Exhibit 38

                                                                  CONFORMED COPY

                                POWER OF ATTORNEY

I, John Maynard, a Director of and shareholder in Professional Staff Plc,
registered number 2459997 ("the Company"), hereby appoint any other director of
the Company from time to time, severally, to be my true and lawful attorney ("my
Attorney") for me and in my name to do and perform any of the acts and things
that may be done and performed by me and to execute any documents necessary or
desirable to be completed or executed by me whether in my capacity as a director
of the Company or in my capacity as a shareholder in the Company as my Attorney
shall in his discretion think proper to do, perform or execute in connection
with the offer to be made by way of a Scheme of Arrangement under section 425 of
the Companies Act 1985 by or on behalf of Bidco Limited, registered number
4493380 ("Bidco") for all the issued and to be issued share capital of the
Company other than certain shares owned or controlled by Bidco, Lord Ashcroft,
Andrew Dixey, Benjamin Blackden and his immediate family and related trusts
("the Transaction") and, in particular (but without limiting the generality of
the foregoing):

(a)  to agree the form and contents of and, where appropriate, to sign in my
     name any circular, offer document, advertisement, announcement or other
     document required to be issued, published or released in connection with
     the Transaction including but not limited to any shareholder resolution, an
     irrevocable undertaking and a responsibility statement in the terms or to
     the effect required under the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers ("the City
     Code") whereunder, in common with the other directors of the Company (with
     or without exceptions), I accept responsibility as therein stated;

(b)  to do any acts or things, and to approve, execute or certify any document
     or documents necessary or desirable to be done, approved, executed or
     certified by me as a director of the Company with a view to compliance with
     the requirements of the Companies Act 1985, Financial Services and Markets
     Act 2000, the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers or the City Code; and

(c)  to execute, deliver and do all such other deeds, documents, acts and things
     as may be required or as my Attorney may think desirable or expedient in
     connection with the Transaction and to do anything whatsoever in connection
     therewith as amply and effectively as I could do personally.

I hereby undertake to ratify whatever my Attorney shall properly do or cause to
be done hereunder and to indemnify my Attorney and keep my Attorney indemnified
against all claims, costs and expenses which my Attorney may suffer as a result

This Power of Attorney may be revoked at any time by notice in writing signed by
me addressed to the Company Secretary and handed to him or sent to or delivered
at the registered office of the Company at Buckland House, Waterside Drive,
Langley Business Park, Slough, Berkshire SL3 6EZ and shall, if not previously
revoked, cease to have effect six calendar months after the date on which it is

This Power of Attorney is governed by and is to be construed in accordance with
the laws of England and Wales and the appropriate court of law in England is to
have non-exclusive jurisdiction in relation to all matters, claims and disputes
arising out of or in connection with this Power of Attorney.

Dated        12 March                            2003

Executed and unconditionally    ) John Maynard
delivered as a Deed by          )
John Maynard                    )
in the presence of:             ) Adele Thorpe, Wilton Cottage, Puers Lane,
                                  Jordans, Beaconsfield, Bucks, HP9 2TE