RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS OF
                         ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS, INC.

    Environmental Safeguards, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the 
"Corporation" or "Company"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws
of the State of Nevada,


       That, the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation authorizes the 
issuance of 10,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock, $.001 par value per share, and
expressly vests in the Board of Directors of the Corporation the authority to
issue any or all of said shares in one or more series and by resolution or
resolutions to establish the designation, number, full or limited voting powers,
or the denial of voting powers, preferences and relative, participating,
optional, and other special rights and the qualifications, limitations, 
restrictions and other distinguishing characteristics of each series to be

       RESOLVED, that pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Board of
Directors by the Articles of Incorporation, the Series B Convertible Preferred
Stock, par value $.001 with a stated value of $5,000.00 ("Preferred Stock"), is
hereby authorized and created, said series to consist of up to 5,000,000
shares.  The voting powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional
and other special rights, and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions
thereof shall be as follows:


             (a)    The holders of Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive
       out of funds legally available therefor, dividends at the same rate as 
       dividends (other than dividends paid in additional shares of Common
       Stock) are paid with respect to the outstanding shares of the Company's
       Common Stock, $.001 par value per share ("Common Stock"), (treating each
       share of Preferred Stock as being equal to the number of shares of
       Common Stock into which each such share of Preferred Stock could be
       converted pursuant to the provisions of Section 2 hereof with such
       number determined as of the record date for the determination of holders
       of Common Stock entitled to receive such dividend).
             (b)    Dividends in Kind.  In the event the Company shall make or
       issue, or shall fix a record date for the determination of holders of
       Common Stock entitled to receive, a dividend or other distribution with
       respect to the Common Stock payable in (i) securities of the Company
       other than shares of Common Stock or (ii) assets, then and in each such
       event the holders of Preferred Stock shall receive, at the same time
       such distribution is made with respect to Common Stock, the number of
       securities or such other assets of the

       Company which they would have received had their Preferred Stock been
       converted into Common Stock immediately prior to the record date for
       determining holders of Common Stock entitled to receive such 


              (a)    Each holder of shares of Preferred Stock may, at his option
       and at any time and from time to time, convert any or all such shares,
       plus all dividends accrued and unpaid on such Preferred Stock up to the
       conversion date, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Section
       2, into fully paid and non-assessable shares of the Corporation's Common
       Stock except that with respect to any shares of Preferred Stock called
       for redemption, the conversion right shall terminate at the close of
       business on the business day prior to the Redemption Date, unless
       default is made in the payment of the Redemption Price.  The number of
       shares of Common Stock into which each share of Preferred Stock may be
       converted shall be determined by multiplying the number of shares of
       Preferred Stock to be converted by $1.06 and dividing the result by the 
       Conversion Price (as defined herein) in effect at the time of
       conversion.  The "Conversion Price" per share at which shares of Common
       Stock shall be issuable upon conversion of any shares of Preferred Stock
       shall initially be $1.06, subject to adjustment provided below.
              (b)    To exercise his conversion privilege, the holder of any
       shares of Preferred Stock shall surrender to the Corporation during
       regular business hours at the principal executive offices of the
       Corporation or the offices of the transfer agent for the Preferred Stock
       or at such other place as may be designated by the Corporation, the
       certificate or certificates for the shares to be converted, duly
       endorsed for transfer to the Corporation (if required by it),
       accompanied by written notice stating that the holder irrevocably elects
       to convert such shares.  Conversion shall be deemed to have been
       effected on the date when such delivery is made, and such date is
       referred to herein as the "Conversion Date."  Within five (5) business
       days after the date on which such delivery is made, the Corporation
       shall issue and send (with receipt to be acknowledged) to the holder
       thereof or the holder's designee, at the address designated by such
       holder, a certificate or certificates for the number of full shares of
       Common Stock to which the holder is entitled as a result of such
       conversion, and cash with respect to any fractional interest of a share
       of Common Stock as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section 2.  The
       holder shall be deemed to have become a stockholder of record of the
       number of shares of Common Stock into which the shares of Preferred
       Stock have been converted on the applicable Conversion Date unless the
       transfer books of the Corporation are closed on that date, in which
       event he shall be deemed to have become a stockholder of record of such
       shares on the  next succeeding date on which the transfer books are
       open, but the Conversion Price shall be that in effect on the Conversion
       Date.  Upon conversion of only a portion of the number of shares of
       Preferred Stock represented by a certificate or certificates surrendered
       for conversion, the Corporation shall within three (3) business days
       after the date on which such delivery is made, issue and send (with
       receipt to be acknowledged) to the holder

       thereof or the holder's designee, at the address designated by such
       holder, a new certificate covering the number of shares of Preferred
       Stock representing the unconverted portion of the certificate or
       certificates so surrendered.

              (c)    No fractional shares of Common Stock or scrip shall be
       issued upon conversion of shares of Preferred Stock.  If more than one
       share of Preferred Stock shall be surrendered for conversion at any one
       time by the same holder, the number of full shares of Common Stock
       issuable upon conversion thereof shall be computed on the basis of the
       aggregate number of shares of Preferred Stock so surrendered.  Instead
       of any fractional shares of Common Stock which would otherwise be
       issuable upon conversion of any shares of Preferred Stock, the
       Corporation shall make an adjustment in respect of such fractional
       interest equal to the fair market value of such fractional interest, to
       the nearest 1/100th of a share of Common Stock, in cash at the Current
       Market Price (as defined below) on the business day preceding the
       effective date of the conversion.  The "Current Market Price" of
       publicly traded shares of Common Stock of the Corporation for any day
       shall be deemed to be the average of the daily "Closing Prices" for the
       10 consecutive trading days preceding the Conversion Date.  The "Closing
       Price" shall mean the last reported sales price on the principal
       national securities exchange on which the Common Stock is listed or
       admitted to trading or, if not listed or admitted to trading on any
       national securities exchange, on the National Association of Securities
       Dealers Automated Quotations System, or, if the Common Stock is not
       listed or admitted to trading on any national securities exchange or
       quoted on the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated
       Quotations System, the average of the closing bid and asked prices in
       the over-the-counter market as furnished by any New York Stock Exchange
       member firm selected from time to time by the Corporation for that

              (d)    The Corporation shall at all times reserve for issuance
       and maintain available, out of its authorized but unissued Common Stock,
       solely for the purpose of effecting the conversion of the Preferred
       Stock, the full number of shares of Common Stock deliverable upon the
       conversion of all Preferred Stock from time to time outstanding.  The
       Corporation shall from time to time (subject to obtaining necessary
       director and stockholder action), in accordance with the laws of the
       State of Nevada, increase the authorized number of shares of its Common
       Stock if at any time the authorized number of shares of its Common Stock
       remaining unissued shall not be sufficient to permit the conversion of
       all of the shares of Preferred Stock at the time outstanding.

              (e)    If any shares of Common Stock to be reserved for the
       purpose of conversion of shares of Preferred Stock require registration
       or listing with, or approval of, any governmental authority, stock
       exchange or other regulatory body under any federal or state law or
       regulation or otherwise, including registration under the Securities Act
       of 1933, as amended, and appropriate state securities laws, before such
       shares may be validly issued or delivered upon conversion, the
       Corporation will in good faith and as expeditiously as possible meet
       such registration, listing or approval, as the case may be.

              (f)    All shares of  Common Stock which may be issued upon
       conversion of the shares of Preferred Stock will upon issuance by the
       Corporation be validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable and free
       from all taxes, liens and charges with respect to the issuance thereof.

              (g)    The Conversion Price in effect shall be subject to
       adjustment from time to time as follows:

                     (i)    Stock Splits, Dividends and Combinations.  In the
              event that the Corporation shall at any time subdivide the
              outstanding shares of Common Stock, or shall pay or make a
              dividend or distribution on any class of capital stock of the
              Corporation in Common Stock, the Conversion Price in effect
              immediately prior to such subdivision or the issuance of such
              dividend shall be proportionately decreased, and in case the
              Corporation shall at any time combine the outstanding shares of
              Common Stock, the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior to
              such combination shall be proportionately increased, effective at
              the close of business on the date of such subdivision, dividend
              or combination, as the case may be.

                     (ii)   Non-Cash Dividends, Stock Purchase Rights, Capital
              Reorganization and Dissolutions.  In the event:

                            (A)   that the Corporation shall take a record of
                     the holders of its Common Stock for the purpose of
                     entitling them to receive a dividend, or any other
                     distribution, payable otherwise than in cash; or

                            (B)   that the Corporation shall take a record of
                     the holders of its Common Stock for the purpose of
                     entitling them to subscribe for or purchase any shares of
                     stock of any class or other securities, or to receive any
                     other rights; or

                            (C)   of any capital reorganization of the
                     Corporation, reclassification of the capital stock of the
                     Corporation (other than a subdivision or combination of
                     its outstanding shares of Common Stock), consolidation or
                     merger of the Corporation with or into another
                     corporation, share exchange for all outstanding shares of
                     Common Stock under a plan of exchange to which the
                     Corporation is a party, or conveyance of all or
                     substantially all of the assets of the Corporation to
                     another corporation; or

                            (D)   of the voluntary or involuntary dissolution,
                     liquidation or winding up of the Corporation;

                     then, and in any such case, the Corporation shall cause to
                     be mailed to the holders of record of the outstanding
                     Preferred Stock, at least 10 days prior to the date
                     hereinafter specified, a notice stating the date on which
                     (x) a record is to be taken for the purpose of such
                     dividend, distribution or rights, or (y) such
                     reclassification, reorganization, consolidation, merger,
                     share exchange, conveyance, dissolution, liquidation or
                     winding up is to take place and the date, if any is to be
                     fixed, as of which holders of Corporation securities of
                     record shall be entitled to exchange their shares of
                     Corporation securities for securities or other property
                     deliverable upon such reclassification, reorganization,
                     consolidation, merger, share exchange, conveyance,
                     dissolution, liquidation or winding up.

                            (iii)   Issuances at Less than the Conversion Price.
                     Upon the issuance by the Corporation of Common Stock, or
                     any right, warrant or option to purchase Common Stock or
                     any security convertible into or exchangeable for Common
                     Stock, or any obligation or any share of stock convertible
                     into or exchangeable for Common Stock for a consideration
                     per share less than the Conversion Price of the Preferred
                     Stock in effect immediately prior to the time of such
                     issue or sale other than an issuance of stock or
                     securities pursuant to paragraph (i) of this Section 2(g),
                     the issuance of shares of Common Stock upon exercise of
                     options and warrants granted prior to the date of initial
                     issuance of the Preferred Stock, shares of Common Stock
                     issued upon the exercise of stock options granted pursuant
                     to the corporation's employee stock option plan in effect
                     from time to time (and as amended if approved by the
                     stockholders of the Corporation), or shares of Common
                     Stock issued in bona fide acquisitions (stock or asset)
                     approved by the Board of Directors or stockholders of the
                     Corporation, then forthwith upon such issue or sale, the
                     Conversion Price of the Preferred Stock shall be reduced
                     to a price (calculated to the nearest cent) determined by
                                    (A)    an amount equal to the sum of (x) the
                            number of shares of Common Stock outstanding
                            immediately prior to such issue or sale multiplied
                            by the then existing Conversion Price of the
                            Preferred Stock, (y) the number of shares of Common
                            Stock issuable upon conversion or exchange of any
                            obligations or of any shares of stock of the
                            Corporation outstanding immediately prior to such
                            issue or sale multiplied by the then existing
                            Conversion Price of the Preferred Stock, and (z) an
                            amount equal to the aggregate "consideration
                            actually received" by the Corporation upon such
                            issue or sale; by
                                    (B)      the sum of the number of shares of
                            Common Stock outstanding immediately after such
                            issue or sale and the number of shares of Common
                            Stock issuable upon conversion or exchange of any
                            obligations or of any share of stock of the
                            Corporation outstanding immediately after such 
                            issue or sale.

                 For purposes of this paragraph 2(g)(iii), the following
        provisions will be applicable:

                          (A)     In the case of an issue or sale for cash of
                 shares of Common Stock, the "consideration actually received"
                 by the Corporation therefor shall be deemed to be the amount
                 of cash received, before deducting therefrom  any commissions
                 or expenses paid by the Corporation.

                          (B)     In case of the issuance (otherwise than upon
                 conversion or exchange of obligations or shares of stock of
                 the Corporation) of additional shares of Common Stock for a
                 consideration other than cash or a consideration partly other
                 than cash, the amount of the consideration other than cash
                 received by the Corporation for such shares shall be deemed to
                 be the fair value of such consideration as determined in good
                 faith by the Board of Directors.

                          (C)     In case of the issuance by the Corporation in
                 any manner of any rights to subscribe for or to purchase
                 shares of Common Stock, or any options for the purchase of
                 shares of Common Stock or stock convertible into Common Stock,
                 all shares of Common Stock or stock convertible into Common
                 Stock to which the holders of such rights or options shall be
                 entitled to subscribe for or purchase pursuant to such rights
                 or options shall be deemed to be "outstanding" as of the date
                 of the offering of such rights or the granting of such
                 options, as the case may be, and the aggregate consideration
                 named in such rights or options for the shares of Common Stock
                 or stock convertible into Common Stock covered thereby, plus
                 the consideration, if any, received by the Corporation for
                 such rights or options, shall be deemed to be the
                 "consideration actually received" by the Corporation (as of
                 the date of the offering of such rights or the granting of
                 such options, as the case may be) for the issuance of such

                          (D)     In case of the issuance or issuances by the
                 Corporation in any manner of any obligations or of any shares
                 of stock of the Corporation that shall be convertible into or
                 exchangeable for Common Stock, all shares of Common Stock
                 issuable upon the conversion or exchange of such obligations
                 or shares shall be deemed to be issued as of the date such
                 obligations or shares are issued, and the amount of the
                 "consideration actually received" by the Corporation for such
                 additional shares of Common Stock shall be deemed to be the
                 total of (x) the amount of consideration received by the
                 Corporation upon the issuance of such obligations or shares,
                 as the case may be, plus (y) the aggregate consideration, if
                 any, other than such obligations or shares, receivable by

                 the Corporation upon such conversion or exchange, except in
                 adjustment of dividends.

                          (E)     The amount of the "consideration actually
                 received" by the Corporation upon the issuance of any rights
                 or options referred to in subparagraph (C) above or upon the
                 issuance of any obligations or shares which are convertible or
                 exchangeable as described in subparagraph (D) above, and the
                 amount of the consideration, if any, other than such 
                 obligations or shares so convertible or exchangeable, 
                 receivable by the Corporation upon the exercise, conversion or
                 exchange thereof shall be determined in the same manner
                 provided in subparagraphs (A) and (B) above with respect to
                 the consideration received by the Corporation in case of the
                 issuance of additional shares of Common Stock.  Upon the
                 expiration of any rights or options referred to in subparagraph
                 (C), or the termination of any right of conversion or exchange
                 referred to in subparagraph (D), or any change in the number
                 of shares of Common Stock deliverable upon exercise of such
                 options or rights or upon conversion of or exchange of such
                 convertible or exchangeable securities, the Conversion Prices
                 then in effect shall forthwith be readjusted to such
                 Conversion Prices as would have obtained had the adjustments
                 made upon the issuance of such options, rights or convertible
                 or exchangeable securities been made upon the basis of the
                 delivery of only the number of shares of Common Stock actually
                 delivered or to be delivered upon the exercise of such rights
                 or options or upon the conversion or exchange of such
                 (h)      Upon the occurrence of each adjustment or
         readjustment of the Conversion Price pursuant to paragraph 2(g), the
         Corporation at its expense shall promptly compute such adjustment or
         readjustment in accordance with the terms hereof, and prepare and
         furnish to each holder of Preferred Stock a certificate signed by an
         officer of the Corporation setting forth (i) such adjustment or
         readjustment, (ii) the Conversion Price at the time in effect, and
         (iii) the number of shares of Common Stock and the amount, if any, of
         other property which at the time would be received upon the conversion
         of such holder's shares.

                 (i)      In case any shares of Preferred Stock shall be
         converted pursuant to Section 2(f) hereof, or purchased or otherwise
         acquired by the Corporation, the shares so converted, purchased or
         acquired shall be restored to the status of authorized but unissued
         shares of preferred stock, without designation as to class or series,
         and may thereafter be reissued, but not as shares of Preferred Stock.

                 (j)      Effective upon the closing of a Qualified Public
         Offering (as hereinunder defined) all of the then outstanding
         Preferred Stock shall automatically be converted into Common Stock at
         the applicable Conversion Price then in effect.  For purposes hereof,

         term "Qualified Public Offering" shall mean the closing of a firm
         commitment underwritten public offering pursuant to a registration
         statement filed and declared effective under the Securities Act of
         1933, as amended, (the "Act") covering the offer and sale of Common
         Stock to the public in which the aggregate proceeds to the Company
         equal or exceed $25,000,000 and in which the price per share of Common
         Stock is at least $5.00 per share.  All holders of record of shares of
         Preferred Stock will be given at least 10 days' prior written notice
         of the date fixed and the place designated for mandatory conversion of
         all such shares of Preferred Stock pursuant to this Section 2(j).  On
         or before the date fixed for conversion, each holder of shares of
         Preferred Stock shall surrender his or its certificate or certificates
         for all such shares to the Company at the place designated in such
         notice, and shall thereafter receive certificates for the number of
         shares of Common Stock to which such holder is entitled pursuant to
         this Section 2(j).  Within five (5) business days after the date of
         such mandatory conversion and the surrender of the certificate or
         certificates for Preferred Stock, the Company shall cause to be issued
         and delivered to such holder a certificate or certificates for the
         number of full shares of Common Stock issuable on such conversion in
         accordance with the provisions hereof and cash as provided in Section
         2(c) in respect of any fraction of a share of Common Stock otherwise
         issuable upon such conversion.

         3.   VOTING

              (a)      Except for election of directors, as otherwise required
         by law or set forth herein, the shares of Preferred Stock shall be
         entitled to vote, together with the shares of the Corporation's Common
         Stock, on all matters presented at any annual or special meeting of
         stockholders of the Corporation, or may act by written consent in the
         same manner as the holders of the Corporation's Common Stock, upon the
         following basis:  each holder of Preferred Stock shall be entitled to
         cast such number of votes for each share of Preferred Stock held by
         such holder on the record date fixed for such meeting, or on the
         effective date of such written consent, as shall be equal to the
         number of shares of the Corporation's Common Stock into which each of
         such holder's shares of Preferred Stock is convertible immediately
         after the close of business on the record date fixed for such meeting
         or the effective date of such written consent.  The Preferred Stock
         and any other stock having voting rights shall vote together as one
         class, except as provided by law and in paragraph 5 hereof.
              (b)      Without limiting the foregoing, so long as the Preferred
         Stock is outstanding and unconverted to Common Stock, the holders of
         the Preferred Stock, voting separately as a class, shall be entitled
         to elect one member of the Board of Directors.
         4.      LIQUIDATION RIGHTS

                 (a)      In the event of any voluntary or involuntary
         liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the holders
         of shares of Preferred Stock then outstanding

         shall be entitled to receive out of assets of the Corporation
         available for distribution to stockholders, before any distribution of
         assets is made to holders of any other class of capital stock of the
         Corporation, an amount equal to $1.06 per share, plus accumulated and
         unpaid dividends thereon to the date fixed for distribution
         ("Liquidation Amount").

                 (b)      A consolidation or merger of the Corporation (in the
         event that the Corporation is not the surviving entity) or sale of all
         or substantially all of the Corporation's assets shall be regarded as
         a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the Company
         within the meaning of this Section 4.  In the event of such a
         liquidation as contemplated by this Section 4(b), the holders of
         Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive an amount equal to the
         greater of the Liquidation Amount or that which such holders would
         have received if they had converted their Preferred Stock into Common
         Stock immediately prior to such liquidation or winding up (without
         giving effect to the liquidation preference of or any dividends on any
         other capital stock ranking prior to the Common Stock).

                 (c)      In the event of any voluntary or involuntary
         liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation which
         involves the distribution of assets other than cash, the Corporation
         shall promptly engage competent independent appraisers to determine
         the value of the assets to be distributed to the holders of shares of
         Preferred Stock and the holders of shares of Common Stock.  The
         Corporation shall, upon receipt of such appraiser's valuation, give
         prompt written notice to each holder of shares of Preferred Stock of
         the appraiser's valuation.

         5.      LIMITATIONS

                 (a)     So long as twenty-five percent (25%) of the shares of
         Preferred Stock are outstanding, the Corporation shall not:
                         (i)      create, authorize or issue shares of any class
         or series of stock, or any security convertible into such class or
         series ranking senior to or on parity with the Preferred Stock either
         as to payment of dividends or as distributions in the event of a
         liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
                         (ii)     amend, alter or repeal any provision of the 
         Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Corporation so as to affect
         adversely the relative rights, preferences, qualifications,
         limitations or restrictions (including, without limitation, expanding
         the number of members on the Board of Directors) of the Preferred
         Stock; or
                         (iii)    declare or pay any dividend on its Common 
         Stock if any dividends are unpaid on the Preferred Stock; or

                         (iv)     redeem for cash any other securities issued 
         by the Company; or

                         (v)      directly or indirectly, enter into any merger,
         consolidation or other reorganization in which the Company shall no be
         the surviving corporation, unless the surviving corporation shall,
         prior to such merger, consolidation or reorganization, agree in
         writing to assume the obligations of the Company under the Certificate
         of Designation.
               (b)     The provisions of this paragraph 5 shall not in any way
     limit the right and power of the Corporation to issue bonds, notes, 
     mortgages, debentures, common stock, preferred stock ranking junior to the
     terms of the Preferred Stock and other obligations, and to incur 
     indebtedness to banks and to other lenders.

corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and this certificate to be signed by
JAMES S. PERCELL, its president, and RONALD BIANCO, its assistant secretary,
this ___ day of ________________, 1997.

                                      ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS, INC.

                                           JAMES S. PERCELL, President

                                           RONALD BIANCO, Assistant Secretary


         BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared
James S. Percell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the
foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the
purposes and consideration therein expressed.

         GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of office this ____ day of December,

                                      NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR
                                      THE STATE OF TEXAS

THE STATE OF TEXAS           )
COUNTY OF HARRIS             )

         BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared
Ronald Bianco, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the
foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the
purposes and consideration therein expressed.

         GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL of office this ____ day of December,

                                      NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR
                                      THE STATE OF TEXAS
