additionally, Nathan M. Avery and Thomas J. Keefe, previously directors of
Bettis, were named directors of Daniel to fill the vacancies created upon the
retirement of two of Daniel's directors.

Additionally, Daniel announced a change in its fiscal year to the calendar year
from a September 30 fiscal year end.  Griffin stated "Bettis has been on a
calendar year end so we will have to make a change in any event. We have
decided that the change to a calendar year is preferable as it brings us into
conformity with the majority of our customers and competitors."  The change
will result in reporting the quarter ending December 31, 1996 as a stand alone
three-month period with future periods reported on the calendar year basis.
Griffin also commented that the Company expects to report a loss for the
quarter ending December 31, 1996 due to the adverse effect of the expenses,
primarily professional fees, associated with the Bettis merger, estimated at
approximately $3 to 3.5 million, and due to operating results for the period
significantly below recent quarters, primarily as a result of delays in the
receipt and shipment of certain orders.  Griffin added "Although we expect
results for the quarter ending December 31 to be disappointing, our current
level of order intake and backlog leads us to be optimistic about 1997."  The
quarter will also be the initial reporting period using the pooling method of
accounting for the merger with Bettis.

Daniel Industries, Inc. is a Houston, TX based provider of flow measurement,
control and analytical products, services and integrated solutions primarily
for natural gas and oil producers, transporters and refiners worldwide.  Bettis
Corporation, based in Waller, TX, manufactures valve actuators and control
systems used worldwide for the automation of valves in numerous energy and
industrial markets.
Certain information set forth above includes indications of management's
current expectations regarding the future results of operations or financial
condition of the Company.  Such information is based on current expectations
regarding the markets affecting the Company and other matters which can affect
the Company's results of operations, liquidity or financial condition.  Because
such information is based solely on data currently available, it is subject to
change as a result of changes in conditions and should not therefore be viewed
as assurance regarding the Company's future performance.  Additionally, the
reader of this information should be aware that the Company is not obliged to
inform the reader of such changes as they occur or make public indication of
changes unless obliged under applicable disclosure rules and regulations.

       [For additional information, contact Sean P. O'Neill, Manager,
                   Investor Relations at (713) 827-3892.]

                  Our website address is www.DanielInd.com