Contract No. MA-13440



                          THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

                                 UNDER TITLE XI

                  OF THE MERCHANT MARINE ACT, 1936, AS AMENDED

                                  ACCEPTED BY

                             ROWAN COMPANIES, INC.

                         Dated as of September 29, 1998


                          THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

                                  Accepted by

                             ROWAN COMPANIES, INC.

                  (Under Title XI, Merchant Marine Act, 1936,
                        as amended, and in effect on the
                       date of this Guarantee Commitment)


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

 Number         Document
 ------         --------        
   1            Commitment to Guarantee Obligations
   2            Appendix I -- Form of Credit Agreement
   3            Appendix II -- Form of Trust Indenture
   4              Schedule A -- Schedule of Definition to Trust Indenture
   5              Exhibit 1 -- General Provisions Incorporated 
                          into the Trust Indenture by Reference
   6              Exhibit 2 -- Form of Floating Rate Note
   7              Exhibit 3 -- Form of Fixed Rate Note
   8              Exhibit 4 -- Form of Authorization Agreement
   9              Exhibit 5 -- Form of Secretary's Supplemental Indenture
   10           Appendix III -- Security Agreement
   11             Exhibit 1 -- General Provisions Incorporated 
                          into the Security Agreement by Reference
   12             Schedule X -- Schedule of Definitions
   13             Exhibit 2 -- Form of Secretary's Note
   14             Exhibit 3 -- Form of First Preferred Ship Mortgage
   15             Exhibit 4 -- Amendment No. 1 to Title XI Reserve Fund and 
                          Financial Agreement
   16             Exhibit 5 -- Consent of Shipyard
   17             Exhibit 6 -- Construction Contract
   18             Exhibit 7 -- Depository Agreement

                                                                    Contract No.

                          THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                  accepted by
                             ROWAN COMPANIES, INC.

                             TABLE OF CONTENTS  * 

Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Recitals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

ARTICLE I        Findings and Determinations of Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

ARTICLE II       Commitment to Guarantee Obligations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

ARTICLE III      The Obligations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

ARTICLE IV       Covenants of the Shipowner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

ARTICLE V        Conditions to Execution and Delivery of the Authorization
                          Agreement, and the Security Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

ARTICLE VI       Variation of Guarantee Commitment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10

ARTICLE VII      Termination or Assignment of Guarantee Commitment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10

ARTICLE VIII     Conformity To Regulations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10

ARTICLE IX       Miscellaneous  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11

Signatures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12

- ---------------
         * This Table of Contents is not a part of the Guarantee Commitment
and has no bearing upon the interpretation of any of its terms and provisions.
Table A

Appendix I - Form of Credit Agreement

Appendix II - Form of Trust Indenture

Appendix III - Security Agreement


                          THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

                                  Accepted by

                             ROWAN COMPANIES, INC.


         THIS COMMITMENT TO GUARANTEE OBLIGATIONS, dated as of September 29,
1998 (the "Guarantee Commitment"), is made and entered into by the UNITED
STATES OF AMERICA (the "United States"), represented by the SECRETARY OF
"Secretary"), and accepted on said date by ROWAN COMPANIES, INC., a Delaware
corporation (the "Shipowner").


         A.      The Shipowner will be the sole owner of the mobile,
self-contained and elevating drilling platform to be named the GORILLA VI (the
"Vessel") built pursuant to certain construction contract (the "Construction
Contract") with LETOURNEAU, INC., a Texas corporation (the "Shipyard").

         B.      To aid in financing the construction of the Vessel, the
Shipowner will borrow an aggregate principal amount approximately equal to, but
in no event in excess of, 87 1/2% of the Actual Cost of the Vessel.

         C.      As one means of such financing, the Shipowner has entered into
a Credit Agreement (said Credit Agreement, as the same may be amended, modified
or supplemented from time to time as permitted thereunder, herein called the
"Credit Agreement"), by and between the Shipowner and CITIBANK, N.A., a
national banking association (the "Lender").

         D.      The Shipowner will on the Closing Date, execute and deliver a
Trust Indenture (the "Indenture"), between the Shipowner and CITIBANK, N.A., a
national banking association, as Indenture Trustee (the "Indenture Trustee"),
in connection with the Obligations to be issued in respect of the Vessel, in
the aggregate amount, with the maturity and bearing interest at the rate
specified in the Indenture.

         E. Under the Authorization Agreement (the "Authorization Agreement"),
Contract MA-13441 to be entered into on the Closing Date between the Secretary
and the Indenture Trustee, the
Indenture Trustee will be authorized to endorse and execute, by means of
facsimile signature of the Secretary and the facsimile seal of the Department
of Transportation, on each of the Obligations issued and to authenticate a
guarantee by the Secretary of the payment in full of all the unpaid interest
on, and the unpaid balance of the principal of, each Obligation, including
interest accruing between the date of default under such Obligation and the
date of payment by the Secretary (individually, a "Guarantee" and,
collectively, the "Guarantees").

         F.      The Shipowner, as security for the Guarantees, and as security
to the Secretary for the payment to the Secretary of the principal of, and the
interest due or to become due on, the Secretary's Note to be executed in
accordance with the terms thereof, will, on the Closing Date, enter into a
Security Agreement with the Secretary (the "Security Agreement"), Contract
MA-13442, pursuant to which the Shipowner will assign to the Secretary, among
other things, all of the Shipowner's interest in the Construction Contract, and
all other contracts which relate to the construction of the Vessel, as
specified therein, and all property, including the Vessel, in which the
Shipowner has or will have an interest pursuant to the Construction Contract.

         G.      The Shipowner will as further security to the Secretary,
execute and deliver on the Delivery Date, a First Preferred Ship Mortgage,
Contract MA-13443, created under and pursuant to Chapter 313, Title 46 United
States Code, to the Secretary, as Mortgagee, upon and attaching to the Vessel.

         H.      In connection with the execution and delivery of the Security
Agreement, the Shipyard will enter into a consent to the assignment of the
Construction Contract (the "Consent of Shipyard").

         I.      In order to implement certain aspects of the transactions
contemplated by the Security Agreement and the Indenture, the Secretary, the
Shipowner and CITIBANK, N.A., a national banking association, (the
"Depository") will enter into the Depository Agreement, Contract MA-13445 (the
"Depository Agreement").

         J.      The Shipowner will as further security to the Secretary, enter
into Amendment No. 1 to Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial Agreement, 
Contract MA-13261, with the Secretary (the "Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial

                               W I T N E S E T H:

         That under the provisions of Title XI of the Merchant Marine Act,
1936, as amended and in effect on the date hereof (said provisions, as so
amended and in effect on the date hereof, being called "Title XI") and in
consideration of (i) the covenants of the Shipowner contained herein, (ii) the
payment by the Shipowner to the Secretary of the charges for this Guarantee
Commitment pursuant to Section 1104(f) of Title XI, and (iii) other good and
valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, the Secretary hereby commits itself as herein provided.

         The following executed documents are annexed to each counterpart of
this Guarantee Commitment: the Security Agreement, the Title XI Reserve Fund
and Financial Agreement, and the Depository Agreement.

         Annexed to each counterpart of this Guarantee Commitment are forms of
the Consent of Shipyard, the Credit Agreement, the Indenture, the Obligations,
the Authorization Agreement, the Mortgage, and the Secretary's Note. As used
herein, the "Closing Date" refers to the date for the execution and delivery of
the Floating Rate Note as provided in the Credit Agreement annexed hereto, 
subject to the conditions contained in Article V hereof.

         The Consent of Shipyard, the Credit Agreement, the Indenture, the
Obligations, the Authorization Agreement, and the Secretary's Note (except as
otherwise required by the Secretary), shall be executed and delivered
substantially in the respective forms annexed hereto, except that the blanks,
if any, therein shall be filled in as contemplated therein and herein and,
except further that the maturity dates and interest rates of the Obligations
must be further approved by the Secretary. The Mortgage shall be executed and
delivered substantially in the form annexed hereto on the Delivery Date.

                                   ARTICLE I

                    Findings and Determinations of Secretary

         Pursuant to Section 1104(d) of Title XI, the Secretary has found that
the property or project with respect to which the Obligations will be executed
will be, in his opinion, economically sound.

         Pursuant to Sections 1101(f), 1101(g) and 1104(b)(2) of Title XI, the
Secretary has determined that the Actual Cost of the Vessel is $195,437,532.
The Actual Cost of the Vessel is comprised of the amounts determined by the
Secretary set forth in

Table A annexed hereto, and the Secretary has determined that the amounts set
forth in said Table A are itemized as also set forth therein. The Secretary
may, at the request of the Shipowner, make a redetermination of the Actual Cost
of the Vessel to include, in addition to the items set forth or referred to in
said Table A, any other items or any increase in the amounts of the items set
forth or referred to therein.

         The aggregate principal amount of the Obligations will not exceed
87-1/2% of the Actual Cost of the Vessel, and the Shipowner may execute the
Obligations in amounts less than 87-1/2% of the Actual Cost during the
Construction Period, provided that on or prior to two years after the Delivery
Date, the Shipowner shall have executed and delivered Obligations equal to
87-1/2% of Actual Cost, subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

         Pursuant to Section 1104(b)(3) and 1104(b)(5) of Title XI,
respectively, the Secretary has determined that the maturity date of the
Obligations is satisfactory and that the interest rate to be borne by the
Obligations (exclusive of the charges for the Guarantee Fee and service
charges, if any) to be issued on the Closing Date is reasonable, taking into
account the range of interest rates prevailing in the private market for
similar loans and risks assumed by the Secretary.

         Pursuant to Section 1104(b)(4) of Title XI, the Secretary has
determined that payments of principal required by the Obligations are

                                   ARTICLE II

                      Commitment to Guarantee Obligations

         The United States, represented by the Secretary, HEREBY COMMITS ITSELF
TO GUARANTEE (as provided in the Obligations) the payment of the unpaid
interest on, and the unpaid balance of the principal of, the Obligations,
including interest accruing between the date of default under the Obligations
and the payment in full of the Guarantees, and, to effect this Guarantee
Commitment, hereby commits itself to execute and deliver the Authorization
Agreement, the Security Agreement, the Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial
Agreement, and the Depository Agreement on the Closing Date and the Mortgage on
the Delivery Date.

                                  ARTICLE III

                                The Obligations

         The Obligations shall be as provided in the Indenture and in the form
of the Floating Rate Note and the form of the Fixed Rate Note annexed as
Exhibits 2 and 3 to the Indenture, respectively. The Obligations shall be
subject to all of the terms and conditions set forth in the Indenture. The
Credit Agreement, the Indenture, the Floating Rate Note, the Security Agreement,
the Secretary's Note, the Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial Agreement, and the
Depository Agreement shall be executed and delivered by the Shipowner on the
Closing Date. The Mortgage shall be executed and delivered by the Shipowner on
the Delivery Date. The forms of the Credit Agreement, the Indenture, the
Obligations, the Authorization Agreement, the Security Agreement, the Mortgage,
the Secretary's Note, the Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial Agreement, and the
Depository Agreement are hereby approved by the Secretary.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                           Covenants of the Shipowner

         The Shipowner represents and, until termination of this Guarantee
Commitment, agrees:

                 (a)      that the Vessel will be constructed substantially in
accordance with the plans and specifications, as applicable, pursuant to the
Construction Contract, as amended, by LETOURNEAU, INC., a shipyard within the
United States approved by the Secretary, and on the Delivery Date will be and
shall remain documented under the laws of the United States;

                 (b)      to furnish to the Secretary, promptly upon written
request, such reasonable, material and pertinent reports, evidence, proof or
information, in addition to that furnished pursuant to the further provisions
of this Guarantee Commitment or in the application for this Guarantee
Commitment under Title XI or otherwise available to the Secretary, as the
Secretary may reasonably deem necessary or appropriate in connection with the
performance by the Secretary of his duties and functions under the Act;

                 (c)      to maintain records of all amounts paid or obligated
to be paid by or for the account of the Shipowner for the construction of the

                 (d)      to permit the Secretary, promptly upon request, to
make such reasonable, material and pertinent examination and audit of the
Shipowner's books, records and accounts and to take

such information therefrom and make such transcripts or copies thereof, as the
Secretary may reasonably deem necessary or appropriate in connection with the
performance by the Secretary of his duties and functions under the Act;

                 (e)      to execute and deliver on the Closing Date, the
Credit Agreement, the Floating Rate Note, the Indenture, the Security Agreement,
the Secretary's Note, the Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial Agreement, and the
Depository Agreement, and on the Delivery Date, to execute and deliver the

                                   ARTICLE V

                  Conditions to Execution and Delivery of the
               Authorization Agreement and the Security Agreement

         On the Closing Date, the Authorization Agreement shall be executed and
delivered by the United States and the Indenture Trustee; the Security
Agreement, and the Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial Agreement shall be
executed and delivered by the Shipowner and the Secretary; the Credit Agreement
shall be executed and delivered by the Shipowner and the Lender; the
Construction Contract shall be executed and delivered by the Shipowner and the
Shipyard; the Consent of the Shipyard shall be executed and delivered by the
Shipyard; and the Depository Agreement shall be executed and delivered by the
Shipowner, the Secretary and the Depository; and the Secretary's Note shall be
executed and delivered and the Floating Rate Note shall be issued and delivered
by the Shipowner. The obligation of the United States represented by the
Secretary to execute and deliver the Authorization Agreement, the Security
Agreement, the Depository Agreement and the Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial
Agreement on the Closing Date shall be subject to the following conditions
unless waived in writing by the Secretary:

                 (a)      the Closing Date shall occur prior to December 31,

                 (b)      the Shipowner shall have undertaken to execute and
deliver to the Secretary on the Delivery Date a certification

that the Vessel shall be free of any claim, lien, charge, mortgage or other
encumbrance of any character (except the Mortgage, the Security Agreement, and
liens otherwise permitted by Section 2.04 of Exhibit 1 to the Security
Agreement); and the Credit Agreement shall have been executed and delivered on
or prior to the Closing Date and the Indenture and the Obligations shall have
been duly executed and delivered on the Closing Date;

                 (c)      (i) there shall have been delivered to the Secretary
two executed counterparts of the Credit Agreement, and two executed
counterparts of the Indenture, (ii) two specimen copies of the Floating Rate
Note issued under the Indenture; and (iii) two originals of all other documents
delivered by the Shipowner or the Indenture Trustee on the Closing Date;

                 (d)      the following representations and warranties shall
have been made to the Secretary in writing and shall be true as of the Closing

                          (i)     the Shipowner is a corporation duly
         organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
         State of Delaware, has not failed to qualify to do business in any
         jurisdiction in the United States in which its business or properties
         require such qualification, and had and has full legal right,
         corporate power and authority to own its own properties and assets and
         conduct its business as it is presently conducted;

                          (ii)    the Shipowner had and has legal power and
         authority to enter into and carry out the terms of this Guarantee
         Commitment, the Construction Contract, the Credit Agreement, the
         Obligations, the Indenture, the Security Agreement, the Secretary's
         Note, the Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial Agreement, and the
         Depository Agreement;

                          (iii)   each and all of the documents and instruments
         referred to in clause (ii) hereof have been duly authorized, executed
         and delivered by the Shipowner and constitute, in accordance with
         their respective terms, legal, valid and binding instruments
         enforceable against the Shipowner, except to the extent limited by
         applicable bankruptcy, reorganization, insolvency, moratorium or the

         similar laws of general application relating to or affecting the
         enforcement of creditors rights as from time to time in effect;

                          (iv)    the consummation of the transactions
         contemplated by and compliance by the Shipowner of all the terms and
         provisions of the documents and instruments referred to in clause (ii)
         hereof will not violate any provisions of the Certificate of
         Incorporation or By-laws, as amended, of the Shipowner and will not
         result in a breach of the terms and provisions of, or constitute a
         default under any other agreement or undertaking by the Shipowner or
         by which the Shipowner is bound or any order of any court or
         administrative agency entered into in any proceedings to which the
         Shipowner is or has been a party;

                          (v)     there is no litigation, proceeding or
         investigation pending or, to the best of the Shipowner's knowledge,
         threatened, involving the Shipowner or any of its property which could
         prevent or jeopardize the performance by the Shipowner of the
         documents and instruments referred to in clause (ii) hereof.

                 (e)      there shall have been delivered to the Secretary a
copy of each document and legal opinion delivered to the Lender on the Closing

                 (f)      the Secretary shall have received the Guarantee Fee
payable under the Security Agreement;

                 (g)      all charges levied or assessed by the Secretary under
Section 1104(f) of Title XI shall have been paid by the Shipowner;

                 (h)      the Shipowner shall have performed without material
breach its agreements under Article IV hereof, and the further terms,
conditions and provisions of this Guarantee Commitment shall have been complied
with in all material respects;

                 (i)      there shall not have occurred any event which
constitutes (or after any period of time or any notice, or both, would
constitute) a "Default" under the Security Agreement;

                 (j)      there shall have been delivered to the Secretary by
the Shipowner an opinion (or opinions) of counsel acceptable to the Secretary,
and in form and substance satisfactory to the Secretary, to the effect that:

                          (i)     by the terms of the Security Agreement, the
         Shipowner has granted to the Secretary a fully perfected,

         first priority security interest in each of the assets which
         constitutes the Security, as defined therein;

                          (ii)    all filings and recordings required or
         available to perfect the Secretary's first priority security interests
         in the Security, as defined in the Security Agreement, granted by the
         Shipowner in the Security Agreement, and to render such security
         interests valid and enforceable under the laws of the States of
         Delaware, Texas and Mississippi (including without limitation, all
         filings of financing statements under the UCC) have been duly
         effected, and no periodic refiling or periodic re-recording is
         required to protect and preserve the perfection and first priority of
         such security interests, except as provided by the laws of such

                          (iii)   all agreements have been executed and all
         action has been taken which are required under the laws of the State of
         New York in order to insure that the Secretary has a fully perfected
         first priority security interest in the amounts held or to be held by
         the Depository under the Depository Agreement, at whatever time,
         whether such amounts are cash, instruments, negotiable documents,
         chattel paper, proceeds thereof or otherwise (the "Funds");

                 (k)      there shall have been executed and delivered to the
Secretary an opinion of counsel in form and substance satisfactory to the

                 (l)      the Secretary shall have received a letter agreement
from the Shipowner to provide the Secretary within a reasonable time after the
Closing Date, with seven conformed copies of the Guarantee Commitment and each
of the Appendices and Exhibits thereto executed on or prior to such date;

                 (m)      on the Closing Date, the qualifying requirements set
forth in Section 15 of the Title XI Reserve Fund and Financial Agreement shall
have been complied with and certified to as required therein;

                 (n)      at least ten days prior to the Closing Date, there
shall have been delivered to the Secretary, pro forma balance sheets for the
Shipowner as of the last date of the month immediately preceding the Closing
Date, certified by an officer of the Shipowner showing, among other things, all
non-Title XI debt of the Shipowner;

                 (o)      on the Closing Date, the Shipowner shall certify that
all non-Title XI loans to the Shipowner relating to the vessel have been

                 (p)      at least ten days prior to the Closing Date the
Shipowner shall have provided the Secretary with satisfactory evidence of
insurance and at least ten days prior to the Delivery Date the Shipowner shall
have provided the Secretary with satisfactory evidence of marine insurance as
required by the Security Agreement; and

                 (r)      on the Closing Date, the Shipowner shall have
undertaken to execute and deliver the Mortgage to the Secretary on the Delivery

                                   ARTICLE VI

                       Variation of Guarantee Commitment

         No variation from the terms and conditions hereof shall be permitted
except pursuant to an amendment executed by the Secretary and accepted by the

                                  ARTICLE VII

               Termination or Assignment of Guarantee Commitment

         This Guarantee Commitment may terminate and the parties hereto shall
have no further rights or obligations hereunder, upon written notice by the
Secretary, after the earlier of (a) the termination of the obligations of the
United States pursuant to the Shipowner's failure to satisfy one or more
conditions set forth in Article V hereof or (b) the execution and delivery of
the Security Agreement and the Authorization Agreement.

         This Guarantee Commitment may not be assigned by the Shipowner without
the prior written approval of the Secretary and any attempt to do so shall be
null and void ab initio.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                          Conformity with Regulations

         The Secretary hereby affirms that, with respect to the rights of the
Indenture Trustee and the Holders of the Obligations, this Guarantee Commitment
conforms to its existing regulations governing the issuance of commitments to
guarantee and guarantees under Title XI of the Act and that this Guarantee
Commitment contains a complete list of conditions required for

the execution and delivery of guarantees including the Guarantees.

                                   ARTICLE IX


         (a)     The table of contents and the titles of the Articles are
inserted as a matter of convenient reference and shall not be construed as a
part of this Guarantee Commitment. This Guarantee Commitment may be executed in
any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but such
counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument.

         (b)     For all purposes of this Guarantee Commitment, unless
otherwise expressly provided or unless the context shall otherwise require:

                          (i)     The terms "hereof," "herein," "hereby,"
         "hereto," "hereunder," "hereinafter" and "herewith" refer to this
         Guarantee Commitment as the same may be supplemented or amended as
         herein provided; and

                          (ii)    Terms defined in Schedule X of the Security
         Agreement annexed hereto or by reference therein to other instruments
         shall have the respective meanings stated in Schedule X or such other

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Commitment to Guarantee Obligations has been
executed by the United States and accepted by the Shipowner, all as of the day
and year first above written.

                                        UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,
                                        SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION

                                        BY:     MARITIME ADMINISTRATION

                                        BY:     Joel C. Richard
                                             Maritime Administration


  Sarah J. Washington
- -----------------------
  Assistant Secretary
Maritime Administration

                                        ACCEPTED BY:

                                        ROWAN COMPANIES, INC.
                                            as Shipowner

                                        BY:     E. E. Thiele
                                             Senior Vice President



BY:      Mark H. Hay


                                                                     Document 14

                                                   FIRST PREFERRED SHIP MORTGAGE

                                                Covering the whole of the Vessel
                                                   listed in the GRANTING CLAUSE

                                                                       Exhibit 3
                                                              Security Agreement
Contract No. MA-13443

                         FIRST PREFERRED SHIP MORTGAGE

                             ROWAN COMPANIES, INC.
                                        Shipowner and Mortgagor



                          THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

                 represented by the Secretary of Transportation
                           acting by and through the
                             Maritime Administrator
           Maritime Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
                            400 Seventh Street, S.W.
                             Washington, D.C. 20590

                            Dated as of ____________


                        Covering the whole of the Vessel
                                 listed in the
                                GRANTING CLAUSE
                         FIRST PREFERRED SHIP MORTGAGE

         THIS FIRST PREFERRED SHIP MORTGAGE, effective as of _______________,
19__, is made by ROWAN COMPANIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Shipowner"
and "Mortgagor") located at 5450 Transco Tower, 2800 Post Oak Blvd., Houston,
Texas 77056-6196, to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (the "United States"),
represented by the Secretary of Transportation, acting by and through the
Maritime Administrator (the "Secretary" and "Mortgagee") located at the U.S.
Department of Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590.

         WHEREAS, the Shipowner is the sole owner of the whole of the GORILLA VI
more fully described in the Granting Clause below;

         WHEREAS, the Shipowner has, in consideration of the issuance of certain
Guarantees (the "Guarantees") by the Secretary, pursuant to Title XI of the
Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended ("Title XI"), of the payment of the unpaid
interest on, and the unpaid balance of the principal of, the United States
Government Guaranteed Ship Financing Obligations, GORILLA VI Series issued by
the Shipowner in the aggregate principal amount of $171,007,000 (the
"Obligations"), and pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Security
Agreement, dated September 29, 1998, between the Shipowner and the Secretary
(herein as it may be amended or supplemented, called the "Security Agreement"),
issued and delivered to the Secretary its promissory note dated September 29,
1998, payable to the Secretary in the principal amount of $171,007,000 (said
promissory note in the form attached to the Security Agreement as Exhibit 2
being herein called the "Secretary's Note"); and the Shipowner has agreed to
execute and deliver this First Preferred Ship Mortgage to the Secretary
(hereinafter referred to in this Mortgage as the "Mortgagee") for the purpose of
securing the Shipowner's obligations to the Secretary with respect to the
Guarantees and the payment of the principal of and interest on the Secretary's
Note in accordance with its terms, and the terms of the Security Agreement and
this Mortgage (the Mortgage, as the same may hereafter be amended or
supplemented in accordance with the terms hereof, herein called the "Mortgage");


         That, in consideration of the premises and of the additional covenants
herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, and as security for the Guarantees
and in order to secure the payment of the above-mentioned interest on and
principal of the Secretary's Note and all other sums that may be
secured by the Mortgage and the Security Agreement, and to secure the due
performance and observance of all the agreements and covenants in the
Secretary's Note and herein contained, the Shipowner has granted, conveyed,
mortgaged, pledged, confirmed, assigned, transferred and set over, and by these
presents does grant, convey, mortgage, pledge, confirm, assign, transfer and set
over unto the Mortgagee, the whole of the Vessel described as follows: GORILLA
VI, O.N._______, which Vessel is more fully described in its certificate of
documentation, together with all of its boilers, engines, machinery, masts,
spares, rigging, boats, anchors, cables, chains, tackle, tools, pumps and
pumping equipment, apparel, furniture, fittings and equipment, spare parts and
all other appurtenances to said Vessel appertaining or belonging, whether now
owned or hereafter acquired whether on board or not and all additions,
improvements, renewals and replacements hereafter made in or to said Vessel or
said appurtenances.

         TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular, the above mortgaged and
described property unto the Mortgagee, to its own use, benefit and behoof

         PROVIDED, HOWEVER, and these presents are upon the condition that, if
the above-mentioned principal of and interest on the Secretary's Note are paid
or satisfied in accordance with the terms thereof, the Security Agreement and
this Mortgage, and all other job obligations and liabilities that may be secured
by the Security Agreement and this Mortgage are paid in accordance with their
terms, then this Mortgage and the estate and rights hereunder shall cease,
determine and be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect.

         The Shipowner hereby agrees with the Mortgagee that the Vessel subject
to the lien of this mortgage is to be held subject to the further agreements
and conditions hereinafter set forth.

                                 ARTICLE FIRST

         Section 1. The execution and delivery of this Mortgage and the
execution and delivery of the Secretary's Note have each been duly authorized
by the Shipowner and are not in contravention of any indenture or undertaking
to which the Shipowner is a party or by which it is bound.

         Section 2. All of the covenants and agreements on the part of the
Shipowner including, without limitation, those relating to maintenance of
United States citizenship; organization and existence of the Shipowner; title
to and possession of the Vessel; sale, transfer or charter of the Vessel;
taxes; liens; documentation of the Vessel; material changes in the Vessel;

compliance with applicable laws; maintenance of marine insurance; requisition
of title; and compliance with Chapter 313 of Title 46 of the United States
Code, which are set forth in, and all of the rights, immunities, powers and
remedies of the Secretary which are provided for in the Security Agreement
(including the Special Provisions thereof and the General Provisions of Exhibit
1 thereto), except for the Granting Clause thereof, together with all other
provisions of the Security Agreement, are incorporated herein by reference with
the same force and effect as though set forth at length in this Mortgage, and
true copies of the form of the Special Provisions of and Exhibit 1 to the
Security Agreement are annexed hereto.

         Section 3. A Default pursuant to the provisions of the Security
Agreement shall constitute a default hereunder, and shall give the Mortgagee
the rights and remedies established by Chapter 313 of Title 46 of the United
States Code, and as provided in the Security Agreement.

         Section 4. This instrument is executed as and shall constitute an
instrument supplemental to the Security Agreement, and shall be construed in
connection with, and as part of, the Security Agreement.

                                 ARTICLE SECOND

         Section 1. This Mortgage may be executed in any number of counterparts
and all such counterparts executed and delivered each as an original shall
constitute but one and the same instruments.

         Section 2. All the covenants, promises, stipulations and agreements of
the Shipowner in this Mortgage shall bind the Shipowner and its successors and
assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of the Mortgagee and its successors and
assigns, and all the covenants, promises, stipulations and agreements of the
Mortgagee in this Mortgage contained herein, shall bind the Mortgagee and its
successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of the Shipowner and its
successors and assigns, whether so expressed or not.

         Section 3. Any term used herein which is defined in the Security
Agreement and which is not specifically defined herein shall have the meaning
specified in the Security Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires.

         Section 4. No provision of this Mortgage or of the Security Agreement
shall be deemed to constitute a waiver by the Mortgagee of the preferred status
of the Mortgage given by 46 U.S.C. Section 31305, and any provision of this
Mortgage or of the Security

Agreement which would otherwise constitute such a waiver, shall to such extent
be of no force and effect.

         Section 5. If the Secretary's Note shall have been satisfied and
discharged, and if the Shipowner shall pay or cause to be paid all other sums
that may have become secured under the Security Agreement and this Mortgage,
then this Mortgage and the estate and rights hereunder shall cease, determine,
and become null and void; and the Secretary, on request of the Shipowner and at
the Shipowner's cost and expense, shall forthwith cause satisfaction and
discharge of this Mortgage to be entered upon its and other appropriate
records, and shall execute and deliver to the Shipowner such instruments as may
be necessary, duly acknowledging the satisfaction and discharge of this

                                 ARTICLE THIRD

         The total principal amount of the obligations that is secured by this
DOLLARS AND NO/100's ($171,007,000) (together with any additional sums owed by
the Shipowner to the Secretary pursuant to the provisions of the Security
Agreement including, but not limited to, sections 2.14 and 6.05), excluding
interest, expenses, and fees (such as custodial costs and attorneys' fees). The
date of maturity is March 15, 2012.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been executed on the date
below indicated, and effective as of the day and year first above written.

                                        ROWAN COMPANIES, INC.,
                                                 as Shipowner
                                             Senior Vice President
                                             Date Signed:
- -------------------------------

                                        UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                        SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION
                                        acting by and through the
                                        MARITIME ADMINISTRATOR

                                             Maritime Administration


                          ) ss:

         On this day _____ of ____________, 19__, before me, _________________,
a Notary Public in and for the District of Columbia, personally appeared
______________________, duly known to me to be the Senior Vice President of
ROWAN COMPANIES, INC., a Delaware corporation, the corporation described in and
that executed the instrument hereto annexed and acknowledged to me that the
seal affixed to said instrument is such corporation's seal, that it was so
affixed by authority set forth in the By-laws or said corporation, and that
he/she signed his/her name thereto by like authority.

                                                   NOTARY PUBLIC

[NOTARIAL SEAL]                                                                

My Commission Expires:


                          ) ss:

         I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the District of
Columbia, do hereby certify that _____________, Secretary of the Maritime
Administration, personally appeared before me in said District, the aforesaid
officer being personally well known to me as the person who executed the
Mortgage hereto annexed, and acknowledged the same to be his/her act and deed
as said officer.

         Given under my hand and seal this ____ day of ______________.

                                                   NOTARY PUBLIC


My Commission Expires:
