Exhibit 11

                                                                  CONFORMED COPY

To:  GMAC Commercial Finance PLC (GMAC)
     Sovereign House
     Church Street
     East Sussex
     BN1 1SB

and: Ohsea Holdings Limited (Ohsea)
     Marine Court
     The Parade
     Isle of Wight
     P031 7QJ

Dated: 14th April, 2003

Dear Sirs,

Undertaking to subscribe

I refer to:

(a)  the Bridge Facility Agreement between GMAC and Ohsea of the same date as
     this letter (the Bridge Agreement); and

(b)  the Invoice Discounting Agreement to be entered into between GMAC (in the
     UK) and GMAC Commercial Finance LLC (in the US), and S. Com Group plc,
     Science Recruitment Group Limited and PS Interim Limited (in the UK) and S.
     Com CSE Inc. and The Woolf Group Inc. (in the US), substantially in the
     forms attached (the ID Agreements, which shall include the invoice
     discounting facility to be used in the United States of America and the
     English Law agreement together).

It is understood that any amounts drawn under the Bridge Agreement are to be
refinanced by a drawing under the ID Agreements.

As an inducement to GMAC to provide the facility to Ohsea on the terms of the
Bridge Agreement I undertake to you as follows:

(1)  I shall, subject as stated below, subscribe for additional A ordinary
     shares of 0.1 pence each in the capital of Ohsea, at a subscription price
     of $2.10 per share, for an aggregate subscription price of up to the lesser
     of (i)(pound)1,000,000 and (ii) the value of the Headroom (as defined

(2)  I shall make that subscription promptly following notification from GMAC
     that the first drawing is to be made under the ID Agreements and that
     Headroom exists on the day of that drawing, and in any event, within five
     London business days of receipt of that notification, the subscription
     consideration to be paid into each account of Ohsea as GMAC and Ohsea shall

(3)  this undertaking will be of no effect unless and until a drawing has been
     made under the Bridge Agreement; and

(4)  I may, at my discretion, arrange for this undertaking to be performed in
     whole or in part by another or other shareholders of Ohsea, it being agreed
     that I will be required to perform this undertaking to the extent of any
     failure in performance by any such other shareholder.

For these purposes:

Headroom means the amount determined on the date of the first drawing under the
ID Agreements as follows:

     Headroom = ((c) +(pound)500,000) minus (a + b)


(a)  is the aggregate amount that could be raised by Ohsea from you under the ID
     Agreements on that date;

(b)  is the aggregate amount of cash available to Ohsea and its subsidiaries
     which could lawfully be applied towards the repayment of amounts drawn
     under the Bridge Agreement on that date, as determined by
     PriceWaterhousecoopers (PWC); and

(c)  is the aggregate amount borrowed by Ohsea under the Bridge Agreement for
     the purchase of shares in Target (as defined in the Bridge Agreement).

If the Headroom would be a negative amount when calculated on the above formula
it shall be treated as zero.

Amounts in a currency other than sterling shall be converted into Sterling at a
rate determined by PWC as used in their work in relation to the "whitewash"
process required as a condition precedent to the ID Agreement.

This undertaking is governed by English Law.

Yours faithfully,

/s/ Michael A. Ashcroft
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Name: Michael A. Ashcroft
Title: Director