THE PACIFIC LUMBER AND
                             BRITT LUMBER COMPANIES

                          INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN

A.       PURPOSE

         1.      The intent of the plan is to encourage outstanding performance
                 by key executives related to successful and profitable
                 operations of The Pacific Lumber Company and Britt Lumber
                 Company (the "Company") for calendar year 1996.

         2.      The plan is designed to act as a major motivating force in
                 influencing a significantly higher level of sales and income
                 and to provide an equitable means of reward for individual
                 contributions to such improvement.


         Participants are selected and approved from among The Pacific Lumber
         and Britt Lumber management group (excluding the lumber sales group)
         by the president of The Pacific Lumber Company. The plan has two
         levels of participation (i) Tier I with a target range for payout from
         five percent to 80 percent of base salary and (ii) Tier II with a
         target range for payout from three percent to 45 percent of base


                  There are two components to the total award:

         1.      The first component of the total award will be based upon
                 achieving the Company's 1996 operating income before
                 depletion, depreciation, amortization and corporate
                 administration charges ("adjusted Company operating income")
                 of $106.3 million. No incentive
         compensation based on adjusted Company operating income will be earned
         unless 75 percent of the target is achieved. Incentive compensation
         will be calculated as a percentage of the annual base salary of
         eligible participants as of January 1, 1996, adjusted for months
         worked during the year, based on the following table (interpolated as

    Actual adjusted 1996
      annual operating                          Percent of 1-01-96
           income                                  annual salary     
   ---------------------                      -----------------------
  % of plan   ($ millions)                  Tier I             Tier II
  ---------   ------------                  ------             -------
     75           79.7                       16.5                  3.0
     80           85.0                       18.0                  4.0
     85           90.3                       19.0                  5.0
     90           95.6                       21.0                  6.0
     95          101.0                       23.0                  7.0
     100         106.3       (1996 plan)     25.0                  8.0
     105         111.6                       40.0                 15.0
     110         116.9                       55.0    (max.)       25.0

         2.      The second component of the total award will be based upon
                 achieving critical performance objectives during the year. The
                 award for each participant will be determined by the president
                 on a discretionary basis, based upon his evaluation of
                 relative contributions. For 1996, the following objectives are

                 a.       Development and implementation of a THP management
                          plan such that THP submissions for 1996 total at
                          least _______ gross MMBF and unlitigated THP
                          approvals at year end 1996 constitute a balance equal
                          to 100 percent of the 1997 requirements for logs to

                 b.       Attainment of net lumber production goal of 367.8
                          MMBF (PALCO/Britt).

                 c.       Net lumber sales of $228.0 million for 1996.

                 d.       Implementation of the 1996 capital budget at less
                          than 110 percent of approved expenditures.

                 e.       Continue downward trend in lost-time injuries.

                 f.       Development and implementation of a
                          marketing/distribution plan as outlined in the Sales
                          Incentive Compensation Plan (paragraph C.2.b-h)

These Company goals will be individualized for each participant as appropriate
and outlined in an attached memorandum.

Incentive compensation will be paid in accordance with achieving the above
objectives as follows:

                                          Percent of 1-01-96
                                             annual salary         

   Achievement of objectives        Tier I                 Tier II   
  ----------------------------    ----------             ------------
              15%                     5.0                     3.0

              30%                    10.0                     7.0

              45%                    15.0                     8.5

              60%                    20.0                    15.0

              75%                    21.0                    16.0

              80%                    22.0                    16.5

              85%                    23.0                    17.0

              90%                    24.0                    18.0

              95%                    24.5                    19.0

              100%                   25.0      (max.)        20.0

              105%                   25.0                    20.0

              110%                   25.0                    20.0


         1.      The allocation of the incentive compensation must be approved
                 by the president of The Pacific Lumber Company and the
                 Compensation Committee of MAXXAM Inc.

         2.      As soon as practicable after December 31, 1996, the amount of
                 incentive compensation will be calculated by the vice
                 president-finance and administration. The final number will be
                 available in January.

         3.      Incentive compensation will be paid in cash as soon as
                 practicable after December 31, 1996.

         4.      A participant whose employment is discontinued, for any reason
                 other than normal retirement, total disability, or death
                 before the end of the plan period, shall automatically forfeit
                 any claim to incentive compensation for the period. There are
                 no rights vested in any employee during the plan period.

         5.      A participant who retires, suffers total disability, or dies
                 during the course of 1996 will receive incentive compensation
                 prorated through the date of retirement, total disability, or
                 death.  The incentive payment will be issued after the close
                 of the year along with all other payments from the plan.

         6.      In the event of the death of a participant following the end
                 of the plan year but before payment of any incentive
                 compensation which may be due, 100 percent of the applicable
                 incentive compensation shall be paid to the participant's
                 designated beneficiary, if one has been named, or else to the
                 participant's estate as outlined in the plan.


         1.      All provisions of the plan shall be subject to the approval of
                 the president of The Pacific Lumber Company.

         2.      The vice president-finance and administration of The Pacific
                 Lumber Company shall be responsible for general administration
                 of the plan.

         3.      Final decisions on all questions of computations, policy, or
                 interpretations of provisions of the plan shall be made by the
                 president of The Pacific Lumber Company.
