DATED        1998

                                    - AND -

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                             Employee Benefit Trust
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               1 Puddle Dock
               London EC4V 3PD

THIS TRUST DEED is made the     day of         1998


(1)  Castle Transmission Services (Holdings) Limited whose registered office is
     situate at Warwick Technology Park Gallows Hill Heathcote Lane Warwick CV34
     6TN company number 3242381 ("the Company")

(2)  Castle Transmission (Trustees) Limited whose registered office is situated
     at Warwick Technology Park Gallows Hill Heathcote Lane Warwick CV34 6TN
     company number 3507483 ("the Original Trustee")


(A)  The Company wishes to establish an employee share ownership trust to
     encourage and facilitate the holding of Shares by or for the benefit of

(B)  The Group Companies intend to make cash contributions and/or loans and/or
     act as guarantor for loans made to the Trustees for the above purpose to be
     held in accordance with the terms of the Trust

(C)  It is intended that the Trustees will inter alia make awards pursuant to
     any Scheme and/or transfer Shares pursuant to any such Scheme

(D)  It is intended the Trust will be irrevocable and will be an "employees'
     share scheme" as defined in section 743 of the Companies Act 1985 and that
     section 75(6)(d) of the Financial Services Act 1986 and Section 86 of the
     Act will apply to the Trust

(E)  The Original Trustee is a Group Company


1(a)  In this Deed unless the context otherwise requires the following
     expressions have the following meanings respectively:

     "the Act"                means the Inheritance Tax Act 1984;

     "Beneficiaries"          means Employees and former Employees and their

     "The Bonus Share Plan"   means the Castle Transmission Services (Holdings)
                              Ltd Bonus Share Plan;

     "Close Company"          means a company within the meaning of the Income
                              and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 which is (or would
                              be if resident in the United Kingdom) a close
                              company for the purposes of that Act;


     "Dependants"             means wives, husbands, widows, widowers and
                              children or step-children under the age of 18;

     "Directors"              means the board of directors of the Company;

     "Employees"              means employees and executive directors of any
                              Group Company;

     "Group Company"          means the Company and any company which is its
                              subsidiary, its holding company or a subsidiary of
                              its holding company.  The definitions in section
                              736 of the Companies Act 1985 (as amended) apply
                              for this purpose;

     "Scheme"                 means any employees' share scheme (as defined by
                              section 743 of the Companies Act 1985) which any
                              Group Company may from time to time establish and
                              includes, where the context permits or requires
                              the Bonus Share Plan;

     "Shares"                 means shares or debentures in any Group Company;

     "Trust"                  means the trust constituted by this document;

     "Trustees"               means the Original Trustees or other the trustee
                              or trustees for the time being of the Trust;

     "Vesting Day"            means the earlier of:

                              (i)   the expiry of the period of 80 years less
                                    one day from the date hereof (the period of
                                    80 years being the perpetuity period
                                    applicable for the purposes of the
                                    Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1964 to
                                    the dispositions made by or pursuant to this
                                    deed); and

                              (ii)  such date as the Company appoints in writing
                                    (which date shall not be earlier than the
                                    date of such appointment);

(b)  In this Trust, except insofar as the context otherwise requires:

     (i)    words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;

     (ii)   words importing a gender shall include every gender and references
            to a person shall include bodies corporate and unincorporated and
            vice versa;

     (iii)  reference to any enactment shall be constructed as a reference to
            that enactment as from time to time amended, modified, extended or
            re-enacted and shall include any orders, regulations, instruments or
            other subordinate legislation made under the relevant enactment.


2    The Trust is made for the above purpose for the benefit of the
     Beneficiaries and shall be known as "The Castle Transmission Services
     (Holdings) Employee Benefit Trust".

3(a) The Trustees shall hold the sum of (Pounds)100 transferred by the Company
     to the Trustees on the date hereof (the receipt whereof the Trustees hereby
     acknowledge) and all such further sums or property transferred to them to
     be held upon the trusts of this deed and all accretions thereto whether by
     way of accumulation of income or otherwise and all money and property from
     time to time representing any of the foregoing ("the Trust Fund") upon
     trust to invest so much thereof as consists of money in any investment or
     asset authorised by this deed or by law and as to any part thereof not
     consisting of money upon trust to sell the same with power in the Trustees'
     absolute discretion to postpone sale and upon trust to reinvest the
     proceeds of sale in any such authorised investment or asset with like power
     to sell vary transpose or exchange the same until the Vesting Day.

(b)  The Trustees shall divide the Trust Fund into sub-funds so that all assets
     or sums contributed by any one Group Company and all income (if any) or
     other assets derived therefrom shall be allocated to a single sub-fund
     comprising only assets representing the contributions made by that same
     Group Company and the Beneficiaries of which for so long as such company is
     in existence shall be confined to the employees and former employees of
     such Group Company and their Dependants unless the Trustees and the
     relevant Group Company otherwise agree.

4(a) Subject to clause 3(b) the Trustees shall stand possessed of the Trust
     Fund and the income thereof upon trust to pay or apply the same to or for
     the benefit or advancement of the Beneficiaries or any one or more of them
     exclusive of the other or others of them at such times and in such shares
     and in such manner as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion think
     fit PROVIDED THAT the Trustees may in their absolute discretion from time
     to time accumulate the whole or any part of any income and shall hold such
     accumulations as an accretion to the capital of the Trust Fund save that if
     an individual makes a gift to the Trust the Trustees must not accumulate
     any income arising from the subject matter of the gift or the property from
     time to time representing it following the expiry of 21 years from the date
     of such gift or following the Vesting Day if earlier.

(b)  Subject as aforesaid and to clause 3(b) on the Vesting Day the Trustees
     shall hold the capital and income of the Trust Fund upon trust for such of
     the Beneficiaries as are living on the Vesting Day and in such shares (if
     more than one) as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion by
     irrevocable deed appoint and subject to and in default of such appointment
     in equal shares absolutely and subject the foregoing IN TRUST absolutely
     for such charities as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion think

     PROVIDED THAT no power conferred by this clause 4 or by clause 5 shall
     authorise any payment transfer sale or advance to a Beneficiary or the
     trustees of another trust if any of the Employees excluded from benefit
     pursuant to clause 7 would or might benefit from the same in any
     circumstances save where the proviso to clause 7(c) applies.

5    The Trustees shall without prejudice to all powers conferred upon them by
     law have the powers set out in Schedule 1 hereto (provided that no such
     power shall be exercised in a manner inconsistent with 


     the terms of this Trust) and without prejudice to the generality of such
     powers the Trustees shall subject to clause 3(b) also have the following
     additional powers:

     a)  to invest the Trust Fund in Shares either by way of subscription or
          purchase and deal with the Shares in any way permitted by the Trust
          and in making such investments they shall not be obliged to have
          regard to:

          (i)    whether the acquisition represents a prudent financial
                 investment; or

          (ii)   whether the Shares produce or are likely to produce income; or

          (iii)  whether the Shares are being acquired at the most advantageous
                 price or on the most advantageous terms.

     b)   to grant options over Shares or other assets comprised in the Trust
          Fund to any Beneficiary either for nothing or for an amount agreed by
          the Beneficiary (which need not be market value) or otherwise on such
          terms as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion think fit.

     c)   to transfer Shares to any Beneficiary either for nothing or for an
          amount agreed by the Beneficiary (which need not be market value) and
          on such terms as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion
          determine including (without limitation) the transfer of Shares to
          Beneficiaries in satisfaction of options granted by the Company
          pursuant to any Scheme.

     d)   to make grants or loans to any Beneficiary on any terms with a view to
          that Beneficiary acquiring Shares or for any or no specific purpose.

     e)   to enter into put and/or call option arrangements with any person in
          respect of Shares on such terms as the Trustees shall in their
          absolute discretion think fit.

     f)   (i)    to bind themselves to provide particular benefits in the future
                 so far as the assets in the Trust Fund permit;

          (ii)   to agree or adopt rules setting out the way in which they will
                 exercise their powers;

          (iii)  to establish or co-operate in the establishment of Schemes for
                 providing benefits to Beneficiaries.

     g)   to transfer all or any part of the Trust Fund to the trustees of any
          other settlement to be held by them on the trusts applicable to
          capital monies comprised in such settlement if such transfer would not
          infringe the rule against perpetuities and if the provisions of such
          other settlement shall in the opinion of the Trustees be such that
          such transfer would be beneficial to the persons whom it is thereby
          sought to benefit.

     h)   to transfer Shares at such prices as the Trustees shall in their
          absolute discretion determine.

     i)   to enter into an agreement with any Group Company (so as to bind the
          Trust Fund) that, if that Group Company shall at any time by notice
          direct the Trustees to transfer to any Beneficiary any number of
          Shares in respect of which such Beneficiary shall have validly
          exercised an option granted under a Scheme, the Trustees shall (to the
          extent that such Shares 


          are available in the Trust Fund) transfer to such Beneficiary such
          Shares in consideration of the payment to the Trustees of the exercise

6    The Trustees may apply any monies or other funds received by them or in
     their hands in any of the following ways:

     (a)  in the acquisition of Shares or in the payment of any outstanding
          costs charges and expenses of and incidental to the preparation
          operation or determination of this Trust or any Scheme in accordance
          with clause 15;

     (b)  in or towards repayment of the principal of or payment of the interest
          (if any) on any loan from any Group Company or any other person;

     (c)  in payment to or for the benefit of any Beneficiary

     PROVIDED THAT if there shall from time to time be monies or other funds
     available after the application of monies and other funds in the ways set
     out in (a) to (c) above such monies or other funds may be advanced by way
     of loan evidenced by a debenture (within the meaning of paragraph 20(4) of
     Schedule 1 to the Financial Services Act 1986) to any Group Company on such
     terms as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion think fit and
     subject thereto such money or other funds shall be held by the Trustees on
     a non-interest-bearing bank current account and the Trustees shall not be
     liable to any person for any loss to the Trust as a result direct or
     indirect of this proviso the exercise of any discretion thereunder or the
     holding of money or other funds or a non interest bearing bank current

7(a) When a Group Company is a Close Company no person may benefit under the
     Trust if this would result in a charge to inheritance tax under section 72
     of the Act unless the Company, the relevant Group Company (if different)
     and the person concerned first agree in writing.

(b)  If the Trustees accept from a Group Company which is a Close Company a loan
     or contribution or other disposition which is or would apart from clause
     7(b)(i) hereof be a transfer of value for inheritance tax purposes:

     (i)  the Trustees shall hold it on the terms of the Trust only if before
          they accept it all the persons who are or who may be liable under
          section 202 of the Act for any inheritance tax chargeable on the
          transfer of value agree in writing; otherwise

     (ii) the Trustees shall hold it on the terms of the Trust except that no
          person may benefit under the Trust if the benefit would prevent
          section 13(1) of the Act from applying to the loan or contribution or
          other disposition.

(c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this Trust no part of the Trust Fund
     or the income thereof shall be applied at any time for the benefit of a
     person falling within section 13(2) (and not section 13(3)) of the Act
     whilst any Group Company is a Close Company PROVIDED THAT this clause 7(c)
     shall not affect the power of the Trustees to make a payment which is the
     income of such a person for any of the purposes of United Kingdom income
     tax or would be so if he were resident in the United Kingdom.


(d)   The Trustees shall be entitled to rely without further enquiry on all
      information supplied to them by any Group Company.

8(a)  The Trustees hereby waive any rights to receive dividends (or any part
      thereof) in respect of Shares and shall not be liable for any loss to the
      Trust Fund (for so long as such Shares remain in the beneficial ownership
      of the Trustees) as a result of such waiver [save that this waiver shall
      not extend to the full amount of any such dividends declared so that the
      Trustees shall remain entitled to receive up to 0.01 pence per Share]. The
      Group Companies to which this deed applies agree to accept this waiver and
      to act in compliance with it PROVIDED THAT the Company may instruct the
      Trustees in writing to accept a particular dividend or dividends paid on
      the Shares comprised in the Trust Fund in whole or in part in which case
      the waiver in relation to the specified dividend or dividends shall not

(b)   The Trustees may vote or abstain from voting Shares or accept or reject
      any offer relating to Shares in any way they see fit without incurring any
      liability and without being required to give reasons for their decision.
      They may take the following matters into account:

      (i)   the longer term interests of the Beneficiaries;

      (ii)  interests of the Beneficiaries other than financial interests;

      (iii) interests of the Beneficiaries in their capacity as Employees or
            former Employees or their Dependants;

      (iv)  interest of persons (whether or not identified) who may become
            Beneficiaries in the future.

9     Notwithstanding any other provision of this Trust:

      (i) no assets or income of the Trust Fund shall be applied at any time for
          the benefit of any Group Company other than to repay any loan and
          interest thereon made to the Trustees by a Group Company; and

10    If a person other than a Group Company makes a gift to the Trust or
      transfers assets to the Trust otherwise than on bona fide commercial terms
      with gratuitous intent then the Trustees may not provide any benefit under
      the Trust to that person nor during that person's lifetime to his or her

11    The Trust shall vest on the Vesting Day in accordance with clause 4 and
      the Trustees shall not accept any more assets on or after the Vesting Day.

12(a) The Company may at any time and from time to time with the consent of the
      Trustees by irrevocable deed amend modify or add to all or any of the
      provisions of the Trust and in particular but without prejudice to the
      generality of the foregoing the Company may modify the Trust so as to
      exclude any person from the class of Beneficiaries who would otherwise
      qualify (but not so as to leave no member of the class or so as to
      prejudice any prior benefit received from the Trust by such a person), to
      reinstate any person so excluded and to add new beneficiaries provided

      (i)  the proviso to clause 4(b), clauses 7 and 13 and this clause 12 may
           not be altered;


     (ii)   no alteration may be made which would prevent the Trust being an
            employees' share scheme as defined in the Companies Act 1985 or
            would prevent section 86 of the Act or section 75(6)(d) of the
            Financial Services Act 1986 applying to the Trust;

     (iii)  the perpetuity period applicable to the Trust may not be altered if
            this would make the Trust void under the rule against perpetuities;

     (iv)   clauses 9 and 10 may not be altered so as to allow the Trustees to
            provide any benefit to any Group Company or any other person who or
            which has contributed money or property to the Trust or is otherwise
            a settlor of the Trust for UK tax purposes;

     (v)    the power conferred by this clause 12 may not be exercised and shall
            not be exercised in such a manner if to do so would result in the
            Trust being void.

  (b) A Group Company not being the Company shall become bound by the provisions
      of this Deed if it makes a contribution to the Trust Fund pursuant to
      clause 3(b) above and shall cease to be bound by this Deed with effect
      from the date it ceases to be a Group Company.

13    No power herein shall be exercised by the Trustees in such a way as to
      cause the trusts hereof not to comply with the provisions of section 86 of
      the Act, section 743 of the Companies Act 1985 and section 75(6)(d) of the
      Financial Services Act 1986 and insofar as any power is purportedly
      exercised in such a way that purported exercise shall be invalid and

14(a) This clause 14 applies where a Beneficiary is liable to tax, duties or
      other amounts on the payment or transfer of any property to the
      Beneficiary and either his employer or former employer being a Group
      Company or the Trustees would be liable to make a payment to the
      appropriate authorities on account of that liability.

(b)   The Trustees shall not make any payment or transfer any property to any
      Beneficiary unless:

      (i)  the Beneficiary has made a payment to his employer or former employer
           or the Trustees equal to the amount which the employer or former
           employer or Trustees are required to pay to the appropriate
           authorities; or

      (ii) alternative arrangements are specified in the Scheme rules or agreed
           between the Trustees and the Beneficiary whereby the liability for
           tax, duties or other amounts will be satisfied.

(c)  The Trustee shall, to the extent that they have withhheld or received
     amounts from the Beneficiaries in accordance with sub-clause (b) above,
     account for such amounts to the employer or former employer being a Group
     company or, at such company's request, to the appropriate authorities.

15   All costs charges and expenses of and incidental to the preparation
     operation and determination of the trusts hereof (including any stamp duty
     payable by and remuneration of the Trustees) shall be payable by the Group
     Companies bound by the provisions of this Deed if and to the extent that
     there is insufficient money comprised in the Trust Fund when the same are
     due and payable in such proportion as they shall inter se agree having
     regard to the circumstances.


16(a) The Company may at any time by irrevocable deed or deeds and without any
      other formality:-

      (i)   remove any person from the office of Trustee;

      (ii)  accept the resignation of any person as a Trustee; or

      (iii) appoint a new or additional Trustee.

(b)   Subject to sub-clause (c) below, the minimum number of Trustees shall be
      two unless a company is a Trustee hereof in which event the company may be
      may act as sole Trustee hereof.

(c)   On the retirement of a Trustee he shall be entitled to be discharged by
      deed from the trusts hereof notwithstanding that following his retirement
      there will be a sole continuing Trustee which is not a company but the
      Company shall in such latter event forthwith appoint an additional

(d)   A person may be appointed to be a trustee hereof notwithstanding that such
      person is not resident in the United Kingdom and remaining out of the
      United Kingdom for more than 12 months shall not be a ground for the
      removal of a Trustee.

17(a) Every Trustee shall be answerable only for losses arising from his own
      fraud or wilful default or neglect and shall not be answerable for any act
      neglect or default of his co-Trustee (unless he knew of or participated in
      the same) and any Trustee who shall pay over to his co-Trustee or do any
      act or thing or make any omission enabling such co-Trustee to receive any
      moneys or other property for the purpose of these trusts shall not be
      bound to see to their due application or be subsequently rendered liable
      by any express notice of the misapplication of any such moneys or property
      nor shall the Trustees be liable for any neglect or default of any
      solicitor accountant banker valuer or other agent employed by the

(b)   The Company shall keep the Trustees (and their estates where applicable)
      indemnified against any loss or deficiency incurred by it in connection
      with the Trust and against any claims liabilities and demands arising out
      of anything lawfully done or caused or omitted to be done by them in the
      exercise of the powers and discretion vested in them by this deed or
      otherwise arising howsoever out of or in connection with the
      administration and operation of the Trust but so that no Trustee shall be
      indemnified in respect of any fraud or wilful default on his part or in
      the case of a Trustee engaged in the business of providing a trustee
      service for a fee his negligence.

(c)   In addition the Trustees shall have the benefit of all indemnities
      conferred upon trustees generally by law and by the Trustee Act 1925.

18    Any Trustee who shall be or become a director of or holder of any other
      office or employment within the Group may retain for his own absolute
      benefit any fees or remuneration received by him in connection with such
      office or employment notwithstanding that his appointment to or retention
      of such office or employment may be directly or indirectly due to the
      exercise or non-exercise of any votes in respect of Shares held by the
      Trustees or other persons on their behalf under the trusts hereof.

19(a) Any Trustee (and any director or officer of a body corporate or a trust
      corporation acting as Trustee) shall not on his own account be precluded
      from acquiring holding or dealing with any Shares or any other company in
      the shares of which any Group Company may be interested or from entering
      into any contract or transaction with a view thereto and nor shall he be
      in any way liable to account to any 


      Group Company or any Beneficiary for
      any profits made fees commissions shares of brokerage discounts allowed or
      advantages obtained by him from or in connection with such acquisition
      holding dealing contract or transaction.

(b)   No officer or employee of the Trustees shall be liable to account to any
      Beneficiary for any remuneration or other benefit received in connection
      with the trusts hereof and no Trustee or officer or employee of the
      Trustees shall be liable to account to other Beneficiaries for any profit
      derived from the appointment of the whole or part of the Trust Fund.

20    Any individual Trustee shall be entitled to receive and retain as
      remuneration for his services hereunder such sum or sums as the Directors
      may from time to time vote and pay to him therefor and in particular but
      without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any Trustee being a
      solicitor accountant stockbroker or other person engaged in any profession
      or business shall be entitled to be paid all usual professional or other
      proper charges for business transacted time expended or acts done by him
      or any employee or partner of his firm in connection with these trusts
      including acts which a Trustee not being in any profession or business
      could have done personally. Any Trustee being a body corporate (whether or
      not a trust corporation) may charge and be paid such reasonable
      remuneration or charges as shall from time to time be agreed in writing
      between the Company and such body corporate and any such body corporate
      (being a bank) shall be entitled (without accounting for any resultant
      profit) to act as banker and perform any services in relation to these
      trusts on the same terms as would be made with a customer in the ordinary
      course of its business as a banker.

21(a) The Trustees may meet together for the despatch of business adjourn and
      otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit and may determine the
      quorum necessary for the transaction of business. Until so fixed and
      unless a company shall for the time being be the sole Trustee hereof the
      quorum shall be two. Questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by
      a majority of votes and in case of any equality of votes the Chairman of
      the meeting (who shall be elected by the meeting) shall have a second or
      casting vote.

(b)   A resolution in writing signed by all the Trustees for the time being
      shall be as valid and effectual as a resolution passed at a meeting of the
      Trustees. Such resolution may be contained in one document or in several
      documents in like form each signed by one or more of the Trustees for the
      time being.

(c)   A meeting of the Trustees at which a quorum is present shall be competent
      to exercise all the powers and discretion exercisable by the Trustees

(d)   The Trustees shall cause proper minutes to be kept and entered in a book
      provided for the purpose of all their resolutions and proceedings and any
      such minutes of any meeting of the Trustees if purporting to be signed by
      the Chairman of such meeting or by the Chairman of the next succeeding
      meeting shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of the matters stated
      in such minutes.

(e)   The Trustees shall keep adequate and proper accounts of all moneys and
      other property comprised in and all transactions affecting these trusts
      and shall once at least in every year cause such accounts to be made up
      and audited by qualified accountants approved by the Company and shall
      submit such accounts to the Company.

(f)   The Trustees shall prepare and keep all such documents and records as may
      be required for the purpose of the Trust.


(g)   The Trustees may place any documents of title for the time being in their
      possession in connection with the trusts hereof in any bank or safe
      deposit and shall not be responsible for any loss incurred by their so

(h)   The Trustees may in any particular case or cases in their sole discretion
      decide not to commence proceedings for the recovery of any moneys due to
      them whether from any Beneficiary or his legal personal representatives or
      any other party and shall not be responsible for any loss incurred by
      their so doing.

(i)   Valid and effectual receipts and discharges for any moneys or other
      property payable transferable or deliverable to the Trustees or any of
      them may be given by any one Trustee or by any person from time to time
      authorised in writing for the purpose by the Trustees.

(j)   The Trustees may from time to time appoint and remunerate for the proper
      administration and management of these trusts such secretarial or
      executive officers or staff or other persons as they consider desirable
      and the Company approves.

22(a) The proper law of the Trust shall be that of England and Wales and all
      rights hereunder and its construction and effect shall be subject to the
      jurisdiction of and construed according to the laws of England and Wales.

(b)   The Courts of England and Wales shall be the forum for the administration
      of these Trusts.

23    It is hereby confirmed by the parties hereto that this instrument falls
      within category L in the Schedule to the Stamp Duty (Exempt Instruments)
      Regulations 1987.

IN WITNESS whereof this document has been duly executed as a deed and has been
duly delivered on the day and year first before written.

EXECUTED as a DEED by                              )
Castle Transmission Services (Holdings) Ltd.   )   )
acting by:                                         )


EXECUTED as a DEED by                              )
Castle Transmission (Trustees) Limited             )
acting by:                                         )



The Trustees shall have the following powers:

1    Power to acquire and hold or dispose of any property (tangible or
     intangible, movable or immovable), whether or not it produces income and
     whether involving liabilities or not and the Trustees shall not be under a
     duty to diversify the investments of the Trust Fund;

2    Power to transfer the whole or any part of the Trust Fund to nominees on
     such terms as to remuneration or otherwise as the Trustees may think fit
     and the trustees shall not be liable for any loss resulting from the proper
     use of this power;

3    Power to enter into any contract or incur any obligation;

4    Power to borrow money or other property on any terms for any purposes
     (including acquiring assets) from any person or persons;

5    Power to grant any mortgage or charge over or give any right of recourse
     against any of or all of the Trust Fund;

6    Power to insure assets of the Trust Fund for any amount against any risk
     and any moneys received under such assurance may be applied in the
     replacement of any such asset and any premiums may be paid out of the Trust

7    Power to delegate all powers duties or discretion conferred hereby or by
     law to any person or persons and on any terms;

8    Power to give warranties indemnities and undertakings in connection with
     the disposal of any Shares comprised in the Trust Fund;

9    Power to enter into any agreement in relation to shares debentures or
     securities comprised in the Trust Fund or arrangement for the variations of
     rights attaching thereto or to enter into a scheme for the reconstruction
     or amalgamation of any company whose shares debentures or securities are
     comprised in the Trust Fund and power to exercise all voting and other
     rights conferred by such shares debentures or securities in such manner as
     they shall deem fit;

10   Power to leave the management and conduct of the affairs and business of
     any company the shares or securities of which are comprised in the Trust
     Fund (including the payment or non-payment of dividends) to the directors
     of such company without being under a duty to interfere with the management
     of such company;

11   Power to lend any money comprised in the Trust Fund to any Beneficiary on
     such terms and conditions as they shall in their absolute discretion think
     fit provided that no such loan shall be made upon terms that repayment may
     be made after the Vesting Day;

12   Power in any case where the Trustees are hereby or by law directed or
     empowered to apply any income or capital of the Trust Fund for the benefit
     of any Beneficiary who is an infant (instead of themselves so applying the
     same) to pay or transfer the same to any parent or guardian of such infant


     (whose receipt shall be a good discharge to them) without being liable to
     see to the due application by such parent or guardian;

13   Power to enter into any indemnity in favour of any former Trustees or other
     person or persons in respect of any tax or other liability arising out of
     these trusts and power to charge or deposit any property comprised in the
     Trust Fund as security for such indemnity;

14   Power to pay all taxes arising out of these trusts which may be assessed on
     them whether or not by reason of the residence of the person assessed or
     otherwise the assessment shall be unenforceable;

15   Power to disclose such information about such matters to such persons as
     they may think fit PROVIDED THAT they shall not do so to persons other than
     professional advisers and Group Companies without the prior consent in
     writing of the Company;

16   Power to compromise any disputes affecting the Trust Fund or to submit the
     same to arbitration and to compromise or compound any debts owing to the
     Trustees or any other claim against them upon such evidence and such terms
     as shall reasonably seem sufficient to the Trustees;

17   Power to appropriate any property from time to time comprised in the Trust
     Fund in or towards satisfaction of the beneficial interest of any
     Beneficiary and for the purpose of such appropriation the Trustees shall
     have power to ascertain and fix the value of such property in all respects
     as they shall in their absolute discretion think fit and every
     appropriation and valuation made pursuant to this power shall be binding on
     all persons then or thereafter interested hereunder;

18   Power generally to have and to exercise all the powers of an absolute
     beneficial owner in respect of assets comprised in the Trust Fund including
     without limitation power to exercise all voting and other rights in respect
     of Shares in such manner as they shall deem fit;
