Exhibit 2

Unaudited Unconsolidated Financial Results (Provisional) for Silverline
Technologies Limited for the quarter ended September 30, 2001 in Indian Rupees.

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Regd Office : 1405 Maker Chamber V, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021                                   (Rs. In Crores)
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Unaudited financial results (Provisional) for the quarter ended September 30, 2001
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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               Quarter ended              Half Year ended       Year ended
                                                         30.9.2001      30.9.2000   30.9.2001       30.9.2000   31.03.2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 Net Sales                                                   44.22       71.79           99.83      136.76          272.72

    2 Other Income                                                 5.90       21.26            8.48       22.59           36.63

    3 Total Income                                                50.12       93.05          108.31      159.35          309.35

    4 Staff cost                                                   7.21        6.86           14.66       13.11           28.29

    5 Software development expenses                               19.29       27.57           44.00       54.59          112.67

    6 Other expenditure                                            6.42        6.96           11.95       12.17           22.71

    7 Total expenditure                                           32.92       41.39           70.61       79.87          163.67

    8 Operating profits (PBDIT)                                   17.20       51.66           37.70       79.48          145.68

    9 Finance charges                                              0.47        0.38            0.49        0.61            0.96

   10 Depreciation                                                 2.85        2.43            5.78        4.84           10.25

   11 Profit before tax                                           13.88       48.85           31.43       74.03          134.47

   12 Provision for taxation                                       0.00        0.65            0.00        0.65            3.00

   13 Net Profit after tax                                        13.88       48.20           31.43       73.38          131.47

   14 Paid-up equity share capital                                85.65       73.20           85.65       73.20           85.65

   15 Reserves excluding revaluation reserves                                                                            1113.8

   16 Earnings per share (EPS) in Rs. - Basic                      1.73        7.31            3.91       11.14           18.22
                                           -Diluted                1.62        6.58            3.67       10.03           15.35

   17 Aggregate of Non-Promoter Shareholding
      No of Shares                                           68,655,293                  68,655,293
      % of shareholding                                           80.15                       80.15
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   1  The above results have been approved and taken on record by the Board
      of Directors at their meeting held on October 31, 2001.

   2  Other income includes the following
      i) Exchange gain from operations of Rs. 4.74 Crores for the quarter
      (exchange gain during the corresponding quarter of the previous year
      Rs. 5.6 Crores) due to fluctuations in exchange rates.

      ii) Exchange gain on translation of foreign currency assets maintained
      abroad resulting from the ADS issue - Rs. NIL (exchange gain during
      the corresponding quarter of the previous year Rs. 11.32 crores)

   3  The company made additional investments of US$ 5,000,000 in the common
      stock of its wholly owned subsidiary Silverline Technologies Inc. U.S.A.
      for expansion of company's sales & marketing operations. The company
      was issued 5,405 additional common stock of Silverline Technologies Inc.,

   4  In line with the amendment to the listing agreement as directed by SEBI,
      the company has during the quarter adopted the Accounting Standard No 22
      on Accounting for Taxes on Income effective 1st April, 2001.  The
      cumulative (net) deferred tax liability for the previous years up to 31st
      March, 2001 works out to Rs. 72.37 lacs which will be adjusted at the
      year end against the opening balance of General Reserve.  The deferred tax
      liability for the period April to September 2001 is estimated to be
      Rs. 1.62 lacs.  The appropriate accounting treatment for the deferred tax
      provision will be carried out at the year end i.e. 31st March 2002.

   5  Basic and Diluted Earnings per share (EPS) have been calculated on
      income after taxes.

   6  The above financial presentation in in compliance with the disclosure
      requirements of SEBI/Stock Exchange. The company restates and reports its
      financials separately to comply with US GAAP provisions

Place: Mumbai                               On behalf of the Board of Directors
Date: October 31, 2001                      for Silverline Technologies Ltd.
                                            /s/ Ravi Subramanian