EXHIBIT 17 (B) (6)

                                                         REPLY TO:   N.J. Office

                                                               December 21, 1995

Mr. James Wright
CFO - Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resorts
1000 Boardwalk
Atlantic City, New Jersey 08401

                                               Re:  Trump Taj Mahal Realty Corp.
                                                    Atlantic City, New Jersey
                                                    Our Ref. #95029-1

Dear Mr. Wright;

Pursuant to your authorization, an appraisal has been made of the 
above-captioned premises in order to estimate the Market Value, as of December 
20, 1995.  Market Value is defined within the report, which contains the 
collective data and analyses upon which our value estimate is concluded.

Trump Taj Mahal Realty Co. consists of various parcels of land (see enclosed) 
used in conjunction and operation of the Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resorts in 
Atlantic City, New Jersey.  The property consists of a total 15.31+ Acres, which
include various parcel situated under the Taj Mahal main structure, the Steel 
Pier and the Virginia Avenue warehouse (lots 119 & 120).

Based upon the findings, it is our opinion that the Market Value, subject to the
assumptions and limiting conditions as set forth herein, as the value date,
December 20, 1995, is in the range of $80,180,000 (R) to $95,590,000 (R).

This letter and the collective data and analyses upon which our value estimate 
is concluded are integral parts of our findings and conclusions.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               APPRAISAL GROUP International

                                               /s/ Avi M. Vardi, Mai
                                               AVI M. VARDI, MAI
                                               N.J. State Certified Real Estate
                                               General Appraisers #RG00641


- ----------------------------

BLOCK    LOT           AREA - SQ. FT.     ACRES                                       
13       116             36,575            0.840                                      
         118.01          55,050            1.264                                      
         128.03          16,849            0.387                                      
         128.04          47,755            1.096                                      
         128.06          59,880            1.375                                      
         128.07          47,620            1.093                                      
         128.08          40,951            0.940                                      
         129.01          44,444            1.020                                      
         129.02           1,359            0.031         Estimated Value              
         129.06          19,750            0.453             $150.00          $175.00 
                                                         ------------     ----------- 
         142             12,300            0.282                                      
TOTAL BLK 13........    382,533 SQ. FT.     8.78 ACRES   $57,379,950      $66,943,275  

16       17              16,501            0.379                                        
         18               7,501            0.172                                        
         41               7,501            0.172                                        
         65              38,994            0.895                                        
TOTAL BLK 14........     70,497 SQ. FT.     1.62 ACRES   $10,574,550      $12,336,975    

                                                 Estimated Value @           
                                                              $75.00          $100.00      
                                                         -----------      ----------- 
14       42             150,300 SQ. FT.    3.450 ACRES   $11,272,500      $15,030,000

119      6                7,876            0.181                                   
         22               4,373            0.100                                   
         39               4,225            0.097                                   
         58               2,448            0.056         Estimated Value @         
         68               6,750            0.155             $15.00           $20.00
                                                           --------         -------- 
         85               5,925            0.136                                   
TOTAL BLK 119            31,597 SQ. FT.     0.73 ACRES     $473,955         $631,940 
120      23               4,948            0.114                                   
         33               2,627            0.060                                   
         44               2,252            0.052                                   
         58              17,325            0.398                                   
         65               2,500            0.057                                   
         66               2,500            0.057                                   
TOTAL BLK 120            32,152 SQ. FT.     0.74 ACRES     $482,280         $643,040 

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------

         BLOCK 13       382,533 SQ. FT.     8.78 ACRES                           
         BLOCK 14        70,497             1.62                                 
         STEEL PIER     150,300             3.45                                 
         BLOCK 119       31,597             0.73                                 
         BLOCK 120       32,152             0.74         ESTIMATED VALUE RANGE... 
                      ---------           ------  
TOTAL TRUMP REALTY LAND 667,079 SQ. FT.    15.31 ACRES   $80,183,235  -TO-  $95,585,230 
                                                         ===========        =========== 

                         APPRAISAL GROUP INTERNATIONAL