Exhibit 3.1(bb)(i)


                               LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                            CERTIFICATE AND AGREEMENT
                         AN ARIZONA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

               This Certificate and Agreement of Limited Partnership (the
     "Agreement") dated and effective this 1st day of April, 1988
     is made and entered into by and between U.S. CHECK EXCHANGE, INC., an
     Arizona corporation (hereinafter "General Partner") as the General
     Partner, and GOLF WORLD, INC., a California corporation ("Golf
     World"), NATIONAL FINANCIAL EXCHANGE, INC., a California corporation
     ("NFE"), LYNN R. STRATFORD ("Stratford"), LELAND J. BUTTLE ("Buttle"),
     AMM DEVELOPMENT, INC., a Corporation ("AMM") as the limited partners
     (hereinafter "Limited Partners").  The General Partner and the Limited
     Partners may sometimes be referred to herein interchangeably as
     "Partner" or "Partners".

               WHEREAS, U.S. CHECK EXCHANGE, INC., an Arizona corporation,
     holds various assets of a business engaged in the operation of check
     cashing and currency exchange and other financial services.

               WHEREAS, U.S. CHECK EXCHANGE, INC., an Arizona corporation,
     desires to transfer its assets to U.S. CHECK EXCHANGE, an Arizona
     limited partnership, as an initial contribution, in exchange for a
     general partnership interest therein.


               WHEREAS, U.S. CHECK EXCHANGE, INC., an Arizona corporation,
     has executed, on even date herewith, a Bill of Sale to reflect a
     transfer of its assets into U.S. CHECK EXCHANGE, an Arizona limited
     partnership, as an initial capital contribution, in exchange for a
     general partnership interest therein.

               NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises
     contained herein, the parties hereto do hereby form a limited
     partnership (the "Limited Partnership" or "the Partnership") upon the
     following terms and conditions.

                                   ARTICLE I.

               The following terms used in this Agreement shall have the
     meanings described below:

               1.0A.     "Act" shall mean the Arizona Statutes governing
     Limited partnerships, and interpretations thereof by Arizona case law,
     as now in force or from time to time amended.

               1.0B.     "Assignee" means a person who has acquired a
     Limited Partner's beneficial interest in one or more Partnership Units
     and has not become a Substituted Limited Partner.

               1.0C.     "Capital Account" shall mean each Partner's
     Capital Contribution increased by any Additional Capital amended by
     him to, and by his share of Net Income from, the Partnership and
     decreased by his share of Net Loss and distributions made to him by
     the Partnership.


               1.0D.     "Capital Contribution" shall mean the aggregate of
     each Partner's Initial Capital Contributions and any additional
     Capital Contributions made by each Partner.

               1.0E.     "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as

               1.0F.     "General Partner" shall mean U.S. CHECK EXCHANGE,
     INC., an Arizona corporation, acting in its capacity as General
     Partner of the Limited Partnership, or any other person or persons who
     succeeds him as General Partner pursuant to the provisions of this

               1.0G.     "Initial Capital Contribution" shall mean the
     capital contribution described in Article 10 hereof.

               1.0H.     "Limited Partner" shall refer to those persons
     executing this Agreement as Limited Partners.

               1.0I.     "Profits" and "Losses" of the Partnership shall
     mean the net profits and net losses of the Partnership as determined
     by the certified public accountant serving the Partnership acting in
     accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently

               1.J. "Partners" shall refer collectively to the General
     Partner and to the Limited Partners, and any reference to a "Partner"
     shall be to any one of the Partners interchangeably, limited or


               1.K. "Partnership" or "Limited Partnership" shall refer to
     the Limited Partnership created under this Agreement.

               1.L. "Person" shall mean any natural person, partnership,
     joint venture, corporation, estate, trust, association, or other legal

               1.M. "Substituted Limited Partner" shall refer to a person
     who has received assignment of an interest in the Partnership by a
     Limited Partner and who is admitted to the Partnership with all of the
     rights of a Limited Partner pursuant to this Agreement and applicable

               1.N. "Transfer" when used in connection with a Unit means
     any sale, assignment, hypothecation, pledge, encumbrance or any other
     disposition thereof to any Person or any grant to any Person of any
     interest in or with respect to a unit or any part thereof.

                                   ARTICLE II.
                               FORMATION AND NAME
               The Partners hereby form a limited partnership (the
     "Partnership") pursuant to the provisions of the Act.  The name of the
     Partnership shall be "U.S. Check Exchange Limited Partnership", an
     Arizona limited partnership.


                                  ARTICLE III.
                          GENERAL CHARACTER OF BUSINESS

               The general character and purpose of the business of the
     partnership shall be to engage in the operation of a check cashing and
     currency exchange business and to provide other financial services to
                                   ARTICLE IV.

               The Partnership shall commence on the date this Agreement is
     filed with the Arizona Secretary of State and shall continue for a
     period of forty (40) years thereafter unless sooner terminated in
     accordance with the terms hereof, or as otherwise provided by law.

                                   ARTICLE V.
                                SPECIFIED OFFICE

               The Partnership's Specified Office as required by the Act
     and principal place of business shall be at 10555 East Firestone
     Blvd., Norwalk, California 90650, or at such other place as the
     General Partner may, upon five days' prior notice to the Limited
     Partners, designate from time to time.

                                   ARTICLE VI.
                                 SPECIFIED AGENT

               The Specified Agent for service of process upon the
     Partnership as required by the Act is David H. Colby, whose


     address is 6900 East Indian School Road, Suite 200, Scottsdale,
     Arizona 85251.

                                  ARTICLE VII.

               The name and business address of the General Partner and
     each Limited Partner in paragraph 20.01 hereof.

                                  ARTICLE VIII.
                                POWER OF ATTORNEY

               8.0A.     General Partner as Attorney-in-Fact.  All Limited
     Partners, individually and collectively, irrevocably constitute and
     appoint the General Partner as their true and lawful attorney-in-fact
     and empower the General Partner to act for and in their place, name,
     and stead to execute, acknowledge, record, deliver, publish, and file,
     as may be necessary, this Agreement and certificate, and any
     amendments, modifications, or cancellations thereto, which may be
     required to effectuate the dissolution and termination of the Limited
     Partnership, or any other instruments which the Partnership may be
     required to file under the laws of the State or the regulations of any
     government agency.  If the General Partner so requests, each Partner
     shall execute and acknowledge any amendment or modification of this
     Agreement and Certificate and such other documents as are required
     under the Act or otherwise by law or regulation and are approved by
     the Limited Partnership.


               8.0B.  Power of Attorney Irrevocable.  Each Limited Partner
     acknowledges that the foregoing power of attorney is coupled with an
     interest, is irrevocable, and shall survive both the death of any
     Limited Partner and/or any assignment by any Limited Partner of his or
     her interest.

                                   ARTICLE IX.
                                TITLE TO PROPERTY

               Title to any Partnership property shall be held in the name
     of the Partnership.

                                   ARTICLE X.
                              CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS

               10.0A.  Initial Capital Contributions.

               1.   General Partner.  The General Partner shall make an
     Initial Capital Contribution to the Partnership equal to the assets
     identified in the Bill of Sale and Assignment attached hereto as
     Exhibit "A".

               2.   Limited Partners.  The Limited Partners shall make the
     following Initial cash Capital Contributions:

     Name of Limited Partner                   Capital Contribution
     -----------------------                   --------------------
     Golf World, Inc.                               $5,000.00
     Lynn R. Stratford                                 865.00
     NFE                                               865.00
     Leland Buttle                                     238.00
     AMM Development, Inc.                           2,883.00

               10.0B.  Limited Partner's Liability.  The Limited Partners
     shall not be liable for any of the debts, obligations,


     or liabilities of the Partnership beyond their contributions of
     capital.  The Limited Partners shall make an initial contribution to
     the capital of the Partnership as identified in paragraph 10.01.  The
     partners agree that each Limited Partner shall contribute equally such
     additional sums as the Partnership may require during the term of the
     Agreement to meet its cash needs.

               Each Limited Partner shall make any additional capital
     contributions to the Partnership no later than ten (10) days following
     notice from the General Partner than an additional capital
     contribution is required for the Partnership to continue meetings its
     business needs.  The Partners also acknowledge that additional capital
     contributions may be necessary, at the discretion of the General
     Partner, for each new business location that is opened by the
     Partnership.  In the event that additional contributions are made, the
     interests of the Partners in the Partnership will be adjusted to
     reflect such contributions.  No Limited Partners shall be obligated to
     make any additional contributions.  However, all funding required for
     acquisition and expansion of new business locations will be obtained
     either from:

               1.   loans to the Partnership by the General Partner at an
     interest rate on terms and conditions agreeable to the Partners


               2.   a line of credit obtained by the General Partner,
     secured by Partnership assets, on terms and conditions agreeable to
     the Partners.

               10.0C.  General Partner's Liability.  The General Partner
     shall have the same liability for Partnership obligations, debts, and
     liabilities as would a General Partner in a General Partnership.

               10.0D.  No Interest On Contributions.  No Partner shall
     receive any interest on any Capital Contribution.

               10.0E.  Withdrawal of Capital.  No Partner may withdraw any
     part of his capital account or receive any distribution from the
     Partnership except as provided herein.

                                   ARTICLE XI.
                        ALLOCATION OF PROFITS AND LOSSES

               11.0A.  Capital Accounts.
               1.   Each Partner shall have a capital account equal to:

                a.  The amount of his capital contributions to the
     partnership pursuant to this Agreement;

                b.  Plus an amount of income received from the Partnership,
     allocated between the Partners in accordance with paragraph 11.02


                c.  Less the amount of losses and other expenses of the
     Partnership allocated to the Partners in accordance with paragraph
     11.02 hereof; 

                d.  Less all amounts distributed to the Partners pursuant
     to this Agreement (excluding amounts distributed in repayment of
     principal or interest of loans to the Partnership by the Partners and
     amounts payable to the Partners as consultant fees).

               2.   No limited partner shall be obligated to contribute
     capital to his capital account.

               3.   Loans by a Partner to the Partnership shall not be
     considered contributions to the capital of the Partnership and shall
     not increase the capital account of the lending Partner, nor shall the
     repayment of principal or interest of such loans reduce the capital
     account of the lending Partner.  Nothing herein shall authorize any
     loan by a Partner to the Partnership unless otherwise authorized
     pursuant to the other provisions of this Agreement.

               11.0B.  Profits and Losses.  Profits and losses of the
     Partnership shall be allocated proportionately between the partners,
     ninety nine percent (99%) to the Limited Partners as follows:


               Golf World                             50.00%
               Stratford                               8.65%
               NFE                                     8.65%
               Buttle                                  2.88%
               AMM Development, Inc.                  28.83%

     and one percent (1%) to the general partner U.S. CHECK EXCHANGE, INC.,
     an Arizona corporation.

               11.0C.  Tax Treatment.  The partners recognize that part of
     the gains recognized upon a sale or other disposition of Partnership
     properties may be treated for federal income tax purposes (as a result
     of the application of Sections 1245 or 1250 of the Internal Revenue
     Code) as a gain from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of an
     asset which is neither a capital asset nor property described in
     Section 1231 of the Internal Revenue Code ("Depreciation Recapture"). 
     The Partners agree that, to the extent possible, without increasing
     the total gain on such transactions allocated to a Partner in a
     particular calendar year, the Depreciation Recapture will be allocated
     among the  partners in the proportion to their percentage interest in
     profits and losses of the Partnership.

               11.0D.  Distribution of Profits and Losses.  At least
     annually, the Partnership shall distribute to the Limited Partners so
     much of the cash of the Partnership as is not reasonable necessary for
     the efficient operation of the business of the Partnership including,
     but not limited to, debt service and business expansion.


               Fifty Percent (50%) of the annual net profits of the
     Partnership for any fiscal year of the Partnership shall be
     distributed to the Limited Partners.  Each distribution of profits
     shall be made in accordance with the percentages set forth in
     paragraph 11.02 hereof.
                                  ARTICLE XII.

               12.0A.  Non-competition Agreement.  During the term of this
     Agreement and for the longer of (a) one year from termination of this
     Agreement or (b) two and one-half years from the date of execution of
     this Agreement, no Limited Partner, nor any person or entity directly
     or indirectly owning any interest in any Limited Partner or the
     General Partner nor any entity in which any of the foregoing has a
     direct or indirect ownership interest shall, without the prior consent
     of the General Partner shall own, be employed by, render service to,
     make loans to, or otherwise be involved in, any business, other than
     the Partnership, providing or involved in the business of cashing
     checks or providing any other financial service which the Partnership
     has provided or may provide to its customers.  The General Partner
     shall have no right to deny its consent under the preceding sentence
     if all of the following conditions are met:  (a) the person or entity
     seeking consent agrees in writing to a license agreement with Any Kind
     Check Cashing Centers, Inc.


     identical to the franchise agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A"
     and (b) the requested consent is limited to a geographical area in
     which none of the Partnership, Any Kind Check Cashing Centers, Inc.,
     or any affiliates, subsidiaries or licensees of those entities is then
     conducting a check cashing business or has previously articulated a
     plan to open a check cashing business within six (6) months from the
     date of articulating the plan and (c) the request included a binding
     right of first refusal in favor or Any Kind Check Cashing Centers,
     Inc. allowing Any Kind Check Cashing Centers, Inc. to match any
     financial or other business transactions offered by third parties to
     the requesting person or entity relating to the check cashing

               12.0B.  Geographical Scope.  None of the persons or entities
     bound by the provisions of section 12.01 shall open any place of
     business for cashing checks or provide other financial services under
     any trade name used by the Partnership within a five (5) mile radius
     of a previously opened business location of the Partnership or of any
     other person bound by the provisions of section 12.01 which uses the
     trade name.  This non-competition clause shall apply to all activities
     and businesses within the United States of America.  This section
     shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall be binding
     until such time as all partners agree otherwise.


               12.0C.  Prohibition On Use of Name.  None of the persons or
     entities bound by the provisions of section 12.01 shall open any place
     of business under the name of Any Kind Check Cashing Centers, Any Kind
     Check, Any Kind, American Check Exchange, or American Check, any name
     to which any other person has an exclusive right to use under
     applicable state or federal law, or any name confusingly similar to
     such protected names.  None of the persons or entities bound by the
     provisions of section 12.01 shall cause the Partnership to violate any
     provisions of any franchise agreement that the Partnership will enter
     into with Any Kind Check Cashing Centers, Inc., an Arizona

               12.0D.  Remedies.  All signatories hereto agree that any
     violation by any of them or any covenant contained in this Article 12
     will cause irreparable harm, leaving no adequate remedy at law to the
     other parties hereto and, for that reason, all signatories hereto
     agree that any aggrieved party shall be entitled to an injunction from
     any court of competent jurisdiction restraining further violation of
     such covenant.  The right to an injunctive remedy shall be in addition
     to all rights and remedies otherwise available to the aggrieved party
     at law or in equity, including but not limited to the recovery of
     monetary damages, whether compensatory or punitive.


                                  ARTICLE XIII.
                                   FISCAL YEAR
               The fiscal year of the Partnership shall end on December 31.

                                  ARTICLE XIV.

               14.0A.  Management of the Partnership.  Except as otherwise
     provided in this Agreement, the General Partner shall have the sole
     and exclusive right to make all decisions for the Partnership in
     respect of the Partnership's business and for overseeing the day-to-
     day operations thereof and shall perform such other functions and have
     such other responsibilities as are expressly assigned to it in this
     Agreement.  The Limited Partners shall take no part in the management
     of the Partnership, shall have no power to sign for or bind the
     Partnership, and, except where expressly provided otherwise in this
     Agreement, no consent or approval of the Limited Partners shall be
     required for any management decision made by the General Partner
     concerning the business of the Partnership.

               14.0B.  General Partner's Powers.  Notwithstanding anything
     contained in the Act, the General Partner shall have the sole right to
     make the following decisions or to take the following actions on
     behalf of the Partnership without the consent of the Limited Partners:


               1.   Acquire any real or personal property necessary for the
     conduct of the Partnership business; 

               2.   Borrow money and as security therefor to mortgage,
     pledge, or otherwise place liens upon all or part of any property of
     the Partnership; 

               3.   Make any election required or permitted to be made
     under the Code for Federal Income tax purposes and under the income
     tax laws of the State of Arizona; provided, however, that if any such
     tax election has an adverse impact on the Limited Partners with a
     concurrent positive effect on the General Partner, then the consent of
     the Limited Partners shall be required with respect to any such
     election.  Without limiting the foregoing, the General Partner is
     hereby appointed on behalf of the Limited Partners as the "tax matters
     partner" under subchapter C of Chapter 63 of Subtitle A of the Code
     and, in addition, shall have the power and authority to consent, on
     behalf of al the Partners, to any determination by the Internal
     Revenue Service to disallow any deductions, creditors, or their
     allowances claimed by the Partnership or include in Partnership gross
     income an item of income or gain which the General Partner had
     determined is not properly the income or gain of the Partnership; 

               4.   Settle any dispute or litigation involving the


               5.   Change the accounting processes or procedures employed
     in keeping the books of account or financial statements with respect
     to the operation or management of the Partnership;

               6.   Employ on behalf of the Partnership and at the
     Partnership's expense, and upon such terms and for such compensation
     as the General Partner shall determine, such persons, firms, or
     corporations the General Partner, in its sole discretion, deems
     advisable to carry cut the Partnership's purposes; 

               7.   Reimburse itself for expenses, including reasonable
     attorneys' fees, incurred in the conduct of the Partnership's business
     provided, however, such expenses shall not be in excess of the amount
     customarily paid in Los Angeles County, California, for like services. 
     The burden of establishing that any such expenses are reasonable shall
     be upon the General Partner; 

               8.   Employ attorneys, accountants, and others to prosecute
     or defend claims by or against the Partnership or affecting title to
     any Partnership properties; 

               9.   Offer Partnership property for sale upon such terms and
     conditions as the General partner deems reasonable and appropriate; 

               10.  In addition to the specific rights and powers herein
     granted, the General Partner shall possess and may enjoy and exercise
     all of the rights and powers of general partners as


     are more particularly provided by the Act, except to the extent that
     any such rights may be limited or restricted by the express provisions
     of this Agreement; 

               11.  Make, execute, or deliver any deed to or agreement to
     sell or assign all or any part of the Partnership properties; 

               12.  Sell, transfer or assign any part of or all of the
     Partnership assets.

               14.0C.  Limitation of General Partner's Powers. 
     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement,
     the General Partner may not without the consent of the partners
     holding seventy percent (70%) or more of the profits and loss,
     percentage of the partnership as set forth in paragraph 11.02 of this

               1.   Do any act in contravention of this Agreement; 

               2.   Do any act which would make it impossible to carry on
     the business of the Partnership; 

               3.   Use or assign the right or the Partnership in any of
     its properties for other than a Partnership purpose; 

               4.   Make, execute or deliver any deed to, or agreement to
     sell all or any of the Partnership properties; 

               5.   Execute, deliver, or alter, or otherwise change, any
     loan, commitment, note or mortgage; 


               6.   Borrow or lend money or encumber or use as collateral
     any of the Partnership properties except as expressly permitted by
     this Agreement; 

               7.   Execute contracts on behalf of the Partnership for
     anything other than a Partnership purpose; 

               8.   Alter or amend any provisions of this Agreement;

               9.   Assign, transfer, or pledge any debts due the
     Partnership or release any debts due except on payment in full; 

               10.  Compromise any claim due to the Partnership or submit
     to arbitration any dispute or controversy involving the Partnership; 

               11.  Sell, transfer, or assign all or substantially all of
     the Partnership assets.

               14.0D.  Compensation of General Partner.  The General
     Partner shall receive, as compensation for services to the
     Partnership, one percent (1%) of the net profits of the Partnership.

               14.0E.  Other Businesses.  The General Partner shall devote
     its best efforts and such time as is reasonably necessary to the
     management of the Partnership and is prohibited from engaging in
     businesses of any nature or description, independently or with others,
     which compete directly or indirectly with the Partnership.


                                   ARTICLE XV.
                            DUTIES OF GENERAL PARTNER

               15.0A.  Books and Records.  The General Partner shall cause
     to be maintained, at the Partnership's expense, complete and accurate
     books of the Partnership at 1484 Canterbury Court, Lake Arrowhead,
     California 92353, or the partnership's principal place of business,
     showing all receipts and expenditures, assets and liabilities, income
     and loss, and all other records necessary for recording the
     Partnership's business and affairs, including a Capital Account for
     each Partner.  The books of the Partnership shall be kept on a cash
     basis and shall be open to inspection, examination, and copying by the
     Partners during normal business hours.

               15.0B.  Bank Accounts.  The General Partner shall open and
     maintain in the Partnership's name a Partnership bank account or
     accounts, in which shall be deposited all Partnership funds and only
     Partnership funds.  The funds in the Partnership bank accounts shall
     be used solely for the business of the Partnership.  Withdrawals from
     any Partnership bank account may be made by check or other withdrawal
     forms signed by such person or persons as the General Partner may

               15.0C.  Reports.  The General Partner shall prepare or cause
     to be prepared at the Partnership's expense and deliver to each


               1.   As promptly as practicable and, in any event, within
     one hundred and twenty (120) days after the end of each fiscal year, a
     balance sheet of the Partnership activities for such year, a statement
     of each Partner's Capital Account, a statement of profits and losses
     and the sources and applications of monies of the Partnership for such
     year, all in reasonable  detail, and prepared by a public accountant
     selected by the General Partner, together with a statement of such
     accountant showing the amount of income, loss, gain, and other items
     allocable to each Partner for federal income tax purposes.

               2.   From time to time, and with reasonable promptness, such
     further information available to the General Partner in respect of the
     business, affairs and financial condition of the Partnership as any
     Partner may reasonable request.

               15.0D.  Right to Accounting.  On demand by any partner, at
     reasonable time sand intervals, an accounting shall be made by a CPA
     firm of the choice of the Partner so demanding the accounting, the
     costs thereof to be paid by the Partnership.  If such demand is made
     more than once in any fiscal year, the costs thereof shall be paid by
     the Limited Partners so demanding the same.  The accounting shall be
     distributed, when completed by the accountant, to all the Partners. 
     Each Partner shall promptly notify the Partnership in writing of his
     approval or disapproval of such accounting within thirty (30) days
     after receipt thereof.


     Any Partner's failure to disapprove such accounting within thirty (30)
     days after receipt shall be considered approval of all matters
     disclosed in such statements and such approval shall be binding and
     conclusive on all Partners so approving and any person claiming an
     interest in the Partnership by or through such Partner.

               15.0E.  Tax Matters.  The General Partner shall cause to be
     prepared at the Partnership's expense and shall timely file all income
     tax returns of the Partnership and shall furnish a copy thereof to
     each Partner promptly after the filing thereof.

                                  ARTICLE XVI.

               All of the Partnership's expenses shall be paid by the
     Partnership.  The costs and expenses payable by the Partnership
     include, without limitation, legal and accounting fees, insurance
     premiums, taxes, financing costs, organizational costs, and any
     brokerage or other fees in connection with sales of partnership
                                  ARTICLE XVII.
                           DISSOLUTION AND LIQUIDATION

               17.0A.  Dissolution.  The Partnership shall be dissolved
     upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

               1.   The expiration of the term specified in Article 4 of
     this Agreement;


               2.   Unanimous consent of all the partners, in writing;

               3.   The General Partner is removed, resigns, dies, becomes
     incapacitated, is adjudged bankrupt, files a petition in bankruptcy,
     makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or is dissolved,
     unless in each case the Limited Partners unanimously elect to continue
     as a limited partnership and chose a new General Partner in accordance
     with Article 19; 

               4.   The Partnership has disposed of all or substantially 
     all of its assets and any property acquired in exchange for such

               5.   The occurrence of any other event which results in
     dissolution of the Partnership under Arizona law.

               17.0B.  Liquidation and Final Distribution.  Upon the
     dissolution of the Partnership under Section 17.01, the General
     Partner shall be the Liquidating Partner.  If the Dissolution is
     caused by an act or circumstance specified in Section 17.01(c), the
     Limited Partners shall elect a Liquidating Partner with the approval
     of seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the Limited Partnership
     interests.  The Liquidating Partner shall proceed promptly to wind up
     the affairs and business of the Partnership, and shall sell all assets
     of the Partnership in a commercially reasonable manner.  The Partners
     shall continue to share profits and losses during the winding-up in
     the same proportion as before


     winding-up.  Upon the winding-up of the Partnership, the Partnership
     assets shall be distributed as follows:

               1.   To Creditors, including Partners who are creditors to
     the extent permitted by law, in satisfaction of liabilities of the
     Limited Partnership, other than liabilities for interim distributions
     to Partners provided in A.R.S. Section 29-331 and liabilities for payments
     on withdrawal provided in A.R.S. Section 29-334;

               2.   To Partners and former Partners in satisfaction of
     liabilities as creditors not provided for above;

               3.   To the establishment of any reserves which the
     Liquidating Partner may deem necessary for any contingent or
     unforeseen liabilities or obligations of the Partnership.  Any
     remaining balance of such reserves after such period as the
     Liquidating Partner in his or her reasonable judgment deems advisable,
     shall be distributed in the manner set forth below.

               4.   To Partners for the return of their contributions to

               5.   To Partners in proportion to their percentage rights to
     profits and losses of paragraph 10.01.

               17.0C.  Tax Matters on Dissolution.  Any gain or loss on
     disposition of Partnership properties during the winding up process
     shall be credited or charged to the Partners in the proportion of
     their percentage interest in profits and losses of


     paragraph 11.02.  Unless otherwise agreed by all Partners, Partnership
     property shall be sold for cash at the best available price.  If
     property is distributed in kind, it shall be valued as though the
     property were sold and the cash proceeds distributed.  The difference
     between the value of property distributed in kind and its book value
     shall be treated as a gain or loss on sale of the property and shall
     be credited or charged to the Partners in the proportion of their
     percentage interest in profits and losses of paragraph 11.01.

               17.0D.  Payment of Debit Balances.  Upon completion of the
     winding up process, any debit balance in a Partners income account
     shall represent an obligation from that Partner to the other Partners
     to be paid in cash within thirty (30) days after written demand by the
     other Partners.

                                 ARTICLE XVIII.
                        TRANSFER OF UNITS AND CONVERSION

               18.0A.  Transfers of Limited Partner's Units.  No Limited
     Partner may transfer less than his entire interest owned by him, and
     no Limited Partner shall sell, transfer, assign, pledge, mortgage, or
     otherwise dispose of or encumber his interest in the Partnership
     without the prior written consent of the General Partner, except under
     the terms of paragraphs 18.04 and 18.05 hereof.  Any action taken by a
     Limited Partner in


     violation of this Section shall be null and void as against the
     Partnership or any Partner.

               18.0B.  Substituted Limited Partner.  No Assignee of a
     Limited Partner shall have any rights with respect to the Partnership
     unless the Assignee becomes a Substituted Limited Partner in
     accordance with this Agreement.  If the General Partner and all the
     Limited Partners consent to a transfer of a Limited Partner's interest
     in writing, an Assignee of a Limited Partner shall become a
     Substituted Limited Partner in the Partnership only if and when he
     agrees in writing to accept and assume all the terms and provisions of
     this Agreement, has executed an Amendment to this Agreement and
     Certificate of Limited Partnership and the amendment to this Agreement
     and certificate is filed with Arizona Secretary of State.  All costs
     and expenses incurred by the Partnership in connection with the
     transfer of his interest and the substitution of a person as a Limited
     Partner, including any filing, recording, or publishing costs and the
     fees and disbursements of counsel shall be paid by the substituted
     Limited Partner.  Failure of an assignee to agree to perform said acts
     and pay said costs, shall render such assignee as having only the
     rights as an assignee of a Limited Partner's Interest, as are provided
     in the Act, and not as a substituted Limited Partner.


               18.0C.  Transfers by General Partner.  The General Partner
     may not transfer its Partnership interest or admit an additional
     General Partner without first procuring the prior unanimous written
     consent of all the Limited Partners, which consent may be withheld by
     the Limited Partners in their sole and absolute discretion. 
     Notwithstanding the unanimous consent of all of the Limited Partners,
     the Substitute General Partner or additional General Partner must
     accept and assume all of the terms and provisions of this Agreement. 
     Failure to so agree or perform said acts by the Substitute General
     Partner or additional General Partner renders the transfer or
     admission null and void without force or effect.  In the case of a
     corporation substituted General Partner, a certified copy of the
     resolution of its Board of Directors authorizing it to become a
     General Partner under the terms and provisions of this Agreement must
     be furnished.

               18.0D.  Right of Corporate Limited Partner to Transfer. 
     Notwithstanding any of the provisions of Section 18, any Limited
     Partner that is a corporation may, without the consent of the other
     Partners, transfer all or any portion of its limited partnership
     interest in the Partnership to any individual, noncorporate person,
     holding an interest, as of the date of execution of this Agreement, in
     said transferor Limited Partner,


     if the transferee agrees in writing to be bound by all of the terms of
     this Agreement to the same extent as his transferor.

               18.0E.  Right of First Refusal.  Notwithstanding the
     provisions of Section 18, a Limited Partner may sell, transfer, or
     assign its limited partnership interest in the Partnership, without
     the prior written consent of the other Partners, if the other partners
     fail to exercise their right of first refusal granted in this section
     and provided the proposed transfer is to a bona fide offeror.  A
     Limited Partner desiring to dispose of all or any portion of his
     interest in the Partnership ("Transferor Partner") shall give written
     notice to the other Partners the identity of the proposed transferee
     and all of the other terms and conditions of the proposed disposition. 
     A bona fide offeror shall be a person or entity financially capable of
     carrying out the terms of the offer.  Such notice shall constitute an
     irrevocable offer by the Transferor Partner to sell the Partnership
     interest to the other Partners at the same price and  on the same
     terms and conditions offered by the prospective transferee.  The
     Partners receiving the notice shall have forty five (45) days after
     receipt of the notice within which to notify the Transferor Partner in
     writing of their election to purchase or acquire the offered interest
     in the Partnership.  If more than one Partner elects to purchase the
     offered interest in the Partnership, such accepting Partners shall
     purchase the offered


     Partnership interest on a pro-rata basis based upon the accepting
     partners respective percentage interest in profits and losses of
     paragraph 10.01 hereof.  If no Partner elects to purchase the offered
     partnership interest within the applicable time period, the Transferor
     Partner may dispose of the offered Partnership interest to the
     prospective transferee on the same terms and conditions specified in
     the notice at any time within sixty (60) days following the forty
     fifth (45th) day after the other Partners received the offering
     Partner's notice.  Failure to close the consummate the transaction
     with the prospective transferee within said sixtieth (60th) day
     following the forty fifth (45th) day after the other Partners received
     notice shall cause the offer to be null and void, thereby requiring
     the parties to comply with all the terms of this paragraph as if the
     offer had never been made.  Any offered Partnership interest disposed
     of shall continue to be subject all of the provisions of this
     Agreement and each transferee shall, prior to a transfer, and as a
     condition to its validity, execute and deliver to the Partnership a
     valid and binding agreement to comply with the terms hereof.

                                  ARTICLE XIX.

               19.0A.  Removal.  The General Partner may be removed only by
     vote of the Limited Partners holding a 51% interest in


     the profits and losses of the Partnership.  If the General Partner is
     removed, the Partnership shall be dissolved unless the Limited
     Partners elect its continuance as provided in Section 19.02 below.

               19.0B.  Withdrawal of General Partner.  If the General
     Partner is removed, resigns, dies, becomes incapacitated, dissolves,
     petitions or is the subject of a petition in bankruptcy, or is
     adjudged bankrupt, all of which shall constitute an event of
     withdrawal, the Partnership shall dissolve.  The Partnership shall
     thereafter proceed to wind up its affairs unless the Limited Partners
     (excluding the withdrawn General Partner) unanimously consent, within
     ninety (90) days of the date of an event of withdrawal described
     above, to continue the business of the Partnership and to appoint a
     Substitute General Partner.  Thereafter, notwithstanding the
     provisions of Article 19.01, the affairs of the Partnership shall be
     continued by the Substitute General Partner as a continuing Limited
     Partnership bound by the terms of this Agreement.  The continuing
     Limited Partnership shall automatically succeed to all of the assets
     of the Partnership without further act of the Partners.

               19.0C.  Former General Partner as Limited Partner.  Upon the
     removal of the General Partner, and the election by the Limited
     Partners to continue the Partnership, the removed General Partner
     shall thereafter hold his Partnership interest, if any,


     as a Limited Partner and shall take no further part as a General
     Partner in the business of the Partnership.  This Agreement shall be
     immediately amended to show that such Partner has become a Limited
     Partner, and upon the filing of such Amendment, the former General
     Partner shall succeed to all of the rights of a Limited Partner
     hereunder.  The former General Partner shall remain personally liable
     for all Partnership obligations incurred while it was a General
                                   ARTICLE XX.

               20.0A.  Notices.  All notices, requests, statements, or
     other communications required or permitted to be given or furnished
     hereunder to a Partner shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have
     been properly given or made if hand-delivered or sent by registered
     mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the Partner at his address set
     forth herein, or at such other address or addresses as a partner may
     from time to time designate by notice to the General Partner.
     U.S. Check Exchange, Inc., an 
     Arizona corporation

               Mr. George Brimhall
               19555 East Firestone Blvd.
               Norwalk, California 90650

     Golf World, Inc., a California


               Mr. George Brimhall
               10555 East Firestone Blvd.
               Norwalk, California 90650

     Mr. Lynn Stratford

               P.O. Box 1130
               Cedar Glen, California 92321

     National Financial Exchange, Inc.

               P.O. Box 1130
               Cedar Glen, California 92321

     Leland Buttle

               10555 East Firestone Blvd.
               Norwalk, California 90650

     AMM Development, Inc.
     Mr. Thomas Clark

               280 South Beverly Drive
               Suite 207
               Beverly Hills, CA 90212

               20.0B.  Headings.  The headings herein are for convenience
     or reference only and shall not affect the meaning or construction

               20.0C.  Severability.  Every provision of this Agreement is
     intended to be severable.  If any term or provision hereof is illegal
     or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity
     shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement.

               20.0D.  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by,
     and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Arizona.


               20.0E.  No Oral Modification.  This Agreement may not be
     changed, terminated, or modified orally or in any manner other than by
     a writing signed by all the Partners.

               20.0F.  Binding on Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement
     shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the successors
     and assigns of each of the parties hereof.

               20.0G.  Cumulative Rights and Remedies. The rights and
     remedies provided by this Agreement are cumulative and the use of any
     one right or remedy by any Partner shall not preclude or waive his
     right to use any or all other remedies.  Such rights and remedies are
     given in addition to any other rights the Partners may have by law.

               20.0H.  No Waiver.  No waiver by any Partner of any breach
     of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other or future
     breach of this Agreement.

               20.0I.  Gender.  The use of the masculine gender shall
     include the feminine and neuter, and the singular shall include the
     plural, and vice-versa, where the context so requires.

               20.J.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be signed in
     counterparts and shall have the same force and effect as if all
     parties executed one document.

               20.K.  Attorneys Fees.  In the event any partner finds it
     necessary to bring an action at law or other proceedings against any
     other part to this Agreement to enforce any of the


     terms, covenants, and conditions hereof, or by reason of any breach or
     default hereunder, the party prevailing in any such action or other
     proceeding shall be paid by the other part all costs, fees, and
     expenses incurred including without limitation, reasonable attorneys'
     fees, accounting fees, and costs.  In the event any judgment is
     secured by such prevailing party, all such costs shall be included in
     the judgment.

               20.L.  Amendment.  This Agreement shall not be mended,
     altered, changed, or modified except by a written instrument executed
     by all partners as of the time of such alteration, amendment, or

               20.M.  Entire Agreement.  This Agreement contains the entire
     understanding and agreement of the partners with respect to all
     matters referred to herein, and all prior negotiations and
     understandings are hereby merged into this Agreement.  No warranties,
     representations, or agreements have been made by any of the partners
     except as are contained herein.  Without limiting the generality of
     the foregoing, each of the partners expressly acknowledges and
     confirms that no warranties or representations whatsoever have been
     made by any person as to the profits or losses, if any, which may be
     derived or suffered by the Partnership or to the amounts, if any,
     which may be received hereunder, and that entering into this Agreement
     each of them is relying entirely upon his own investigation and good


               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have duly executed
     this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                                   an Arizona corporation,

                                   By  /s/ George H. Brimhall
                                      Its President


                                   By  /s/ George H. Brimhall
                                      Its  President

                                   NATIONAL FINANCIAL EXCHANGE, INC.

                                   By  /s/ Lynn R. Stratford
                                      Its  President

                                   /s/ Lynn R. Stratford
                                   LYNN R. STRATFORD

                                   /s/ Leland J. Buttle
                                   LELAND J. BUTTLE

                                   AMM DEVELOPMENT, INC.

                                   By: /s/ Thomas Clark
                                      Its: President


                              )    ss.
     County of Los Angeles    )

               The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
     1st day of April, 1988, by U.S. Check Exchange, Inc., an
     Arizona corporation by George H. Brimhall its President.

          [SEAL]                   [signature illegible]
                                   Notary Public

     My Commission Expires:

     May 26, 1990


                              )    ss.
     County of Los Angeles    )

               The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
     1st day of April, 1988, by Golf World, Inc. by
     George H. Brimhall its President.

          [SEAL]                   [signature illegible]
                                   Notary Public

     My Commission Expires:

     May 26, 1990

                              )    ss.
     County of Los Angeles    )

               The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
     1st day of April, 1988, by National Financial Exchange, Inc.
     by Lynn Stratford its President.

          [SEAL]                   [signature illegible]
                                   Notary Public

     My Commission Expires:

     May 26, 1990

                              )    ss.
     County of Los Angeles    )

               The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
     1st day of April, 1988, by Lynn Stratford.

          [SEAL]                   [signature illegible]
                                   Notary Public

     My Commission Expires:

     May 26, 1990


                              )    ss.
     County of Los Angeles    )

               The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
     1st day of April, 1988, by Leland J. Buttle.

          [SEAL]                   [signature illegible]
                                   Notary Public

     My Commission Expires:

     May 26, 1990

                              )    ss.
     County of Los Angeles    )

               The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
     1st day of April, 1988, by AMM DEVELOPMENT INC., By:
     Thomas Clark, Its: President.

          [SEAL]                   [signature illegible]
                                   Notary Public

     My Commission Expires:

     May 26, 1990      
