CONFIDENTIAL PORTIONS OF THIS
                                                   EXHIBIT MARKED [  ] HAVE BEEN
                                                   OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY
                                                   WITH THE SECURITIES AND
                                                   EXCHANGE COMMISSION

                            THE GENERICS GROUP, B.V.

                                                                  April 30, 1993

       Pharmaceutical Resources, Inc.
       One Ram Ridge Road
       Spring Valley, New York  10977

       Attention:  Kenneth Sawyer, President

       Dear Ken:

                 We are writing to confirm our agreement on the following

       New Products

             The Generics Group B.V. and its affiliates (collectively referred
       to herein as "Amerpharm") will appoint Pharmaceutical Resources, Inc. and
       its affiliates (collectively referred to herein as "Par") as its
       exclusive U.S. distributor for the products listed on Schedule A hereto
       (collectively the "New Products").

             Subject to the following provisions, definitive distribution
       agreements and related documentation to be entered into in furtherance of
       this Letter Agreement with respect to the New Products (collectively the
       "Distribution Agreements") shall be upon substantially the same terms and
       conditions as those previously executed and delivered in connection with
       the distribution arrangements between our affiliate, Genpharm, Inc. and
       Par for Piroxicam and Pindolol (the "Prior Transaction").  Capitalized
       terms used herein and not defined herein shall have the meanings given
       the Prior Transaction.

             While the Distribution Agreements will be executed and delivered in
       advance, the obligations of the parties thereto thereunder will only
       become effective (on a product by product basis) upon the appropriate
       approval letters being issued in respect of ANDAs as filed by Amerpharm
       in respect of the New Products.

             With the exception for Product 1 and certain Substantial Customer
       sales, Gross Profits (as defined in the Prior Transaction) will be
       allocated [  ]% to Amerpharm and [   ]% to Par (except on Excluded
       Contracts [as defined in the Prior Transaction] where the allocation will
       be [          ] and except that the first [   ] million of aggregate
       Gross Profits from Net Sales of the New Products will be allocated [   ]
       to Amerpharm and [   ]% to Par).

             The Distribution Agreements will also provide that if, after the
       expiry of six months from the initial shipment of a New Product in a
       commercial quantity to you, you

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       have not sold any of that product to a Substantial Customer (as defined
       below) or Par at any time has received notice or other reasonably
       reliable information ("Termination Notice") indicating that such
       Substantial Customer will not reorder a New Product, Amerpharm,a at its
       option, may give you thirty days (ninety days in the case of a
       Termination Notice) prior written notice of its intention to sell such
       New Product to the named Substantial Customer in question, or, as the
       case may be, have had the Termination Notice rescinded within the notice
       period, Amerpharm will be free to sell the Product in question to that
       Substantial Customer directly.  In the event Amerpharm shall determine to
       sell such Product to such Substantial Customer, it shall, in the
       following order of priority, (i) sell, package and deliver such Product
       itself directly to such Substantial Customer, (ii) to the extent
       practicable, put the order from such Substantial Customer through Par
       (for repackaging and/or distribution or otherwise) or (iii) if Par, in
       its discretion, refuses or it shall be impracticable for Amerpharm to put
       such order through Par, sell, package and deliver such Product to such
       Substantial Party through a third party.  In the event of (ii) above, the
       Gross Profits from such sale will be allocated [  ]% to Amerpharm and [
       ]% to Par.  In the event of (i) or (iii) above, the Gross Profits from
       such sale shall be allocated [  ]% to Amerpharm and [  ]% to Par.

             "Substantial Customer" shall mean any chain, wholesaler or other
       purchaser having significant combined purchasing power and constituting
       one of the top 100 generic drug purchasers in the United States.

             Gross Profits from Net Sales of Product 1 will be allocated [  ]%
       to Amerpharm, [  ]% to Par until the earlier of two years from the first
       commercialization of the product by Par and the date that other generic
       competition commences selling the same product in the market and
       thereafter Gross Profits will be allocated [  ]% to Amerpharm and [  ]%
       to Par (subject to the other exceptions herein described).

             The Distribution Agreements shall contemplate the following
       Product's Sales Thresholds (as that term is defined in the Prior
       Transaction) in respect of the following New Products:

             (a)  for Product 1 (i) for the first twelve months ("Year 1")
                  commencing on the Commencement Date, the sum of (A) [       ]
                  multiplied by the number of months ("NonComp Months") during
                  Year 1 for which there is no generic competition plus (B) [
                  ] multiplied by the number of months ("Comp Months") in Year 1
                  for which there is generic competition, (ii) for the second
                  twelve months ("Year 2") after the Commencement Date (subject
                  to the following proviso) the sum of (A) [       ] multiplied
                  by the number of NonComp Months in Year 2 plus (B) [
                  ] multiplied by the number of Comp Months in Year 2,a (iii)
                  for the third twelve months, 80% of the number of Annualized
                  Units (as defined below) sold in the

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                  preceding twelve months and (iv) for each twelve month period
                  thereafter, 90% of the number of units sold in the preceding
                  twelve months; provided, however, that if any generic
                  competition shall commence in Year 1, the threshold for Year 2
                  shall be as set forth in (iii) above and the threshold for all
                  succeeding periods as will be set forth in (iii) above and the
                  threshold for all succeeding periods as will be set forth in
                  (iv) above.

             For purposes hereof, "Annualized Units" shall mean (a) with respect
       to any twelve month period consisting of only NonComp Months, the number
       of units sold in such twelve-month period and (b) with respect to any
       other twelve month period, the number of units which would be required to
       be sold in such twelve month period in order to meet the applicable
       threshold therefor if such period consisted solely of Comp Months.

             (b)  for Product 3 (i) [    ] in the first twelve month period
                  commencing on the Commencement Date; (ii) eighty percent of
                  the number of units sold in such initial twelve-month period
                  for the second twelve month period and (iii) for each twelve
                  month period thereafter, ninety percent of the number of units
                  sold in the preceding twelve month period.

             With respect to the other New Products, the Product Sales Threshold
       shall be as set forth in (b) above except that the following shall be
       used for purpose of (b)(i) above:

                       Product 2      [      ]
                       Product 4      [      ]
                       Product 5      [      ]

             It is understood and agreed that the Distribution Agreement shall
       provide that Par shall use reasonable efforts to develop a market for and
       sell the New Products in the United States, such efforts to be at least
       as good as those used by Par in relation to their other products and that
       the satisfaction of a Product Sales Threshold in respect of a New Product
       for a period shall only be a prima facie evidence that Par has satisfied
       its obligation to use reasonable efforts, as aforesaid, in respect of
       such period.

             The Distribution Agreements shall also contemplate that if a
       pharmaceutical company carrying on business in the United States (the
       "Competitor") acquires securities of Pharmaceutical Resources, Inc. or
       either of its subsidiaries, Para Pharmaceutical, Inc. or PRX
       Distributors, Ltd., to which are attached more than fifty percent of the
       votes attaching to all of its outstanding securities having full voting
       rights under all circumstances, or which otherwise provide it with de
       facto control, or acquires all or substantially all of the operating
       assets of Par Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and the Competitor or any

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       of its affiliates is marketing a product which directly competes with the
       New Products or any other products which Par is then marketing or is
       under a commitment to market on behalf of Amerpharm, then, Amerpharm
       shall have the right to convert Par to a non-exclusive distributor of the
       affected New Products or products upon terms similar to those in the
       Prior Transaction for the conversion of Par from an exclusive to a non-
       exclusive distributor for failure to satisfy a Product Sales Threshold.
       In the event of any such conversion, Par's obligations with respect to
       market development and sales of the affected product will be to use
       reasonable efforts consistent with efforts used in relation to other Par
       Products, taking into consideration the changed circumstances then
       obtaining; provided, however, that if Amerpharm, in its discretion, is
                  --------  -------                                          
       not satisfied with the results of Par's efforts at any time, it may
       terminate the agreement with respect to such product on 60 days' written


             In consideration of Amerpharm entering into this Letter Agreement
       and the above-captioned Distribution Agreements in furtherance hereof,
       Pharmaceutical Resources, Inc., has agreed to grant to Amerpharm a
       warrant to acquire 150,000 common shares of Pharmaceutical Resources,
       Inc. at a price equal to $10 per share.

             The warrant as to 100,000 shares will become vested upon Par
       achieving aggregate sales of the New Products of $[     ] million and the
       balance of the shares will become vested when Par's sales of these
       products reaches $[     ] million.  The terms of the warrant will be
       substantially similar to those contained in the Warrant Agreement which
       was executed and delivered in connection with the Prior Transaction (the
       "Warrant Agreement").  The price to Amerpharm for the option shall be the
       sum of $[     ] which price shall be satisfied by the allocation of Gross
       Profits on the first $[     ] million of New Products sales (i.e., that
       Amerpharm has foregone $[     ] of profit by reducing its share of Gross
       Profits from [  ]% to [  ]% in respect of the first $[     ] million of
       Gross Profits).

       Additional Products of Amerpharm

             Amerpharm shall have the right to require Par to distribute in the
       United States on behalf of Amerpharm up to fourteen additional products
       (the "Additional Products") upon the following terms and the parties
       shall incorporate the terms herein contemplated and the terms relating to
       the sharing of profit (as defined below) from Third Party Products and
       from Captopril as contemplated beloW, into a definitive agreement or
       agreements (the "Additional Products Agreement") which shall be executed
       and delivered simultaneously with the Distribution Agreements.

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             Within three months from the date hereof, Amerpharm shall deliver
       to Par a list of up to the fourteen Additional Products, which list shall
       include only products in solid dosage form, but shall not include the
       products listed on product list ("List") signed by the parties which List
       and the Additional Products list the parties agree to keep confidential.
       At any time prior to the first anniversary of the date on which the
       Additional Products list is delivered, Amerpharm shall be entitled to
       replace, from time to time, up to four products in the aggregate named on
       the Additional Products list (which Amerpharm, acting reasonably,
       determines to be a problem product) with another product (which again is
       in solid dosage form and does not appear on the List) and provided Par,
       at the time of being notified of the proposed substitution, has not
       commenced in a substantial way (and is continuing diligently) to develop
       such product nor has it entered into an agreement with a third party to
       distribute such product on behalf of the third party.  The product so
       substituted shall be treated as an Additional Product (notwithstanding
       that is was not initially included on the Additional Product list for
       which it was substituted shall thereupon cease to be an Additional

             Par will distribute exclusively for Amerpharm (as Amerpharm's
       exclusive distributor in the United States) the Additional Products upon
       the same terms as are contemplated above for the New Products (on a [
       ] basis, subject to Excluded Contracts and Significant Customer
       exceptions contemplated above provided that the Product Sales Threshold
       for each such product shall be established in a manner contemplated
       below) provided that Amerpharm diligently proceeds to develop, test and
       obtain regulatory approval of the manufacture, importation and sale
       thereof in the United States, within time periods specified in the
       Additional Products Agreement to be executed in furtherance hereof or,
       failing agreement of the parties as to such time periods, within such
       reasonable period of time as shall reasonably be required to obtain such
       approvals having regard to the circumstances and the diligent and good
       faith efforts made by Amerpharm to obtain same.

             The Product Sales Threshold for each Additional Product for the
       first twelve months after the Commencement Date shall be the aggregate
       of, as applicable:

             (i)  25% of the total market units (both brand name and generic) of
                  such product sold in the United States for the period within
                  the first twelve months that such Additional Product of
                  Amerpharm is the only generic product being marketed in the
                  United States;

             (ii) 10% of the total market units (both brand name and generic) of
                  such product sold in the United States for the period within
                  the first twelve months where there are not more than two

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                  other competitive generic products (including Amerpharm's
                  Additional Product) being marketed in the United States;

             (iii)5% of the total market units (both brand name and generic)
                  of such product sold in the United States for the period
                  within the first twelve months where there are more than two
                  other competitive generic products (including Amerpharm's
                  Additional Product) but less than 5 being marketed in the
                  United States;

             (iv) 1% of the total market units (both brand name and generic) of
                  such product sold in the United States for the period within
                  the first twelve months in any case not contemplated in (i),
                  (ii) or (iii) above.

       Second year thresholds will be 80% of the annualized number of units
       required to have been sold by Par in the first twelve months on the
       assumption that the competition which existed in such last month of such
       twelve month period existed for the entire initial twelve months.  For
       the third year and each succeeding year, the thresholds will be 90% of
       the number of units sold in the year preceding it.  Notwithstanding the
       foregoing, at the time each Additional product is designated the parties
       shall consider the particular circumstances then existing with respect to
       such Additional Product in order to determine whether adjustments should
       be made to the above thresholds.

       Third Party Products

             If Amerpharm introduces Par to a third party (for whom Par is not
       then distributing any products at the time of the introduction and has
       not distributed a product for such third party within the prior two
       years) who agrees to use Par for the distribution of a product in the
       United States and Par, directly or indirectly, enters into an agreement
       with such third party for the distribution of that product (and/or within
       two years of such introduction, directly or indirectly, enters into or is
       negotiating (and subsequently enters into) any other agreement to
       distribute any other products of such third party) then Par shall split
       profits earned from the distribution of those products with Amerpharm on
       a [     ] basis.  Once introduced to Par, Amerpharm will not introduce
       such third party to any other party for marketing the same product in the
       United States so long as Par is diligently and in good faith negotiating
       the agreement.  For purposes hereof, "profits" shall mean the net revenue
       of Par from the distribution of products minus, without duplication, (i)
       Par's direct out-of-pocket costs in connection with the distribution of
       such products (including, without limitation, acquisition costs
       (including net duties), royalties, testing, promotion, packaging,
       labeling, shipping and any other out-of-pocket costs it incurs in
       connection with the agreement), (ii) a reasonable allowance for over

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       head (in an amount to be specified in the agreement with Amerpharm but
       not to exceed 2% of sales of such products by Par) and (iii) any other
       payments (not specifically referred to or contemplated above) which it
       makes to the third party for the product on account of such sales.

       Joint Products

             Par and Amerpharm shall each endeavor, in good faith, to
       independently develop and file an ANDA seeking regulatory approval to
       market the products set forth on Schedule B ("Joint Products") hereto in
       the United States.  If Par files and receives an ANDA on a Joint Product
       prior to any filing by Amerpharm, the parties shall have no further
       rights or obligations to each other with respect to such Joint Product.
       If Amerpharm files and receives an ANDA on a Joint Product prior to Par
       filing, such Joint Product shall be treated as an Additional Product for
       purposes hereof with profits to be split [     ] to Amerpharm and [     ]
       to Par.  If both parties have filed on a Joint Product, and one receives
       an ANDA and final FDA marketing clearance ("Clearance"), such Joint
       Product will be manufactured (by the ANDA and Clearance holder) and
       marketed by Par under the first issued ANDA and Clearance thereon and the
       party to whom such ANDA and Clearance is first issued shall receive [
       ] of profits thereon and the other party shall receive [     ].  If
       problems arise with the ANDA in use with respect to a Joint Product as
       the result of which the parties utilize an ANDA and Clearance issued to
       the other, the percentage split of profits and manufacturing obligations
       will reverse.  For purposes hereof, "profits" shall mean the net revenue
       of Par from the distribution of products minus, without duplication, (i)
       Par's direct out-of-pocket costs in connection with the distribution of
       such products (including, without limitation, acquisition costs
       (including net duties), royalties, testing, promotion, packaging,
       labeling and shipping, (ii) a reasonable allowance for overhead related
       to distribution (the amount to be specified in the agreement with
       Amerpharm but not to exceed 2% of sales of such products by Par) and
       (iii) the fully loaded manufacturing cost for manufacturing the product
       (which shall be paid to whichever of Par of Amerpharm manufactures the
       product pursuant to the regulatory approval) determined in accordance
       with generally accepted accounting principles and the usual business
       practices of such party, consistently applied.

       Fixed Price Contracts

             Where Par has entered into a fixed price contract to supply a
       Amerpharm product for which Amerpharm may be liable for excess re-
       procurement costs if it fails to deliver the required product and Par
       fulfills their contract to their customer by sourcing the products from a
       third party (which sourcing was required because of Amerpharm's inability
       to deliver the product), any profit (being revenue less out-of-pocket
       costs and expenses) which Par earns from

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       its fulfillment of such contract shall be split [     ] between Par and

       Amending Prior Transactions

             The distribution agreement executed and delivered in respect of the
       Prior Transactions shall be amended to (i) correct any typographical
       errors or omissions in such agreement including incorrect cross-
       references, (ii) to add the provisions herein contemplated for the Fixed
       Price Contracts, for Substantial Customers and for the right of
       Amerpharm's affiliate, Genpharm Inc. to convert Par into a non-exclusive
       distributor upon a pharmaceutical company acquiring the shares or assets
       of Par as hereinabove contemplated and the parties shall execute and
       deliver an amending agreement (the "Amending Agreement") amending the
       terms of the distribution agreement as herein contemplate.

                                     * * *

             It is understood and agreed that the terms of this Letter Agreement
       shall be legally binding upon us and shall regulate the conduct of
       negotiations for finalization of the Distribution Agreements, the Warrant
       Agreement, if applicable, the Additional Products Agreement, if
       necessary, and the Amending Agreement (collectively, the "Definitive
       Agreements").  Upon signing this Letter Agreement we shall both negotiate
       in good faith and as expeditiously as possible the detailed terms of the
       Definitive Agreements, which shall include the provisions based on the
       terms outlined in this Letter Agreement.  During negotiations for the
       Definitive Agreements the parties shall conduct business according to the
       terms of this Letter Agreement to the extent practicable.  Each party
       shall bear its own costs and expenses relating to the negotiation and
       execution of the Definitive Agreements and shall share the costs of any

             Please confirm your agreement with the foregoing by singing and
       returning to the undersigned the duplicate copy of this letter enclosed

                                        THE GENERICS GROUP B.V.
                                        by its authorized signatory

                                        Name: /s/ T. Tabatznik

                                        Title:  Director

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                              Accepted and Agreed

                              PHARMACEUTICAL RESOURCES, INC.
                              by its authorized officer

                              Name:     /s/Kenneth I Sawyer

                              Title:    President

                              Date:     May 8, 1993

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                                   SCHEDULE A

                                  New Products


          [                        ]

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                                   SCHEDULE B

                            [                     ]
                            [                     ]


       Re:  Letter Agreement dated April 30, 1993, between The Generics Group
            B.V. and Pharmaceutical Resources, Inc. (the "Letter Agreement")

          The following is the List referred to in the second paragraph under
       the heading "Additional Products of Amerpharm" on page 4 of the Letter

       1.    [                    ]

       2.    [                    ]

       3.    [                    ]

       4.    [                    ]

       5.    [                    ]

       6.    [                    ]

       7.    [                    ]

       8.    [                    ]

             DATED this 30th day of April, 1993.

       by its authorized signatory              by its authorized officer

       Name: /s/ T. Tabatznik              Name: /s/Kenneth I. Sawyer
             ---------------------------         ------------------------------

       Title: Director                       Title: President and CEO
              ----------------------------          ---------------------------