[CHASE LOGO]

                               BMC Software, Inc.
                             Senior Credit Facility
                               Commitment Letter

                                                                   March 8, 1999

BMC Software, Inc.
2101 CityWest Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77042

Attention: Michael Shryock

     You (the "Borrower") have requested that Chase Securities Inc. ("CSI") 
agree to structure, arrange and syndicate a senior revolving credit facility in 
an aggregate amount of up to $500,000,000 (the "Facility"), and that Chase Bank 
of Texas, National Association ("Chase"), commit to provide the entire 
principal amount of the Facility and to serve as administrative agent for the 

     CSI is pleased to advise you that it is willing to act as exclusive 
advisor, lead arranger, and book manager for the Facility.

     Furthermore, Chase is pleased to advise you of (a) its commitment to 
provide the entire amount of the Facility upon the terms and subject to the 
conditions set forth or referred to in this commitment letter (the "Commitment 
Letter") and in the Summary of Terms and Conditions attached hereto as Exhibit 
A (the "Term Sheet").

     It is agreed that Chase will act as the sole and exclusive Administrative 
Agent, and that CSI will act as the sole and exclusive advisor, lead arranger, 
and book manager (in such capacity, the "Arranger"), for the Facility, and each 
will, in such capacities, perform the duties and exercise the authority 
customarily performed and exercised by it in such roles. You agree that no
other agents, co-agents or arrangers will be appointed, no other titles will be 
awarded and no compensation (other than that expressly contemplated by the Term 
Sheet and the Fee Letter referred to below) will be paid in connection with the 
Facility unless you and we shall so agree.

     We intend to syndicate the Facility to a group of financial institutions 
(together with Chase, the "Lenders") identified by us in consultation with you. 
CSI intends to commence syndication efforts promptly upon the execution of this 
Commitment Letter, and you agree actively to assist CSI in completing a 
syndication satisfactory to it. Such assistance shall include (a) your using 
commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the syndication efforts benefit 
materially from your existing lending relationships, (b) direct contact between 
senior management and advisors of the Borrower and the proposed Lenders, (c) 
assistance in the preparation of a Confidential Information Memorandum and 
other marketing materials to be used in connection with the syndication and (d) 
the hosting, with CSI, of one or more meetings of prospective Lenders.

     As the Arranger, CSI will manage all aspects of the syndication, including 
decisions as to the selection of institutions to be approached and when they 
will be approached, when their commitments will be accepted, which institutions 
will participate, the allocations of the commitments among the Lenders and the 
amount and distribution of fees among the Lenders. In acting as the Arranger, 
CSI will have no responsibility other than to arrange the syndication. To 
assist CSI in its syndication efforts, you agree

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March 5, 1999
Page 2

promptly to prepare and provide to CSI and Chase all information with respect 
to the Borrower and the transactions contemplated hereby, including all 
financial information and projections (the "Projections"), as we may reasonably 
request in connection with the arrangement and syndication of the Facility. You 
hereby represent and covenant that (a) all information other than the 
Projections (the "Information") that has been or will be made available to 
Chase or CSI by you or any of your representatives is or will be, when 
furnished, complete and correct in all material respects and does not or will 
not, when furnished, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to 
state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements contained 
therein not materially misleading in light of the circumstances under which 
such statements are made and (b) the Projections that have been or will be made 
available to Chase or CSI by you or any of your representatives have been or 
will be prepared in good faith based upon reasonable assumptions. You 
understand that in arranging and syndicating the Facility we may use and rely 
on the Information and Projections without independent verification thereof.

     As consideration for Chase's commitment hereunder and CSI's agreement to
perform the services described herein, you agree to pay to Chase the
nonrefundable fees in the Fee Letter dated the date hereof and delivered
herewith (the "Fee Letter").

     Chase and CSI shall be entitled, after consultation with you and with your
consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, to change the structure,
terms, amount or pricing of the Facility if the syndication has not been
completed and if Chase and CSI determine that such changes are advisable in
order to ensure a successful syndication of the Facility. Chase's commitment
hereunder is subject to the agreements in this paragraph.

     Chase's commitment hereunder and CSI's agreement to perform the services
described herein are subject to (a) there not occurring or becoming known to us
any material adverse condition or material adverse change in or affecting the
business, operations, property, condition (financial or otherwise) or prospects
of the Borrower and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, (b) our completion of
and satisfaction in all respects with a due diligence investigation of the
Borrower and the acquisition candidate contemplated with this Facility, (c) our
not becoming aware after the date hereof of any information or other matter
affecting the Borrower or the transactions contemplated hereby which is
inconsistent in a material and adverse manner with any such information or other
matter disclosed to us prior to the date hereof, (d) there not having occurred a
material disruption of or material adverse change in financial, banking or
capital market conditions that, in our judgment, could materially impair the
syndication of the Facility, (e) our satisfaction that prior to and during the
syndication of the Facility there shall be no competing offering, placement or
arrangement of any debt securities or bank financing by or on behalf of the
Borrower or any affiliate thereof, (f) the negotiation, execution and delivery
on or before May 7, 1999 of definitive documentation with respect to the
Facility satisfactory to Chase and its counsel and (h) the other conditions set
forth or referred to in the Term Sheet. The terms and conditions of Chase's
commitment hereunder and of the Facility are not limited to those set forth
herein and in the Term Sheet. Those matters that are not covered by the
provisions hereof and of the Term Sheet are subject to the approval and
agreement of Chase, CSI and the Borrower.

     You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Chase, CSI, the other Lenders,
their respective affiliates and their respective officers, directors, employees,
advisors, and agents (each, an "indemnified person") from and against any and
all losses, claims, damages and liabilities to which any such indemnified person
may become subject arising out of or in connection with this Commitment Letter,
the Facility, the use of the proceeds thereof or any related transaction or any
claim, litigation, investigation or proceeding relating to any of the foregoing,
regardless of whether any indemnified person is a party thereto, and to
reimburse each indemnified person upon demand for any legal or other expenses
incurred in connection with investigating or defending any of the foregoing,
provided that the foregoing indemnity will not, as to any indemnified person,
apply to losses, claims, damages, liabilities or related expenses to the extent
they arise from the willful misconduct, unlawful conduct or gross negligence of

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March 5, 1999
Page 3

also agree to reimburse Chase, CSI and their affiliates on demand for all
out-of-pocket expenses (including syndication expenses, travel expenses, and
reasonable fees, charges and disbursements of counsel) incurred in connection
with the Facility and any related documentation (including this Commitment
Letter, the Term Sheet, the Fee Letter and the definitive financing
documentation) or the administration, amendment, modification or waiver
thereof. No indemnified person shall be liable for any damages arising from the
use by others of Information or other materials obtained through electronic,
telecommunications or other information transmission systems or for any
special, indirect, consequential or punitive damages in connection with the

         This Commitment Letter shall not be assignable by you without the prior
written consent of Chase and CSI (and any purported assignment without such
consent shall be null and void), is intended to be solely for the benefit of the
parties hereto and is not intended to confer any benefits upon, or create any
rights in favor of, any person other than the parties hereto. This Commitment
Letter may not be amended or waived except by an instrument in writing signed by
you, Chase and CSI. This Commitment Letter may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which shall be an original, and all of which, when taken
together, shall constitute one agreement. Delivery of an executed signature page
of this Commitment Letter by facsimile transmission shall be effective as
delivery of manually executed counterpart hereof. This Commitment Letter and the
Fee Letter are the only agreements that have been entered into among us with
respect to the Facility and set forth the entire understanding of the parties
with respect thereto. This Commitment Letter shall be governed by, and construed
in accordance with, the laws of the State of Texas.

         This Commitment Letter is delivered to you on the understanding that
neither this Commitment Letter, the Term Sheet or the Fee Letter nor any of
their terms or substance shall be disclosed, directly or indirectly, to any
other person except (a) to your officers, agents and advisors who are directly
involved in the consideration of this matter or (b) as may be compelled in a
judicial or administrative proceeding or as otherwise required by law (in which
case you agree to inform us promptly thereof), provided, that the foregoing
restrictions shall cease to apply (except in respect of the Fee Letter and its
terms and substance) after this Commitment Letter has been accepted by you.

         You acknowledge that CSI and Chase may be providing debt financing,
equity capital or other services (including financial advisory services) to
other companies in respect of which you may have conflicting interests regarding
the transactions described herein and otherwise. Neither CSI nor Chase will use
confidential information obtained from you by virtue of the transactions
contemplated by this letter or their other relationships with you in connection
with the performance by CSI or Chase of services for other companies, and
neither CSI nor Chase will furnish any such information to other companies. You
also acknowledge that CSI and Chase have no obligation to use in connection with
the transactions contemplated by this letter, or to furnish to you, confidential
information obtained from other companies.

         The reimbursement, indemnification and confidentiality provisions
contained herein and in the Fee Letter shall remain in full force and effect
regardless of whether definitive financing documentation shall be executed and
delivered and notwithstanding the termination of this Commitment Letter or
Chase's commitment hereunder.

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March 5, 1999
Page 4

     If the foregoing correctly sets forth our agreement, please indicate your
acceptance of the terms hereof and of the Term Sheet and the Fee Letter by
returning to us executed counterparts hereof and of the Fee Letter not later
than 5:00 p.m., Central Standard Time, on March 10, 1999. Chase's commitment and
CSI's agreements herein will expire at such time in the event Chase has not
received such executed counterparts in accordance with the immediately preceding

     Chase and CSI are pleased to have been given the opportunity to assist you
in connection with this important financing.
                                Very truly yours,
                                CHASE BANK OF TEXAS, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

                                By: /s/ MICHAEL A. CERDA
                                Name:  Michael A. Cerda
                                Title: Vice President

                                CHASE SECURITIES INC.

                                By: /s/ GREGORY M. SPIER
                                Name:  Gregory M. Spier
                                Title: Managing Director
Accepted and agreed to as of
the date first written above by:


Name:  Stephen Solcher
Title: Treasurer
                                   EXHIBIT A

MARCH 8, 1999

                         SUMMARY OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Borrower:                BMC Software, Inc.

Facilities:              Up to $500,000,000; 364-Day Revolving Credit Facility, 
                         with one year term out option. Facility to include a 
                         Competitive Bid Option for the Borrower to request 
                         Competitive Bids. Four (4) days advance notice to 
                         Agent required via telephone with written 
                         confirmation. Typical Competitive Bid procedures shall 

Maturity:                364 days from Closing. Additionally, at the option of 
                         the Borrower, the ability to term out the outstandings 
                         under the revolver at maturity, payable within one 
                         year from the date of the term out request.

Minimum Initial
Commitment Per
Institution:             $200,000,000 for each Primary Institution

Required Lenders:        51% of Commitments

Commitment Date:         March 9, 1999

Closing Date:            Closing and Funding to occur on or before April 7, 

Purpose:                 For general corporate purposes including working 
                         capital, capital expenditures and acquisitions.

Interest Rate:           Performance Pricing tied to a Funded Debt to EBITDA 

- -----------------------------------------------------------
Funded Debt/EBITDA       LIBOR Margin*       Facility Fee**
- -----------------------------------------------------------
>2.25X                   92.5 b.p.s.         20.0 b.p.s.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
>1.50X                   72.5 b.p.s.         15.0 b.p.s.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
>0.75X                   62.5 b.p.s.         12.5 b.p.s.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
<0.75X                   52.5 b.p.s.         10.0 b.p.s.
- -----------------------------------------------------------

* If the Borrower elects the one year term option, the LIBOR Margin will 
Increase by 12.5 bps across all grid points. Additionally, in anticipation of 
receiving a rating from both S&P and Moody's, a ratings grid will be 
incorporated into the documentation reflecting drawn pricing of 50 bps for a 
BBB+/Baa1 senior, unsecured debt rating. The other grid points to be determined.

** The Facility Fee will be paid on the commitment amount regardless of usage.
Underwriting Fee:        An underwriting fee as set forth in the fee letter
                         on allocated underwritten commitment. Payable
                         on the funding date of the facility, to be reduced by
                         amount of fees necessary for secondary syndication.

Facility Fee:            A facility fee shall be paid to each Lender on the
                         basis of such Lenders allocated share of the
                         Commitments (both drawn and undrawn portion) in the
                         amount of applicable Facility Fee (as shown on the
                         table for same).

Agent Titles:            To be determined on 3/10/99.

Financial Covenants: o   The Total funded Debt to EBITDA shall not exceed 2.5X
                         EBITDA based upon a rolling four quarter basis and
                         including historical EBITDA of the acquired companies.

                     o   Borrower and its Subsidiaries shall at all times
                         maintain ownership (free and clear of all encumbrances)
                         of at least $300,000,000 in cash and/or marketable

Documentation:           The Credit Documentation shall contain representations,
                         warranties, covenants and events of default customary
                         for financings of this type and other terms deemed
                         appropriate by the Lenders, including, without

                         Representations and Warranties:  Financial statements;
                         no material adverse change; corporate existence;
                         compliance with law; corporate power and authority;
                         enforceability of Credit Documentation; no conflict
                         with law or contractual obligations; no material
                         litigation; no default; ownership of property;
                         intellectual property; taxes; Federal Reserve
                         regulations: ERISA; Investment Company Act; Year 2000
                         matters; accuracy of disclosure.

                         Affirmative Covenants: Delivery of financial
                         statements, reports accountants' letters, projections,
                         officers' certificates and other information reasonably
                         requested by the Lenders; continuation of business and
                         maintenance of existence and material rights and
                         privileges; compliance with laws and material
                         contractual obligations; maintenance of property and
                         insurance; maintenance of books and records; right of
                         the Lenders to inspect property and books and records;
                         and notices of defaults, litigation and other material

                        Negative Covenants: Limitations on: liens; mergers,
                        consolidations, sales of assets; transactions with
                        affiliates; sale and leasebacks; and changes in lines of

                        Events of Default: Nonpayment of principal when due;
                        nonpayment of interest, fees or other; material
                        inaccuracy of representations and warranties; violation
                        of covenants (subject, in the case of certain
                        affirmative covenants, to a grace period to be agreed
                        upon); cross-default; bankruptcy events; certain ERISA
                        events; material judgments; and a change of control (the
                        definition of which is to be agreed).

                        Conditions: to be mutually agreed upon between
                        Administrative Agent and Borrower.

Syndication Sell-Down
Strategy:               Every dollar raised during the syndication process will
                        reduce the Primary Lender's positions until each Primary
                        Lender's position reaches $50,000,000. No Primary
                        Lender's position will be reduced below $50,000,000
                        until every Primary Lender's position is reduced to

Indemnification:        The Administrative Agent, the Arranger, the Agents and
                        the Lenders (and their affiliates and their respective
                        officers, directors, employees, advisors and agents)
                        will have no liability for, and will be indemnified and
                        held harmless against, any loss, liability, cost or
                        expense incurred in respect of the financing
                        contemplated hereby or the use or the proposed use of
                        proceeds thereof (except to the extent resulting from
                        the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the
                        indemnified party).

Governing Law
and Forum:              State of Texas.

March 9, 1999

BMC Software, Inc.
2101 Citywest Blvd.
Houston, TX 77042

Attention: Mike Shryock

     Re:    $500,000,000 Facility 

Ladies and Gentlemen:

NationsBank, N.A. ("NationsBank") is pleased to offer its commitment to lend up
to $500,000,000 of the Facility, upon and subject to the terms and conditions of
this letter and the Summary of Terms and Conditions attached hereto (the
"Summary of Terms"). NationsBanc Montgomery Securities LLC ("NMS") is pleased to
advise you of its willingness, as Lead Arranger and Book Manager for the
Facility, to use its best efforts to form a syndicate of financial institutions
(the "Lenders") reasonably acceptable to you for the Facility.

The commitment of NationsBank hereunder and the agreement of NMS to provide the
services described herein are subject to the satisfaction of each of the
following conditions precedent in a manner acceptable to us in our sole
discretion: (a) each of the terms and conditions set forth herein and in the
Summary of Terms; (b) the completion of all due diligence with respect to the
Borrower and its subsidiaries in scope and determination satisfactory to us in
our sole discretion; (c) the negotiation, execution and delivery of definitive
documentation for the Facility consistent with the Summary of Terms and
otherwise satisfactory to us; (d) since the date hereof, no material adverse
change in or material disruption of conditions in the financial, banking or
capital markets which we, in our sole discretion, deem material in connection
with the syndication of the Facility shall have occurred and be continuing; (e)
no change, occurrence or development that could, in our opinion, have a material
adverse effect on the business, assets, liabilities (actual or contingent),
operations, condition (financial or otherwise) or prospects of the Borrower and
its subsidiaries taken as a whole shall have occurred or become known to us; and
(f) our not becoming aware after the date hereof of any information or other
matter which in our judgment is inconsistent in a material and adverse manner
with any information or other matter disclosed to us prior to the date hereof.

The terms of this letter, the Summary of Terms and the fee letter among you and 
us (the "Fee Letter") are confidential and, except for disclosure on a 
confidential basis to your accountants, attorneys and other professional 
advisors retained by you in connection with the Facility or as may be 
required by law, may not be disclosed in whole or in part to any other person 
or entity without our prior written consent. We hereby consent to your 
disclosure of a copy of this letter and the Summary of Terms (but not the Fee 
Letter), provided that any information relating to pricing, fees and expenses 
is omitted.

This letter and the Fee Letter shall be governed by laws of the State of Texas. 
This offer will expire at 5:00 p.m. central time on March 12, 1999.

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March 9, 1999
Page 2

We are pleased to have the opportunity to work with you in connection with this 
important financing.

Very truly yours,


Title: Vice President


Title: Managing Director

Accepted and Agreed to
as of March 10, 1999:


Title: Treasurer

Confidential                                                  BMC Software, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        SUMMARY OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
                               BMC SOFTWARE, INC.
                             $500,000,000 FACILITY

BORROWER:               BMC Software, Inc., (the "Borrower").

AND BOOK MANAGERS:      Financial institutions reasonably acceptable to the
                        Borrower, NationsBank and NMS, to be determined on March
                        10, 1999.

FACILITY:               An aggregate principal amount of up to $500,000,000 will
                        be available upon the terms and conditions hereinafter
                        set forth:

                        Revolving Credit Facility: $500 million 364 day
                        revolving credit facility (the "Facility"). Facility to
                        include a Competitive Bid Option for the Borrower to
                        request Competitive Bids. Four (4) days advance notice
                        to Agent required via telephone with written
                        confirmation. Typical competitive Bid procedures shall

PURPOSE:                The proceeds of the Facility shall be used for general
                        corporate purposes including for working capital,
                        capital expenditures, and other lawful corporate
                        purposes and acquisitions.

CLOSING:                The execution of definitive loan documentation and
                        funding by NationsBank, to occur on or before April 7,
                        1999 ("Closing").

INTEREST RATES:         As set forth in Addendum I.

MATURITY:               The Revolving Facility shall terminate and all amounts
                        outstanding thereunder shall be due and payable 364 days
                        from Closing. Provided that no event of default under
                        the Facility or incipient default has occurred and is
                        then continuing, the outstanding principal amount of
                        loans under the Revolving Facility on such maturity date
                        may, at the Borrower's election, be converted to a term
                        loan which will be repayable in a single payment one (1)
                        year from such maturity date.

CEDENT TO CLOSING:      The Closing (and the initial funding) of the Facility
                        will be subject to satisfaction of the conditions
                        precedent to be mutually agreed upon by the Borrower,
                        Agents and the Lenders.

DOCUMENTATION:          The Credit Documentation shall contain representations
                        warranties, covenants and events of default customary
                        for financings of this type and other terms deemed
                        appropriate by the Lenders, to be mutually agreed upon
                        by the Borrower, Agents and the Lenders.

AND WARRANTIES:         Usual and customary for transactions of this type, to
                        include without limitation: correctness of financial
                        statements; no material adverse change; corporate
                        existence and status; corporate power and authority;
                        enforceability of Credit Documentation; compliance with
                        law or contractual obligations; no material litigation;
                        no default; ownership of property; intellectual
                        property; no required governmental or third party
                        approvals; use of proceeds/compliance with margin
                        regulations; status under Investment Company Act; ERISA
                        matters; environmental

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[BANK OF AMERICA LOGO]               Page 1                        March 9, 1999
Confidential                                                  BMC Software, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         matters; payment of taxes; accuracy of disclosure; and
                         Year 2000 preparedness.

COVENANTS:               Affirmative Covenants: Delivery of financial
                         statements, reports accountants' letters, projections,
                         officers' certificates and other information reasonable
                         requested by the Lenders; continuation of business and
                         maintenance of existence and material rights and
                         privileges; compliance with laws and material
                         contractual obligations; maintenance of property and
                         insurance; maintenance of books and records; right of
                         the Lenders to inspect property and books and records,
                         and; notices of defaults, litigation and other material

                         Negative Covenants: Limitations on liens; mergers,
                         consolidations, sales of assets; transactions with
                         affiliates; sale and leasebacks; and changes in lines
                         of business.

                         Financial covenants:

                         o    The Total Funded Debt to EBITDA shall not exceed 
                              2.5 to 1.0.

                         o    Borrower and its Subsidiaries shall at all times
                              maintain ownership (free and clear of all 
                              encumbrances) of at least $300,000,000 in cash 
                              and/or marketable securities.

EVENTS OF DEFAULT:       Nonpayment of principal when due; nonpayment of
                         interest, fees or other; material inaccuracy of
                         representations and warranties; violation of covenants
                         (subject, in the case of certain affirmative covenants,
                         to a grace period to be agreed upon); cross-default;
                         bankruptcy events; certain ERISA events; material
                         judgements; and a change of control (the definition of
                         which is to be agreed).

REQUIRED LENDERS:        Amendments and waivers of the provisions of the loan
                         agreement and other definitive credit documentation
                         will require the approval of Lenders holding loans and
                         commitments representing more than 50% of the aggregate
                         amount of loans (excluding Competitive Bid Loans) and
                         commitments under the Facility, except that the consent
                         of all the Lenders affected thereby shall be required
                         with respect to (i) increases in the commitment of such
                         Lenders, (ii) reductions of principal, interest or
                         fees, and (iii) extensions of scheduled maturities or
                         times for payment.


FEES/EXPENSES:           As set forth in Addendum 1.

OTHER:                   This Summary of Terms is intended as an outline of
                         certain of the material terms of the Facility and does
                         not purport to summarize all of the conditions,
                         covenants, representations, warranties and other
                         provisions which would be contained in definitive
                         documentation for the Facility contemplated hereby. The
                         Borrower and the Guarantors shall each waive its right
                         to a trial by jury.

SYNDICATION SELL-DOWN    Every dollar raised during the Syndication process will
STRATEGY                 reduce the primary Lender's positions until each 
                         Primary Lender's position will be reduced below
                         $50,000,000. No Primary Lender's position will be
                         reduced below $50,000,000 until every Primary Lender's
                         position is reduced to $50,000,000.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[BANK OF AMERICA LOGO]               Page 2                       March 9, 1999

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   ADDENDUM 1
                               FEES AND EXPENSES

FACILITY FEE:               The Borrower will pay a fee (the "Facility Fee"), 
                            on each Lender's allocated share of the Commitments
                            (both drawn and undrawn portion), in the amount of
                            applicable Facility Fee determined in accordance
                            with the attached Pricing Grid. The Facility Fee is
                            payable quarterly in arrears.
INTEREST RATES:             At the Borrower's option, any loan under the 
                            Facility that is made to it will bear interest at a
                            rate equal to the Applicable Margin, as determined
                            in accordance with the attached Pricing Grid, plus
                            one of the following indexes: (i) LIBOR, or (ii) the
                            Alternate Base Rate (to be defined as the higher of
                            (a) the Administrative Agent's prime rate and (b)
                            the Federal Funds rate plus .50%). If the Borrower
                            shall elect the conversion of any loan under the
                            Facility to a one year Term Loan the Applicable
                            Margin will be equal to the sum of the Applicable
                            Margin for LIBOR Loans, the Facility Fee plus 12.5
                            basis points.
PROTECTION:                 Customary for transactions and facilities of this 
                            type, including, without limitation, in respect of
                            breakage or redeployment costs incurred in
                            connection with prepayments, changes in capital
                            adequacy and capital requirements or their
                            interpretation, illegality, unavailability, reserves
                            without proration or offset and payments free and   
                            clear of withholding or other taxes.
The Facility Fee, the Applicable Margin for any fiscal quarter, shall be the
applicable rate per annum set forth in the table below opposite the ratio of
Funded Debt to EBITDA determined as of the last day of the immediately
preceding fiscal quarter.

                             FACILITY PRICING GRID
                                  APPLICABLE       APPLICABLE
                                  MARGIN FOR     MARGIN FOR ABR      FACILITY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     I             >2.25x          92.5bps           0.0bps          20.0bps
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    II     > = 1.50x but <2.25x    72.5bps           0.0bps          15.0bps 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   III*    > = 0.75x but <1.50x    82.5bps           0.0bps          12.5bps
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    IV            <0.75x           52.5bps           0.0bps          10.0bps
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     V           BBB+/Baa1         40.0bps           0.0bps          10.0bps

* Anticipated Initial LIBOR margin and Facility Fee.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[BANK OF AMERICA LOGO]                  Page 3                     MARCH 9, 1998
                           [ABN-AMRO BANK LETTERHEAD]

March 9, 1999

BMC Software, Inc.
2101 City West Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77042

Attn: Stephen Solcher, Vice President and Treasurer
      Mike Shryock, Finance Manager

Re:   Proposed $500,000,000 Revolving Credit Facility (the "Facility")

Dear Stephen and Mike:

We, ABN AMRO Bank N.V. ("ABN AMRO"), hereby issue our commitment to the 
Facility in a principal amount of $125,000,000 based on the terms and 
conditions outlined in the revised Summary of Terms and Conditions dated March 
8, 1999 (the "Term Sheet") sent to us by BMC Software, Inc. as amended by Mike 
Shryock's letter to ABN AMRO dated March 9, 1999. Our commitment to this 
financing is subject to the negotiation and execution of documentation 
satisfactory to ABN AMRO.

The commitment offered by ABN AMRO herein is to underwrite the aggregate amount 
of $125,000,000. If BMC accepts this commitment offer, ABN AMRO undertakes to 
syndicate the Facility; provided, however, that the inability of ABN AMRO to 
complete such syndication shall not affect the commitment of ABN AMRO or the 
obligations of BMC hereunder.

BMC agrees to provide ABN AMRO with all information and take such other actions 
as ABN AMRO may reasonably request to facilitate the syndication of the 
Facility by ABN AMRO. ABN AMRO agrees to treat all confidential information 
provided to it by BMC on a confidential basis in accordance with customary 
banking practices subject to customary exceptions. ABN AMRO may provide such 
information to potential syndicate banks and financial institutions provided 
such banks and financial institutions similarly agree to maintain such 

This letter is not meant to encompass, nor shall it be construed as 
encompassing, all of the terms and conditions of the Facility. It is intended 
to outline the principal points of business understandings concerning the 
Facility. The commitment of ABN AMRO hereunder is subject to completion by ABN 
AMRO of satisfactory due diligence and the execution of a definitive lease 
agreement and other lease documentation in form and substance satisfactory to 
ABN AMRO. If ABN AMRO and BMC are unable to agree upon such documentation, they 
shall have no further obligations to each other hereunder

except that BMC shall be obligated to reimburse ABN AMRO for its out-of-pocket 
fees, costs and expenses as provided herein.

In consideration of the commitments provided by ABN AMRO hereunder, BMC agrees
to indemnify and hold harmless each of ABN AMRO and its officers, directors,
employees, agents, advisors and affiliates for all claims, damages, losses,
liabilities and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable fees and
disbursements of counsel) incurred by any of them in connection with this
commitment letter, the Facility, the use by BMC of the Facility or the proceeds
thereof, the collateral for the Facility, the lease documents, any related
document, instrument or agreement or any transaction contemplated hereby or
thereby whether or not such transactions are consummated, except for the portion
of such claims, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses caused by such party's
gross negligence or willful misconduct.

The commitment set forth in this letter is personal to BMC and may not be 
transferred or assigned to any other party without the prior written consent of 
ABN AMRO. Except as otherwise required by law, neither this letter nor any part 
hereof may, without the prior written consent of ABN AMRO, be disclosed or 
exhibited to any other party except BMC's accountants, attorneys and other 
advisors, and then, in each case, only in connection with the transactions 
contemplated hereby and on a confidential basis.

If the commitment offered herein is satisfactory, please indicate BMC's 
acceptance by having an authorized officer of BMC sign and date each of the 
enclosed copies of this letter and the attached fee agreement letter and 
delivering the executed copies of each, to ABN AMRO. ABN AMRO reserves the 
right to terminate the commitment offer set forth herein at any time prior to 
receipt by ABN AMRO of such executed copies. Unless so accepted or otherwise 
terminated by ABN AMRO on or prior to March 15, 1999, the offer set forth 
herein will expire on that date.

Upon the acceptance by BMC of the commitment offer set forth in this letter, ABN
AMRO will commence its due diligence and instruct its counsel to commence
documentation. By accepting this offer, BMC agrees to reimburse ABN AMRO for all
reasonable fees, costs and expenses (whether incurred before or after the date
hereof), including, without limitation, audit fees, out-of-pocket syndication
expenses, and fees and disbursements of counsel for ABN AMRO, incurred by ABN
AMRO in connection with its due diligence, the syndication of the Facility and
the negotiation, preparation, execution, delivery and enforcement of the lease
documents, whether or not any money is advanced by ABN AMRO under the Facility,
any of the transactions contemplated hereby are consummated or any documents are
agreed to and executed. If BMC accepts this offer, ABN AMRO's commitment
hereunder shall continue until September 30, 1999, on which date such commitment
shall expire unless final documents have been executed by ABN AMRO, BMC and the
other parties thereto on or prior to such date.

This letter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
the State of California without regard to conflicts of law principles.

Closing and funding by ABN-AMRO to occur on or before April 7th, 1999. 

We look forward to working with you on this transaction. Please let us know if
you have any questions.

Very truly yours,

By: /s/ JAMIE DILLON                   By: /s/ MATHEW HARVEY
   --------------------------------       ---------------------------------
Name:  Jamie Dillon                    Name:  Mathew Harvey
Title: Vice President and Director     Title: Vice President



Date:  3/10/99