LICENSE AGREEMENT

This License Agreement, entered into as of this 9th day of December, 1992, by
and between RICHARD B. KENNEDY, of  Ridgefield, Connecticut (hereinafter
Delaware Corporation having a principal place of business in Ridgefield,
Connecticut (hereinafter referred to as "SAC");


     WHEREAS, Kennedy owns the entire right, title and interest in and to
certain inventions and technology and know-how relating to fire retarded
urethane coating which provides a vapor barrier (hereinafter referred to as
"Kennedy Technology and Know-How") and;

     WHEREAS, Kennedy has or shall apply for certain United States Letters
Patent (hereinafter referred to as "Kennedy Patent Rights") and;

     WHEREAS, SAC is engaged in the commercialization of new technologies
dealing with the treatment of sludge, land-fill and waste materials, and
hazardous waste (especially medical waste) and has developed and owns
considerable expertise, technology and know-how in this field; and;

     WHEREAS, SAC is desirous of acquiring from Kennedy an exclusive license to
practice said patents and trade secrets within the Continental United States of
America under Kennedy Patent Rights and related Kennedy Technology and Know-How,
and Kennedy is willing to grant SAC such an exclusive license;

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and premises set

forth herein and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter recited, it is
hereby agreed as follows;

                                 I. DEFINITIONS

     1.01  The fire retarded urethane coating which provides a vapor barrier
means any product produced pursuant to Kennedy Technology and Know-How sale of
which would otherwise entitle Kennedy to relief under 35 U.S.C. section 271).

     1.02  "Kennedy Patent Rights" means any issued or to be issued patents and
pending patent applications relating to the fire retarded urethane coating which
provides a vapor barrier owned or controlled by Kennedy.

     1.03  "Kennedy Technology and Know-How" means the technical information
and/or technology, either oral or written, relating to methods, products and
apparatus described or claimed in Patent Rights or other information patentable
or unpatentable made known during the term of this agreement by Kennedy to SAC,
SAC's agents or SAC's authorized representatives.

     1.04  "Licensed Territory" means the Continental United States of America
in which Kennedy Patent Rights exist and/or in which Kennedy Technology and
Know-How has application.

     1.05  "Kennedy Improvement"  means any new invention, improvement or
addition to Kennedy Patent Rights or Kennedy Technology and Know-How made,
acquired or owned by Kennedy or any member thereof, during the term of this

     1.06  "Joint Improvement" means any new invention, improvement or
development relating to this technology made jointly by Kennedy and SAC during
the term of this Agreement.

                                II. WARRANTIES

     2.01  Kennedy warrants that it is the owner of all Kennedy Patent Rights
and Kennedy Technology and Know-How and has the full rights and authority to
make this Agreement and to grant the exclusive rights provided for herein.

     2.02  Kennedy warrants that it is not aware of any prior patents or
publications, prior public uses or sales, or other material facts which
adversely affect the validity of the Kennedy Patent Rights.

     2.03  Kennedy warrants that it is not aware of an patent or other
proprietary rights of any party which would be infringed upon by SAC's
performance under any provision hereof.

     2.04  Kennedy warrants that the exclusive rights granted to SAC herein will
not conflict with any prior agreement, understanding or obligation of Kennedy or
otherwise relating to the Kennedy Patent Rights and/or Kennedy Technology and

                             III. EXCLUSIVE LICENSE

     3.01  Kennedy hereby grants to SAC an exclusive license under the Kennedy
Patent Rights to practice said patent and trade secrets within the Continental
United States of America, Kennedy Technology and Know-How and Joint Patent
Rights to manufacture, use and sell and to sublicense.

     3.02  The initial term of this exclusive license shall be the full term of
the Kennedy Patent Rights and Joint Patent Rights.

     3.03  SAC shall pay to Kennedy a continuing royalty of four (4%) per cent
of the gross sales by SAC of the product licensed hereunder.  Only one royalty
shall be paid on any particular sale hereunder, e.g. inter-company transfers or
sales by SAC to a subsidiary or by a

subsidiary to SAC or another subsidiary for subsequent resale shall be deemed to
be one sale.  The "one" royalty payment, at all times, shall be based upon the
highest gross dollar amount generated from the sale of the product which shall
include all resales and/or transfers in determining the gross amount.  If
resales and/or transfers are delayed, for any reason, royalty payments will
still be made on the highest gross dollar amount generated from the sale of the
product.  Royalty payments will then be adjusted accordingly at the time of each
additional resale and/or transfer.

     3.04  Continuing royalty payments hereunder shall be made quarterly within
thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter.  SAC shall pay Kennedy
four (4%) percent of all payment made by any sublicensee in accordance with this

     3.05  SAC agrees to maintain complete records in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principals which accurately reflect the activities of SAC
under this Agreement as are pertinent to an accurate calculation of continuing
royalties.  Kennedy shall have the right, at its own expense, to have the
records maintained by SAC hereunder inspected by a firm of nationally recognized
certified public accounts for the purpose of verifying the amounts of continuing
royalties due and payable hereunder, but such rights of inspection shall be
limited to no more than two inspections per calendar year, and all information
provided or obtained by such certified public accountant, except the total
amount of continuing royalties accruing in each calendar quarter, shall be held
by them in strict confidence including as to Kennedy.

                                  IV. PATENTS

     4.01  Kennedy represents to SAC that it has already filed or shall file for
United States Letters Patent covering this technology.  Kennedy and SAC agree
that it is important to

this Agreement that the Kennedy Patent Rights be maintained.

     4.02  For and in consideration of the right and license, SAC agrees to pay
all maintenance fees, all fees for filing and prosecuting pending patent
applications, etc., for those Kennedy Patent Rights and Kennedy Improvements
including any Joint Patents which Kennedy and SAC agree are important to this
agreement.  Kennedy and SAC agree to cooperate fully with each other in such
filing and maintenance.

     4.03  Kennedy and SAC shall cooperate in the licensing of any Joint Patent
Rights to others and shall share equally any royalties or other licensing income
equally between them.  Kennedy and SAC agree to provide the other with quarterly
reports of any licensing income from Joint Patent Rights and to accompany such
reports with payment of their share of such licensing income.  Such reports and
payments shall be made within forty-five (45) days of the end of each calendar

     4.04  Kennedy Patent Rights and Improvements shall remain the sole property
of Kennedy and SAC's only right therein are those granted by Kennedy herein.

     4.05  Joint Improvements and Joint Patent right shall remain equally the
property of Kennedy and SAC.

     4.06  Similarly, Kennedy and SAC shall cooperate in the enforcement of any
Kennedy Patent Right or any Joint Patent Right.  In the event of such
infringement of any patent Rights, SAC shall have the right but shall not be
obligated to bring suit against the infringer.  All costs of the litigation
shall be the responsibility of SAC.  Any recoveries from such litigation, or
any settlement thereof, shall go to SAC, with the provision that should the
recoveries exceed the outlays for such litigation, then SAC will pay to Kennedy
four (4%) percent of such excess.  SAC will keep Kennedy fully and promptly
informed of the progress

of such litigation.  SAC shall have the power at its option to enter into any
settlement of such litigation; provided, however, that any such settlement must
uphold the existence of all the Patent Rights and this Agreement.  If SAC
refuses or fails to enforce any patent Rights within a reasonable time after
notice, Kennedy may do so in his own name, at this sole expense and for his sole

                                 V. TERMINATION

     5.01  In the event that Kennedy is in default of any substantial
obligation, or any warranty or material representation is breached or is untrue,
then commencing ninety (90) days after written notice to that effect SAC,
without limiting any rights or remedies SAC may have under this Agreement or at
law or in equity, all royalties accruing under this agreement shall be paid
into escrow for the time that Kennedy is in default.  In the event Kennedy cures
such default, the royalties paid into escrow shall be paid to Kennedy and
royalties accruing after the date on which the default was cured shall be paid
to Kennedy immediately.  Quarterly royalty payments will continue as provided
for  herein.  Kennedy shall pay to SAC any and all costs and damages caused by
such breach.

     5.02  In the event SAC fails to make a payment for any reason after such
payment is due, or if it is in default of any other substantial obligation under
this Agreement, then Kennedy may terminate this Agreement to be effective after
ninety (90) days from a written notice to that effect given by Kennedy to SAC
specifying the default; provided, however, that if SAC makes such payment or
cures such default within the notice period, this Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect as it would have had such notice not been given and provided
further that SAC shall pay to Kennedy any and all costs and damages caused by

such breach.

     5.03  In the event of termination of this Agreement pursuant to paragraphs
5.01 or 5.02, SAC shall: (a) have the right to fill all outstanding orders upon
payment of the royalty due thereon, provided such sale is completed within six
(6) months after the date of termination; (b) return to Kennedy all confidential
information furnished to SAC by Kennedy and all Kennedy Patent Rights and all
Kennedy Technology and Know-How (c) Kennedy is to be paid any royalties which
have been paid into escrow, including any interest or other income earned

     5.04  In the event of any termination of this Agreement, Kennedy and SAC
shall be joint owners of any Join Patent Rights will all rights and privileges
attendant thereto.  Any other existing licenses under such Joint Patent Rights
shall survive any termination hereof and the provisions of this Agreement
relating to the division of royalties from such other licenses shall likewise
survive termination hereof.

     5.05  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, in the event this License
does not generate $20,000.00 per annum within two (2) years of the date of this
License, it shall become automatically a non-exclusive License.  If, however,
said License generates the sum of $20,000.00 in any one of the two (2) years,
the License shall continue as an exclusive License.

                             VI. DISPUTE RESOLUTION

     Any dispute arising between Kennedy and SAC with respect to any provision
of this Agreement or any matter relating to the Agreement shall be resolved if
at all possible by good faith negotiation between the parties hereto.  If such
negotiation fails to resolve such dispute,

Kennedy and SAC agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration conducted in
Danbury, Connecticut, pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration

                           VII. NO CONTINUING WAIVER

     Any waiver of any breach of this Agreement must be by notice in accordance
with Article X and any waiver of any breach shall not be deemed a waiver of any
breach of a continuing nature or any other breach of either the same of
different character.

                              VIII.  FORCE MAJEURE

     The performance by the parties of their respective obligations under this
Agreement shall be suspended for such period of time as they are prevented from
performing such obligations by reason of acts of God, fire, flood, explosion,
insurrection, riot, enemy attack, malicious mischief, order of court or other
governmental authority, inability to secure or delay in securing rights of way,
privileges, franchises, permits equipment, and other events reasonably beyond
the control of the party subject thereto.

                                 IX. ASSIGNMENT

     This Agreement shall be assignable by the SAC without the prior written
consent of the other party.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and apply,
extend to, and inure to the benefit of the successors, heirs and assigns of the
respective parties hereunder.

                                   X. NOTICES

     All notices required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement
shall be in writing and shall be deemed adequately given if delivered in person
or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
following address:

     c/o Richard J. Fricke, Esq.

     27 Governor Street
     Ridgefield, CT  06877

     519 Branchville Road
     Ridgefield, CT  06877

     or such other address as may be designated by a party, by a notice in
compliance with this Article X.

                               X1. GOVERNING LAW
     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of Connecticut.

                            X11. COMPLETE AGREEMENT

     This Agreement represents the complete agreement of the parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof, and all prior agreements and negotiations
are merged herein.  This Agreement may be amended or changed only by a written
document purporting to do so and signed by the parties.

                               XIV. SEVERABILITY

     If  it shall at any time appear that any right or obligation provided in
this Agreement is contrary to any law, treaty or regulation of a government to
which any party is subject, such right or obligation shall be deemed annulled,
or shall be modified to the extent required to comply with such law, treaty or

                                  XV. MARKING

     SAC agrees to permanently and legibly mark or cause to be marked in the
manner prescribed by title 35, Section 287, of the United States Code, or
appropriate foreign requirements all Kennedy Technology marketed by SAC or its
sublicensees, with the number or numbers of the patents of the Kennedy Patent
Rights insofar as it is reasonably practical.

                                 XVI. CONFIDENTIALITY

          Except to the extent permitted under and necessary to enjoy the full
benefits of this Agreement, it is agreed that without the prior written approval
of the other party, neither party will during the term of this Agreement
disclose or permit to be disclosed to others or used for, its own benefit, any
know-how and unpublished information relating to the business, engineering,
research activities or trade secrets of the other acquired by the party during
the term of this Agreement, provided that such know-how and unpublished
information has been designated and marked as "CONFIDENTIAL" by the party to
whom the know-how and information belongs prior to its acquisition by the
receiving party; and provided further that the know-how or unpublished
information has not fallen into the public domain through no fault of the
receiving party and has not been received by the receiving party from another

                           XVIII. DUPLICATE ORIGINALS

          This Agreement is being executed in duplicate original form, each of
which shall serve and function as an original agreement for all purposes.


          Kennedy represents, and based thereon SAC acknowledges, that Richard
B. Kennedy has expertise in numerous other areas.  It is agreed by SAC that any
discoveries or inventions of Richard B. Kennedy which are not related to the
Kennedy Patent Rights, Technology and Know-How and which do not come within the
purview of the definitions contained in Article 1 hereof shall remain the sole
property of Richard B. Kennedy.


                              XX. ROYALTY PAYMENTS

          Notwithstanding anything in this License Agreement to the contrary,
the royalty payments called for herein shall, at all times, be based upon the
Fair Market Value of the sale of the product.  If there is a dispute about the
Fair Market Value of the product, said dispute shall be resolved in accordance
with the License Agreement.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Kennedy has executed this Agreement under his
hand and seal and SAC has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly
authorized representative as of the date and year first above written.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of:

_________________________________     ___________________________________
                                      Richard B. Kennedy

_________________________________     SAFE ALTERNATIVES CORPORATION
                                      OF AMERICA, INC.


_________________________________     ___________________________________
                                      Stephen J. Thompson, Its President

                      )     SS. Ridgefield

Personally appeared RICHARD B. KENNEDY, Signer and Sealer of the foregoing
Instrument, and acknowledged the same to be his free act and deed, before me.


                      )     SS. Ridgefield

Personally appeared STEPHEN J. THOMPSON, President of SAFE ALTERNATIVES
CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC., and acknowledged the same to be his free act and
deed, and the free act and deed of said corporation, before me.
