Exhibit 10.19

                   Senior Officer Stock Exercise Loan Program
            (Adopted by the Board of Directors on November 13, 2001)

         The Share Value Options ("SVOs") granted to certain employees of the
Company, including five of the Company's executive officers--Stephen A. Block,
Richard A. Goldstein, D. Wayne Howard, Carlos A. Lobbosco and Douglas J.
Wetmore--have a unique feature that may require these executive officers to
exercise their SVOs in their entirety prior to the expiration of the seven-year
option period. It is Company policy that executive officers align their
interests with those of shareholders generally by owning significant amounts of
IFF Common Stock. To accomplish this objective will require that these executive
officers be able to pay for their exercised SVOs without having to sell all or
the great majority of the shares resulting from the exercise to pay the purchase
price and the tax liability due on the exercise. The need to deal with this
issue now arises because holders of SVOs are required to exercise those SVOs in
their entirety within six months and one day after the closing price of the
Company's Common Stock reaches the "weighted average exercise price" of the
holder's options outstanding on November 14, 2000 prior to the SVO grant. Mr.
Howard will reach that deadline on November 23, 2001. Mr. Block, Mr. Howard, Mr.
Lobbosco and Mr. Wetmore (to the extent that, when they elect to exercise
options, Mr. Lobbosco and Mr. Wetmore are not directors of the Company and Mr.
Lobbosco is still an executive officer of the Company1), and any other person
who holds an unexercised SVO and who hereafter becomes an executive officer of
the Company are hereinafter referred to as the "Eligible Executive Officers."
Under the New York Business Corporation Law, loans (or guarantees of loans) to
Company directors are prohibited. As a result, the Program will not be
applicable to any Eligible Executive Officer who is serving on the Board,
including Richard A. Goldstein. Management is exploring other avenues that will
allow Mr. Goldstein and any other executive officer-directors to keep the
largest number of shares possible after exercise.

         Senior management explored mechanisms that will enable Eligible
Executive Officers to keep their exercised shares concluded that the only
reasonable approach is the institution of a Company loan program to allow the
Eligible Executive Officers to exercise their SVOs and hold the purchased shares
(the "Program"). The Compensation Committee of the Board (the "Committee") and
the other non-employee directors have agreed and have determined that the
Program have the following features.

                o Subject to the approval of the Committee, which will have sole
                  discretion in any case to decide whether to approve a loan to
                  any Eligible Executive Officer, the Company will loan to
                  Eligible Executive Officers exercising their SVOs an amount up
                  to the aggregate price of the option shares being exercised.
                  For example, assuming that an Eligible Executive Officer was
                  exercising an option to purchase 100,000 shares at an exercise
                  price of $17.9375--which is the exercise price of the
                  SVOs--the Company would loan that Eligible Executive Officer
                  up to $1,793,750, the total purchase price of those option

                o The Program could provide loans covering both the exercise
                  price of the SVO and the income tax liability of the Eligible
                  Executive Officer in connection with the exercise of an SVO
                  (that tax liability is the difference between the market price
                  of IFF Common Stock on the date of exercise and the exercise
                  price (the "Spread")). Management recommended and the
                  Committee agreed, however, that the Program not authorize
                  loans for the payment of taxes, but that, to the extent the
                  Eligible Executive Officer is not able or elects not to pay
                  applicable income taxes on the Spread from his or her personal
                  funds, he or she sell a sufficient number of shares from the
                  SVO exercise to fulfill the tax obligation. In the example
                  above, assuming a total tax liability (Federal and State) of
                  45% of the Spread, and assuming that the average of the high
                  and low market prices on the date of exercise (the price at
                  which the tax liability would be determined) were $28 per
                  share, the tax liability would be 45% of $10.0625 per share,
                  or $452,812, which would result in the Eligible Executive
                  Officer's selling 16,172 of the shares, which would still
                  leave him or her with 83,828 shares, clearly a significant
                  ownership position.

- -------------------------------
/1/Under the July 25, 2001 agreement between Mr. Lobbosco and the Company, Mr.
Lobbosco will resign as Executive Vice President, Global Business Development
effective May 2002. Thereafter, because he will no longer be an executive
officer of the Company, he will no longer be eligible to participate in the
Program. Mr. Wetmore will not stand for re-election as a director in May 2002 so
that after the 2002 Annual Meeting of Shareholders Mr. Goldstein will be the
only employee member of the Board of the Company.

/2/Shares issued on the exercise of options paid for with funds borrowed from
the Company under the Program will all be Treasury shares, so long as the
Company has sufficient Treasury shares to cover the exercise and other
applicable obligations. Using Treasury shares will avoid officers' having to pay
the $.125 (the par value of IFF common stock) per share on the issuance of the
shares, which by law would have to be paid on newly issued shares.


                o Without the Program or other assistance, upon exercise of the
                  SVO option the Eligible Executive Officer would owe to the
                  Company the $1,793,750 and would have an additional $452,812
                  in tax obligations, and would thereby have to come up with
                  $2,246,562 in cash to cover both. He would then have to sell
                  80,235 of the 100,000 shares to raise that cash, leaving him
                  with only 19,765 shares.

                o In order to provide Eligible Executive Officers with the
                  incentive to hold their IFF shares for the long-term and to
                  give them a reasonable time to repay the loans without having
                  to sell the shares purchased with the borrowed funds, loans
                  under the Program will have the following features:

                         1. Loans approved by the Committee will have a maturity
                         date of between five and ten years from the loan date.
                         The Committee will establish the actual maturity
                         period. No principal will have to be repaid until the
                         maturity date, except that, if any Eligible Executive
                         Officer ceases to be an Eligible Executive Officer,
                         including but not limited to a change in his employment
                         status with the Company or the termination of his
                         Company employment for any reason, the loan will have
                         to be repaid at the time of termination. The Company
                         will have full recourse against Eligible Executive
                         Officers for payment of all interest and repayment of
                         loan principal under the Program. The purchased shares
                         will be pledged to the Company to secure the loans, but
                         the Eligible Executive Officers will have voting rights
                         and will receive dividends. Neither the principal nor
                         any interest payable on loans under the Program will be
                         forgivable by the Company.

                         2. To assure that the Program is cost neutral to the
                         Company and does not give rise to a charge to the
                         profit and loss statement of the Company, the interest
                         rate on Program loans must be a "market" rate, that is
                         a rate that would be charged for such a loan by a third
                         party lender. Management recommended and the Committee
                         agreed that the rate to be charged by the Company be
                         the higher of (a) such a "market" rate and (b) the
                         Company's weighted average cost of borrowed funds on
                         the date the loans are extended. Management will inform
                         the Committee of the appropriate rate at the time the
                         Committee is considering a loan to an Eligible
                         Executive Officer. The interest rate will be adjusted
                         quarterly to continue to reflect the higher of the two
                         measurement standards.

                         3. Interest will be payable quarterly, in arrears, on
                         the unpaid balance. Dividends on the shares purchased
                         with funds borrowed under the Program will be credited
                         automatically to offset the interest expense. Moreover,
                         for tax purposes the interest cost can be used to
                         offset the dividend income, thereby substantially
                         reducing any tax impact of the dividend on the
                         executive officer.

                         4. In the event that, for a period of seven (7) out of
                         twenty (20) consecutive trading days, the market value,
                         as determined by the closing price of the Company's
                         common stock on the New York Stock Exchange, of the SVO
                         shares pledged to secure the loan is less than 110% of
                         the outstanding principal balance of the loan, the loan
                         will become immediately due and payable. Unless the
                         Eligible Executive Officer pays the principal of, and
                         all interest due on, the loan within five business days
                         after the applicable date, the Company will be
                         authorized to sell the pledged shares on behalf of the
                         Eligible Executive Officer. Proceeds of the sale will
                         be applied first to cover (in the following order) all
                         interest and principal due on the loan, all fees in
                         respect of the sale transaction, and all withholding
                         taxes for which the Eligible Executive Officer is
                         responsible as a result of the sale of the pledged
                         shares. The Company will pay to the Eligible Executive
                         Officer any balance. To the extent that the sale price
                         of the pledged shares is not sufficient to cover fully
                         all principal, interest, fees and withholding taxes,
                         any deficiency will remain the sole responsibility of
                         the Eligible Executive Officer.

                  Loans to Eligible Executive Officers will be required to be
                  disclosed in the Company's proxy statement, most likely in the
                  Stock Options Grant Table and in the Committee's report. The
                  loan documentation will be filed as exhibits to the Company's
                  Forms 10-Q and 10-K. Because the loans will be issued under a
                  stock option plan--the 2000 Stock Award and Incentive
                  Plan--that had been approved by shareholders, these loans will
                  not be subject to any margin limitations.
