FOR THE THREE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996


       (a)    PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION. The consolidated financial
              statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly
              owned and majority owned subsidiaries. Certain investments in
              joint ventures or other entities in which the Company or its
              subsidiaries have a 50 percent or less interest are recorded
              using the equity method or the cost method. For additional
              information regarding investments and advances, see Notes 1(j)
              and 4.

              All significant intercompany transactions and balances are
              eliminated in consolidation.

              subsidiary of the Company, maintains its accounting records in
              accordance with the FERC Uniform System of Accounts. HL&P's
              accounting practices are subject to regulation by the Utility
              Commission, which has adopted the FERC Uniform System of

              As a result of its regulated status, HL&P follows the accounting
              policies set forth in SFAS No. 71, "Accounting for the Effects of
              Certain Types of Regulation," which allows a utility with
              cost-based rates to defer certain costs in concert with rate
              recovery that would otherwise be expensed. In accordance with
              this statement, HL&P has deferred certain costs pursuant to rate
              actions of the Utility Commission and is recovering or expects to
              recover such costs in electric rates charged to customers. The
              regulatory assets are included in other assets on the Company's
              Consolidated and HL&P's Balance Sheets. The regulatory
              liabilities are included in deferred credits on the Company's
              Consolidated and HL&P's Balance Sheets. The following is a list
              of significant regulatory assets and liabilities reflected on the
              Company's Consolidated and HL&P's Balance Sheets:

                                                     December 31, 1996
                                                   (Millions of Dollars)
Deferred plant costs - net ............................. $ 587
Malakoff and Trinity mine investments ..................   164
Regulatory tax asset - net .............................   362
Unamortized loss on reacquired debt ....................   116
Deferred debits ........................................   102
Unamortized investment tax credit ......................  (374)
Accumulated deferred income taxes-regulatory tax asset .  (101)

              If, as a result of changes in regulation or competition, HL&P's
              ability to recover these assets and/or liabilities would not be
              assured, then pursuant to SFAS Nos. 71, 101 (Accounting for the
              Discontinuation of Application of SFAS No. 71) and 121 (Accounting
              for the Impairment of Long- Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets
              to be Disposed of) and to the extent that such regulatory assets
              or liabilities ultimately were determined not to be recoverable,
              HL&P would be required to write off or write down such assets or



       (c)    ELECTRIC PLANT. HL&P capitalizes at cost all additions to
              electric plant, betterments to existing property and replacements
              of units of property. Cost includes the original cost of
              contracted services, direct labor and material, indirect charges
              for engineering supervision and similar overhead items and AFUDC.
              AFUDC represents the estimated debt and equity cost of funds used
              to finance construction. Customer payments for construction
              reduce additions to electric plant.
              HL&P computes depreciation using the straight-line method. The
              depreciation provision as a percentage of the depreciable cost of
              plant was 3.2 percent for 1994 through 1996.

       (d)    DEFERRED PLANT COSTS. Under a "deferred accounting" plan
              authorized by the Utility Commission, HL&P was permitted for
              regulatory purposes to accrue carrying costs in the form of AFUDC
              on its investment in the South Texas Project and defer and
              capitalize depreciation and other operating costs on its
              investment after commercial operation until such costs were
              reflected in rates. In addition, the Utility Commission
              authorized HL&P under a "qualified phase-in plan" to capitalize
              allowable costs (including return) deferred for future recovery
              as deferred charges.

              In 1991, HL&P ceased all cost deferrals related to the South
              Texas Project and began amortizing such amounts on a
              straight-line basis. The accumulated deferrals for "deferred
              accounting" are being amortized over the estimated depreciable
              life of the South Texas Project. The accumulated deferrals for
              the "qualified phase-in plan" are being amortized over a ten-year
              phase-in period that commenced in 1991. The amortization of all
              deferred plant costs (which totaled $25.8 million for each of the
              years 1996, 1995 and 1994) is included on the Company's
              Statements of Consolidated Income and HL&P's Statements of Income
              as depreciation and amortization expense.

       (e)    REVENUES. HL&P records electricity sales under the full accrual
              method, whereby unbilled electricity sales are estimated and
              recorded each month. Other revenues include electricity sales of
              a majority owned foreign electric utility, which are also
              recorded under the full accrual method and the Company's equity 
              income in unconsolidated investments of HI Energy. Also included
              in other revenues are management fees and other sales and
              services, which are recorded when earned. 
       (f)    INCOME TAXES. The Company and its subsidiaries file a
              consolidated federal income tax return. The Company follows a
              policy of comprehensive interperiod income tax allocation.
              Investment tax credits were deferred and are being amortized over
              the estimated lives of the related property.

       (g)    EARNINGS PER COMMON SHARE. Earnings per common share for the
              Company are computed by dividing net income by the weighted
              average number of shares outstanding during the respective
              period. All earnings per common share amounts reflect the
              two-for-one common stock split effected in the form of a stock
              distribution on December 9, 1995.

       (h)    STATEMENTS OF CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOWS.  For purposes of reporting 
              cash flows, cash equivalents are considered to be short-term,
              highly liquid investments readily convertible to cash.

       (i)    DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS.  In July 1995, the Company sold KBLCOM, 
              its cable television subsidiary. The operations of KBLCOM are
              reflected as discontinued operations for all periods presented.
              See Note 13.

       (j)    INVESTMENTS IN DEBT AND EQUITY SECURITIES. The Company owns one
              million shares of Time Warner common stock and 11 million shares
              of non-publicly traded Time Warner convertible preferred stock.
              The Company has recorded its investment in these securities at
              a combined value of approximately $1 billion on the Company's 
              Consolidated Balance Sheets. Investment in the Time Warner common 
              stock is considered an "available-for-sale" equity security



              under SFAS No. 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt
              and Equity Securities." Consequently, the Company excludes
              unrealized net changes in the fair value of Time Warner common
              stock (exclusive of dividends and write downs) from earnings and,
              until realized, reports such changes as a net amount in the
              shareholders' equity section of the Company's Consolidated
              Balance Sheets. Investment in the Time Warner convertible
              preferred stock (which is not subject to the requirements of SFAS
              No. 115, since it is a non-publicly traded equity security) is
              accounted for under the cost method.

              The securities held in the Company's nuclear decommissioning
              trust are classified as "available-for-sale" and, in accordance
              with SFAS No. 115, are reported at estimated fair value of $67
              million as of December 31, 1996 and $44.5 million as of December
              31, 1995 on the Company's Consolidated and HL&P's Balance Sheets
              under deferred debits. The liability for nuclear decommissioning
              is reported on the Company's Consolidated and HL&P's Balance
              Sheets under deferred credits. Any unrealized gains or losses are
              accounted for in accordance with SFAS No. 71 as a regulatory
              asset/liability and reported on the Company's Consolidated and
              HL&P's Balance Sheets as a deferred debit.

       (k)    FUEL STOCK. Gas inventory (at average cost) was $19.6 million at
              December 31, 1996. Coal, lignite, and oil inventory balances
              (using last-in, first-out) were $27.3 million, $11.8 million and
              $3.0 million, respectively.

       (l)    DEPRECIATION. The Company and HL&P compute depreciation using the
              straight-line method. The Company's depreciation expense for 1996
              was $360 million compared to $349 million and $338 million for
              1995 and 1994, respectively. HL&P's depreciation expense for 1996
              was $358 million compared to $347 million and $338 million for
              1995 and 1994, respectively.

       (m)    RECLASSIFICATION. Certain amounts from the previous years have
              been reclassified to conform to the 1996 presentation of
              financial statements. Such reclassifications do not affect

       (n)    NATURE OF OPERATIONS. The Company is a holding company
              operating principally in the electric utility business. HL&P is
              engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of
              electric energy. HL&P's service area covers a 5,000 square mile
              area in the Texas Gulf Coast, including Houston. Another
              subsidiary of the Company, HI Energy, participates in domestic
              and foreign power generation projects and invests in the
              privatization of foreign electric utilities. The business and
              operations of HL&P account for substantially all of the Company's
              income from continuing operations and common stock equity. For a
              description of the Merger, see Note 16 to the Financial

       (o)    USE OF ESTIMATES. The preparation of financial statements in
              conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires
              management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the
              reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of
              contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
              statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses
              during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from
              those estimates.

       (p)    LONG-LIVED ASSETS. Effective January 1, 1996, the Company and
              HL&P adopted SFAS No. 121. SFAS No. 121 requires that long-lived
              assets and certain identifiable intangibles to be held and used
              or disposed of by an entity be reviewed for impairment whenever
              events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying
              amount of an asset may not be recoverable. The Company and HL&P
              have determined that no impairment loss need be recognized for
              applicable assets of continuing operations as of December 31,
              1996. This conclusion, however, may change in the future as
              competition influences wholesale and retail pricing in the
              electric utility industry.




       (a)    HL&P INVESTMENT. HL&P is the project manager (and one of four
              co-owners) of the South Texas Project, which consists of two
              1,250 MW nuclear generating units. HL&P has a 30.8 percent
              interest in the project and bears a corresponding share of
              capital and operating costs associated with the project. As of
              December 31, 1996, HL&P's investment in the South Texas Project
              was $2.0 billion (net of $503 million accumulated depreciation).
              HL&P's investment in nuclear fuel (including AFUDC) was $65
              million (net of $176 million amortization) as of such date.

       (b)    REGULATORY PROCEEDINGS AND LITIGATION. All litigation and
              arbitration claims formerly pending between HL&P and the other
              co-owners of the South Texas Project have been settled and
              dismissed with prejudice.

              On April 30, 1996, HL&P and the City of Austin (Austin), one of
              the four co-owners of the South Texas Project, agreed to settle a
              lawsuit in which Austin had alleged that outages occurring at the
              South Texas Project between early 1993 and early 1994 were due to
              HL&P's failure to perform certain obligations it owed Austin
              under a Participation Agreement relating to the project. Under
              the settlement, HL&P agreed to pay Austin $20 million in cash to
              resolve all pending disputes between HL&P and Austin, and Austin
              agreed to support the formation of a new operating company to
              assume HL&P's role as project manager for the South Texas
              Project. The Company and HL&P have recorded the $20 million ($13
              million net of tax) payment to Austin on the Company's Statements
              of Consolidated Income and HL&P's Statements of Income as
              litigation settlements expense.

              In July 1996, HL&P and the City of San Antonio, acting through
              the City Public Service Board of San Antonio (CPS), entered into
              a settlement agreement providing, among other things, for (i) the
              dismissal with prejudice of all pending arbitration claims and
              lawsuits between HL&P and CPS relating to the South Texas
              Project, (ii) a cash payment by HL&P to CPS of $75 million, (iii)
              an agreement to support formation of a new operating company to
              replace HL&P as project manager for the South Texas Project and
              (iv) the execution of a 10-year joint operations agreement under
              which HL&P and CPS will share savings resulting from the joint
              dispatching of their respective generating assets in order to
              take advantage of each system's lower cost resources. Under the
              terms of the joint operations agreement entered into between CPS
              and HL&P, HL&P guarantees CPS minimum annual savings of $10
              million and a minimum cumulative savings of $150 million over the
              ten-year term of the agreement. Based on current forecasts and
              other assumptions regarding the combined operation of the two
              generating systems, HL&P anticipates that the savings resulting
              from joint operations will equal or exceed the minimum savings
              guaranteed under the joint operating agreement. In 1996, savings
              generated for CPS' account for a partial year of joint operations
              were approximately $14 million.

              The operating company (OPCO) which is being formed to replace
              HL&P as project manager of the South Texas Project will be a
              Texas non-profit corporation.  Regulatory and governmental
              approvals are being sought for the implementation of OPCO. Once
              this process is completed, HL&P's employees working at the South
              Texas Project will become employees of OPCO and OPCO will assume
              responsibility for managing the South Texas Project. Oversight
              will be provided by an Owners' Committee and OPCO's board of
              directors, under the direction of directors appointed by each of
              the co-owners.
              In 1996, the capability factor at the South Texas Project
              improved to 93.9 percent from 87.7 percent in 1995 (the 1995
              median capability factor for U.S. nuclear facilities was 75.9



              In 1996, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) graded the South
              Texas Project "superior" in the areas of maintenance and support
              and "good" in areas of operations and engineering in the NRC's
              most recent Systematic Assessment of Licensees Performance.
              Between June 1993 and February 1995, the South Texas Project had
              been listed on the NRC's "watch list" of plants with weaknesses
              that warrant increased NRC regulatory attention.

       (c)    NUCLEAR INSURANCE.  HL&P and the other owners of the South Texas 
              Project maintain nuclear property and nuclear liability insurance
              coverage as required by law and periodically review available
              limits and coverage for additional protection. The owners of the
              South Texas Project currently maintain $2.75 billion in property
              damage insurance coverage, which is above the legally required
              minimum, but is less than the total amount of insurance currently
              available for such losses. This coverage consists of $500 million
              in primary property damage insurance and excess property
              insurance in the amount of $2.25 billion. Under the excess
              property insurance (which became effective in November 1996),
              HL&P and the other owners of the South Texas Project are subject
              to assessments, the maximum aggregate assessment under current
              policies being $14.8 million during any one policy year. The
              application of the proceeds of such property insurance is subject
              to the priorities established by the NRC regulations relating to
              the safety of licensed reactors and decontamination operations.

              Pursuant to the Price Anderson Act (Act), the maximum liability
              to the public of owners of nuclear power plants, such as the
              South Texas Project, was $8.92 billion as of December 1996.
              Owners are required under the Act to insure their liability for
              nuclear incidents and protective evacuations by maintaining the
              maximum amount of financial protection available from private
              sources and by maintaining secondary financial protection through
              an industry retrospective rating plan. The assessment of deferred
              premiums provided by the plan for each nuclear incident is up to
              $75.5 million per reactor, subject to indexing for inflation, a
              possible 5 percent surcharge (but no more than $10 million per
              reactor per incident in any one year) and a 3 percent state
              premium tax. HL&P and the other owners of the South Texas Project
              currently maintain the required nuclear liability insurance and
              participate in the industry retrospective rating plan.

              There can be no assurance that all potential losses or
              liabilities will be insurable, or that the amount of insurance
              will be sufficient to cover them. Any substantial losses not
              covered by insurance would have a material effect on HL&P's and
              the Company's financial condition and results of operations.

       (d)    NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING.  In accordance with the Rate Case 
              Settlement, HL&P contributes $14.8 million per year to a trust
              established to fund HL&P's share of the decommissioning costs for
              the South Texas Project. For a discussion of securities held in
              the Company's nuclear decommissioning trust, see Note 1(j). In
              May 1994, an outside consultant estimated HL&P's portion of
              decommissioning costs to be approximately $318 million (1994
              dollars). The consultant's calculation of decommissioning costs
              for financial planning purposes used the DECON methodology
              (prompt removal/dismantling), one of the three alternatives
              acceptable to the NRC, and assumed deactivation of Unit Nos. 1
              and 2 upon the expiration of their 40-year operating licenses.
              While the current and projected funding levels currently exceed
              minimum NRC requirements, no assurance can be given that the
              amounts held in trust will be adequate to cover the actual
              decommissioning costs of the South Texas Project. Such costs may
              vary because of changes in the assumed date of decommissioning,
              changes in regulatory and accounting requirements, changes in
              technology and changes in costs of labor, materials and

(3)           RATE MATTERS

              The Utility Commission has original (or in some cases appellate)
              jurisdiction over HL&P's electric rates and services. In Texas,
              Utility Commission orders may be appealed to a District Court in



              Travis County, and from that court's decision an appeal may be
              taken to the Court of Appeals for the 3rd District at Austin
              (Austin Court of Appeals). Discretionary review by the Supreme
              Court of Texas may be sought from decisions of the Austin Court
              of Appeals. In the event that the courts ultimately reverse
              actions of the Utility Commission, such matters are remanded to
              the Utility Commission for action in light of the courts' orders.

       (a)    1995 RATE CASE. In August 1995, the Utility Commission
              unanimously approved the Rate Case Settlement, which resolved
              HL&P's 1995 rate case (Docket No. 12065) as well as a separate
              proceeding (Docket No. 13126) regarding the prudence of operation
              of the South Texas Project. Subject to certain changes in
              existing regulation or legislation, the Rate Case Settlement
              precludes HL&P from seeking rate increases until after December
              31, 1997.

              The Rate Case Settlement gives HL&P the option to write down up
              to $50 million per year of its investment in the South Texas
              Project through December 31, 1999, which write-downs will be
              treated under the terms of the Rate Case Settlement as reasonable
              and necessary expenses for purposes of reviews of HL&P's earnings
              and any rate review proceeding initiated against HL&P. In both
              1995 and 1996, HL&P recorded a $50 million pre-tax write down of
              its investment in the South Texas Project as amortization
              expense. In 1996, HL&P also amortized $50 million (pre-tax) of
              its $153 million investment in certain lignite reserves
              associated with a canceled generating station. In accordance with
              the settlement, HL&P's remaining investment in the canceled
              generating station and certain lignite reserves ($164 million 
              at December 31, 1996) will be amortized fully no later than 
              December 31, 2002.

       (b)    RATE CASE APPEALS. The only HL&P rate order currently under
              appeal is Docket No. 6668 (the Utility Commission's inquiry into
              the prudence of the planning and construction of the South Texas
              Project). Review of the Utility Commission's order in Docket No.
              6668 is pending before a Travis County district court. In that
              order, the Utility Commission determined that $375.5 million of
              HL&P's $2.8 billion investment in the South Texas Project had
              been imprudently incurred. That ruling was incorporated into
              HL&P's 1988 and 1991 rate cases. Unless the order is modified or
              reversed on appeal, the amount found imprudent by the Utility
              Commission will be sustained.

              In June 1996, the Supreme Court of Texas unanimously upheld the
              decision of the Utility Commission in Docket No. 8425 (HL&P's
              1988 rate case) to include in HL&P's rate base $93 million in
              construction costs relating to the canceled generating station.
              The Supreme Court also affirmed the Utility Commission's decision
              granting deferred accounting treatment for Unit No. 2 of the
              South Texas Project and the calculation of HL&P's federal income
              tax expenses without taking into account deductions for expenses
              paid by the Company's shareholders. As a result of this decision,
              HL&P's 1988 rate case has now become final.


       (a)    GENERAL.  HI Energy, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company 
              formed in 1993, participates primarily in the development and
              acquisition of foreign independent power projects and the
              privatization of foreign generating and distribution companies.
              The Company generally accounts for affiliate investments of HI
              Energy under the equity method of accounting where: (i) HI
              Energy's ownership interest in the affiliate ranges from 20
              percent to 50 percent or (ii) HI Energy exercises significant
              influence over operating and financial policies of such
              affiliate. The Company's proportionate share of the equity in net
              income/(loss) in these affiliates for the years ended December 31,
              1996, 1995 and 1994 was $17.0 million, $0.5 million and $(1.6)
              million, respectively. These amounts are included on the
              Company's Statement of Consolidated Income as "Other Revenues."
              The Company's equity investments in and advances to foreign and
              non-regulated affiliates at December 31, 1996 and 1995 were $502
              million and $41 million, respectively.


              Following are the Company's tax effects of temporary differences
              attributable to continuing operations resulting in deferred tax
              assets and liabilities:

                                                                    December 31,
                                                                 1996           1995
                                                              ----------    ----------
                                                               (Thousands of Dollars)
Deferred Tax Assets:
    Alternative minimum tax ..............................    $   19,014    $   46,516
    Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit assessment ......        74,966        74,966
    Disallowed plant cost - net ..........................        23,237        22,687
    Other ................................................        94,139        96,628
                                                              ----------    ----------
        Total deferred tax assets - net ..................       211,356       240,797
                                                              ----------    ----------

Deferred Tax Liabilities:
    Depreciation .........................................     1,450,894     1,391,573
    Deferred plant costs - net ...........................       194,243       200,028
    Regulatory assets - net ..............................       362,310       228,587
    Capitalized taxes, employee benefits and removal costs       108,530       110,065
    Gain on sale of cable television subsidiary ..........       228,449       227,515
    Other ................................................       131,961       150,275
                                                              ----------    ----------
        Total deferred tax liabilities ...................    $2,476,387    $2,308,043
                                                              ----------    ----------
               Accumulated deferred income taxes - net ...    $2,265,031    $2,067,246
                                                              ==========    ==========

              See Note 13 for income taxes related to discontinued operations.

              In July 1990, the Company paid approximately $104.5 million to the
              Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in connection with an IRS audit of
              the Company's 1983 and 1984 federal income tax returns. In
              November 1991, the Company filed a refund suit in the U.S. Court
              of Federal Claims seeking the return of $52.1 million of tax and
              $36.3 million of accrued interest, plus interest on both of those
              amounts accruing after July 1990. The major contested issue in the
              refund case involved the IRS's allegation that certain amounts
              related to the over-recovery of fuel costs should have been
              included as taxable income in 1983 and 1984 even though HL&P had
              an obligation to refund the over-recoveries to its ratepayers. In
              October 1994, the Court granted the Company's Motion for Partial
              Summary Judgment on the fuel cost over-recovery issue, and in
              October 1996 entered final judgment in favor of the Company. The
              government has appealed this decision. If the government does not
              prevail on appeal, the Company would be entitled to a refund of
              overpaid tax, interest paid on the overpaid tax through July 1990
              and interest on both of those amounts from July 1990. If the
              government prevails on appeal, the Company's ultimate financial
              exposure should be immaterial because of offsetting tax deductions
              to which the Company is entitled for the year the over-recovery
              was refunded to ratepayers.


       (a)    HL&P COMMITMENTS. HL&P has various commitments for capital
              expenditures, fuel, purchased power, cooling water and operating
              leases. Commitments in connection with HL&P's capital program are
              generally revocable by HL&P, subject to reimbursement to
              manufacturers for expenditures incurred or other cancelation
              penalties. HL&P's other commitments have various quantity
              requirements and durations. However, if these requirements could
              not be met, various alternatives are available to mitigate the
              cost associated with the contracts' commitments.

       (b)    FUEL AND PURCHASED POWER.   HL&P is a party to several long-term 
              coal, lignite and natural gas contracts which have various
              quantity requirements and durations. Minimum payment obligations
              for coal and transportation agreements are approximately $194
              million in 1997, $200 million in 1998 and $204 million in 1999.
              Additionally, minimum payment obligations for lignite mining and
              lease agreements are approximately $8 million for 1997, $9
              million for 1998 and $9 million for 1999. Collectively, the fixed
              price gas supply contracts, which expire in 1997, could amount to
              9 percent of HL&P's annual natural gas requirements for 1997.
              Minimum payment obligations for both natural gas purchase and
              storage contracts are approximately $38 million in 1997, $9
              million in 1998 and $9 million in 1999.

              HL&P also has commitments to purchase firm capacity from
              cogenerators of approximately $22 million in each of the years
              1997 through 1999. Utility Commission rules currently allow
              recovery of these costs through HL&P's base rates for electric
              service and additionally authorize HL&P to charge or credit
              customers through a purchased power cost recovery factor for any
              variation in actual purchased power costs from the cost utilized
              to determine its base rates. In the event that the Utility
              Commission, at some future date, does not allow recovery through
              rates of any amount of purchased power payments, the two
              principal firm capacity contracts contain



              provisions allowing HL&P to suspend or reduce payments and seek
              repayment for amounts disallowed.

       (c)    OTHER. HL&P's service area is heavily dependent on oil, gas
              refined products, petrochemicals and related businesses.
              Significant adverse events affecting these industries would
              negatively affect the revenues of the Company and HL&P. The
              Company and HL&P are involved in legal, tax and regulatory
              proceedings before various courts, regulatory commissions and
              governmental agencies regarding matters arising in the ordinary
              course of business, some of which involve substantial amounts.

              In February 1996, the cities of Wharton, Galveston and Pasadena
              filed suit, for themselves and a proposed class, against HL&P and
              Houston Industries Finance Inc., (formerly a wholly-owned
              subsidiary of the Company), citing underpayment of municipal
              franchise fees. The principal claim contends that, from 1957 to
              the present, franchise fees should have been paid on sales taxes
              collected by HL&P and on non-electric receipts as well as on
              electric sales. Plaintiffs advance such assertion notwithstanding
              that no such claim had been noticed over the previous four
              decades. Because all of the franchise ordinances affecting HL&P
              expressly impose fees only on electric sales, the Company regards
              plaintiffs' allegations as spurious and is aggressively contesting
              the matter. With regard to damages, the pleadings make no specific
              dollar claim, although one plaintiff-sponsored witness claims to
              have calculated damages of $220 million on the theory that
              franchise fees are owed on all sales taxes and receipts, electric
              or otherwise. The class action aspects of this case are currently
              under a stay order by the Texas Supreme Court pending its review
              of the class action certifications of the lower courts. The
              Company and HL&P cannot estimate a range of possible loss, if any,
              from this lawsuit, nor can any assurance be given as to its
              ultimate outcome. The case is pending in the District Court of
              Harris County, Texas.

              The carrying amount and estimated fair value of the Company's
              financial instruments are as follows:

                                                                        DECEMBER 31,
                                                             1996                        1995
                                                    ----------------------     -------------------------
                                                     CARRYING        FAIR         CARRYING        FAIR
                                                      AMOUNT         VALUE         AMOUNT         VALUE
                                                      ------         -----         ------         -----
                                                                   (THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)
Financial assets:
   Cash and short-term investments .............    $    8,001    $    8,001    $   11,779    $   11,779
   Investment in Time Warner securities ........     1,027,500     1,027,500     1,027,875     1,027,875
   Investments held by HL&P's nuclear
     decommissioning trust .....................        67,229        67,229        44,540        44,540
Financial liabilities:
   Short-term notes payable ....................     1,337,872     1,337,872         6,300         6,300
   Cumulative preferred stock of
     subsidiary (subject to mandatory
     redemption) ...............................        25,700        25,957        76,755        79,250
   Debentures ..................................       349,098       380,455       548,913       599,575
   Long-term debt of subsidiaries:
          First mortgage bonds .................     2,895,041     3,045,833     3,128,719     3,397,295
          Pollution control revenue bonds ......         5,000         5,000         5,000         5,000
          Other notes payable ..................           856           856           981           981

              The fair values of cash and short-term investments, investment in
              equity securities and short-term and other notes payable are
              estimated to be equivalent to the carrying amounts.

              The fair values of the Company's debentures, HL&P's cumulative
              preferred stock subject to mandatory redemption, HL&P's first
              mortgage bonds and pollution control revenue bonds issued



     (16)     NORAM MERGER

              On December 17, 1996, the shareholders of the Company and NorAm
              approved the Merger Agreement under which the Company will merge
              into HL&P, and NorAm will merge into a subsidiary of the Company.
              Upon consummation of the Merger, HL&P, the surviving corporation
              of the Company/HL&P merger, will be renamed "Houston Industries
              Incorporated" (Houston) and will continue to conduct HL&P's
              electric utility business under HL&P's name. Merger Sub, the
              surviving corporation of the NorAm/Merger Sub merger, will be
              renamed "NorAm Energy Corp." and will continue to conduct NorAm's
              natural gas distribution and transmission business under NorAm's
              name. As a result of the Merger, NorAm will become a wholly owned
              subsidiary of Houston.

              The closing of the Merger is subject to the satisfaction or
              waiver of various conditions precedent contained in the Merger
              Agreement, including the obtaining of all required governmental
              authorizations and consents.

              Consideration for the purchase of NorAm shares will be a
              combination of cash and shares of Houston common stock. The
              transaction is valued at $3.9 billion, consisting of $2.5 billion
              for NorAm's common stock and equivalents and $1.4 billion of
              NorAm debt. If the closing does not occur by May 11, 1997, the
              cash consideration (but not the stock consideration) will
              increase thereafter by two percent per quarter until the
              consummation of the Merger. The increase, if any, will be
              calculated pro rata on a daily basis for the period from May 11,
              1997, until consummation. The Merger Agreement contains
              provisions generally designed to result in 50 percent of the
              outstanding shares of NorAm common stock being converted into
              stock consideration and 50 percent being converted into cash

              The Company intends to finance the cash portion of the Merger
              consideration (estimated to be approximately $1.25 billion)
              through bank borrowings under new bank credit facilities to be
              arranged by a newly formed subsidiary of Houston with a group of
              commercial banks. As of the date hereof, the term, structure and
              provisions of these facilities are being negotiated with
              potential lenders and have not been finalized.

              The Company and HL&P will account for the Merger as a purchase
              and, following consummation of the Merger, will include the
              results of operation of NorAm in Houston's consolidated statement
              of income.

              Unless otherwise stated, the information presented in the
              Financial Statements and Notes in this Form 10-K relates solely
              to the Company and HL&P without giving effect to the Merger.


     (a)      POLLUTION CONTROL BONDS.  In January 1997, pollution control 
              bonds aggregating $118 million were issued on behalf of HL&P by
              the Brazos River Authority (BRA) and the Matagorda County
              Navigation District Number One (MCND). Proceeds of $50 million
              from the BRA Series 1997 bonds, maturing 2018, were used to
              redeem, at 102% of the aggregate principal amount, the BRA Series
              1986A pollution control revenue bonds issued in November 1986.
              Proceeds of $68 million from the MCND Series 1997 bonds, maturing
              2028, were used to redeem, at 102% of the aggregate principal
              amount, the MCND Series 1986A pollution control revenue bonds
              issued in November 1986. The new bonds initially will bear
              interest at a floating rate. Bond tenders are permitted. Proceeds
              from the remarketing of tendered bonds are expected to be
              available to pay for tendered bonds. However, liquidity
              facilities aggregating approximately $120 million have been
