WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                       -------                                ---------

                          TUDOR FUND FOR EMPLOYEES L.P.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                    Delaware                                  13-3543779
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         (State or other jurisdiction of                   (I.R.S. Employer
         incorporation or organization)                    Identification No.)

   1275 King Street, Greenwich, Connecticut                      06831
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         (Address of principal executive offices)              (Zip Code)

                                 (203) 863-6700
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or such shorter period that the registrant
was required to file such reports) and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                  X  YES     NO
                                 ---     ---

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                         Item 1. - Financial Statements
                          TUDOR FUND FOR EMPLOYEES L.P.

                                                                                SEPTEMBER 30,               DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                    2001                        2000
                                                                                 (UNAUDITED)                 (AUDITED)
                                                                           -----------------------     -----------------------


Cash and Cash Equivalents                                                             $ 31,376,142                $ 25,307,514
Due from brokers                                                                         3,776,553                   2,610,863
Subscription Receivable                                                                     81,814                        --
                                                                           -----------------------     -----------------------

         Total assets                                                                 $ 35,234,509                $ 27,918,377
                                                                           =======================     =======================



Redemptions payable                                                                   $  2,273,414                $    369,794
Pending partner additions                                                                  505,814                   4,931,369
Management fee payable                                                                     133,707                      29,661
Incentive fee payable                                                                      434,117                     339,869
Accrued professional fees and other                                                        169,286                      86,612
                                                                           -----------------------     -----------------------

         Total liabilities                                                               3,516,338                   5,757,305
                                                                           -----------------------     -----------------------


Limited Partners, 20,000 units authorized and 3,325.241 and
2,926.555 outstanding at September 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000                       29,947,729                  20,766,179

General Partner, 196.580 units outstanding at September 30, 2001 and
December 31, 2000
                                                                                         1,770,442                   1,394,893
                                                                           -----------------------     -----------------------

         Total partners' capital                                                        31,718,171                  22,161,072
                                                                           -----------------------     -----------------------

         Total liabilities and partners' capital                                      $ 35,234,509                $ 27,918,377
                                                                           =======================     =======================

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                          TUDOR FUND FOR EMPLOYEES L.P.
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                       FOR THE THREE AND NINE MONTHS ENDED
                           SEPTEMBER 30, 2001 AND 2000

                                                            THREE MONTHS ENDED                  NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                               SEPTEMBER 30,                       SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                          2001               2000              2001             2000
                                                      -----------        -----------       -----------        -----------

Net realized trading gain                             $ 5,017,712        $    65,118       $ 8,579,326        $   401,546
Change in net unrealized trading gain (loss)              (78,726)         1,186,043          (704,643)            68,465
Interest income                                           277,223            299,184         1,002,825            887,975
                                                      -----------        -----------       -----------        -----------

Total revenues                                          5,216,209          1,550,345         8,877,508          1,357,986
                                                      -----------        -----------       -----------        -----------


Brokerage commissions and fees                             47,086             43,235           146,247            156,304
Incentive fee                                             434,116               --             702,994               --
Management fee                                            133,708             74,343           382,810            235,987
Professional fees and other                                34,382             48,658           103,514            113,552
                                                      -----------        -----------       -----------        -----------

Total expenses                                            649,292            166,236         1,335,565            505,843
                                                      -----------        -----------       -----------        -----------

Net income                                            $ 4,566,917        $ 1,384,109       $ 7,541,943        $   852,143
                                                      ===========        ===========       ===========        ===========

Limited Partners' Net Income                            4,335,006          1,302,724         7,166,394            804,578

General Partner's Net Income                              231,911             81,385           375,549             47,565
                                                      -----------        -----------       -----------        -----------

                                                      $ 4,556,917        $ 1,384,109       $ 7,541,943        $   852,143
                                                      ===========        ===========       ===========        ===========

Change in Net Asset Value Per Unit                    $  1,179.72        $    414.01       $  1,910.41        $    241.96
                                                      ===========        ===========       ===========        ===========

Net income Per Unit (Note 2)                          $  1,211.65        $    419.99       $  1,917.71        $    248.22
                                                      ===========        ===========       ===========        ===========

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                                                    TUDOR FUND FOR EMPLOYEES L.P.
                                             STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                            FOR THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMEBR 30, 2001 AND THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000

                                     Limited Partners                  General Partner              Total           Net Asset Value
                              -------------------------------- ------------------------------
                                Units            Capital          Units          Capital           Capital             Per Unit
                              -------------- ----------------- ------------  ---------------- -----------------    -----------------

Partners' Capital, January
 1, 2000                        2,650.276      $ 15,204,445      196.580       $ 1,127,770      $ 16,332,215            $ 5,736.93

     Net income                   --              4,235,516      --                267,123         4,502,639
     TIC 401(k) Plan unit
      adjustment (a)               27.169          --            --              --                --
     Capital Contributions        959.408         5,416,452      --              --                5,416,452
     Redemptions                 (710.298)       (4,090,234)     --              --               (4,090,234)
                              -------------- ----------------- ------------  ---------------- -----------------

Partners' Capital, December
 31, 2000 (b)                   2,926.555        20,766,179      196.580         1,394,893        22,161,072              7,095.78

     Net income                    --             7,166,394      --                375,549         7,541,943
     TIC 401(k) Plan unit
      adjustment (a)               29.341          --            --              --                --
     Capital Contributions      1,239.563         9,120,369      --              --                9,120,369
     Redemptions                 (870.218)       (7,105,213)     --              --               (7,105,213)
                              -------------- ----------------- ------------  ---------------- -----------------

Partners' Capital, September
 30, 2001 (b)                   3,325.241      $ 29,947,729      196.580       $ 1,770,442      $ 31,718,171            $ 9,006.18
                              ============== ================= ============  ================ =================

(a) See Note 3 - Capital Accounts
(b) See Note 4 - Redemption of Units

        The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2001

        (1)    ORGANIZATION

               Tudor Fund For Employees L.P. (the "Partnership") was organized
               under the Delaware Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act (the
               "Act") on November 22, 1989, and commenced trading operations on
               July 2, 1990. Second Management LLC (the "General Partner") is
               the general partner of the Partnership. Tudor Investment
               Corporation ("TIC"), an affiliate of the General Partner, acts as
               the trading advisor of the Partnership. The General Partner is
               registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as a
               Commodity Pool Operator and a Commodity Trading Advisory and is a
               member of the National Futures Association in such capacities.
               Ownership of limited partnership units is restricted to either
               employees of TIC and its principals or its affiliates.

               The objective of the Partnership is to realize capital
               appreciation through speculative trading of futures, forwards,
               option contracts and other derivative instruments, including
               commodity interests (collectively, "derivative instruments"). The
               Partnership will terminate on December 31, 2010 or at an earlier
               date if certain conditions occur as outlined in the Second
               Amended and Restated Partnership Agreement dated as of May 22,
               1996 (the "Limited Partnership Agreement").


               The General Partner acts as the commodity pool operator of the
               Partnership and is responsible for the selection and monitoring
               of the commodity trading advisors and the commodity brokers used
               by the Partnership. The General Partner is also responsible for
               the performance of all administrative services necessary to the
               Partnership's operations.


               ACCOUNTING POLICY

               The financial statements presented have been prepared pursuant to
               the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange
               Commission ("SEC") and, in the opinion of management of the
               General Partner, include all adjustments necessary for a fair
               statement of each period presented.


               Cash and cash equivalents include cash held at banks and
               overnight time deposits.


               Trading activities, including related revenues and expenses, are
               recorded on a trade date basis. Interest income and expense are
               recorded on the accrual basis.

               Derivative instruments are valued at independent market values
               when available from major exchanges or, if none is available, at
               independent broker quotations or fair value as determined by
               management. In determining fair value, management utilizes
               pricing models with market quoted inputs and also considers
               closing exchange prices of related instruments, time value of
               money, volatility factors of the underlying instruments, and
               other market conditions. The valuations are compared to those
               obtained from the counterparties to the contracts.


               These expenses represent all brokerage commissions, exchange,
               National Futures Association and other fees incurred in
               connection with the execution of commodity interests trades.
               Commissions and fees associated with open commodity interests at
               the end of the period are accrued.

               INCENTIVE FEE

               The Partnership pays TIC, as trading advisor, an incentive fee
               equal to 12% of the Net Trading Profits (as defined in the
               Limited Partnership Agreement), earned as of the end of each
               fiscal quarter of the Partnership. Since inception of the TIC
               401(k) Savings and Profit-Sharing Plan (the "TIC 401(k) Plan"),
               TIC has waived its right to receive an incentive fee attributable
               to units of limited partnership interest held at the beginning of
               each month by the TIC 401(k) Plan.

               MANAGEMENT FEE

               The Partnership also pays TIC, for the performance of its duties,
               a monthly management fee equal to 1/12 of 2% (2% per annum) of
               the Partnership's net assets (as defined in the Limited
               Partnership Agreement). Since inception of the TIC 401(k) Plan,
               TIC has waived its right to receive a management fee attributable
               to units of limited partnership interest held at the beginning of
               each month by the TIC 401(k) Plan.


               Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are
               translated at month-end exchange rates. Gains and losses
               resulting from foreign currency transactions are calculated using
               daily exchange rates and are included in the accompanying
               statements of operations.

               DUE FROM BROKERS

               Due from brokers primarily consists of foreign currencies and
               cash balances carried as margin deposits with clearing brokers
               for the purpose of trading in commodity interests, futures
               contracts and other derivative instruments. Also included in due
               from brokers is the unrealized gains and losses on open commodity
               interests, futures contracts and other derivative instruments. As
               of September 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000 due from broker was
               comprised of $4,235,263 and $2,209,855 in cash

               balances and foreign currencies and ($458,710) and $401,008 in
               unrealized gains (losses) on commodity interest, open futures
               contracts and other derivative instruments.


               Pending partner additions is comprised of cash received prior to
               the last day of the quarter for which units were issued on the
               first day of the subsequent quarter. Pending partner additions
               did not participate in the earnings of the Partnership until the
               related units were issued.

               USE OF ESTIMATES

               The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
               accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
               requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect
               the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying
               notes. Management believes that the estimates utilized in
               preparing the financial statements are reasonable and prudent,
               however, actual results could differ from these estimates.

               NET GAIN PER UNIT

               Net gain per unit is computed by dividing net income by the
               monthly average of units outstanding at the beginning of each


               Certain reclassifications have been made to prior year balances
               to conform with current year presentation.


               In September of 2000, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
               issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 140,
               "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and
               Extinguishments of Liabilities - a replacement of FASB Statement
               No. 125" ("SFAS 140"). SFAS 140 amends the recognition and
               reclassification of collateral and disclosures related to
               securitization transactions and collateral. These changes are
               effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2000. SFAS
               140 also amends the accounting for transfers and servicing of
               financial assets and extinguishments of liabilities occurring
               after March 31, 2001. The impact of the SFAS 140 provisions as of
               December 31, 2000 and effective subsequent to March 31, 2001 has
               not resulted in a material change on the Partnership's financial

        (3)    CAPITAL ACCOUNTS

               The minimum subscription amount is $1,000 for new Limited
               Partners. Additional contributions may be made in increments of
               $1,000. Both subscriptions and contributions may be made
               quarterly, at the beginning of the respective month.

               Each partner, including the General Partner, has a capital
               account with an initial balance equal to the amount such partner
               paid for its units of partnership interest. The Partnership's net
               assets are determined monthly, and any increase or decrease from
               the end of the preceding month is added to or subtracted from the
               capital accounts of the partners based on the ratio that the
               balance of each capital account bears in relation to the balance
               of all capital accounts as of the beginning of the month. The
               number of units held by the TIC 401(k) Plan will be restated as
               necessary for management and incentive fees attributable to units
               held at the beginning of each month by the TIC 401(k) Plan to
               equate the per unit value of the TIC 401(k) Plan's capital
               account with the Partnership's per unit value.

        (4)    REDEMPTION OF UNITS

               At each quarter-end, units are redeemable at the discretion of
               each Limited Partner. Redemption of units in $1,000 increments
               and full redemption of all units are made at 100% of the net
               asset value per unit effective as of the last business day of any
               quarter as defined in the Limited Partnership Agreement. Partial
               redemptions of units which would reduce the net asset value of a
               Limited Partner's unredeemed units to less than the minimum
               investment then required of new Limited Partners or such Limited
               Partner's initial investment, whichever is less, will be honored
               only to the extent of such limitation.

        (5)    INCOME TAXES

               No provision for income taxes has been made in the accompanying
               financial statements. Partners are responsible for reporting
               income or loss based upon their respective shares of revenue and
               expenses of the Partnership.


               The General Partner, due to its relationship with its affiliates
               and certain other parties, may enter into certain related party

               Bellwether Partners LLC ("BPL"), a Delaware limited liability
               company and an affiliate of the General Partner, is the
               Partnership's primary forward contract counterparty. Effective
               August 1, 1995, BPL ceased charging commissions for transacting
               the Partnership's foreign exchange and commodity forward
               contracts. The Partnership typically has on deposit with BPL, as
               collateral for forward contracts, up to 5% of the Partnership's
               net assets.

               Bellwether Futures LLC ("BFL"), a Delaware limited liability
               company, is an affiliate of the General Partner and is qualified
               to do business in Illinois. Effective January 1, 1996, BFL ceased
               collecting give-up fees from the Partnership as compensation for
               assisting in the execution of treasury bond futures by floor
               brokers on the Chicago Board of Trade. BFL ceased operations in
               March 2001.

               TIC receives incentive and management fees as compensation for
               acting as trading advisor (Note 2).


               In June, 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued
               Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 133,
               Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities. The
               statement requires the Partnership to recognize all derivatives
               on the statements of financial condition at fair value. SFAS No.
               137 "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging
               Activities-Deferral of Effective Date of SFAS No. 133," amended
               SFAS No. 133 to be effective for fiscal years beginning after
               June 15, 2000 (January 1, 2001, for all companies with
               calendar-year fiscal year). The Partnership has elected early
               adoption of SFAS No. 133 and, accordingly, its standards are
               applied in the accompanying financial statements. The Partnership
               has always maintained a policy of valuing its securities
               positions and derivative instruments at market or estimated fair
               values and of including any unrealized gains and losses in
               results of operations. Accordingly, the adoption of SFAS No. 133
               has not resulted in a valuation or an accounting change in the
               accompanying financial statements.

               In the normal course of business, the Partnership is a party to a
               variety of off-balance sheet financial instruments in connection
               with its trading activities. These activities include the trading
               of futures, forwards, options, swaps and other derivative
               instruments. For future, forwards, swaps and forward rate
               agreements the unrealized gain or loss, rather than the contract
               or notional amounts, represents the approximate future cash

               The Partnership is subject to market and credit risk associated
               with changes in the value of the underlying financial
               instruments, as well as the loss of appreciation on certain
               instruments, if its counterparties fail to perform which may be
               in excess of the amounts recognized in the statements of
               financial condition. As a writer of options, the Partnership
               bears the risk of unfavorable changes in the price of the
               underlying instrument which may be in excess of the premium

               TIC takes an active role in managing and controlling the
               Partnership's market and credit risk and has established formal
               control procedures which are reviewed on an ongoing basis.

               In order to control the Partnership's market exposure, TIC
               applies risk management guidelines and policies designed to
               protect the Partnership's capital. These guidelines and policies
               include quantitative and qualitative criteria for evaluating the
               appropriate risk levels for the Partnership. TIC's Risk
               Management Committee, comprised of senior personnel from
               different disciplines, regularly reviews the Partnership's
               trading positions. The Tudor Management Committee, together with
               the Risk Management Committee and Tudor's Risk Management
               Department assess and evaluate the Partnership's potential
               exposures to market risk based on analyses performed by the Risk
               Management Department. The Risk Management Department's
               responsibilities include: focusing on the positions taken in
               various instruments and markets globally; ascertaining that all
               such positions are accurately reflected on the Partnership's
               position reports; and evaluating the risk exposure associated
               with all of

               those positions. The Risk Management Department uses a
               statistical technique known as Value at Risk ("VaR") to assist
               the Partnership in measuring its exposure to market risk related
               to its trading positions. The VaR model is a proprietary system
               and is one of the many analytical tools used by the Risk
               Management Department to monitor and review the market risk
               exposure of the Partnership's trading portfolios. The VaR model
               projects potential losses of the portfolio and is based on a
               methodology which uses a one year observation period of
               hypothetical daily changes in trading portfolio value, a one-day
               holding period and a one standard deviation level. These figures
               can be scaled up to indicate risk at the 95% or 99% confidence

               TIC attempts to minimize credit risk exposure to trading
               counterparties and brokers through formal credit policies and
               monitoring procedures. TIC has established a formal Credit
               Committee, comprised of senior managers from different
               disciplines, that meets regularly to analyze the credit risks
               associated with the Partnership's counterparties, intermediaries
               and service providers. A significant portion of the Partnership's
               positions, including cash and cash equivalents, are invested with
               or held at institutions of high credit standing. The Credit
               Committee establishes counterparty exposure limits and
               specifically designates which product types are approved for

               The Partnership also reduces its credit risk by entering into
               master agreements with certain counterparties that include
               netting provisions that incorporate the right of "offset" (assets
               less liabilities) across OTC contracts with such counterparties.
               Accordingly, cash collateral received is net against the
               contractual commitment asset and a liability is recorded to the
               counterparty for the cash collateral pledged.

               The Partnership has bi-lateral collateral agreements ("Collateral
               Agreements") with its counterparties whereby the Partnership is
               required to monitor the fair value of its derivative transactions
               on a daily basis and will pledge or pull back additional
               collateral as necessary. The Partnership records cash collateral
               posted as a receivable from the counterparty. As of September 30,
               2001, the Partnership has pledged $424,775 and no securities
               collateral, under these Collateral Agreements.

               Counterparties' creditworthiness is monitored in the context of
               the Partnership's overall exposure to such counterparties. BPL is
               the Partnership's primary forward contract counterparty (Note 6).
               Notwithstanding the risk monitoring and credit review performed
               by TIC with respect to its counterparties, including BPL, there
               always is a risk of nonperformance.

               The following table summarizes September 30, 2001 and December
               31, 2000 assets and liabilities resulting from unrealized gains
               and losses on derivative instruments included in the statements
               of financial condition (000's omitted):

                                                 September 30, 2001              December 31, 2000
                                             ----------------------------   ----------------------------
                                                 Assets     Liabilities         Assets     Liabilities
                                                 ------     -----------         ------     -----------

Exchange Traded Contracts:
        Interest Rate Contracts                   $157          $28              $182         $ -
        Foreign Exchange Contracts                  22          186                 -           6
        Equity Index Contracts                       -          262               124           -

Over-the-Counter Contracts:                                                                     -
        Commodity Swaps                              -          193                94           -
        Equity Index Swaps                          32            -                 -           -
        Interest Rate Swaps                          -            -                 7           -

Non-Financial Derivative Instruments                 -            1                 -           -
                                             ------------- --------------   ------------- --------------

                        Total                     $211         $670              $407         $ 6
                                             ============= ==============   ============= ==============

      -------  -------------------------------------

         The Partnership commenced operations on July 2, 1990. Following the
         closing of the initial offering period, the Partnership had 37 Limited
         Partners who subscribed for 421 units of limited partnership interest
         for $421,000. In addition, the General Partner purchased 400 units of
         general partnership interest for $400,000. The Partnership had
         additions of $394,000 and redemptions of $2,273,414 during the quarter
         ended September 30, 2001 (the "Current Quarter"). From its inception
         through October 1, 2001, the Partnership received total Limited Partner
         subscriptions and contributions of $40,842,241 and had total
         withdrawals of $34,366,725. In addition, the General Partner
         contributed $1,900,000 since inception. The General Partner redeemed
         $2,000,000 on March 31, 1994 and $1,400,000 on December 31, 1996. The
         General Partner's equity in the Partnership as of September 30, 2001
         was approximately $1,770,442 representing approximately 6% of the
         Partnership's equity. At October 1, 2001, the Partnership had a total
         of 103 Limited Partners.

         As specified in its Limited Partnership Agreement, the Partnership may
         accept investments from certain employee benefit plans to the extent
         that such investment does not exceed 25% of the aggregate value of
         outstanding units, excluding units held by the General Partner and its
         affiliates. On August 1, 1995, the Partnership accepted an investment
         of $99,306 from the Tudor Investment Corporation 401(k) Savings and
         Profit-Sharing Plan (the "TIC 401(k) Plan"), a qualified plan organized
         for the benefit of employees of TIC and certain of its affiliates. The
         Partnership has received TIC 401(k) Plan contributions in the aggregate
         amount from inception through October 1, 2001 of $4,182,443. The TIC
         401(k) Plan's equity in the Partnership as of October 1, 2001 was
         approximately $6,304,469 representing approximately 19.6% of the
         Partnership's equity or approximately 22.2% excluding units held by the
         General Partner and its affiliates. TIC has waived its right to receive
         management and incentive fees attributable to units held by the TIC
         401(k) Plan. The number of units of limited partnership interest held
         by the TIC 401(k) Plan will be restated as necessary to equate the per
         unit value of the TIC 401(k) Plan's capital account with the
         Partnership's per unit value. Furthermore, BPL ceased charging
         commissions for transacting the Partnership's foreign exchange spot and
         forward and commodity forward contracts.

(1)      LIQUIDITY

         The Partnership's assets are deposited and maintained with BPL, banks
         or in trading accounts with clearing brokers, and are used by the
         Partnership as margin and collateral to engage in futures, option, and
         forward contract trading. Since the Partnership's sole purpose is to
         trade in futures, option, and forward contracts, and other commodity
         interest contracts, it is anticipated that the Partnership will
         continue to maintain substantial liquid assets for margin purposes.
         Interest income for the Current Quarter was $277,223 compared to
         $299,184 during the quarter ended September 30, 2000. This decrease was
         due to a lowering of interest rates by the Federal Reserve.

         Cash and cash equivalents are part of the Partnership's inventory. Cash
         and cash equivalents represented approximately 89% and 91% of the
         Partnership's assets as of September 30, 2001 and December 31, 2000.
         The cash and cash equivalents satisfy the Partnership's need for cash
         on both a short term and long term basis.

         Since futures contract trading generates a significant percentage of
         the Partnership's income, any restriction or limit on that trading may
         render the Partnership's investment in futures contracts illiquid. Most
         commodity exchanges limit fluctuations in certain commodity contract
         prices during a single day by regulations referred to as a "daily price
         fluctuation limit" or "daily limits". Pursuant to such regulations,
         during a single trading day, no trade may be executed at a price beyond
         the daily limits. If the price for a contract or a particular commodity
         has increased or decreased by an amount equal to the "daily limit,"
         positions in such contracts can neither be taken nor liquidated unless
         traders are willing to effect trades at or within the limit. Commodity
         interest contract prices have occasionally moved the daily limit for
         several consecutive days with little or no trading. Such market
         conditions could prevent the Partnership from promptly liquidating its
         commodity positions.


         The Partnership does not have, nor does it expect to have, any fixed
         assets. Redemptions and additional sales of Units in the future will
         impact the amount of funds available for investments in commodity
         interest contracts in subsequent periods. As the amount of capital
         changes, the size of the positions taken by the Partnership is

         The Partnership is currently open to new investments, which can be made
         quarterly. Such investments are limited to employees of TIC and its
         principals or its affiliates and certain employee benefit plans,
         including, but not limited to, the TIC 401(k) Plan.


         The following table compares Net Asset Value per Unit as of September
         30, 2001 and 2000:

                                                                    Change in Net Asset Value Per Unit
                                       --------------    ----------------------------------------------------------
                                         Net Asset           Three Months Ended             Nine Months Ended
                                         Value per              September 30                   September 30
                                       --------------    ---------------------------    ---------------------------
          September 30, 2001               $9,006.18        $1,179.72      15.07%         $1,910.41      26.92%
          September 30, 2000               $5,978.89          $414.01      7.44%            $241.96       4.22%

         Net trading gains and losses includes realized and unrealized trading
         gains and losses and commissions from strategies that use a variety of
         derivative financial instruments are recorded in the statements of
         operations. The following table summarizes the components (in
         thousands) of net trading gains and losses, for the three and nine
         months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000.

                                                           Three Months Ended                Nine Months Ended
                                                              September 30,                    September 30,
                                                       ----------------------------    ------------------------------
                                                          2001             2000           2001              2000
                                                       ------------     -----------    ------------    --------------
Exchange Traded Contracts:
 Interest Rate Futures and Option Contracts              $ 2,254          $   359        $ 2,148           $   (63)
 Foreign Exchange Contracts                                  458             (806)         2,511            (1,159)
 Equity Index Futures                                      2,186              617          3,577               993

Over-the-Counter Contracts:
 Forward Currency Contracts                                    6              608            285               713
 Commodity Swaps                                              99              165           (553)             (245)
 Equity Index Swaps                                         (252)              90           (468)              172
 Interest Rate Swaps                                        --                (34)          (112)                2

Non-Financial Derivative Instruments                         141              209            340               (99)

                                                         -------          -------        -------           -------
       Total                                             $ 4,892          $ 1,208        $ 7,728           $   314
                                                         =======          =======        =======           =======

        Since the Partnership is a speculative trader in the commodities
        markets, current year results are not comparable to previous year's
        results. The following table illustrates the Partnership's net trading
        gains and losses as a return on average Net Assets, brokerage
        commissions and fees as a percentage of Net Assets, and incentive fees
        as a percentage of net trading gains and losses.

                                                       Three Months Ended,                            Nine Months Ended,
                                           --------------------------------------------    -----------------------------------------
                                           September 30, 2001      September 30, 2000      September 30, 2001     September 30, 2000
                                           ------------------      ------------------      --------------         ------------------

Net  trading gains and losses as a % of            15.4%                    7.1%                 25.7%                   (5.7)%
Net Assets
Brokerage Commissions & Fees as a % of              0.2%                    0.3%                   0.5%                   1.0%
Net Assets
Incentive Fees as a % of net trading                8.9%                    0.0%                   9.1%                   0.0%
gains and losses

         In general, commission rates have remained stable. Professional fees
         and other expenses during the Current Quarter ended remained stable as
         compared to the quarter ended September 30, 2000.

         Inflation is not expected to be a major factor in the Partnership's
         operations, except that traditionally the commodities markets have
         tended to be more active. Since the commencement of the Partnership's
         trading operations in July 1990, inflation has not been a major factor
         in the Partnership's operations.


         In the normal course of business, the Partnership is a party to a
         variety of off-balance sheet financial instruments in connection with
         its trading activities. These activities include the trading of
         futures, forwards, options, swaps, and other derivative instruments.
         For futures,

         forwards, swaps and forward rate agreements the unrealized gain or
         loss, rather than the contract notional amounts, represents the
         approximate future cash requirements.

         The Partnership is subject to market and credit risk associated with
         changes in the value of underlying financial instruments, as well as
         the loss of appreciation on certain instruments, if its counterparties
         fail to perform, which may be in excess of the amounts recognized in
         the statements of financial condition. As a writer of options, the
         Partnership bears the risk of unfavorable changes in the price of the
         underlying instrument which may be in excess of the premium received.

         TIC takes an active role in managing and controlling the Partnership's
         market and credit risk and has established formal control procedures
         that are reviewed on an ongoing basis.

         In order to control the Partnership's market exposure, TIC applies risk
         management guidelines and policies designed to protect the
         Partnership's capital. These guidelines and policies include
         quantitative and qualitative criteria for evaluating the appropriate
         risk levels for the Partnership. TIC's Risk Management Committee,
         comprised of senior personnel from different disciplines, regularly
         reviews the Partnership's trading positions. The Tudor Management
         Committee, together with the Risk Management Committee and Tudor's Risk
         Management Department assess and evaluate the Partnership's potential
         exposures to market risk based on analyses performed by the Risk
         Management Department. The Risk Management Department's
         responsibilities include: focusing on the positions taken in various
         instruments and markets globally; ascertaining that all such positions
         are accurately reflected on the Partnership's position reports; and
         evaluating the risk exposure associated with all of those positions.
         The Risk Management Department uses a statistical technique known as
         Value at Risk ("VaR") to assist the Partnership in measuring its
         exposure to market risk related to its trading positions. The VaR model
         is a proprietary system and is one of the many analytical tools used by
         the Risk Management Department to monitor and review the market risk
         exposure of the Partnership's trading portfolios. The VaR model
         projects potential losses of the portfolio and is based on a
         methodology which uses a one-year observation period of hypothetical
         daily changes in trading portfolio value, a one-day holding period and
         one standard deviation level. These figures can be scaled-up to
         indicate risk exposure at the 95% or 99% confidence level.

         The following table illustrates the VaR for each component of market
         risk as of September 30, 2001. The dollar values represent the VaR
         scaled up to a 95% confidence level.

          Risk Factors                                                      ----------------------------
          ------------                                                            (95% Confidence)

          Exchange traded contracts:
               Interest rate futures and option contracts                                       $268,290

               Foreign exchange contracts                                                        306,735

               Equity index futures                                                              307,395

          Non-financial derivative instruments                                                   102,300


           Cash and due from brokers are due principally from high credit
           quality international financial institutions.

           Exchange traded futures and option contracts are marked-to-market
           daily, with variations in value settled on a daily basis with the
           exchange upon which they are traded and with the futures commission
           merchant through which the commodity futures and options contracts
           are executed. Forward contracts are generally settled with the
           counterparty two days after the trade.

           TIC attempts to minimize credit risk exposure to trading
           counterparties and brokers through formal credit policies and
           monitoring procedures. TIC has established a formal Credit Committee,
           comprised of senior managers from different disciplines, that meets
           regularly to analyze the credit risks associated with the
           Partnership's counterparties, intermediaries and service providers. A
           significant portion of the Partnership's positions, including cash
           and cash equivalents, are invested with or held at institutions of
           high credit standing. The Credit Committee establishes counterparty
           exposure limits and specifically designates which product types are
           approved for trading.

           The Partnership also reduces its credit risk by entering into master
           agreements with certain counterparties that include netting
           provisions that incorporate the right of "offset" (assets less
           liabilities) across OTC contracts with such counterparties.
           Accordingly, cash collateral received is net against the contractual
           commitment asset and a liability is recorded to the counterparty for
           the cash collateral pledged.

           Counterparties' creditworthiness is monitored in the context of the
           Partnership's overall exposure to such counterparties. BPL is the
           Partnership's primary forward contract counterparty (Note 6).
           Notwithstanding the risk monitoring and credit review performed by
           TIC with respect to its counterparties, including BPL, there always
           is a risk of nonperformance.

           Generally, financial contracts can be closed out at TIC's discretion.
           An illiquid or closed market, however, could prevent the closeout of

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


         The Partnership initially registered 10,000 Units of Limited
         Partnership Interest pursuant to a registration statement (Commission
         file number 33-33982) that was declared effective on June 22, 1990. The
         Partnership registered an additional 10,000 Units of Limited
         Partnership Interest on June 9, 1998 (Commission file number
         333-52543). Of the 20,000 Units that have been registered, 12,189.357
         Units having an aggregate value of $40,842,242 have been sold through
         October 1, 2001.


         Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


          By:    Second Management LLC,
                 General Partner

          By:    /s/ Mark F. Dalton
                 Mark F. Dalton,
                 President of the General Partner

          By:    /s/ John R. Torell
                 John R. Torell,
                 Chief Financial Officer of the
                 General Partner

November 14, 2001