Exhibit 10.30

                                DATED . ., 1998

                       CROWN CASTLE INTERNATIONAL CORP.               (1)
                  TELEDIFFUSION DE FRANCE INTERNATIONAL S.A.          (2)


                            SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT

                                 ALLEN & OVERY


CLAUSE                                                                      PAGE
1.  Interpretation..........................................................  1
2.  Completion..............................................................  7
3.  The Company's Objectives, Business, Structure and Governane.............  8
4.  Governance of Subsidiaries.............................................. 12
5.  Accounts, Audit and Reporting........................................... 13
6.  Matters Requiring Agreement............................................. 14
7.  Guarantees to Third Parties............................................. 19
8.  Annual Budget........................................................... 19
9.  Transfers............................................................... 19
10. Services Agreement with Tdf; Warrants; Operating Agreement.............. 27
11. Specific Performance.................................................... 28
12. Term.................................................................... 28
13. Warranties.............................................................. 29
14. Confidentiality......................................................... 29
15. Public Announcements.................................................... 30
16. Further Assurances...................................................... 31
17. Other Agreements Among Shareholders..................................... 31
18. Subsidiaries to Acknowledge Agreement................................... 32
19. Compliance by the Company and Subsidiaries.............................. 32
20. Modification............................................................ 32
21. Effect of Waiver........................................................ 32
22. Partial Invalidity...................................................... 32
23. Implied Relationships................................................... 33
24. Costs................................................................... 33
25. Agreement to take Priority.............................................. 33
26. Entire Agreement........................................................ 33
27. Governing Law and Jurisdiction.......................................... 33
28. Notices................................................................. 34
29. Restrictions in the Agreement........................................... 35
30. Counterparts............................................................ 35


1.  Deed of Adherence....................................................... 36
2.  Conditions Precedent to Put and Call Rights............................. 37
Signatories................................................................. 38

THIS SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT is dated . ., 1998 and is made AMONG:

(1)  CROWN CASTLE INTERNATIONAL CORP. ("CCIC"), a Delaware corporation;

(2)  TELEDIFFUSION DE FRANCE INTERNATIONAL S.A. ("TDFI"), a company incorporated
     in France; and

     incorporated in England and Wales.


(A)  The Company is a private company limited by shares incorporated in England
     and Wales with No. 3242381 under the Companies Act 1985 on 27th August,

(B)  At the date hereof the Company has an authorised share capital of
     (Pounds)117,800,000 divided into 11,780,000 ordinary shares of lp each and
     11,768,220,000 redeemable preference shares of lp each.

(C)  On . 1998 CCIC and, inter alia, the Company, Digital Future Investments
     B.V. ("TDF SUB"), the Berkshire parties (as defined below) and the Candover
     parties (as defined below) entered into a Share Exchange Agreement (the
     "SHARE EXCHANGE AGREEMENT") pursuant to which TdF sub, the Berkshire
     parties and the Candover parties agreed, subject to the terms and
     conditions of such Share Exchange Agreement, to exchange (the "EXCHANGE")
     shares in the Company for shares of common stock (or, in the case of TdF
     sub, shares of Class A Stock) of CCIC.

(D)  CCIC, TdFI  and the Company have agreed to enter into this Agreement for
     the purposes of regulating the operation and management of the Company and
     the relationship between CCIC and TdFI as shareholders of the Company with
     effect on and from the Exchange.




     In this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires:

     "ACQUISITION AGREEMENT" means the agreement dated 23rd January, 1997
     between The British Broadcasting Corporation and the Company relating to
     the sale and purchase of the whole of the issued share capital of CTI;

     "AFFILIATE" means, in relation to any Shareholder, any other member of that
     Shareholder's Group;

     "AGREEMENT" means this agreement as amended from time to time;

     "ANALOGUE TRANSMISSION CONTRACT" means the analogue transmission agreement
     between the BBC and CTI dated 28th February, 1997;

     "BBC" means The British Broadcasting Corporation;

     "BBC CONTRACTS" means the Analogue Transmission Contract and the Digital
     Transmission Contract;

     "BERKSHIRE PARTIES" means Berkshire Fund IV, LP, Berkshire Investors LLC
     and Berkshire Partners LLC;


     "BUSINESS COMBINATION" has the meaning given to it in the Governance

     "BUSINESS PLAN" means the Current Business Plan of the Company and its
     Subsidiaries as amended from time to time in accordance with clause 6.1;

     "BUSINESS DAY" means a day (excluding Saturdays) on which banks generally
     are open in London for the transaction of normal banking business;

     "CANDOVER PARTIES" means Candover Investments plc, Candover (Trustees)
     Limited, Candover Partners Limited (as general partner of the Candover 1994
     UK Limited Partnership), Candover Partners Limited (as general partner of
     the Candover 1994 UK No. 2 Limited Partnership), Candover Partners Limited
     (as general partner of Candover 1994 US No. 1 Limited Partnership) and
     Candover Partners Limited (as general partner of the Candover 1994 US No. 2
     Limited Partnership);

     "CCIC SERVICES AGREEMENT" means the services agreement dated 28th February,
     1997 between CCIC and the Company;

     "CHANGE OF CONTROL" means the occurrence or subsistence of any event or
     circumstance described in clause 13.5.1 of the Analogue Transmission
     Contract (other than a breach by TdFI of the Commitment Agreement) or
     clause 12.7.1 of the Digital Transmission Contract in relation to any
     holding company (as defined in section 736 of UK Companies Act 1985) of the
     Company or a Business Combination;

     "CLASS A STOCK" shall have the meaning given to it in the Governance

     "COMMITMENT AGREEMENT" means the Commitment Agreement dated 28th February,
     1997 between The British Broadcasting Corporation, CCIC, TdFI and
     Telediffusion de France, S.A.;

     "COMPANY'S BUSINESS" has the meaning set out in clause 3.2;

     "COMPANY CALL RIGHT" shall have the meaning given to it in the Governance

     "COMPANY'S CONSTITUTION" means the memorandum and articles of association
     of the Company, as amended from time to time;

     "COMPANY'S DIRECTORS" means the directors of the Company from time to time;

     "COMPANY SHARES" means the Ordinary Shares and the Preference Shares or,
     following the conversion of Preference Shares into Ordinary Shares (as
     contemplated by clause 2.2(a)), the Ordinary Shares;

     "COMMON STOCK" means shares of CCIC's common stock, par value $.01 per

     "CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER" means any Shareholder who holds more than 50 per
     cent of the Shares;

     "CTI" means Castle Transmission International Limited, a private company
     limited by shares incorporated in England and Wales with registered number

     "CTSH GROUP" means CTSH and its subsidiaries;

     "CTSH OPTION" has the meaning given to it in Section 5.01(a) of the
     Governance Agreement;

     "CURRENT BUSINESS PLAN" means the business plan of the Company and its
     Subsidiaries for the current Financial Year in the agreed form;


     "DIGITAL TRANSMISSION CONTRACT" means the digital transmission contract
     between the BBC and CTI dated 10th February, 1998;

     "DISPOSE" means, in relation to a Share, to transfer, sell, assign,
     mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber that Share or allow any right to
     arise under which any person other than the holder thereof may require a
     transfer, sale, assignment, mortgage, pledge or other encumbrance of that
     Share and "DISPOSAL" shall be construed accordingly;

     "FAIR MARKET VALUE" means, as to any property, the cash price at which a
     willing seller would sell and a willing buyer would buy such property in an
     arms' length negotiated transaction without time constraints;

     "FINANCE DOCUMENTS" means all of the documents referred to in the
     definition of "Financing Documents" in the Loan Agreement dated 28th
     February, 1997 between CTI (1) the Company (2), the lenders listed therein
     (3) Credit Suisse First Boston (4) and J.P. Morgan Securities Limited (5)
     (as amended on 21st May, 1997) and the Guaranteed Bonds and any document
     which replaces the same;

     "FINANCIAL YEAR" means a financial year for the purposes of the Companies
     Act 1985;

     "GOVERNANCE AGREEMENT" means the Governance Agreement of even date between
     CCIC and TdFI;

     "GROUP" means, in relation to a Shareholder, it, its ultimate holding
     company, its subsidiaries and subsidiaries of any such holding company.

     "GUARANTEED BONDS" means (Pounds)125,000,000 9 per cent. Guaranteed Bonds
     due 2007 issued by Castle Transmission (Finance) PLC and jointly and
     severally guaranteed by CTSH and CTI;

     "HOLDING COMPANY" shall have the meaning ascribed to it by section 736
     Companies Act 1985;

     "INTEREST" means, in relation to a Share, any legal or beneficial interest
     in that Share or any right or power (whether conditional or unconditional
     and whether legally enforceable or otherwise) to exercise control (directly
     or indirectly) over the disposal of that Share or over the manner in which
     any right to vote in a general meeting attached to that Share is exercised
     and "INTERESTED" shall be construed accordingly;

     "LIENS" shall mean all liens, security interests, claims, charges and
     encumbrances of any kind;

     "LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE" means London Stock Exchange Limited;

     "OPERATING AGREEMENT" means the operating agreement in the agreed form
     between CCIC, the Company, CTI and TdFI;

     "OPTION EXERCISE DATE" means the date upon which TdFI gives written notice
     to CCIC in accordance with clause 28 of the exercise of its option under
     clause 9.6(a)(i);

     "ORDINARY SHARES" means ordinary shares of lp each in the capital of the

     "ORIGINAL SHAREHOLDERS' AGREEMENT" means the Shareholders' Agreement dated
     23rd January, 1997 in respect of the Company (as amended by a Deed of
     Adherence dated 2nd May, 1997, the Share Sale Agreement dated . 1998 and a
     Deed of Adherence dated ., 1998) between, inter alia, the Company, CCIC,
     TdFI, the Berkshire Parties and the Candover Parties;

     "PERMITTED BUSINESS" means the provision of wireless communication
     infrastructure services and analogue or digital television and radio
     transmission services;


     "PERMITTED TRANSFEREES" means a person to whom Company Shares have been
     transferred pursuant to clause 9.2;

     "PERSONS ACTING IN CONCERT" means persons who, pursuant to an agreement or
     understanding (whether formal or informal), actively co-operate, through
     the acquisition by any of them of shares in a party, to obtain a
     Controlling Interest in relation to that party, or agree so to co-operate;

     "PREFERENCE SHARES" means redeemable preference shares of lp each in the
     capital of the Company;

     "QUALIFIED" means, in relation to CCIC, for so long as it (when taken
     together with its Affiliates and Permitted Transferees) holds 10 per cent.
     or more of the equity share capital of the Company from time to time (and
     CCIC shall be treated as being Qualified for the purposes of this Agreement
     for so long as CCIC shall satisfy such criteria) and, in relation to TdFI,
     Qualified means:

     (a)  at any time prior to TdFI (or any of its Affiliates or Permitted
          Transferees) having exchanged its Shares in the company for Class A
          Stock of CCIC pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or the
          Governance Agreement, that it (when taken together with its Affiliates
          and permitted Transferees) holds 10 per cent. or more of the equity
          share capital of the Company from time to time (and TdFI shall be
          treated as being Qualified for the purposes of this Agreement for so
          long as TdFI shall satisfy such criteria); and

     (b)  if the TDF Rollup shall have occurred pursuant to the Governance
          Agreement, that the TDF Group Interest (as defined in the Governance
          Agreement) shall not have fallen below 5 per cent; provided that, for
          the purposes of clauses 6.1(p) and 6.2(o) only, Qualified means that
          the TDF Group Interest shall have fallen below 10.5 per cent;

     "TDF PUT RIGHT" shall have the meaning given to it in the Governance

     "TDF SERVICES AGREEMENT" means the services agreement (as amended and
     restated) in the agreed form to be entered into between TdF and CTI;

     "SHAREHOLDERS" means CCIC and TdFI and such other holders of Company Shares
     who become parties to this Agreement from time to time;

     "SHARES" means any shares in the share capital of the Company;

     "SHARE SALE AGREEMENT" means the share sale agreement dated ., 1998, inter
     alia, for the sale and purchase of certain shares of the Company entered
     into by the Berkshire parties, the Candover parties, TdFI, TdF sub, CCIC
     and the Company;

     "SPECIAL MAJORITY VOTE OF THE BOARD" shall have the meaning given to it in
     the Governance Agreement;

     "SUBSIDIARY" or "SUBSIDIARIES" means CTI and any subsidiary of the Company
     from time to time;

     "SUBSIDIARY" shall have the meaning ascribed to it by section 736 Companies

     "TDF ROLLUP" shall have the meaning given to it in the Governance

     "TDF CHANGE OF CONTROL" shall have the meaning given to it in the
     Governance Agreement as if references to "the Company" therein were
     references to CCIC;

     "WARRANTS" means the warrants to subscribe for Shares in accordance with
     the Warrant Documentation;


     "WARRANT DOCUMENTATION" means (a) the instrument dated 28th February, 1997
     constituting warrants entitling (i) CCIC to subscribe for 515,000 Ordinary
     Shares and 514,485,000 Preference Shares and (ii) TdFI to subscribe for
     257,500 Ordinary Shares and 257,242,500 Preference Shares and (b) the
     certificates dated 28th February, 1997 in respect thereof.


     Section, clause and other headings are for ease of reference only and shall
     not be deemed to form any part of the context or to affect the
     interpretation of this Agreement.


     References to parties are references to parties to this Agreement.


     References to persons shall be deemed to include references to individuals,
     companies, corporations, firms, partnerships, joint ventures, associations,
     organisations, trusts, states or agencies of state, government departments
     and local and municipal authorities in each case whether or not having
     separate legal personality.


     Expressions defined in this Agreement bear the defined meaning in the whole
     of this Agreement including the recitals.


     References to sections, clauses, schedules annexures are references to
     sections and clauses of, and schedules and annexures to this Agreement.


     Words importing the singular number shall include the plural and vice


     Any obligation not to do anything shall be deemed to include an obligation
     not knowingly to cause that thing to be done.


     Words importing one gender shall include the other gender.


     References to a statute include references to regulations, orders or
     notices made under or pursuant to such statute or regulations made under
     the statute and references to a statute or regulation include references to
     all amendments to that statute or regulation whether by subsequent statute
     or otherwise and a statute or regulation passed in substitution for the
     statute or regulation referred to as incorporating any of the provisions.


     References to any monetary amount are, unless expressly stated otherwise,
     references to an amount in pounds sterling.



     Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary shall be bound by any provision of
     this Agreement to the extent that it would constitute an unlawful fetter on
     any statutory power of the Company and/or any Subsidiary (as the case may
     be), but that provision shall remain valid and binding as regards all other
     parties to which it is expressed to apply and such provision shall take
     effect so as to include an obligation on the part of the Shareholders to
     exercise all their respective powers and rights so as to procure, so far as
     they are able, that the Company and/or any Subsidiary (as the case may be)
     complies with such provision notwithstanding that it is not bound by it.

1.13 References to any documents being "in the agreed form" mean in a form
     agreed, and for the purposes of identification signed, by or on behalf of
     the Shareholders and the Company.


2.1  Completion shall take place immediately following the execution of this
     Agreement (or at such other date and time as the Shareholders may agree in

2.2  At Completion:

     (a)  the Shareholders shall procure that special resolutions of the Company
          in the agreed form are passed to convert each existing Preference
          Share in issue into one Ordinary Share and to adopt the Articles in
          the agreed form;

     (b)  CCIC and TdFI shall procure that a meeting of the Board is held at
          which it is resolved that:

          (i)    each of the share transfers referred to in the Share Exchange
                 Agreement shall be approved for registration and (subject only
                 to the transfer being duly stamped, if required) CCIC shall be
                 registered as the holder of the Shares in the register of

          (ii)   Charles Green III be appointed as an additional Director by

          (iii)  Michel Combes be appointed as an additional Director by TdFI;

          (iv)   Ted B. Miller, Jr. be appointed the chairman of the board of

          (v)    the Company approve the TDF Services Agreement (as amended and
                 restated) and the Operating Agreement; and

          (vi)   the Company approve the termination of the agreement referred
                 to in paragraph (h) below and the termination in accordance
                 with its terms of the Original Shareholders' Agreement.

          (vii)  the Company approve the allotment and issue of shares envisaged
                 by clause 2.2(g) and (h);

     (c)  CCIC and TdFI shall procure the resignation of Carl Ferenbach and
          Douglas Fairservice as Directors of the Company and its Subsidiaries
          (if relevant), to take effect at or immediately after Completion;

     (d)  CCIC and CTI shall enter into a deed of termination to terminate the
          CCIC Services Agreement with effect at or immediately after Completion
          without compensation to CCIC;


     (e)  the Company and TdF shall enter into the TDF Services Agreement (as
          amended and restated);

     (f)  the Company, CCIC and TdFI shall, and the Company shall procure that
          CTI shall, enter into the Operating Agreement;

     (g)  CCIC shall subscribe at 2.5 times par value for such number of
          Ordinary Shares of 1p each of CTSH (or the corresponding amount of
          Ordinary and Preference Shares in the ratio of 1 Ordinary Shares to
          999 Preference shares if the resolution referred to in clause 2.2(a)
          has not been passed) as would result in CCIC holding 80 per cent. in
          number of the Ordinary Shares (or, as the case may be, the Ordinary
          Shares and the Preference Shares and the Company shall allot and issue
          such shares);

     (h)  CCIC shall exercise each of its Warrants; and

     (i)  the Company, CCIC and TdFI shall enter into a termination agreement in
          respect of the Original Shareholders' Agreement with effect at or
          immediately after Completion.

2.3  No party shall be obliged to complete any of the transactions or do any of
     the things referred to in this clause 2 unless all other transactions and
     things are completed in accordance with this clause.



     The primary objects of the Company under the Original Shareholders'
     Agreement were sub-clauses 3.1(a) to 3.1(f) and are under this Agreement
     sub-clauses 3.1(c) to 3.1(g):

     (a)  PURCHASE CTI: enter into and discharge its obligations under the
          Acquisition Agreement;

     (b)  FUNDING PURCHASE: enter into arrangements in respect of the funding of
          the acquisition of CTI;

     (c)  FINANCING CTI: enter into and continue the arrangements contemplated
          by the Finance Documents regarding the capitalisation of CTI;

     (d)  HOLD SHARES IN CTI: hold all the issued shares of CTI subject to the
          terms of this Agreement;

     (e)  MANAGEMENT: undertake generally such actions and matters as are
          necessary to manage the Company's shareholding in CTI; and

     (f)  INCIDENTAL: undertake such other actions, matters or things as may be
          necessary to achieve or are incidental to any of the above objects;

     (g)  GUARANTOR: act as guarantor of the Guaranteed Bonds.


     The Company's Business shall consist of implementing the objects set forth
     in clause 3.1. The Company shall carry on no business other than the
     Company's Business, except as authorised pursuant to clause 6. l(e).


     Except to the extent already the case, the Shareholders agree to proceed
     with all due expedition to structure or restructure the Company in
     accordance with the following provisions:


     (a)  MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES: the Company shall have a memorandum of
          association and articles of association in the agreed form;

     (b)  NUMBER OF THE COMPANY'S DIRECTORS: the number of Directors of the
          Company shall be 6;

          Shareholders shall exercise their voting entitlements in the Company
          to procure that at any time:

          (i)  CCIC, for so-long as it (when taken together with its Affiliates
               and Permitted Transferees) is Qualified, shall have the right to
               appoint (and remove) two Directors;

          (ii) TdFI, for so long as it (when taken together with its Affiliates
               and Permitted Transferees) is Qualified, shall have the right to
               appoint (and remove) two Directors.

          Directors of the Company appointed pursuant to 3.3(c) shall be
          nominated by written notice to each Shareholder. Each Director of the
          Company so appointed may be removed and replaced at any time by the
          Shareholder entitled to nominate that Director; each Shareholder with
          a right to nominate a Director of the Company may assign or waive that
          right in whole but not in part in connection with a transfer of the
          whole but not some only of the Shareholder's Company Shares pursuant
          to clause 9 (provided that no Shareholder (when taken together with
          its Affiliates and Permitted Transferees) shall be entitled to appoint
          more than two Directors and provided that any transferee shall only be
          entitled to appoint a Director if such transferee (when taken together
          with its Affiliates and its Permitted Transferees) is Qualified and
          each assignor of that right shall give notice to the Directors of the
          Company of any such assignment immediately. If a Shareholder removes
          from office a Director of the Company nominated by that Shareholder,
          that Shareholder shall indemnify the Company against any loss,
          liability or cost that the Company may suffer or incur as a result of
          any claim by such Director arising out of such removal. The first
          Directors nominated pursuant to this clause 3.3(c) shall be as

               CCIC                     Ted Miller
               CCIC                     Charles Green III
               TdFI                     Michel Azibert
               TdFI                     Michel Combes

     (d)  ADDITIONAL DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY: any additional Directors of the
          Company shall be nominated and elected, and may be removed and
          replaced at any time, by a written notice signed by or on behalf of
          every Shareholder who (when taken together with its Affiliates and
          Permitted Transferees) is Qualified.

     (e)  OBSERVERS: each of the Shareholders shall be entitled to nominate one
          observer who shall be entitled to attend and speak at meetings of the
          Directors of the Company. Such observers shall not be Directors and
          shall neither be entitled to vote at meetings of the Directors of the
          Company nor have any authority to bind the Company.

     (f)  MAJORITY RULE: except as provided in this Agreement, resolutions of
          the Directors of the Company shall be deemed to be passed if approved
          by a majority of the Directors of the Company which includes a
          Director nominated by CCIC and a Director nominated by TdFI voting
          thereon at a meeting of Directors of the Company at which a Director
          nominated by CCIC and a Director nominated by TdFI is present,
          provided the meeting is duly convened and held after notice provided
          in accordance with clause 3.3(i) (which meeting may be a telephone
          meeting conducted as provided in the Articles of 


          Association), or approved in writing signed by all the Directors of
          the Company in accordance with the Company's Constitution; provided
          that, at any time after the TdF Rollup shall have occurred pursuant to
          the Governance Agreement and TDF shall have ceased to be Qualified,
          for the purposes of any resolution of the board of the Directors of
          the Company approving any of the matters referred to in clauses 6.1(p)
          or 6.2(o), the majority of the Directors of the Company does not
          require a Director nominated by TdFI.

     (g)  COMMITTEES OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY: There shall be established
          two committees of the Directors of the Company, pursuant to the
          Company's Constitution, as follows:

          (i)  an Audit Committee consisting of any number of non-executive
               Directors of the Company (including the Directors appointed from
               time to time under and in accordance with clause 3.3(c)) selected
               by the Directors of the Company as a board and having the
               functions customary to an Audit Committee; and

          (ii) a Remuneration Committee consisting of any number of non-
               executive Directors of the Company (including the Directors
               appointed from time to time under and in accordance with clause
               3.3(c)) selected by the Directors of the Company as a board and
               having only advisory powers unless other powers are specifically
               delegated by the Directors of the Company as a board.

          Such committees shall have the powers delegated by resolution of the
          Directors of the Company.

     (h)  NO ACTION UNTIL DESIGNEE REPLACED: If a Director of the Company
          nominated by a Shareholder resigns, is removed or for any other reason
          ceases to serve as a Director of the Company and/or as a member of any
          committee of the Directors of the Company on which such person had the
          right to serve, such Shareholder shall have the right to nominate the
          successor of such person, and provided such Shareholder nominates a
          successor within five business days after the predecessor ceased to
          serve as a Director of the Company or as a member of such committee,
          neither the Directors of the Company nor such committee shall take any
          action, whether at a meeting of the Directors of the Company (or a
          committee thereof) or otherwise, until such successor has been elected
          as a Director of the Company or a member of such committee, as the
          case may be; provided that in no event may any Shareholder cause a
          single delay of more than 10 days by the failure of such Shareholder
          to exercise its rights under this clause 3.3(h).

     (i)  NOTICE OF MEETINGS: No meeting of the Directors of the Company or of a
          committee of the Directors of the Company shall normally be convened
          on less than 14 days' notice, but such a meeting may be convened by
          giving not less than two days' notice if the interests of the Company
          would be likely to be adversely affected to a material extent if the
          business to be transacted at such meeting was not dealt with as a
          matter of urgency or if all the Directors agree. An agenda of the
          business to be transacted at such meeting shall be sent with any such
          notice and any documents relating to issues to be considered at any
          such meeting shall be distributed in advance to all the Directors (or,
          in the case of a committee, to the members of that committee) and
          their alternates so as to ensure that they are received at least seven
          days (or, if less than seven days' notice of such meeting is given, as
          soon as practicable) prior to the date fixed for such meeting.


(a)  GENERAL PROVISIONS: The Company shall be operated in accordance with the
     Company's Constitution and the terms of this Agreement and any agreement
     entered into pursuant to this Agreement and, while effective, pursuant to
     the Finance Documents. Each of the Shareholders agrees to perform and
     observe all terms and conditions to be observed by them and performed under
     any contract or arrangement from time to time subsisting between them and
     the Company or 


     any of the Subsidiaries, and the Shareholders (in their capacity as
     Shareholders) agree to procure (insofar as they are able by the exercise of
     such rights and powers) that the Company and the Subsidiaries perform and
     observe this Agreement and all such agreements.

(b)  DIRECTORS' MEETINGS OF THE COMPANY: Meetings of the Directors of the
     Company shall be held at regular intervals as shall be determined by the
     Directors of the Company. Such meetings may be carried on in any manner
     permitted by the Company's Constitution but the parties shall each use all
     reasonable endeavours to ensure that actual meetings at which Directors of
     the Company are personally present in one room (barring unscheduled
     unavailability) occur not less frequently than at quarterly intervals at
     such place or places within the United Kingdom as the Directors of the
     Company may from time to time determine. The Company shall meet the
     reasonable travel and accommodation expenses of Directors of the Company
     attending meetings of Directors of the Company. Any Director of the Company
     who is unable to attend a meeting in person shall have the right to attend
     the meeting by means of conference telephone.

(c)  CHAIRMAN OF THE COMPANY: The chairman of the board of Directors shall be
     Ted B. Miller, Jr. or such other person as the Directors of the Company
     nominated by CCIC shall determine and any such other person shall be such
     person as shall have been approved by a Special Majority Vote of the Board
     of CCIC.  Such other person appointed pursuant to this clause 3.4(c) shall
     be nominated by written notice to each Shareholder together with a
     certified copy of the Special Majority Vote of the Board of CCIC.  The
     chairman of the board of Directors of the Company shall not have a second
     or casting vote.

(d)  RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DIRECTORS: The Directors of the Company shall be
     responsible for the overall guidance and direction of the Company.

     chief executive officer, the chief operating officer and the chief
     financial officer of the Company shall be nominated by CCIC and shall be
     such persons as shall have been approved by a Special Majority Vote of the
     Board of CCIC.  Such an officer of the Company appointed pursuant to this
     clause 3.4(e) shall be nominated by written notice to each Shareholder
     together with a certified copy of the Special Majority Vote of the Board of

     [consider including board review and approval of CFO and COO compensation
     from members of the Group and allocation of management resources in place
     of paragraph 6 of the Operating Agreement as per TdFI's comments at today's
     board meeting.]

(f)  INDEMNIFICATION OF DIRECTORS: The Company shall indemnify the Directors of
     the Company to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law with respect
     to any liability, claim or expense incurred arising out of or related to
     their service as Directors of the Company and shall obtain Directors and
     Officers liability insurance coverage to the extent available on reasonable
     terms, as determined by resolution of the Directors of the Company.


4.1  Each Director of the Company from time to time shall be appointed as a
     director of each Subsidiary of the Company.

4.2  The provisions of clauses 3.3(e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and 3.4(a), (b), (c),
     (d) and (e) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in relation to each Subsidiary
     in the same way as they apply in the Company and its Subsidiaries.




     Each Financial Year of the Company and each Subsidiary shall end on the
     date determined by resolution of the Directors of the Company nominated by


     The Directors of the Company nominated by CCIC shall have the right to
     appoint the auditors to the Company and its Subsidiaries.


     The Company and each Subsidiary (where applicable) shall:

     (a)  ADOPT POLICIES: adopt such accounting, administrative, insurance and
          other policies and systems consistent with US and UK generally
          accepted accounting principles from time to time as the Directors of
          the Company nominated by CCIC may from time to time determine;

     (b)  BOOKS, RECORDS ETC.: maintain accurate and complete books, records,
          accounts, statements and documents of its respective operations,
          businesses and financial affairs, all of which shall be available to
          each of the Shareholders, their respective nominated Directors and
          their authorised representatives for the purpose of inspection and
          making copies thereof and taking extracts therefrom;

     (c)  FURNISH REPORTS: prepare and furnish to each of the Shareholders
          within 30 days after the end of each month during the term of this
          Agreement such financial statements and business reports as may be
          available (including, without limitation, copies of any financial
          statements and business reports furnished pursuant to the Finance

     (d)  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: prepare and deliver to each of the Shareholders
          (i) consolidated financial statements in respect of the Company and
          its Subsidiaries consisting of a balance sheet, statement of revenue
          and expenses and statement of changes in financial position; (ii)
          copies of any financial statements and business reports furnished
          pursuant to the Finance Documents; and (iii) such other statements as
          the Directors of the Company may from time to time consider advisable,
          in each case prepared in accordance with the generally accepted
          accounting principles approved by resolution of the Directors of the
          Company nominated by CCIC, as follows:

          (i)  QUARTERLY STATEMENTS: unaudited quarterly consolidated financial
               statements shall be prepared and delivered to each of the
               Shareholders promptly after they are available and in any event
               within 45 days after the end of each quarter; and

          (ii) ANNUAL STATEMENTS: audited annual consolidated financial
               statements, accompanied by the report of the Company's auditors
               thereon, shall be prepared and delivered to each of the
               Shareholders promptly when available and in any event within 90
               days after the end of each financial year of the Company,

          provided that all or any of the requirements of this clause 5.2(d)
          may, to the extent permitted by applicable law, be waived by unanimous
          resolution of those Directors of the Company nominated by the
          Shareholders; and

     (e)  KEEP INFORMED: keep the Shareholders informed on a timely basis of all
          material developments (as determined by the Directors of the Company)
          affecting the conduct of their respective businesses.




     The Shareholders shall exercise all voting and other powers of control
     available to them directly or indirectly in relation to the Company so as
     to procure (insofar as they are able by the exercise of such rights and
     powers in accordance with clause 17.4 of this Agreement) that the Company
     shall not without the prior agreement in writing of each Shareholder (such
     consent to be given or refused within 14 days of a written request for such
     approval) which is Qualified:

     (a)  ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITIONS: acquire or establish any Subsidiary
          other than CTI or make any acquisition or disposal which would
          constitute a super class 1 transaction or a class 2 transaction if the
          share capital of the Company were listed on the London Stock Exchange;

     (b)  SHARE ISSUES: issue or offer to any person any share or loan capital,
          or other securities convertible or exchangeable into share or loan
          capital, or allow to arise or subsist any interest in any share or
          loan capital, in the Company or any Subsidiary or purchase or redeem
          or reorganise any share or loan capital in the Company or any
          Subsidiary except Company Shares to be issued pursuant to the terms of
          the Warrant Documentation;

     (c)  SUBSIDIARIES' SHARES: transfer (other than as required by the Finance
          Documents) or otherwise dispose of the Shares it holds in each of the

     (d)  TRANSACTIONS WITH SHAREHOLDERS: enter into a transaction with (other
          than with respect to the provision of services or know-how by or to
          CTI in accordance with the terms of the TdF Services Agreement and/or
          the Operating Agreement) a Shareholder or any Affiliate of a
          Shareholder, except as expressly contemplated by this Agreement or
          make any variation or amendment (other than of a formal, minor or
          technical nature) to any arrangements (whether or not contemplated by
          this Agreement) between the Company and any Shareholder or any
          Affiliate of any Shareholder;

     (e)  OTHER BUSINESS: carry on any business other than the Company's

     (f)  CAPITAL EXPENDITURE: incur capital expenditure in any financial year
          in excess of that which is included in the Company's budget for that
          year as approved in writing by all the Shareholders;

     (g)  BANKING AND OTHER FINANCING FACILITIES: enter into any banking or
          other financing facility (other than pursuant to the Finance
          Documents) or vary the terms of any banking or other financing

     (h)  GUARANTEES AND INDEMNITIES: give any guarantee or indemnity in respect
          of the obligations of any other person (other than a wholly-owned
          Subsidiary provided that such guarantee or indemnity is expressly
          contemplated by the Business Plan, the Finance Documents or the
          Acquisition Agreement);

     (i)  CREATION OF SECURITY: create any mortgage, charge, lien (other than a
          lien arising in the ordinary course of trading) or encumbrance on any
          assets (other than pursuant to the Finance Documents);

     (j)  LENDING OF MONEY: lend any money to any other person (other than to a
          wholly-owned Subsidiary provided that such loan is expressly
          contemplated in the Business Plan or made to finance the payment of
          the consideration under the Acquisition Agreement);

     (k)  JOINT VENTURE ARRANGEMENTS: enter into any arrangements which
          constitute a partnership or joint venture with any other person or


     (l)  LITIGATION: commence or settle any litigation involving a claim
          exceeding (Pounds)500,000;

     (m)  THE COMPANY'S CONSTITUTION: make any alteration to its Constitution;

     (n)  WINDING UP: pass any resolution for winding up;

     (o)  RECEIVER OR ADMINISTRATOR: apply for the appointment of a receiver or
          an administrator;

     (p)  DIVIDENDS: declare, make or pay any dividend (interim or final) save
          in respect of (i) dividends payable in respect of the Preference
          Shares in accordance with the Company's Constitution (but subject
          always to the terms of the Financing Documents), and (ii) dividends of
          amounts which would not (if paid) unreasonably deplete the financial
          resources of the Company having regard to the actual and prospective
          obligations, commitments and planned or budgeted expenditure of the
          CTSH Group; provided always that the payment of such dividends is
          permitted by the terms of the Finance Documents (it being agreed that
          the Shareholders will use their best endeavours to ensure that the
          Company will make any such dividends in a tax efficient manner for
          each Shareholder);

     (q)  INCENTIVE SCHEMES: establish, approve or make any amendment or
          variation to any cash incentive or cash bonus scheme in relation to
          any employee of the Company or any subsidiary provided that (I)
          neither CCIC nor TdFI shall unreasonably withhold their consent to the
          establishment or implementation of cash incentive or cash bonus
          schemes of a type which are currently or have in the past been
          operated by members of the CTSH Group in accordance with reasonable
          business principles for the benefit of employees of the Company or its
          Subsidiaries and (ii) it is acknowledged and agreed that the
          remuneration of employees of the Company or its Subsidiaries may
          continue to be determined and increased in a manner consistent with
          past practices of the Company and its Subsidiaries in accordance with
          reasonable business principles;

     (r)  PUBLIC OFFERINGS: take any step to obtain a listing or quotation for
          any Shares or any shares of a Subsidiary on any stock exchange, over-
          the-counter market or other trading association with a view to
          offering any Shares for sale to the public or offer any Shares or any
          shares of a Subsidiary for sale to the public; and

     (s)  OPERATING AGREEMENT: make any amendment to the Operating Agreement,
          other than an amendment of a formal, minor or technical nature.


     The Shareholders shall exercise all voting and other powers of control
     available to them directly or indirectly in relation to the Company, and
     the Company shall exercise all voting and other powers of control available
     to it so as to procure (insofar as they are able by the exercise of such
     rights and powers in accordance with clause 17.4 of this Agreement) that
     each Subsidiary shall not without the prior agreement in writing (such
     consent to given or refused within 14 days of a written request for such
     approval) of each Shareholder which is Qualified:

     (a)  ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSALS: make any acquisition or disposal which
          would constitute a super class 1 transaction or a class 2 transaction
          if the share capital of that Subsidiary were listed on the London
          Stock Exchange;

     (b)  SHARE ISSUES: issue or offer to any person any shares or loan capital,
          or other securities convertible or exchangeable into shares or loan
          capital, or allow to arise or subsist any interest in any share or
          loan capital, of such Subsidiary or the Company or purchase or redeem
          or reorganise any share or loan capital of such Subsidiary or the
          Company except for any shares issued or offered to the Company;


     (c)  TRANSACTIONS WITH SHAREHOLDERS: enter into a transaction (other than
          with respect to the provision of services or know-how by or to CTI in
          accordance with the terms of the TdF Services Agreement and/or the
          Operating Agreement) with a Shareholder or any Affiliate of a
          Shareholder, except as expressly contemplated by this Agreement or
          make any variation or amendment (other than of a formal, minor or
          technical nature) to any arrangements (whether or not contemplated by
          this Agreement) between a Subsidiary and any Shareholder or any
          Affiliate of any Shareholder;

     (d)  OTHER BUSINESS: (in the case of CTI) carry on any category of business
          other than Permitted Business or one which is carried on at the date
          of this Agreement;

     (e)  CAPITAL EXPENDITURE: incur capital expenditure in any financial year
          in excess of that which is included in such Subsidiary's budget for
          that year as approved in writing by all of the Shareholders;

     (f)  BANKING AND OTHER FINANCING FACILITIES: enter into any banking or
          other financing facility (other than pursuant to the Finance
          Documents) or vary the terms of any banking or other financing

     (g)  GUARANTEES AND INDEMNITIES: give any guarantee or indemnity in respect
          of the obligations of any other person (other than a wholly-owned
          Subsidiary provided that such guarantee or indemnity is expressly
          contemplated by the Business Plan or the Finance Documents);

     (h)  CREATION OF SECURITY: create any mortgage, charge, lien (other than a
          lien arising in the ordinary course of trading) or encumbrance on any
          assets (other than pursuant to the Finance Documents);

     (i)  LENDING OF MONEY: lend any money to any other person (other than to
          the Company);

     (j)  JOINT VENTURE ARRANGEMENTS: enter into any arrangements which
          constitute a partnership or joint venture with any other person or

     (k)  LITIGATION: commence or settle any litigation involving a claim
          exceeding (Pounds)500,000;

     (l)  SUBSIDIARY'S CONSTITUTION: make any alteration to any Subsidiary's
          memorandum or articles of association.

     (m)  WINDING UP: pass any resolution for winding up;

     (n)  RECEIVER OR ADMINISTRATOR: apply for the appointment of a receiver or
          an administrator;

     (o)  DIVIDENDS: declare, make or pay any dividend (interim or final) save
          to the extent needed to fund the payment of dividends on Preference
          Shares (but subject always to the terms of the Finance Documents), and
          save also in respect of dividends of amounts which would not (if paid)
          unreasonably deplete the financial resources of the relevant
          Subsidiary having regard to the actual and prospective obligations,
          commitments and planned or budgeted expenditure of the CTSH Group
          provided always that the payment of such dividends is permitted by the
          terms of the Finance Documents (it being agreed that the Shareholders
          will use their best endeavours to ensure that the Company will make
          any such dividends in a tax efficient manner for each Shareholder);

     (p)  BUSINESS PLAN: reorganise or change the nature or scope of its
          business from that as set out in the Business Plan (as amended from
          time to time in accordance with clause 8.1);

     (q)  INCENTIVE SCHEMES: establish, approve or make any amendment or
          variation to any cash incentive or cash bonus scheme in relation to
          any employee of the Company or any 


          Subsidiary provided that (i) neither CCIC nor TdFI shall unreasonably
          withhold their consent to the establishment or implementation of cash
          incentive or cash bonus schemes of a type which are currently or have
          in the past been operated by members of the CTSH Group in accordance
          with reasonable business principles for the benefit of employees of
          the Company or its Subsidiaries and (ii) it is acknowledged and agreed
          that the remuneration of employees of the Company or its Subsidiaries
          may continue to be determined and increased in a manner consistent
          with past practices of the Company and its Subsidiaries in accordance
          with reasonable business principles ;

     (r)  PUBLIC OFFERINGS: take any step to obtain a listing or quotation for
          any Shares or any shares of a Subsidiary on any stock exchange, over-
          the-counter market or other trading association with a view to
          offering any Shares or any shares of a Subsidiary for sale to the
          public; and

     (s)  OPERATING AGREEMENT: make any amendment to the Operating Agreement,
          other than an amendment of a formal, minor or technical nature.


     The Shareholders shall exercise all voting and other powers of control
     available to them (directly or indirectly) in relation to the Company so as
     to procure (insofar as they are able by the exercise of such rights and
     powers) that neither the Company nor any Subsidiary shall do or permit or
     suffer to be done any act or thing which will cause the rights of any
     Shareholder (in that Shareholder's capacity as a holder of the Company
     Shares) to be adversely affected in a manner not applicable to all
     Shareholders, without such Shareholder's written consent.

6.4  Each Shareholder agrees that it will procure that entities comprised within
     it, its Affiliates and Permitted Transferees shall together ensure that one
     entity shall at all times be authorised to exercise the rights of that
     Shareholder under this Agreement. The identity of such entity for the time
     being shall be notified to all other Shareholders.

6.5  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement neither the Company
     nor any Subsidiary shall issue any share capital or other securities
     convertible or exchangeable into share capital if the consequence of such
     issue would be that (i) the BBC would thereby become entitled to terminate
     the Analogue Transmission Contract pursuant to 13.5 thereof or the Digital
     Transmission Contract pursuant to clause 12.7 thereof (unless the BBC shall
     have first confirmed in writing that it will not exercise its right of
     termination in consequence of such issue), (ii) any licence held by the
     Company or any Subsidiary under the Telecommunications Act 1984 or the
     Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 would thereby become capable of being
     terminated or revoked in accordance with its terms unless the relevant
     regulator shall have first confirmed in writing that the relevant licence
     will not be terminated in consequence of the proposed issue (iii) either
     CCIC or TdFI would thereby be in breach of the Commitment Agreement (unless
     the BBC shall have first consented to the transfer in accordance with the
     terms of the Commitment Agreement) or (iv) CCIC and TdFI would cease to
     hold the same percentage of Company Shares as they did immediately prior to
     such issue at the date of this Agreement being 80 and 20 per cent

6.6  If either of the Shareholders shall refuse to give its agreement in respect
     of any matter for which its consent is required under clause 6.1 or 6.2 or
     if that Shareholder's nominated Directors shall vote against, or abstain in
     respect of, a resolution put to the Board of Directors of the Company or
     any of its Subsidiaries, then the other Shareholder (notwithstanding the
     terms of the Operating Agreement) shall be entitled to pursue the
     transaction to which that matter or resolution relates in its own right and
     for its own account free from any duty or obligation to any company in the
     CTSH Group or any of their respective shareholders.

6.7  The rights of the Directors of the Company nominated by CCIC referred to in
     clauses 3.4(c) and (e), and 5.3(a) and (d) cease to be rights of such
     Directors and shall become rights of all of the Directors of the Company,
     upon CCIC ceasing to be the Controlling Shareholder.



     No Shareholder shall be under any obligation to give any guarantee or
     indemnity or the like on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary.


     The Shareholders shall exercise all voting and other powers of control
     available to them directly or indirectly in relation to the Company so as
     to procure (insofar as they are able by the exercise of such rights and
     powers) that, not less than 90 days before the beginning of each Financial
     Year, the Company shall draw up an annual budget for the Financial Year
     next following in such format as the Shareholders shall prescribe from time
     to time (but to include a capital expenditure forecast and a cashflow
     forecast) and shall submit each such annual budget and any proposed
     amendments to the Business Plan for review and approval to each Shareholder
     which is Qualified. Each such annual budget and proposed amendments to the
     Business Plan shall be subject to the approval of each Shareholder which is
     Qualified. Each such Shareholder undertakes to the other Shareholders to
     act in good faith when reviewing each such annual budget and proposed
     amendments to the Business Plan and subject always to its rights under
     clauses 6.1(b) and 6.2(d) undertakes not unreasonably to withhold its
     approval of such document.



     Unless prior consent in writing is obtained from each Shareholder which is
     Qualified or except as provided in clauses 9.2 or 9.4 to 9.9 or as
     contemplated by the Governance Agreement (but in any case subject to
     clauses 9.3 and 9.12) no Shareholder may sell, transfer, mortgage, charge
     or otherwise dispose of all or any of its Company Shares or any legal or
     beneficial interest therein or any rights to subscribe therefor.

     Notwithstanding the provisions in clauses 9.1 but subject to clauses 9.3
     and 9.12, any Shareholder may transfer its holding of, or beneficial
     interest in, Company Shares to a person who is an Affiliate of the
     transferor at the date hereof, provided that (a) as a condition of each of
     the permitted transfers, the transferee shall be required to comply with
     clause 9.12, (b) where Company Shares have been transferred from a
     Shareholder to an Affiliate and subsequently the transferee ceases to be an
     Affiliate of that Shareholder, then the Shareholder concerned shall procure
     that such Affiliate shall forthwith transfer such Company Shares back to
     the original Shareholder and (c) each Shareholder agrees not to effect
     transfers or changes in such Shareholder's Group in such a manner as to
     frustrate the intent of this clause 9.2, which is to permit transfers only
     to and holdings by related persons and entities.  For the purposes of
     clauses 9.4 to 9.9 reference to TdFI shall be deemed to include TdFI and
     its Affiliates and Permitted Transferees and to CCIC shall be deemed to
     include CCIC and its Affiliates and Permitted Transferees.


     Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement:

     (a)  no Shareholder shall be entitled to transfer or otherwise dispose of
          an interest in any Company Shares if the consequence of such transfer
          or disposal would be that (i) the BBC would thereby become entitled to
          terminate the Analogue Transmission Contract pursuant to clause 13.5
          thereof or the Digital Transmission Contract pursuant to clause 12.7
          thereof (unless the BBC shall have first confirmed in writing that it
          will not exercise its right of termination in consequence of such
          transfer or disposal), (ii) any licence held by the Company or any
          Subsidiary under the Telecommunications Act 1984 or the Wireless


          Telegraphy Act 1949 would thereby become capable of being terminated
          or revoked in accordance with its terms unless the relevant regulator
          shall have confirmed in writing that the relevant licence will not be
          terminated in consequence of the proposed transfer or disposal or
          (iii) either CCIC or TdFI would thereby be in breach of the Commitment
          Agreement (unless the BBC shall have first consented to the transfer
          in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Commitment
          Agreement); and

     (b)  at any time prior to the conversion of Preference Shares into Ordinary
          Shares (as contemplated by clause 2.2(a), Company Shares may only be
          transferred or otherwise disposed of in tranches of 1,000 Company
          Shares, comprising 1 Ordinary Share and 999 Preference Shares (or,
          following the redemption of any Preference Shares, in such proportion
          as the aggregate number of Ordinary Shares then in issue bears to the
          aggregate number of Preference Shares then in issue).


(a)  A Shareholder may transfer its Shares and Warrants at any time after
     whichever is the later of (i) the second anniversary of this Agreement or
     (ii) the expiry of the period for the completion of the TDF Put Right or,
     as the case may be, the Company Call Right, in accordance with the
     provisions of this clause 9.4.  Subject to clauses 9.2, 9.3, 9.5 and 9.12,
     if a Shareholder (for the purposes of this clause 9.4, the "SELLING
     SHAREHOLDER") wishes to transfer all (but not part of) its Shares and
     Warrants in the Company (collectively the "VENDOR INTEREST") it shall give
     to the other Shareholder notice in writing of such desire (for the purposes
     of this clause 9.4 a "TRANSFER NOTICE").  A Selling Shareholder may only
     serve a Transfer Notice if it has first agreed (on a subject to contract
     basis) the material terms relating to that transfer (including a cash
     price) for the Vendor Interest with a bona fide third party purchaser.  A
     Transfer Notice shall specify the name of the person (the "PROPOSED
     PURCHASER") to whom the Selling Shareholder proposes to transfer the Vendor
     Interest (any shares comprised in the Vendor Interest being for the
     purposes of this clause 9.4 referred to as the "SALE SHARES" and, as
     applicable, any Warrants referred to as "SALE WARRANTS") and the cash price
     per Sale Share and, as applicable, the cash price per Sale Warrant at which
     the Selling Shareholder proposes to so transfer (the "SALE PRICE").

(b)  If the other Shareholder shall give notice to the Selling Shareholder that
     it wishes to purchase the Sale Shares and, as applicable, the Sale Warrants
     at the Sale Price on or before the date which falls 30 days after such
     notice (the date on which the other Shareholder gives such notice being
     referred to as the "ACCEPTANCE DATE") of the date of receipt of the
     Transfer Notice by the other Shareholder, the Selling Shareholder shall be
     bound upon receipt of the Sale Price to transfer the Sale Shares and, as
     applicable, Sale Warrants to the other Shareholder and the other
     Shareholder shall be bound to purchase the Sale Warrants at the Sale Price.

(c)  If the other Shareholder shall notify the Selling Shareholder that it is
     not willing to purchase all of the Sale Shares and, as applicable, the Sale
     Warrants at the Sale Price pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this
     clause 9.4 or the other Shareholder fails to give notice to the Selling
     Shareholder in accordance with clause 9.4(b), then in the event that the
     Selling Shareholder wishes to transfer the Sale Shares and, as applicable,
     the Sale Warrants the Selling Shareholder shall not be obliged to sell any
     of the Sales Shares or, as applicable, the Sale Warrants to the other
     Shareholder and shall, subject to clause 9.5, be at liberty at any time
     within 6 months after the Acceptance Date to sell and transfer all (but not
     part of) the Sale Shares and, as applicable, the Sale Warrants to the
     person whose name was specified in the Transfer Notice at a cash price not
     being less than the Sale Price.

(d)  Subject to clause 9.4(e), he closing of any sale of Sale Shares  and, as
     applicable, Sale Warrants pursuant to this clause 9.4 shall, subject to the
     satisfaction of the conditions precedent set out in Schedule 2, take place
     on any Business Day within 6 months after the Acceptance Date as nominated
     by the Selling Shareholder (or, if later, such date which is the second
     Business Day after the date on which such conditions shall have been
     satisfied) at a time and place specified by the Selling Shareholder by not
     less than 14 days' notice in writing.  On the closing date, the 


     Selling Shareholder shall deliver (i) duly executed transfers in respect of
     such Sale Shares and, as applicable, Sale Warrants and the share and, as
     applicable, warrant certificate(s) in respect thereof (which Sale Shares
     and Sale Warrants shall be sold free and clear of any Liens) and (ii) such
     other documents, including evidence of ownership and authority, as the
     other Shareholder may reasonably request, against which the other
     Shareholder shall pay the Sale Price. In connection with such closing, the
     Selling Shareholder and the other Shareholder shall also provide such other
     customary closing certificate and opinions as the other Shareholder or, as
     the case may be, the Selling Shareholder may reasonably request.

     The sale of any shares under the above provisions of this clause shall
     comprise the entire legal and beneficial ownership of the Sale Shares and,
     as applicable, Sale Warrants in question with a full title guarantee

(e)  Notwithstanding clause 9.4(d), if CCIC is not the Selling Shareholder, CCIC
     shall, at its option, be entitled to discharge the Sale Price by issuing to
     the Selling Shareholder (instead of cash) such number of shares of Common
     Stock (the "TDFI PRE-EMPTION SHARES") as have an aggregate price equal to
     the Sale Price divided by the weighted average price per share of Common
     Stock over the five trading days on the principal stock exchange on which
     such Common Stock was traded immediately preceding the closing of the sale
     of the Sale Shares and the Sale Warrants (discounted by 15 per cent.).  If
     CCIC so elects, CCIC shall deliver to TdFI at the closing of the sale of
     the Sale Shares and the Sale Warrants the TdFI Pre-emption Shares (and
     certificates in respect thereof) registered in the name of TdFI (or, as it
     may require, its nominees or Affiliates).  The provisions of clause 9.7(e)
     and (d) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in respect of the TdFI Pre-emption


(a)  Subject to clauses 9.2 and 9.3, no sale or transfer (whether by one or by a
     series of transactions) to a person or its Affiliates or anyone acting in
     concert with that person of any Shares and, as applicable, Warrants  (the
     "SPECIFIED SHARES") in the Company held by  a Selling Shareholder (as
     defined in clause 9.4) (other than a sale or transfer to a Shareholder)
     shall be made or registered without the prior consent of the other
     Shareholder unless, before such sale or transfer is made, the proposed
     transferee has irrevocably and unconditionally offered to purchase all of
     the Shares and, as applicable,  Warrants in the Company held by the other
     Shareholder for the time being at the Specified Price and otherwise on the
     same terms (including as to the time of completion and the manner of
     payment) as the proposed transferee has offered to purchase the Specified

(b)  In this clause 9.5, the expression the "SPECIFIED PRICE" shall mean a
     consideration for each of the Shares and Warrants at least equal to the
     aggregate of that offered or paid or payable by the proposed transferee for
     each of the Specified Shares. For the purposes of this clause, the
     consideration payable for such of the Specified Shares shall include any
     amount received or receivable by the holder of the Specified Shares which,
     having regard to the substance of the transaction as a whole, can
     reasonably be regarded as an addition to the price paid or payable for each
     of the Specified Shares and, in the event of any disagreement about the
     calculation of the Specified Price, its calculation shall be referred to
     the auditors of the Company within seven days of the dispute arising
     (acting as experts and not as arbitrators) whose decision with respect to
     the Specified Price shall be final and binding on the parties. The parties
     shall give all reasonable assistance to the auditors of the Company in
     verifying the Specified Price, including, without limitation, the
     disclosure of all relevant documentation containing the terms of the
     transaction relating to the proposed sale of the Specified Shares.

(c)  The sale of any Shares and Warrants under the above provisions of this
     clause shall comprise the entire legal and beneficial ownership of the
     Shares and Warrants in question, with a full title guarantee covenant.




(i)  CCIC agrees that if the TDF Rollup shall not have been consummated on or
     prior to the second anniversary of the date of this Agreement or, if
     earlier, if TdFI shall cease to be Qualified (as determined in accordance
     with the Governance Agreement) TdFI shall have the option to require CCIC
     to acquire all, but not less than all, of the Shares and the Warrants
     legally or beneficially owned or held by TdFI (the "TDFI INTEREST") for
     cash in an amount equal to the Fair Market Value (as determined in
     accordance with the procedures set forth in clause 9.6(b)) of the TdFI
     Interest at any time in the event of a Change of Control (the "CHANGE IN

(ii) The Change of Control Option may be exercised by TdFI serving written
     notice (a "CHANGE OF CONTROL NOTICE") within 45 days of TdFI becoming aware
     on reasonable grounds of a Change of Control in accordance with clause 28.

(b)  The valuation procedures referred to in clause 9.6(a) shall be as follows.
     Each of CCIC and TdFI shall negotiate in good faith to determine the Fair
     Market Value per share and per warrant of the TdFI Shares Interest (the
     "CTSH PER SHARE/WARRANT VALUE") within 30 days following the delivery by
     TdFI to CCIC of the Change of Control Notice.  If CCIC and TdFI do not
     agree on a CTSH Per Share/Warrant Value within such 30 day period, they
     shall, within three days, appoint an independent investment banker of
     international stature with its principal office in New York City (the
     "APPRAISER") and shall provide such Appraiser with their respective written
     determinations of the CTSH Per Share/Warrant Value.  Such Appraiser shall
     then choose (taking into account all relevant factors but no discount shall
     be applied as a result of the termination or potential termination of the
     BBC Contracts), as between the written determinations of the CTSH Per
     Share/Warrant Value provided by CCIC and TdFI to the Appraiser, the CTSH
     Per Share/Warrant Value which most closely approximates, in the expert
     opinion of the Appraiser, the Fair Market Value per Share and per Warrant
     of the TdFI Interest as of the Option Exercise Date. If the parties are
     unable to agree on the selection of such Appraiser within such three-day
     period, they shall on such third day so notify the Chairman of the New York
     Stock Exchange, Inc., who shall, within five days of such notification,
     appoint an investment banker meeting the qualifications set forth above to
     serve as the Appraiser.  In any case, the Appraiser shall make its decision
     with respect to the CTSH Per Share/Warrant Value within ten days of the
     date of its engagement and must choose (taking into account all relevant
     factors but no discount shall be applied as a result of the termination or
     potential termination of the BBC Contracts) a CTSH Per Share/Warrant Value
     presented by either of CCIC or TdFI pursuant to their respective written
     determinations (i.e. such Appraiser may not select a different value).  The
     fees and expenses of the Appraiser shall be paid by CCIC.


(a)  CCIC agrees that at any time after the earlier to occur of (i) the second
     anniversary of the date of this Agreement or (ii) TdFI ceasing to the
     Qualified for the purposes of the Governance Agreement, TdFI shall have the
     right at any time in its sole discretion, so long as the CTSH Option shall
     not have been consummated, (the "TDFI EXIT RIGHT"), upon not less than six
     months' notice (the "TDFI EXIT NOTICE") by TdFI to CCIC, to require CCIC to
     purchase all, but not less than all, of the Shares and Warrants legally or
     beneficially owned or held by TdFI ("the TDFI INTEREST") in exchange for,
     in CCIC's sole discretion, (i) that number of shares of Common Stock (the
     "TDFI EXIT SHARES") as have an aggregate price equal to the Fair Market
     Value (as determined in accordance with the procedures set forth in clause
     9.7(e)) of the TdFI Interest divided by the weighted average price per
     share of Common Stock over the five trading days on principal stock
     exchange on which traded immediately preceding the closing of the TdFI Exit
     Right pursuant to clause 9.7(e) (discounted by 15 per cent.), or (ii) cash
     in an amount equal to such Fair Market Value (determined as aforesaid) of
     the TdFI Interest.

(b)  The closing of the TdFI Exit Right shall, subject to the satisfaction of
     the conditions precedent set forth in Schedule 2, take place on any
     Business Day within 6 months after the date on which CCIC shall have
     received the TdFI Exit Notice (or, if later, such date which is the second
     Business Day after the date on which such conditions shall have been
     satisfied), at a date, time and place specified by CCIC or such other date,
     time and place as may be agreed to by TdFI and CCIC.  On 


     the closing date of the TdFI Exit Right, CCIC shall deliver or, as the case
     may be, pay to TdFI, against delivery of (i) duly executed transfers in
     respect of the Shares and Warrants legally or beneficially owned or held by
     TdFI and the share or warrant certificate(s) in respect thereof (which
     Shares and Warrants TdFI undertakes to sell free and clear of all Liens)
     and (ii) such other documents, including evidence of ownership and
     authority, as CCIC may reasonably request, the TdFI Exit Shares (and
     certificates in respect thereof) registered in the name of TdFI (or, as it
     may require, its nominees or Affiliates) or, as the case may be, an amount
     in cash equal to the Fair Market Value of the TdFI Interest (by
     unconditional and irrevocable credit to such bank account as TdFI may
     specify for such purpose). In connection with such closing, CCIC and TdFI
     shall also provide such other customary closing certificates and opinions
     as TdFI or CCIC, as appropriate, may reasonably request.

(c)  All TdFI Exit Shares to be issued pursuant to any exercise of the TdFI Exit
     Right shall be issued as fully paid and free from all Liens and shall carry
     all rights, benefits and advantages attached to the Common Stock except any
     right with a record date prior to the date of issue of the TdFI Exit Shares
     including, without limitation, the right to any dividend declared but not

(d)  If TdFI shall receive Common Stock pursuant to clause 9.7(b)(i) in respect
     of its exercise of the TdFI Exit Right, the Company shall grant TdFI demand
     registration rights (the "DEMAND RIGHTS") comparable to those set forth in
     Section 4.02 of the Stockholders Agreement with respect to such Common
     Stock and "tag along" rights comparable to those set out in section 5.02 in
     the Stockholders' Agreement with respect to such Common Stock.  TdFI shall
     on a disposal of such Common Stock pursuant to the aforementioned Demand
     Rights appoint an underwriter reasonably satisfactory to CCIC.

(e)  The valuation procedures referred to in clause 9.7(b) shall be as follows.
     Each of CCIC and TdFI shall negotiate in good faith to determine the Fair
     Market Value per share and per warrant of the TdFI Interest (the "CTSH PER
     SHARE/WARRANT VALUE") within 30 days following the delivery by TdFI to CCIC
     of the TdFI Exit Notice.  If CCIC and TdFI do not agree on a CTSH Per
     Share/Warrant Value within such 30 day period, they shall, within three
     days, appoint an independent investment banker of international stature
     with its principal office in New York City (the "APPRAISER") and shall
     provide such Appraiser with their respective written determinations of the
     CTSH Per Share/Warrant Value.  Such Appraiser shall then choose (taking
     into account all relevant factors), as between the written determinations
     of the CTSH Per Share/Warrant Value provided by CCIC and TdFI to the
     Appraiser, the CTSH Per Share/Warrant Value which most closely
     approximates, in the expert opinion of the Appraiser, the Fair Market Value
     per Share and per Warrant of the TdFI Interest as of the closing of the
     TdFI Exit Right.  If the parties are unable to agree on the selection of
     such Appraiser within such three-day period, they shall on such third day
     so notify the Chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, Inc., who shall,
     within five days of such notification, appoint an investment banker meeting
     the qualifications set forth above to serve as the Appraiser.  In any case,
     the Appraiser shall make its decision with respect to the CTSH Per
     Share/Warrant Value within ten days of the date of its engagement and must
     choose (taking into account all relevant factors) a CTSH Per Share/Warrant
     Value presented by either of CCIC or TdFI pursuant to their respective
     written determinations (i.e. such Appraiser may not select a different
     value).  The fees and expenses of the Appraiser shall be paid by CCIC.

(f)  The sale of any Shares and Warrants under the above provisions of this
     clause shall comprise the entire legal and beneficial interest of the
     Shares and the Warrants in question, with a full title guarantee covenant.



(a)  Subject to clause 9.3 and provided that the TdF Rollup shall not have been
     consummated, TdFI agrees that CCIC shall have the right (the "CCIC DEADLOCK
     RIGHT") to require TdFI to sell all, but not less than all, of the TdFI
     Interest in exchange for cash in an amount equal to the Fair Market Value
     of the TdFI Interest determined in accordance with the procedures set out
     in clause 9.7(e). The CCIC Deadlock Right may be exercised on one occasion
     only but shall not be exercisable unless the following conditions shall
     have been satisfied:

     (i)   a period of three years shall have elapsed from the date of this
           Agreement; and

     (ii)  in any consecutive period of six months following the third
           anniversary of this Agreement, TdFI shall on three separate occasions
           have refused to give its agreement in respect of a matter or matters
           relating to Permitted Business or permitted by the Operating
           Agreement of the type described in clause 6.1(a), (f), (g), (h), (i),
           (j) or (k) or clause 6.2(a), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j) or (p) in each
           case relating to any matter or thing relating to Permitted Business
           and/or as permitted by the Operating Agreement in circumstances in
           which CCIC has given its agreement and in which the matters in
           question have been proposed in good faith; and

     (iii) TdFI has not elected to withdraw the latest veto giving rise to the
           Deadlock Right within 14 Business Days after receipt of the CCIC
           Deadlock Right Notice (and during which period TdFI and CCIC agree to
           negotiate in good faith with respect to the matter concerned with a
           view to reaching agreement or a mutually acceptable compromise with
           respect to such matter).

     The CCIC Deadlock Right shall only be exercisable by CCIC serving on TdFI a
     written notice (the "CCIC DEADLOCK RIGHT NOTICE") stating its intention to
     exercise such right unless TdFI withdraws the latest veto giving rise to
     the Deadlock Right within 14 Business Days after receipt of such notice,
     and only so long as such notice is served on TdFI within 14 Business Days
     after condition (ii) above has been satisfied.

(b)  The closing of the CCIC Deadlock Right shall, subject to satisfaction of
     the conditions precedent set out in Schedule 2, take place on the tenth
     Business Day after the date on which TdFI gives notice to CCIC of its
     election not to withdraw the latest veto or if no such notice is given the
     latest day on which TdFI has the right to withdraw such veto under clause
     (a) above (or, if later, such date which is the second Business Day after
     the date on which each of such conditions shall have been satisfied), at a
     time and place specified by CCIC as such notice or such other date, time
     and place as may be agreed by CCIC and TdFI.  On the closing date of the
     CCIC Deadlock Right, CCIC shall pay to TdFI, against delivery of (i) duly
     executed transfers in respect of the Shares and Warrants legally or
     beneficially held by TdFI and the share and warrant certificate(s) in
     respect thereof (which Shares and Warrants TdFI undertakes to sell free and
     clear of all Liens) and (ii) such other documents, including evidence of
     ownership and authority, as CCIC may reasonably request, an amount in cash
     equal to the Fair Market Value of the TdFI Interest (by unconditional and
     irrevocable credit to such bank account as TdFI may specify for such
     purpose).  In connection with such closing, CCIC and TdFI shall also
     provide such other customary closing certificates and opinions as TdFI or,
     as the case may be, CCIC may reasonably request.

(c)  The sale of any Shares and Warrants under the above provisions of this
     clause shall comprise the entire legal and beneficial interest of the
     Shares and the Warrants in question, with a full title guarantee covenant.


(a)  Provided that the TdF Rollup shall not have been consummated, CCIC may (i)
     by not more than 90 and not less than 60 days' notice in writing, expiring
     on the fifth anniversary of the date of this Agreement or (ii) at any time
     within 45 days  of CCIC becoming aware on reasonable grounds of a 


     TdF Change of Control (in each case, the "SHOTGUN NOTICE") offer to TdFI to
     acquire the TdFI Interest, in the case of (a)(i), on the fifth anniversary
     of the date of this Agreement (or, if such day is not a Business Day, the
     first Business Day thereafter) or, in the case of (a)(ii), on the forty-
     fifth day after the date of the Shotgun Notice. Such Shotgun Notice shall
     specify the cash price per Share and per Warrant at which the offer is made
     and shall request TdFI to notify CCIC in writing within 30 days from the
     date of the Shotgun Notice:

     (i)  whether or not TdFI is willing to sell the TdFI Interest; and

     (ii) (if TdFI is not so willing) that TdFI (by itself or together with any
          other person or persons) is willing to acquire from CCIC all the
          Shares and Warrants for the time being held by CCIC at the same price
          per Share and per Warrant as is specified in the Shotgun Notice.

(b)  If, after the expiry of the 30 day period referred to in clause 9.9(a),
     TdFI shall not have given any notice in writing to CCIC in the form
     required by clause 9.9(a), TdFI shall be deemed to have accepted the offer
     made by CCIC and shall be bound to sell the TdFI Interest at the price
     specified in the Shotgun Notice on the date for completion specified in
     clause 9.9(a).

(c)  If TdFI gives notice to CCIC of its willingness to sell the TdFI Interest
     (as contemplated by clause 9.9(a)(i)), TdFI shall be bound to sell the TdFI
     Interest at the price specified in the Shotgun Notice given by CCIC on the
     date for completion specified in clause 9.9(a).

(d)  If TdFI gives notice (the "TDFI NOTICE") to CCIC of its willingness to
     purchase all the Shares and Warrants then held by CCIC (as contemplated by
     clause 9.9(a)(ii)), CCIC shall be bound to sell such Shares and Warrants at
     the price specified in the Shotgun Notice on the date for completion
     specified in clause 9.9(a).

(e)  The closing of any sale of Shares and Warrants pursuant to this clause 9.9
     shall, subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent set out in
     Schedule 2 to this Agreement, take place at a time and place specified by
     CCIC, if CCIC is the purchaser, or by TdFI, if TdFI is the purchaser, by
     not less than 15 days' notice in writing.  On the closing date, the
     Shareholder which is obliged to sell its Shares and Warrants shall deliver
     (i) duly executed transfers in respect of such Shares and Warrants and the
     share and warrant certificate(s) in respect thereof (which Shares and
     Warrants shall be sold free and clear of any Liens) and (ii) such other
     documents, including evidence of ownership and authority, as the purchaser
     may reasonably request, against which the purchaser shall pay the price
     specified in the notice given by CCIC pursuant to clause 9.9(a).  In
     connection with such closing, CCIC and TdFI shall also provide such other
     customary closing certificates as TdFI or, as the case may be, CCIC may
     reasonably request.

(f)  The sale of any Shares and Warrants under the above provisions of this
     clause shall comprise the entire legal and beneficial interest of the
     Shares and Warrants in question, with a full title guarantee covenant.


     For the avoidance of doubt, the Shareholders confirm that the rights
     contained in Section 5 of the Governance Agreement are additional to those
     set out in this Agreement.


     All certificates representing Company Shares shall bear the following

     "The shares represented by this Certificate are subject to an agreement
     among Castle Transmission Services (Holdings) Limited and its shareholders
     which, inter alia, restricts transfer of these shares and in some
     circumstances requires the transfer of these shares. Any transfer in
     violation of that agreement will be void, and any transferee is required to
     become party to that agreement."



     No Shareholder may transfer any Company Shares to any person unless such
     person has first executed and delivered to the other Shareholder a deed of
     adherence in the form set out in Schedule 1.

9.13 The Company shall have no obligation to register the transfer of any
     Company Shares if the proposed transfer does not comply with the provisions
     of this clause 9.

9.14 TdFI and CCIC each undertake to the other to use all reasonable endeavours
     to obtain any consents or approvals required to give effect to the
     provisions of this clause 9 and agree not to take any steps which may
     adversely affect the prospects of obtaining any such consents or approvals.



     Each Shareholder shall, in its capacity as shareholder of the Company, pass
     resolutions and procure the passing of resolutions by the Directors of CTI
     and do everything else necessary (in each case, so far as they are able by
     the exercise of their rights and powers as Shareholders so to pass, procure
     and/or do) to cause CTI immediately following Completion to enter into and
     thereafter to perform its obligations under a services agreement in the
     agreed form between CTI and TeleDiffusion de France, S.A.  TdFI undertakes
     immediately following Completion to procure that TeleDiffusion de France,
     S.A. shall enter into and thereafter perform its obligations under the TDF
     Services Agreement.


     Each Shareholder shall, in its capacity as shareholder of the Company, pass
     resolutions and procure the passing of resolutions by the Directors of the
     Company and do everything else necessary (in each case, so far as they are
     able by the exercise of their rights and powers as Shareholders so to pass,
     procure and/or do) to cause the Company to execute and thereafter perform
     its obligations under the Warrant Documentation provided always that TdFI
     may not exercise its Warrants if the effect would be to cause TdFI to have
     an interest in more than 20 per cent. of the Company Shares and CCIC may
     not exercise its Warrants if the effect would be to cause TdFI to have an
     interest in less than 20 per cent. of the Company Shares.


     Each Shareholder shall, in its capacity as shareholder of the Company, pass
     resolutions and procure the passing of resolutions by the Directors of the
     Company and CTI and do everything else necessary (in each case, so far as
     they are able by the exercise of their rights and powers as Shareholders so
     to pass, procure and/or do) to cause the Company and CTI on Completion to
     execute and thereafter perform its obligations under the Operating


11.1 The Company Shares cannot be readily purchased or sold in the open market,
     and for that reason, among others, the Company and the Shareholders will be
     irreparably damaged in the event that this Agreement is not specifically
     enforced.  Accordingly each Shareholder and the Company agree that specific
     performance and injunctive relief would be appropriate remedies in the
     event of any breach or threatened breach of this Agreement. Without
     limiting the generality of the foregoing, should any controversy arise
     concerning a sale or disposition of any Company Shares, an injunction may
     be issued restraining any sale or disposition pending the determination of
     such controversy, and the resolution thereof shall be enforceable in a
     court of equity by a decree of 


     specific performance. The remedies specified in this clause 12.1 shall be
     cumulative and not exclusive, and shall be in addition to any other
     remedies which the parties may have.

11.2 Each party confirms to each other party that, for the purposes of entering
     into the transactions contemplated by this Agreement:

     (a)  it has entered into such transactions entirely on the basis of its own
          assessment of the risks and effect thereof;

     (b)  save as expressly set out in this Agreement is owed no duty of care or
          other obligation by any other party in respect thereof; and

     (c)  in so far as it is owed any such duty or obligation as referred to in
          subparagraph (b) above (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) (save
          as expressly set out in this Agreement) by such other party it hereby
          waives, to the extent permitted by law, any rights which it may have
          in respect of such duty or obligation.

12.  TERM

12.1 TERM

     This Agreement shall continue in force until the date on which only one
     Shareholder remains as a party to this Agreement (in accordance with clause

12.2 This Agreement shall cease and determine in respect of a Shareholder, upon
     that Shareholder ceasing to be Qualified.  Upon TdFI ceasing to be
     Qualified after the TDF Rollup, TdFI shall transfer its remaining Ordinary
     Share to CCIC at par value and shall (a) deliver to CCIC a duly executed
     transfer in respect thereof and the share certificate therefor and (b)
     shall cause the directors nominated by TdFI to resign without compensation.


     Termination of this Agreement shall in no way affect the operation of
     clauses 10, 11, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 and 28 or any rights of any
     Shareholder arising from any happening or event prior to the date of
     termination of this Agreement and any cause of action accruing prior to
     that date shall survive and be disposed of as though the provisions of this
     Agreement continued in full force and effect.


     Each party warrants to the other parties as follows:

     (a)  POWER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT: It has the legal right and power to
          enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions
          contemplated hereby on and subject to the terms and conditions of this
          Agreement, and the execution, delivery and performance of this
          Agreement by it has been duly and validly authorised and this
          Agreement is a valid and binding agreement enforceable in accordance
          with its terms.

     (b)  NO FURTHER AUTHORISATION: No further authorisation, consent or
          approval of any person is required by or in relation to it as a
          condition to the validity of this Agreement or to give effect to the
          transactions contemplated hereby.




     Subject as provided in clause 14.4 below, all matters relating to this
     Agreement and the negotiations relating to this Agreement and all
     information acquired or received by any party under or in connection with
     this Agreement shall be held confidential during the continuance of this
     Agreement, and each party agrees that it shall not divulge any such
     confidential information to any third party, without the prior written
     approval of all other Shareholders provided that any party may, without
     such approval, disclose such matters or information:

     (a)  ASSIGNEES: to a bona fide intending assignee of such party upon
          obtaining a similar undertaking of confidentiality from such intending

     (b)  PROFESSIONALS: to any outside professional consultants upon obtaining
          a similar undertaking of confidentiality from such consultants;

     (c)  BANKS ETC.: to any bank or financial institution from whom such party
          is seeking to obtain finance, upon obtaining a similar undertaking of
          confidentiality from such bank or institution;

     (d)  PUBLIC DOMAIN: to the extent that the same has become generally
          available to the public other than as a result of unauthorised
          disclosure by a party;

     (e)  PARTNERS: in the case of a Shareholder which is a partnership, to the
          Shareholder's constituent partners; and

     (f)  LAW/LISTING REGULATIONS: to persons or the general public if
          disclosure to such persons or the general public is required to comply
          with any applicable law or regulation of any country or the rules or
          regulations of the London Stock Exchange or any other exchange or
          market on which securities of a Shareholder or the parent corporation
          of a Shareholder are quoted, provided that any such information
          disclosed pursuant to this paragraph (f) shall be disclosed only after
          consultation with the other parties unless such consultation is
          prohibited or the time limits within which such disclosure must be
          made are such that consultation is impracticable.


     Each party shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that those of its
     employees, agents, contractors and partners who are at any time in
     possession of confidential information of a kind referred to in clause 16.1
     and the employees, agents and contractors of the Company and each of the
     Subsidiaries do not disclose or suffer or permit the disclosure of the


     The Company shall (and the Company shall procure that each of the
     Subsidiaries shall) observe a similar obligation of confidence in favour of
     each of the parties to this Agreement.

14.4 Any Shareholder may communicate any information received by it pursuant to
     this Agreement, and the Director nominated by it pursuant to clause 3.3(c)
     may communicate any information received by him pursuant to this Agreement
     or otherwise in his capacity as director of the Company, to that
     Shareholder. Any Shareholder may communicate any such information (other
     than information which relates to the business or affairs of a Shareholder
     or its Affiliates) to any company which is its subsidiary or holding
     company or a subsidiary of its ultimate holding company or to its manager
     or investment or other professional adviser or any person or persons on
     behalf of whom it holds Company Shares subject to the obligations set out
     in clause 14.2; 


     provided that nothing in this Agreement shall require such disclosure
     unless the Director's fiduciary duty to the Company or any of its
     Subsidiaries would be breached as a result.


     No party shall issue or make any public announcements or statement
     regarding this Agreement, the Company's or any Subsidiary's Business or its
     involvement in the Company or with any Subsidiary unless prior thereto such
     party furnishes all Shareholders with a copy of such announcement or
     statement and obtains the approval of the other Shareholders which approval
     shall not be unreasonably withheld provided that, notwithstanding any
     failure to obtain approval, no party shall be prohibited from issuing or
     making any such public announcement or statement if it is necessary to do
     so in order to comply with any applicable law or regulation of any country
     or the rules or regulations of the London Stock Exchange or any other
     exchange or market on which securities of a party are quoted, it being
     recognised, however that the parties will endeavour to ensure that any such
     public announcements or statements are made contemporaneously.


     The parties shall each execute and deliver such further and other documents
     and instruments and do such further and other things as may be necessary to
     implement and carry out the intent of this Agreement.



     Each of the Shareholders represents and warrants that as of the execution
     of this Agreement it is not party to any written or other enforceable
     agreement with any other Shareholder with respect to the subject matter of
     this Agreement, except for this Agreement.


     Each of the Shareholders agrees that it will not enter into any written or
     other enforceable agreement with any other Shareholder with respect to the
     subject matter of this Agreement without first obtaining the prior written
     approval of all of the Shareholders.


     Each of the Shareholders agrees that if it or any of its Affiliates bids or
     intends to bid for any contract or project in competition with the Company
     or CTI, then:

     (a)  it will promptly disclose that fact to the other Shareholders; and

     (b)  the Company, CTI and the other Shareholders will be entitled to
          withhold from that Shareholder and its Group and its nominated
          Director any confidential information relating to the proposed bid for
          that contract or project by the Company or CTI.


     Each Shareholder agrees that neither it, any of its Affiliates, any of its
     Permitted Transferees nor its nominated Director will be entitled to
     participate in decisions (but shall be entitled to participate in
     discussions) of the Directors of the Company or any Subsidiary involving:

     (a)  any claim or prospective legal proceedings by the Company or any
          Subsidiary against that Shareholder or any of its Affiliates;


     (b)  any claim or prospective legal proceedings by that Shareholder or any
          of its Affiliates against the Company or any Subsidiary;

     (c)  any bid by the Company or any Subsidiary for any contract or project
          in respect of which that Shareholder or any of its Affiliates intends
          to bid in competition with the Company or any Subsidiary; and

     (d)  any transaction or proposed transaction between the Company or a
          Subsidiary and a Shareholder or an Affiliate of a Shareholder.

     In relation to any of the circumstances set out in clause 17.4(a), (b), (c)
     or (d), the Company, any Subsidiary and the other Shareholders shall be
     entitled to withhold from that Shareholder and its Group and its nominated
     Director any confidential information relating thereto.


     The Shareholders (in their capacity as shareholders of the Company) and the
     Company will procure Subsidiaries to acknowledge the provisions hereof and
     to agree to be bound by the same to the extent applicable, by execution of
     deeds of adherence in a form approved by resolution of the Directors of the


     The Shareholders each undertake (in their capacity as Shareholders) to:

     (a)  EXERCISE VOTING RIGHTS: exercise the voting rights attributable to the
          Company Shares which they hold; and

     (b)  CAUSE DIRECTORS TO VOTE: cause the Directors of the Company and the
          directors of each of the Subsidiaries nominated by them respectively
          to vote,

     to ensure that the Company and each of the Subsidiaries operate in
     accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Finance Documents
     and so as to give full effect to the terms of this Agreement and the
     Finance Documents.


     No purported variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in
     writing and agreed by all the Shareholders.


     No waiver by any party of any default in the strict and literal performance
     or compliance with any provision, condition or requirement herein shall be
     deemed to be a waiver of strict and literal performance of and compliance
     with any other provision, condition or requirement herein nor to be a
     waiver of or in any manner release any other party from strict compliance
     with any provision, condition or requirement in the future. Nor shall any
     delay or omission by any party to exercise any right hereunder in any
     manner impair the exercise of any such right accruing to such party
     thereafter. Except when otherwise expressly stated therein, no remedy
     expressly granted herein to any party shall exclude or be deemed to exclude
     any other remedy which would otherwise be available.


     If any of the provisions of this Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal
     or unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining
     provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. The parties shall
     nevertheless negotiate in good faith in order to agree the terms of a


     mutually satisfactory provision, achieving as nearly as possible the same
     commercial effect to be substituted for the provision so found to be void
     or unenforceable.


     Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed or constituted to
     constitute any party a partner, agent or representative of any other party
     or to create any trust or partnership.  No party shall have the authority
     to act for or to incur any obligation on behalf of any other party except
     as expressly provided in this Agreement.

24.  COSTS

     Save as provided in the Share Exchange Agreement, all costs incurred by any
     party in connection with this Agreement shall be borne by that party.


     In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and,
     as the case may be, the provisions of the Company's Constitution or the
     memorandum and articles of association of any Subsidiary, the provisions of
     this Agreement shall take priority and apply to the exclusion of the
     relevant provisions of the Company's Constitution or the memorandum and
     articles of association of any Subsidiary, as the case may be.  The parties
     shall exercise all voting and other rights and powers available to them so
     as to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement and shall also (if
     necessary) procure any required amendment to the Company's Constitution or
     the memorandum and articles of association of any Subsidiary as may be
     necessary.  The parties agree that the rights of CCIC and TdFI under this
     Agreement, the Governance Agreement and the Stockholders Agreement are
     separate, cumulative rights independent of one another.


     This Agreement (together with the Transaction Documents (as defined in the
     Share Exchange Agreement), the Financing Documents, the Services Agreement
     and the Operating Agreement) set out the entire agreement and understanding
     between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and
     supersedes any prior communication or correspondence with respect to the
     subject matter hereof. It is agreed that:

     (a)  no party has entered into this Agreement in reliance upon any
          representation, warranty or undertaking of any other party which is
          not expressly set out or referred to in this Agreement;

     (b)  no party shall have any remedy in respect of misrepresentation or
          untrue statement made by any other party unless and to the extent that
          a claim lies for breach of warranty under this Agreement;

     (c)  this clause shall not exclude any liability for fraudulent


27.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in
     accordance with the laws of England.

27.2 Each of the Shareholders (for itself and on behalf of its respective
     holding and subsidiary companies and the directors, employees and agents of
     each of them) agrees that the English Courts shall have exclusive
     jurisdiction to hear and decide any and all claims, disputes, complaints,
     actions or proceedings ("CLAIMS OR PROCEEDINGS"), whether in contract or
     tort, which may arise at any time out of or in connection with any of the
     matters referred to in this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any
     Claim or Proceeding asserting dishonesty, improper or illegal conduct or
     breach of trust or 


     duty or based on the effects of any of those matters in any jurisdiction
     and any Claim or Proceedings which may be material to any of the
     Shareholders but of which any of the Shareholders is unaware or does not
     suspect exists and for this purpose each of the Shareholders irrevocably
     submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

27.3 CCIC hereby irrevocably authorises and appoints Norose Notices Limited
     (AMC/99/Z865000) (for the attention of the Director of Administration) at
     the address of its registered office for the time being or such other
     person resident in England as it may by notice to all other parties
     substitute) to accept service of all legal process arising out of or
     connected with this Agreement and service on Norose Notices Limited (or
     such substitute) shall be deemed to be service on the party concerned.

27.4 TdFI hereby irrevocably authorises and appoints Fleetside Legal
     Representative Services Limited (for the attention of Denis Stewart) at the
     address of its registered office for the time being (or such other person
     resident in England as it may by notice to all other parties substitute) to
     accept service of all legal process arising out of or connected with this
     Agreement and service on Fleetside Legal Representative Services Limited
     (or such substitute) shall be deemed to be service on the party concerned.


     All notices and other communications required or permitted under this
     Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally, sent by
     air courier (in the case of notices given by a party in one jurisdiction to
     a party in another), first class pre-paid post (in the case of a notices
     given by a party in one jurisdiction to a party in the same jurisdiction),
     telexed or sent by facsimile transmission (and promptly confirmed by air
     courier service in the case of notices sent from one jurisdiction to
     another and by first class pre-paid post in the case of notices sent by a
     party in one jurisdiction to another party in the same jurisdiction). Any
     such notice shall be deemed given when so delivered personally, telexed or
     sent by facsimile transmission or air courier or first class pre-paid post
     to the parties at the following addresses (or at such other address for a
     party as shall be specified by like notice):

     CCIC: if to CCIC, to:

     Crown Castle International Corp.
     510 Bering Drive
     Suite 500
     Texas TX 77057

     Attention: President
     Fax        001 713 570 3150

     With a copy to:

     Norton Rose
     Kempson House
     Camomile Street
     London  EC3A 7AN
     Attention: Alan Crookes
     Fax:       0171 283 6500

     TDFI: if to TdFI, to:

     TeleDiffusion de France International, S.A.
     10 rue d'Oradour-sur-Glane
     Paris Cedex 15
     75732 France


     Attention: Michel Azibert
     Fax:       00 331 5595 2066

     With a copy to:

     Allen & Overy
     One New Change
     London EC4M 9QQ

     Attention: Michael Scargill
     Fax:       0171 330 9999

     THE COMPANY: if to the Company, to:

     the Company at its registered office
     Attention: Managing Director


     Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement (or any other
     agreement which, together with this Agreement, may form part of an
     agreement for the purposes of the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976
     (together the "RTPA AGREEMENT")) the parties hereto agree that they will
     not give effect, and will procure that none of their subsidiaries shall
     give effect, to any restriction or restrictions contained in the RTPA
     Agreement which cause the RTPA Agreement to be registrable under the
     Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 until one day after particulars of the
     RTPA Agreement shall have been furnished to the Director General of Fair


     This Agreement may, be executed in any number of counterparts with the same
     effect as if the signatures to each such counterpart were upon the same

IN WITNESS of which this Agreement has been executed.


                                  SCHEDULE 1

                               DEED OF ADHERENCE

THIS DEED OF ADHERENCE is made on         199.


[insert name of New Shareholder] of [insert name of company] (the "NEW
SHAREHOLDER") in favour of the persons whose names are set out in the schedule
to this deed and is supplemental to the Shareholders' Agreement dated .,
199. between . and others (the "AGREEMENT").


1.   The New Shareholder confirms that it has read a copy of the Agreement and
     covenants with each person named in the schedule to this deed to perform
     and be bound by all the terms of the Agreement as if the New Shareholder
     were named in the Agreement as [CCIC/TdFI] and there shall be substituted
     for all references in the Agreement to [CCIC/TdFI] references to the New

2.   This deed is governed by English law.

3.   [Include jurisdiction clause and agent for service clause in appropriate

IN WITNESS whereof this deed has been executed by the New Shareholder and is
intended to be and is hereby delivered on the date first above written.


                                  SCHEDULE 2

                             CONDITIONS PRECEDENT
                            TO PUT AND CALL RIGHTS

1.   The delivery of all notices required by law or regulation in relation to
     the transaction and the expiry of all waiting or notice periods in relation
     to such notices;

2.   The receipt of all governmental and other regulatory consents or
     notifications required in relation to the transaction, including, without
     limitation, where the grant or the exercise of any of the rights under
     clause 9 requires a notification to be made to the European Commission
     under the Merger Regulation (4064/89, as amended):

     (a)  the European Commission issuing a Phase I decision under Article
          6(1)(a) or Article 6(1)(b) of the Merger Regulation and not making a
          decision under Article 9(1) thereof; or

     (b)  in respect of the United Kingdom, as follows:

          (i)  the Office of Fair Trading indicating in terms satisfactory to
               the parties, that it is not the intention of the Secretary of
               State to refer the acquisition of the shares to the UK Monopolies
               and Mergers Commission ("MMC") pursuant to the Fair Trading Act
               1973; or

          (ii) the Secretary of State accepting undertakings from the buyer of
               the shares in lieu of a reference of the said acquisition to the
               MMC as aforesaid;

3.   The prior written consent of the BBC to the extent required in relation to
     the transaction under Analogue Transmission Contract, the Digital
     Transmission Contract, the Commitment Agreement and any other agreement
     containing substantially similar restrictions and any agreement amending or
     replacing the same; and

4.   The receipt of any consent required under the Finance Documents in relation
     to the transaction or any agreement (whether or not with the same banks)
     amending, replacing or refinancing (in whole or in part) the same or any
     other agreement providing finance to the CTSH Group.


SIGNED for and on behalf of   )
CORP.                         )
By                            )
in the presence of:           )

SIGNED for and on behalf of   )
INTERNATIONAL S.A.            )
By                            )
in the presence of:           )

SIGNED for and on behalf of   )
(HOLDINGS) LIMITED            )
By                            )
in the presence of:           )