Pro Forma Financial Statements (Unaudited)
Pro Forma Combined Condensed Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2000            51
Pro Forma Combined Condensed Statement of Income for the Six Months
   Ended June 30, 2000                                                    52
Pro Forma Combined Condensed Statement of Income for the Twelve Months
   Ended December 31, 1999                                                53
Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements                                   54


On July 6, 2000, Arch Chemicals UK Holdings Limited ("Arch UK"), a newly formed,
wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of Arch Chemicals, Inc. ("Arch"), announced a
formal cash offer (the "Offer") to acquire the entire issued and to be issued
share capital of Hickson International PLC ("Hickson"). The offer, which was
unanimously recommended by Hickson's Board of Directors, was for (Pounds)0.55 in
cash for each Hickson share. On August 3, 2000, the Offer was declared
unconditional as to acceptances. On August 22, 2000, Arch UK declared the offer
wholly unconditional. To date, Arch UK has received and paid valid acceptances
for Hickson shares totaling 175,064,729, representing approximately 99.4% of the
issued share capital of Hickson. Arch UK has begun the compulsory acquisition
process under UK law to acquire all remaining issued Hickson shares not tendered
in the Offer.

The following unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial statements
reflect the acquisition of Hickson using the purchase method of accounting and
should be read in conjunction with the historical consolidated financial
statements and accompanying notes of Hickson and Arch. The unaudited Pro Forma
Combined Condensed Balance Sheet gives effect to the acquisition as if it had
occurred on June 30, 2000. The unaudited Combined Condensed Statements of Income
for the twelve and six months ended December 31, 1999 and June 30, 2000, give
effect to the acquisition as if it had occurred on January 1, 1999. In these
statements, the allocation of the purchase price to the assets acquired and the
liabilities assumed, based on their respective fair values, has been made on the
basis of preliminary estimates. The final determination of these fair values
could result in purchase accounting adjustments, which may impact Arch's results
of operations and financial position.

The unaudited pro forma financial information has been adjusted to reflect the
anticipated disposition of Hickson's organics division and the classification of
such assets as held for sale, pursuant to Arch's intention to complete a sale
within one year.

The pro forma adjustments are based upon currently available information and
certain estimates and assumptions, and therefore the actual results may differ
from the pro forma results. However, management believes that the assumptions
provide a reasonable basis for presenting the significant effects of the
transaction as contemplated, and that the pro forma adjustments give appropriate
effect to those assumptions and are properly applied in the pro forma financial


The unaudited pro forma financial information is presented for illustrative
purposes only and is not necessarily indicative of the operating results or
financial position that would have occurred if the acquisition had been
completed at the dates indicated. The information does not necessarily indicate
the future operating results or financial position of Arch.

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This pro forma financial information contains forward-looking statements. These
statements are based on our estimates and assumptions and are subject to risks
and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements include the information concerning
our possible or assumed future results of operations. Forward-looking statements
also include those preceded or followed by the words "anticipates," "believes,"
"estimates," "hopes," or similar expressions are intended to identify such
forward-looking statements. For those statements, we claim the protection of the
safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

The following important factors could affect future results and could cause
those results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking
statements: the ability of Arch to combine operations and obtain revenue
enhancements and cost savings; the ability of Arch to sell the organics
division; general economic and business and market conditions, lack of moderate
growth in the U.S. economy or even a slight recession in 2000; the continued
recovery of economic conditions in Asia; customer acceptance of new products,
efficacy of new technology, changes in U.S. laws and regulations, increased
competitive and/or customer pressure; the Company's ability to maintain chemical
price increases; higher-than-expected raw material costs for certain chemical
product lines; increased foreign competition in the calcium hypochlorite
markets; continued improvement in the semiconductor industry; unfavorable court,
arbitration or jury decisions, the supply/demand balance for the Company's
products, including the impact of excess industry capacity; failure to achieve
targeted cost reduction programs; unsuccessful entry into new markets for
electronic chemicals; capital expenditures in excess of those scheduled;
environmental costs in excess of those projected; and the occurrence of
unexpected manufacturing interruptions/outages at the customer's or company


                        Pro Forma Financial Statements

                             Arch Chemicals, Inc.
                  Pro Forma Combined Condensed Balance Sheet
                                 June 30, 2000
                    (In millions, except per share amounts)

                                                           Historical    Historical      Pro Forma       Pro Forma       Pro Forma
                                                              Arch      Hickson (1)   Adjustments (2)   Adjustments       Combined
                                                              ----      -----------   ---------------   -----------       --------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                               $    6.3       $   23.0      $      -           $    -         $    29.3
   Accounts receivable, net                                   227.4           73.2         (22.3)               -             278.3
   Inventories, net                                           131.3           46.7         (20.4)             0.4   (3a)      158.0
   Other current assets                                        26.4            4.5          (2.9)               -              28.0
   Assets held for sale                                           -            9.2         104.0            (29.0)  (2)        84.2
                                                           --------       --------       -------           ------         ---------
     Total current assets                                     391.4          156.6          58.4            (28.6)            577.8
Investments and advances - affiliated companies at equity      27.4            6.1             -                -              33.5
Property, plant and equipment, net                            324.2          129.7         (84.4)            (0.3)  (3a)      369.2
Goodwill                                                       36.1           63.6          (7.6)            39.8   (3a)      131.9
Other assets                                                   19.3            5.6             -                -              24.9
                                                           --------       --------       -------           ------         ---------

   Total assets                                            $  798.4       $  361.6       $ (33.6)          $ 10.9         $ 1,137.3
                                                           ========       ========       =======           ======         =========

Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                   $   50.3       $    2.4       $     -           $    -         $    52.7
   Accounts payable                                           108.2           45.0         (11.8)               -             141.4
   Accrued liabilities                                         59.7           49.1          (2.1)            10.3   (3a)      117.0
                                                           --------       --------       -------           ------         ---------
     Total current liabilities                                218.2           96.5         (13.9)            10.3             311.1
Long-term debt                                                 75.1           73.3             -            146.2   (3c)      294.6
Other liabilities                                              41.9           31.4         (19.7)            14.8   (3a)       68.4
Commitments and contingencies
Shareholders' equity:
   Common stock                                                22.1           66.8             -            (66.8)  (3b)       22.1
   Additional paid-in capital                                 423.3           37.2             -            (37.2)  (3b)      423.3
   Retained earnings                                           47.9           57.1             -            (57.1)  (3b)       47.9
   Accumulated other comprehensive loss                       (30.1)          (0.7)            -              0.7   (3b)      (30.1)
                                                           --------       --------       -------           ------         ---------
      Total shareholders' equity                              463.2          160.4             -           (160.4)            463.2
                                                           --------       --------       -------           ------         ---------
    Total liabilities and shareholders' equity             $  798.4       $  361.6       $ (33.6)          $ 10.9         $ 1,137.3
                                                           ========       ========       =======           ======         =========

   See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements


                             Arch Chemicals, Inc.
               Pro Forma Combined Condensed Statement of Income
                    For the Six Months ended June 30, 2000
                    (In millions, except per share amounts)

                                                         Historical       Historical     Pro Forma        Pro Forma       Pro Forma
                                                            Arch         Hickson (1)   Adjustments (2)   Adjustments       Combined
                                                            ----         -----------   ---------------   -----------       --------
Sales                                                       $ 493.9         $ 151.5         $ (38.5)       $     -          $ 606.9
Operating expenses:
   Cost of goods sold                                         352.2           117.7           (41.3)           1.8    (3e)
                                                                                                              (1.7)   (3e)    428.7
   Selling and administration                                  82.2            29.0            (4.4)             -            106.8
   Research and development                                     7.7             3.8            (1.2)             -             10.3
                                                            -------         -------         -------        -------          -------
                                                               51.8             1.0             8.4           (0.1)            61.1
                                                            -------         -------         -------        -------          -------
Equity in earnings of affiliated companies                      3.6             1.2               -              -              4.8
Interest expense                                                5.6             2.8               -            5.4    (3d)
                                                                                                              (2.0)   (3d)     11.8
Interest income                                                 0.2             1.1            (0.2)             -              1.1
                                                            -------         -------         -------        -------          -------
Income before income taxes                                     50.0             0.5             8.2           (3.5)            55.2
Income tax provision (benefit)                                 17.0             3.1             0.1           (1.1)   (3f)     19.1
                                                            -------         -------         -------        -------          -------
   Net income                                               $  33.0         $  (2.6)        $   8.1        $  (2.4)         $  36.1
                                                            =======         =======         =======        =======          =======

Net income per common share:
   Basic                                                    $  1.48                                                         $  1.62
                                                            =======                                                         =======
   Diluted                                                  $  1.48                                                         $  1.61
                                                            =======                                                         =======

Weighted average common shares outstanding:
   Basic                                                       22.3                                                            22.3
                                                            =======                                                         =======
   Diluted                                                     22.4                                                            22.4
                                                            =======                                                         =======

   See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements


                             Arch Chemicals, Inc.
               Pro Forma Combined Condensed Statement of Income
                 For the Twelve Months ended December 31, 1999
                    (In millions, except per share amounts)

                                                        Historical    Historical     Pro Forma        Pro Forma        Pro Forma
                                                           Arch      Hickson (1)   Adjustments (2)   Adjustments        Combined
                                                           ----      -----------   ---------------   -----------        --------
Sales                                                    $  879.8      $ 325.4        $ (105.0)       $      -         $ 1,100.2
Operating expenses:
   Cost of goods sold                                       637.7        283.6          (136.8)            3.5    (3e)
                                                                                                          (3.2)   (3e)     784.8
   Selling and administration                               163.8         66.4           (13.5)              -             216.7
   Research and development                                  17.7          7.4            (2.2)              -              22.9
                                                         --------      -------        --------        --------         ---------
                                                             60.6        (32.0)           47.5            (0.3)             75.8
                                                         --------      -------        --------        --------         ---------
Equity in earnings of affiliated companies                    5.8          1.4               -               -               7.2
Interest expense                                              5.7          4.5               -            10.7    (3d)
                                                                                                          (4.0)   (3d)      16.9
Interest income                                               0.8          0.6            (0.2)              -               1.2
                                                         --------      -------        --------        --------         ---------
Income before income taxes                                   61.5        (34.5)           47.3            (7.0)             69.4
Income tax provision                                         20.8          9.7               -            (7.3)   (3f)      23.2
                                                         --------      -------        --------        --------         ---------
   Income from continuing operations                     $   40.7      $ (44.2)       $   47.3        $    0.3         $    44.1
                                                         ========      =======        ========        ========         ==========

Income from continuing operations per common share:
   Basic                                                 $   1.77                                                      $    1.92
                                                         ========                                                      =========
   Diluted                                               $   1.76                                                      $    1.91
                                                         ========                                                      =========

Weighted average common shares outstanding:
   Basic                                                     23.0                                                           23.0
                                                         ========                                                      =========
   Diluted                                                   23.1                                                           23.1
                                                         ========                                                      =========

   See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements


     Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements

Note 1 - Reclassifications

Reclassifications have been made to the historical financial statements of
Hickson to conform with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States as well as the presentation expected to be used by the combined company.

Note 2 - Divestiture of Organics Division

These pro forma adjustments reflect Arch's previously announced intention to
divest Hickson's organics division within twelve months of the acquisition of
such business. The net assets of these businesses have been classified as
"Assets held for sale." The valuation includes an estimate of net cash flows
during the holding period, including estimated net sales proceeds, and an
allocation of interest expense during the holding period. Arch expects a
transaction to be completed no later than the end of the third quarter 2001. As
such, all amounts related to the income statement have been adjusted to
eliminate their impact on the condensed statements.

Note 3 - Pro Forma Adjustments

a)   Reflects the preliminary allocation of the excess of the acquisition cost
     over the fair value of the assets and liabilities acquired under the
     purchase method of accounting for the acquisition of Hickson. The estimate
     of fair values is preliminary, and is subject to change upon the final
     results of an appraisal of the fair value of the assets and liabilities of
     Hickson, as well as the identification of certain intangible assets.
     Accruals include estimates of acquisition-related expenses to be incurred
     by Arch and Hickson in connection with the transaction.

b)   Reflects the elimination of the equity accounts of Hickson.

c)   Reflects the third-party borrowings to finance the purchase price of
     Hickson's outstanding shares and share equivalents (approximately 178.1
     million shares at $0.82).

d)   Reflects the interest expense related to borrowings of $145.9 million for
     the purchase of shares and the assumed debt of Hickson ($68.9 million at
     June 30, 2000), required to be repaid, at an estimated effective interest
     rate, inclusive of fees, of 8.25%. In addition, this adjustment includes
     the incremental effect of higher interest rates on Arch's existing debt due
     to the new leverage ratio as a result of the Hickson acquisition. Arch's
     revolving credit facilities contain a leverage-based financing grid, which
     increases the cost of borrowings as leverage increases. This amount
     excludes interest expense associated with carrying the organics division
     for sale, which is reflected as a charge to assets held for sale.

e)   Reflects the amortization of goodwill over an estimated life of 30 years,
     and the elimination of amounts already reflected in the historical
     financial statements of Hickson.

f)   Pro forma adjustments have been made for the estimated tax effects of the
     adjustments discussed above.


Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Condensed Financial Statements -

Note 4 - Exchange Rates

The following exchange rates have been used to translate the historical
Financial statements of Hickson from UK pounds to US dollars:

     June 30, 2000                            1.52
     Six months ended June 30, 2000           1.55
     Twelve months ended December 31, 1999    1.62

Note 5 - Intercompany Items

There are no significant intercompany transactions between Arch and Hickson.
