RULES OF THE

                               BONUS SHARE PLAN

                               KPMG Tax Advisers
                                 1 Puddle Dock
                                London EC4V 3PD
                                 Ref: CAS3.DOC

                               BONUS SHARE PLAN


1.1  In these Rules the following words and expressions shall have, where the
     context so admits, the following meanings:

     "Act"                --    the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988;
     "Adoption Date"      --    the date on which the Plan is adopted by the Board and the Trustees;
     "Auditors"           --    the auditors for the time being of the Company (acting as experts and not as arbitrators);
     "Award"              --    an award under the Plan which comprises an Option and/or a Bonus;
     "Award Letter"       --    the letter informing the Participant of the potential Award he may receive pursuant to Rule 2A of
                                the Plan in substantially the form set out in Appendix I as may be amended by the Board and
                                Trustees from time to time;
     "Board"              --    the board of directors of the Company or the Committee at which a quorum is present;
     "Bonus"                    the cash sum payable determined in accordance with Rules 2A.3 or 2B.3;                             
     "Committee"                a duly constituted committee of the Board;

     "Company"            --    Castle Transmission Services (Holdings) Ltd. registered
                                in England no. 3242381 or save for Rules 2, 3, 4
                                and 9.2 such company as shall be at any time the
                                Acquiring Company as defined in Rule 6.5;

     "Control"            --    has the same meaning as in section 416 or section 840 of
                                the Act;

     "Date of Grant"      --    the date on which an Option is, was or is to be
                                granted to an Eligible Employee under the Scheme,
                                pursuant to Rule 4.1, 4.2 or 4.6;

     "Eligible Employee"  --    any director or employee of any Group Company;

     "Financial Year"     --    an accounting reference period of the Company;



     "Group"              --    the Company and its Subsidiaries and the expression "member of the Group" shall be construed
     "Group Employee"     --    any director or employee of any  member of the Group;

     "Letter of Grant"    --    the letter informing the Option Holder of the grant of an Option to him in substantially the form
                                set out in Appendix II as may be amended by the Board and the Trustees from time to time;

     "Merger"             --    the acquisition of Control of the Company by Castle Tower Holding Corporation (a Delaware
                                corporation) or a company under the Control of or having Control of that company;

     "New Option"         --    an option over shares in the Acquiring Company (as defined in Rule 6.5) granted in consideration for
                                the release of a Subsisting Option;

     "Operating Profit"   --    the operating profit of the Group before account is taken of any interest charges/income, tax,
                                depreciation and amortisation as determined by the Board;

     "Option"             --    a right to acquire Units granted or to be granted pursuant
                                to Rules 4.1, 4.2 or 4.6;

     "Option Certificate" --    an option certificate in substantially the form set out in Appendix III as may be amended by the
                                Board and the Trustees from time to time provided that it shall specify the Date of Grant and the
                                number of Units over which the Option has been granted;

     "Option Holder"      --    a person who has been granted an Option or (where the context admits) his legal personal

     "Participant"        --    an Eligible Employee who has been selected by the Board and the Trustees to participate in the Plan
                                in respect of a Financial Year;

     "Performance"        --    the actual Operating Profit of the Group for a Financial Year expressed as a percentage of the
                                budgeted figure set by the Board for that Financial Year, or where a different measure of budgeted
                                performance is considered by the Board to be appropriate the extent to which the Board judge that
                                budgeted performance to be satisfied;

     "Plan"               --    this Castle Transmission Services (Holdings) Ltd. Bonus Share Plan constituted and governed by the




     "Plan Price"         --    the price per Unit to be applied when calculating the number of Units in respect of which an Option
                                is granted;

     "Preference Form     --    the form to be sent to the Potential Participants by the Board for completion as to the extent the
                                Potential Participants would prefer to receive any Award in respect of the relevant Financial Year
                                in cash in substantially the form set out in Appendix IV (2A) and (2B) as appropriate as may be
                                amended by the Board and the Trustees from time to time;

     "Recognised Exchange" --   a recognised stock exchange within the meaning of section 841 of the Act or a recognised investment
                                exchange within the meaning of the Financial Services Act 1996;

     "the Rules"           --   the rules of the Plan as may be amended from time to time;

     "Subsidiary"          --   a company which is under the Control of the Company and which is a subsidiary of the Company within
                                the meaning of section 736 of the Companies Act 1985;
     "Subsisting Option"   --   an Option which has been granted and which has not lapsed, been surrendered, renounced or exercised
                                in full;
     "Trust"               --   The Castle Transmission Services (Holdings) Employee Benefit Trust;
     "Trustees"            --   the original trustees or other trustees for the time being of the Trust;

     "Unit"                --   subject to Rule 7, a stapled shareholding comprising one ordinary share of 1p and nine hundred and
                                ninety-nine redeemable preference shares of 1p each in the capital of the Company or, where a New
                                Option has been granted or is to be granted pursuant to Rule 4.6 a share in the capital of the
                                Acquiring Company.


1.2  In this Plan, except insofar as the context otherwise requires:

     (i)    words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;

     (ii)   words importing a gender shall include every gender and references
            to a person shall include bodies corporate and unincorporated and
            vice versa;

     (iii)  reference to any enactment shall be construed as a reference to that
            enactment as from time to time amended, modified, extended or re-
            enacted and shall include any orders, regulations, instruments or
            other sub-ordinate legislation made under the relevant enactment;

     (iv)   heading and captions are provided for reference only and shall not
            be considered as part of the Plan.


2.1   Rules 2A and 2B set out the basis upon which Eligible Employees may
      participate in the Plan and the basis upon which cash by the payment of a
      Bonus and/or Units by the grant of Options may be awarded to them.

2.2   On each occasion prior to considering which Eligible Employees should be
      considered for participation in the Plan, the Board shall determine the
      relevant Plan Price for that participation.

      HAS ENDED.

2A.1  At the beginning of the Financial Year or as soon as reasonably
      practicable thereafter the Board determine which Eligible Employees should
      be considered for participation in the Plan for that year ("the Potential
      Participants"), and will inform the Potential Participants that they are
      being considered for selection for the Plan and ask them to state their
      preference on a Preference Form as to the extent to which they would
      prefer to receive any Award in respect of that Financial Year in cash,
      provided always that no Participant may elect to nor receive more than the
      percentage, if any, specified in his Preference Form of his Award in cash.

2A.2  Following receipt of the completed Preference Forms from the Potential
      Participants, the Board and the Trustees will determine which, if any,
      Potential Participants are to participate in the Plan for that year.

2A.3  The Board and the Trustees will then determine, at their absolute
      discretion, the potential Award that may be received by each Participant,
      dependent upon Performance, in cash by the payment of a Bonus and/or in
      Units by the grant of Options taking into account any preference received
      from the Potential Participants concerning the extent to which the
      Potential Participant would prefer to receive cash, subject to the
      limitation, if any, specified as to the percentage of the Award receivable
      by the Participant in cash set out at Rule 2A.1 above.

2A.4  The Board will issue an Award Letter to each Participant within 28 days of
      the Board and the Trustees making their determination under Rule 2A.3
      above. The Award Letter will set out both the amount of Bonus and the
      number of Units over which an Option is to be granted for any given level
      of Performance for the relevant Financial Year.

      HAS ENDED.

2B.1  At any time or times the Board shall determine which Eligible Employees
      should be considered for participation in the Plan based either on their
      personal contribution or Performance for a Financial Year that has already
      ended ("the Potential Participants"). The Potential Participants will be
      informed that they are being considered for selection for the Plan and
      will be asked to state their preference on a Preference Form as to the
      extent to which they would prefer to receive any Award in respect of that
      Financial Year in cash, provided always that no Participant may elect to
      nor receive more than the percentage, if any, specified in his Preference
      Form of his Award in cash.

2B.2  Following receipt of the completed Preference Forms from the Potential
      Participants, the Board and the Trustees will determine which, if any,
      Potential Participants are to participate in the Plan for that year ("the

2B.3  The Board and the Trustees will then determine, at their absolute
      discretion, the Award that may be received by each Participant in cash by
      the payment of a Bonus and/or in Units by the grant of Options taking into
      account any preference received from the Potential Participant concerning
      the extent to which the Potential Participant would prefer to receive
      cash, subject to the limitation, if any, specified as to the percentage of
      the Award receivable by the Participant in cash set out at Rule 2B.1


3.1   As soon as reasonably practicable after Performance for a Financial Year
      has been determined, the Board and the Trustees will consider whether the
      Award to be received by a Participant should be increased in an
      appropriate manner to take account of any increase in the Participant's
      basic salary since the date of preparation of the relevant Preference

3.2   Once the Board and the Trustees have given consideration to the matter
      referred to in Rule 3.1, the Trustees shall determine the number of Units
      over which Options are to be granted and hence the number of underlying

3.3   Provided the Trustees have sufficient funds in the Trust they shall,
      unless the Board have instructed otherwise, subscribe for the aggregate
      number of underlying shares determined at Rule 3.2 at such price per Unit
      and hence per underlying share as the Board shall determine is appropriate
      in the circumstances.


4.1   As soon as reasonably practicable after Performance for a Financial Year
      has been determined and the Board and Trustees have given consideration to
      the matter referred to in Rule 3.1, the Company shall pay or procure the
      payment by the relevant employing company of a Bonus (subject to whatever
      deductions are required under Rule 4.5 below) to and the Trustees shall
      grant Options to all Participants who remain Eligible Employees.

4.2   If the Board and the Trustees have determined that, notwithstanding
      Performance for a Financial Year, each Participant defined in 2A.2 is to
      receive an Award then as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter the
      Company shall pay or procure the payment of a Bonus (subject to whatever
      deductions are required under Rule 4.5 below) to and the Trustees shall
      grant Options to each Participant so defined who remains an Eligible
      Employee in accordance with their determination.

4.3   No Option may be transferred, assigned or charged and any purported
      transfer, assignment or charge shall be void ab initio. Each Option
      Certificate shall carry a statement to this effect. For the avoidance of
      doubt, this Rule shall not prevent the Option of a deceased Option holder
      being exercised by his personal representative(s) within the terms of
      these Rules.

4.4   Options shall be granted by deed and shall be evidenced by the issue of a
      Letter of Grant to Participants together with an Option Certificate as
      soon as practicable after the Date of Grant.

4.5   The Company shall make or shall procure that such deductions (on account
      of tax or similar liabilities) are made from the payment of any Bonus
      under Rule 4.1 or Rule 4.2 as may be required by law.

4.6   Where the circumstances noted in Rule 6.5 apply New Options may be granted
      in consideration for the release of options previously granted under the
      Scheme. Such New Options are deemed to be equivalent to the old Options
      and to have been granted within the terms of this Scheme.


5.1   Subject to Rule 8 below any Subsisting Option may be exercised in whole or
      in part by the Option Holder or, if deceased, by his personal
      representatives in whole or in part at any time following the Date of

5.2   An Option shall lapse on the earliest of the following events:

     (i)    the seventh anniversary of the Date of Grant;

     (ii)   the first anniversary of the Option Holder's death;

     (iii)  where an Option Holder ceases to be a Group Employee other than by
            reason of death, six months following such cessation;

     (iv)   the end of the periods of exercisability determined in accordance
            with Rule 6;

     (v)    where the Option Holder is offered a New Option in consideration for
            the release of an Option pursuant to Rule 6.5 at the end of the
            period in which that company's offer may be accepted;

     (vi)   the Option Holder being adjudicated bankrupt;

     (vii)  the surrender of the Option by the Option Holder.


6.1  If in circumstances other than a Merger any person not being a company
     under the same Control as the Company obtains Control of the Company as a
     result of making a general offer to acquire the whole of the issued share
     capital of the Company (other than that which is already owned by him)
     which is unconditional or which is made on a condition such that if it is
     satisfied the person making the offer will have Control of the Company then
     the Board shall notify all Option Holders as soon as is practicable of the
     offer in accordance with Rule 9.4 and any Subsisting Option shall lapse six
     months from the time when the person making the offer has obtained Control
     of the Company and any condition subject to which the offer is made has
     been satisfied.

6.2  If in circumstances other than a Merger any person not being a company
     under the same Control as the Company obtains Control of the Company other
     than as a result of the events specified in Rules 6.1 then the Board shall
     notify all Option Holders as soon as practicable after the change of
     Control in accordance with Rule 9.4 and any Subsisting Option shall lapse
     six months from the time when the person obtains Control of the Company.

6.3  If in circumstances other than a Merger under Section 425 of the Companies
     Act 1985 the Court sanctions a compromise or arrangement which affects the
     shares comprised within Units then the Board shall notify all Option
     Holders as soon as practicable after such compromise or arrangement is
     sanctioned in accordance with Rule 9.4 and any Subsisting Option shall
     lapse six months from the time the Court sanctions such compromise or

6.4  If in circumstances other than a Merger any person becomes bound or
     entitled to acquire shares comprised within Units in the Company under
     sections 428 to 430 of the Companies Act 1985 any Subsisting Option shall
     remain exercisable at any time when that person remains so bound or

6.5  If as a result of the occurrence of one or more of the events specified in
     Rules 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 or 6.4 or as a result of a Merger a company whether or
     not under the same Control as the Company has obtained Control of the
     Company the Option Holder may, if the other company (the Acquiring Company)
     so agrees, release any Subsisting Option he holds in consideration for the
     grant of a New Option.

     A New Option issued in consideration of the release of an Option shall be
     evidenced by an Option Certificate which shall import the relevant
     provisions of these Rules.

     A New Option shall, for all other purposes of this Plan, be treated as
     having been acquired at the same time as the corresponding released Option.

6.6  If notice is duly given of a general meeting at which a resolution will be
     proposed for the voluntary winding-up of the Company, an Option shall be
     exercisable in whole or in part (but so that any exercise hereunder shall
     be conditional upon such resolution being passed) at any time thereafter
     until the resolution is duly passed or defeated or the general meeting is
     concluded or adjourned, whichever shall first occur. If such resolution is
     passed an Option shall to the extent unexercised thereupon lapse.

6.7  The date of lapse under Rule 5.2(iv) and (v) depends on whichever of the
     pre-conditions of Rules 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, or 6.5 are first achieved. The
     subsequent achievement of any other pre-conditions will not cause a date of
     lapse to arise.

6.8  For the purpose of this Rule 6 a person shall be deemed to have obtained
     Control of a Company if he and others acting in concert with him have
     together obtained Control of it.

6.9  The exercise of an Option pursuant to the preceding provisions of this Rule
     6 shall be subject to the provisions of Rule 8.

6.10 A New Option shall not be exercisable by virtue of the event pursuant to
     which it was granted.


7.1  In the event of any variation of the share capital of the Company,
     including, but without prejudice to the generality of the preceding words,
     any capitalisation or rights issue or any consolidation, sub-division,
     redemption or reduction of capital the definition of Unit and hence the
     class of shares comprising an Option and the number of shares subject to
     any Option may be adjusted by the Trustees in such manner as the Auditors
     confirm in writing to be, in their opinion, fair and reasonable. Where any
     preference shares of the same class as are comprised within a Unit are
     redeemed, the nature of the adjustment required to an Option and the cash
     sum, if any, payable to an Option Holder (to reflect the redemption of the
     appropriate proportion of the total shares comprised within each Unit)
     shall be determined by reference to the extent, if any, to which the
     Trustees apply the redemption proceeds they receive in the subscription for
     shares in the Company or such company as may acquire Control of the Company
     in consequence of any opportunity made available to the Trustees at the
     time of the redemption.

     Such variation shall be deemed to be effective from the record date at
     which the respective variation applied to other shares of the same class as
     the shares comprised within the Units. Any Options exercised within that
     period shall be treated as exercised with the benefit of the variation
     confirmed by the Auditors.

7.2  The Trustees shall take such steps as it considers necessary to notifyH
     Option Holders of any adjustment made under Rule 7.1 and may call in,
     cancel, endorse, issue or reissue any Option Certificate consequent upon
     such adjustment. Any cash sum payable to an Option Holder as a result of a
     redemption of shares determined pursuant to Rule 7.1 shall be payable by
     the Trustees as soon as practicable after the redemption.


8.1  An Option may be exercised in whole or in part by the Option Holder giving
     notice in writing to the Trustees detailing the number of Units in respect
     of which he wishes to exercise the Option accompanied by the relevant
     Option Certificate, and a payment of (Pounds)1 and shall be effective on
     the date of its receipt by the Trustees.

8.2  Subject to Rule 8.6, the shares comprised within the Units specified in the
     notice of exercise given in accordance with Rule 8.1 shall be transferred
     to the Option Holder (or to a person nominated by the Option Holder) within
     30 days of the date of exercise and the Trustees shall arrange for the
     delivery of evidence of title in respect thereof. Save for any rights
     determined by reference to a record date preceding the date of transfer,
     such shares shall rank pari passu with the other shares of the same class
     then in issue.

8.3  When an Option is exercised in part, the balance shall remain exercisable
     on the same terms as originally applied to the Option and a new Option
     Certificate in respect of the balance shall be issued by the Trustees as
     soon as possible after the partial exercise.

8.4  Where shares comprised within a Unit in respect of which an Option has been
     granted are or become listed on any Recognised Exchange, the Company shall
     apply for shares in respect of which an Option has been exercised to be so
     listed, if they were not so listed already.

8.5  Where shares comprised within a Unit are listed on any Recognised Exchange
     then no Option may be exercised in contravention of the terms of such
     securities transactions rules of the Recognised Exchange as may from time
     to time be in force.

8.6  If an Option is exercised and the Option Holder is liable to tax, duties or
     other amounts on such exercise and his employer or former employer being a
     member of the Group is liable to make a payment to the appropriate
     authorities on account of that liability the Option Holder shall make a
     payment to his employer or former employer equal to the amount which the
     employer or former employer is required to pay to the appropriate
     authorities. No shares comprised within a Unit shall be transferred to the
     Option Holder until the employer or former employer has received payment
     from the Option Holder. This rule 8.6 shall not apply if the Option Holder
     makes alternative arrangements to the satisfaction of his employer or
     former employer and the Trustees are informed by the employer or former
     employer that the arrangements are satisfactory.


9.1  The Plan shall be administered by the Board whose decision on all disputes
     shall be final save where the Rules require the concurrence of the

9.2  The approval of the Board and the Trustees is required to amend these Rules
     provided that no amendment may materially affect an Option Holder as
     regards an Option granted prior to the amendment being made.

9.3  The cost of establishing and operating the Plan shall be borne by any
     companies in the Group in such proportions as the Board shall determine.

9.4  Any notice or other communication under or in connection with the Plan may
     be given by the Board or the Trustees either personally or by post, and to
     the Board or the Trustees either personally or by post to the Secretary of
     the Board; items sent by post shall be pre-paid and shall be deemed to have
     been received 72 hours after posting.

9.5  The Trustees shall at all times keep available sufficient shares to satisfy
     the exercise to the full extent of all Subsisting Options, taking account
     of any other obligations of the Trust to transfer shares, provided that if
     an Option ceases to be exercisable under these Rules or where an agreement
     is reached to grant a New Option in accordance with Rule 6.5, the Trustees
     shall be free to deal with the shares comprised within Units which were
     subject to Option as they see fit, subject to the trust deed.


10.1 The rights and obligations of any individual under the of his office or
     employment with any Group Company shall not be affected by his
     participation in the Scheme or any right which he may have to participate
     therein, and an individual who participates therein shall waive any and all
     rights to compensation or damages in consequence of the termination of his
     office or employment for any reason whatsoever insofar as those rights
     arise or may arise from his ceasing to have rights under or be entitled to
     exercise any Option under the Scheme as a result of such termination.