Exhibit 3.1(b)(i)


                               STATE OF NEW MEXICO


                                    OFFICE OF


                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION


                          ALBUQUERQUE INVESTMENTS, INC.


          The State Corporation Commission certifies that duplicate
     originals of the Articles of Incorporation attached hereto, duly
     signed and verified pursuant to the provisions of the BUSINESS
     Corporation Act, have been received by it and are found to conform to

          Accordingly, by virtue of the authority vested in it by law, the
     State Corporation Commission issues this Certificate of Incorporation
     and attaches hereto a duplicate original of the Articles of

     Dated:  OCTOBER 5, 1990

                                In Testimony Whereof, the State
                                Corporation Commission of the State
                                of New Mexico has caused this
                                certificate to be signed by its
                                Chairman and the Seal of said
                                Commission to be affixed at the City
               [SEAL]           of Santa Fe

                                [signature illegible]                

                                [signature illegible]                



                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                          ALBUQUERQUE INVESTMENTS, INC.

               The undersigned, for the purpose of forming a corporation
     under the New Mexico Business Corporation Act, hereby certifies:

                                    ARTICLE I

               The name of the corporation shall be:  Albuquerque
     Investments, Inc.

                                   ARTICLE II

               The period of duration of the corporation shall be

                                   ARTICLE III

               The purposes for which the corporation is organized are as

               A.   To act as a partner in and otherwise operate a check
     cashing and money transfer business and other related activities.

               B.   To engage in any lawful business permitted of a private
     corporation under the laws of the State of New Mexico and to have all
     of the corporate powers enumerated in the New Mexico Business
     Corporation Act.

               C.   To do all things necessary and convenient for the
     accomplishment or furtherance of any of the purposes stated


     herein, and to do all things necessary or convenient to the protection
     and benefit of the corporation.

                                   ARTICLE IV

               The corporation shall have authority to issue Five Hundred
     Thousand (500,000) shares of common stock with a par value of One
     Dollar ($1.00) per share.  The corporation shall initially have only
     one class of stock, which shall be common stock.  The Board of
     Directors shall have authority to divide any or all of such class of
     stock into series and, within the limitations of the Business
     Corporation Act, may fix and determine the relative rights and
     preferences of the shares of any series so established.

                                    ARTICLE V

               Cumulative voting does not exist with respect to shares of
     stock.  A shareholder of this corporation shall, because of his
     ownership of stock, have a preemptive right to purchase, subscribe
     for, or take any part of any stock or any part of the notes,
     debentures, bonds, or other securities convertible into or carrying
     options or warrants to purchase stock of this corporation issued,
     optioned, or sold by it after its incorporation.  Any part of the
     capital stock and any part of the notes, debentures, bonds or other
     securities convertible into or carrying options or warrants to
     purchase stock of this corporation may be issued, optioned for sale,
     and sold or


     disposed of by this corporation pursuant to a resolution of its Board
     of Directors to such persons and upon such terms, as may to such Board
     seem proper only after first offering such stock or securities or any
     part thereof to existing shareholders.

                                   ARTICLE VI

               The address of the corporation's initial registered office
     is 20 First Plaza, Suite 213, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, and the
     name of the corporation's initial registered agent at such address is
     Elizabeth Mason.

                                   ARTICLE VII

               The business of the corporation shall be managed by a Board
     of Directors consisting of such number as may be provided by the By-
     Laws.  The initial Board of Directors shall consist of one (1) member. 
     The name and address of the person who is to serve as director until
     the first annual meeting of shareholders or until successors are
     elected and qualified are:

               Brent Therrien
               4521 Central NE
               Albuquerque, NM  87108

                                  ARTICLE VIII

               The Board of Directors, except as limited by the New Mexico
     Business Corporation Act and these Articles of Incorporation, shall
     have the right to make, adopt, alter, amend and repeal By-Laws, to fix
     and alter the number of directors, and to provide for the management
     of the corporation's property and


     the regulation and government of its business and affairs subject to
     the right of any shareholders owning ten percent (10%) of the capital
     stock of the corporation, issued and outstanding, to call a special
     meeting of the shareholders for the purpose of making, adopting,
     altering, amending and repealing such By-Laws, and all By-Laws adopted
     by the shareholders shall supersede By-Laws made and adopted by the
     Board of Directors in conflict therewith.

                                   ARTICLE IX

               In addition to any other powers provided by law or by these
     Articles of Incorporation, the corporation shall have the power to
     identify to the fullest extent provided by the New Mexico Business
     Corporation Act any past or present director, officer, employee or
     agent of the corporation who is made a party in any proceeding.

                                    ARTICLE X

               The corporation may enter into contracts or transact
     business with one or more of its directors, officers, or shareholders,
     or with any corporation, association, trust company, organization, or
     other concern in which any one of more of its directors, officers, or
     shareholders are directors, officers, trustees, beneficiaries, or
     shareholders, or otherwise interested in other contracts or
     transactions in which any one or more of its directors, officers, or
     shareholders is in any way interested; and, in the absence of fraud,
     no such contract or


     transaction shall be invalidated or in any affected by the fact that
     such directors, officers, or shareholders of the corporation have, or
     may have, interests which are, or might be, adverse to the interests
     of the corporation, even though the vote or action of directors,
     officers, or shareholders having such adverse interests may have been
     necessary to obligate the corporation upon such contract or
     transaction.  At any meeting of the Board of Directors of the
     corporation (or any duly authorized committee thereof) which shall
     authorize or ratify any such contract or transaction, any such
     director or directors may vote or act thereat with like force and
     effect as if he had not such interest, provided in such case the
     nature of such interest (though not necessarily the extent or details
     thereof) shall be disclosed, or shall have been known to the directors
     or a majority thereof.  A general notice that a director or officer is
     interested in any corporation or other concern of any kind above
     referred to shall be sufficient disclosure as to such director or
     officer with respect to all contracts and transactions with such
     corporation or other concern.  No director shall be disqualified from
     holding office as a director or officer of the corporation by reason
     of any such adverse interests.  In the absence of fraud, no director,
     officer, or shareholder having such adverse interest shall be liable
     to the corporation or to any shareholder or creditor thereof, or to
     any other person for any loss incurred


     by it under or by reason of such contract or transaction, nor shall
     any such director, officer, or shareholder be accountable for any
     gains or profits realized thereon.

                                   ARTICLE XI

               The officers, directors and other members of management of
     this corporation shall be subject to the doctrine of corporate
     opportunities only insofar as it applies to business opportunities in
     which this corporation has expressed an interest as determined from
     time to time by the corporation's Board of Directors as evidenced by
     resolutions appearing in the corporation's minutes.

               Once such areas of interest are delineated, all such
     business opportunities within such areas of interest that come to the
     attention of the officers, directors and other members of management
     of the corporation shall be disclosed promptly to the corporation and
     made available to it.  The Board of Directors may reject any business
     opportunity presented to it and, thereafter, any officer, director and
     other member of management may avail himself of such opportunity. 
     Until such time as this corporation, through its Board of Directors,
     has designated an area of interest, the officers, directors and other
     members of management of this corporation shall be free to engage in
     such areas of interest on their own and this doctrine shall not limit
     the rights of any officer, director, or other member of


     management of this corporation to continue a business existing prior
     to the time that such area of interest is designated by the
     corporation.  This provision shall not be construed to release any
     employee of the corporation (other than an officer, director or member
     of management) from any duties which he may have to the corporation.

                                   ARTICLE XII

               The name and address of the incorporator is:  Elizabeth
     Mason 20 First Plaza, Suite 213, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102.

               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal
     this 21 day of September, 1990.

                                        /s/ Elizabeth Mason                
                                        ELIZABETH MASON


                           AFFIDAVIT OF ACCEPTANCE OF

     TO:  Corporation Commission
          State of New Mexico

          Pursuant to the provisions of the New Mexico Business Corporation
     Act, the undersigned hereby acknowledges her acceptance of appointment
     as the initial registered agent of Albuquerque Investments, Inc.
     Dated:  September 21, 1990.

                                   /s/ Elizabeth Mason                     
                                   ELIZABETH MASON

                              ) ss.

               I hereby certify that on this 21 day of September, 1990,
     Elizabeth Mason personally appeared before me and, being first duly
     sworn, declared that she signed the foregoing document and that the
     statements contained therein are true.

                                   /s/ Kelly E. Gomez                      
                                   NOTARY PUBLIC

     My commission expires:

