ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                  BY AND AMONG

                                  AS PURCHASER,

                            ABC CHECK CASHING, INC.,
                                    AS SELLER


                                    ED KOWIT,
                                 AS SHAREHOLDER

                           Dated as of August 28, 1996


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

     Section                                                           Page
     -------                                                           ----

                                    ARTICLE I

                           SALE AND PURCHASE OF ASSETS
          1.1    Sale and Purchase of Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1
          1.2    Assets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2
          1.3    Excluded Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3
          1.4    Liens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4
          1.5    Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4

                                   ARTICLE II

                           PURCHASE PRICE AND PAYMENT
          2.1    Amount of Purchase Price  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    5
          2.2    Payment of Purchase Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    5
          2.3    Certification of Amount of Cash on Hand . . . . . . .    5

                                   ARTICLE III

          3.1    Closing Date  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    6

                                   ARTICLE IV

          4.1    Organization and Good Standing  . . . . . . . . . . .    6
          4.2    Authorization of Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    6
          4.3    Capitalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    7
          4.4    Subsidiaries and Other Interests  . . . . . . . . . .    7
          4.5    Corporate Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    7
          4.6    Conflicts; Consents of Third Parties  . . . . . . . .    7
          4.7    Ownership and Transfer of Assets  . . . . . . . . . .    8
          4.8    Financial Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    8
          4.9    No Undisclosed Liabilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    8
          4.10   Absence of Certain Developments . . . . . . . . . . .    8
          4.11   Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   10
          4.12   Real Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   12
          4.13   Tangible Personal Property  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   13
          4.14   Intangible Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   13
          4.15   Material Contracts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   14
          4.16   Employee Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   15
          4.17   Labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   15
          4.18   Litigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   15
          4.19   Compliance with Laws  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   16
          4.20   Environmental Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   16
          4.21   Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   17

     Section                                                           Page
     -------                                                           ----

     4.22Payables 17
          4.23   Related Party Transactions  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   17
          4.24   ADA Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   17
          4.25   Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          4.26   No Misrepresentation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          4.27   Financial Advisors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          4.28   ABC's Solvency and Obligations  . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          4.29   Name  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   19

                                    ARTICLE V

          5.1    Organization and Good Standing  . . . . . . . . . . .   19
          5.2    Authorization of Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   19
          5.3    Conflicts; Consents of Third Parties  . . . . . . . .   19
          5.4    Litigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   20
          5.5    Financial Advisors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   20
          5.6    Purchaser's Solvency and Obligations  . . . . . . . .   20
          5.7    Purchaser's Group Medical Plans . . . . . . . . . . .   21

                                   ARTICLE VI

          6.1    Effect of Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   21
          6.2    Consents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   21
          6.3    Preservation of Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   21
          6.4    Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   22
          6.5    Use of Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   22
          6.6    Environmental Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   22
          6.7    Noncompetition Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   22
          6.8    Employee Benefits and Employment  . . . . . . . . . .   23
          6.9    Tax Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   24
          6.10   Consents to Lease of Bedford Property . . . . . . . .   25

                                   ARTICLE VII

                              CONDITIONS TO CLOSING
          7.1    Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Purchaser  . .   25
          7.2    Conditions Precedent to Obligations of ABC.   . . . .   26

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                            DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED
          8.1    Documents to be Delivered by ABC  . . . . . . . . . .   26
          8.2    Documents to be Delivered by the Purchaser  . . . . .   28

                                   ARTICLE IX

          9.1    Survival  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   28

     Section                                                           Page
     -------                                                           ----

          9.2    General Indemnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   29
          9.3    Limitations on Indemnification for Breaches of
                 Representations and Warranties  . . . . . . . . . . .   30
          9.4    Indemnification Procedures  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   31
          9.5    Tax Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   33
          9.6    Employee Benefits and Labor Indemnity . . . . . . . .   33
          9.7    Treatment of Payment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   34

                                    ARTICLE X

          10.1   Certain Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   34
          10.2   Expenses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   40
          10.3   Specific Performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   40
          10.4   Further Assurances  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   40
          10.5   Submission to Jurisdiction; Consent to Service of
                 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   40
          10.6   Entire Agreement; Amendments and Waivers  . . . . . .   41
          10.7   Governing Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   41
          10.8   Table of Contents and Headings  . . . . . . . . . . .   41
          10.9   Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   41
          10.10  Severability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   42
          10.11  Binding Effect; Assignment  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   43
          10.12  Bulk Transfer Laws  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   43
          10.13  Counterparts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   43


                             SCHEDULES AND EXHIBITS

     Schedule I      -       List of Stores
     Schedule 1.3    -       Excluded Store
     Schedule 1.5(b)-        Agreed Prepaid Expenses
     Schedule 4.6    -       Conflicts
     Schedule 4.9    -       Undisclosed Liabilities
     Schedule 4.10   -       Certain Developments
     Schedule 4.12(a)(1)-    List of Company Properties
     Schedule 4.12(a)(2)-    Compliance Exceptions
     Schedule 4.12(a)(3)-    Property Contracts
     Schedule 4.13   -       Personal Property Leases
     Schedule 4.14   -       Intangibles
     Schedule 4.15   -       Material Contracts
     Schedule 4.16(a)-       Employee Benefits
     Schedule 4.18   -       Litigation
     Schedule 4.19   -       License Revocation Proceedings
     Schedule 4.20   -       Environmental
     Schedule 4.21   -       Insurance
     Schedule 4.23   -       Related Party Transactions
     Schedule 4.25   -       Bank Accounts
     Schedule 4.27   -       Financial Advisors
     Schedule 5.3    -       Conflicts/Consents
     Schedule 6.9    -       Allocation of Purchase Price

     Exhibit A-1     -       Form of Noncompetition Agreement (Shareholder
                             and ABC)
     Exhibit A-2     -       Form of Noncompetition Agreement (Credit One
                             and Quick Tax)
     Exhibit B       -       Form of Legal Opinion (Seller)
     Exhibit C       -       Form of Legal Opinion (Buyer)
     Exhibit D       -       Form of Escrow Agreement
     Exhibit E       -       Form of License Agreement
     Exhibit F-1     -       Form of Lease Assignment and Assumption
                             Agreement (Affiliate Leases)
     Exhibit F-2     -       Form of Lease Assignment and Assumption
                             Agreement (Non-Affiliate Leases)
     Exhibit G       -       Form of Assumption Agreement
     Exhibit H       -       Form of Bill of Sale and Assignment of

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

               THIS ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT, dated as of August 28, 1996
     (the "Agreement"), by and among Financial Exchange Company of Ohio,
     Inc., an Ohio corporation (the "Purchaser"), ABC Check Cashing, Inc.,
     an Ohio corporation ("ABC" or the "Company"), and Ed Kowit (the

                              W I T N E S S E T H:
               WHEREAS, ABC presently owns and operates those fifteen (15)
     check cashing stores located in the State of Ohio as listed on
     Schedule I (collectively, the "Stores");

               WHEREAS, the Shareholder owns all of the issued and
     outstanding capital stock of the Company;

               WHEREAS, Purchaser is an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary
     of DFG Holdings, Inc.;

               WHEREAS, Purchaser desires to purchase from ABC and ABC
     desires to sell to Purchaser the Assets (as such term is defined in
     Section 1.1) for the purchase price and upon the terms and conditions
     hereinafter set forth;

               WHEREAS, Purchaser desires that, effective upon the Closing
     Date, the Shareholder, ABC and certain other companies that are 50%
     owned by the Shareholder will agree not to compete with Purchaser or
     any of its affiliates pursuant to Noncompetition Agreements to be
     entered into on the Closing Date in the forms set forth on
     Exhibits A-1 and A-2 hereto; and

               WHEREAS, certain terms used in this Agreement are defined in
     Section 10.1;

               NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the
     mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties
     hereby agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                           SALE AND PURCHASE OF ASSETS

               1.1  Sale and Purchase of Assets.  Upon the terms and
     subject to the conditions contained herein, on the Closing Date, ABC
     shall sell, assign, transfer, convey and deliver to the Purchaser (or
     its designees) good and marketable title, free and clear of all Liens
     (other than Permitted Exceptions), and the


     Purchaser shall purchase from ABC, all of the assets, properties,
     good-will, rights and business of ABC of any nature whatsoever
     (whether real or personal, tangible or intangible or otherwise) other
     than the Excluded Assets (collectively, the "Assets").

               In addition, the Shareholder and ABC agree to provide, or
     cause to be provided, to Purchaser access to all documents and/or
     information as may be reasonably necessary to enable Purchaser to see
     to the efficient and proper conduct and administration of the Assets
     from and after the Closing Date, including, without limitation, all
     historical files, Tax Returns, records and personnel data in
     connection with the Stores.

               1.2  Assets.  Without limiting the foregoing, ABC agrees
     that, at the time of Closing, all of the properties, business, rights,
     good-will and assets of ABC (including all properties, business,
     rights, good-will and assets used or useable in the operation of the
     Stores), other than the Excluded Assets, including, but not limited
     to, the following, shall be included in the Assets and shall be
     transferred to the Purchaser (or its designees), free and clear of all
     Liens, except for the Permitted Exceptions: 

               (a)  Licenses and Authorizations.  All authorizations,
     approvals, orders, licenses, franchises, certificates and permits (to
     the extent transferable) (collectively, "Licenses") of and from all
     Governmental Bodies necessary to own or lease the properties and
     assets used or useable in the operation of the Stores, together with
     any renewals, extensions or modifications thereof and additions
     thereto and other pending applications or applications filed with any
     Governmental Body.

               (b)  Personal Property, etc.  All tangible and intangible
     personal property, equipment, machinery, furniture, fixtures, tools,
     computer hardware, supplies and other assets, wherever located, used
     or useable in the operation of the Stores.

               (c)  Real Property.  The interest of ABC in and to all
     leased real property, buildings and structures, leasehold
     improvements, fixtures and appurtenances used or useable in the
     operation of the Stores (including all Company Properties) and ABC's
     interests and rights arising under all agreements, rights and
     appurtenances relating thereto (including all Real Property Leases)
     and any renewals, extensions, amendments or modifications thereof.

               (d)  Leases and Agreements.  The rights of ABC arising under
     all contracts and agreements to which it is a party, including any
     renewals, extensions, amendments or modifications thereof (including,
     without limitation, the Assumed Contracts).


               (e)  Intellectual Property, etc.  All copyrights,
     trademarks, service marks, trade secret rights, computer programs and
     software, permits, licenses or other similar rights used or useable in
     the operation of the Stores, including, specifically, the tradenames
     enumerated on Schedule 4.14 hereof, as well as all other copyrights,
     trademarks, service marks, trade secret rights, computer programs and
     software, permits, licenses or other similar rights utilized in the
     operation of the Stores.

               (f)  Books and Records.  All books, records and files
     pertaining to the business conducted by any of the Stores for all
     periods ending on or before the Closing Date.

               (g)  Prepaid Expenses.  Security deposits and other prepaid
     expenses of ABC relating to the operation or ownership of the Stores,
     including, but not limited to, Taxes, rent, and licenses, postage, and
     any other prepaid assets or deposits relating to the operation or
     ownership of the Stores.

               (h)  Customer Lists.  Customer lists, vendor lists and other
     intangible assets of ABC.

               (i)  Cash On Hand.  All Cash on Hand.
          The term "computer programs and software" as used in subparagraph
     (e) above shall include, without limitation, all point-of-sale ("POS")
     software developed and/or owned by ABC.

               1.3  Excluded Assets.  It is agreed that, other than cash
     physically located in the Stores at the opening of business on the
     Closing Date (the "Cash on Hand"), (a) any cash, savings accounts,
     checks returned unpaid, accounts receivable, refunds of unearned
     insurance premiums, bank deposits and items in the process of
     collection held by ABC, (b) the real property owned by ABC in Lorain,
     Ohio and located at 2193 North Ridge Rd., Lorain, Ohio, (c) the two
     season tickets to the Cleveland Cavalier basketball team owned by ABC,
     (d) ABC's minute books, other similar corporate records and stock
     register, (e) the store listed on Schedule 1.3 hereto and (f) any
     payroll advances or other loans against future wages made by ABC to
     any of its employees (collectively, the "Excluded Assets") shall not
     constitute part of the Assets.  Such Excluded Assets shall be retained
     by ABC and shall not be transferred to the Purchaser at Closing. 
     Solely as an accommodation to ABC, Purchaser shall, during the 60-day
     period following the Closing Date, attempt to collect (at the sole
     cost and expense of ABC) ABC's outstanding accounts receivable and
     other items in the process of collection as of the Closing Date (all
     to the extent arising in the ordinary course of business of ABC) and
     will remit to ABC any amounts so collected (net of expenses, including
     reasonable attorneys' fees); provided that (i) ABC shall promptly pay
     to Purchaser (or Purchaser may retain from


     such proceeds) an amount equal to 10% of all amounts collected, (ii)
     Purchaser shall not be obligated to institute litigation or any
     proceedings to collect such amounts and (iii) ABC shall reimburse
     Purchaser immediately upon demand for any and all expenses of
     Purchaser (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees
     and expenses) to the extent Purchaser shall not therefore have
     reimbursed itself out of amounts collected by Purchaser as described
     above.  Purchaser shall have no affirmative duty to collect any of
     such items.

               1.4  Liens.  ABC agrees that, as of Closing, the Assets will
     be free and clear of all Liens except for the Permitted Exceptions and
     specifically agrees that all such Liens, other than the Permitted
     Exceptions, shall be satisfied prior to the consummation of the

               1.5  Liabilities.

               (a)  Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this
     Agreement, at the Closing Purchaser will assume and agree to perform
     and discharge the obligations of ABC under and pursuant to the Assumed
     Contracts, but only to the extent that such obligations arise and
     accrue after the Closing Date (excluding, however, those obligations
     that either arise out of or would have been satisfied prior to the
     Closing but for a breach or default by ABC) (collectively, the
     "Assumed Liabilities").  The Purchaser shall not assume, and shall not
     be deemed to have assumed, any Excluded Liabilities.

               (b)  Apportionments.  Rents, additional rent, real estate
     taxes, personal property taxes, water, utilities, and benefits under
     any Employee Benefit Plan (including accrued vacation and holidays)
     (the "Expenses") to the extent constituting Agreed Prepaid Expenses
     that are (i) paid by, or on behalf of, ABC on or prior to the Closing
     Date and allocable, in whole or in part, to any period following the
     Closing Date, shall be credited to ABC to the extent so allocable, or
     (ii) unpaid by, or on behalf of ABC on or prior to the Closing Date
     and allocable, in whole or in part, to any period prior to the Closing
     Date, shall be credited to Purchaser (the "Credited Liabilities").  In
     addition, to the extent that, in connection with the assignment of any
     real property leases by ABC to Purchaser at the Closing, security
     deposits paid thereunder by ABC are to remain in place on and after
     Closing, Purchaser shall reimburse ABC for such amounts at Closing. 
     Schedule 1.5(b) hereto lists the categories of prepaid Expenses of ABC
     expected to exist as of Closing (the "Agreed Prepaid Expenses"). 
     Except for Agreed Prepaid Expenses, no other Expenses shall be pro
     rated as provided above.

               The parties hereto shall make apportionments as provided
     above on the Closing Date and corresponding adjustments to the


     Purchase Price to the extent possible at that time.  However, because
     a number of the Agreed Prepaid Expenses will not be readily
     determinable until after the Closing Date, final apportionments cannot
     be made on that date.  Therefore, at such time as ABC and Purchaser
     reasonably believe that all of the Agreed Prepaid Expenses are
     sufficiently determinable so that charges and credits may be finally
     allocated in the manner contemplated by this Section 1.5(b), ABC and
     Purchaser shall agree with respect to the allocation of the Agreed
     Prepaid Expenses and a further adjustment shall be made between the
     parties hereto.  To the extent the net effect of such additional
     adjustment results in a credit to ABC, Purchaser shall promptly pay
     such additional amount to ABC (plus interest on such amount at the
     rate of 8% per annum from the Closing Date to the date of payment),
     which amount shall be an adjustment to the Purchase Price.  To the
     extent such net effect results in a credit to Purchaser, ABC and the
     Shareholder shall be jointly and severally liable to promptly pay such
     additional amount to Purchaser (plus interest on such amount at the
     rate of 8% per annum from the Closing Date to the date of payment),
     which amount shall be an adjustment to the Purchase Price.  In the
     event that either party gives the other written notice that a dispute
     exists with respect to the apportionment of Agreed Prepaid Expenses
     and such dispute is not resolved within 20 days after the other party
     receives a copy of such notice of dispute, either party may submit
     such dispute to arbitration in Cleveland, Ohio for final resolution in
     accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the American
     Arbitration Association then in effect.  The determination of such
     arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto, and
     the fees of such arbitrators in connection with the determination
     shall be paid by the party against whom the award was made, or if a
     compromise was made, shared equally.

                                   ARTICLE II

                           PURCHASE PRICE AND PAYMENT

               2.1  Amount of Purchase Price.  The purchase price for the
     Assets and the Assumed Liabilities (the "Purchase Price") shall be an
     amount equal to the sum of (i) $6,000,000 plus (ii) the amount of Cash
     on Hand as certified pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.3 below
     plus (iii) the allocation between the parties of the Agreed Prepaid
     Expenses in accordance with Section 1.5 hereof plus (iv) the 1995
     Audit Expense.

               2.2  Payment of Purchase Price.  ABC acknowledges and agrees
     that the $60,000 deposit previously paid by Purchaser to ABC shall be
     credited to, and applied in partial payment of, the Purchase Price. 
     On the Closing Date, the Purchaser shall pay the balance of the
     Purchase Price as follows:  (i) $400,000 to Midland


     Title Security, Inc. as escrow agent (the "Escrow Agent") under the
     Escrow Agreement, and (ii) $5,540,000 plus Cash on Hand plus the
                                           ----              ----
     allocation on the Closing Date of the Agreed Prepaid Expenses plus the
     1995 Audit Expense.  All such payments of cash shall be made, if to
     ABC, by certified or bank cashier's check in New York Clearing House
     Funds, payable to the order of ABC (or, at ABC's option, by wire
     transfer of immediately available funds into an account designated by
     ABC) and if to the Escrow Agent, by wire transfer of immediately
     available funds into an account designated by the Escrow Agent.

               2.3  Certification of Amount of Cash on Hand.  On the
     Closing Date, ABC shall (i) determine the amount of Cash on Hand as of
     the opening of business on the Closing Date at each of the Stores and
     (ii) deliver a statement containing such determination to the
     Purchaser.  ABC shall determine the Cash on Hand by having two
     employees at each Store count all Cash on Hand as of the opening of
     business at such Store on the Closing Date and transmit such total to
     an officer of ABC.  Such officer will tally all such amounts and
     deliver the statement referred to in clause (ii) above.

                                   ARTICLE III


               3.1  Closing Date.  Subject to the satisfaction of the
     conditions set forth in Sections 7.1 and 7.2 hereof (or the waiver
     thereof by the party entitled to waive that condition), the closing of
     the sale and purchase of the Assets provided for in Section 1.1 hereof
     (the "Closing") shall take place at 10:00 A.M. at the offices of Weil,
     Gotshal & Manges LLP located at 767 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 
     10153 (or at such other place as the parties may designate in writing)
     on the date hereof, or on such other date as ABC and the Purchaser may
     jointly designate in writing.  The date on which the Closing is held
     is referred to in this Agreement as the "Closing Date".

                                   ARTICLE IV


               ABC and the Shareholder hereby jointly and severally
     represent and warrant to Purchaser as follows:

               4.1  Organization and Good Standing.  ABC is a corporation
     duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
     of Ohio and has all requisite corporate power and authority to own,
     lease and operate its properties and to carry on


     its business as now conducted.  ABC is duly qualified or authorized to
     do business as a foreign corporation and is in good standing under the
     laws of each jurisdiction in which it leases real property and each
     other jurisdiction in which the conduct of its business or the
     ownership of its properties requires such qualification or authoriza-

               4.2  Authorization of Agreement.  ABC and each other party
     hereto (other than Purchaser) has all requisite power, authority and
     legal capacity to execute and deliver this Agreement, a Noncompetition
     Agreement and each other agreement, document, or instrument or
     certificate contemplated by this Agreement or to be executed by such
     Person in connection with the consummation of the transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement (collectively, the "Seller Documents"),
     and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby. 
     This Agreement and each of the Seller Documents have been duly and
     validly executed and delivered by ABC and each other party thereto
     (other than Purchaser) and (assuming the due authorization, execution
     and delivery by Purchaser if a party thereto) this Agreement and each
     of the Seller Documents constitute, the legal, valid and binding
     obligations of ABC and each other party thereto (other than
     Purchaser), enforceable against such Person in accordance with their
     respective terms, subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,
     reorganization, moratorium and similar laws affecting creditors'
     rights and remedies generally, and subject, as to enforceability, to
     general principles of equity, including principles of commercial
     reasonableness, good faith and fair dealing (regardless of whether
     enforcement is sought in a proceeding at law or in equity).

               4.3  Capitalization.
               (a)  The authorized capital stock of ABC consists of 500
     shares of common stock, without par value per share (the "Common
     Stock").  There are 100 shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding
     and 100 shares of Common Stock are held by ABC as treasury stock.  All
     of the issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock are owned,
     beneficially and of record, by the Shareholder.

               4.4  Subsidiaries and Other Interests.  ABC does not have
     any Subsidiaries and does not own any equity interests in any Person.

               4.5  Corporate Records.  ABC has delivered to the Purchaser
     true, correct and complete copies of the certificate of incorporation
     (certified by the Secretary of State of Ohio) and by-laws (certified
     by the secretary, assistant secretary or other appropriate officer) of


               4.6  Conflicts; Consents of Third Parties.
               (a)  None of the execution and delivery by ABC or the
     Shareholder of this Agreement and the Seller Documents, the consum-
     mation by each of ABC and the Shareholder of the transactions
     contemplated hereby and thereby, or compliance by ABC or the
     Shareholder with any of the provisions hereof or thereof will (i)
     conflict with, or result in the breach of, any provision of the
     certificate of incorporation or by-laws of ABC; (ii) except as set
     forth on Schedule 4.6, conflict with, violate, result in the breach or
     termination of, constitute a default under, or give rise to any right
     of acceleration under, any note, bond, mortgage, deed of trust,
     indenture, license, lease, agreement or other instrument or obligation
     to which ABC or the Shareholder is a party or by which any of them or
     any of their respective properties or assets is bound; (iii) violate
     any statute, rule, regulation, judgment or Order of any Governmental
     Body by which ABC or the Shareholder is bound; or (iv) result in the
     creation of any Lien upon the properties or assets of ABC or the

               (b)  Except for the consent of the lessor of the Bedford
     Property and as set forth in Schedule 4.6, no consent, waiver,
     approval, Order, Permit or authorization of, or declaration or filing
     with, or notification to, any Person or Governmental Body is required
     on the part of ABC or the Shareholder in connection with the execution
     and delivery of this Agreement or the Seller Documents, or the
     compliance by ABC or the Shareholder, as the case may be, with any of
     the provisions hereof or thereof.

               4.7  Ownership and Transfer of Assets.  ABC is the owner of
     all the Assets, free and clear of any and all Liens (other than
     Permitted Exceptions).  ABC has the power and authority to sell,
     transfer, assign and deliver all such Assets as provided in this
     Agreement.  Upon the consummation of the Closing, ABC will have
     conveyed to Purchaser good and marketable title to all of the Assets,
     free and clear of all Liens (other than Permitted Exceptions).

               4.8  Financial Statements.  ABC has delivered to the
     Purchaser copies of (i) the audited balance sheets of ABC as at
     December 31, 1993, 1994 and 1995 and the related audited statements of
     income and of cash flows of ABC for the years then ended and (ii) the
     unaudited consolidated balance sheet of ABC as at April 30, 1996 and
     the related consolidated statement of income and cash flow of ABC for
     the period then ended (such audited and unaudited statements,
     including the related notes and schedules thereto, are referred to
     herein as the "Financial Statements").  Each of the Financial State-
     ments is complete and correct in all material respects, has been
     prepared in accordance with GAAP (subject to normal year-end
     adjustments in the case of the unaudited statements) and in conformity
     with the practices consis


     tently applied by ABC without modification of the accounting
     principles used in the preparation thereof, and presents fairly in
     accordance with GAAP the financial position, results of operations and
     cash flows of ABC as at the dates and for the periods indicated.

               For the purposes hereof, the audited balance sheet of ABC as
     at December 31, 1995 is referred to as the "Balance Sheet" and
     December 31, 1995 is referred to as the "Balance Sheet Date".

               4.9  No Undisclosed Liabilities.  Except as set forth on
     Schedule 4.9, ABC has no indebtedness, obligations or liabilities of
     any kind (whether absolute, contingent or otherwise, and whether due
     or to become due) which are not reflected on its Balance Sheet other
     than such indebtedness, obligations or liabilities (i) as were
     incurred in the ordinary and usual course of business consistent with
     its past practices since the Balance Sheet Date, (ii) existing
     pursuant to any contract or agreement disclosed on Schedules
     4.12(a)(1), 4.12(a)(2), 4.13 or 4.15 (or any contract or agreement not
     required to be disclosed thereon because such contract or agreement
     was not of the type required to be disclosed thereon) or (iii) which
     will be repaid or discharged prior to the Closing.

               4.10 Absence of Certain Developments.  Except as expressly
     required by this Agreement or as set forth on Schedule 4.10, since the
     Balance Sheet Date:

                    (i)  there has not been any Material Adverse Change nor
          has there occurred any event which is reasonably likely to result
          in a Material Adverse Change;

                    (ii) there has not been any damage, destruction or
          loss, whether or not covered by insurance, with respect to the
          property and assets of ABC having a replacement cost of more than
          $10,000 for any single loss or $25,000 for all such losses;

                    (iii)     there has not been any declaration, setting
          aside or payment of any dividend or other distribution in respect
          of any shares of capital stock of ABC or any repurchase, redemp-
          tion or other acquisition by ABC of any outstanding shares of
          capital stock or other securities of, or other ownership interest
          in, ABC;

                    (iv) ABC has not awarded or paid any bonuses to
          employees of ABC with respect to the fiscal year ended December
          31, 1995, or entered into any employment, deferred compensation,
          severance or similar agreement (nor amended any such agreement)
          or agreed to increase the compensation payable or to become
          payable by it to any of ABC's directors,


          officers, employees, agents or representatives or increased or
          agreed to increase the coverage or benefits available under any
          severance pay, termination pay, vacation pay, company awards,
          salary continuation for disability, sick leave, deferred compen-
          sation, bonus or other incentive compensation, insurance, pension
          or other employee benefit plan, payment or arrangement made to,
          for or with such directors, officers, employees, agents or
          representatives (other than normal increases in the ordinary
          course of business consistent with past practice and that in the
          aggregate have not resulted in a material increase in the
          benefits or compensation expense of ABC, including coverage or
          contributions required or permitted under the terms of any
          Employee Benefit Plan or required under any applicable law, rule
          or regulation);

                    (v)  there has not been any change by ABC in accounting
          or Tax reporting principles, methods or policies;

                    (vi) ABC has not entered into any transaction or
          Contract or conducted its business other than in the ordinary
          course consistent with past practice;

                    (vii)     ABC has not failed to promptly pay and
          discharge current liabilities except where disputed in good faith
          by appropriate proceedings;

                    (viii)    ABC has not made any loans, advances or
          capital contributions to, or investments in, any Person or paid
          any fees or expenses to any Affiliate of ABC;

                    (ix) ABC has not mortgaged, pledged or subjected to any
          Lien any of its assets, or acquired any assets or sold, assigned,
          transferred, conveyed, leased or otherwise disposed of any
          assets, except for assets acquired or sold, assigned,
          transferred, conveyed, leased or otherwise disposed of in the
          ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

                    (x)  ABC has not discharged or satisfied any Lien, or
          paid any obligation or liability (fixed or contingent), except in
          the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and
          which, in the aggregate, would not be material to ABC or which is
          permitted or required under the terms of any Employee Benefit
          Plan or required under any applicable law, rule, or regulation
          and which in the aggregate would not be material to ABC;

                    (xi) ABC has not canceled or compromised any debt or
          claim or amended, canceled, terminated, relinquished, waived or
          released any Contract or right except in the


          ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and
          which, in the aggregate, would not be material to ABC;

                    (xii)     ABC has not made or committed to make any
          capital expenditures or capital additions or betterments in
          excess of $10,000 individually or $25,000 in the aggregate;

                    (xiii)    ABC has not entered into any transaction,
          arrangement or agreement with any of its Affiliates;

                    (xiv)     ABC has not instituted or settled any
          material Legal Proceeding; and

                    (xv) ABC has not agreed to do anything set forth in
          this Section 4.10.

               4.11 Taxes.
               (a)  All Tax Returns required to be filed by or with respect
     to ABC or its assets have been properly prepared and duly and timely
     filed with the appropriate taxing authorities in all jurisdictions in
     which such Tax Returns are required to be filed, and all such Tax
     Returns are true, complete and correct in all material respects.  ABC
     has duly and timely paid all Taxes that are due, or claimed or
     asserted by any taxing authority to be due, from or with respect to it
     for periods covered by such Tax Returns.  With respect to any period
     for which Tax Returns have not yet been filed, or for which Taxes are
     not due or owing, ABC has made sufficient current accruals for such
     Taxes in its Financial Statements as of December 31, 1995.

               (b)  ABC has duly and timely withheld from employee
     salaries, wages and other compensation and has paid over to the
     appropriate taxing authorities all amounts required to be so withheld
     and paid over for all periods under all applicable laws.

               (c)  There are no outstanding agreements, waivers, or
     arrangements extending the statutory period of limitation applicable
     to any claim for, or the period for the collection or assessment of,
     Taxes due from or with respect to ABC for any taxable period.

               (d)  All deficiencies asserted or assessments made as a
     result of any examinations by the Internal Revenue Service or any
     other taxing authority of the Tax Returns of or covering or including
     ABC have been fully paid, and there are no other audits or
     investigations by any taxing authority in progress, nor has ABC
     received any notice from any taxing authority that it intends to
     conduct such an audit or investigation.


               (e)  ABC is not a foreign person within the meaning of
     Section 1445 of the Code.

               (f)  No claim has been made by a taxing authority in a
     jurisdiction where ABC does not file Tax Returns such that it is or
     may be subject to taxation by that jurisdiction.

               (g)  No property owned on the Closing Date by ABC will be
     required to be treated as being (i) owned by another Person pursuant
     to the provisions of Section 168(f)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code of
     1954, as amended and in effect immediately prior to the enactment of
     the Tax Reform Act of 1986 or (ii) tax-exempt use property within the
     meaning of Section 168(h)(1) of the Code.

               (h)  No property owned on the Closing Date by ABC is subject
     to a Section 467 rental agreement.

               (i)  ABC is not a party to any tax sharing or similar
     agreement or arrangement (whether or not written) pursuant to which it
     will have any obligation to make any payments after the Closing.

               (j)  The performance of the transactions contemplated by
     this Agreement will not (either alone or upon the occurrence of any
     additional or subsequent event) result in any payment that would
     constitute an "excess parachute payment" within the meaning of Section
     280G of the Code.

               (k)  There are no liens with respect to Taxes upon any of
     the assets of ABC. 

               (l)  ABC has never been a member of an affiliated group of
     corporations filing a consolidated, combined or unitary Tax Return.

               4.12 Real Property.
               (a)  Except for the store location listed on Schedule 1.3,
     Schedule 4.12(a)(1) sets forth a complete list of all real property
     and interests in real property leased by ABC (individually, a "Real
     Property Lease" and the real properties specified in such leases being
     referred to herein individually as a "Company Property" and
     collectively as the "Company Properties") as lessee or lessor.  The
     Company Property constitutes all interests in real property currently
     used or currently held for use in connection with the business of the
     Stores and which are necessary for the continued operation of the
     business of the Stores as the business is currently conducted.  Except
     as set forth on Schedule 4.12(a)(2), to the best of ABC's and/or the
     Shareholder's Knowledge, the premises leased pursuant to the Real
     Property Leases comply with all building, fire, zoning and other


     and regulations applicable thereto.  ABC has paid all rent, additional
     rent and/or other charges reserved and payable under each of the Real
     Property Leases to the extent so payable as of the date hereof.  ABC
     has a valid and enforceable leasehold interest under each of the Real
     Property Leases, subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,
     reorganization, moratorium and similar laws affecting creditors'
     rights and remedies generally and subject, as to enforceability, to
     general principles of equity (regardless of whether enforcement is
     sought in a proceeding at law or in equity); ABC has not caused an
     event of default or received any written notice of any default or
     event that with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a
     default by ABC under any of the Real Property Leases; and none of the
     landlords in respect of the Real Property Leases has caused an event
     of default that with notice or lapse of time, or both, would
     constitute a default by any one of such landlords under any of the
     Real Property Leases.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.12(a)(3),
     there is no management agreement, equipment lease, service contract or
     other contract or agreement to which ABC is a party affecting any
     Company Property (collectively, "Property Contracts") which (i) was
     not made in the ordinary course of business, (ii) is not terminable
     upon 30 days' prior notice by ABC without payment of a premium or
     penalty or (iii) requires payments in excess of an amount that, if
     added to the monthly payment obligations of all other Property
     Contracts in respect of such Company Property, would cause the
     aggregate amount of all monthly payment obligations in respect of all
     Property Contracts for such Company Property to exceed $1,000 with
     respect to a Real Property Lease.  ABC has delivered to the Purchaser
     true, correct and complete copies of the Real Property Leases,
     together with all amendments, modifications or supplements, if any,
     thereto.  ABC presently owns and operates the Stores, which includes
     the check cashing stores at the locations set forth on Schedule

               (b)  ABC has all certificates of occupancy and Permits of
     any Governmental Body necessary or useful for the current use and
     operation of each Company Property, and ABC has fully complied with
     all material conditions of the Permits applicable to them.  No default
     or violation, or event that with the lapse of time or giving of notice
     or both would become a default or violation, has occurred in the due
     observance of any Permit.

               (c)  There does not exist any actual or, to the best
     Knowledge of ABC and/or the Shareholder, threatened or contemplated
     condemnation or eminent domain proceedings that affect any Company
     Property or any part thereof, and ABC has not received any notice,
     oral or written, of the intention of any Governmental Body or other
     Person to take or use all or any part thereof.

               (d)  ABC has not received any written notice from any
     insurance company that has issued a policy with respect to any


     Company Property requiring performance of any structural or other
     repairs or alterations to such Company Property.

               (e)  ABC does not own or hold, and is not obligated under or
     a party to, any option, right of first refusal or other Contract right
     to purchase, acquire, sell, assign or dispose of any real estate or
     any portion thereof or interest therein.

               (f)  ABC does not own or hold in fee any real property with
     respect to the Stores.

               4.13 Tangible Personal Property.
               (a)  Schedule 4.13 sets forth all leases of personal
     property ("Personal Property Leases") relating to personal property
     used in the business of ABC or to which ABC is a party or by which the
     properties or assets of ABC is bound.  ABC has delivered or otherwise
     made available to the Purchaser true, correct and complete copies of
     the Personal Property Leases, together with all amendments,
     modifications or supplements thereto.

               (b)  ABC has a valid leasehold interest under each of the
     Personal Property Leases under which it is a lessee, subject to
     applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and
     similar laws affecting creditors' rights and remedies generally and
     subject, as to enforceability, to general principles of equity
     (regardless of whether enforcement is sought in a proceeding at law or
     in equity), and there is no default under any Personal Property Lease
     by ABC, or, to the best Knowledge of ABC and/or the Shareholder, by
     any other party thereto, and no event has occurred that with the lapse
     of time or the giving of notice or both would constitute a default

               (c)  ABC has good and marketable title to all of the items
     of tangible personal property reflected on its Balance Sheet (except
     as sold or disposed of subsequent to the date thereof in the ordinary
     course of business consistent with past practice), free and clear of
     any and all Liens, other than the Permitted Exceptions.

               4.14 Intangible Property.  Schedule 4.14 contains a complete
     and correct list of each patent, trademark, trade name, service mark
     and copyright owned or used by ABC as well as all registrations
     thereof and pending applications therefor, and each license or other
     agreement relating thereto.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.14,
     each of the foregoing is owned by the party shown on such Schedule as
     owning the same, free and clear of all Liens and is in good standing
     and not the subject of any challenge.  There have been no claims made
     and ABC has not received any notice or otherwise knows or has reason
     to believe


     that any of the foregoing is invalid or conflicts with the asserted
     rights of others.  ABC possesses all patents, patent licenses, trade
     names, trademarks, service marks, brand marks, brand names,
     copyrights, know-how, formulae and other proprietary and trade rights
     necessary for the conduct of its business as now conducted, not
     subject to any restrictions and without any known conflict with the
     rights of others and ABC has not forfeited or otherwise relinquished
     any such patent, patent license, trade name, trademark, service mark,
     brand mark, brand name, copyright, know-how, formulate or other
     proprietary right necessary for the conduct of its business as
     conducted on the date hereof.  ABC is not under any obligation to pay
     any royalties or similar payments in connection with any license to
     any Affiliate of ABC.

               4.15 Material Contracts.  Schedule 4.15 sets forth each of
     the following Contracts to which ABC is a party or by which it is
     bound (collectively, the "Material Contracts"):  (i) Contracts with
     the Shareholder (or any Affiliates of the Shareholder) or any current
     or former officer or director of ABC; (ii) Contracts with any labor
     union or association representing any employee of ABC; (iii) Contracts
     pursuant to which any Person is required to purchase or sell a stated
     portion of its requirements or output from or to another Person;
     (iv) Contracts for the sale of any of the assets of ABC other than in
     the ordinary course of business or for the grant to any Person of any
     preferential rights to purchase any of its assets; (v) partnership or
     joint venture agreements; (vi) Contracts containing covenants of ABC
     or any of its Affiliates not to compete in any line of business or
     with any Person in any geographical area or covenants of any other
     Person not to compete with ABC in any line of business or in any
     geographical area; (vii) Contracts relating to the acquisition by ABC
     of any operating business or the capital stock of any other Person;
     (viii) Contracts relating to the borrowing of money; or (ix) any other
     Contracts, other than Real Property Leases, which involve the
     expenditure of more than $15,000 in the aggregate or $5,000 annually
     or require performance by any party more than one year from the date
     hereof.  There have been made available to the Purchaser true and
     complete copies of each of the Material Contracts.  Except as set
     forth on Schedule 4.15, each of the Material Contracts and other
     agreements is in full force and effect and is the legal, valid and
     binding obligation of each party thereto, enforceable against such
     party in accordance with its terms, subject to applicable bankruptcy,
     insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and similar laws affecting
     creditors' rights and remedies generally and subject, as to
     enforceability, to general principles of equity (regardless of whether
     enforcement is sought in a proceeding at law or in equity).  Except as
     set forth on Schedule 4.15, ABC is not in default in any material
     respect under any Material Contracts, nor, to the Knowledge of ABC or
     the Shareholder, is any other party to any Material Contract in
     default thereunder in any material respect.  "Assumed Contracts"


     shall include (i) all Real Property Leases, and (ii) the Material
     Contracts marked on Schedule 4.15 with an asterisk (*).  Any Assumed
     Contract to be transferred to Purchaser at Closing may be so
     transferred and will not cause a default or violation thereunder.

               4.16 Employee Benefits.  Schedule 4.16(a) sets forth a
     complete and correct list of (i) all "employee benefit plans" as
     defined in Section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
     of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"), and any other severance pay, vacation
     pay, company awards, salary continuation for disability, sick leave,
     deferred compensation, bonus or other incentive compensation, stock
     purchase arrangements or policies, life insurance, scholarship or
     other employee benefit plan, program or arrangement maintained by ABC
     or to which ABC has any liability (contingent or otherwise) with
     respect to employees, officers, directors or shareholders of ABC
     ("Employee Benefit Plans").  None of the Employee Benefit Plans
     constitutes a multiple employer Plan as defined in Section 4063 and
     4064 of ERISA ("Multiple Employer Plans"), (ii) multiemployer plans
     (as defined in Section 4001(a)(3) of ERISA) ("Multiemployer Plans") or
     (iii) "benefit plans", within the meaning of Section 5000(b)(1) of the
     Code providing continuing benefits after the termination of employment
     (other than as required by Section 4980B of the Code or Part 6 of
     Title I of ERISA and at the former employee's or his beneficiary's
     sole expense).

               4.17 Labor.
               (a)  ABC is not party to any labor or collective bargaining
     agreement and there are no labor or collective bargaining agreements
     which pertain to employees of ABC.

               (b)  No employees of ABC are represented by any labor
     organization.  No labor organization or group of employees of ABC has
     made a pending demand for recognition, and there are no representation
     proceedings or petitions seeking a representation proceeding presently
     pending or, to the best Knowledge of ABC or the Shareholder,
     threatened to be brought or filed, with the National Labor Relations
     Board or other labor relations tribunal.  There is no organizing
     activity involving ABC pending or, to the best Knowledge of ABC or the
     Shareholder, threatened by any labor organization or group of
     employees of ABC.

               (c)  There are no (i) strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns,
     lockouts or arbitrations or (ii) material grievances or other labor
     disputes pending or, to the best Knowledge of ABC or the Shareholder,
     threatened against or involving ABC.  There are no unfair labor
     practice charges, grievances or complaints pending or, to the best
     Knowledge of ABC or the Shareholder, threatened by or on behalf of any
     employee or group of employees of ABC.


               4.18 Litigation.  Except as set forth in Schedule 4.18,
     there is no suit, action, proceeding, investigation, claim or order
     pending or, to the Knowledge of ABC or the Shareholder, overtly
     threatened against ABC (or to the Knowledge of ABC or the Shareholder,
     pending or threatened, against any of the officers, directors or key
     employees of ABC with respect to their business activities on behalf
     of ABC), or to which ABC is otherwise a party, before any court, or
     before any governmental department, commission, board, agency, or
     instrumentality; nor, to the Knowledge of ABC or the Shareholder, is
     there any reasonable basis for any such action, proceeding, or
     investigation.  ABC is not subject to any judgment, Order or decree of
     any court or Governmental Body and ABC is not engaged in any legal
     action to recover monies due it or for damages sustained by it.

               4.19 Compliance with Laws.  ABC possesses all Licenses of
     and from all Governmental Bodies necessary to own or lease its
     respective properties and assets and to conduct the business in which
     it is engaged.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.19, no proceeding
     has been threatened or commenced which seeks to, or could reasonably
     be anticipated to, cause the suspension, modification, revocation or
     withdrawal of any License.  ABC is currently, and at all times has
     been, in material compliance with all Laws applicable to it including,
     without limitation, all applicable banking Laws.  Neither ABC nor any
     of its directors, officers, employees or representatives has offered,
     proposed, promised or made any illegal payment to officers, employees
     or representatives of any Governmental Body, or engaged in any illegal
     reciprocal practices or made any illegal payment or given any other
     illegal consideration to any third party.

               4.20 Environmental Matters.  Except as set forth on Schedule
     4.20 hereto:

               (a)  the operations of ABC, to the Knowledge of ABC and/or
     the Shareholder, are and have been and are in substantial compliance
     with all applicable Environmental Laws and all permits, licenses or
     other authorizations issued pursuant to applicable Environmental Laws
     ("Environmental Permits");

               (b)  ABC has obtained all Environmental Permits necessary to
     operate its business and is in substantial compliance with such
     Environmental Permits;

               (c)  ABC is not the subject of any outstanding written
     order, agreement or Contract with any governmental authority or person
     respecting (i) Environmental Laws, (ii) Remedial Action or (iii) any
     Release or threatened Release of a Hazardous Material;


               (d)  ABC has not received any written communication alleging
     that ABC or the operations thereof may be in violation of any
     Environmental Law or any Environmental Permit, or may have any
     liability under any Environmental Law;

               (e)  to the Knowledge of ABC and/or the Shareholder, no
     unpermitted or unlawful Release of any Hazardous Materials has
     occurred at any of the Company Properties or off-site so as to
     adversely affect the Company Properties;

               (f)  there are no legal or administrative proceedings
     pending or, to the Knowledge of ABC or the Shareholder, threatened
     against ABC alleging the violation of or seeking to impose liability
     pursuant to Environmental Laws;

               (g)  to the Knowledge of ABC or the Shareholder, there are
     no investigations of the business, operations, or currently or
     previously owned, operated or leased property of ABC pending or
     threatened which could lead to the imposition of any liability
     pursuant to Environmental Law;

               (h)  there is not located at any of the Company Properties
     any (i) underground storage tanks, (ii) asbestos-containing material
     or (iii) equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls in quantities
     requiring record keeping pursuant to the Toxic Substances Control Act;

               (i)  ABC has provided to the Purchaser copies of all
     environmentally related audits, studies, reports, analyses, and
     results of investigations in its or the Shareholder's possession,
     custody or control that have been performed with respect to the
     currently or previously owned, leased or operated properties of ABC.

               4.21 Insurance.  Schedule 4.21 sets forth a complete and
     accurate list of all policies of insurance of any kind or nature
     covering ABC or any of its employees, properties or assets, including,
     without limitation, policies of life, disability, fire, theft, workers
     compensation, employee fidelity and other casualty and liability
     insurance.  All such policies are in full force and effect and ABC is
     not in default of any provision thereof.

               4.22 Payables.  All accounts payable of ABC reflected in its
     Balance Sheet or arising after the date thereof are the result of bona
     fide transactions in the ordinary course of business and have been
     paid or are not yet due and payable.

               4.23 Related Party Transactions.  Except as set forth on
     Schedule 4.23, ABC has not borrowed any moneys from and has no
     outstanding indebtedness or other similar obligations to the
     Shareholder or any of its Affiliates.  Except as set forth in


     Schedule 4.23, none of ABC, or any of its officers, employees or
     Affiliates (i) owns any direct or indirect interest of any kind in, or
     controls or is a director, officer, employee or partner of, or con-
     sultant to, or lender to or borrower from or has the right to
     participate in the profits of, any Person which is (A) a competitor,
     supplier, customer, landlord, tenant, creditor or debtor of ABC, (B)
     engaged in a business related to the business of ABC, or (C) a parti-
     cipant in any transaction to which ABC is a party or (ii) is a party
     to any Contract or transaction with ABC.  Since the Balance Sheet
     Date, ABC has not entered into any transactions with any Affiliate.

               4.24 ADA Matters.  Neither ABC nor the Shareholder has
     received any notification regarding any real property which is the
     subject of any of the Real Property Leases which would require that
     the lessee under any such Real Property Lease make any additions,
     renovations or improvements to such property pursuant to the terms of
     the Americans With Disabilities Act ("ADA") or otherwise.

               4.25 Banks.  Schedule 4.25 contains a complete and correct
     list of the names and locations of all banks in which ABC has accounts
     or safe deposit boxes and the names of all persons authorized to draw
     thereon or to have access thereto.  Except as set forth on Schedule
     4.25, no person holds a power of attorney to act on behalf of ABC.

               4.26 No Misrepresentation.  No representation or warranty of
     ABC or the Shareholder contained in this Agreement or in any schedule
     hereto or in any certificate or other agreement or instrument
     furnished by ABC or the Shareholder to the Purchaser pursuant to the
     terms hereof, contains any untrue statement of a material fact or
     omits to state a material fact necessary to make the statements
     contained herein or therein not misleading.

               4.27 Financial Advisors.  Except as set forth on Schedule
     4.27, no Person has acted, directly or indirectly, as a broker, finder
     or financial advisor for ABC or the Shareholder in connection with the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement and no Person is entitled
     to any fee or commission or like payment in respect thereof.

               4.28 ABC's Solvency and Obligations.  The obligations
     incurred by ABC pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the
     sale of the Stores will not render ABC insolvent within the meaning of
     the United States Bankruptcy Code, other applicable federal law or
     applicable state law, including, without limitation, the laws of the
     States of Ohio or New York.  Every obligation incurred by ABC pursuant
     to this Agreement or in connection with the sale of the assets sold by
     it hereunder has been incurred for fair consideration.  ABC
     acknowledges the


     receipt of reasonably equivalent value in connection with the sale of
     the Assets.  ABC does not intend or believe that it will incur debts
     beyond its ability to pay as they mature in connection with the
     obligations incurred pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with
     the sale of the Assets.  ABC has no actual intent to hinder, delay or
     defraud either present or future creditors by incurring obligations
     pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the sale of the
     Assets.  The property remaining in ABC's possession after the sale of
     the Assets does not constitute unreasonably small capital for ABC. 
     Upon and after the Closing, ABC shall have sufficient capital to carry
     on the business and the transactions in which it intends to engage,
     and is now, and shall be after Closing, solvent and able to pay its
     debts as they mature.

               Except for those matters expressly set forth in this
     Agreement, in any Exhibit or Schedule to this Agreement or in any
     Seller Document, ABC does not make and expressly disclaims any
     representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any
     communication, disclosure, documentation, information (financial and
     otherwise), reports or other materials furnished by Seller or the
     Company to Purchaser prior to the date of this Agreement.

               4.29 Name.  "ABC" and "ABC Check Cashing" are the only names
     used by ABC in the operation of the Stores.

                                    ARTICLE V


               The Purchaser hereby represents and warrants to ABC that:

               5.1  Organization and Good Standing.  The Purchaser is a
     corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing
     under the laws of the State of Ohio.

               5.2  Authorization of Agreement.  The Purchaser has full
     corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement
     and each other agreement, document, instrument or certificate con-
     templated by this Agreement or to be executed by the Purchaser in con-
     nection with the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby
     and thereby (the "Purchaser Documents"), and to consummate the
     transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.  The execution, delivery
     and performance by the Purchaser of this Agreement and each Purchaser
     Document have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action
     on behalf of the Purchaser.  This Agreement and each Purchaser
     Document has been duly executed and delivered by the Purchaser and
     (assuming the due


     authorization, execution and delivery by the other parties hereto and
     thereto) this Agreement and each Purchaser Document when so executed
     and delivered constitute, legal, valid and binding obligations of the
     Purchaser, enforceable against the Purchaser in accordance with their
     respective terms, subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,
     reorganization, moratorium and similar laws affecting creditors'
     rights and remedies generally, and subject, as to enforceability, to
     general principles of equity, including principles of commercial
     reasonableness, good faith and fair dealing (regardless of whether
     enforcement is sought in a proceeding at law or in equity).

               5.3  Conflicts; Consents of Third Parties.
               (a)  Except as set forth on Schedule 5.3 hereto, none of the
     execution and delivery by the Purchaser of this Agreement and of the
     Purchaser Documents, the consummation by the Purchaser of the
     transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, or compliance by the
     Purchaser with any of the provisions hereof or thereof will (i) con-
     flict with, or result in the breach of, any provision of the cer-
     tificate of incorporation or by-laws of the Purchaser, (ii) conflict
     with, violate, result in the breach or termination of, constitute a
     default under, or give rise to any right of acceleration under, any
     note, bond, mortgage, indenture, license, agreement or other
     instrument or obligation to which the Purchaser is a party or by which
     the Purchaser or its properties or assets is bound or (iii) violate
     any statute, rule, regulation, judgment or Order of any Governmental
     Body by which the Purchaser is bound, except, in the case of clauses
     (ii) and (iii), for such violations, breaches or defaults as would
     not, individually or in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect
     on the ability of Purchaser to consummate the transactions
     contemplated hereby and thereby.

               (b)  Except as set forth on Schedule 5.3, no consent,
     waiver, approval, Order, Permit or authorization of, or declaration or
     filing with, or notification to, any Person or Governmental Body is
     required on the part of the Purchaser in connection with the execution
     and delivery of this Agreement or the Purchaser Documents or the
     compliance by Purchaser with any of the provisions hereof or thereof.

               5.4  Litigation.  There are no Legal Proceedings pending or,
     to the best knowledge of the Purchaser, threatened that are reasonably
     likely to prohibit or restrain the ability of the Purchaser to enter
     into this Agreement or consummate the transactions contemplated

               5.5  Financial Advisors.  No Person has acted, directly or
     indirectly, as a broker, finder or financial advisor for the Purchaser
     in connection with the transactions contemplated by this


     Agreement and no person is entitled to any fee or commission or like
     payment in respect thereof.

               5.6  Purchaser's Solvency and Obligations.  The obligations
     incurred by Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with
     the purchase of the Stores will not render Purchaser insolvent within
     the meaning of the United States Bankruptcy Code, other applicable
     federal law or applicable state law, including, without limitation,
     the laws of the States of Ohio or New York.  Every obligation incurred
     by Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the
     purchase of the Assets purchased hereunder has been incurred for fair
     consideration.  Purchase acknowledges the receipt of reasonably
     equivalent value in connection with the purchase of the Assets. 
     Purchaser does not intend or believe that it will incur debts beyond
     its ability to pay as they mature in connection with the obligations
     incurred pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the purchase
     of the Assets.  Purchaser has no actual intent to hinder, delay or
     defraud either present or future creditors by incurring obligations
     pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the purchase of the
     Assets.  The property remaining in Purchaser's possession after the
     purchase of the Assets does not constitute unreasonably small capital
     for Purchaser.  Upon and after the closing, Purchaser shall have
     sufficient capital to carry on the business and the transactions in
     which it intends to engage, and is now, and shall be after closing,
     solvent and able to pay it debts as they mature.

               5.7  Purchaser's Group Medical Plans.  The Purchaser's
     applicable group medical plans will not exclude coverage of any
     employees of ABC who (i) participate in ABC's group medical plan, (ii)
     receive and accept an offer of employment from Purchaser,  and (iii)
     properly enroll in Purchaser's applicable group medical plans during
     an open enrollment period established by the Purchaser following the
     Closing Date on the basis of any preexisting medical conditions of any
     such employee (other than exclusions provided under ABC's group
     medical plan).

                                   ARTICLE VI


               6.1  Effect of Investigation.  Each of ABC and the
     Shareholder agrees that no investigation by the Purchaser prior to or
     after the date of this Agreement shall diminish or obviate any of the
     representations, warranties, covenants or agreements of ABC or the
     Shareholder contained in this Agreement or the Seller Documents.


               6.2  Consents.  To the extent any of the approvals, consents
     or waivers required to consummate the transactions contemplated by
     this Agreement, including, without limitation, the consents and
     approvals referred to in Section 4.6(b) hereof have not been obtained
     by ABC as of the Closing with respect to any Assumed Contracts, ABC
     shall use its best efforts to do the following:

                    (i)  cooperate with the Purchaser in any reasonable and
          lawful arrangements designed to provide the benefits of such
          Assumed Contracts to the Purchaser as long as the Purchaser
          promptly reimburses ABC for all out-of-pocket payments or charges
          made by ABC in connection therewith; and

                   (ii)  enforce, at the request of the Purchaser and at
          the expense and for the account of the Purchaser, any and all
          rights of ABC arising from such interest against the other party
          or parties thereto (including the right to elect to terminate
          such interest in accordance with the terms thereof upon the
          written advice of the Purchaser).

               6.3  Preservation of Records.  Subject to Section 6.9(c)
     hereof (relating to the preservation of Tax records), ABC and the
     Purchaser agree that each of them shall preserve and keep the records
     held by them relating to the business of ABC for a period of three
     years from the Closing Date and shall make such records and personnel
     available to the other as may be reasonably required by such party in
     connection with, among other things, any insurance claims by, legal
     proceedings against or governmental investigations of ABC or the
     Purchaser or any of their respective Affiliates or in order to enable
     ABC or the Purchaser to comply with their respective obligations under
     this Agreement and each other agreement, document or instrument con-
     templated hereby.  In the event either ABC or the Purchaser wishes to
     destroy such records after that time, such party shall first give
     ninety (90) days prior written notice to the other and such other
     party shall have the right at its option and expense, upon prior
     written notice given to such party within that ninety (90) day period,
     to take possession of the records within one hundred and eighty (180)
     days after the date of such notice.

               6.4  Publicity.  Neither ABC nor the Purchaser shall issue
     any press release or public announcement concerning this Agreement or
     the transactions contemplated hereby without obtaining the prior
     written approval of the other parties hereto, which approval will not
     be unreasonably withheld or delayed, unless, in the sole judgment of
     the Purchaser, disclosure is otherwise required by applicable Law,
     provided that, to the extent required by applicable law, the party
     intending to make such release shall use its best efforts consistent
     with such applicable


     law to consult with the other party with respect to the text thereof. 

               6.5  Use of Name.  ABC hereby agrees that upon the
     consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, the Purchaser
     shall have the sole right (vis-a-vis ABC, the Shareholder and any of
     their respective Affiliates) to the use of the names "ABC" and "ABC
     Check Cashing", and ABC shall not, and shall not cause or permit any
     Affiliate to, use such names or any variation or simulation thereof in
     any business or manner, either involving check cashing or otherwise,
     except as expressly provided in the License Agreement attached as
     Exhibit E hereto.  ABC shall change its name, and thereafter shall
     never use its name, except as expressly provided in the License
     Agreement attached as Exhibit E hereto, effective as soon as possible
     (but in no event later than 15 days) after the Closing Date and
     thereafter never utilize the name "ABC", "ABC Check Cashing" or any
     derivative or variation thereof.  ABC shall assign to Purchaser,
     cancel or relinquish any fictitious name registration held by it
     concerning the name "ABC", "ABC Check Cashing" or any derivation

               6.6  Environmental Matters.
               ABC shall identify the Environmental Permits required by
     Purchaser to operate the business of ABC and shall promptly file all
     materials required under Environmental Laws (including, without
     limitation, foreign or state property transfer laws such as the
     Industrial Site Recovery Act) and all requests required for the
     issuance, transfer or reissuance to Purchaser of Permits necessary to
     conduct ABC's business prior to the Closing Date.

               6.7  Noncompetition Agreements.  Each of the Shareholder and
     ABC hereby agree that, on or prior to the Closing Date, (i) each of
     them shall execute and deliver to Purchaser a Noncompetition
     Agreement, substantially in the form of Exhibit A-1 hereto and (ii)
     they shall cause Credit One Company and Quick Tax, Inc. to execute and
     deliver to Purchaser a Noncompetition Agreement, substantially in the
     form of Exhibit A-2 hereto.

               6.8  Employee Benefits and Employment.
               (a)  ABC shall be fully and solely responsible for each of
     the Employee Benefit Plans pursuant to their terms.

               (b)  ABC shall deliver to Purchaser at least 5 Business Days
     prior to the Closing Date a complete and correct list of all employees
     of ABC (the "Employees") setting forth their names, employment
     position, salary or hourly wage rate, location as of the end of the
     then most recently completed month and separately identifying those
     Employees who were actively employed on such date ("Active Employees")
     and those Employees who were not


     actively employed on such date (i.e., were absent due to disability,
     sickness or leave of absence) (the "Inactive Employees").  The
     Purchaser may offer employment or continued employment on an "at-will"
     basis and at other terms and conditions determined by the Purchaser in
     its sole discretion to any Active or Inactive Employees it selects in
     its sole discretion, and Purchaser shall have full responsibility for
     any claims, liabilities, obligations, costs and expenses (including
     reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from or relating to the employment
     after the Closing Date of Employees who accept Purchaser's offer of
     employment upon the terms and conditions established by Purchaser. 
     ABC shall assume all obligations, liabilities, costs and expenses
     relating to the Employees who are not offered employment by Purchaser.

               (c)  Purchaser shall indemnify ABC in respect of any and all
     liabilities or penalties under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining
     Notification Act ("WARN") resulting from or relating to liability
     arising under WARN and incurred on or after the Closing Date as a
     result of a "mass layoff" or "plant closing" as these terms are
     defined by WARN with respect to Employees on the Closing Date who are
     not offered employment with the Purchaser and are terminated by ABC
     within ninety (90) days following the Closing Date, provided, however,
     this sentence's first clause shall only be given effect if ABC has not
     terminated any Employee during the 90-day period prior to the Closing

               (d)  Purchaser agrees that, with respect to all its employee
     benefit plans (as defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA) covering any of
     the Active Employees who receive and accept an offer of employment
     from the Purchaser, service with ABC shall be counted as service with
     Purchaser for purposes of determining any period of eligibility to
     participate or to vest in benefits.  ABC and the Shareholder
     acknowledge and agree that Purchaser's Monetary Management Corp.
     Retirement Plan will not accept any rollover distributions from the
     Employees Profit Sharing Plan and Trust Agreement of ABC Check
     Cashing, Inc.

               6.9  Tax Matters.
               (a)  Allocation of Purchase Price.   Attached hereto as
     Schedule 6.9 is an allocation of the Purchase Price (including the
     amount of the assumed liabilities) among the Assets and the
     Noncompetition Agreements which has been prepared in accordance with
     Section 1060 of the Code.  Within 180 days after the Closing Date,
     Purchaser shall provide to ABC copies of Internal Revenue Service Form
     8594 and any required exhibits thereto, which shall be prepared by
     Purchaser in a manner consistent with such Schedule 6.9 (after giving
     effect to any Purchase Price adjustments required by this Agreement). 
     Purchaser and ABC shall file, and shall cause their Affiliates to
     file, all Tax Returns and


     statements, forms and schedules in connection therewith in a manner
     consistent with such allocation of the Purchase Price and shall take
     no position contrary thereto.

               (b)  Preparation of Tax Returns; Payment of Taxes.  After
     the Closing Date, ABC or its Affiliates shall pay all Taxes as levied
     by any foreign, federal, state, municipal or local taxing authority in
     any jurisdiction with respect to the ownership, use or leasing of the
     Assets on or prior to the Closing Date and Purchaser or its Affiliates
     shall pay all such Taxes with respect to the ownership, use, or
     leasing of the Assets after the Closing Date.

               (c)  Cooperation with Respect to Tax Returns.  ABC,
     Shareholder and Purchaser agree to furnish or cause to be furnished to
     each other, upon request, and each at their own expense, as promptly
     as practicable, such information (including access to books and
     records) and assistance as is reasonably necessary for the filing of
     any Tax Return, for the preparation for any audit, and for the
     prosecution or defense of any claim, suit or proceeding relating to
     any adjustment or proposed adjustment with respect to Taxes or any
     appraisal of the Assets, including making employees available on a
     mutually convenient basis to provide additional information and
     explanations of any material provided hereunder.  With respect to the
     books and records referred to in the preceding sentence, each of ABC,
     Shareholder and Purchaser agree to retain any such books and records
     within its possession until six (6) months after the expiration of the
     applicable statute of limitations.  After such time, ABC, Shareholder
     or Purchaser, as the case may be, may dispose of such books and
     records, provided that prior to such disposition, ABC, Shareholder or
     Purchaser, as the case may be, shall provide the other with a
     reasonable opportunity to take possession of such books and records,
     at no cost or expense.

               (d)  Transfer Taxes.  ABC and Shareholder shall be jointly
     and severally liable for and shall pay (and shall indemnify and hold
     harmless Purchaser against) all sales, use, stamp, documentary,
     filing, recording, transfer or similar fees or taxes or governmental
     charges (including, without limitation, real property transfer gains
     taxes, UCC-3 filing fees, FAA, ICC, DOT, real estate and motor vehicle
     registration, title recording or filing fees and other amounts payable
     in respect of transfer filings) as levied by any taxing authority or
     governmental agency in connection with the transactions contemplated
     by this Agreement (other than taxes measured by or with respect to
     income imposed on Purchaser or its Affiliates).  ABC and Shareholder
     hereby agree to file all necessary documents (including, but not
     limited to, all Tax Returns) with respect to all such amounts in a
     timely manner.


               6.10 Consents to Lease of Bedford Property.  From and after
     the Closing, ABC and the Shareholder will use their best efforts to
     obtain the consent of the lessor of the Bedford Property to the
     assignment to Purchaser of the lease covering the Bedford Property,
     such assignment and consent to be in substantially the form of Exhibit
     F-2 attached hereto.  Purchaser covenants that in the event the lessor
     of the Bedford Property requires the guarantee of Dollar Financial
     Group, Inc. as a condition of granting its consent to such assignment,
     then Purchaser shall cause Dollar Financial Group, Inc. to guarantee
     Purchaser's obligations under the lease of the Bedford Property.  

                                   ARTICLE VII

                              CONDITIONS TO CLOSING

               7.1  Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Purchaser.  The
      obligation of the Purchaser to consummate the transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement is subject to the fulfillment, on or
     prior to the Closing Date, of each of the following conditions (any or
     all of which may be waived by the Purchaser in whole or in part):

               (a)  all representations and warranties of ABC and the
     Shareholder contained herein shall be true and correct as of the date

               (b)  there shall not have been or occurred any Material
     Adverse Change since December 31, 1995;

               (c)  no Legal Proceedings shall have been instituted or
     threatened or claim or demand made against ABC, the Shareholder or the
     Purchaser seeking to restrain or prohibit or to obtain substantial
     damages with respect to the consummation of the transactions contem-
     plated hereby, and there shall not be in effect any Order by a
     Governmental Body of competent jurisdiction restraining, enjoining or
     otherwise prohibiting the consummation of the transactions
     contemplated hereby;

               (d)  ABC shall have provided the Purchaser with an affidavit
     of non-foreign status that complies with Section 1445 of the Code (a
     "FIRPTA Affidavit");

               (e)  ABC shall have furnished, or caused to be furnished, to
     Purchaser, in form and substance satisfactory to Purchaser, such
     certificates and other evidence as Purchaser may have reasonably
     requested as to the satisfaction of the conditions contained in this
     Section and as to such other matters relating to the representations,
     warranties, covenants and undertakings in this Agreement as Purchaser
     may reasonably request;


               (f)  Except for the lease of the Bedford Property and for
     the lease of 34750 Vine Street, Eastlake, Ohio, ABC shall have
     obtained consents from the landlords and lessors under each Real
     Property Lease;

               (g)  all Real Property Leases between ABC and the
     Shareholder, any Affiliate of the Shareholder, or any Person related
     to the Shareholder, shall have been amended on terms satisfactory to
     the Purchaser;

               (h)  the Purchaser shall have received duly executed copies
     of each of the documents enumerated in Section 8.1; and

               (i)  with respect to the real property subject to Real
     Property Leases, the Purchaser shall have received a list of items
     that have been repaired prior to Closing.

               7.2  Conditions Precedent to Obligations of ABC.  The
     obligations of ABC to consummate the transactions contemplated by this
     Agreement are subject to the fulfillment, prior to or on the Closing
     Date, of each of the following conditions (any or all of which may be
     waived by ABC in whole or in part to the extent permitted by
     applicable law):

               (a)  all representations and warranties of the Purchaser
     contained herein shall be true and correct as of the date hereof;

               (b)  there shall not be in effect any Order by a
     Governmental Body of competent jurisdiction restraining, enjoining or
     otherwise prohibiting the consummation of the transactions
     contemplated hereby;

               (c)  ABC shall have received duly executed copies of each of
     the documents enumerated in Section 8.2.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                            DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED

               8.1  Documents to be Delivered by ABC.  At the Closing, ABC
     (and, in the case of clauses (a), (c) and (f) through (l), the
     Shareholder) shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Purchaser
     the following:

               (a)  the opinion of Kahn, Kleinman, Yanowitz and Arnson Co.,
     L.P.A., counsel to ABC and the Shareholder, in substantially the form
     of Exhibit B hereto; 

               (b)  copies of all consents and waivers referred to in
     Section 7.1(f) hereof;


               (c)  Noncompetition Agreement in the form of Exhibit A-1
     attached hereto, duly executed by ABC and the Shareholder and a
     Noncompetition Agreement in the form of Exhibit A-2 attached hereto,
     duly executed by Credit One Company and Quick Tax, Inc.;

               (d)  a duly executed FIRPTA Affidavit for ABC;

               (e)  certificates of good standing with respect to ABC
     issued by the Secretary of State of Ohio and for each state in which
     ABC is qualified to do business as a foreign corporation;

               (f)  a copy of the Escrow Agreement, duly executed by the
     Escrow Agent, ABC, the Shareholder and the Purchaser;

               (g)  with respect to each of the Real Property Leases, ABC
     shall have delivered to Purchaser, Lease Assignment and Assumption
     Agreements in the form of Exhibit F-1, in the case of any Real
     Property Leases with Affiliates of or parties related to Shareholder,
     and in substantially the form of Exhibit F-2, in the case of any other
     Real Property Leases;

               (h)  a copy of the License Agreement, duly executed by ABC;

               (i)  a copy of the Assumption Agreement, duly executed by

               (j)  a copy of the Bill of Sale and Assignment of Contracts
     Agreement, duly executed by ABC;

               (k)  a copy of the letter agreement dated the date hereof,
     regarding certain post-closing obligations of the parties, duly
     executed by ABC and the Shareholder; and

               (l)  such other documents as the Purchaser shall reasonably
     request including such other good and sufficient instruments (i) of
     transfer and conveyance, in form and substance satisfactory to
     Purchaser and its counsel, as shall be effective to vest in Purchaser,
     and to evidence the vesting in Purchaser of, good and marketable title
     to the Assets that are not Real Property Leases (ii) of assignment, in
     form and substance satisfactory to Purchaser and its counsel, as shall
     be necessary or desirable to vest in Purchaser all of ABC's rights and
     interest in any Real Property Lease, in each case, as provided for,
     and subject to the limitations and exceptions set forth, in this

               8.2  Documents to be Delivered by the Purchaser.  At the
     Closing, the Purchaser shall deliver to ABC the following:

               (a)  evidence of the payments required to be made pursuant
     to Section 2.2 hereof;


               (b)  the opinion of Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, counsel to
     the Purchaser, in the form of Exhibit C hereto;

               (c)  a copy of the Escrow Agreement, duly executed by the

               (d)  a copy of the License Agreement, duly executed by the

               (e)  a copy of the Assumption Agreement, duly executed by
     the Purchaser;

               (f)  with respect to each of the Real Property Leases,
     Purchaser shall have delivered to ABC, Lease Assignment and Assumption
     Agreements in the form of Exhibit F-1, in the case of any Real
     Property Leases with Affiliates of or parties related to Shareholder,
     and in substantially the form of Exhibit F-2, in the case of any other
     Real Property Leases;

               (g)  a copy of the letter agreement dated the date hereof,
     regarding certain post-closing obligations of the parties, duly
     executed by the Purchaser; and

               (h)  such other documents as ABC shall reasonably request.

                                   ARTICLE IX


               9.1  Survival.  The representations and warranties of ABC,
     the Shareholder and Purchaser shall remain operative and in full force
     and effect for a period of eighteen (18) months after the Closing
     Date, regardless of any investigation or statement as to the results
     thereof made by or on behalf of any party hereto; provided, however,
                                                       --------  -------
      that (i) the representations and warranties contained in Sections
     4.9, 4.17, 4.19, 4.20 and 4.24, as well as the indemnities contained
     in Sections 9.2(a)(iii) and 9.2(a)(iv) (solely to the extent such
     representations and warranties or indemnities relate to a violation of
     any Environmental Law, ADA or OSHA), shall remain operative and in
     full force and effect for a period of four years after the Closing
     Date, and (ii) the representations and warranties contained in
     Sections 4.2, 4.4, 4.7, 4.11 and 4.16 shall remain operative and in
     full force and effect until the expiration of 60 days after the
     applicable statutes of limitation with respect to the matters referred
     to therein; and provided further, that any claim based upon a
                     -------- -------
     fraudulent or intentional misrepresentation shall survive
     indefinitely.  The indemnity contained in Section 9.2(a)(v) shall
     remain operative and in full force and effect until the date that


     ABC shall have obtained the consent of the lessor of the Bedford
     Property to the assignment to Purchaser of the lease covering the
     Bedford Property and shall terminate and be of no further force and
     effect after such date.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
     herein, any representation or warranty which is the subject of a claim
     or dispute which is asserted in writing prior to the expiration of the
     applicable period set forth above shall survive with respect to such
     claim or dispute until the final resolution and satisfaction thereof.

               9.2  General Indemnification.
               (a)  Each of ABC and the Shareholder hereby jointly and
     severally agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser and its
     Affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees,
     agents, successors and assigns (collectively, the "Purchaser
     Indemnified Parties") from and against and in respect of any and all
     Losses resulting from, arising out of, based on or relating to:

                    (i)  the failure of any representation or warranty of
          ABC or the Shareholder set forth in this Agreement, any Seller
          Document or any certificate or instrument delivered by or on
          behalf of ABC or the Shareholder pursuant to this Agreement
          (other than the Underground Storage Tank Report prepared by
          Engineering Science, Inc. dated April 21, 1989, and the No
          Further Action Letter from the Ohio Department of Commerce to
          Edward Kowit, dated Sept. 17, 1992), to be true and correct in
          all respects both on the date hereof and on and as of the Closing

                    (ii) the breach of any covenant or other agreement on
          the part of ABC or the Shareholder under this Agreement or any
          Seller Document;

                    (iii)     any Excluded Liability;

                    (iv) (A) any Release of Hazardous Materials in, on, at,
          or from the Company Properties which first occurred, or resulted
          from operations occurring, as of or prior to the Closing but only
          to the extent that any such Release was not the result of or
          exacerbated by the knowing or grossly negligent acts or omissions
          of Purchaser, its agents, employees, contractors, tenants,
          Affiliates, assigns or invitees; (B) any tort liability to third
          parties, including, without limitation, liability resulting from
          exposure to Hazardous Materials, to the extent that such
          liability is the  result of any Release at the Company Properties
          which first occurred at the Company Properties as of or prior to
          the Closing but only to the extent that any such tort liability
          is not the result of or exacerbated by the knowing or grossly


          negligent act or omissions of Purchaser, its agents, employees,
          contractors, tenants, Affiliates, assigns or invitees;
          (C) notification or designation under any Environmental Law as a
          potentially responsible party for offsite disposal of Hazardous
          Materials by ABC, which disposal occurred as of or prior to the
          Closing, or the listing of any asset of ABC on the CERCLA
          National Priorities List or any similar list under any
          Environmental Law as a result of disposal of Hazardous Materials
          by ABC as of or prior to the Closing; or (D) any violation of
          Environmental Laws, in effect at the time of the violation, that
          first occurred or resulted from operations by ABC or at Company
          Properties occurring as of or prior to the Closing Date; 

                    (v)  the failure of ABC to have obtained, prior to
          Closing, the consent of the lessor of the Bedford Property to the
          assignment to Purchaser of the lease covering the Bedford
          Property; or 

                    (vi) the Excluded Assets or the ownership, operation,
          lease or use thereof, or any action taken with respect thereto,
          by ABC or any other Person.

               (b)  Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless
     ABC and its Affiliates, and their respective directors, officers,
     employees, agents, successors and assigns (collectively, the "Seller
     Indemnified Parties") from and against and in respect of any and all
     Losses resulting from, arising out of, based on or relating to:

                    (i)  the failure of any representation or warranty of
          the Purchaser set forth in this Agreement or any Purchaser
          Document or any certificate and instrument delivered by or on
          behalf of the Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement, to be true
          and correct in all respects both on the date hereof and on and as
          of the Closing Date;

                    (ii) the breach of any covenant or other agreement on
          the part of the Purchaser under this Agreement or any Purchaser
          Document; or

                    (iii)     any Assumed Liabilities.

               9.3  Limitations on Indemnification for Breaches of
     Representations and Warranties.
               (a)  Subject to Section 9.5 and Section 9.6 hereof, none of
     the indemnifying parties shall have any liability under Section
     9.2(a)(i) or 9.2(b)(i) hereof unless and until the aggregate amount of
     Losses subject to indemnification thereunder exceeds $25,000 and, in
     such event, the indemnifying party shall be


     required to pay the entire amount of such Losses in excess of $25,000;
     provided the indemnifying party shall be required to pay the entire
     amount of any Losses incurred as a result of a breach of any
     representation or warranty contained in Sections 4.2, 4.4 or 4.7.

               (b)  The aggregate liability of all indemnifying parties
     pursuant to Section 9.2(a)(i), 9.2(a)(iii) (as such liability relates
     to any Environmental Law, ADA or OSHA), 9.2(a)(iv) (as such liability
     relates to any Environmental Law, ADA or OSHA) or 9.2(b)(i) hereof,
     other than liability for Losses resulting from, arising out of, based
     on or relating to a breach of any representation or warranty contained
     in Section 4.2, 4.4, 4.7 or 4.11, shall not exceed $1,500,000 in the
     aggregate; provided that with respect to (1) in the case of Section
     9.2(a)(i) or 9.2(b)(i), liability for Losses resulting from, arising
     out of, based on or relating to any breach of Sections 4.9, 4.19, 4.20
     or 4.24, or (2) in the case of Section 9.2(a)(iii) or 9.2(a)(iv),
     liability for Losses resulting from, arising out of, based on or
     relating to any Environmental Law, ADA or OSHA, the $1,500,000
     limitation shall only apply to breaches of such representations or
     warranties or breaches or violations of such Laws of which neither the
     Company nor the Shareholder had knowledge as of the Closing Date.  The
     aggregate liability of all indemnifying parties pursuant to Section
     9.2(a)(i), 9.2(a)(iii), 9.2(a)(iv) or 9.2(b)(i) hereof for any Losses
     resulting from, arising out of, based on or relating to any breach of
     any representation or warranty in Section 4.2, 4.4, 4.7 or 4.11 shall
     not exceed the Purchase Price.  The liability of all indemnifying
     parties pursuant to Section 9.2(a)(v) shall be limited to Losses which
     constitute out-of-pocket costs and expenses (including reasonable
     attorneys' fees and litigation expenses) incurred by any Purchaser
     Indemnified Party and shall be limited to an aggregate liability of

               9.4  Indemnification Procedures.  For the purposes of
     administering the indemnification provisions of Section 9.2, the
     following procedures shall apply:

               (a)  If an indemnified party shall receive notice of any
     action or proceeding by a third party which the indemnified party
     asserts is indemnifiable under Section 9.2 (a "Claim"), the
     indemnified party shall notify the indemnifying party (the
     "Indemnitor") of such Claim in writing promptly following the receipt
     of notice by such indemnifying party of the commencement of such
     Claim.  The failure to give notice as required by this Section 9.4 in
     a timely fashion shall not result in a waiver of any right to
     indemnification hereunder except to the extent that the Indemnitor is
     actually prejudiced thereby.

               (b)  Except as provided in subsection (c) hereof, the
     Indemnitor shall be entitled to assume the defense or settlement


     of any Claim of the type referred to in clause (a) hereof (with
     counsel reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified parties) if the
     Indemnitor shall provide the indemnified parties a written
     acknowledgement of its liability to indemnify such indemnified parties
     against all Losses resulting from, relating to, based on or arising
     out of such Claim.  If the Indemnitor assumes any such defense or
     settlement, it shall pursue such defense or settlement in good faith. 
     If the Indemnitor fails to elect in writing, within 10 days after the
     notification referred to above, to assume the defense of any Claim as
     provided above, the indemnified party may engage counsel to defend,
     settle or otherwise dispose of such Claim, which counsel shall be
     reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnitor; provided, however, that the
                                                --------  -------
      indemnified party shall not settle or compromise any such Claim
     without the consent of the Indemnitor (which consent will not be
     unreasonably withheld or delayed).

               (c)  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
     herein, the Purchaser shall have the sole right, with counsel
     reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnitor, to defend any Claim which
     constitutes a Non-Assumable Claim and no other party hereto shall be
     entitled to assume the defense thereof or settle such Non-Assumable
     Claim as to the Purchaser; provided, however, that (i) the indemnified
                                --------  -------
     party shall not settle or compromise any such Non-Assumable Claim
     without the consent of the Indemnitor (which consent will not be
     unreasonably withheld or delayed), (ii) the Purchaser shall keep the
     Indemnitor apprised as to the status of any pending Non-Assumable
     Claim, and the Indemnitor shall have the right to attend any
     settlement conferences at its own cost and expense, and (iii) the
     Indemnitor (and its counsel) shall be entitled to participate, at the
     cost and expense of the Indemnitor, in any such action or proceeding
     or in any negotiations or proceedings to settle or otherwise eliminate
     any Non-Assumable Claim for which indemnification is being sought.  A
     "Non-Assumable Claim" means any claim, action or proceeding (i)
     arising out of or in connection with, or relating to, any violation or
     asserted violation of any law, rule, regulation, order, judgment or
     decree, (ii) in which a Governmental Body or a quasi-governmental
     entity is an adverse party in interest, or (iii) seeking injunctive
     relief, other than (solely in the case of (i) and (ii) above) claims
     related to environmental matters arising pursuant to Sections 4.20 and
     9.2(a)(iv); provided, however, that a claim, action or proceeding
                 --------  -------
     referred to in clause (i), (ii) or (iii) of this sentence shall only
     constitute a "Non-Assumable Claim" if Purchaser determines in good
     faith that such claim, action or proceeding, if adversely determined,
     could have a material adverse impact on the assets, liabilities, busi-
     ness or operations of Purchaser or any of its Affiliates.

               (d)  In cases where the Indemnitor has elected to assume the
     defense or settlement with respect to a Claim as provided


     above, the Indemnitor shall be entitled to assume such defense or
     settlement provided that:  (i) the indemnified party (and its counsel)
     shall be entitled to continue to participate at its own cost in any
     such action or proceeding or in any negotiations or proceedings to
     settle or otherwise eliminate any claim for which indemnification is
     being sought; (ii) the Indemnitor shall not be entitled to settle or
     compromise any such claim without the consent or agreement of the
     indemnified party (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or
     delayed); and (iii) after written notice by the Indemnitor to the
     indemnified party of its election to assume control of the defense of
     any Claim, the Indemnitor shall not be liable to such indemnified
     party hereunder for any attorneys' fees and disbursements subsequently
     incurred by such indemnified party in connection therewith.

               (e)  In the event that a claim or demand for indemnification
     may be made by the Purchaser under more than one provision of this
     Article IX, the Purchaser shall have the option to elect the provision
     of this Article IX under which it chooses to make such claim or demand
     for indemnification by the Purchaser.

               9.5  Tax Matters.
               (a)  ABC and the Shareholder hereby jointly and severally
     agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser and its Affiliates
     and in each case their respective directors, officers, employees and
     agents, from and against any and all Losses resulting from, arising
     out of, based on or relating to:

                    (i)  any breach of any representation, warranty or
          covenant contained in Sections 4.11 or 6.9 hereof;

                    (ii) any Taxes for which ABC is liable pursuant to
          subsections 6.9(b) or 6.9(d) hereof; and

                    (iii)     any Taxes asserted against Purchaser or any
          of its Affiliates as a result of transferee liability at law or
          equity arising out of the transactions contemplated hereby.

               (b)  Any claim for indemnity made under this Section 9.5 may
     be made at any time prior to sixty days following the expiration of
     the applicable Tax statute of limitations with respect to the relevant
     taxable period (including extensions).

               9.6  Employee Benefits and Labor Indemnity.  The Shareholder
     and ABC hereby agree to jointly and severally indemnify and hold the
     Purchaser Indemnified Parties harmless from and against any and all
     Losses (i) arising out of or based upon or with respect to any
     Employee Benefit Plan, including, but not limited to, any obligations
     arising under Part 6 of Title I of


     ERISA or Section 4980B of the Code, or (ii) arising out of or based
     upon or with respect to the employment or termination of employment of
     any Person prior to or on the Closing Date with ABC including, without
     limitation, any claim with respect to, relating to arising out of or
     in connection with discrimination by ABC or wrongful discharge
     (including constructive discharge), (iii) with respect to, relating to
     or in connection with Employees who are not offered employment by the
     Purchaser or who do not accept Purchaser's offer of employment and
     (iv) with respect to, relating to or in connection with Employees who
     accept Purchaser's offer of employment, all claims with respect to,
     relating to, arising out of or based upon their employment on or prior
     to the Closing Date, whether a claim is made before, on or after the
     Closing Date.

               9.7  Treatment of Payment.  ABC and Purchaser agree to treat
     any indemnity payment made pursuant to Sections 9.2, 9.5 or 9.6 of
     this Agreement as an adjustment to the Purchase Price for federal,
     state, local and foreign income tax purposes.

                                    ARTICLE X


               10.1 Certain Definitions.

               For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall
     have the meanings specified in this Section 10.1:

               "ABC" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in the
     preamble hereto.

               "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, any other
     Person controlling, controlled by or under common control with such

               "Agreed Prepaid Expenses" shall have the meaning ascribed to
     such term in Section 1.5(b) hereof.

               "Assets" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
     Section 1.1 hereof.

               "Assumed Contracts" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
     term in Section 4.15 hereof.

               "Assumed Liabilities" shall have the meaning ascribed to
     such term in Section 1.5(a) hereof.

               "Assumption Agreement" shall mean an agreement in the form
     of Exhibit G hereto, between the Purchaser and ABC.


               "Balance Sheet" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term
     in Section 4.8 hereof.

               "Balance Sheet Date" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
     term in Section 4.8 hereof.

               "Bedford Property" shall mean the premises located at 5333
     Northfield Road, Bedford Heights, Ohio.

               "Bill of Sale and Assignment of Contracts" shall mean an
     agreement in the form of Exhibit H hereto, executed by ABC in favor of
     the Purchaser.

               "Business Day" means any day of the year on which national
     banking institutions in New York are open to the public for conducting
     business and are not required or authorized to close.

               "Cash on Hand" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term
     in Section 1.3 hereof.

               "Closing" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
     Section 3.1 hereof.

               "Closing Date" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term
     in Section 3.1 hereof.

               "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

               "Company" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
     the preamble hereto.

               "Company Property" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
     term in Section 4.12(a) hereof.

               "Contract" means any contract, agreement, indenture, note,
     bond, loan, instrument, lease, commitment or other arrangement or

               "Credited Liabilities" shall have the meaning ascribed to
     such term in Section 1.5(b) hereof.

               "Employee Benefit Plans" shall have the meaning ascribed to
     such term in Section 4.16(a) hereof.

               "Environmental Law" means any foreign, federal, state or
     local law, statute, regulation, code, ordinance, rule of common law or
     other requirement in any way relating to the protection of human
     health and safety or the environment as now or hereafter in effect
     including, without limitation, the Comprehensive


     Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S.C.
     ss. 9601 et seq.), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C.
              -- ----
     App. ss. 1801 et seq.), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42
                   -- ----
     U.S.C. ss. 6901 et seq.), the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. ss. 1251 et
                     -- ----                                           --
     seq.), the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. ss. 7401 et seq.) the Toxic
     ----                                         -- ----
     Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. ss. 2601 et seq.), the Federal
                                                -- ----
     Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. ss. 136 et seq.),
                                                                   -- ----
     and OSHA, as such laws have been amended or supplemented, and the
     regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, and all analogous foreign,
     state or local laws.

               "Environmental Permits" shall have the meaning ascribed to
     such term in Section 4.20(a).

               "ERISA" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
     Section 4.16 hereof.

               "ERISA Affiliate" means any trade or business (whether or
     not incorporated) under common control with ABC, and which, together
     with ABC, are treated as a single employer within the meaning of
     Section 414(b), (c), (m) or (o) of the Code.

               "Escrow Agent" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term
     in Section 2.2 hereof.

               "Escrow Agreement" shall mean an agreement in the form of
     Exhibit D hereto, among the Purchaser, ABC and the Escrow Agent.

               "Excluded Assets" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
     term in Section 1.3 hereof.

               "Excluded Liabilities" means any and all liabilities or
     obligations of ABC of any kind, nature and description, absolute or
     contingent, known or unknown, existing on, prior to or after the
     Closing Date (including, without limitation, any liabilities arising
     under any Environmental Laws and any liabilities relating to Taxes),
     other than the Assumed Liabilities and the Credited Liabilities
     referred to in Section 1.5 hereof.

               "Expenses" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
     Section 1.5(b) hereof.

               "Financial Statements" shall have the meaning ascribed to
     such term in Section 4.8 hereof.

               "FIRPTA Affidavit" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
     term in Section 7.1(d) hereof.

               "GAAP" means United States generally accepted accounting
     principles as of the date hereof.


               "Governmental Body" means any government or governmental or
     regulatory body thereof, or political subdivision thereof, whether
     federal, state, local or foreign, or any agency, instrumentality or
     authority thereof, or any court or arbitrator (public or private).

               "Hazardous Material" means any substance, material or waste
     which is regulated by the United States, or any state or local
     governmental authority including, without limitation, petroleum and
     its by-products, asbestos, and any material or substance which is
     defined as a "hazardous waste," "hazardous substance," "hazardous
     material," "restricted hazardous waste," "industrial waste," "solid
     waste," "contaminant," "pollutant," "toxic waste" or "toxic substance"
     under any provision of Environmental Law.

               "Knowledge" shall mean, with respect to ABC, the knowledge
     of either of Ed Kowit and Bob Battini.

               "Law" means any federal, state, local or foreign law
     (including common law), statute, code, ordinance, rule, regulation or
     other requirement.

               "Lease Assignment and Assumption Agreement" shall mean an
     agreement in substantially the form of Exhibit F-1 or Exhibit F-2

               "Legal Proceeding" means any judicial, administrative or
     arbitral actions, suits, proceedings (public or private), claims or
     governmental proceedings.

               "License Agreement" means a license agreement, substantially
     in the form of Exhibit E hereto.

               "Licenses" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
     Section 1.2(a) hereof.

               "Lien" means any lien, pledge, mortgage, deed of trust,
     security interest, claim, lease, charge, option, right of first
     refusal, easement, servitude, transfer restriction under any
     shareholder or similar agreement, encumbrance or any other restriction
     or limitation whatsoever.

               "Losses" means any and all losses, liabilities (accrued,
     absolute, contingent or otherwise), suits, proceedings, judgments,
     awards, demands, settlements, fines, assessments, damages, interest
     and penalties, and costs and expenses (including without limitation
     reasonable attorneys' fees and litigation expenses).


               "Material Adverse Change" means any material adverse change
     in the business, properties, results of operations, prospects or
     condition (financial or otherwise) of either ABC or the Stores.

               "Material Contracts" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
     term in Section 4.15 hereof.

               "1995 Audit Expense" shall mean $11,428.00.
               "Noncompetition Agreement" shall mean either (i) an
     agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A-1 among ABC, the
     Shareholder and Purchaser or (ii) an agreement in the form attached
     hereto as Exhibit A-2 among Credit One Company, Quick Tax, Inc. and

               "Order" means any order, injunction, judgment, decree,
     ruling, writ, assessment or arbitration award.

               "OSHA" means the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970,
     as amended, and any other Federal, state or local statute, law,
     ordinance, code, rule or regulation or judicial or administrative
     order or decree regulating, relating to or imposing liability or
     standards of conduct concerning employee safety and/or health, as now
     or at any time hereafter in effect.

               "Permits" means any approvals, authorizations, consents,
     Licenses, permits or certificates.

               "Permitted Exceptions" means (i) statutory liens for current
     taxes, assessments or other governmental charges not yet delinquent or
     the amount or validity of which is being contested in good faith by
     appropriate proceedings, provided an appropriate reserve is
     established therefor; (ii) mechanics', carriers', workers', repairers'
     and similar Liens arising or incurred in the ordinary course of
     business that are not material to the business, operations and
     financial condition of the property so encumbered or ABC; (iii)
     zoning, entitlement and other land use and environmental regulations
     by any Governmental Body, provided that such regulations have not been
     violated; and (iv) such other imperfections in title, charges,
     easements, restrictions and encumbrances which do not materially
     detract from the value of or materially interfere with the present use
     of any Company Property subject thereto or affected thereby.

               "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership,
     firm, joint venture, association, joint-stock company, trust,
     unincorporated organization, Governmental Body or other entity.

               "Personal Property Lease" shall have the meaning ascribed to
     such term in Section 4.13(a) hereof.


               "Property Contracts" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
     term in Section 4.12(a) hereof.

               "Purchase Price" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
     term in Section 2.1 hereof.

               "Purchaser Documents" shall have the meaning ascribed to
     such term in Section 5.2 hereof.

               "Purchaser Indemnified Parties" shall have the meaning
     ascribed to such term in Section 9.2(a) hereof.

               "Real Property Lease" shall have the meaning ascribed to
     such term in Section 4.12(a) hereof.

               "Release" means any release, spill, emission, leaking,
     pumping, pouring, dumping, injection, deposit, disposal, discharge,
     dispersal, leaching or migration into the indoor or outdoor

               "Seller Documents" shall have the meaning ascribed to such
     term in Section 4.2 hereof.

               "Seller Indemnified Parties" shall have the meaning ascribed
     to such term in Section 9.2(b) hereof.

               "Subsidiary" means any Person of which a majority of the
     outstanding voting securities or other voting equity interests are
     owned, directly or indirectly, by such Person.

               "Taxes" means all taxes, charges, fees, levies, imposts,
     duties, and other assessments, including but not limited to any
     income, alternative minimum or add-on tax, estimated, gross income,
     gross receipts, sales, use, transfer, gains, transactions,
     intangibles, ad valorem, value-added, franchise, registration, title,
     license, capital, paid-up capital, profits, withholding, payroll,
     employment, excise, severance, stamp, occupation, premium, recording,
     real property, personal property, Federal highway use, commercial
     rent, environmental, windfall profit tax, custom, duty or other tax,
     governmental fee or other like assessment or charge of any kind
     whatsoever, together with any interest, penalties, or additions to
     tax, and any interest or penalties imposed with respect to the filing,
     obligation to file or failure to file any Tax Return.

               "Tax Return" means any return, declaration, report, claim
     for refund, information return, statement, or other similar document
     relating to Taxes, including any schedule or attachment thereto, and
     including any amendment thereof.


               "WARN" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in
     Section 6.8(c) hereof.

               10.2 Expenses.  Except as otherwise provided in this
     Agreement, ABC and the Purchaser shall each bear their own expenses
     incurred in connection with the negotiation and execution of this
     Agreement and each other agreement, document and instrument
     contemplated by this Agreement and the consummation of the
     transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.

               10.3 Specific Performance.  ABC and the Shareholder each
     acknowledges and agrees that the breach of this Agreement would cause
     irreparable damage to the Purchaser and that the Purchaser will not
     have an adequate remedy at law.  Therefore, the obligations of ABC and
     the Shareholder under this Agreement, including, without limitation,
     ABC's obligation to sell the Assets to the Purchaser, shall be
     enforceable by a decree of specific performance issued by any court of
     competent jurisdiction, and appropriate injunctive relief may be
     applied for and granted in connection therewith.  Such remedies shall,
     however, be cumulative and not exclusive and shall be in addition to
     any other remedies which any party may have under this Agreement or

               10.4 Further Assurances.  Each of ABC, the Shareholder and
     the Purchaser agrees to execute and deliver such other documents or
     agreements and to take such other action as may be reasonably
     necessary or desirable for the implementation of this Agreement and
     the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

               10.5 Submission to Jurisdiction; Consent to Service of
               (a)  The parties hereto hereby irrevocably submit to the
     non-exclusive jurisdiction of any federal or state court located
     within the State of New York over any dispute arising out of or
     relating to this Agreement or any of the transactions contemplated
     hereby and each party hereby irrevocably agrees that all claims in
     respect of such dispute or any suit, action proceeding related thereto
     may be heard and determined in such courts.  The parties hereby
     irrevocably waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law,
     any objection which they may now or hereafter have to the laying of
     venue of any such dispute brought in such court or any defense of
     inconvenient forum for the maintenance of such dispute.  Each of the
     parties hereto agrees that a judgment in any such dispute may be
     enforced in other jurisdictions by suit on the judgment or in any
     other manner provided by law.

               (b)  Each of the parties hereto hereby consents to process
     being served by any party to this Agreement in any suit,


     action or proceeding by the mailing of a copy thereof in accordance
     with the provisions of Section 10.9.

               10.6 Entire Agreement; Amendments and Waivers.  This
     Agreement (including the schedules and exhibits hereto), the Seller
     Documents and the Purchaser Documents represent the entire
     understanding and agreement between the parties hereto with respect to
     the subject matter hereof and can be amended, supplemented or changed,
     and any provision hereof can be waived, only by written instrument
     making specific reference to this Agreement or specific Seller
     Document or Purchaser Document signed by the party against whom
     enforcement of any such amendment, supplement, modification or waiver
     is sought.  No action taken pursuant to this Agreement, including
     without limitation, any investigation by or on behalf of any party,
     shall be deemed to constitute a waiver by the party taking such action
     of compliance with any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement
     contained herein.  The waiver by any party hereto of a breach of any
     provision of this Agreement or specific Seller Document or Purchaser
     Document shall not operate or be construed as a further or continuing
     waiver of such breach or as a waiver of any other or subsequent
     breach.  No failure on the part of any party to exercise, and no delay
     in exercising, any right, power or remedy hereunder shall operate as a
     waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of such
     right, power or remedy by such party preclude any other or further
     exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. 
     All remedies hereunder are cumulative and are not exclusive of any
     other remedies provided by law.

               10.7 Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and
     construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without
     giving effect to principles of conflicts of law.

               10.8 Table of Contents and Headings.  The table of contents
     and section headings of this Agreement are for reference purposes only
     and are to be given no effect in the construction or interpretation of
     this Agreement.

               10.9 Notices.  All notices and other communications under
     this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when
     delivered personally, sent by nationally recognized overnight courier
     or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the parties
     (and shall also be transmitted by facsimile to the Persons receiving
     copies thereof) at the following addresses (or to such other address
     as a party may have specified by notice given to the other party
     pursuant to this provision):


          If to Purchaser:

               c/o Dollar Financial Group, Inc.
               Daylesford Plaza, Suite 210
               1436 Lancaster Avenue
               Berwyn, Pennsylvania 19312
               Attention:  Donald F. Gayhardt, Vice President - Corporate
               Telephone No.: (610) 296-3400
               Telecopy No.: (610) 296-7844

          with a copy to:

               Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
               767 Fifth Avenue
               New York, New York 10153
               Attention: William M. Gutowitz, Esq.
               Telephone No.: (212) 310-8000
               Telecopy No.: (212) 310-8007

          If to ABC or the Shareholder:

               20700 Southgate Parkway
               Unit 1060
               Maple Heights, Ohio 44137
               Attention:  Mr. Ed Kowit

          with a copy to:

               Kahn, Kleinman, Yanowitz & Arnson Co., L.P.A.
               The Tower at Erieview
               Suite 2600
               Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1824
               Attention: Richard S. Rivitz, Esq.
               Telephone No.: (216) 696-3311
               Telecopy No.: (216) 696-1009

     Any party may by notice change the address to which notice or other
     communications to it are to be delivered or mailed.

               10.10     Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement
     is invalid or unenforceable, the balance of this Agreement shall
     remain in effect.

               10.11     Binding Effect; Assignment.  This Agreement, the
     Seller Documents and the Purchaser Documents shall be binding upon and
     inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors
     and permitted assigns.  Nothing in this Agreement, any of the Seller
     Documents or any of the Purchaser Documents shall create or be deemed
     to create any third party beneficiary rights in any person or entity
     not a party to this Agreement, any of the


     Seller Documents or any of the Purchaser Documents except as provided
     below.  No assignment of this Agreement, any of the Seller Documents
     or any of the Purchaser Documents or of any rights or obligations
     hereunder or thereunder may be made by any party hereto or thereto
     without the prior written consent of the other parties hereto or
     thereto, as the case may be, and any attempted assignment without the
     required consents shall be void; provided, however, that the Purchaser
                                      --------  -------
     may assign this Agreement and any of the Seller Documents or the
     Purchaser Documents and any or all rights hereunder or thereunder
     (including, without limitation, the Purchaser's rights to purchase the
     Assets and the Purchaser's rights to seek indemnification hereunder)
     (i) to any Affiliate of the Purchaser or (ii) after the Closing, to
     any purchaser or transferee of any of the Assets transferred to
     Purchaser hereunder or thereunder.  Upon any such permitted
     assignment, the references in this Agreement or any of the Seller
     Documents or the Purchaser Documents to the Purchaser shall also apply
     to any such assignee unless the context otherwise requires.

               10.12     Bulk Transfer Laws.  Purchaser hereby waives
     compliance by ABC with the provision of any so called bulk sale or
     bulk transfer Laws of any jurisdiction in connection with any of the
     transactions contemplated hereby.  ABC and the Shareholder, jointly
     and severally, hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser
     against any and all Losses which may be asserted by third parties
     against the Purchaser or any of its Subsidiaries as a result of non-
     compliance with any such bulk sale or bulk sale or bulk transfer Laws.

               10.13     Counterparts.       This Agreement may be executed
     by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so
     executed and delivered shall be an original, but all such counterparts
     shall together constitute one and the same instrument.  Each
     counterpart may consist of a number of copies hereof each signed by
     less than all, but together signed by all of the parties hereto.


               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
     Agreement to be executed by their respective officers thereunto duly
     authorized, as of the date first written above.

                              FINANCIAL EXCHANGE COMPANY OF OHIO, INC.

                              By:/s/ Donald F. Gayhardt, Jr.               
                                 Name: Donald F. Gayhardt, Jr.

                              ABC CHECK CASHING, INC.

                              By:/s/ Ed Kowit                              
                                 Name:  Ed Kowit
                                 Title: President

                              /s/ Ed Kowit                                 
                              ED KOWIT

               DFG Holdings, Inc. hereby guarantees the prompt payment and
     performance by Financial Exchange Company of Ohio, Inc. of all of its
     obligations under this Agreement.

                              DFG HOLDINGS, INC.

                              By:/s/ Donald F. Gayhardt, Jr.               
                                 Name: Donald F. Gayhardt, Jr.
