DATED . ., 1998



                          TELEDIFFUSION DE FRANCE S.A.




                                 ALLEN & OVERY

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     office is at Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill, Heathcote Lane, Warwick
     CV34 6TN (the "COMPANY"); and

(2)  TELEDIFFUSION DE FRANCE S.A. of 10 rue d'Oradour sur Glane, 75015 Paris,
     France (the "CONTRACTOR").


(A)  The parties hereto entered into a services agreement dated 28th February,
     1997 (the "ORIGINAL SERVICES AGREEMENT"). The parties have agreed to amend
     and restate such agreement on the terms set out in this Agreement.

(B)  This Agreement sets out the terms on which the Contractor has agreed to
     provide certain services to the Company.

(C)  Without limiting the rights of the Company under this Agreement, it is the
     current intention of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall continue
     for a period of seven years, which period shall be deemed to have begun on
     the Commencement Date (as defined below).



     In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

     "APPLICABLE TDF RATES" means the Contractor's standard charge out rates
     from time to time quoted when providing to third parties on a commercial
     arm's length basis the services of personnel of the type referred to in
     paragraph 1(a) of Part A of the Schedule to this Agreement;

     "CCIC" means Crown Castle International Corp.;

     ["CCIC CHANGE OF CONTROL" shall have the same meaning as "Change of
     Control" in the CTSH Shareholders' Agreement between CCIC, the Company and
     the Contractor, to the extent to which such definition applies to CCIC;]

     "CCIC GROUP" means CCIC and its subsidiaries (other than members of the CTI

     ["CONTRACTOR CHANGE OF CONTROL" shall have the same meaning as the
     definition of "TDF Change of Control" in the Governance Agreement between
     CCIC and the Contractor;]
     "COMMENCEMENT DATE" means 28th February, 1997;

     "COMMITTED SERVICES" means services falling within the scope of the
     categories of services listed in paragraph 1(b) of Part A of the Schedule;

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     "COMPANY DEFAULT" means any material or persistent breach or persistent
     non-performance by the Company of its obligations under this Agreement
     which, if capable of remedy, is not remedied within 45 days after receiving
     written notice from the Contractor requiring the Company so to do;

     "CONTRACT YEAR" means the period of 12 months commencing on the
     Commencement Date and each successive period of 12 months thereafter;

     "CONTRACTOR DEFAULT" means any material or persistent breach or persistent
     non-performance by the Contractor of the terms on which the Contractor is
     to provide the services pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement which,
     if capable of remedy, is not remedied within 45 days after receiving
     written notice from the Company requiring the Contractor so to do;

     "CONTRACTOR'S MATERIALS" means any property of the Contractor (other than
     the New Material) including without limitation any know how, materials,
     products and methodologies proprietary to the Contractor;

     "CTI GROUP" means Castle Transmission Services Holdings Limited and its
     subsidiaries (including the Company);

     "GROUP" means, in relation to a company, its subsidiaries, holding
     companies and any subsidiaries of any such holding companies ("HOLDING
     COMPANIES" and "SUBSIDIARY" having ascribed thereto the meanings
     respectively attributed to them by section 736 Companies Act 1985 (as

     "INITIAL PERIOD" means the period commencing on the Commencement Date and
     ending on the seventh anniversary of the Commencement Date;

     "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES" means business within a Permitted
     Business Line undertaken and developed by members of the CCIC Group
     anywhere in the world except the United Kingdom;

     "MAN DAY" means [8] hours of working time;

     "MATERIAL DEFAULT" means, in relation to a party to this Agreement, that:

     (a)  it becomes unlawful for that party to perform its obligations pursuant
          to and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;

     (b)  that party takes any action or legal proceedings are commenced for a
          general reconstruction or rescheduling of its debts (or its equivalent
          in the jurisdiction of incorporation of that party) or for its winding
          up or dissolution;

     (c)  a liquidator, receiver or an administrative receiver or similar is
          appointed over the assets of or a petition is granted for an
          administration order (or its equivalent in the jurisdiction and
          incorporation of that party) in respect of that party;

     "NEW MATERIAL" means any works and materials to the extent created,
     developed, written or prepared by the Contractor solely in relation to the

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     "PERMITTED BUSINESS LINE" means (i) the ownership, operation or management
     (for third party owners or otherwise) of terrestrial wireless communication
     (including, without limitation, voice, data and video) infrastructure
     (including equipment and facilities principally related thereto) and (ii)
     the provision of infrastructure services principally related thereto,
     including but not limited to network transmission and services (it being
     understood for the avoidance of doubt that the transmission of radio and
     television broadcasting shall be within the foregoing definition);

     "YEARLY FEE" means the sum determined in accordance with Clause 3(1) to
     this Agreement (subject to adjustment for the sixth and subsequent Contract
     Years by agreement between the parties) to be paid by the Company to the
     Contractor in respect of Committed Services provided in the relevant
     Contract Year.


(1)  The Contractor agrees to provide the Committed Services to the Company as
     may reasonably be required by the Company from time to time.

(2)  Without limiting the generality of subclause 2(1), the Contractor agrees to
     provide such additional services of the type described in paragraph 2 of
     Part A of the Schedule to this Agreement as the Company may reasonably
     request.  Such additional services shall be provided on substantially the
     same commercial terms as the Committed Services.  The fees for such
     additional services shall be in addition to the Yearly Fee.

(3)  Without limiting the generality of subclause 2(1), the parties acknowledge
     that the Company may request the Contractor to provide services relating to
     training and research and development as described in Part B of the
     Schedule to this Agreement on a contract basis on commercial arm's length
     terms and conditions (including as to fees) to be separately agreed and the
     parties shall negotiate in good faith with a view to agreeing such terms
     and conditions as soon as practicable after the date of such request by the
     Company.  The fees for such services shall be in addition to the Yearly

(4)  The parties acknowledge that the Company may request the Contractor to
     provide some or all of the Committed Services, additional services of the
     type described in paragraph 2 of Part A of the Schedule (as referred to in
     subclause 2(2)) and services relating to training and research and
     development as described in Part B of the Schedule (as referred to in
     subclause 2(3)), on its behalf to members of the CCIC Group in relation to
     International Business Opportunities.  The terms and conditions of any such
     services shall be negotiated in accordance with subclauses 2(2) and 2(3),
     as applicable, as soon as practicable after the date they are requested by
     the Company.  The fees for the Committed Services provided to the Company
     under this subclause 2(4) shall be included in, and shall form part of the
     calculation of, the Yearly Fee.  The fees for any other services provided
     to the Company shall be in addition to the Yearly Fee.


(1)  In consideration of the agreement of the Contractor to provide the
     Committed Services the Company shall (subject to subclause 6(1)) pay to the
     Contractor the Yearly Fee (together with value added tax

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     thereon, if applicable). The Yearly Fee in respect of Committed Services
     provided in the relevant Contract Year shall be whichever is the greater of
     (i) (Pounds)400,000 and (ii) a sum in pounds sterling equal to the product
     of the number of man hours worked by the Contractor's personnel referred to
     in paragraph 1(a) of Part A of the Schedule to this Agreement multiplied by
     the Applicable TDF Rates.

(2)  The Company agrees to reimburse the Contractor for all reasonable out-of-
     pocket expenses (together with any value added tax thereon) incurred by it
     or its employees, or in relation to the provision of equipment and/or
     materials required, in connection with the provision of the Committed
     Services (including any Committed Services provided under subclause 2(4))
     and any additional services to be provided pursuant to subclauses 2(2),
     2(3) and 2(4).  Such out-of-pocket expenses shall be payable by the Company
     within 30 days after receipt by the Company of the Contractor's invoice in
     respect of the same.

(3)  The Yearly Fee shall be payable in such manner and at such times as the
     parties may agree and, in the absence of agreement, shall be paid in 12
     equal instalments monthly in arrears.

(4)  Any instalment of the Yearly Fee and any amount in respect of the
     Contractor's reasonable out-of-pocket expenses which is not paid on its due
     date shall bear interest at 2 per cent. per annum above the base rate of
     Barclays Bank PLC from time to time from the due date for payment until
     payment is actually made.

(5)  If this Agreement shall, in accordance with its terms, terminate other than
     on the last day of a Contract Year, the Yearly Fee payable in respect of
     that year shall be apportioned on a time apportionment basis.

(6)  For the avoidance of doubt, the Contractor shall not be obliged to supply
     and the Company shall not be obliged to accept Committed Services over and
     above the level contemplated in paragraph 1(a) of Part A of the Schedule to
     this Agreement.  Any additional services shall be provided by agreement
     between the Contractor and the Company and at the Applicable TDF Rate.


(1)  The Contractor shall provide the Committed Services and any additional
     services using reasonable skill and care and reasonably promptly and to a
     standard which might reasonably be expected of a person providing services
     of the type which the Contractor is obliged to provide pursuant to the
     provisions of this Agreement.

(2)  The Company and the Contractor shall liaise together with a view to
     agreeing a rolling schedule of future Committed Services which are likely
     to be required by the Company either pursuant to subclauses 2(1) or 2(4).

(3)  The Contractor shall in no circumstances be liable for indirect or
     consequential loss (including loss of profits) deriving from the provision
     or failure to provide any Committed Services or any additional services to
     the Company.

(4)  The Company acknowledges that the Contractor's Materials shall remain the
     property of the Contractor and that, save as provided in Clause 4(5), the
     Company shall not acquire any rights or

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     interest in the Contractor's Materials under this Agreement.

(5)  The parties agree that any intellectual property which is created solely by
     reason of the provision of the Committed Services shall either belong to
     the Company or shall be licensed on a non-exclusive basis to the Company on
     a royalty-free basis.


     Not later than three months before the end of the fifth and each subsequent
     Contract Year, the parties shall discuss in good faith the extent and
     quality of the Committed Services provided during that Contract Year, the
     extent to which the Yearly Fee for that Contract Year represents a fair and
     equitable fee for the provision of those Committed Services and the extent
     to which the Yearly Fee would represent a fair and equitable fee for the
     provision of those Committed Services which are then forecast to be
     required by the Company during the Contract Year next following, all with a
     view to agreeing a mutually acceptable Yearly Fee for the Contract Year
     next following (but on the basis that the Yearly Fee shall not be reduced
     unless any such reduction is justifiable on objective grounds).


(1)  Subject to the rights of the Company and the Contractor under the remaining
     provisions of this Clause 6, this Agreement shall continue for the Initial
     Period and thereafter may be terminated by the Company or the Contractor at
     any time by giving twelve months notice in writing to the other party to
     expire at the end of the seventh Contract Year or any anniversary thereof
     save that the Company agrees that (subject to and without limiting its
     rights under the remaining provisions of this Clause 6), it shall not give
     notice to terminate this Agreement under this subclause 6(1) unless the
     directors for the time being of the Company shall in good faith determine
     that the Committed Services provided by the Contractor are not required or
     are not value-enhancing or that they cease to be commercially acceptable or
     cost effective for the Company.

(2)  The Company shall be entitled at any time after the date of this Agreement
     and by giving notice in writing to the Contractor to terminate this
     Agreement with six months notice for Contractor Default [or a Contractor
     Change of Control].

(3)  Either party shall be entitled by giving notice to the other to terminate
     this Agreement with immediate effect if that other party is in Material

(4)  The Contractor shall be entitled at any time after the date of this
     Agreement and by giving notice in writing to the Company to terminate this
     Agreement with six months' notice for Company Default[ or a CCIC Change of

(5)  Any termination by either party of or the exercise by either party of its
     rights to terminate the provisions of this Agreement in accordance with
     this Clause 6 shall be without payment of compensation or damages
     whatsoever to the defaulting party (but without prejudice to any sums due
     and payable under the terms of this Agreement for Committed Services or
     additional services already provided by the Contractor in accordance with
     the terms of this Agreement).

(6)  It is hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto that the Contractor shall
     be given notification of any further services required by the Company from
     time to time where the services required are of a type

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     which, in the opinion of the Company acting in good faith, the Contractor
     has the know-how to so provide so as to give the Contractor the opportunity
     to tender. The Company shall, in good faith, consider any application to
     tender for services made by the Contractor in these circumstances and, in
     the event that such tender is unsuccessful, shall provide the Contractor
     with a full explanation of the reasons therefor.

(7)  No director nominated by the Contractor or any company in its Group nor
     shall the Contractor or any company in its Group be entitled to participate
     in any decision of the Directors of the Company which is expressed in this
     Agreement as being a decision to be made by the Company (provided however
     that the Contractor shall be entitled to participate in any discussions
     leading up to such decisions). For the avoidance of doubt, notwithstanding
     the provisions of this Clause 6(7), the Director nominated by the
     Contractor or any member of its Group shall be entitled to participate in
     any decision of the Directors of the Company regarding the nature and level
     of services to be provided to the Company generally and not specifically in
     relation to this Agreement to the extent to which it otherwise has such


(1)  Neither party may assign any of its rights under this Agreement without the
     consent of the other, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

(2)  The Contractor may not sub-contract or delegate the performance of its
     obligations under this Agreement (save to a company which is a subsidiary
     or holding company of the Contractor, or which is a subsidiary of' any such
     holding company).


     All notices and other communications required or permitted under this
     Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally, sent by
     air courier (in the case of' notices given by a party in one jurisdiction
     to a party in another), first class pre-paid post (in the case of a notice
     given by a party in one jurisdiction to a party in the same jurisdiction),
     telexed or sent by facsimile transmission (and promptly confirmed by air
     courier service in the case of notices sent from one jurisdiction to
     another and by first class pre-paid post in the case of notices sent by a
     party in one jurisdiction to another party in the same jurisdiction).  Any
     such notice shall be deemed given when so delivered personally, telexed or
     sent by facsimile transmission or air courier or first class pre-paid post
     to the parties at the following addresses (or at such other address for a
     party as shall be specified by like notice):

     the Company:   if to the Company, to:

     the Company at its registered office for the time being
     Attention: the Managing Director

     the Contractor:   if to the Contractor, to:

     TeleDiffusion de France S.A.
     10 rue d'Oradour sur Glane

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     Attn:  Michael Azibert
     Fax:   331 5595 2066


(1)  All information given by the Company to the Contractor or otherwise
     obtained by the Contractor relating to the business or operations of the
     Company or of any person, firm, company or organisation associated with the
     Company including, without limitation, the names and other particulars of
     the Company's customers or clients (except for information which is in or
     enters the public domain other than by breach of this Clause 9(1)) will be
     treated by the Contractor, its employees, agents and sub-contractors as
     confidential and not used other than for the benefit of the Company nor
     disclosed to third parties without the prior written consent of the

(2)  All information given by the Contractor to the Company or otherwise
     obtained by the Company relating to the business or operations of the
     Contractor or of any person, firm, company or organisation associated with
     the Contractor (other than information which is supplied in the provision
     of the Committed Services and any additional services) including, without
     limitation, the names and other particulars of the Contractor's customers
     or clients (except for information which is in or enters the public domain
     other than by breach of this Clause 9(2)) will be treated by the Company,
     its employees, agents and sub-contractors as confidential and not used
     other than for the benefit of the Contractor nor disclosed to third parties
     without the prior written consent of the Contractor.

(3)  The foregoing obligations as to confidentiality shall remain in full force
     and effect notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement.


     Neither party will be liable to the other for any loss or damage suffered
     as a direct or indirect result of any failure to provide any of the
     Committed Services or any additional services or to perform or observe any
     other obligation in this Agreement as a result of the occurrence of any of
     the following: act of God, governmental act, war, fire, flood, explosion
     and commotion or industrial dispute of a third party which prevents or
     substantially hinders such performance and observance; provided that in the
     event of any such circumstances arising the non-performing party shall as
     soon as practical give notice thereof in writing to the other party with
     reasonable details of' the nature of the particular circumstances and the
     anticipated duration of suspension or other inhibition on performance and
     shall further notify the other party on the cessation of any such
     circumstances as are described in this Clause 10.


     The provision of Committed Services or any additional services under this
     Agreement may include the provision of services of an employee of the
     Contractor made available on a full or part time basis to the Company by
     means of secondment in which event the individual shall remain an employee
     of the Contractor.

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(1)  Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership or agency
     relationship between the Company and the Contractor or be deemed to
     authorise either party to incur any liabilities or obligations on behalf of
     or in the name of the other.

(2)  A waiver (whether express or implied) by one of the parties of any of the
     provisions of this Agreement or of any breach of or default by the other
     parry in performing any of those provisions shall not constitute a
     continuing waiver and that waiver shall not prevent the waiving party from
     subsequently enforcing any of the provisions of this Agreement not waived
     or from acting on any subsequent breach of or default by the other party
     under any of the provisions of this Agreement.

(3)  Any amendment, waiver or variation of this Agreement shall not be binding
     on the parties unless set out in writing, expressed to amend this Agreement
     and signed by or on behalf of each of the parties.

(4)  The invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any of the provisions of
     this Agreement shall not affect the validity, legality and enforceability
     of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

(5)  This Agreement supersedes in all respects the Original Services Agreement
     which the parties agree shall be of no further force or effect.


(1)  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in
     accordance with the laws of England.

(2)  Each of the parties (for itself and on behalf of its respective holding and
     subsidiary companies and the directors, employees and agents of each of
     them) agrees that the English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to
     hear and decide any and all claims, disputes, complaints, actions or
     proceedings ("CLAIMS OR PROCEEDINGS") whether in contract or tort, which
     may arise at any time out of or in connection with any of the matters
     referred to in this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any Claim or
     Proceedings asserting dishonesty, improper or illegal conduct or breach of
     trust or duty or based on the effects of any of those matters in any
     jurisdiction and any Claim or Proceedings which may be material to either
     of the parties but of which that party is unaware or does not suspect
     exists and for this purpose each of the parties irrevocably submits to the
     exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

(3)  The Contractor hereby irrevocably authorises and appoints Fleetside Legal
     Representative Services Limited (for the attention of Denis Stewart) at its
     registered office for the time being (or such other person resident in
     England as the Contractor may by notice to all other parties substitute) to
     accept service of all legal process arising out of or connected with this
     Agreement and service on Fleetside Legal Representative Services Limited
     (or such substitute) shall be deemed to be service on the party concerned.

IN WITNESS whereof this Agreement has been entered into the day and year first
above written.

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                                  THE SERVICES



(a)  The Contractor will commit on the availability of 10 engineers or
     executives (7 "SENIOR ENGINEERS" and 3 "EXPERTS" - the latter category
     refers to executives occupying one of the top thirty positions in the
     Contractor), such commitment to be for an average of a quarter of each
     senior engineer or expert's working time, or 500 Man-Days per year

(b)  Services from the Contractor to the Company will be made available in
     respect of the following:

     -  TV network planning and engineering (focus on digital networks),
        including frequency planning, coverage prediction, network deployment.

     -  Radio network planning and engineering (focus on digital networks).

     -  Wireless communication network planning and engineering (focus on
        digital networks)

     -  Technical and marketing (including pricing) support for launching new

     -  Technical and commercial support for international projects (in relation
        to International Business Opportunities).

     -  Other potential services include equipment expert evaluation, equipment
        procurement (that captures economies of scale) and any technical
        solutions and methodology capable of improving the Company's services.

     -  Spectrum and coverage planning for broadcasting and communications
        systems (digital and analogue).

     -  Radio frequency environmental support.


     Additional services of the type described in paragraph 1(b) above will be
     provided by the Contractor on the basis set out in Clause 2(2).  If needed,
     the Contractor can further draw on expertise within the France Telecom
     Group to provide the Company with advice and/or services such as
     conditional access (CA), subscriber management systems (SMS) and electronic
     program guide (EPG).

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1.   Research and Development

     Availability of research and development resources from the Contractor's
     research centres: CCETT and TDF C2R The Contractor and the Company will
     negotiate in good faith a Memorandum of Understanding defining the ways by
     which the services are delivered to the Company and the Contractor's

     Possible service areas, to be discussed with the Company, include:

     -  Digital terrestrial TV and radio, including digital MMDS.

     -  Additional services: traffic information and guidance, datacasting,
        monitoring and remote management systems, Synchronous FM, multimedia
        and interactive services.


     Complementary training of the Company's employees in areas such as:

     -  Digital terrestrial TV and radio

     -  Cross-activity training: training of television technicians on
        maintenance of radiocoms equipment (new standards and technologies)

     -  Sales and marketing

     -  In addition, the Contractor will provide a training methodology and
        training facilities to the Company in coordination with the Company's

     The Contractor and the Company will negotiate in good faith a Memorandum of
     Understanding defining the ways by which the services are delivered to the
     Company and the Contractor's remuneration.


     In order to foster a cross-fertilisation approach between the Company and
     the Contractor, the Contractor will use its best efforts to encourage the
     exchange of middle management and engineers between both organisations.

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SIGNED by                )
for and on behalf        )
of the Company           )
                              Duly authorised

SIGNED by                )
for and on behalf        )
of the Contractor        )
                              Duly authorised

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