Exhibit 3.1(p)(ii)



(FOR BUREAU USE ONLY)                   Date Received

          (Please read information and instructions on last page)

          Pursuant to the provisions of Act 284, Public Acts of 1972
     (profit corporations), or Act 162, Public Acts of 1982 (nonprofit
     corporations), the undersigned corporation executes the following

     1.   The present name of the corporation is:  Financial Exchange
          Company of Michigan, Inc.

     2.   The corporation identification number (CID) assigned by the
          Bureau is:   2 9 2 - 4 1 6

     3.   The location of its registered office is:  c/o The
          Corporation Company,

            615 Griswold Street    Detroit,  Michigan       48226   
          (Street Address)          (City)              (Zip Code)

     4.   Articles VI and VII of the Articles of Incorporation is 
          hereby amended to read as follows:

          (a)  Article VI is deleted in its entirety.

          (b)  Article VII is renumbered as Article VI to conform with
               the deletion of the present Article VI, and shall read
               as follows:

          Article VI

          Any action required or permitted by the Act to be taken at
          an annual or special meeting of shareholders may be taken
          without a meeting, without prior notice and without a vote,
          if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken,
          is signed by the holders of outstanding stock having not
          less than the minimum number of votes that would be
          necessary to authorize or take the action at a meeting at
          which all shares entitled to vote thereon were present and

          Prompt notice of the taking of the corporate action without
          a meeting by less than unanimous written consent shall be
          given to shareholders who have not consented in writing.



     IN THE BOX BELOW.  Include name, street and number (or
     P.O. box), city, state and ZIP code.

      Mr. John L. Morrissey, Asst. Secretary    Telephone:
      C T Corporation System                        Area Code:    212   
      1633 Broadway                                 Number:664-1666 Ext. 284
      New York, New York  10019

                        INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS

         1.    Submit one original copy of this document.  Upon
               filing, a microfilm copy will be prepared for the
               records of the Corporation and Securities Bureau.  The
               original copy will then be returned to the address
               appearing in the box above as evidence of filing.

               Since this document must be microfilmed, it is
               important that the filing be legible.  Documents with
               poor black and white contrast, or otherwise illegible,
               will be rejected.

         2.    This document is to be used pursuant to the provisions
               of Act 284, P.A. of 1972, by one or more persons for
               the purpose of forming a domestic profit corporation.

         3.    Article I -- The corporate name of a domestic profit
               corporation is required to contain one of the following
               words or abbreviations:  "Corporation", "Company",
               "Incorporated", "Limited", "Corp.", "Co.", "Inc.", or

         4.    Article II -- State, in general terms, the character of
               the particular business to be carried on.  Under
               section 202(b) of the Act, it is sufficient to state
               substantially, alone or without specifically enumerated
               purposes, that the corporation may engage in any
               activity within the purposes for which corporations may
               be organized under the Act. The Act requires, however,
               that educational corporations state their specific

         5.    Article III (2) -- The Act requires the incorporators
               of a domestic corporation having shares without par
               value to submit in writing the amount of consideration
               proposed to be received for each share which shall be
               allocated to stated capital.  Such stated value may be
               indicated either in item 2 of article III or in a
               written statement accompanying the articles of

         6.    Article IV -- A post office box may not be designated
               as the address of the registered office.  The mailing
               address may differ from the address of the registered
               office only if a post office box address in the same


               city as the registered office is designated as the
               mailing address.

         7.    Article V -- The Act requires one or more
               incorporators.  The address(es) should include a street
               number and name (or other designation), city or state.

         8.    The duration of the corporation should be stated in the
               articles only if the duration is not perpetual.

         9.    This document is effective on the date approved and
               filed by the Bureau.  A later effective date, no more
               than 90 days after the date of delivery, may be stated
               as an additional article.

         10.   The articles must be signed in ink by each
               incorporator.  The names of the incorporators as set
               out in article V should correspond with the signatures.

         11.   FEES: Filing fee  . . . . . . . . . . . . .             $10.00
                     Franchise fee --  1/2  mill (.0005) on each dollar
                     of authorized
                     capital stock, with a minimum franchise fee of    $25.00
                     Total minimum fees (Make remittance payable to
                     State of Michigan) . . . . . . . . . . . .        $35.00

         12.   Mail form and fee to:
                    Michigan Department of Commerce
                    Corporation and Securities Bureau
                    Corporation Division
                    P.O. Box 30054
                    Lansing, MI  48909
                    Telephone:  (517) 373-0493



 DOCUMENT WILL BE RETURNED TO NAME AND       Name of person or organization
 BELOW.  Include name, street and number     
 (or P.O. box), city, state and ZIP code.    Spengler Carlson Gubar
 Gregory Katz, Assistant Secretary           ----------------------
                                             Brodsky & Frischling
 c/o Spengler Carlson Gubar Brodsky &    
 520 Madison Avenue                      
 New York, New York  10022                   Preparer's name and
                                             business telephone number:

                                             Eric B. Lesser
                                             (212) 935-5000

                        INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS

     1.   The amendment cannot be filed until this form, or a
          comparable document, is submitted.

     2.   Submit one original copy of this document.  Upon filing, a
          microfilm copy will be prepared for the records of the
          Corporation and Securities Bureau.  The original copy will
          be returned to the address appearing in the box above as
          evidence of filing.

          Since this document must be microfilmed, it is important
          that the filing be legible.  Documents with poor black and
          white contrast, or otherwise illegible, will be rejected.

     3.   This document is to be used pursuant to the provisions of
          section 631 of the Act for the purpose of amending the
          articles of incorporation  of a domestic profit or nonprofit
          corporation.  Do not use this form for restated articles.  A
          nonprofit corporation is one incorporated to carry out any
          lawful purpose or purposes not involving pecuniary profit or
          gain for its directors, officers, shareholders, or members. 
          A nonprofit corporation formed on a nonstock directorship
          basis, as authorized by Section 302 of the Act, may or may
          not have members, but if it has members, the members are not
          entitled to vote.

     4.   Item 2 -- Enter the identification number previously
          assigned by the Bureau.  If this number is unknown, leave it

     5.   Item 4 -- The article being amended must be set forth in its
          entirety.  However, if the article being amended is divided
          into separately identifiable sections, only the sections
          being amended need be included.

     6.   This document is effective on the date approved and filed by
          the Bureau.  A later effective date, no more than 90 days
          after the date of delivery, may be stated.


     7.   If the amendment is adopted before the first meeting of the
          board of directors, item 5(a) must be completed and signed
          in ink by a majority of the incorporators if more than one
          listed in Article V of the Articles of Incorporation if a
          profit corporation, and all the incorporators if a
          non-profit corporation.  If the amendment is otherwise
          adopted, item 5(b) must be completed and signed in ink by
          the president, vice-president, chairperson or vice-
          chairperson of the corporation.

     8.   FEE: (Make remittance payable to the State of Michigan.
              Include corporation name and CID Number on check or
              money order) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $10.00
              Franchise fee for profit corporations (payable only if
              authorized shares have increased):
              each additional 20,000 authorized shares or portion
              thereof  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $30.00

     9.   Mail form and fee to:
              Michigan Department of Commerce
              Corporation and Securities Bureau
              Corporation Division
              P.O. Box 30054
              6546 Mercantile Way
              Lansing, MI  48909
              Telephone:  (517) 334-6302




     a.     The foregoing amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
     was duly adopted on the _____ day of ______________, 19____, in
     accordance with the provisions of the Act by the unanimous
     consent of the incorporator(s) before the first meeting of the
     board of directors or trustees.

          Signed this ____________ day of _______________________,

          ------------------------------     -------------------------
                    Signature                               Signature

          ------------------------------     -------------------------
                    (Type or Print Name)          (Type or Print Name)

          ------------------------------     -------------------------
                    Signature                               Signature

          ------------------------------     -------------------------
                    (Type or Print Name)          (Type or Print Name)

     b. X    The foregoing amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
              was duly adopted on the 1st day of June, 1990.  The
              amendment: (check one of the following)

              was duly adopted in accordance with Section 611(2) of
              the Act by the vote of the shareholders if a profit
              corporation, or by the vote of the shareholders or
              members if a nonprofit corporation, or by the vote of
              the directors if a nonprofit corporation organized on a
              nonstock directorship basis.  The necessary votes were
              cast in favor of the amendment.
              was duly adopted by the written consent of all the
              directors pursuant to Section 525 of the Act and the
              corporation is a nonprofit corporation organized on a
              nonstock directorship basis.
              was duly adopted by the written consent of the
              shareholders or members having not less than the minimum
              number of votes required by statute in accordance with
              Section 407(1) and (2) of the Act if a nonprofit
              corporation, and Section 407(1) of the Act if a profit
              corporation.  Written notice to shareholders or members
              who have not consented in writing has been given. 
              (Note: Written consent by less than all of the
              shareholders or members is permitted only if such
              provision appears in the Articles of Incorporation.)
              was duly adopted by the written consent of all the
              shareholders or members entitled to vote in accordance
              with Section 407(3) of the Act if a non-profit


              corporation, and Section 407(2) of the Act if a profit

                              Signed this 1st day of June, 1990

                              By   /s/Edward R. Larkin                
                                   (Only signature of President, Vice
                                   President, Chairperson and Vice-
  ON ORIGINAL]                     Edward R. Larkin            President 
                                   (Type or Print Name)(Type or Print Title)
